01x03 - Lucky Strike

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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01x03 - Lucky Strike

Post by bunniefuu »

- thanks,hon.- Ooh,pancakes!

Throw me one.We do not throw food

- Deb,banana.- Thank you.

I would like everybody to sit.

Can'T.Got to meet silver before school.

We have an english project to finish.

Oh,the one about modern poetry?

No.I handed that in a couple weeks ago.

I got to be at work early.I can drop you off.

No,thanks,dad.Navid's picking us up.

I've got rehearsal until 8:00.

Oh,I can pick you up tonight.

No,silver's gonna give me a ride; I won't be home for dinner.



I've got a late meeting with the teachers' union.

Always a joy.

So what,you're...

ignoring me now?

No,not at all.

How can I help you?

I just...

you know,wanted to...

see how you were doing.

I'm doing great.

Thanks for asking.

Is there gonna be anything else?Because I really have to get to class,

and I have to make plans for tomorrow because my dad's taking me to vegas.

So you're doing that again?

Yeah.Of course.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Anyway,coldplay's performing.

My dad's company's going all out.

Sounds like fun.

It's gonna be awesome.

If I don't see you,I don't know yt know you're late.

If I don't know you're late,I don't have to give you a late slip.

You're looking a little run-down,kiddo.

Yeah,well,run-down is totally in right now.

It's chic to look post-rehab,didn't you know?

No,I didn't know.

But I thought brushing your hair was cool.

But then,again,I guess I'm old.

Yeah.Yeah,you are getting up there.

Got to go.

Get to class,silver.You're late again.

I trust you gave her a late slip.

Hell,no.She's my sister.


Yeah,you got a problem with that?

Yeah,actually...maybe we should discuss it tomorrow night over dinner.


Hey,guys,i wanted to ask you a little something:

My dad's screening the new bond movie tomorrow night at my place.

I wish he'd screen one of his other movies.

no,seriously,it's not out yet.

He knows a guy that did a little something something on the film.

So I was wondering,do you guys want to see a movie?

Is your mom gonna be there?

Yeah,she is gonna be there.

Yo,e,you in?

Yeah.Why not?

I got nothing better to do.I'm free,single...



Well,I mean,as long as your mom's gonna be there.

So,are your parents still pissed I took you on a plane?

They'll get over it.

So,want to go out tomorrow night?

Tomorrow night?

Uh,there's a new band playing at the pier; it's gonna be pretty sick,if you want to go.

Yeah,I would love to.


- Um,8:00?- Great.

All right.

If you get my mother to the chiropractor on saturday,I told the board that I could meet.

Harry,I can't help but feel that since we moved here none of us has time for each other anymore.

What?No.Sweetheart,just,we're finding our way.

You know,new city,new jobs.

I know,I know,but I really miss doing things together,all of us.

And I know exactly what we need to do.

Family night?

You-you want us to go bowling?


Your dad and i would like to spend some time with you guys.

I feel like we don't see each other anymore.

A-and...and we really,really want to hang out with you guys.

Especially on a friday night.


I have a date with ty tomorrow night.

And navid's dad is showing the new bond movie.

Come on.

Well,your dad and I have tickets to the hollywood bowl,but we're not going.

No,we're not.

Because we want to spend time with you guys.

- Come on,please.- Oh,come on,guys.


dad,nobody does family night here.you know?

Well,then we are just gonna have to bring a little kansas to beverly hills

because we are having family night tomorrow night,and we are gonna have fun.

Because it's all about family.

90210Season 1Episode 03

I stay again tonight?

Just one more night,I promise.

I'm sorry,silver.

We're full.

I need the space for people who really don't have any place to go.

Look,you don't know what it's like there.

I know,baby,but you got to work it out.

I'm sorry.

I hear there's this new band playing tonight at the pier.

I'm going to as.

- You're doing that again?- Yes.

My dad's firm throws this celebrity golf tournament every year.

Huge party-- oh,my god,it's so much fun.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I mean,he's only four,and he's already reading all these words.

And I'm sure this is really boring to you,right?

Oh,no,no,no,it's,you know,it's your son; it's fascinating.

I love kids,you know?I teach kids,I...

flunk kids,I want to strangle 'em sometimes,but that'S...

I'm curious,ryan.How many of your friends have kids?

Yeah,let me think,about none...Actually.

But,you know,I'm really close with the kids I work with at juvie,so does that count?

You work with kids at juvenile hall?

Yeah,yeah,just on weekends and,uh,mondays after school,tuesdays...


just,I-I don't get out a lot.It's sad.

What do you do with them?

Oh,you know,uh,talk,play scrabble.

I know a lot more words than them,so I usually win.

Makes me feel good about myself.

It's a long story.I'm just gonna...uh,tonight?

- Dinner?- Yeah.

- Hey,mr.Matthews.- Yeah.

How you doing?

I think he has a crush on you.

We're colleagues.

- I would never go out...- good.

This school's hard enough as it is without my sister banging the teacher.


Um,so,I was wondering if maybe I could spend the night tonight.

We could,you know,we could hang out,get some pizza.

Invite brenda.

You know,I,uh,can't do it tonight,sweetie.

Um,but tomorrow night for sure.


So,uh,any big plans tonight?


Big date.

- Oh,y-you and ty...- No.

Me and my family-- we are doing family night.

Family night?


they feel like they never see us,so...

well,you know,it's probably not total social su1c1de,

as long as you go someplace where no one from this school will see you.

Uh,lucky strike bowling alley?

Oh,yeah,maybe someone from the chess club might still talk to you.



- Ethan,what's up,man?- Hey,man.

So,I got your text.

Sorry you can't make it.


I got to go,so I'll,um,catch you guys later.

So you're blowing me offto night for bowling?

Oh,god,my parents are making me.

- That sucks.- Yeah.

I really wanted you to see the pier.

Well,uh,we could...




I mean,instead of picking me up at home,if you just happened to,

on your way to the pier,you know,maybe drop by the lucky strike lanes,

and maybe I could get out early?

I mean,how long could they bowl?

So I'll accidentally see you at 8:00.


All right.

Dude,it's simple,just tell your parents that you don't want to go.

Look,I'm not trying to hurt their feelings,man.

Just-just come to the bowling alley,tell them the thing about the movie.

There's no way they won't let me go.

You sure it'll work?

You know what?Bring a lot of people.

It'll be harder for them to say no.

- Peer pressure.- Got it.

Uh,it's the weekend,miss.

You can go.Go home,go home.

You're still here.

I-I stayed for a math lab.

You have an "a" in that class.

- I have an "a-." - Ooh.

- I have an "A." - geek.

so,what you doing tonight?

You asking me out?

I can'T.

Um,you know,because we're doing this thing,family night.


That sounds very pg.

Yeah,you know,we used to do it all the time in wichita,you know,every friday night.

We're weird,I know.

Actually,I think s oundkind of nice.

You want to come?

W-we'll be at lucky strike.


All right.

Hey,why are you still here?

I'm waiting for my dad.

We're going straight to the airport.

Oh,I am so jealous!

Of course you are.

Well,have the best time ever and call me right when you get back.



You got a new car!


I'm so psyched.

The first thing I want to do when we get there...

wait,which car are we taking?

Uh,you know what,sweetie?I am so sorry,but my merge is in jeopardy.

The whole deal's about to go south,so I'm not gonna be able to take you,not tonight.

I'm gonna be stuck in the office trying to fix this mess.

But,dad,we always...

listen,naomi,I know how much this meant to you,

so I got you a little consolation present to make it up to you,

just like the one I just bought for your mom.

I love it.

Although,charles,I do think you spoil her.

Listen,don't do anything till I get to the office.You want to drive,drop me?

You are gonna look so great next to that car.

Listen,I'm gonna be in the office in ten minutes.

Could you just tell pete...the payless fall preview.

that is a skimpy little skirt there for bowling.

You got a hot date I don't know about?

Can't I just look good for mom and dad?


- Uh,you look hot.- Thank you.

Hey,mr.And mrs.Wilson.

- Silver.- Hey,silver.

Hey,where were you today?I was looking for you at school.

Fell asleep behind the biology lab.

I saw dixon,he said you were coming,so...

Mr.Jackson gave us so much homework this weekend.

You guys are cool if silver hangs with us?

- You invited silver?- What can we do?

It's family night.

Mom and dad are gonna be pissed.

Which is great because I invited ty along,too.

it just happened.


So,uh,ms.Silver,do you know how to bowl or

you know,are you too cool for that kind of thing?

I'm gonna kick your ass.

All right,so first to break 100...

- buys fries?- ***You're on.

Don't do that.

Here you go.And,again,I'm sorry I was late.

Traffic was a nightmare.

You know,this guy wouldn't move.

I think I hit a squirrel.

did you get stuck in that?

No,I live just down the street.I walked here.

Oh,that's right.

Oh,we could've just met at your house.

I mean,I'd love to check out your place.

You know,I could meet your son and...and...

you're not ready for me to meet your son.

That's why you wanted to meet here.

No,no,it's not that.

Okay,actually,it kind of is.

But,uh,seriously,though,doesn't it freak you out that I have a child?

Doesn't it freak you out at all that I am a child?

look,I get it,you know,whenever you're ready,I'd love to meet him.

Uh,the truth is sammy's only met the one guy that I've dated seriously since he was born.

And that would be...

I'm just curious.

His father.

We had a lot of history in high school.

Didn't see each other for a while,and then,uh...

hooked up one night four years ago,and...

sammy's dad ever see him?

He did,in the beginning.

Then we had some issues.

Now he says he wants to get back into sammy's life.

And yours?

Matthews for two?

- That's us.- Great.

That's perfect.Arm comes up straight.

My own dad is blocking me.

come on,silver.

oh,you got robbed!Good job.You got robbed.

Please tell me that this was a good idea because I think silver is the only one enjoying herself.

This was a good idea.

That's just wrong.

- Um,I'm going to get a soda.- Yeah,me,too.

I'm going to get us some fries.

Good going,silver.


Oh,nice!Okay,it'll get there.

- It's gonna get here.- You're getting the hang of it.

Silver,I'm really glad you're here because I think if you weren't,dixon and annie would be even more miserable.

I guess people around here don't really do family night.


Not at all,actually,ever.

But,um,I think it's great what you're doing.

Don't get me wrong...

I love this.

I wish my mom,you know,would come...

I'M...I guess I'm a little envious.


Silver,navid's here.Everybody's coming.

- Ty come?- No.

- All right,sweetie.- Okay.

You need a strike.

Come on.

Show them how the old folks do it.

See,we don't need them.


Next time,next time.

- It was close.- These are what I needed,french fries.

I've seen better.

what up,y'all?

Okay,we're all here.Talk to your parents and let's go.


You know,we can't just leave.

My parents will know something's up.

All right,well,I mean,I'm always up for some bowling.

That is,of course,if annie's not too scared of getting beat.

by you?

Let's do it.You're on.

Excuse me,sir.

- Sorry.- Chicks versus dudes.

You do not have your own bowling ball.



It was for my bar mitzvah.

That was impressive.

Um,do you want to,uh,I don't know,get some air or something?




Head under water when they tell me to breathe easy for a while breathing...

baby,you sound pitchy.

You sound bitchy.

What's up?

You can't be bumming about your dad.

This is one hell of a present for bailing on...

okay,he didn't bail.

He has to work tonight.

It's morgan.

She says a lot of people are going to lucky strike.

Do you want to go?

Yeah,whatever.We need to stop by my dad's office first.


Well,I want to take him something to eat.

- You know,take care of him.- Okay.

I want to tell him,you know,I love the car.

I do,too.

I'm feeling nobu.


That's a good choice.

Yep,I'll bet your parents never make you do family night.

No,not my family.

Um,my parents are divorced.

They weren't when I met you.

Yeah,it just happened last year.

God,I know so many people whose parents are divorced,

but I think I would just freak if mine ever did.

Yeah.I did.

My dad's,like,"no,it's great.

Now you're gonna have two bedrooms,two birthday parties.

"But now it's just,like,a competition between them over who can throw the bigger one.

Okay,I bet that doesn't totally suck.

Well,you know...

it actually kind of does.


I'm gonna save most of that emotional goodness for my audition for the hills.

So I don't want to bore you with that,but...

you know,I do think that I could be the next spencer.

- Oh,yeah.- I don't know.

You wish,my friend.

Yeah,yeah,I really do wish.

Actually...You don't believe me?

I don't know.I really don't know.

I can spence anybody.

- I can out-spence anybody.- You can spence anybody.



you should go.You have a date,right?


I'll see you inside.

Okay,I will be just a minute.

I'm gonna bring this food into dad's office and...

that's not your mom.

I can'T...I can't bu don't thinkthat's a big deal.

You were at chris brown's birthday.

He's such an amazing performer.

Yeah,he was a cool guy,you know.

You know,it's just 'cause my family's business.

I get to meet a lot of people like that.

I know it sounds weird,but you kind of get sick of that

whole scene after a whind of get sick ofthat whole scene after a while.

So we should get going.

The band goes on at 11:00.

Uh,yeah,yeah,my parents should be totally cool.

- I will be right back.- Cool.

Come on,harry.


You guys taking off?


I mean,if...

if that's okay?

Yeah.Just be home by curfew.

And you...

let me know how the bond film is.

- Really?- Yeah.

That's what you guys wanted,right?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

- Thanks.- Thanks.Thanks,dad.

All right,bye,guys.

Bye.Have fun.

It's just you and me.

Naomi,say something.

You're freaking me out.

Okay,I'm going to go get ethan.

We were...we were just heading out.

Cool.Yeah,I was going to go bowl some more.

Ethan,you got to help.Naomi's freaking out in the parking lot.

What?What's wrong?

She saw her father with another woman.

It's crazy.

I have to go with ethan.


What's wrong?

I saw my dad kissing another woman.

I just... I can't believe it,you know. I can'T.

It's okay.I'm sorry.

It's okay.It's okay.

I'm going to take you home,okay?


I'll take care of you,okay?

- Come on.- Okay.

Yeah,way too much drama.

So you still up for the movie?

- Yeah,man.- Yeah?

Come on.Let's go.

See you later.

Naomi and ethan-- they're...

- addicted to each other.- Yeah.



"Had to bolt to catch set.

So,you want to catch a bond movie?

Yeah.Guys,wait up.Navid.Dixon.


so much for a family night.


See,I'm just curious.

Do you think that they really didn't know that we knew they invited all their friends to go bowling?

Well,they should be with their friends.

And we should be happy that they have so many new friends to be with.

Yeah,so why do you look so sad,madam?

I just...

thought that they'd still want to be with us.

You know,sometimes.

I thought that we were cooler than our parents.

No,what...?Come...we,we...are cool.

Yeah,we're cool.

Well,maybe we're hanging on to family night for all the wrong reasons.

I mean,this is about them or us.

Are we about to have that "I want to have another baby" conversation?


But I may ask you for a puppy.

what level?

Well,I'm a beginner,but he's on medium,and now he wants a les paul.

The man has good taste.

I blew most of my inheritance on a les paul.

Spent the rest paying off school loans,but...

- really?- Yeah.

Yeah,my grandfather.

He gave me just about enough to cover the essentials.


He was this really eccentric guy,you know.

He gave most of his money to charity,and...

I don't know,truth be told,even if he did give me all that money,

I probably would have done the same thing.

I've seen what that kind of money does to people,and...

I had a good time tonight.


And you know,some day,uh,I look forward to meeting sammy,

you know,when you think we've been dating long enough and...

not-not that we're dating...


oh,gosh,i wasn't assuming...

that-that we were,uh...



So,uh,what are we doing?

We're colleagues.

Hanging out.

I'm-I'm just going to do this.

now are we dating?

Oh,what the hell.

It was a pretty cool movie.

Hey,there they are.

How was the movie?

Uh,it was good,you know,like any bond movie.

You know,one that's not out yet.

I thought you had a date with ty.

Yeah.Long story.

Well,it's getting kind of late,and you still have some chores to do.


- Right.- Fine.

Yeah,and it'S...

it's,you know,it's actually past my curfew,so I'm going to go.

Well,thank you so much for joining us,silver.

Hey,do you want me to call your mom,let her know you're on your way home?

No,actually,I already called her,so it's fine.

And thank you so much for letting me hang.

Shut up.

- It was a pleasure.- Anytime.

- Bye.Later,baby.- See you later.

Keep working on that bowling.

Come on.

Let's go work on those...


what's going on?

I've been staying at the women's shelter for a few weeks now.

I did some community service there this past summer,and there's this woman who...

she lets me stay there sometimes.

Sort of knows my situation.

And my mom,she drinks.

When she's like this...

she's a completely different person.

It's like...

she screams.

She,she throws things.

She blames me.


she gets so out of control...

I don't know

sometimes it scares me.

Come here.

I gotta talk to my dad.



Dixon,I didn'T...I didn't tell you so you would tell your dad.

Whoa,whoa,just listen.

No,no,I'm already enough of a freak at school.

I don't want all the other kids to know my mom's a drunk,too.

- Listen...- no,thank you very much.


you don't think I know what you're going through?

I didn't grow up in the cosby family.

You think every other family I lived with was like this?


I know what it's like to be around someone who's wasted out of their mind!

I know what that stuff does to people.

That's why I never do it myself.


you got to trust my dad.

Or at least trust me.

Silver,can I get you something else?


Okay,well,silver,you will stay here tonight,

and as far as we're concerned,until we get this figured out.

Yeah,she can stay in my room.

She can stay in my room.

just trying to help.

Well,it's late.I think we should all get some sleep.

- Good night.- Good night,my love.

- Night,dad.I love you.- Good night,honey.


your sister's still asleep.

They went to bed late.

Thanks,harry,for taking her in last night.

If I had known what was going on,if she had come to me...

she's a kid.She thinks that you hate your mother.

No,I don't hate her.

It's just...


Well,if there's anything that I can do,uh,you know,if you want me to talk to your mom...


I think it's time I did.

Sweetie,if you want breakfast,we're gonna have to order out.

Penelope is sick for a change.



I went to dad's office last night.

And I saw him there kissing another woman.

He was all over her.

I'm so sorry,mom.

Her name is gail.

I know all about her.

he's been seeing her for two years?

Honey,she doesn't live in town,so they don't see each other very often.

What's,what's going on?Are you ending it?

- Are you getting a divorce?- No.

I don't want to break up this family.

Mom,this isn't a family!

Honey,dad and I have a long history together,okay?

We have two kids,two homes,friends.

We have a life together.


what kind of life is this?


it's one that I don't want to lose.

You can imagine my surprise when you called to say you were coming after...

well,how long has it been since our last altercation?

I came to talk about silver,mom.

Well,erin is not here right now.

She is staying at a friend's house,naomi's,I think,or...

are you kidding me?Is that what you think?

She hasn't been staying at a friend's house.

She has been sleeping at a shelter.

Well,she told me...

oh,how dare you give me that look.

I didn't know.

Why is that?Were you too drunk to notice?

What is it these days,mom,alcohol or are you back on coke?

Oh,let's go to another meeting together again.

Let's hold hands and give it up to our higher power.

Do you realize what you are doing to silver?


Hey,I thought I told you to stay at the wilsons'.


Where the hell have you been staying?

You see all the trouble you've caused?

I don't believe this,kelly.

I can handle this,all right?

No,you can'T.Neither could I.

I'm not gonna stand by and watch you do to her what you did to me.

Oh,because your life was so awful.

I hate this!

- Would you guys...- Your sister is just leaving erin.

Yes,I am.And I am taking her with me.

You have a four-year-old with nobody to help you unless by some miracle,

he has decided to come back and act like a dad.

And now you want to add a teenager on top of it?

Let me tell you,she is no walk in the park.

She's coming to live with me.Let's go.

You,you lied to me,and now you're gonna leave?

- Mom!- Stop it,both of you!

Mom,I can't take this anymore.

- I can't just watch you...- oh,get out!

I am tired of both of you.

Good job,mom.

what's up


Wow,what is all this?

We made breakfast.

And I want everybody to sit.

everybody's sitting.Okay.

All sitting.We're having a family breakfast.

- Smells great- .Watch out.Watch out.

The syrup is heated.

My goodness,like a professional.

- Took this very seriously.- Smells great.

You know what we were thinking we could m thhouse of blues.


That sounds great.

Or the troubadour.

Or,ooh,the one I like.

Hollywood bowl.The hollywood bowl!

Yes,we could go to the hollywood bowl!

- Take a picnic?- Everybody's talking about it at school.

Oh,we can bring a picnic basket!

You can do a picnic there 'cause it's outside.

It is outside.Oh,my god.
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