03x18 - An Angry Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x18 - An Angry Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[Typewriter clacking]

[Telephone rings]

Yeah, what?

I woke you?

Oh, ms. Tibbs.
No, you didn't
do that.

Somebody else did
it about an hour
and a half ago.

Virgil says hello
from new orleans
and I've got a favor to ask.

Do you remember me
telling you about
those two little kids?

Yeah, I sure do.

Could you send someone
out to corryville road?

To check on
the kids?

No, they live in town,
so they can attend the school

But their mother
still lives out there.

She didn't
come to work today.

I'm hoping she's o.k.

Well, hasn't she got
a phone out there?

Last time I was there,
they barely had a roof.

Oh, well, uh... Yeah.

I'll send somebody
out there to check.

O.k., Thanks.


Honey, can you tell me
where mrs. Maffey lives?

Yonder ways,
where you see
the live oak.

Thank you.

Man: listen to me,
will you?

Woman: I don't want to listen
to no more lies!

Man: let me explain!

Woman: I won't listen
to lies.

I know where you
get your money from.

Man: somebody's
outside the house.

Woman: I want that money.

Man: shut up.
A cop's outside.

That woman's gonna
be the death of him

Who are you? Officer sweet,


What sweet is that?

That's willson sweet,
mildred's son.

Althea tibbs went to
the school lunchroom
to talk to you...

I didn't break
any rules lately.

I didn't take
no milk or food
or nothing.

Mildred sweet died.

Louis sweet
died before her...

Or after.

Papa, be still.

I couldn't
get to work
this morning

'Cause my car
wouldn't go.

Papa heard somebody
messing with it
last night.

Yeah, messing with it.

I come out
and run them off.

I got no phone.
I couldn't get help.

I--i see a tow truck
right there.

That's my husband
carl's truck.

[Door opens]

Carl was passing by
and got my car started.

I just put
another battery in.

Carl's a good man.

He good with cars.

Not good at paying
child support,

But he good with cars.

But that's
gonna change,
ain't it, carl?

I mean,
it better change.

I'm visiting my kids.

They live
with my sister.

Then I'll go
to the school.

Tell ms. Tibbs
what happened.

And you remember
what I told you,
mr. Cool turkey.

And I just ain't fooling.

Hear me?

I mean,
I ain't fooling at all.

Your wife's lucky
you came home.

Yeah. Well, this ain't
home nowadays,

If you know what I mean.

But I work
out this way.

Kanadi's shop is about
a mile toward corryville.

Mind if I give you
some friendly advice?


Driving with
a half-drunk

Bottle of booze
on the seat
is not cool.


You're right, and...

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

Later, pop.
You take care.

Louis sweet died.

Then... Then mildred died.

That's how it went.

Louis--your father--
was named after
his grandfather.

Grandfather was a big man
at the sewing company.

Bought himself
a packard car.

Made the white men
so mad,

They smashed it up.

Made them
so mad they...

They shot him.

Yes, sir.
They sure did.

I'm back in the pickup,
you got me?

Yeah, I got you.


Go now.

I'm gone.

Louis--your father--
was a gentle man,

Because your mother
was a kindly woman.

An angry woman
make a man hard...

Turn a man to drink.


Don't! No!

Sir, there's a lady
still in it.

Get out of there.

One woman alone.
There were
no children in back?

No, they live in town
with her sister.

Wait a minute.

Y'all are not
talking about
eva maffey, are you?

Yes, sir.
She was k*lled.

Oh, god almighty.

Did you know this woman?

No, but she works
at ms. Tibbs' school--

In the lunchroom.

She had some trouble
out there.

Ms. Tibbs was
taking an interest
in the kids.

Oh, lord, how I hate
having to tell her this.

Big truck did it.
It went that way.

Did you see
the driver?


Yeah, I saw
a big truck, too.

But it was
going the other way,

Away from town.

That's it?

That's all
you can tell me?

Well, it's a hit-and-run.

That's all we know.

According to sweet,

He, uh...

He couldn't get
close enough
to look at her...

Because of the car,
you know, the burning.

Oh, my god.

Those poor little kids.

Uh, yeah,
this is mayhan.
There's, uh...

Hey, did you
find something?

Did you see the truck?

Sitting on the road
where I live.

Where is that road?

Back apiece.

Was the driver
black or white?

He was white.

Mind if
I keep this?

No.thank you.

I saw that truck.

It was a big
diesel, gray,

Hauling a 40-foot trailer.

Didn't bubba used to
drive them big rigs?

That's right.

Maybe he knows
somebody in town
that's using one.

Sweet, you there?

Yeah, sweet.

Ms. Tibbs
took it hard.

Anything I can do, chief?

Yeah. She's on
her way to see
the maffey kids.

They're on
peach blossom lane
in the bottoms.

Now, you get
right over there.

Peach blossom
is not exactly

A premium

Woman: I got
something for you.

Here. For you,
and for you.

Now go on, hurry up.

Their mother brought them
their lunch every day.

Today she didn't,
and they wanted
to know why.

And I couldn't
tell them.

I just couldn't.

I gotta go, reba.

I'll see you later.

You shouldn't leave
your doors unlocked.

Why? Afraid someone
might steal it?

So? What am I
doing with it?

Uh, may I ask...

What was mrs. Maffey's
problem at the school?

Pilfering food for them.

I gotta go.

Marge, pick up line four.

Okay, let's
take a look.

Is it rebuilt? Nah...

Hey, carl!
Police officer here.

Got some bad news.

Sir, it's about
your wife.

I'm sorry to have
to tell you this.

She was hit by
a truck on her
way to sparta.

The car was totaled.
It's just all burned out.

She just
didn't make it.



Why don't you have him
call the station
in the morning?

We can tell him when
he can bury his wife.

Can't trust him.

Shouldn't go
near the cops.

He'll fall apart.

Just a minute,
just a minute.

Go ahead.

There's no visual
identification possible
here at all.

The accident
report should say

That this woman was
in no way at fault,

So you see to that.

Is there some kind
of problem?

I don't want insurance

Or any other kind
of compensation

Delayed by quibbling.

There's two
little children
need support here.

Yes, sir.

Inhalation therapist to e.r.,
Inhalation therapist to e.r.

That's enough
for me today.

I'm hurting in
places I don't
wanna hurt.

I can't cure
aches and pains,

But I can
make you forget
them for a while.


What? You're wanted.

Uh-uh, not me.yes, siree.

No, no, no,
not today.

Today, and in
about 20 minutes.

Hon, this
won't take long.

I just gotta,
you know...

What are you
looking at?

Uh, may I ask
why I've been
dragged in here

On my one day off?

Yeah, you may ask
anything you want,

Now that you've come
down off that horse.

Tell him, jamison.

Bubba, we're trying
to find out

What kind of truck
lost these.

Oh, this is real good.

You take me away
from a beautiful woman

To identify a piece
of kenworth diesel?

Hmm, that's what we did,
all right.

Who in town runs
trucks like this?

Nobody here,
but they come through
now and then.

Why would one be
on old corryville road?

They wouldn't.
Who was driving?

Some white guy.

That is peculiar.
What's going
on here, huh?

A woman was k*lled.

first degree.

Truck did it.

Check diesel service
stations there
and, uh...

Ask if anybody saw
an out-of-state rig

Like the one
we're looking for,

Who was driving it,

What they was
hauling and all.

Yes, sir.



We're looking for
a 40-foot kenworth

With a smashed
front headlight.

Let the state police

Yes, sir.

You know, I was
kind of surprised

About ms. Tibbs'
reaction to this
maffey thing.

I mean...

She acted
as though, uh...

Those two little kids
might be related to her.

In her mind,
they are, chief.

They are.

We didn't give them
enough for good

Well, I didn't think so.

Well, that's about it,

Except I should give you
one final piece of advice.

If you want
a peaceful life--

fairly good pay--

Join the department
of parks.

Because police work
here in sparta is...

It's necessary,
it's honorable,

It's highly respected,

And it's
extremely disgusting.

Because there
isn't a lowdown crime,

Hatched out of
the head of man,

That hasn't been done
right here

In this pretty little
part of creation.

And there isn't one
that won't happen again.

Only two men
in this department

Haven't been injured
or wounded.

And in my time as chief,
two of them been k*lled.

So, I guess that's it.

I've approved
your applications,

And when
the police academy

Tells us that they
have room up there,

We'll send y'all up there
for 12 weeks

And see how it works out.

Thank you.

Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.

Good evening
to you.

Excuse me, chief.
Lieutenant skinner
called in.

Nothing yet.

O.k., Thank you.

What did you
think of those
two young people?

I didn't have
a chance to form
an opinion.

Why not?

Didn't hear them
say nothing.

Only one talking
was you.

Were the candidates
listening respectfully?

Yes, sir,
I'd say they were--

Most respectfully.

Well, then, I'd say
that they were
excellent prospects.

Now I'm going home.

I don't want to hear
a policeman's voice again

Till I walk back in here
tomorrow morning.

Any serious
outbreak of crime,

You report to
lieutenant skinner.

Yes, sir.

Listen, chief...

We're gonna have to
get more on that truck.

How you
gonna do that?

In the morning,
when I got good light,

I could
nose around roads
leading to corryville.

Yeah, do that,
talk to people.

Find out
anything you can

From anybody at all--

Besides those two
scared little kids.

And take peake
out there with you.

Those people feel
more comfortable
seeing a black cop.

Yes, sir.

Lord, help us.

[Knock on door]

Oh, hi, sweet.

You've got 10 minutes
to clean up, and then
mangiare le paste.

Why are you
still in uniform?

It's my dinner break.
I gotta eat and run.

Evening, sweet. Evening, miss delong.

Sweet, I was a little
rude to you today.

I was thinking
I was the only one
affected by that sadness.

Forgive me?

Nothing to forgive.
I understand.


I wish we could
get mr. Halwell
out of there.

He shouldn't be
out in the country
by himself.

Where are we
gonna move him?

Do you think he could
be another guest

At his daughter
reba's townhouse?

I did call
county welfare.

They're gonna
get a hold of
carl maffey

And suggest
he take charge
of this situation--

Especially those children.

I was thinking
of another plan.

Actually, I was
thinking of those kids.

Carl maffey's not gonna
take care of his kids.

He can be forced to.

Oh, sure like to see that.

Carl maffey
being forced to
do what he should?

There are some men
who simply do not
comprehend responsibility.

[Rock music plays]

Hi, carl.

Hey, what the...

No, man!



Just came in.

Thank you.

At least it's
on my way home.

Luanne, why don't you
get in a car and follow?

The chief wants you
to get out more.

What is it?

Couple guys yelling
bloody m*rder
on dolores street.

Four diesels fuel here
on contract--

Three gm, one white,
but no kenworth.

If one comes
through with
a busted headlight,

You let me know.

What about kanadi's?

What about them?

They repair trucks.

Just a thought.

Yeah, thank you.
Thank you.

I can do for you?

You new here?


Where's the tractor end
of that rig there?

I don't know.

Kanadi can tell you.

Where you staying?

Right here.

And your name is?


Claude dews.

Well, claude...

I'll be back.

Call forensics?


[Siren wailing]

I've got the living room
covered, uh...

Got about five
or six s*ab wounds here.

They don't
look as though
they were made

By a kitchen knife.

No, sir.
These holes were made

By a real
sticker knife.


Good evening, ma'am.

Chief, this here's
miss devin.

She lives next door.

She phoned in when
she heard the fighting.


How long
has this man been
a neighbor of yours?

No more than a month.

First black person
ever on the street.

Is that what
this is all about?

That's out of
another time, chief.

Well, now
two little kids
have no parents.

I beg your pardon?

Well, this man's wife
was k*lled this morning.

Oh, lord.

Luann: chief?


Excuse me.

Found a couple of things.

Life insurance on eva,

Owner of the policy--
carl maffey.

Well, naturally,
her husband.

These keys were hanging
on carl maffey's belt.

It's got a kanadi
key ring on it.

Wonder why these keys
are tagged "paint shed"?

wrong with that?

They haven't got a paint
shed over at kanadi's.


Now, where were
these keys made?

They're all stamped
"ern's hardware."


I wonder where
in this town

We would find a door
to a paint shed...

That had a lock on it

That could be opened
and closed

With these two
funny-looking keys?

Well, we can start
by seeing a man
at ern's hardware.

we do have samples
of the carpeting?

Man 2:
okay, good enough.

Well, what do we got?

We had
a big five-axle
parked right here.

This has gotta
be the truck.

Question is,
where is it now?

Bubba and I saw
half of it.

Where did you see it?

Over at kanadi's place.

See if it's there.

Get together with bubba--

Make sure you saw
the same truck.

Yes, sir.

Parker, find bubba,
will you?

What's a funera?


It's for dead people--

When they put dead
people in the ground,

Like mama's mom.

And mama, too?

Yeah, now mama, too.

Well, it's the way
we gather together
and say goodbye.

And someday,
a long, long time from now,

Our friends will gather
for us.

Yeah, god says when.

God knows when.

Does god do it
to you?


God gives us
plenty of time.

If we go too soon,
it's because we do it.

Or we let it be done.

Or we don't do
what we should do.

It's hard to know.

It's everywhere,
ms. Tibbs,

Not just here.

So many places...

So many kids.

I just think
if my mother
hadn't found me...

I mean...

Looking at those kids
in there...

I was looking at myself.

What do you do?
Where do you start?

You do what you can.

You start where you are.


You know
that funny key
to that funny lock?


We found where
they belong.

Lieutenant skinner's
going there now.

We'll go right out there.

We'll go right out there.

Hey, chief!

Yeah, bubba?

No doubt
about it now.

Let me show you
something else
over here.

Look here.

louisiana, texas.

I bet you
there's 35 more
in there.

They've been stealing
this from all over

And bringing them here

For kanadi to do
his alterations.

This is
some business.

Oh, yeah, it is.

There's probably
$175,000 worth of stuff

In here right now.

They do that turnover,
say, twice a month,

Kanadi keeps his 35%.

We're talking
big bucks here.

[Truck approaches]

You there, we here.


Get on out
of that truck
real slow.

The trailer's at kanadi's.

Together with that truck,
we got our m*rder evidence.

Maffey said nothing
when you told him
about his wife?

No, he just
looked cut up.

What about jake kanadi?

Didn't he say
one word about
what happened?

Nope, but I believe
kanadi would
k*ll someone.

I'm telling you he did.

I think he worked
that whole thing out--

How to k*ll eva
with that truck.

Get carl
double indemnity


She knew what
they were doing.

She knew carl was making
lots of money.

He had expensive stuff,

Stuff we
couldn't afford.

I heard eva
thr*aten him.

She probably
demanded more money,

Or she would blow
the whistle.

I bet that boy
claude dews drove
that truck.

Claude's my choice, too.

Carl maffey
went up there that night,

Shorted out the battery
in eva's car.

Next day, he just
happens to come by

He puts in a new battery

So she's sure to be
driving into town

When it's all set up
to k*ll her.

When it's all set up.

But how
did they time it?

I'll tell you
what it was--

That walkie-talkie
in carl's truck.

Excuse me, chief.

County welfare just called
and wanted me to tell you

Reverend claude lewis maffey
is in town

To bury carl and eva maffey.

And he's taking
the maffey kids home.


Well, thank you.

We're all going out
to kanadi's.

You all know
how I hate
chasing a fellah

Either on wheels,
or on foot.

And you know I hate
filling a fellah
full of b*ll*ts

When I wanna
have a revealing
conversation with him.

So, let's do this thing
exactly my way, hmm?

Let's go.

Yeah, you under arrest,

Vehicle theft,

Illegal conversion
of state licenses,

Criminal conspiracy,
and, oh, yeah, m*rder.

We're taking charge
of your premises

For purposes
of investigation.

Where's your employee
claude dews?

I don't know.

Where claude dews?

You can make
your statement,

But we'll use it
against you in court.

Your charges are ridiculous.
That's my statement.


Open all the drawers
of all the desks
and the files.

Put everything
on the counter.

Officer corbin
will help you do it.

And officer corbin's
gonna answer
the phone

The rest of the day.
You understand me?



Don't use
that w*apon, boy.

Jamison, I want this boy.
Don't you dare k*ll him.


I told you
I'd be back.

You best
behave yourself, now,

Or we'll have to
let you bleed.

Mm-hmm. All right.

Well, yeah,
of course I'm glad.

But in a personal way,

I feel a little troubled.

Althea did have
something in mind.

I'm sure
it's the best solution.

All right. Bye.

I'd say 20,000 minimum.

I can finance that.

Can you take it on?

It's not that
unusual, chief.

Black people do it
all the time--

Helping each other,
taking in other
people's kids.

It's not as though
we don't have agencies.

I know, chief.

And I have a lot to do.

We all have a lot to do.

We all give money
here and there.

We all go to church
and pray for good things.

All that's good,
it really is.

And yet, maybe the county
can do the real work.

Maybe I should
let them do it...

But I can't.

I just can't.

Well, harriet and I
will sit opposite
each other,

And the chief will sit
at the head of the table.

Oh, fine, fine.

After you,
miss delong. Thank you.

I checked that place
out there.

It's got possibilities.

It's got wiring
and plumbing.

Hmm. I remember
when virgil tibbs'
mother had that work done.

And do you know why?

She was going to
take in poor folks.

Does that remind you
of somebody?

Then there was
that big flood
at earl's creek.

And the poor folks
didn't need it anymore,

'Cause they were
all just washed away.

Well, what ms. Tibbs
is thinking...

She's got her own life,
her own responsibilities.

I don't think
she can take that on.

She won't have to--

Carl maffey's brother
is determined
to take those children,

And he has a right to.

Ahh, casserole's ready.



Oh! Sure.


Have you
told her this yet?

No, but I will
after dinner.

She's gonna be
mighty disappointed.

Nothing can be done.

The children have to go
with their own people.


But this is a woman
who wants children
in this house.


Grace, chief?

Oh, yes, of course.


Dear lord,

Bless this food
to our use. Amen.

I'd like to
finish with,

"Suffer the little children
to come unto me."

Now "amen."


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