06x24 - Adrift: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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06x24 - Adrift: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming in tomorrow?

No, too much to do.

Well, I'll see you at
the wedding, then.

No, actually, you'll see me

at the rehearsal dinner first.

Mac! W-Wait.

We-we talked
about this, come on.

Uh, I-I told you,
I wasn't coming.

No, we never talked about it

and why can't you come?

I got my six-month quals.

You're going out to a carrier?

Yeah, in the morning.

Renee will be at the dinner.

You didn't tell me this, Harm.

Well, I cleared it
with the admiral.

I'll, I'll be at the ceremony.

Come on, Mac.

It's not my schedule,
it's the Navy's.

Well, what if the Navy
changes its schedule

and you don't make
it to the ceremony?

You let me worry about
that. Well, why do either one

of us have to worry about it?

Why does this even
have to come up?

I mean, couldn't you just do
your quals some other time?

Six months from now.

Harm, you fly, maximum,
two, three times a year

and for that, you risk
missing my wedding?

I didn't consider it a risk.

No, the truth is that you
didn't consider it important.

Hey, slow down.
Come... Mac, first off,

this was arranged long
before you even set a date

and secondly, frankly,

if you need me at your
wedding to make it work,

maybe you should reconsider
who you're marrying.

Uh, hey, uh... Mac.

Have fun.

Aren't you going
to wish me luck?

WOMAN: Welcome
aboard, Commander.

Looks like you're stuck
with me again, huh, Skates?

I'm sure I'll live
through it, sir.

Captain Ingles wants
to see you first thing.

He knows I'm here to fly

and not subpoena the
ship's records, right?

He's over that, sir.
Doesn't talk about it.

At least, not more
than twice a day.

( chuckles)

BRUMBY: What time
does Chloe arrive?

MacKENZIE: 2:55.

Does she approve of us?

She doesn't have a vote.

I mean, last time we met...

Yeah, well, we
weren't dating then

and she was fixated on Harm,

but that's all different now.

Mmm, I got to get cracking.

Okay. Lots to do.


We have to call the
restaurant and cancel

one of the meals for tonight.

Who's not coming?


He's doing his quals.

No worries.

Well, you know, it
took me by surprise.

No drama.

I'll take care of it.

See you.

It's not exactly
the kind of behavior

you expect from
your best friend.

I thought I was
your best friend.



( sighs)

MAN: Well, that's
the last of VF53.

Commander Rabb
reporting as ordered, sir.

Welcome aboard,
Commander. At ease.

Well, I believe, uh, last time

our paths crossed,
your words to me were

"I'd be proud to serve
under your command again."

That's what I said, sir.

Well, it's only for
a day and a night.

We'll see how it goes.

Commander Harmon Rabb,
Commander Stacy Loftness,



You're a JAG?

Most of the time.

How many strings you
pull to get back in this fleet?

I earned my way, Commander.

LOFTNESS: I have training
squadrons to qualify, Commander.

What I don't need

is a Washington
weenie wasting my time.

Will that be all, Captain?

You won't catch a
break here, Rabb.

Captain, for what it's worth,
I've flown with Commander Rabb.

He's a good stick,
and he's paid his dues.

He doesn't need a break, sir.

Just a fair shot.

Well, thank you, Lieutenant.

I'm sure Commander
Loftness will keep that in mind.



BRUMBY: What do
you think, Lieutenant?

They're wedding bands, sir.

Well, not to me.

They're my future.

You still look at yours?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

Do you remember the
moment you said, "I do."?

I do.

What were you feeling?


But that was because
I had just eaten

this half-defrosted
pizza bagel thing,

right before I left
the house, and...

Guard them with your life.

Yes, sir.

I have to admit to
being a bit nervous, Bud.


Because I've got
everything I've always wanted

and now I've got no excuses.

Well, you won't need any, Mic.

If I should falter
during the ceremony...

Just do what you did
at your bachelor party.

What was that?

You ripped off your shirt
and you started singing

the Australian national
anthem to the waitress.

Was it effective?

Yeah, we got

a free plate of appetizers.

( laughing)

What if I just look your way?

I'll start singing.

Excuse me?

Your rings.

Since when does
the skipper rely on you

for character references?

Since you cleared me
of my landing mishap.

After that, he
dropped his attitude.

Oh, so, there's hope
for me yet, then?

Hey, how's the colonel?

Oh, she's getting married.

Good for her. When?



Uh, morning.

SIMS: The day I was
trying on my wedding dress,

I had matricide, not
matrimony, on my mind.

It wasn't bad enough
that my mother wanted me

to change to the dress
with the cleavage porthole,

but the insults toward
poor Bud were unbearable.


You look so beautiful.

Oh, Harriet, save
it for the wedding.

I'm so happy for you.

Aren't you happy for you?

Yeah, of course.

It's just that, uh, you've
been a little quiet lately.

Let me ask you something.


Harm is out doing his
carrier qualifications.

That sounds like Harm.

He's going to miss
the rehearsal dinner

and probably going to
be close on the wedding.

And that's upset you?

Well, am I being unreasonable?

Well, you know Harm and flying.

Everything else
takes second place.

I think the only
thing you can do

is try not to take it personally

and just wish him
the best of luck.

LOFTNESS: I'll give you two out of
eight day landings on the manual ball

to see how you handle
the pitching deck.

There's a weather
warning later this afternoon

for overcast skies
and scattered showers.

Ceiling at 1,500 feet

and visibility three miles.

Lowers in rain showers
to 800 and three-quarters.

Possible swells and
deck motion up to 15 feet.

Sir, what are the deck
motion limitations?

Limitations, my ass.

You nuggets are
now in the fleet.

We play country hardball here.

Commander Rabb,
perhaps you recall

why we fly in these conditions?

Because, in combat,
you don't get to choose

the weather you
fly in, Commander.

The lawyer is correct.

You fly the weather
God gave you.

Now, you training squadron LSOs,

I don't want any Santa Clauses.

Grade hard.

ALL: Yes, sir.

And I expect you back-seaters

not to let your pilots screw up.

Water's cold out there.


Hook down.

SKATES: This is 2-4-1
abeam. Pilot, Rabb.

AIR BOSS: Roger, 2-4-1.

F-14 in the groove. Give
me tension for a Tomcat.

Roger that, boss.

Boss, this is Paddles,
up on this frequency.

Roger, Paddles, loud and clear.

RABB: a*t*matic
throttle's carrying us

three knots too fast.

Switching to manual.

SKATES: Roger.

RABB: I've got the ball.

Paddles, this is 2-4-1.

Ball. Two-point-five, manual.

Roger, manual.

27 knots down the angle.

You're starting to accelerate.

SKATES: Your rate
of descent looks good.

Keep it coming...

Keep it coming.

You're high, 2-4-1.

( over radio): Fly
the ball, 2-4-1.

Fly the ball.

MAN: Three wires fouled.

2-4-1, foul deck. Wave off.

Wave off.

Too late.

SKATES: 2-4-1 waving off.

Easy on the rotation, Harm.

Good save, Commander.

LOFTNESS: 2-4-1, make
this next trap your final.

Say again for 2-4-1.

I'm taking you out of the air.

LOFTNESS: Wait a minute!

What the hell did you think
you were doing up there, Rabb?

I just prevented

an in-flight
engagement, Paddles.

We don't give merit
badges here, Rabb.

The point is you were
high prior to the landing.

Commander Rabb was
making the correction

when you waved us off, sir.

He was slow to
react, Lieutenant.

When I say "Fly the
ball" fly the damn ball.

I was trying to be
smooth, Commander.

Are you doubting my judgment?

I may not have been
correcting as fast as you wanted

but I'm not about to be talked
into making a rookie mistake

and dump the nose.

SKATES: He was
easing the nose down, sir.

You taught us better to
go high than hit the ramp.

You can go back up, Rabb

but your next four traps
better be in the spaghetti

or I'm sending you
back to the beach.

♪ ♪

CHLOE: Wow, this
is a serious church.

It was Mic's idea.

He thought it had grandeur.

Where is he?

Right here.


Chloe, the goddess of love.

Perfect name for the occasion.

Actually, that's Aphrodite.

Chloe is the goddess
of new growth.

That works, too.

Aphrodite wore a magic
girdle and fooled around.

Is that right?

By today's
standards, she's a slut.

Can we move on?

It's nice to see you again.

I've been looking
forward to this.

Do I have to call you "mate"?


Is there a bathroom in here?

Mm. I'll take you.
Be right back.


I hoped I'd like him this time.

You will.

Hey, guys. Good
to see you, Padre.


Is the admiral here yet?


Charlie, I got a
miracle for you.

Water into wine, Admiral?

I caught every green light
on Massachusetts Avenue.

( all chuckle)

So, were you in the zone today

or just trying to
prove something?

Oh, hey, I'm a
Washington weenie.

What do I have to prove?

( chuckles)

We still have our night traps.

Are you worried?

No. I'm having fun.

Going to miss it.

Miss it?

I met a guy.


Is marriage serious?

So I'm told.

He's a public affairs officer.

Oh, yeah?

Whose idea was it for
you to give up flying?

Come on. You know
what the life is like, Harm.

Six-month deployments, workups.

It's a big decision, Skates.

I hope you didn't
act too quickly.

You left.

Hey, part of me still
lives here on a carrier.

Is that why you're missing
your best friend's wedding?

I'll be there.

(mellow swing intro to
"Come Fly With Me" begins)

♪ Come fly with me ♪

♪ Come fly, let's fly away ♪

♪ If you can use
some exotic booze ♪

♪ There's a bar in far Bombay ♪

♪ Come fly with me,
come fly, let's fly away ♪

♪ Come fly with me,
let's take off to Peru ♪

(bright, jazzy piano run)

♪ In llama land, there's
a one-man band ♪

♪ And he'll toot
his flute for you ♪

♪ Come fly with me,
let's take off in the blue ♪

♪ Once I get you up there ♪

♪ Where the air is rarefied ♪

♪ We'll just glide ♪

♪ Starry-eyed ♪

♪ Once I get you up there ♪

♪ I'll be holding you so near ♪

♪ You may hear ♪

♪ Angels cheer
'cause we're together ♪

♪ Weather-wise, it's
such a lovely day ♪

(bright, jazzy piano run)

♪ You just say the words
and we'll beat the birds ♪

♪ Down to Acapulco Bay ♪

♪ It's perfect for a flying
honeymoon, they say ♪

♪ Come fly with me,
pack up, let's fly away! ♪

(song ends)

(jet engine whooshing)

Evening, Skipper.


Paddles here tells me you had

the highest boarding
rate and landing scores.

I told him you should
congratulate him

for motivating you.

you're home free.

Just in time, too.

That storm's picking up.

The Gator's looking
for some clear weather

and we're stopping
flight ops till we get it.

Skipper, I need to get
to Andrews ASAP, sir.

What is it that can't wait?

Colonel MacKenzie's wedding.

It's at 1100 tomorrow.

Are you the best man?


Then what's the problem?

I need to be there.

I'll talk to the CAG.

If Gator can find
better weather,

I'll make sure you're
the first plane out.

Thank you, sir.

LOFTNESS: Skates has
asked for weekend liberty.

Her fiancee works
at the Pentagon.

Why don't you take her with you?

Will do.

All right. Skipper.

( thunder rumbling)

Oh, man...!

Looking forward to your
toast tonight, Lieutenant.

That's at the reception.

Oh, it should be just a few
health and happiness lines,

but tonight, we're
among friends.

Give me one from the heart.

Okay... Y-You got it.

You are ready, aren't you?

Of course I'm ready.

I'll see you there.

Take care.

( car engine starts, door shuts)

I'm not ready.


I don't have it.

The toast, I was going
to work on it tonight.

It'll be fine.

Look, Harriet, you
don't understand.

I don't even know
what it's about.

I need a theme.

What's an appropriate theme?

Love and marriage...

You're not helping me here.

Did you leave the lights on?

Mic! Hey!

have clearing to the east;

there's a thunderhead
approaching from the north

but I'm not worried.

You could outrun it
in a twin-engine prop.

Thanks again for
the favor, Skipper.

I don't do favors, Commander.

Well, sir, if there's
anything I can do for you.

Slice of wedding cake?

It'll be on the COD

first thing Sunday morning, sir.

I'll be expecting it.

Skipper, I know we've
had our differences...

Uh, is this where we
bond, Commander?

No, sir, this is where
we say good-bye.


Thank you, sir.

Catch you Monday, Lieutenant.

And we'll see you in six months.

Yes, sir.

( raspy cackle)

SKATES: Looks like we
caught a break, Commander.

Yeah, let's get out of here

before the air boss
changes his mind, huh?

I'm with you.


Oh, please.

on a firing range.

MacKENZIE: Really? Yeah.

Thank you for agreeing
to perform the ceremonies.

Thank you, sir.

That's ginger ale.

Yes, it is.

Can I have champagne?


I just want to see
what it tastes like.

Catch me in eight years.

Chloe, you dropped your napkin.

One sip.

2-4-1, I'm starting to lose you.

Suggest you shift to
Washington Center.

Roger. Thanks for
the help, City Desk.

Have a good trip.

( beeping)

SKATES: Got a low level
oxygen light, Commander.

Going to have to
take it down to 10,000.

Roger that.

( thunder rumbling)

Penny for your thoughts.

You can have them
for free, Admiral.

Last time I did this,
I was 18 and drunk.

Last time I did it, I
was 24 and sober...

Same results.

Learn from your mistakes
and move on, right?

Sir, you've never remarried.

Oh, I'm talking about you.

Good Lord, don't use me
as a barometer for anything.

So, long term,
what are your plans?

Um, well, just to get
through the week.

( both chuckle)

Have you discussed family?

Yeah, we both want one.

Just when and
where is the question.

you thinking of Australia?

Yeah. For our honeymoon.

You don't think it should
be permanent, do you?

Well, whatever's best.

You don't plan to
be a JAG forever.

You haven't thought
about that much, have you?

Every day.

I just never get
past the question.

SKATES: Washington
Center, Navy 2-4-1

on 221.0.

How do you read?

MAN ( over radio): Navy 2-4-1,
Washington Center. Loud and clear.

Say position and altitude.

2-4-1, approximately

2-1-0 miles southeast
of Center at 10,000.

Be advised IFF and
TACAN are intermittent.

INS is inop.

We intend to land at Andrews.

Roger, Navy 2-4-1.
Squawk 3-2-1-4 and ident.

Navy 2-4-1, squawking
3-2-1-4 and ident.

No joy yet, Navy
2-4-1. Say heading.

Advise when 150
DME from Andrews.

Roger. Heading 3-3-0.

Will remain on this frequency.

SKATES: Harm, we've got a
storm cell ahead at 15 miles.

Washington Center, Navy 2-4-1

requesting deviation
west for weather.

Navy 2-4-1, deviation approved.

Let us know when
you can steer 3-3-0.

Roger. Come left 30.

Coming left 30 degrees.

We've got another at 20 miles.

In one minute, you'll need to
come back right ten degrees.

Roger that.

Skates, recalculate fuel
upon arrival at destination.

4,000 pounds.

180 miles, no problem.

Keep me honest.

Looks like we're going to
have to run the gauntlet.

( loud bang and whoosh,
engines straining)

You just do that?


( alarm beeping) What happened?

Don't know.

Positive to positive.

That's what I'm doing.

Whoa! Hey!

Uh... maybe not.

Look, could you hurry?

I'm giving a
lecture across town.

Really? What subject?

Public speaking.

Do you know
anything about toasts?

Please. Okay, okay.

Okay. Try it.

( starter clicking)

( alarm beeping)
RABB: I've got a red light.

Flight system filter.

Disengaging altitude hold.

It's bumpy out here, Harm.

Sure you want to
fly her on your own?

No choice.

Skates, get me the most
direct route to Andrews.

I'm looking at the mother
of all storm cells, Harm.

Well, we can't hop it;
we're low on oxygen.

We'll have to go

around it before we
can turn back to 3-3-1

and Andrews.

How long?

Groundspeed: 500 knots.

Estimate: 16 minutes
on our present course.

Excuse me.




Uh... can I take your coat?

Oh. Sure.

( thunder rumbling)

There you go.


Um... well, we're
just getting started.


Would you like some champagne?


Okay. Great. Yeah.

Have you talked to Harm?


Have you talked to him?

No. Why would he call me?

Um... I don't know.

Um, I sat you next to Tiner.

Oh! He's fun.

Yeah. He's also not here.

Uh, but... but, you
know everyone, so...

I do.

( both chuckle anxiously)

So, are you, uh... you
ready for tomorrow?

Yeah, of course.

Not long now.

No... 13 hours and 27 minutes.


( clears throat)

Let's get that champagne.

Yeah. Lead on.

RABB: We've lost PC1.

Turn off the roll, pitch and
yaw stabilization systems.

Skates, get us back on
a direct track to Andrews.

Can't go straight through, Harm.

Change heading to 3-0-5.

That way we'll skirt the cell.

Check with Washington Center.

Washington Center

this is Navy 2-4-1.

We are experiencing
serious flight control problems.

Roger, 2-4-1. Are you
declaring an emergency?

Not at this time, Center.

Roger, 2-4-1.

Negative radar contact.

State position and altitude.

Position unknown.

Approximately 120 nautical,
southeast of Andrews.

Altitude one-zero-thousand.

Roger. Can you
return to the carrier?

You are closer,
Washington Center.

What are your intentions, 2-4-1?

To continue inbound to Andrews.

We'll see you when you get here.

I'll hold you to that. Out.

Desk, this is 2-4-1.

We've lost PC1
and are experiencing

flight control system
problems. Over.

Roger. What is your position?

( fading into static): Estimate
our position at 3-8-3-0...

2-4-1, do you copy?

2-4-1, do you copy?

Try the transponder again.

No IFF signal, ma'am.

They're off the scope.

CHLOE: Thinking?

( thunder rumbles)

Hey, you.

No. I'm looking
for Bud and Harriet.

They left the same time we did.

Did you call them?

They're not answering
their cell phone.

Maybe they went home first.

No. Just spoke
to the baby-sitter.

Sarah didn't fall for
you right away, did she?


Did she even like you at first?

No. I don't think so.

Do you have that
effect on everyone?

( chuckling)


So do I.

No, I don't believe that.

You're a beautiful,
interesting young lady.


am a precocious

Mac asked for another girl to
mentor, but they gave her me

because they knew she
wouldn't put up with my crap.

It's nice to know we have
something in common.

Anyway, thanks for
the encouragement.

You're welcome.


We friends?

For as long as you love her.

Easiest deal I ever made.

Where are they?

Past 250 miles, sir.

We've lost radar
contact and IFF signal.

How'd this happen?

Storm moved faster
than forecast, sir.

( sighs)

Thank you, Commander.

That'll be all. Aye, sir.

Boss, this is the captain.

Assign air crews for
search and rescue.

Prepare to launch a Seahawk
and Viking on my signal.

AIR BOSS: Aye, aye, sir.

( thunder rumbling,
rain pattering)

Rev it!

( engine revving) It's clicking.

Keep trying.


( engine revving)

We've got nothing but
storm cells around us.

RABB: We're losing PC2!

Skates, she's flying
like a barrel of turds.

Recheck Oceana weather.

radio): This is Oceana Metro.

Reporting ceiling
and visibility: zero.

Field's closed. They're WOXOF.

Pax River is 50 miles
closer than Andrews.

Already checking.

This is Pax River Metro.

Reporting ceiling
and visibility: zero.

Closed. Andrews is our best bet.

power! Speed brakes!

( electrical crackling)
Generators out.



We've lost the electronics.

Switching to emergency IFF.

Squawking 7-700.

We've gone to 400 knots.

We're going to have
to fly straight through.

Harm, that'll put
us in the middle

of the biggest thunder bumper
in the whole damn world.

I'm flying on trim right
now as it is, Skates.

I don't know how much
longer I can keep us in the air.

Check the wet compass
to get our heading.

Best bet: north-northwest.

Come left 20 degrees.

350 knots.

10,000 feet.

( engine starts) Great!

Rev it!

( revving engine)


We have an emergency
IFF signal, ma'am.

Bridge, Combat... We
have an emergency signal

300 miles northwest,
heading 3-4-5.

Roger that, Commander.

Keep me informed of
any change in status.

Aye, aye, sir.

Come right to course 3-4-5.

All engines ahead, two-thirds.

Right standard rudder.

Steady on course 3-4-5.

All engines ahead, two-thirds.

CREWMAN: Aye, aye, sir.

Air Ops, notify FAA
and the Coast Guard

that we're commencing
search and rescue operations.

And get the air boss and
Paddles to meet me in CIC.

Aye, aye, sir.

Skates, what's the
nearest point of land?

Cape Fear. Estimate
100 miles due east.

We're at 275 indicated airspeed.

19 minutes flying time.

She's not responding, Skates.

Passing eight.

We're going to
have to punch out.

When do we go?

At 5,000.

SKATES: Mayday! Mayday!

Mayday! Navy 2-4-1!

100 miles east of Cape Fear.

Lock shoulder harness.


Visor down.

Visor down.

Masks on.

Mask on.

Lower seat.


SKATES: We're passing seven.

Harm, I'm not a strong swimmer.

Just remember
your survival training.

Harm, we're passing six.

Command ejection rear seat?

We're gonna get
through this okay.

I'll see you down there.

You have my word on it, Skates!

You haven't let me down yet.

I've lost her,
Skates! Eject us now!

SKATES: Position yourself.

Good luck, Harm!

Damn it! Eject!

( grunting)

Folks, um, in the absence
of our, uh, our best man,

I've been asked, once
again, to give a toast in honor

of our couple, so I've
refilled your glasses

with the good stuff.

So let's please raise
them in a salute to...

Mic Brumby and his
soon-to-be wife, Sarah.

may I carry on, sir?

Uh, sure.

Oh, uh...

Uh, napkin.

Thank you.

I've spent a lot of this
year trying to figure out

why things happen
the way they do.

I still have no idea.

( laughter)

ROBERTS: But I do know

that four years ago,
the admiral assigned me

to accompany the
then-Major MacKenzie

and Lieutenant Commander
Rabb out to the Seahawk.

What I never told anybody

was that my brother
was in town that weekend

and we had tickets to a concert.

But I could not find one person

to take my spot
on that carrier trip

and, well, Mikey had to
go to the concert by himself

and I had to go out
to the Seahawk...

where I met Harriet.

Colonel, Mic...

yours, like any right
union on this planet,

was a matter of destiny.

WOMAN: This is the last
known position, Captain.

They were at 10,000 feet.

All right, describe an arc
around here of 50 miles.

That's where we'll
start our search.

Boss, notify the Coast
Guard, FAA and AIRLANT.

I'm the on-scene commander.

Aye, aye, sir.

I want you to spearhead
this in a Viking.

Roger, Boss.

( pop, hiss)

CHEGWIDDEN: Hear, hear.

EVERYONE: Hear, hear.

( phone rings)


That was so beautiful, Bud.

BRUMBY: Inspiring.

That was nice, Bud.

Yes, well done.

And here's to tomorrow.

( others agreeing)

Would the, uh, admiral
like to add anything?

( clears throat)


I was just patched through
to, uh, Captain Ingles,

the skipper aboard the
carrier Patrick Henry.

Commander Rabb and his,
uh, RIO, Lieutenant Hawkes,

got in some trouble on
a, uh, bingo to Andrews.

They're believed to
have gone down at sea.

Oh, my God.


why would they be
flying in this weather?


Harm was trying to get
back in time for the ceremony.

AIR BOSS: Commander Loftness
reports deteriorating conditions, sir.

Ceiling's now 200
feet and lowering.

Sea swells are
25 feet and rising.

If things get much worse,
we may have to wait

until this weather lifts.

Is the admiral aware
of this, Skipper?

I told him I'd keep him advised.

CHAPLAIN: Almighty
and merciful God,

as we await the
fate of our comrades

we ask, with the
help of your angels,

that you guide and
protect Commander Rabb

and Lieutenant Hawkes from
all dangers, harm or injury,

and bring them safely home.



ALL: Amen.

Oh, where can we plug that in?

Over there, over
the booth. Great.

And the speakerphone works?

Yes, ma'am.

Uh, for when the
skipper calls us back, sir.

If you ask him to put his
communications on the 21 MC,

we can hear what's going on.


ROBERTS: I'll help him, ma'am.

Hanging in, Colonel?

Yeah, sure.

He's going to make it.

He has in the past.

Now he has even a better reason.

He's got someone in his life.

I'm really scared.

( sighs)

have a raft, Captain.

They've got something, Admiral.

INGLES: Coordinates?

LOFTNESS: 38 degrees,
37 minutes, north latitude.

74 degrees, 34
minutes, west longitude.

Vector the SAR aircraft.

Captain, weather's
getting worse.

Chopper could be outside
the safe recovery envelope.

We'll reevaluate when
we get to the scene.

Roger that.

Pri flight, vector the SAR bird.

INGLES: Viking, what's
your speed and altitude?

LOFTNESS: 180 knots, 100 feet.

INGLES: That's low and slow.

LOFTNESS: It is, sir.

Be careful, Paddles.

Yes, sir. I'm going to
drop flares for the Angel.

PILOT: Viking 3-0-4,
this is Angel 2-1.

What is your location?

directly over him, Angel.

I'll give you vectors in.

Heading 3-5-0, three miles.

Roger, Viking.

City Desk, I've got the flares.

And I've got a strobe.
I'm on top of it now.

INGLES: Angel,
this is the captain.

What's the weather?

Uh, ceiling's 100 feet.

Swell's now about 30.

How lucky do you
feel, Lieutenant?

Piece of cake, Skipper.

PILOT: We got him, we got him.

He's cleared the water.

He's coming up.

( indistinct conversation,
Skates coughing)

( sputtering)

PILOT: Sir, it's
Lieutenant Hawkes, sir.

She's onboard.

INGLES: Any sign
of Commander Rabb?

PILOT: No, sir. Let
me ask the lieutenant.

Is the commander down there?
Did you see Commander Rabb?

Commander Hawkes didn't
see Commander Rabb eject, sir.

INGLES: Any speculation
as to where he is?

PILOT: Hard to say, sir.

He could have punched out late.

That would put him, 15,
20 miles in any direction.

( violent rattling)

What's happening, Angel?

We are getting
pushed around, Skipper.

Can you keep her in the air?

I'm trying, sir, I'm trying.

( thunder rumbles,
violent rattling)

Viking, take another
sweep of the area

before we call it quits.

Roger that, Skipper.

Skipper, under those
conditions, the commander

could be a few
hundred yards away.

You've identified
the problem, Colonel.

Those conditions
are dangerous for all.

Sir, with all due respect...

Risking an entire crew
for one survivor is not...

This is Admiral
Chegwidden, Captain.

No one is blaming you.

When will you launch again?

When the weather improves, sir.

Thank you, Captain. Carry on.

Aye, aye, sir.

( click, dial tone)

Are you okay?

I'm fine, Mic.

I just need some time alone.

Look, if they found
Skates, they'll find Harm.

Come back out, Sarah.

You should be with those
who love and support you.


( sobs)

( wind roaring)
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