05x02 - Ghost Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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05x02 - Ghost Story

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER Previously on Ninjago:

ANNOUNCER Previously on Ninjago:

There's a break-in at the museum.

MORO Think you can hurt a ghost? I can possess anything!


WU That's not Lloyd. KAI Give us back our friend.

WU A secret message engraved on the staff.

Who was that? Moro.

The Master of Wind.

♪ They say go slow ♪

♪ And everything just stands So still ♪

♪ We say Go! Go! ♪

♪ You're gonna see us Rip into it ♪

♪ Just jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja, go! Come on ♪

♪ Come on And do the weekend whip ♪



Take positions.


Ah, I give you this much. That Ninja never quits.


Port side!

The cannons.

Aah! Let me get this straight.

You're just telling us now that you had another pupil before us,

and now his cursed spirit has possessed Lloyd,

all so that he can take your staff?

Moro won't stop until he gets what he's after.

There's a secret message engraved on it.

All these years, I had no idea.

Of course. Ha, just another day in Ninjago.

If this is as fast as the Bounty goes,

I think we're in for some serious trouble.


I need ink and parchment

to make an imprint to see what's on the staff.

Kai and I will take you to our quarters,

while Jay and Cole will keep him busy.

Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us.

Yeah, we didn't fare so hot last time.

Why is it you get off with the easy task?

Because I'm the intelligent one.

Ah, let's take this guy.


Why am I steering the ship?

There's a reason auto-pilot was invented.


Oh, great.



Oh, that's not good.



Our quarters aren't much further.

Go, Sensei. Kai and I will hold him back.

Aah! We'll crash if we don't stabilize the Bounty.

Ugh. Come on, pull up. Pull up!



Your team will fall apart without its green leader.

Ah, I'll lead them.

And make sure you go down if it's the last thing I do.

Sensei says you won't give up. Well, neither will I!



Ah! Are you aiming for that mountain?

Trying to rise above it.

Ugh, a little help.






I'm coming, Kai.




You want the staff? Take it!


Got you.


Primary thrusters destabilized, better hold on.




KAI Okay, let's never do that again.

Ah, just think, if Sensei hadn't gotten rid of the staff,

it could've been worse.

Yeah, but now we don't know the message.

Not exactly. I managed to make an imprint.


But what does it all mean? WU My father told me

long ago that he would leave a message,

leading me to his final resting place.

After he passed, I looked everywhere for it,

not knowing it was in my hand all this time.

You mean to tell us-- WU Yes.

These symbols will lead us

to the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Only problem is,

I haven't the foggiest idea what any of them mean.

Well, if Moro is trying to find the Tomb,

we gotta find it first.

Hey, maybe Misako can help decipher the clues

since she's a total history buff.

Pixal, release the falcon and give her our location.

WU Good, then we set up camp.


Care to hear a ghost story?

If it means saving Lloyd, of course.

Moro may have been my first pupil,

but he was also my greatest regret.


WU Before he was a cursed spirit,

it wasn't I who found him...

...but he who found me.

My brother had just gone off to train under Master Chen,

which gave me time to attempt my hand at teaching.

Moro was the perfect student.


He did everything that was ever asked of him.


Get up.

WU I had shown him things he had never seen.


And he showed me a few things too.

He had a power over the wind I had never seen.

He was a descendant of an elemental master.

It was then I thought I had found the One.

Perhaps he would wear green.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up.

You're saying Moro, the Master of Wind,

was gonna be the Green Ninja?


Uh, did that just happen?

Maybe I don't like ghost stories.

What happened next, Sensei?

After I told him he could be the Green Ninja,

there was a hunger, unmatched.


Get up. Get up. WU Enough.

But Sensei, if I'm to be the Green Ninja,

I need greater tests.

I said, enough!

WU There was an arrogance in him.

I feared I had made a terrible mistake.

But it wasn't for me to decide. It was destiny.

When the Golden Weapons didn't respond

like they did for Lloyd later,

I knew Moro wouldn't become the chosen one.

I'll train more.

Learn more lessons.

I'm sorry, destiny has spoken.

Then I refuse to listen.

I am the Green Ninja! You made me believe!

WU He became obsessed to prove me wrong.

To prove destiny wrong.


He became reckless. He thought he was invincible.



You see, Sensei?

It was destiny for you to save me.

I can still be the Green Ninja.

WU I knew right there and then,

I could not teach those who would not listen.

He told me he would find my father's tomb

to prove he was worthy.

I told him it could not be found.

My father had left no message.

I left the gate open in hopes he'd return.

But he never came back.

I am saddened he was banished to the Cursed Realm.

But what worries me more

is that he escaped, and for what reason?

To save Lloyd and return your powers,

you must find the tomb before he does.

Or else. Or else what?

Unspeakable power will curse us all.

Heh, just another day in Ninjago, am I right?

This is different. Lloyd is at stake.

But how can we compete against the Green Ninja?

He's more powerful than all four of us combined.

That was before we lost our powers.

But it's like Sensei said.

Our real power doesn't come from our hands,

it comes from inside here.

This is Lloyd we're talking about.

This is one mission we cannot fail.



Thirsty? Insatiable.

Ah, it's been a while.

Oh, of course.

MAN You're a bit young for a place like this, ain't you?

MAN Wrong place to come if you ain't got friends,

if you know what I mean.

Oh, I have friends.



Ah, you know where you're going?

Heh-heh-heh, I do now.

But make sure no one else tries to stop me.

Hmm. It'd be my pleasure.

Nice ride.

Take one of your own.




Don't worry, big sh*t,

I'll watch over you from now on.


No! Ah.

Hmm. Ugh. Ugh.


Misako got our message, and you made breakfast.

Good. I'm starving.

We put your plate down over there.


As far as I knew, the Tomb was only a fable,

until I saw what's on the staff.

Does she know what the symbol means?

Not the last two yet, but get this,

the first symbol means Airjitzu. Airjitzu?

A lost martial art created by Sensei Yang,

who passed years ago. If mastered,

it allows one to temporarily take flight.

You hear that, Kai? We get to fly!

You haven't found it yet.

The Scroll of Airjitzu is well guarded

in the ancient Library of Domu.

Forgive me if I speak out of turn,

but my records reveal it was recently stolen.

Aah! By who? Ah, let me guess. Ronan.

Who's Ronan?

Let's just say, he's not a friend.

But this is good news.

Uh, how so?

Argh, 'cause if Moro doesn't know this,

he'll be heading to the library.

And Ronan's most likely holed up in the village of Stiix,

which gives us a head start. WU Then it's set,

the Ninja will head to Stiix.

We three will head back to the Tea Shop

and start deciphering the next clues.

But Lloyd's my friend too.

The Ninja will need my help to--

I'm sorry, Nya. You're sitting this one out.

There's too much to be done here.

Uh, okay. Stand still.



Don't worry, Sis.

With me in charge, this scroll will be ours in no time.

'Cause time flies when you know Airjitzu.

Get it? Ha, ha!

Be careful, Ninja,

for the path we seek is never a straight line.

Rely on each other to guide your way.

Hyah! Ha-ha-ha!


Wait up! I'm supposed to be leading here!



Aargh! Sensei Yang's scroll. Where is it?

Oh, yes.

Sensei Yang will be sorely missed.

His teachings will always--

Where's the Scroll of Airjitzu?

It was s-stolen... a few days ago

by that thief they call... R-R-Ronan.


Uh, excuse me.

Uh, could we get your autograph?


You're the Green Ninja, right?

Mind if we all get a selfie with you?



JAY, COLE & ZANE ♪ , bottles of tea On the wall ♪

♪ , bottles of tea ♪

♪ You take one down And pass it around-- ♪

Enough! I'm really thirsty,

so we don't need to keep singing about tea.

Ho, ho! Someone should've had their breakfast.

Argh. We've been following the sun for hours.

We should've arrived at Stiix already.

ZANE But Stiix is on the eastern coast.

We should be riding away from the sun.

Why are you just telling us now?

Because Kai wanted to lead.

COLE Great, we're officially lost!

You know, we had a leg up, but no.

Kai wanted to lead.

I swear, my gut says we should be following the sun.

Ha, you're arguing with a nindroid.

He's a walking computer.

Why is it when Lloyd's gone, we look to Kai?

We should really be following Zane.

You know, he is the most logical choice.

Well, I still think it's that way,

and when I learn Airjitzu first, we'll see who's right. Argh.

Hey. No! This way. Ugh!


Aah! Fine, we'll follow Zane.

He's already found something. Let's go.

Train tracks.

They lead straight to Stiix.

Hey, you hear that, Kai?

They to lead to Stiix.

We follow Zane and look what happens.

But Sensei said the path we seek

is never a straight line.

He also said rely on each other to guide.

Yeah, Kai. Pfft.

JAY, COLE & ZANE ♪ , bottles of tea On the wall ♪

♪ , bottles of tea ♪

♪ You take one down... ♪


Who needs to go on a epic quest,

when my services are best needed here.

You need to tell her.

She's not ready.

And you waited this long to tell them about Moro,

and how did that go? Nya, dear,

we didn't exactly hold you back to care for the shop.

Really? Then why?

Ah, um, there's something I haven't told you

about your parents. Ah, you can save it.

Kai already told me that Chen dangled that carrot too.

We looked into it,

and we know our father used to be a Master of Fire.

Not exactly mind-shattering.

But did you know your mother was the Master of Water?

I... I didn't know that.

You mean-- Yes.

As Kai took on the traits of your father

to become a Fire Ninja,

for the sake of saving Ninjago,

you must train to become the Master of Water.



Huh. You're right. She wasn't ready.

ALL ♪ ...it around, no more bottles Of tea on the wall ♪


That was enjoyable. Let's do it again.

ALL No! Ha, ha.

Uh, I wish Lloyd was here for that.

So do I. But we'll find the tomb.

And then we'll save him.

I wonder why the tomb's so important?

I don't know. Sensei says it holds unspeakable power.

It's the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Whatever secret it holds, it must be protected.

ZANE Let's take a break here.



Uh, did you hear that?

JAY Yeah, I did, but... we're in the middle of nowhere.


I don't know, but be on guard.


JAY What is that?


COLE Watch out!

My shurikens. They went right through him.

Because he's a ghost!

KAI Moro must have summoned some friends.

We're sitting ducks out in the open.

We need to take shelter. Watch out.

Oh, God, he's coming for another pass!

COLE There is no shelter!


He turned my wolloper into a ghost.

No one turns my wolloper into a ghost!

Ugh, get outta here. Hyah! Hyah!

Where did he go? I can't see him.

ZANE Stay together. If our weapons do nothing,

How are we supposed to fight a ghost?

KAI Good question.

There he is! Watch out!

Ugh. Huh? That's not good.


I'm okay, everyone! I'm okay.

He's gonna pick us off one by one, isn't he?

There's nothing we can do.

KAI He's underground. Aah!

Stand back.




Ha, ha. Now that's how you stop a ghost.



You think a train can stop a ghost?

Your world will pay when Moro finds the tomb.

And when he does,

he will take possession of the...

What, uh, what just happened?

He went... ka-blooey.

Yeah, but he was just gonna tell us what was in the tomb.

Couldn't it have waited another second?

We may not know what's in the tomb,

but we do know one thing, how to stop a ghost.

ALL Water?

Unusual. I guess it's true.

The path we seek is never a straight line.

Uh, speaking of straight lines,

if that train's heading to Stiix,

wouldn't it be faster if we...

ALL Hey! Wait for us! Slow down! Slow down!

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