05x173 - Farewells and Encounters: The Transitioning Stars of Destiny

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x173 - Farewells and Encounters: The Transitioning Stars of Destiny

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Star Healer: Can we find her?

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't worry! That's why we came here.

Sailor Star Maker: We'll find her. Without fail.

Sailor Star Fighter: That's right! Even if we sacrifice everything...

Sailor Star Fighter: Now, let's go! lt's time...

Luna: Three Lights?

Regular Dialogue: Don't you know?

Luna: What is it?

Sailor Mars: A super popular idol group!

Sailor Venus: Of course, It's all because of Seiya! He has a kind of wild and dangerous feel...

Sailor Mars: But isn't he a bit childish?

Sailor Jupiter: That's what's so great about him, right?

Sailor Mars: Well, for me, it's Yaten...

Sailor Mars: ...with that unapproachable beauty!

Sailor Venus: It's like you never know what he's thinking...

Sailor Jupiter: That's what's so great about him, right?

Luna: You're completely obsessed...

Sailor Mercury: You're wrong, everyone!

Luna: Ami-chan!

Sailor Mercury: Aren't you forgetting the cool and dreamy Taiki-san?

Sailor Mercury: Overflowing with grace and maturity...

Sailor Jupiter: He's so cool!

Sailor Mars: He's great, isn't he?

Sailor Venus: Ami-chan, don't tell me you're a closet fan?

Sailor Mercury: l-l don't really know much about them...

Sailor Venus: So, how about you, Usagi-chan?

Sailor Venus: Who do you like?

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan...

Sailor Jupiter: What's up?

Sailor Jupiter: You look depressed.

Sailor Moon: The truth is...

Sailor Mars: Studying abroad? Mamoru-san is?

Luna: Usagi-chan, you didn't tell me anything about it!

Sailor Moon: He told me that his thesis was accepted and he's been invited to a university in America...

Artemis: That's so great!

Sailor Venus: Think about Usagi-chan's feelings!

Artemis: S...Sorry!

Sailor Mars: Will it be long?

Tuxedo Mask: For a year...or, I may have to stay a little longer than that...

Tuxedo Mask: Would it be okay?

Sailor Moon: l'm all right! Even though you'll be in America...

Sailor Moon: ...lt's not like we'll be apart forever!

Sailor Moon: And... l'll never stop loving you, Mamo-chan...

Sailor Moon: Good luck in your studies...

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi-chan, are you really okay with this?

Sailor Moon: lt's okay, one of his dreams is coming true and l have to see him off, smiling...

Sailor Mars: Usagi...

Sailor Moon: l'm okay, l tell you!

Sailor Jupiter: It was all so sudden, it must be hard on her...

Sailor Mercury: And Chibi-Usa has gone back to the future...

Sailor Venus: She must be lonely...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa, what'll l do...?

Luna: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Moon: Luna!

Luna: Cheer up!

Sailor Moon: But l can't...

Luna: Usagi-chan...

Sailor Moon: Although spring has arrived, Chibi-Usa is back in the th century...and Mamo-chan...

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan is going to study abroad...

Sailor Moon: To be honest with you...l want to say ''No!''

Sailor Moon: ''Please stay with me!''

Sailor Moon: "l'm not that strong!"

Luna: Hey! Do you remember when you met me for the first time?

Luna: You were a crybaby and careless...

Luna: ...but, compared to those days, l think you've become much more mature.

Sailor Moon: Luna...

Luna: Let's see him off with a smile!

Regular Dialogue: New Japan Airlines to New York, all passengers should proceed to the departure gate.

Tuxedo Mask: lt's time...

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Tuxedo Mask: Usako!

Tuxedo Mask: l thought you weren't coming today because of school...

Sailor Moon: l'll be waiting!

Sailor Moon: l'll be waiting for you!

Tuxedo Mask: For a while, l'll be very busy and l won't be able to contact you much...

Sailor Moon: That's okay! l'll write to you everyday, so...

Sailor Moon: Oh, no... l planned to see you off with a smile today...

Tuxedo Mask: Usako...

Tuxedo Mask: Please open it.

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan! This is...!

Tuxedo Mask: Here.

Tuxedo Mask: l love you, Usako.

Sailor Moon: Thank you! l'll treasure it!

Tuxedo Mask: Now, I have to leave...

Sailor Moon: What's that?

Tuxedo Mask: Maybe some celebrities or something...

Tuxedo Mask: Shall we go?

Sailor Star Fighter: Please move, you're being annoying!

Sailor Star Fighter: Just move already!

Sailor Moon: Take care, Mamo-chan!

Galaxia: l feel it! The energy of ever-shining Stars!

Galaxia: True Star Seeds!

Galaxia: On that blue shining planet, there are still many sleeping Star Seeds.

Galaxia: Find them! Plunder their Star Seeds... so we can gain their power!

Tuxedo Mask: Usako...

Sailor Star Healer: Another Star's light has just disappeared...

Sailor Star Fighter: Did they do it?

Sailor Star Maker: In a time like this, she would have intervened...

Sailor Star Fighter: Well... she may be surprisingly close to us even now...

Sailor Star Healer: We must hurry!

Sailor Star Fighter: Yes.

Sailor Star Fighter: Because we don't have much time left...

Sailor Mars: You even got a ring from Mamoru...

Sailor Mars: After all, you ARE a lucky person...

Sailor Jupiter: He even put the ring on her left hand...

Sailor Mercury: Does that mean, perhaps...THAT?!

Luna: Yeah, SOMETHING...

Sailor Moon: Huh? What do you mean?

Sailor Mars: Of course it's THAT!

Sailor Moon: C'mon, what is it?!

Sailor Mars: You can't be serious!! You really don't know?!

Sailor Mars: You ARE a girl, aren't you?!

Sailor Moon: A prettier girl than YOU, Rei-chan!

Sailor Mars: Even Luna, a CAT, knows about that!

Luna: Hey, I'm a girl too!

Sailor Moon: Yeah, so what IS IT?

Sailor Mars: When we say "THAT", it can't be anything BUT that!

Sailor Venus: Oh no, girls! ln the park right now, they are doing THAT! That thing!!

Sailor Mars: Right! THAT thing!

Sailor Mars: THAT THING!

Sailor Venus: THAT THING!

Sailor Moon: So, WHAT is it...?

Sailor Venus: l guess we're a bit late...

Sailor Moon: Why all the fuss?

Sailor Venus: It's the location of the Three Light's drama series!

Sailor Jupiter: ls that, perhaps... ''Z Files of Young Sherlock Holmes''?

Sailor Mars: Really? l love it!

Sailor Moon: What's that?

Sailor Mercury: A super popular program with a % viewer rating!

Sailor Mercury: l... l don't know much about it, though...

Sailor Venus: l can't... see them...

Sailor Moon: What? What?

Sailor Venus: That girl in front of the fountain is co-actress ltsuki Alice-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: How cute!

Sailor Mars: Such a pretty face!

Sailor Venus: Taiki and Yaten!

Sailor Venus: lt's really them!

Sailor Moon: Cool!

Regular Dialogue: Of course!

Sailor Mars: Dreamy~!

Sailor Jupiter: Dreamy~!

Sailor Venus: Dreamy~!

Sailor Venus: We can't do anything here...

Sailor Venus: Girls! Let's go!

Regular Dialogue: Yeah!

Regular Dialogue: Excuse me! Excuse me, please...

Sailor Mercury: I'm sorry!

Sailor Moon: Hey girls! Wait up!

Sailor Moon: Hey!

Sailor Moon: Girls! Wait up!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Attracting such a huge crowd... That's just the kind of charm a Star has..

Sailor Moon: There's no room at all...

Luna: How popular they are!

Sailor Moon: l wanted to see them on location...

Sailor Moon: So unluck...huh?

Luna: ''No admittance''... l wonder if it is a resting place for the staff...

Sailor Moon: Which means that l can see Alice-chan and the others without any obstacles.

Sailor Moon: l must be super lucky!

Sailor Star Fighter: From here, there's no admittance!

Sailor Moon: l'm sorry! l didn't mean it... Well, rather... l just want to see Alice-chan up close...

Sailor Moon: l'm terribly sorry...

Sailor Star Fighter: You're the one from the...

Sailor Star Fighter: l guess you don't remember...

Sailor Moon: Um... did l meet you somewhere?

Sailor Star Fighter: You don't recognize me?

Sailor Star Fighter: l see... I guess l'm not as popular as l thought...

Sailor Moon: Oh, l got it! You're hitting on me!

Sailor Moon: l have a boyfriend who has promised his future with me, ya know!

Sailor Star Fighter: You're very amusing!

Sailor Moon: What? You're rude! From there, it's no admittance except for authorized people!

Sailor Star Fighter: l'm one of those authorized people! See ya, dumpling!

Sailor Moon: The nerve of him! No one can call me "dumpling" except Mamo-chan...

Regular Dialogue: There... okay!

Regular Dialogue: Break time!

Regular Dialogue: l'll go and check my make-up!

Sailor Venus: Watching them in person is so great!

Luna: Usagi-chan, it's dangerous! You'll be in trouble if you go in without permission!

Luna: Listen!

Sailor Moon: Which way, l wonder...

Luna: Please, listen!

Sailor Moon: l'd better go this way first!

Luna: Come on...

Regular Dialogue: Alright, I'm ready to go again!

Sailor Iron Mouse: How wonderful your smile is...!

Regular Dialogue: Who are you?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Your brightness that draws so many people to you... is proof of a Star!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: l came to see you for a special errand.

Regular Dialogue: lf you want a signature, sorry l'm working right now...

Sailor Iron Mouse: What l want is not a signature... but the Seed of a Star which you possess...

Sailor Iron Mouse: a Star Seed!

Stars Translator's Notes: "Chuu" is the sound a mouse makes

Sailor Moon: What..?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Don't be afraid!

Sailor Moon: What's that?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Your Star Seed...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Give it to me!

Luna: Usagi-chan! Transform!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Wow! A beautiful Star Seed...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh no, lt already went out...

Sailor Iron Mouse: l don't want such a weak Star Seed!

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Moon: l don't know who you are, but if you attack our idol, Itsuki Alice-chan, l won't forgive you!

Sailor Moon: For love and justice, Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: ln the name of the moon, l'll punish you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh, goodness! You're a Sailor Soldier, too?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Well... with such a face, you can't be a Star like me!

Sailor Moon: Who on earth are you?

Sailor Iron Mouse: l am Sailor lron Mouse!

Sailor Moon: Sailor...

Luna: ...lron Mouse?

Sailor Iron Mouse: l'm done with my work for the day. Do you want to play with my Phage?

Sailor Moon: Phage?

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Pretty!

Sailor Moon: A... Alice-chan!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Everybody who loses the brightness of their Star Seed becomes a Phage!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I leave the rest to you, chuu~!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Bye bye~!

Sailor Moon: W...Wait!

Regular Dialogue: Hi, there! Do you want to sing with me?

Regular Dialogue: Let's have fun!

Luna: Sailor Moon! Fight her!

Sailor Moon: No! She's really ltsuki Alice-chan!

Sailor Moon: l can't attack her!

Sailor Moon: What should l do?

Regular Dialogue: Who is it...?

Sailor Star Healer: Penetrating the darkness of night...

Sailor Star Maker: Streaking through the atmosphere...

Sailor Star Fighter: Resounding truth, we are three sh**ting stars...

Regular Dialogue: Who...?

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Star Fighter!

Sailor Star Maker: Sailor Star Maker!

Sailor Star Healer: Sailor Star Healer!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Starlights are here!

Sailor Moon: More Sailor Soldiers!

Regular Dialogue: You guys want to sing with me, too?

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser!

Sailor Moon: Alice-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: Now, I'll put you out of your misery...

Regular Dialogue: Pret, pret...pretty!

Sailor Moon: No! Don't k*ll Alice-chan!

Sailor Star Healer: lt's too late!

Sailor Star Maker: Once a human becomes a Phage, they cannot be saved...

Sailor Star Fighter: Right... except by that person... Now, move out of the way!

Sailor Moon: No!

Sailor Star Fighter: Move!

Sailor Moon: No!

Sailor Star Fighter: This light...!

Sailor Moon: l won't let her die...

Sailor Moon: Absolutely...l will save her!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon...

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Starlights... Who on earth are they?

Sailor Star Healer: What surprising power she posseses!

Sailor Star Fighter: lt seems to be getting fun!

Regular Dialogue: Good work, everyone!

Regular Dialogue: Let's pack up! Hurry, hurry!

Sailor Venus: Watching them in person is so great!

Sailor Jupiter: The three of them are so cool, aren't they?

Sailor Mars: So cool that I'm speechless!

Sailor Mars: Usagi...

Sailor Moon: The enemy was a Sailor Soldier... the ones who helped me were also Sailor Soldiers...

Sailor Mars: Usagi, where have you been? The filming is already over...

Sailor Moon: Well, I...

Sailor Jupiter: Did something happen?

Sailor Moon: Well...you know what?

Sailor Moon: l don't really know what happened...

Sailor Mars: Hey, you! What do you mean by that?

Sailor Moon: Well, that is that... ya know?

Sailor Venus: So, what is that?

Sailor Moon: It's that thing...THAT THING!

Regular Dialogue: So, what IS IT already?!

Sailor Moon: What's going on, Minako-chan!? Screaming all of a sudden like that...

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan, it's awesome! The popular idol group Three Lights is transferring to our school!

Sailor Moon: So?

Sailor Venus: Come on! Wouldn't it be awesome to become an idol's girlfriend!?

Sailor Moon: But, are you sure you can do that?

Sailor Venus: Of course I can!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! A storm at school! The transfer students are idols.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.
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