13x09 - Idol

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x09 - Idol

Post by bunniefuu »



Whoa, this place is iumpin'.

[Jack] Tell me about it.

Cruger goes off for mo days
to an important galay meeting,

leaving me in charge...
and nothing.

- [bleeping]
- Ah, Jack?

ln a minute.
No aliens vaporizing stuff.

No giant robots
stepping on buildings.

- Jack!
- In a minute!

Not even somebody's pet
-footed Rogarian sloth-eater

getting stuck in a tree.

- Nothing.
- [all] Jack!

- What?
- A UFO just entered our airspace

and is on a crash course
with the centre of town.

Next time, don't wait until
the last minute to tell me.


- Ready.
- [all] Ready.

S.P.D. Emergency.

Space Patrol Delta.

[Kat] Opening Zord bay tubes.


- l'm in.
- Ignition mode.

Let's roll.

Only seconds till impact.

- There's no time to bring it down.
- Oh, no!

Better use the Megazord.

[all] Let's do it.

Water cannon.

l'm picking up signs of life.


The ship. It's S.P.D.!

l'll check it out.

- Hey!
- Boy, am l glad to see you guys.

Sory for causing all this damage.

l was chasing a criminal, lost control.

At least you're all right.

Yeah. Just a little shaken.


Power down.


Oh, man!

Dru and l started out
at the Academy years ago.

- We were best friends.
- Hey, more like brothers.

Then three years ago, l was
assigned to the Nebula Academy.

So, is this guy
still wild and wacky?

[laughs] Wild and wacky?

Those aren't the first words
that come to mind.

Don't listen to her.

What happened? Last l heard
you were missing in action.

- l thought you were...
- Well, l'm not.

Whatever happened,
you look great.

Thanks. Though l do
feel lucky to be alive.

l was in pursuit of an intergalactic
criminal, Zantor.

His ship broke up
entering Earth's atmosphere

and debris brought me down.

[Sky] Had to be something
like that to bring him down.

l'm just glad you're alive.


- What's up with the bracelets?
- These are Tangarian coils.

On my home planet of Tangar

it's tradition to share a coil
with your closest friend

to always feel that connection,
no matter where you are.

- They're bracelets.
- [laughter]

l guess
you don't have a best friend.

All right. l can see that
this conversation is deteriorating.

l'm gonna show Dru to his room.

l'm going to the range.

l didn't get my sh**ting practice in
because someone crashed their ship.


Nice? l hit evey target.

Yeah, but you took three sh*ts.

- There are three targets.
- l know.

Dru, you ready?

Yeah. l haven't shot in a while
but let's give it a go.

- Can l use your blaster, Jack?
- Yeah. Let me reload it.

- It only has one shot left.
- That's all l need.

Suit yourself.



Yeah, but it was a little slow.


Dru was number one at the Academy.

He holds all the records.



You scared me.

What are you doing here?

Couldn't sleep. Thought l'd see
if Commander Cruger was around.

At am?


Commander Cruger's away.
He'll be back later on this morning.

l'll let you get back to work then.


Sky mentioned
you were missing in action.

l'm curious.

Where were you?

Not much of a stoy, really.
Truth is, l don't remember.

A whole year
and you can't remember?

When they found me, l had amnesia.

Hey, guys.

What's going on?

- Nothing. l was iust...
- Interrogating me.

He was wandering
around the command...

l don't have to answer to you.
Sky, take him to his quarters.

The Command Centre's off limits
to all unauthorised personnel.

- Dru's S.P.D.
- He was S.P.D.

He's been missing in action
and has to be re-evaluated.

Yes, sir.

What's up with that guy?
How can you stand to be around him?

l can't.

OK. What's up with you?

l've known you long enough
to know something's troubling you.

l haven't slept.

l ran a check on that Zantor
you were chasing.

Records have him being arrested and
serving time in the Neptune province.

- Maybe he escaped.
- l checked it out. He's still there.

Something's not right.
What's going on?

l knew there was
no getting my arrival past you.

You are still the best.

Think about it, Sky.
l'm S.P.D.

l'm on a top secret mission.

l've already said too much.
It'll have to do.

Good night, old friend.



[evil laugh]

So in this dream l'm running away
from this horrible alien.

And l can't move.

My feet are stuck to the ground.

Then the monster tears off
its outer skin and it's me inside.

What do you think?

Simple. You were looking
at your inner monster.

Maybe you're just weird.

Hey, Sky.

l, er...

l've been thinking about it...
and l owe you an apology.

l don't wanna hear it.

Stay out of my business.

You don't understand friendships.

You don't understand S.P.D.

Dru, he's no concern of yours.

So do us both a favour,
Ieave us alone.


Breach in the engine room.
Alien intruder.

[man] Come on! Let's roll!

Out of my way, Rangers.
l have work to do.

l said move!

[all groan]


Come on, guys.

Hey, ugly!

- [Syd] Jack!
- Are you OK?


Where'd he go?

l bet l know. Come on.


Jack, wait!


- He's not in his room.
- Doesn't prove anything.


l know he's your friend,
but don't be blind.

Dru lied to us.

To you. He's a monster.

[Kat] Commander Cruger
has returned to S.P.D.

The prey is landing.


There's been a security breach.
How did this happen?

Sir, there are a lot of ways
this could've happened.

- Like an air vent.
- Or a stowaway.

Or a collective dream. Hm?

What? It could happen.

Sir, l'm responsible. It's my fault.

l let Cadet Dru Harrington
into the Academy.

l thought l knew him.

- l didn't.
- Cadet, this is a serious violation.

We'll deal with this later.

Lucky for you
there's no apparent harm done.

- Commander Cruger!
- Commander!

He's hardly breathing.

We've got to get him
to an infirmay. Fast.

- Over there!
- [laughs]

Hold it right there.

Your next move
could be your last.

So l'd be careful what you do.

Now drop your w*apon.

Dru? What was that?

My true Tangarian body.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Even best friends have secrets.

- Why Cruger?
- Simple.

The money.

Grow up, Sky. You think
being a Ranger is evemhing.

We both did.

l was young and naive
until l met Broodwing.

- Broodwing?
- He showed me the light.

All l have to do was take
a few orders, just like the Academy.

You're talking crazy.
We can get help.

l don't need help!
l don't need you.

l don't need anyone any more.

Stop, Dru!
l have to bring you in.

Dru, stop.
You're under S.P.D. arrest.

[Dru laughs]

You are such a fool.

l'll spare you this time.

Next time...

...only one of us will walk away.


[Z] Is he gonna make it?

lf he were human
he'd already be gone.

This old dog is tough.

There's no telling.

[Cruger groans]

- Who are you calling an old dog?
- [Z laughs]

- You failed me.
- No. l cancelled Cruger.

Then why does his Sirian
life-force still remain?

Do the job you are paid for or else.

l found him.
Dru/evil, ugly monster dude,

is somewhere
bemeen Sector C and...

l know exactly where he is.

Jack, l need to talk to you.


Look, Dru was my friend.

l brought him here.
Let me bring him in.

l can't do that, Sky.
That's against regulations.

But by the time l get
eveybody together,

Syd does her nails,
etcetera, etcetera,

you may have a O-minute
head-start on us.

PerFectly within
Academy regulations.



Dru, l know you're in here.

Ever the Ranger.

My friends will be here
in a few minutes.

Turn yourself in. Let me help you.

Perhaps l shouldn't
have been so lenient with you.

Probably not.

You really think
you can beat me?

[evil laugh]

S.P.D. Emergency.

When the proiector
runs out of film, we do this.

lf that's the way it has to be.




How could you beat me?

You don't make
the same mistake mice.

l learned that from
a good cadet a few years ago.

You might remember him.
It was you.


l'm a Power Ranger first,

You fool! All you have is pride.

What good is that when
you have no money? No power.

You have nothing. Nothing!

And l have more, so much more.

[Syd] Watch out!

- Hope we're not too late.
- No. Just in time.

Delta Runners.


Delta Megazord.

l'll destroy you all.



l got him.

lt was the only way.


Old friend, you're under arrest.

We have suffered a defeat,

but this will be a long battle.

Yes. Anubis Doggie Cruger
is still alive.

But like the fate that befell
the S.P.D. on Sirius,

l shall crush

puny, so-called warriors

in the name
of the Magnificence.

We shall not rest.
We shall not show mercy.

We shall be victorious!

You have to do
the entire entrance?


And all the other cement areas.

Commander Cruger thinks
l'll remember Academy regulations

are meant for eveybody.

Even self-righteous,
pig-headed Rangers like myself.

- He said that?
- [laughs] He wasn't so nice.


thought you might want this.


l guess a bracelet alone
doesn't make a friendship.

No, it doesn't.

But l do admire
what you and Dru had.


Hey, you missed a spot.

Jack, stop.
You don't have to do that.

l know.


What are you laughing at?

l can't say.

What? What's so funny?


l'm using your toothbrush.
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