01x06 - A Man in Nell's Room

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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01x06 - A Man in Nell's Room

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, I sure deserve it ♪

♪ Gimme a break, I sure deserve it ♪

♪ It's time I made it to the top ♪

♪ Gimme a break, I'm looking forward ♪

♪ Get behind me, pull out every stop ♪

♪ I want a happy ending, I'm tired of pretending ♪

♪ Won't let 'em get the best of me ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa

♪ Gimme a break

♪ The game is survival

♪ Gimme a break

♪ And plan my arrival

♪ Gimme a break

♪ For heaven's sake

♪ What happened to my piece of the cake? ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break!

There we are.

Rubik's cube -- you girls are gonna love this.

The guy in the store said it's a test of real intelligence.

You're flunking, daddy.

Maybe you should've shot it open.

"Rubik's cube is a puzzle designed

"To confound and confuse.

"It has six sides, six colors, and subcubes.

The solution can take days, weeks, or months."

"There are billion combinations

But only one answer."

Here. I don't want to spoil your fun.

[ Buzzer ]

You want to get the door, julie?

Sure. It's probably nell's date.

Oh, hi, angie. Come on in.

Hi, joanie.

It's "julie."

Oh, I'm glad you changed it.

It's much prettier than "joanie."

Is nell ready?

Not yet, angie.

You and nell going on a hot date tonight?


I've never seen nell so excited.

Who is this guy?

That's your father, silly.

His name's bill.

Oh, that bill. Right.

They have a thing for each other.

He plays football with the dallas cowboys.

Oh, yeah? What's his position?

I'm not sure.

He's either a tight end or a wide receiver

Or a wide receiver with a cute, tight end.

What's that?

It's a puzzle.

The idea is to get each side into one solid color.

Oh, cute. Can I try?

It's pretty complicated, angie.

This is the kind of puzzle

That can drive you out of your mind.

I guess we don't have to worry about that.

Good evening, everybody.

Hi, angie. Hi.

Well, miss katie, how do I look, dear?

That's a terrific outfit, nell.

I know.

Just something that took me all of five hours to slip into.

Are you ready?

As soon as I stuff my feet in these shoes.

Would you help me, girl? Oh, sure.

Child, I will never lie about my shoe size again.

I don't care how good-looking the salesman is.

Wait a minute. It's almost .

Weren't the guys supposed to have been here a half hour ago?

Maybe they're late.

[ Car horn honks ]

That's them, nell. Come on, let's go.


Hey! Where you going?

Dancing. Good night.

[ Nell giggling ]

Billcome on, nell. You know I'm ticklish.

Move your hand. Will you go home?

Are you coming with me?


Oh, you ought to stop.

Don't stop.

[ Giggling ]

Oh, that's nice.

Hey, thanks, man.

Mmm. Hi.

Who are you?

I'm bill.

Do we know each other?

You might have seen me. I'm number .

You mean there are more of you in there?

Nell, I want to talk --

I'll be with you in a moment, chief.


Here, honey. You forgot your good-luck charm.

I don't want you to hurt anything.



Thank you, nell.

Am I gonna see you later, after practice?

I don't know.

I think I got something to straighten out here first,

You know?

I can see that.

So long, sugar.

Yes, baby.




I'll catch you later. Yeah. Bye.


Hi, chief. Want an early morning breakfast?

Breakfast? Breakfast?!

Shh! Breakfast?

Okay, breakfast is over. How about lunch?

Are you out of your mind,

Dragging a man into your bedroom in the middle of the night?


Chief, I never had to drag anybody anywhere.

I was just like a helpless leaf,

Blown away in a storm.

Oh, chief, come on. We didn't plan it.

First, we were kissing on the couch,

And then we were hugging on the couch,

And pretty soon, we just did not need that couch anymore.

Now, I am sorry if you are upset.


I'm outraged a-a-at the moral insensitivity

Of some of the people in this house.

Stop. You got somebody in your room, too?

Nell, I'm not gonna stand for this,

Not where my kids live.

Wait a minute.

I love those kids just as much as you do.

I wouldn't do anything wrong in front of them.

And you're not gonna get the chance.

And what's that supposed to mean?

It means that I'm the law in this house,

And if you don't like it, you can always leave.

I quit.



That's just like you.

You don't even have the courtesy to give me notice.

I'll mail it to you... On a brick!

"Be sure to separate your wash into whites and colors."








Good morning, daddy. Is my lunch ready?


Well, yeah. Nell always made my lunch for me.

Oh, okay. No problem.

A loaf of bread and peanut butter?

What is this?

Sandwiches -- it's a kit.


Okay, here.

Buy your lunch in the cafeteria today.

You want me to eat in the cafeteria?

It is so scuzzy in there.

The cook wears a hairnet over her lip.


Out. I'm going.

Hi, dad. Hi, julie.

Morning, sam.

Oh, you're not gonna do another load of laundry,

Are you?

Right, but this time, you don't have to worry.

I'm gonna get it right.

Okay. I just came to kiss you goodbye.

Bye-bye, sweetheart.

Hey, put your sweater on. It's cold outside.

Do I have to?

Samantha, please, do as your father says, huh?


I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I'll buy you another one tomorrow.

You don't have to do that.

Just wash one of yours.


Hi, dad.


Excuse me, mother hubbard, but the cupboard is bare.

I know. I know.

I'm gonna try to get to the market on my lunch break.

What's that stuff you kids are always asking for?


Dad, when's nell coming back?

I told you, she's not coming back,

And I don't want to discuss it.

But, dad, we have rights, too, and we want her back.

Please, you don't have to eat the core.

You're not that hungry.

Look, we don't need nell.

I've got everything under control.


Angie? [ Humming ]

Get over here.

Help me in, baby.

No, angie. Angie. Angie! Angie!

It's connected. Leave it alone.

Does the other window open, angie?


How come your front door doesn't work?

The landlord changed the locks. I'm on a rent strike.


Well, first, he tried to raise the rent,

But I told him this is a rent-control building.

Then he said he wanted me

To give him something under the table,

So I gave him a kick.

[ Sighs ] it's cold in here.

Oh, yeah. He turned off the heat, too.

Oh, that's great. And I forgot my thermal bra.

Listen, I'm gonna fix some tea.


Nell? Yes?

I'm sorry about you and the chief.

Aw, that's okay, angie.

Look, I'm glad to be out of there.

That man's brain is so small,

You could suck it through a straw and never touch the side.

I used to have trouble drinking with straws.

Then I started taking the paper off them.

Angie, baby...

How can such a small head hold so much air?

I sleep with the windows open.

"After lightly coating the turkey with butter,

You can begin stuffing the bird."


Bend over, bird.

This is gonna hurt you more than it hurts me.

Hi, dad.


Oh, wow. It smells great in here.

I haven't started cooking yet.

Well, that's what I mean. Nothing's burning.


"After stuffing, next truss the bird

By sewing it up with needle and string."


I don't know why women make such a big thing about cooking.

[ Buzzer ]

I'm coming!

[ Buzzer ]

Just a minute! I'll be there!

[ Buzzer ]

All right! All right!

[ Buzzer ]

[ Buzzer ]


Your cleaning, sir.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, sorry to disturb you.

I mean, what you do in the privacy of your own home

Is your own business.

Forget the cracks. What do I owe you?

$ . .

Put it on my tab.

Wait. How about something extra for me?

I'll save you the giblets.

Dad, what's going on?

Nothing. I always stand around with my hand up a turkey.

You go upstairs.

That's not how you eat a turkey sandwich.

Listen, I'm tired of smart cracks.

Now, you all go up there and --

Was that turkey to go?

I am somebody.

I am somebody.

I...i am somebody.

Today is the first day of the rest of the day.

Out with the bad thoughts.

In with the good thoughts.

Oops. I just swallowed a bad thought.

Angie, what are you doing?

I'm trying to get my head into a better space.

Have you tried earth?

Listen, I'm tired. I'm gonna get some sleep.

Me too.

Angie. Angie.


Let me listen to that.

Just like I thought. There's no music in here.

I know that.

I was just keeping my ears warm.

Well, what was all this?

It keeps the flies away.

Maybe I'm dreaming. This is not happening.

Good night.

Nell? Yeah?

Want to pillow fight?

Angie! Good night, sweetheart.

Good night, nell.

Angie, dear, what's that?

Silly, that's ralph, my teddy bear.

If you squeeze him, he talks.

Hello. I'm mr. Bear.

And if you don't go to sleep,

I'll eat you.

Angie, give me your bear.

Come here, baby.

Could you cut the light off?

[ Knock on door ]

Who is it?

It's wonder woman.

Just a minute.

Good morning, chief.

Good morning.

Excuse me, please.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Can I see some of the paper?

Yeah, what part you want?

Oh, sports.

There you go.



I see the cowboys lost yesterday.

Yeah, I watched the game.

Field goal in the last three seconds.

You know, I never had, uh,

Much chance to talk with bill,

But he seems like a nice guy.

Well, the cowboys don't think so.

He fumbled three times in the second half.

Little sleepy?

Just tired.

I could use more sleep myself.

Upstairs toilet kept running all night.

Oh, that's easy to fix.

You just jiggle the handle a couple of times

And give it a kick.

I tried that.

I'm having my toe x-rayed this afternoon.

Did you have some breakfast?


What you have?

Piece of toast and a -minute egg.


[ Glass crunches ]

I had a little problem with the window.

A turkey flew through it.

[ Laughs ]

It's the truth. Believe me.

Listen, I should've warned you.

First you k*ll it, then you pluck it.

Look, I'm tired. I'm gonna go take a nap.

Yeah, well, I got to get to work.

I got a pile of paper

Waiting for me at the station house.

Oh, nell.


About bill.

What about bill?

If you tell him to tuck the ball under his arm like this,

He won't make so many fumbles.

Okay, I'll tell him that. Thanks, chief.

You're welcome.

Nell! [ Squeals ]

Nell, you're home! Nell!

[ Screaming ]
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