07x26 - The Tide Is Turned! The Ultimate w*apon, The Vict...

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x26 - The Tide Is Turned! The Ultimate w*apon, The Vict...

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate
w*apon, The Victory Unification

In the highlands of eastern
India near Sambalpur...

In the highlands of eastern
India near Sambalpur...

In the highlands of eastern
India near Sambalpur...

...the Multiforce, Holi, and the
other Rescue Team members
had come from various locations

...the Multiforce, Holi, and the
other Rescue Team members
had come from various locations

...the Multiforce, Holi, and the
other Rescue Team members
had come from various locations

to assemble after receiving
emergency orders from Star Saber.

It looks like everyone got here on time.

We were on patrol, but we
came as fast as we could after
receiving the emergency orders!


But is that lousy Deszaras really...?

I don't want to believe it,
but our opponent is the evil
and inhumane Deszaras.

There's a train coming!

It mustn't get close! We'll stop it!



A car is coming!

There's no time! Don't
let anyone come close!

Yes sir!

That's a m*ssile!

It's not exploding. Is it a dud?

How could they do this!?

Kathmandu in the north.
Calcutta in the east.

The Bay of Bengal in the south!
The Deccan Plateau in the west!

kilometres from the centre...

A single m*ssile that can
attack four locations...

What a fearsome
w*apon of destruction...

That damned Deszaras!

When could he have made
such a cruel w*apon!?

Laster! Could you hurry and
contact Wingwaver and the others?


That m*ssile...

...it's so barbaric!

Everyone! Hurry and
begin rescue operations!

There were four missiles that split
off. The other three areas must
be badly damaged as well!

You gotta be kidding! There's
no way we can handle it all!

For now let's just hurry!

What? Calcutta has been hit as well?

We were lucky the other two areas
were the ocean and a plateau.

It'll probably be difficult, but
split up and begin rescue
operations in Calcutta as well.

We just arrived in Kathmandu
after following one of the missiles,

but we'll fly to Calcutta immediately!

It's me. Can you hear me?

It's me. Can you hear me?
-Yes, Supreme Commander!

I have one important directive.

Even if you should encounter
the Decepticons, do not engage
them under any circumstance!

Huh!? Wh- what do you mean?

Whatever they may try, I
want you to avoid contact!

B- but...! Why!?

Their objective is energy.

If we don't interfere, then there won't
be any more human casualties.

That's an order!

S- Supreme Commander! Wait, please!

Supreme Commander!

Supreme Commander!

Are you seriously going to
do as those animals say!?

The one who's serious is Deszaras.

He's proved that the message
he sent wasn't an empty threat!

Listen carefully, Star Saber!

So that my underlings may
transport energy unheeded,

I have developed a
super-smart m*ssile.

If you Autobots should
interfere with our work,

The missiles will be automatically
aimed and fired at the Earth,

causing the human race
to be exterminated!

Damn that Deszaras!

minutes from now, I will
release the first of the missiles.

The target will be point
south of the Himalayas.

The targets for the second
and third missiles are also set.

Why that...! Talking
all high and mighty!

And one more thing. Trying to
stop the launch of the missiles
would be a waste of effort.

Star Saber. This machine
tracks your movements.

Its time-lag calculation is perfect.

You cannot stop the
a*t*matic launch system!

Time-lag calculation...

Could he just be bluffing?

No, he's gotten desperate from
all his failures. He just might...

But we can't just stand by and
watch while the Earth is destroyed!

But we can't just stand by and
watch while the Earth is destroyed!
-That's right!

I know.

But the problem is if we really can't
stop the missiles like he stated.

Until we can determine that...

Emperor Deszaras never fails
to impress. Thanks to him, we
can take energy at our leisure.

Right, Leozack?

I wonder. If you ask me, I'd say that the
Emperor has gotten a cowardly streak.

If the Autobots interfere,
we should just crush them!

Like real men!

Isn't your repeated failure to do
that exactly what the Emperor's
fed up with, Leozack?

You saying it's my fault?

Don't forget about you and
your troops' unreliability!

Feh! Huh?

Chinchinchin, a-chichinpui! Papapa pa-



Don't play around
with valuable energy!!

lmpressive as always, Leader!


The energy...!

So Goryu has a special ability as well.

What!? Decepticons have appeared
at an oil refinery in Pakistan!?


Victory Leo should be on patrol there!

That's right! Perfect, let's
contact him immediately!

No, the three of you
fly there immediately!

Us, sir?

Victory Leo doesn't know about
Deszaras' m*ssile strategy.

If he learns of the attack on the
refinery, a battle will surely break out!

Y- you! You're that Autobot...!


Fool! I take it you don't know
about Emperor Deszaras' warning?

Warning? No, I don't!

Every time you interfere with our
operations, a human-exterminating
m*ssile will be fired!

Don't make me laugh! A bluff
like that won't work on me!!

How amusing!

I was just thinking that it was too
quiet around here! I'll crush you!!

Damn, I've got to report
this to the Emperor!

Stop! Stop, now!

Don't interfere with their operation!
Don't allow a m*ssile attack!


I'll explain later! Leave this place!

That's insane! Out of my way!!

Not going to happen!

Deszaras has calculated
my flight speed and set
the m*ssile launch timer.

If I'm to stop it, I must increase
my top speed to faster
than I've ever flown before!

And to do that...

...I have but one option!

What!? Unite with Victory Leo!?

Yes. There's no other option for
stopping the enemy's missiles.

It's true that your flight speed
will increase many times over
if you combine. However...

I'm well aware that there's
a chance of danger!

But if it fails, Supreme Commander,

your body will be affected as well!

Are there no other ways?

This decision was made based
on the only available option.

I cannot and will not allow this!


At this rate, all of the Earth's energy
will be sucked up by the Decepticons!

If that happens, the humans' lives
will become like that of their past!

As an Autobot, I could not
live with myself if something
like that were to happen!

If we allowed that, then why...

...why are we even here!?

Supreme Commander...

But if the worst should
happen to you, then what?!

That too would fulfil the
Decepticons' wishes!

No matter the risk, I will succeed!

What a bother. The Supreme
Commander is certainly
a stubborn one.

Professor, what are the possibilities?

Well, I've never seen an Autobot
with more spirit than him.

I'm sure he'll succeed.

Hey, little Autobot boys!


You look ready to go! Want
us to spend time with you?

...if you want to die.

D- don't mock us!

Or would you like to
help us carry energy?

Do we have to take this!?

This is so infuriating!!

The rescue operations...

Let's hurry with the rescue operations!

Kaww, chichinpui, chichinpui,
papapa payachare!

Damn it, I don't believe this!

What kind of world allows
something this stupid!?

Our insides are boiling
over this as well!

Excruciating, isn't it? You
can't do anything, can you?
How you like it, ha ha ha-

What fun!

Idiot! Don't be playing around!

I'm sorry! But it's so much
fun, I can't help myself-


I can't take this any longer! I'll talk this
over with the Supreme Commander!


Supreme Commander!

That saves me the trouble
of talking with you.

If you're here, then w*r
has been re-declared!


Why'd you stop me!?

You came to flatten the
Decepticons, didn't you!?

We will take care of the Decepticons!
But not here and not now!


What do you mean!?

The likes of Leozack
are not your enemy!

The one you must
fight is in outer space!

Deszaras, eh?

I'll take care of him later.

For now there's plenty
of scum right here!!


So you don't care if human lives
are sacrificed so long as the
Decepticons are taken care of!?

I will not allow it!

Come on!

What's wrong!?

You're supposed to be... Star Saber...
the greatest warrior in the universe!

Yaa-haah! What's the matter!?

Victory Leo. Work together with me!

All right.




Supreme Commander!


What is it!?


We will eliminate the missiles! You
stop the Decepticons' energy theft!

Yes sir!

Q- quickly, report this to the Emperor!

Y- yes sir! ...here we go!

So that maggot has chosen
a reckless course of action.

So that maggot has chosen
a reckless course of action.
-- H- h- h- how can you
be so calm, Emperor!?

Don't get excited, my
calculations are flawless.

Once he clears the atmosphere,

the search radar will detect him and
the m*ssile launch device will activate.

Even at his top speed he won't make it!

B- but he combined with Victory Leo
and is coming at incredible speed!

Behold, the radar has
already detected him.

The m*ssile launch
device will now activate.

Foolish Star Saber.

More human casualties will
soon occur. Suffer, Star Saber.


Th- this speed is...!

At this rate he'll be here
before the missiles launch!

You certainly enjoyed ridiculing
us! Now we'll pay you back
for twice as much as you did!

Hnh! Don't make me laugh,
you'll never be able to do that!

So that's the m*ssile launch
device! I made it in time!




I won't let you touch those missiles!

Eat this!

Deszaras! Don't get in my way!

You won't leave here alive!

Just moments until launch!


Big news, big news!

The Supreme Commander
destroyed the m*ssile launch device!

Huh? Really!?

Amazing! lmpressive as always!

Now we don't have to do
as the Decepticons say!

Okay then! Next time I see
them, they won't get away!

Where are you!? Come
out, Decepticons!

There wouldn't be any
Decepticons under there!

Star Saber and Victory Leo's first
unification was a complete success.

They admirably saved Earth.

This is a strong power-up
for the Autobots!

From now on, the evil
Decepticon forces will surely
be trembling with fear!

Preview for the Next Episode

Jan desires to fight as a member of
the Autobots more than anything, so
he builds a mecha robot with Holi.

However, the Dinosaur Force
mistakes it for a new Autobot warrior,
and they launch a brutal attack.

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"Jan: Defend the Campus!!"

Now, you together with us,

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