05x04 - The Temple on Haunted Hill

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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05x04 - The Temple on Haunted Hill

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER Previously on Ninjago:

ANNOUNCER Previously on Ninjago:

WU Your training to become the Master of Water begins now.

Ugh! Why do I have to be good at filling buckets?

I gave him my shares of the tea farm.

Along with all of yours. You what?

KAI We may have lost out on the scroll,

but he thinks there may be another way to learn Airjitzu.

♪ They say go slow ♪

♪ And everything just stands So still ♪

♪ We say Go! Go! ♪

♪ You're gonna see us Rip into it ♪

♪ Just jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja, go! Come on ♪

♪ Come on And do the weekend whip ♪



WU Concentrate. Focus on reversing the flow.

Become the water, Nya. Embrace it.

You can control it.

Become the Water Ninja.



I'm not the Water Ninja.

I'm a samurai.

I'm afraid my friends are in trouble,

and I won't be there to help.

We don't even know for sure if I have the power,

so if everyone is waiting for me to discover

I'm some Water Ninja, maybe we've got a problem.

And maybe we have an even bigger one.

Your first problem is the opening of a tea shop

in the middle of the dry season.

Water's at a premium. Then there's the name.

Steep Wisdom? Ugh. More like steep debt.

I mean, heh, where are the customers?

Who is this strange fellow?

You need to have a name with pizazz.

Like Curiousi-tea!

Or Shake-Your-Boo-tea.

Heh! These are just off the top of my head.

This place is a cluttered mess.

Excuse me, but if you're not a customer,

what are you doing in our shop?

You mean my shop.

Huh? Oh right, they never told you.

Name's Ronan.

And since I'm now effectually the majority shareholder,

I'm your new business partner.

[GASPS] What?

After the ninja lost the Scroll of Who-whatzu

to that Moro dude,

I bailed them out in exchange for

their shares in the tea shop.

Since they destroyed my pawn shop,

I thought it was a fair trade.

Until I saw this sorry place. Ah.

They didn't get the Scroll of Airjitzu?

If they didn't get it,

they'll never be able to follow the clues

to the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Let me go. They need me more than ever.

Relax, the ninja are fine.

I told them another possible way they could get it.

Don't you know in life, there's always second chances.

What do you mean, another way?

What? No one ever told you about Yang's Haunted Temple?


Welcome to Yang's Haunted Temple,

the historical landmark and former home of Sensei Yang,


the notorious sensei without a pupil,

infamous for creating the lost marital art of Airjitzu.


Unfortunately, we can't take our tour groups inside,

for rumors say anyone trapped inside its walls at sunrise,

will be turned into a ghost permanently.


But if you listen closely,

maybe we'll be able to hear

the ghost of Sensei Yang himself,

looking for his lost pupils.

I hope it's not a rumor, for it's our only hope!

Ah, sorry about my loud friend,

he's a little hard of hearing.

Known for his un-- Ahem. --usual teaching methods.

I thought you said you fixed him?

At least he's no longer talking backwards.

I guess my tinkering got his volume level stuck, heh, heh.

At least you can understand me now!

Dating back, ahem,

to the Edo Period...

Well, from now on, only speak

if you have something really important to say.

Who put you in charge? I did.

After you guys mucked it up, it's my turn to be in charge.

And, like me, I like my plans simple.

We sneak in, learn Airjitzu from the Ghost of Sensei Yang,

then get out before sun up.

Since Moro already knows Airjitzu,

we just have to hope he hasn't figured out the next clue.

Well, the sun is setting,

which means we should head back to the bus.

Wouldn't want anyone to turn into a ghost.







COLE Oh... Ah, okay.



The second symbol.

Can any of you decipher it?

There was a reason why I brought you three out.

I can, but you'll need more than Airjitzu to get there.

Are you suggesting, Bansha,

that we'll need to possess a few more vessels?

Ha, ha. Me likes! Me likes to take!

Take now, heh!

Settle down, Ghoul Tar.

Master would want us to be patient.

I think I know where to pick up a few more...toys.



Argh! Relax.

If this place is truly haunted,

we just need to wait until he shows himself.

COLE Ah, he should've been here by now.

You heard the tour guide, if we're not out by sunup,

we'll be ghosts.

You didn't buy into that malarky, did you?

Hey, I don't wanna be a ghost. Who wants to be a ghost?

Why didn't anyone warn us

this place would get so creepy after dark?

Eh, remind me again why we agreed

to put the guy afraid of ghosts in charge?

Listen to this!

Argh! Allow me. Ahem. Whoa.

It says here though many believed

Sensei Yang's unusually strict teachings

drove his pupils away,

others admit to never seeing any of them

leave the temple grounds,

suggesting a more sinister plot.

Ha, ha! How awesome is that?

Not awesome. Not even a little.

Don't believe everything you read.

"Yang was hard on his pupils for a reason,

"for in his words

'As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student.'"

Hm. I wonder what he means by that?




It's him. He's in the clock!

You're the leader. Check it out.




A prank? Really?

Heh, we were just trying to help you relax.

Yeah, heh, you should have heard yourself scream!




Ah. Another prank? Real funny.

Didn't anyone teach you to quit while you're ahead?

Uh, was that you?

Not me. Me either.

[IN UNISON] Cole, wait!

COLE Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very scary.



As if I believe in ghosts.

We didn't do that. Let's go back to the study!

It wasn't us!

Okay, I have to admit, this is pretty good.

How'd you guys get the handle to move all by itself?

Is Nya behind there?

Don't open that door.



Well, that was anti-climactic.

Sensei Yang's dojo.

This is where he must've trained his pupils.

Or got rid of them.

Knock it off, guys.

If that wasn't you behind the rattling door, who was it?

[IN UNISON] The Ghost of Sensei Yang.

YANG As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student.

ALL [IN UNISON] It's the ghost of Sensei Yang!

Uh guys, what does he mean by "sharpen"?

Let's not hang around to find out!

Let's get out of here!




JAY Uh, does this mean he doesn't want to teach us Airjitzu?

Forget Airjitzu, where's the window? This way!


Ah, we're caged in like animals!


Argh! Let's try the front door!

But that's downstairs,

and in case you haven't paid attention,

there's flying weapons trying to slice us!

There's a dumbwaiter!

Hey, watch who you're calling...

Oh, a dumbwaiter.

That can take us down.

JAY [GRUNTING] You said there'd be enough room

for all four of us in here.

ZANE My calculations are always correct!

Ow, my ear.

Well, turn on a light or something,

because I can't see a thing.

As iron sharpens iron...



As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student!



What is it? What's down there?

Oh, wait, don't tell me! I don't wanna know!

We appear to be trapped within some kind of

inter-dimensional ethereal realm!

I told you not to tell me, Zane!

Knowing that just makes things worse!


Thank you for coming back to Steep Wisdom.

Here's a little something extra.

Whoa! We're a business, not a charity.

We're here to make money, not friends.

Thanks and come again. I hope.


I'm not quitting, I'm just taking a break!


You have to get me out of here.

I thought you can't go until your training's done.

Besides, I have a business to run.

If I'm gonna help the ninja, it's gonna be as Samurai X.

Take the bounty.

Oh, I see, that would bring too much attention.

Wu's my partner, I'd never do anything behind his back.

I'll give you a ride after we close.

JAY Ah. All right, so there's no way out of the haunted temple,

but at least all the commotion's d*ed down.

Yeah, we just gotta get through the night together.

Show Yang we're not scared.



It's just a clock. We're not afraid of time,

but we are afraid of not getting outta here in time.

Oh, my gosh, why did we spend the night in a haunted temple?

Everyone, get ahold of yourselves!

Even if my volume wasn't stuck,

I'd still be yelling at this decibel!

Zane's right. What are we doing?

We need to toughen up. We're ninja!

We already missed out on the Airjitzu the first time,

we can't let this opportunity pass.

Uh, guys?

Are paintings supposed to move?

Why would you touch the scary picture, Jay?

I didn't know it would do that, Cole!

Unh! It's locked! Unh!

YANG As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student!

Oh, great, back for round two!

[HYPERVENTILATING] Water. I'm afraid of...water.

We're all gonna drown!


[GASPING] It's all in your head, Kai.

He's trying to scare us out so we don't get Airjitzu.

I don't know, tastes pretty real to me.

Where's Kai?




Well, that wasn't refreshing.

First the haunting, then the water, what's next?

That's it. He is testing us.

Don't you see, Cole's afraid of ghosts,

and Kai's afraid of water.

As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student.

He's making us face our fears.

Which means whatever he throws at us next,

we have to face together.

And this time, no running away.

Or swimming away.

Fine, but time's running out

and if we don't figure out a way of staying in this together,

none of us are gonna get out alive.


RONAN Pretend you didn't see that.

Should be at the Samurai X cave shortly.

Make yourself comfortable.

For someone so desperate for money,

you sure have a lot of it.

Let's just say I owe someone a large debt.

Unless you like awkward pauses, do tell.


I made a few bets in my life,

and if I don't pay off the Soul Archer,

my soul's going to the Cursed Realm.

And you think cashing in on our farm will save your hide?

You're a real gentleman.

Save it, sweetheart.

Unlike you, I don't have a ninja support system.

It's me and me alone, speaking of which...

Who else knows about your secret cave?

No one. It's a secret.

Well, it looks like we're not alone.



NYA Moro's here.

He already knows Airjitzu,

what does he want with the mechs?

Yeah, well the Soul Archer's here too,

so now would be a good time to leave.

If I can't help my friends as the Water Ninja,

I can help them as a samurai.


I've got a bad feeling about this.



NYA Sorry to crash the party,

but this place looks a little dead.

The girl. Get her!




All right, maybe my weapons can't help.



But this can.


Yeah, that's my name. Don't wear it out.

He's conjuring reinforcements!

That I can deal with.


You're gonna blow up your friend?

Oh. Yeah, maybe I didn't think that through.


Destroy them!






We can't fight them all. We gotta leave!

No, they're not taking my suit!

Then I'm taking you!

NYA Let go of me!


Don't let them get away!



Boo. Aah!



Ghoul Tar never let you leave!

Heh, guys, there's gotta be a deal we can strike here, huh?









We have what we came for. Leave 'em.

Rain? In the middle of the dry season?

What luck, right?

That ain't luck, sweetheart.

Face it, Nya. You are the Water Ninja!


All right, no matter what happens, no one can run away.

We're in this together. Ha, ha!

Ain't no thang but a Sensei Yang.

Let's find him and get that Airjitzu.

Just so we're not surprised,

Zane, Jay, what sort of things are you afraid of?

Ah! I think I know what I'm afraid of.


It's Moro! [ALL SCREAM]

Of all the times to have to fight him again.

And he already knows Airjitzu.

We don't stand a chance.

Wait a minute. If we're all afraid of Moro,

this must be the next test.

How are we supposed to save Lloyd

if we don't even have the courage to face him.

He's right. Let's get him.


We weren't fast enough.

There he is!

COLE All right, let's step together.

Three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.

One, two, three. One, two, three.

One, two, three-- Ow!

He went up to the attic.

Ah. Attics.

Definitely near the top of the list

of things I'm afraid of.

JAY He's just standing there. What do we do?

I don't know. But go face him, Jay.

Pfft! You face him!

We'll all face him.


As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student.

You have passed the test.

Then you'll teach us how to do Airjitzu?

Only those who see things through

will reap the benefit of the reward.

That's not the only thing we see through.

Why is it I can see through my hand?


Now you will join my students.

He's not just their mentor, he's their captor.

The new dawn's upon us.

Get out before the clock's last chime, if you can.


ZANE Why did we tie ourselves together?

COLE There's no time to complain, we just have to move!

One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three...



The door! Hurry!


Oh! The scroll!


Ah. My hand. I can see my hand.

We made it!

Ah. But where's Cole?

COLE Don't worry, I got the scroll!


COLE Why are all you looking at me like that?

You didn't make it out in time.

Yeah, Cole, you're a...


I'm a...ghost?



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