03x12 - Someone to Watch Over Annie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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03x12 - Someone to Watch Over Annie

Post by bunniefuu »




(mimicking firing)


MAN: What else
do you know, huh?!

What, you think we're stupid?

(indistinct response)

MAN: Tell me!

Get back!


MAN #2: Come on!


Come on! (blow
landing, man groaning)

(wrench dropping)


(van doors slamming)

(van engine starts)

(tires squealing,
van drives away)

Following in his
father's footsteps

as a naval aviator,

Lieutenant Commander
Harmon Rabb, Jr.,

suffered a crash while
landing his Tomcat

on a storm-tossed
carrier at sea.

Diagnosed with night blindness,

Harm transferred to the Navy's
Judge Advocate General Corps

which investigates, defends
and prosecutes the law of the sea.

There, with fellow JAG
lawyer, Major Sarah MacKenzie,

he now fights in and
out of the courtroom

with the same
daring and tenacity

that made him a
top g*n in the air.

MacKENZIE: Administrative
law is not my specialty, sir.

Think of this as a
learning experience, Major.

I am making you acting
head of the section.

Admin's a dead end, sir.


I started out there.

W... uh, you know, I was hoping
for an operational assignment...

An overseas duty
station, a shipboard billet.

Are you questioning my decision?

I realize you're angry with me.

Work's never been better.

On a personal level.
I think you feel...

Don't make my decisions
based on emotions, Major.

Admiral, permission
to speak freely?

Denied. First order of business

in your new position
is computer upgrade.


Aye, aye, sir.

(door opening and closing)

Hey... how did it go?


So, are you back

in the Admiral's good graces?

Well, he did make me
acting head of Admin.

Well, look at the
bright side, Mac.

The Admiral should get
over it in a year or two.

Yeah, nice.

RABB: Annie...

What are you doing here?

I really need to talk to you.

Mac, it's great
to see you again.

Yeah, you, too, Annie.

Come on in my office.



(uncomfortable chuckling)

Do you know how many
times I almost called you?

Oh, probably as
many times as I did.

Um... th-that's
not why I'm here.


Well, hey... here, have a seat.


I feel like such a jerk.



First, I tell you to stay away

because I'm overwhelmed

and I want to start over

and... I want to
see if I can make it

on my own, and...
and now, I come to you

the first time I can't
handle something.

What's going on?


I'm having problems with Josh.

Oh. What's Josh done?

He was on a school trip
to Andrews Air Force Base.

He left the group

and snuck into a
restricted hangar

at the, uh, naval air facility

and then he climbed
into the cockpit of an F-14.

Then base security picked him
up sneaking out of the hangar.

Annie, I mean, he...
his dad flew F-14s.

I'm s-sure he probably
just wasn't thinking.

You know what?

I don't need you to defend
Josh against me, okay?

Annie, take it easy.

I've already lost my
husband to naval aviation

and I am not about
to lose my son.

There's more to
this, isn't there?


This is going to sound crazy.

Uh... while Josh
was in the hangar,

he thought he
witnessed a m*rder.

You think he's making it up?

A-At first, I thought
it was his way

of avoiding punishment,
but... I know Josh, Harm.

He may be curious,
but he is not a liar.

Who else have
you told about this?

No one.

I came straight to you.


(knocking at door)



Permission to take
a personal day, sir?

Oh, I need you here, Commander.

But, sir, I'm not in
court until Friday.

Well, that's not a problem.

Major MacKenzie could use help

with the computer upgrade.

Yeah, but you really
think that's the best use

of the Major's talents?

Are you questioning my
decision, too, Commander?

Uh, perhaps not, sir.


I have a friend who's in trouble

Admiral... Annie Pendry...
Uh, her husband and I...

Oh, right, right,
Lieutenant Lucas Pendry...

died, uh...

testing a, uh, terrain
guidance system, sir.

Right. You proved
it wasn't pilot error.

Yes, sir.

I was best man at
their wedding and, uh...

she needs some
help sorting things out

and, uh, and, uh,
it'll only take a day.

Permission granted.


Thank you, sir.

Admiral, upon
further reflection,

I wonder if I might talk to
you about what's going on

between you and Major MacKenzie.

Are you out of your mind?!

Um, apparently.

(clears throat)

(door opening and closing)

Hey, how'd it go?

Don't you have a
computer to upgrade?

Very funny.

Bud... Harriet...

get me everything you can

on the reserve F-14 squadron

at Andrews Air Force
Base... Accidents...

Criminal activity reports?

Disciplinary problems?

The works.

When did you find
out the Pendry boy

had climbed into the F-14?

MAN: Saturday night.

I got called back
from the eastern shore.

You know, it was the first
day of hunting season?

I was hoping to bag
a couple of mallards.

What have we got?

Sir, I don't know. Here's
the full diagnostic check.

What was the F-14
doing in the hangar, Chief?

Routine maintenance.

Anything missing
off the aircraft?

No, sir.

I'd like a list

of the duty personnel

who were working Saturday.

Well, no one was scheduled to
work that Saturday, Commander,

but I'll give you a
list of all my people.


Chief, any of your men

have difficulty with
security clearances?

What's this got to do
with the Pendry kid, sir?

Just covering all
the bases, you know.

All my guys are as
clean as a whistle.

Why do you suppose

the kid climbed
in the F-14, sir?

Well, you know, Chief,
same reason that I would...

get inside the dream.



How did you get
into the cockpit?

You told me how, remember?

You didn't tell your
mom that part, did you?

No way.

She'd freak.

Good man.

Okay, so, what happened

after you got in the aircraft?

Well, I heard three guys arguing

right over there, near the van.

Were they Navy personnel?

Two were dressed
normal, coveralls and stuff.

The other guy was a
petty officer second class.

You sure about that?

Harm, he was wearing dungarees

with two black chevrons
on his left sleeve.

Okay. What happened next?


The men got into a fight.

The petty officer broke free.

Then the tall man,
he-he grabbed something

and chased after him.

That's when the
petty officer got hit.

They loaded his body
into the back of a van.

At least, that's what
I think happened.

All right, Buddy.

Let's try it again.

Close your eyes.

Close your eyes and concentrate.

Tell me what you saw.

What else do you know, huh?!

You think we're stupid?!

Tell me!

JOSH: The tall man...

he had this big wrench.

Okay, what else?

JOSH: When they loaded
the petty officer into the van,

his head was really bloody.

Harm, you believe me, right?

I'm going to be
straight with you, Buddy.

Right now, I'm not sure.

I knew the rest of them
would think I was a liar,

but I thought you
would believe me.

If my dad were
alive, he'd believe me.

ANNIE: I know being a loan
officer in a bank isn't glamorous,

but there's something about
helping someone find a way

to buy their first
house, you know?


(laughing:) God...

I remember when
Luke and I got ours...


It was so small...

but to us it was a mansion.

Remember when Luke and I

were laying the
patio stones out back?

Oh, yeah, I remember that.

It had to be the hottest
day of the summer.

God, it must have
been about 110.

Stopped for a beer
after each stone.

(both chuckling)

As a matter of fact,
I do remember that.

By the time you guys
finished, you were both tanked

and my walkway
had more turns in it

than the yellow brick road.

(both chuckling)


It's like my life never
happened, Harm.


11 years just... vanished

the instant Luke's F-14
smashed into the ground.

You miss San Diego?


Do I miss bursting into tears

every time I hear an
F-14 flying into Miramar

or watching a
carrier go out to sea?

Any regrets about
moving here, to Baltimore?


Josh loves the Orioles...

and I love the crab cakes.

You seeing anybody?


Wrong question.

No. No, it's fine.

Um... there hasn't
been time, you know,

with-with settling in
and... work and... Josh.


Wha-What about you?


Well, I-I, um... not right now.

Well, I always thought that
you and, um... Mac might...

Mac has a boyfriend.

Oh, so, you're
secretly in love with her.



(mimicking jet engine)

Hey, how's school?


You making any new friends?

Kids here suck.


You getting along with your mom?

She tell you to ask me that?

No, I thought that
one up on my own.

We fight a lot.

And that's why she sent
you out here to talk to me.

You want to talk about it?

I'm going to be a pilot, Harm,

but Mom wants me to
work in a bank or something.

That bites and you know it.

Now, Josh, your mom's just concerned
about what might happen to you.

Oh, really?

What's worse than counting
other people's money?

Well, you know, I can
think of a few things.

Harm, that's the same van I saw

in the hangar.

Go inside the house, Josh.

Get down!



Annie, are you okay?!

Yes. Oh, are you all right?!

Oh, my baby.


You take care of that.

Josh: That's when they hit

the petty officer
with the wrench.

Did you see it happen? No, sir,

but I saw them put
him in the back of a van.

His face was all bloody.

What else do you remember?

That's all I can remember.

Let's talk about school
for a minute, Josh.

You seen anybody
dealing dr*gs there?

At St. Jude's?

The nuns would k*ll you.

What about the neighborhood?

No way.

Your mother seeing anybody new?

What does my mom
have to do with anything?

That's what I'm
trying to find out.

I'm going to go talk
to Josh. Excuse me.

Look, this could be anything.

As far as I know, the
sh**t had the wrong house.

You know, Detective, daily
incident reports are easy

for naval personnel to access.

If the K*llers had
those reports,

they could figure out
that Josh was a witness

and can identify them.

BRADY: Andrews is a federal
installation, Commander,

so it's out of my jurisdiction.

I'll coordinate with NCIS.


I'm going to have to get
you guys somewhere safe.


Uh, you guys stay away

from the windows, all right?


It's just a precaution.

You know, I always

figured Josh and I
would come and visit you,

but I never imagined it
was going to be like this.

Hey, listen, guys,
it's been a long day.

Let's, uh... let's
call it a night.

Why don't you take the bedroom?

I'm going to sleep on the couch.

It's going to be okay.


(phone ringing)

ROBERTS: I'll get it.

Bud Roberts' residence.

Hi, Commander.

Yeah. One second.

Uh, Commander, I
can... I can explain.

Don't worry about
that right now, Bud.

Listen, I need more research

from Andrews Air
Force Base tonight.

I want you to talk
to Lieutenant Cobb.

I want a list

of all naval personnel

unaccounted for since Saturday.

I want you to speak
personally with each

and every one of them.

Let me know if there's

anyone you can't
get ahold of, all right?

Yes, sir. Anything else?

Yeah. Take Harriet with you.

Have her check with the gate.

I want to know every vehicle

that entered the
base on Saturday

and what their business was.

Looking for a late model
gray van with red primer.

Red... primer.

Yes, sir. I'll get right on it.

I'll see you tomorrow,
Bud, and, uh...

sorry to ruin your evening.

That's okay, sir.

Uh, Harm, I forgot to pack PJs.

Oh! Jerry Garcia was the b*mb!


Say "thank you."


Which one?

Oh... after everything
that's happened today...

Something festive.

Yeah. Thank you.

I really love what you've
done with the place.

Thanks. What do you
expect, plastic duck lamps?

Honestly... yeah.

Well, I'm sorry
to disappoint you.

You got a TV?

Nope. Sorry.

Then what do you do to keep
from getting bored out of your skull?


(tuning guitar)

(playing ballad intro)

♪ Have I told you
lately that I love you? ♪

♪ Have I told you there's
no one else above you? ♪

♪ You fill my life
with laughter ♪

♪ You somehow make it better ♪

♪ Ease my trouble,
that's what you do ♪

♪ There's a love that's divine ♪

♪ And it's yours and it's mine ♪

♪ Like the sun ♪

I love you.

Good night. Good night.

♪ And at the end of the day ♪

♪ We should give
thanks and pray ♪

♪ To the one ♪

♪ To the one ♪

♪ Have I told you
lately that I love you? ♪

♪ Have I told you there's
no one else above you? ♪

♪ You fill my life
with gladness ♪

♪ Take away all my sadness ♪

♪ Ease my trouble,
that's what you do. ♪


That was beautiful.



Thanks for being my friend.

Good night.

RABB: Bud.

morning, Commander. Josh!

Hey, Mr. Roberts.

Watch over these two...

and... don't let him
out of your sight.

Yes, sir. Uh, no, sir.

(knock at door)


Commander, I trust
you feel refreshed

after your personal day.

Admiral, I need

a few day" leave.

You want to tell
me what's going on?

There was an attempt
made on Josh's life last night.

Annie's living room
looks like a battle zone.

Three of us damn
near got k*lled.


Josh says he witnessed a m*rder

at the naval facility

at Andrews Air Force Base.

Are they okay?

Yeah, they're fine.
They're holding up.

And you want to look into it?

Off the record, sir.

If this alleged m*rder
took place on a naval facility

let's make it an
official investigation.

Use whatever resources you need.

Thank you, sir.

Admiral... I would like

your permission to leave

Josh and Annie here
for a couple of hours.

Lieutenant Roberts...

Commander, JAG is
not a day-care center.

I'm aware of that, sir.

I, uh... I just don't know
what to do with them.

Their lives could
still be in danger.



I see anybody I don't know,

I'll sh**t them.

Sir, Harriet and I
called down the list

of unaccounted-for
personnel over at Andrews

and we spoke with everyone

except for a, uh...

Petty Officer...
second class, Elvgren.

Now, he was supposed
to be down in Florida

on emergency leave
for his mother's funeral.

Only the petty officer's
mother didn't die last week.

She died eight months ago.

Took him a hell of a long time

to get her in the ground, huh?

Still no sign of
Petty Officer Elvgren.

No, but we ran his plates

through the Baltimore
PD computer.

The car was ticketed
twice over the past two days.

It's parked at the
harbor, Pier Nine.

I'll get right on this.

Good work.

Harm... be careful.

I'll be back.

It's okay.

Sir, uh, Miss Pendry.

Hi, mom.

ANNIE: Oh, I'm sorry, Admiral.

I told Josh to keep
out of your hair.

Yeah, so to speak.

Listen, let's get down

So, what did you
two find to talk about?

The Admiral was a SEAL.

He knows three
ways to k*ll someone

with his bare hands.


that certainly sounds useful.

Uh, well, Josh asked
about, uh, SEAL training.

I guess I got a
little carried away.

Miss Pendry, Josh's father
would be quite proud of him.

You know, Josh, I think the
Admiral has a lot of work to do

so we should probably
go ahead and...

Thanks, Admiral.

I really had a great time.

Yeah, so did I, Josh.

You stay on that school work

and when time
comes for that letter

of recommendation to Annapolis,

it'll be my
privilege to write it.

Thank you, sir.

I appreciate your
kindness, Admiral,

but I hope that day never comes.

(door closes)



Why did I have to hear about
this from the Baltimore police?

Why didn't you just
come to me first?

Now, how would I know
you had a hand in this, Webb?

I have a hand in everything.

What was stolen from the hangar?


Well, why the hell else
would CIA be involved?

An electronic
countermeasures box...


It's only the latest
in a series of thefts

of high-tech parts
from military bases.

Oh, yeah? Who's buying?

Well, the odd Emirate,
kingdom, sheikdom.

The parts are moved
from the U.S. to France

then transshipped from
France to the Middle East.

Who are we dealing with in this?

A lot of bad guys.

We're mounting an
operation to get them all

in this country and abroad.

Your ill-timed visit to Andrews

has thrown a monkey wrench
into our plans. Oh, yeah?

Well, maybe if you'd have
brought me into the loop sooner

instead of playing
The Man From Uncle...

That maintenance chief
you spoke with at Andrews...

Harley Marks?

He's one of our prime suspects.

You spooked him.
No one's seen him

since you talked
to him yesterday.

Yeah, well, he isn't
the only one missing.

WEBB: Whoa.


Petty Officer Elvgren
was one of ours.

Josh witnessed his m*rder.

Stakes are high, Commander.

WEBB: They're going to
go after Josh Pendry again.

(lively music playing,
laughter and chatter)

Commander. MacKENZIE: Hey, Harm.

Harm, listen, everyone was
so nice and helpful today that I...

You thought you'd
fix some dinner.

Well, Annie did say you
were low on provisions.

Um, not that I was
complaining, Harm

but it is a little hard

to survive on diet cola alone.

Well, I don't know. I do it.

I stopped by the Capitol
Hill Farmers' Market

on the way over.

Tell me something, Bud.

Was there anything
left in the store

after you checked out?

You mind, Harm?

No, I don't mind, buddy,
as long as it's good.

So, how does pasta
puttanesca sound?

Sounds good.



How'd it go today?

Well, Josh spent
most of the afternoon

entertaining the Admiral.

Oh, God. I'm a dead man.

They got along
like a house on fire.

What about you?

I was corralled by Webb.

The maintenance chief

at Andrews Air Force
Base is a prime suspect

in a weapons theft ring.

He's gone into hiding.

Well, what about the
missing petty officer?

He isn't missing anymore.

Where'd you find him?

In the trunk of his
car. (knock at door)


Evening, Commander.
May I come in?

Uh, yes, sir.

I'm sorry. I wasn't
expecting you.

Looks like you
have a full house.

RABB: Yes, sir.

Carry on!

I just wanted to make sure

you had everything you needed,

so I've stationed six Marines

around the perimeter
of this building.

Well, I appreciate
that, Admiral.

We'll all sleep better.

Good evening, Admiral.

Mr. Pendry.

Are you having dinner
with us tonight, sir?

Well, Josh, the Admiral...

Well, I guess I could
if I got an invitation.

You're invited.

Thank you, Commander.

JOSH: Come on, Admiral.


Admiral, why don't you
sit at the head of the table?

CHEGWIDDEN: Thank you, Harriet.

Looks good.

Thank you.

(Annie chuckling)



JOSH: For what we
are about to receive,

let us truly be thankful.



My mom's a really great cook.

I mean, she works and all, too.

(all chuckling)

Mrs. Pendry,

this is the best pasta
puttanesca I've had

since I was stationed in Italy.

Thank you. I learned
to cook in Italy.

Luke was stationed
on the Kennedy

when we were married,

and we spent our
honeymoon in Naples.

Oh, so did I.


You never said...

You never asked.

She was the mayor's daughter

and it didn't work out.

I was stationed in Virginia

and she... missed her mother.


He's out for the night.



Good night.





I brought you some...

um... I'm sorry.


I'm just sorry you stopped.

RADIO DJ: All right,
Soft Rock 97.1.FM

It's almost the weekend.

Gosh, don't we appreciate
Fridays...? Oh, yeah.


Good morning.


I thought I was
done with fliers.

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

Not yet.

(both chuckle)

I want to lose myself in you.

Where's Josh?

He's taking a shower.


It's your turn.


RABB: You know what scares me?

You know more about computers
at your age than I ever will.

You know, when I was ten,

all I had was a newspaper route,

model airplane and a...

an unbroken string of The
X-men starting at issue one.

You still got those?

No. When I went to Annapolis,
my mom gave them to the kid

next door. Bummer.

Yeah, total bummer.

I'd k*ll to have them back now.

I ever tell you
about my stepdad?

Bet you really hated him.

Well, it wasn't quite
that bad, you know.

But I never gave him a chance.

'Cause he wasn't
your dad, right?

Yeah. He was a businessman.

Ultimate bummer.

Yeah, I thought so.

But you know what, Josh?

He deserved a chance.

You saw me kissing
your mom, didn't you?

I guess.

You okay with that?

You're okay.

You're a pilot.

Here's what you need
to understand, Josh:

No matter what happens,

your mom will
always love you first,


and the most.

(phone rings)


Tell Webb we'll be right there.

Do you recognize any
of these men, Josh?

I-I don't know, sir.

Maybe... or not.

Josh, I'm going
to try something.

Close my eyes again?

No, not this time.


That's him.

Chief Marks. We checked

his two previous duty stations.

There were significant thefts

of military hardware

at both bases.

I saw him!

I saw him.

That's the guy with the wrench.

WEBB: Gunter Harvac.

He's one of the big fish.

An arms buyer for S*ddam.

(knock at door)

Come in.

The Admiral wants to see
you, Commander, Major.

Thanks, Tiner.

Josh, we'll be right back.

Excuse me. My name
is Rainer Gutfreund,

Federal Armed Forces of Germany.

I'm here to see
Commander Carolyn Imes.

Um, she's in court, sir.

Well, perhaps you
might direct me.

Uh, sure.

I'll just take you there myself.


Mm-hmm. Here.

Yes, director.

I-I'm doing my best to
control the damage, sir.


(snapping fingers)

Where do you think you're going?

To the bathroom.

Is that really necessary?

I... oh, no, I-I'm sorry, sir.

I wasn't speaking...

Yes, sir.

Come right back!

Yes, sir.

Hello, Josh Pendry.

What do you want?

We need to go for a walk.

Uh-uh. Well, your mother
might think otherwise.

She's waiting for you, Josh,
with some of my friends.

If you don't come quietly,

they're going to
k*ll her. You're lying.

Now do you believe me?

You and Josh will
stay with me tonight.

We'll get you out of town
first thing in the morning. Good.

I'll take care of it right
away, director. Webb.

Where's Josh?

He went to the bathroom
a few minutes ago.

It's okay.


He's not there.

Ar-Are you sure?


Oh, my God.

Bud, there's a man
down on the latrine.

Call a corpsman.



The kid asked to
go to the bathroom.

What was I supposed to do,

follow him in?

That's what you do for
a living, isn't it, Webb?

MacKENZIE: They'll want to know

what Josh knows.

Give us something to go on.

You're asking me to
jeopardize my entire operation.

I'm asking you to help a little!

I want to know
everything you know.

If I find out you're
withholding anything,

I will do you serious damage.

I am not in your
chain of command.

No, but you are in my
line of fire, Mr. Webb!

If they realize we're onto them,

we lose our chance to
break up the ring, Admiral.

The local guys are little fish.

We want the big guys.

How are they moving
the equipment, Mr. Webb?

By ship to Le Havre.



What ship?

Only one person on our side

knew that, Commander,

and it cost him his life.


RABB: Thanks.

Bud, get me the hull
and registration number

of every ship in the
port of Baltimore.

Harriet, tell the Coast
Guard to standby.

The Coast Guard, sir?

The Coast Guard keeps
track of the whereabouts

of every ship in
U.S. territorial waters.

Yeah, hold... hold just
one second. One second.

Sir, I think we have one.

It's the Tanager.

It's under Panamanian registry.

That's a flag of
convenience, Ensign.

Wait, sir.

The Captain's name is
Muhammad Sadahah.

The owners are Libyan.

ROBERTS: Admiral,
according to the Coast Guard,

the Tanager's declared cargo

is motors, generators
and industrial filters

for a passage to Le Havre.

It departs Baltimore
Harbor tonight.

It fits the profile.

Bud, you have a berthing
yet on the Tanager?

Yes, sir. According
to the port of Baltimore

it's in Pier Ten.

Admiral, we have got
to get aboard that ship

while it is still in
American territorial waters.

Lieutenant, get me
Commander Benjamin Riles,

Coast Guard Station Alpha.

Apprise him of our situation.

Tell him to meet
us at Pier... Ten.

And tell him we're going to
need blueprints to the ship.

Aye, aye, sir.

You coming?

It took me six months
to set this up, Rabb.

You're going to
ruin it in a night.

I want no part of it.

We're going to get him back.

I promise.


(distant thunder rolling)

Commander Riles.


Any sign of the kid?

No, sir.

What kind of crew's aboard?

Minimal crew.
Seven, eight men total.

CHEGWIDDEN: When do you move?

RILES: We're placing two
cutters across her path, Admiral.

I've got a unit on the way. CHEGWIDDEN:
Well, how long is that going to take?

RILES: 30 minutes, tops.

There he is.

Admiral, we have got

to move now.

Let's go.

I want you to bring the
blueprints to the ship.

Admiral, you're not
authorized to go on board.

Commander, have you ever heard

of the General
Prudential Law of the Sea?

Yes, sir. It authorizes
use of force majeure

if a life's in jeopardy.

Then what's the problem?

You're trying my patience, Josh.

I won't tell you anything.

Well, I don't want
to hurt you, Josh.

So... what did you talk about

with Mr. Webb?

Never heard of him.

Just tell me: what did
you tell him you saw?

Didn't you just hear me?

I never heard of him.


Nice boots.

I hate it when guys
stare at my boots.


Turn around slowly
and drop the w*apon.

Do it now!

Who the hell are you guys?

Navy issued?


Did they show you photographs?


Did you pick my face

from out of a lineup?!

I want you to
answer my question.

Mr. Webb did not show
me any photographs.

Ooh, Mr. Webb.

I thought you didn't
know Mr. Webb.

I-I got confused.

He-he-he-he was asking me stuff

about why I got into the F-14.


you present
problem for me, Josh.

I want to believe you,

but I'm just not sure.


I guess

I'd better find another way

to get you to tell me the truth.



Don't-don't hurt me.

Put down the knife

and step away from the boy.


I'm not gonna tell you again.

You sh**t me, the
child dies before I do.

You willing to take that chance?

Josh, you okay?



(hammer cocks)

Webb, I thought you
didn't want any part of this.

I screwed up my own operation.

You okay, Buddy?


It's going to be okay now.

Let's get out of here.


This man's a Navy chief.

I want him charged
with m*rder one,

theft of military secrets,
treason and kidnapping. Yes, sir.

You got the kid?

Is he all right?

Yes, sir.

There's two guys down
back there, Admiral.

I'm going to take him topside.

Uh, by the way, Admiral,

the General Prudential
Law of the Sea

applies to only ships

that are underway
on the high seas,

not ships that are docked.

Well, Commander,
the law's a living thing.

Periodically, we
need to test its limits.

Well, sir,

you were really pushing
the envelope tonight.


You know, Major,

I think your talents
may be wasted

in administrative law.

I wholeheartedly agree, sir.

Well, shall we start fresh?

I'd like that.

You know, there's
something I've, uh...

always wanted to do.

What's that?

You're not going to do
that a lot, are you, Major?

No, sir.

Oh, Josh.


It's okay, Mom.

Oh, God.

Oh, thank you so much
for bringing my son home.
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