01x08 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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01x08 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR Previously on Ninjago

NARRATOR Previously on Ninjago

Behold, the locations of the four silver Fangblades!

KAI What's happening to him?

COLE Zane's unlocked his potential.

If you're going for Lloyd, you'll never do it alone.

WU I'm going to find someone who can be of aid.

GARMADON Hello, brother.

What took you so long? Ha-ha-ha!

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ And then I'll jump back Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪



Some villagers unearthed the remains of this Fangpyre

a few miles away.

It predates the Golden Age,

and must be hundreds of years old.

Although the venom in the fangs of the Fangpyre

genetically mutate human cells into reptilian,

I've learned there could be a way to stop the effects

without having to create an antivenom.

If one is able to wildly raise their heart rate,

hypothetically it could reverse the venom's effects.

Resulting in... [SIGHS]

...diminished, uh--

Excuse me, is someone wearing perfume?

I'm severely allergic to perfume.

Heh. You told me it was men's cologne.

Eh, I get them mixed up.



Ah, looks like class is over.

Time to start stomping some Serpentine

before they find any Fangblades.

Sounds like a plan. I'm excited to join.


Uh, hey, Nya, I'm sorry.

The reason I was-- You know-- I went to Kai because--

Look, what I'm trying to say is--

I know. It's just a cruel joke.

I should be fine. Please, go fight snakes.

No, no, no. I was trying to impress you.

Before sensei left, he said our heart was the key

to unlocking our true potential.

Impress me? But I look so...


Look, maybe, if you'll let me,

I can take you to some big fancy restaurant.

You don't have to, if you don't want to...

You mean, like a date?

Um, yeah?

Sure! I'd love to.

But I have to go now before the perfume toxins

enter my bloodstream and I go into shock.

See you tonight.

Yes! Ha-ha!


Ouch! Aah!






GARMADON Hello, brother.

What took you so long?

You brought the katana from our youth.

Funny, you never had the courage to cross the temple wall,

yet now you have the courage to come here.

Why have you come to this place of darkness?

A place as wicked as me?

Don't you see? Here I feel at home.

Back in Ninjago,

I was physically unable to hold all four Spinjitzu weapons.

But here, dark magic has made me stronger,

and what was once impossible is now possible.

You came here only to possess the weapons of Spinjitzu?

Yes, brother, and I refuse to allow you

or your petty ninja to stop me!





Brother, I've not come here to--

You will pay for your visit.

Mud monsters, converge!

You don't belong here, old fool.

You should've known better than to try to stop me.


I didn't come to stop you.

I came to warn you. To tell you--


Your son's in danger. Aah!




What has Lloyd gotten himself into?

He has opened a can of worms

I fear I will never be able to close.

You mean, we will never be able to close.

Get up. You can tell me more later.

First, we need to return home.

How did you find me?

Traveler's tea.

But I used it all and now have no way back.

There is only one way to return to Ninjago.

But to get there,

we must pass through the Mountain of Madness,

and it is a long and dangerous road ahead.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

We should leave. Before it really gets dark.





This is it, Pythor.

The map leads us here.

The first Fangblade.


Maybe it's better to wait until dark,

so we don't attract any unwanted attention

from the ninja or Samurai?

Oh, I have a feeling we'll fit right in.

[BOY SCREAMS] Hey, don't go.

Excuse me. Would you mind if my family

takes a picture with you?

Your costume is so authentic.

Of course. Welcome to-- To, uh...

Mega Monster Amusement Park!

Say cheese.

ALL Cheese!



Did I ever tell you

I was the first one to learn Spinjitzu?

No. I mean, uh, I invented Spinjitzu.

Yeah, that's it.

And I invented a few other moves,

like the karate double chop. Hyah-hyah!

No! No, no, no.

The prick from the Fangpyre fang!

Oh, no, this isn't happening. No, it's nothing.

It's just a rash, it'll probably just go away.

You're gonna do great, Jay.

This is your chance to shine. Heh-heh.



Whoa, where are you going, Mr. Fancy?

Didn't you hear?

I'm taking Nya to a nice restaurant.

A really nice restaurant.

You might wanna change your plans.

The bridge just picked up evidence of Serpentine activity

over at Mega Monster Amusement Park.

Hey, that's Pythor!

Pythor would not be there for fun.

We believe a Fangblade may be buried underneath the park.

We can't let them get it!

Oh, but my date...

Jay, if they get all four of them,

Pythor can unleash the Great Devourer.

Get your priorities straight, man.



Huh? JAY Uh, Nya, you there?

Argh! Don't come in!

I'm getting ready. Well, um--

I wanna talk to you about our date.


JAY I'm hearing really bad reviews

for the restaurant and I just...

Serpentine spotted at Mega Monster Amusement Park?

JAY I think we should cancel.

Oh. You're canceling?

No, no, I just wanted to know if you would rather go

to the Mega Monster Amusement Park instead?

Really? That would be perfect!

But aren't you overdressed?

Well, yeah. Oh.

Of course I need to change...


What was that? Nothing!

You know what, I'll dress up too.

Looks fun! Heh.

Hey, I was thinking, you know, we'd take my Storm Glider there.

NYA Sounds like fun.



I'm in your hands.


So, what kind of trouble has Lloyd gotten himself into?

Well, I'm afraid to say the worst kind.

He's reopened the Serpentine tombs,

and now that they've united,

Pythor's trying to find the four silver Fangblades

to unleash the Great Devourer.

The very snake that turned me evil?


Why would Lloyd open the tombs?

To be like you.

I never wanted him to.

Thank you for watching out for him.


You may think of me as your enemy,

but I was first your brother.


Yeah, even when I was young,

it was clear I was born and bred for adventure.

I was the first to get my knot badge in 'Lil Scouts.

I was always trying daring foods.


I built these wings from scrap metal and other--

Uh, you okay?

Uh, you seem kind of distant.

Uh, yeah.

It's just the portions are so big.

And to think we split our dish.


So that Samurai. Oh.

I hate him, don't you? He's such a showboat, you know.

If you ask me, he's nothing

without his big, clunky exo-suit.

Oh. Yeah. Nothing can compare

to two good old fashioned feet and fists, don't you think?

Yeah, sure.

You know, sssomebody once told me...


You okay?

Excussse me. I have to use the ressstroom!


[HISSING] Oh, gosh, I'm turning into a snake!

[DOOR RATTLES] I'm busy, dude!

Can't you see it's taken?

I can't go out there looking like this.

This is the worst date ever!


Ha! Lame! This ride is stupid.


Heh, look how stupid this guy looks.






Get me off this thing!



KAI Where is everybody?


Wait a minute. That ride was never scary.

Venomari. Should we get Jay?

Let's not bother the two lovebirds.

I think we can handle this.

KAI Excuse us, we're coming through.

COLE Nothing to look at, folks.

ZANE This is official ninja business.



Sorry, Jay. Duty calls.


Ah, you don't look so bad.

Just go out there and tell her the truth.


I have a tail!

No, no, it's okay, Jay.

Lot of girls like tails.

She left? Nya?



JAY No! Stop!

You don't understand!






Ha-ha-ha! The first Fangblade is ours!



Not so fast!

Really? That's the best you got?

I couldn't think of anything on the fly.

How about "Time to burn"?

Or "Jump on this fire ride"?

Well, next time, you lead. Next time I will.

Oh, yeah? If you can catch up.

Come on. You gotta follow my lead.



Ninjas? Ninjas aren't scary.

Watch and learn, brothers.




Stop him!

SAMURAI Thruster malfunction.












Finally, the mystery man is revealed.


Or should I have said mystery girl?

Who's gonna save you now, hmm?


JAY Do go in there. He bites.

This is not dinner theater, people, it's real!

Arm yourselves!


Where is she?



Oh, what happened? Snake bite your tongue?


NYA Jay!



Later, alligator. Let's go, boys.

What happened to you?

What happened to you?

Unh, we have to get you out of here.

Were you bit? Take off your head scarf.

I prefer not.

I was meaning to tell you,

but I didn't want it to ruin the date.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Hey, you were the first in your 'Lil Scouts

to get your knot badge, right?

Yeah, about that.

I made that up just so I could impress you.

I was never in 'Lil Scouts.

You weren't? Hold on.

What? You have an idea?

NYA No, hold on.


Aah, don't look at me. I'm a monster!

Though I hate the Samurai.

Where is he when you actually need him?

Samurai! Help! Help! Samurai!

Jay, I don't think the Samurai is coming.


I know this might not be the best time,

but I haven't been totally honest either.

What is it?


I'm the Samurai.


You're the Samurai?

Aah! We're running out of track.

Jay, if anything horrible were to happen,

I want you to know that you don't have to wear cologne

or pretend to be anything that you're not.

Because I like you best when you're you.

Your face.

You're returning back to normal.

It's just like you said.

You must have raised my heart rate.

Whatever happens next, just remember,

you are the best you.


What's happening?

My true potential.





You really had me fooled.

I never guessed you were the Samurai.

I wish I had a sister like you.

Technically, I was the first to discover her secret,

and didn't we agree whoever we thought was the best

would naturally be the Green Ninja?

Huh? The Green Ninja!

The destined ninja to defeat Lord Garmadon, huh?

Why would we say that?

Yeah, I'm drawing a blank.

Nope. That conversation is not in my database.

You know what I learned today? What's that?

No matter what kind of secret you have,

whether you're a snake or a samurai,

it's important to be yourself.

Yeah, that's cute.

But you wanna know what I learned?

The Serpentine now have the first Fangblade.

But we are getting stronger.

One day, we will all reach our true potential,

and Pythor will be stopped.

And we figured out all this without sensei.

Pretty good for four ninja.

And a samurai.

I wonder what sensei's doing now.


We're here.

The Mountain of Madness.


The only way back to Ninjago is up there?

The worst is yet to come.


♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on We're gonna do it again ♪

♪ We'll just jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪
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