03x99 - A Man’s Kindness: Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99 - A Man’s Kindness: Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei

Post by bunniefuu »

If there's love in
confessing your feelings...

...with all your heart to
that girl you've fallen for...

...there's also love in saying
nothing and watching over her...

...bearing it all
without a sweat.

A Daimohn is after
such a pure heart!

You're a little bug that's
getting in the way!

I'll punish you in the
name of the moon!

That ominous dream
I've been having lately...

What is it trying to foretell?


A young man
with many worries.

What are you looking
at so late at night?

I-It's not that!

I'm just worried
about Rei's health!

It seems that lately, she's doing
that all night, every night...

Still, Rei isn't one to
stop, even if we tell her to.

It should be okay
once in a while.


I don't know what Rei is
trying to see through...

...but there is only one truth.

We have to let her do it
until she's satisfied.

"I am my own Lord through
Heaven and Earth," that is.

That is, we have
no problem, right?

You say that, but...

Hello, Rei! You shouldn't
put too much spirit into it!

Have a cup noodle...

I won't lose!

Here you go!

HERE! CURRY, okay to
eat in minutes!

Spaghetti with meat sauce,
easily prepared in the microwave!

Your favorites: omelet lunch
and tuna sandwiches!

Friends of all-nighters, roasted
rice-balls and natto rolls...

...for when you need a
quick stick! And the dessert:

Coconut gel and bananas!


What in the world are you so
seriously trying to foretell?

Is there something
that I can do to help?

Rin, Byo, Toh...

Sha, Kai...

Jin, Retsu...

Zai, Zen.

Oh? Yuichiro?

Yes... U-Um, Rei?

Sorry, but if you want something,
can you talk to me later?

This is a very
important fortune...



Oh, then have this.

You can tie your hair back.
So it doesn't get charred.


It's no good, I can't
possibly stop her.

I'm so powerless.


This is the ultimate
creation born from chemistry.

It truly is a
LIVING art form.

That's right!
A living art form...

The best work I've spent
my heart and blood for!

But you, Kaorinite!

You always make a waste
of these Daimohn eggs!

Always, always, ALWAYS!!

Please don't worry.

My plans, based on
perfect calculations...

...and harmony, are also art.

Until now,
I've had interruptions...

...that were outside
of my calculations.

I will make sure to
get the talismans...

...that are necessary
to get the Holy Grail.

That's right...

The end of this world,
the arrival of the darkness...

...and the destruction
of everything!

The time limit is
fast approaching!

Go, Kaorinite.

As you wish.

All these all-nighters are
starting to get to me.

Maybe I should skip
the study group...

Rei must be very tired...

Rei must be very tired...

Yuichiro said as he silently watched
over the figure of Rei as she left.

To be continued...


You want to watch over
someone you love forever.

Yeah, I know.
I understand that feeling.

Hey, you, Handsome.
You make me jealous!

You're the best guy in Japan!

Well, it's not that big...

N-No, that's not it.

I'm just worried about Rei...


Yes. Lately, she's
been saying how she can...

...concentrate more at night, and
so she's been cutting her sleep...

...and trying to foretell something.
Her health will suffer at this rate!

Oh, so, it really
must be THAT!

Not even doctors or the hot
springs of Kusatsu can help.

Y-You have an
idea what it is?

Of course, I'm a girl!

Something like
"I can't sleep at night!"...

Of course, she's worried
about love!


Who... Who in the world
is she worried about?

You are so dense!

Rei's trying to see if she'll be
happy if she marries you, Yuichiro!

R-Rei...and I...


Oh, my, you're blushing.

I'm jealous, I'm jealous! I want
to live with Mamo-chan, too!

Oh, no!
You're embarrassing me!

Oh, don't tell Rei
I told you this!


Rei...and I...

This is adolescence!

What's with HIM?

So, this is the vehicle known
as the city train.

If I use this, I can
automatically check...

...all the people getting
on and getting off.

This is wonderfully useful.


Now, all we do is wait for someone
with a pure heart to appear...

That can't be!

Oh, no, Haruka!

I don't open my mouth
THAT wide to yawn!

See, you have those
circles under your eyes!

You're kidding!

The hand on her cheek...


I'll take you home.

If you walk around like that,
deprived of sleep...

...you'll cause an accident.

I'm so lucky!


I-I lose...

Rei... With a guy like that...

My adolescence is...


- Ready?
- Oh, wait a minute.

What's that string?

You don't put on ribbons or such?

This is fine.

It's something like a charm...

That was insulting.

Despite what you may think,
I do ride safely.

Hold on tight!

Oh, it's fast!

Rei! Hey, wake up!

Are you all right?

You seem to be deprived
of sleep lately.

You shouldn't overexert yourself,
even with the exams coming up.

No way! If I could do that,
I wouldn't be having trouble.

I'll go wash my face a bit.

I'm jealous...

Life is short, so maidens
should fall in love!


Usagi, do you
know something?

Yeah. Call it a woman's hunch!

But that's
not reliable...

Your hunches for what will be
on the exam keep missing, too.

I keep saying exams
aren't about guessing.

You don't look
like you're lovesick.

Romantic worries can be hard,
but you'd look a bit more excited.

Rei, you're worried about
something else, right?

Maybe about our new enemy?

Hey, Rei, you don't have to
worry all by yourself.

Care to tell me about it?

Thanks, Mako-chan...

But I don't
know myself yet.

What the reason
for this unease is...

If I find out, then...

Then it will be time
for the Sailor Soldiers.

Oh, but... I hope
it doesn't come...

...on the day before the exam,
if they can help it.

Who is that guy...?
Who in the world is that?


This is a beautiful song...


Michiru... Is what we are trying
to do something worthless?

Haruka... What's wrong?
This doesn't sound like you.

If it's too late
no matter what we do...

Why are we doing this?

We started this knowing that.

Haruka, the wheels of destiny
have already started turning.

A new awakening will
arrive again very soon.

The only thing we can do is
to collect the three talismans.

For that...

Even if it means
sacrificing everything...

I'm sorry. My will was
weakened by the moonlit night.

That guy's two-timing!

I won't forgive him!

Are you Yuichiro Kumada?

Whatever you want,
make it quick.

I'm busier than
I look, you know.

Shut up and fight me!

Do you have some
grudge against me?

Why don't you ask
your own heart!?

Here I go!

Oh, well...

Are you all right?

Not yet! This fight
still is far from over!

Come on...

Y-You're pretty good!

Yuichiro? And Haruka?

Hey, can you knock
it off already?

This is adolescence!

- Yuichiro!
- Rei!


Yuichiro, what's the meaning
of this?! Explain it!


So, you're covering
for him after all.

No, don't say
anything anymore...

Haruka Tenoh...

You're a two-timer, but you're
probably a very masculine guy.


Stop all of this
that's hurting Rei, and...

And break up with that
other girlfriend!

That's all I want to say.

U-Um... Who are...?

Please be happy with him.

Shouldn't you
go after him?

I don't know anyone like him.

He's such an idiot...

Looks like it's
finally calmed down.

Rei didn't come back.

I hope she didn't
get soaked somewhere.

Yuichiro didn't seem
to be around, either.

Maybe the two of them are
sharing an umbrella, and...


- Usagi!
- We have a problem!

Everyone, come over here!

This is a rather
sudden departure.

Please forgive me.

Well, I'm sure you'll have a
lot going on in your long life.

Fare you well.

I, Yuichiro Kumada, will never
forget your kindness.


What happened?

Where are you going?

Please, don't ask.

I will depart on a journey tomorrow.

Alone with someone
that you don't know.

It was a trip that I was going
to take with you someday.


Yuichiro, you're an idiot.

We have to hurry after him!

It's all right now...

It's not, Rei!!

Yuichiro is really going away!

That blockhead who
jumps to conclusions...

...can go where he wants!

Rei! Yuichiro was
worried about you!

He really cares for you from
the bottom of his heart!


Then, why...!?

Why didn't he believe in
me till the very end!?


You just have to
tell Yuichiro that!


Don't mope about it!
Go and make up!

- Rei, I'll hold your bag.
- Do your best.

Thanks, everyone...

It looks like I won't be
able to tell you goodbye...

...no matter how much time passes.

To me, you will always be
a bright part of my youth.

I'll board the Azusa No.
right at o'clock...

...and I... I will depart from you.


All passengers, please hurry!


We finally caught one!

Toden! Take the pure heart
that loves someone!


All right!



Hold it right there!

To steal the pure
heart of that man!

For love and passion, the
pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

I, Sailor Mars,
will not allow it!

In the name of Mars,
I chastise you!



Standing passengers, please
hold on to the hand straps!

This isn't a talisman either.
Looks like another wasted trip.


The pure heart is safe.

You again...

The slogan of the city train is
"No accidents, no violations"!

If bad kids can't
follow that slogan, then...

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Toden, I'm leaving
you with the rest!

New line creation!

W-What!? What's going on?

Please wait for
the next departure.

Front all clear! Sides all clear!

All right for departure!



Look out!

TODEN! New line creation!

The next stop is
the afterlife!

Your lives are mine!


E-Emergency Stop!?

Move! MOVE!!!

Now it's OUR turn!

The sin of trying to steal
Yuichiro's heart is a heavy one!

Prepare yourself!


Carrying dangerous items into
the train is strictly forbidden!

- Sailor Moon!
- OK!



They're pretty good.


Don't force yourself!
You're hurt.

- W-What about that monster...?
- What are you saying?

Did you have some dream
after you slipped and fell?

T-This is...?

You should think more about it.
Next time, give me a ribbon!


We're going home now.
Can you stand up?


You have to apologize
to Haruka later!

You picked a fight against
a meek little girl!



You really are absent-minded!
Now, give me your stuff!


Here, do you want me to
lend you a shoulder?

- I-I'm all right.
- It's all right. Here, hold on...
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