01x21 - Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x21 - Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime

Post by bunniefuu »

Anime is being targeted now.

The shadow of evil is closing in

on the trendy members of
the anime industry.

Anyone who tries to take advantage
of youthful passion...

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

I'm Usagi Tsukino. I don't look like
a super heroine, but I am!

As you know, I transform myself
by using a peculiar brooch

and fight against bad guys.

I'm the sailor warrior of love
and justice, Sailor Moon!

And my friends are the smart
and sweet Ami Mizuno,

and a slightly quick-tempered
psychic girl, Rei Hino.

Both of them are so dependable,
I feel like I'll fall behind.

But anyway, I just have to do my best!

Protect the Children's Dreams!
Friendship Linked By Anime

Sailor V!

Sailor V

Sailor V
A great theatrical anime masterpiece!

Sailor V
Sailor V!

Big opening coming soon!

Sailor V is so lucky.
She's getting turned into an anime.

I wish someone would make
an anime about me.

If there's someone willing to
make such a silly anime,

I'd have to see it to believe it.

I'm so depressed.

Did you understand what
Director Asatou said?

Not at word! Because he talks
in such abstract terms!

It's a little different from
what I had in my mind.

How is it different?

Well, I don't really know
how to say it, but...

For example, this
posture of Sailor V's...

I just don't feel the love.

And the line of this leg is lacking
a certain passion.

Are you basically saying we should
make her look more sexy?

Don't be ridiculous! I'm a father!

I would never say such
an indecent thing!

I just have no talent.

Maybe I should quit the
anime industry.

What are you saying, Hiromi?!

I was only kidding!
I won't give up so easily!

Good! That's the Hiromi I know!

All right, let's sprint to the studio!

Oh, wait. Wait!

Oh, wait. Wait!

Juban Bookstore
Oh, wait. Wait!


Excuse me!

What shall I do now?

Studio Dive
X-XO Asabu Juban, OX Ward, Tokyo

Studio Dive
X-XO Asabu Juban, OX Ward, Tokyo
"Studio Dive"? Oh, it has the address.

"Studio Dive"? Oh, it has the address.

What shall I do? I have to go
to cram school now.

I guess I'll return this later.

The stars know everything.

Tying a dream together
in light and shadow,

time is spun and remains in the eye.

The next provider of energy
that the Twins,

the constellation of Gemini,
points to is her.

Castor and Pollux.

It seems the time has come for me
to use my strongest monsters.

Seven Mart

Let's see, for Hiromi... Oh, right!
She likes fried noodles.

It should be around here...

Masato Sanjoin...
That was Nephrite!

It's no good.

I can't depict Sailor V's
love and passion at all!

Oh, darn it!

Kazuko's drawn so much already.

Sailor V!

I didn't know Kazuko was this good!
It's amazing!

Sailor V is so lively,

and her love and passion
are depicted perfectly!

I have to try harder!

I guess I'll have to use this again.

Mommy, please buy this for me!

Thank you for coming to the
XX Department Store.

Wow, pencils for pro animators.

It's a limited item.

We'll also be pro animators
starting this spring.

Wouldn't it be nice to draw main
characters with pencils like these?

Maybe we should buy these!


But, these are incredibly expensive!

That's why we'll buy one together!
Excuse me!

And like this, we'll divide them
into matching pencil boxes.


See? This way, we can both
have half of them.

But these pencils are to commemorate
us becoming pros this spring,

so we'll only use them for
special occasions.


Only when we draw the finest anime

that will never disappoint
the dreams of children!

That's right!

We have to get each other's
permission to untie that ribbon!



It's a promise!

It's a promise.

I made that promise, but...

I've already used quite a bit
without telling Kazuko.

But I kind of get fired up
when I use this.

Besides, I'm going to get left behind
by Kazuko at this rate.

Who are you?!

Pardon me.
You are Miss Hiromi Matsuno, correct?

I'm a fan of yours.

And I really wanted to see
where you worked.

Excuse me...

You can't be here.


Now, I just need to lure those
sailor warriors here.

Nephrite! You're up to something
again, aren't you?!

Sailor Mercury isn't going to
let you have your way!

Well, you've saved me the trouble.

I've prepared my best monsters
just for you guys.

Make sure to train yourself until
the time comes to fight them!




I bought us dinner!

Excuse me!


I found this.

Thank you so much!
This is very important to us.

Oh, Hiromi, you should
thank her, too...


Oh, I'm sorry. She has a lot of work
piled up, so she seems a bit dazed.

That's all right.

Please come and see us again.
That's all right.

Please come and see us again.

You'd be welcome here and
I'd like to thank you properly.

Of course, I'd love to!

I can't believe Hiromi.

What in the world did
Nephrite do in here?
I can't believe Hiromi.

What in the world did
Nephrite do in here?

I have to find out, no matter what!

That isn't like you, Ami.

Trying to take on Nephrite by yourself!

I'm sorry.

That's right! I would've come right
away, if you'd just called me!

I never expected to hear that
coming from you, Usagi.

Well, it's the place where they're
producing the Sailor V anime, right?!

If I got lucky, I might've gotten
a cel from them!

She is such a groupie.

Okay. Then let's all go to
Studio Dive after school.

After all, we have to find out
why Nephrite was there.

Yes! Of course!

We can't just ignore it, since
Nephrite showed up there!


Hiromi, did you draw all those
in just one night?

Hiromi, did you draw all those
in just one night?

This is nothing.


I'll be using this room by myself today.

That's fine, but...


Sailor V
Opening Soon

Sailor V
Opening Soon

Kazuko will never be better
than me again,

as long as I have this pencil.

An anime studio?

Anime is for kids, right?
I have no interest in going there.

Then, you're not going?

Oh, no! It's so late already.


I'm sorry.

Well, it can't be helped.

Juban Municipal Junior High School
Well, it can't be helped.

Juban Municipal Junior High School
You're late!

You're late!



What have you been doing
all this time?!

Someone was kept behind
to do some studying.

But earlier, you said you
weren't interested...

Well, we can't just ignore it if Nephrite
showed up there, right?!

That line sounds familiar.

Anyway, let's hurry!

What are you going to do with
so many sheets of velum?

Juban Municipal Junior High School

Juban Municipal Junior High School
Oh, no, my friends
asked me to get autographs...

Juban Municipal Junior High School
You're a liar! You want to get those
autographs for yourself, don't you?!

You're a liar! You want to get those
autographs for yourself, don't you?!

Rei, we're going to be in the
th grade next year.


Nothing, that's all I wanted to say.

Is she trying to pick a fight with me?

My! You seem quite composed.

You again.

I wonder, is your plan
going well this time?

Everything is proceeding nicely.

Really? You seem extremely confident.

I shall see how well you do.

Wow! She's so cool!

So, this is Sailor V!

I'm sorry for really taking you
up on your offer to visit.
So, this is Sailor V!

I'm sorry for really taking you
up on your offer to visit.

I'm sorry for really taking you
up on your offer to visit.
Hey, don't you think
Sailor V looks like me?

It's okay, please make
yourself at home.
Hey, don't you think
Sailor V looks like me?

It's okay, please make
yourself at home.
What?! Something must be
wrong with your eyes!

There's something I'd like to ask you.
What?! Something must be
wrong with your eyes!

There's something I'd like to ask you.
What did you say?!
Take a good look at these legs!

Go right ahead, ask me anything.
What did you say?!
Take a good look at these legs!

Go right ahead, ask me anything.

Has anything unusual
happened here recently?


She's so cool!

Shut up!
She's so cool!

Shut up!


Everyone is still working!
Why don't you keep it down a little?!

Company Precept
Due to the noise, keep private
conversations under seconds.

Company Precept
Due to the noise, keep private
conversations under seconds.
You're so loud, I can't stand it!

We're sorry!

Hiromi! How could you say that?!

They're here because
they like our work!

Baloney! They just want
autographs and cel art!

That's not what these girls
have in mind!

Studio Chibili

Hello, this is Studio Dive. Yes.
Please wait for a moment.

Anyway, don't let outsiders in here!
Hello, this is Studio Dive. Yes.
Please wait for a moment.

Miss Hiromi, it's from the director.


Oh, Hiromi?

I just saw your work over here.
They're just amazing!

Keep up the good work for
the last scene, too!

This is perfect.


Director, in the last scene,
Sailor V will be k*lled!


That's the kind of thrilling story that
children want these days.

Hey, wait a second!

Hello?! Hello?!

Hello?! Hello?!

Hiromi, are you serious about
what you just said?

I'm serious, Kazuko. The director
asked me to do the last scene.

So, it's up to me how I want to do it.

Hiromi, what's going on?

You know everyone has to work
together to create an anime!

That's what you always used to say!
"Making anime is about teamwork!"

I understand how you feel.

But it's just an anime.
Teamwork is pointless!


I feel the aura of a monster.

I feel the aura of a monster.


This is a waste of time!

Hiromi, where are you going?!

Hiromi, what's wrong?!
Hiromi, where are you going?!

Hiromi, what's wrong?!

Wait! Let me handle this!

Hiromi! Hiromi!

Miss Hiromi!

She's on the roof!




you think I have no talent, don't you?


You're so uppity, just because you
have a little more talent than me!

But, I'll be better than you
from now on!

As long as I have this pencil!

That pencil...

The energy level has peaked!

Go! Castor! Pollux!


Everyone, transform!


Moon Prism Power!

Mercury Power!

Mars Power!


The strongest monsters?

That's right.
Those two monsters are like twins,

bound together by a strong friendship.

And that power is several levels
greater than the sailor warriors!


They will meet their end today.

How dare you take advantage
of anime, which nurtures
children's dreams

and the passion of a young woman?!

The girls who like anime are mad!

In the name of the moon,

we will punish you!

We shall see

if you can beat us.



We are bound

by a strong friendship!

In other words,

you cannot defeat us!

Go around and around...

How about this?!

Go around one more time...
And how about this?!

Did you see, our teamwork?!

Oh, no...

How come they're using the
same techniques as us?

I'll finish off you guys!

No! That's my job!

No, I will...

No! I will do it!

Back off!

No! You should back off!

This is the end of our friendship!

Just what I wanted!

Now! Their teamwork has broken down!

Okay! We'll show them what
real teamwork is!



In the stormy city

In the stormy city

A mysterious enemy closes in

A mysterious enemy closes in

Moon Tiara
A mysterious enemy closes in

Moon Tiara
Temptation, trickery, betrayal

Temptation, trickery, betrayal

Temptation, trickery, betrayal

Their evil reaches out
in search of prey

Their evil reaches out
in search of prey

Their evil reaches out
in search of prey

Their evil reaches out
in search of prey

Ooh, ooh

They're dreamy pretty boys

Oh, no!
They're dreamy pretty boys

They're dreamy pretty boys

So, what about it?

This is no time to hesitate

We should have valued
This is no time to hesitate

our friendship more!
This is no time to hesitate

our friendship more!

Moon Prism Power Makeup!

We did it!

We did it!
The sailor warriors of love and justice

The sailor warriors of love and justice

The sailor warriors of love and justice

Will punish you in the
name of the moon

Will punish you in the
name of the moon

I enjoyed the show.
Will punish you in the
name of the moon

Will punish you in the
name of the moon

We're in a bad mood today

Those sailor warriors are
better than I had thought!
We're in a bad mood today

We're in a bad mood today

Come on. Cheer up, Hiromi!
We're scary if you get too close

Kazuko, the truth is, those pencils...
We're scary if you get too close

Kazuko, the truth is, those pencils...

Kazuko, the truth is, those pencils...
If all our hearts

Come together, love will win

Hiromi, there's something
I've been hiding from you.
Come together, love will win

Hiromi, there's something
I've been hiding from you.
Bubble Spray

Begone, evil spirit


Moon Tiara Action

Moon Tiara Action

That's your...
Moon Tiara Action

Moon Tiara Action

If you make fun of girls

I'm sorry for breaking our promise.
If you make fun of girls

I was frustrated because you always
did such a great job,
We won't forgive you

I was frustrated because you always
did such a great job,

so I used these to motivate myself.

You, too?

I felt like I would get left behind,
if I didn't do anything about it.

But that's how I felt!

Say, Hiromi...

I think in the end, it wasn't wrong
of us to use these pencils.

Because everything we create
should be anime

that doesn't disappoint
the children's dreams!

Kazuko. You're right!

Then let's make a promise!

Then let's make a promise!
If you make fun of girls

Let us continue to work hard,
If you make fun of girls

We won't forgive you

so we never disappoint
the children's dreams!

Looks like the finished Sailor V anime
will be something to look forward to!


It's a promise?

It's a promise.

In my dream, you and I were together

Protected by the stars

When we were friends,
it didn't bother us

And we casually talked to each other

But there was a moment when
I noticed only you

I want to become prettier
right here and now

Something changes when
you fall in love

I close my eyes and check
to make sure

I want to convey the thrill I felt
when we held each other
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