21x14 - In the Driver's Seat

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x14 - In the Driver's Seat

Post by bunniefuu »

[Announcer] an alien armada has arrived and invaded our planet!

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before!

To battle this new threat, the power rangers

Must master the abilities of the legendary rangers

To become...

Super megaforce!

Tensou! We've just received an extra-dimensional emergency alert!

Summon the rangers immediately!

[Tensou] right! I'm on it gosei!

[Gia] what's happening, gosei?

[Tensou] it is not good, not good at all!

Rangers, we've picked up an emergency signal from corinth.

[Troy] corinth? Where is that?

[Noah] huh. Corinth! It was home of the rpm rangers!

But it's-- in another dimension?

That's right. A wormhole just opened in the sky.

But I'm not sure why just an emergency signal would come through.

Corinth has been at peace for a long time.

Don't worry, gosei, we'll get to the bottom of it.

We can go through that wormhole...

[Jake] ...and be back in no time!

I'm not sure you should go at all.

[Emma] why not, gosei?

If you're there, earth will be left without its defenders.

We have to go.

Gosei, no matter what the danger, the rangers go where they're needed.

Yeah, and if anything goes wrong

You just holler, and we'll come back!

Hmm. All right.

Take the sky ship through the wormhole and investigate.

And stay safe.

[Emma] another dimension? How cool!

[Red] summon skyship!

[Professor cog chuckles] ah ha! Back on earth!

Phase one of the plan is complete!

I arrived undetected.

But the best is yet to come! [Laughs]

Those lousy do-gooders fell for my trap,

Just like I knew they would!

Enjoy corinth, rangers, 'cause you're never coming back!

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪


My master plan should have included

A way to get to the city.

Wait, there!


Perfect! Hide, fools.

We'll ambush him.

[Tractor driver] what in the world is that?


- Howdy! - Euh!


- What's going on? Hey! - Take me to the city.

Okay, just don't hurt me!

Then just move it! [Laughing]

[Orion] incredible! I've seen some awesome things,

But nothing like this.

[Emma] it really is amazing.

[Orion] I'll say. I mean we're travelling through

A tear in the very fabric of time and space!

Yes, that-- but I meant just being a power ranger.

Think about all the lives we've made a difference in,

All the times we've saved the world.

Oh, orion... I'm sorry.

No, it's-- it's okay.

I just wish I'd met you guys earlier.

Maybe then my planet could've been saved.

But thanks to you guys, I kinda have a new home.

And even better?

I finally get a real chance of stopping the armada

Before they hurt anyone else.

That's right!

Guys, we've reached the end of the wormhole!

Keep an eye out for what sent out that emergency signal.

Whoa! [Chuckles]

Wow! Just look at this place.

- [Jake] yeah! - [Orion] wow!

It's like stepping into ranger history!

Wow, look at that!

[Noah] is that a car zord?

That car has an rpm logo on it!

What? [Chokes]


Here! It's the turbo falcon, a car prototype

That was locked away because it couldn't be controlled.

It must have got free somehow.

- [Accelerating] - or someone let it out!

Ha! While the rangers chase that zord all over corinth,

I'll take over their world!

[Prince vekar] what? I've never seen them before. What are they doing?

[Demaras] hmm. It appears to me, your highness,

That they're taking over the planet.

[Prince vekar] what?

[Levira] where did he even come from?

But taking over the earth is my job!

And where are those meddlesome rangers, anyway?

There's no sign of them, sire.

Something fishy's going on.

I don't even like fish!

Hmm, this newcomer...

Maybe he got rid of the rangers!

What? Sure, when it's my plan they ruin it in seconds,

But not for this new guy! It's not fair!

[Argus] boss, if they're gone, we benefit too.


Well, I'm not just going to sit here and let him hog all the glory!

Argus! Damaras! Levira! Come on! We're going to take him out!

I bet that zord escaping is what set off the emergency alarm.

We need to get it back to where it belongs.

We need a plan!

Hey, I have an idea.

Hey! Turbo falcon! Stop!

You're, uh, going over the speed limit!

That's your big idea?

Here, let me try.

Don't be afraid! We're your friends!

You have to do it nicer!

Come on, it's okay! Come on--

Let me do it.

Hey, car! Pull over!

Yeah, that worked.

Did that zord just--

Did you just turn your back on me?

Troy! Get that zord!

I'm on it.

[Orion] we need more speed, troy! That zord's really pouring it on!

- Whoa! - [Screams]

[Emma] that zord's going wild! It's gonna blast

This ship to pieces!

- Whoa! - Come on, guys!

Guys! Get your helmets on and get into your zords!

Time to get serious before anyone gets hurt.

We'll use our zords to catch him!

- Ready! - You bet.

- Yeah! - Let's go!

[Super red] I'll see if I can slow it down without hurting it.

Oh no! He's headed right for that barricade!

Whoa! It didn't even slow him down!

No! My plan! What is going on?

- Aliens? - The armada commands you to halt!

How dare you try to steal this planet! The earth belongs to me!

Sure doesn't look like it.

Watch your tongue when you address the prince!

Yes! I'm prince vekar, supreme commander of the armada!

From now on, I order you to address me by my full royal title!

I can't believe this! I finally get rid of the rangers

And there's still someone getting in my way!

You'd better believe it!

And we're going to walk all over you, you impudent intruders!

I didn't come this far to let my plan fail!

Go, go, go!

Argus! Levira! Get him!

Who's that fighting the armada?

Wait! That's professor cog!

From corinth? Where the rangers just went?

Yes. Get the rangers back immediately!

I fear they have been sent into a trap!

All right! We caught up! Now let's cut that zord off! Yeah!


Gia! Emma!

- You okay? - We're fine! Go get him!

All right, noah! I'm sending him your way!


Now to capture it-- huh?

- It can fly? - Steer it my way, noah!

Good job! Right in my sights.

That thing's too unpredictable to land a clean hit.

No wonder they locked it away.

It's like some kind of wild animal. Wait!

Guys, follow my lead!

We don't need to capture it, we need to tame it!

And the first step? Turbo falcon, you're grounded!

- Zords, combine! - [Together] right!

[All power rangers] legendary megazord... Ready!

Just like taming a wild horse.

Aw! Yeehaw!

Got him! Hold tight, guys! We got this!

It's working! It's calming down!

Whoa! A little! Aah!

Whoa there, little doagie!

Yes, like a bucking bronco this zord's been tamed!

Right, fella?

- [Beeping] - oh!

It's no use, I can't reach the rangers!

- Check the wormhole! - Ooh-- oh, no.

- It's gone! - As I thought.

This was all a trap!

And if the rangers don't come back soon,

Those aliens will overrun the earth!

Wow, these guys are strong!

So why haven't they conquered this planet yet?

Are they lame, or just incompetent?

I'll make you eat those words!

[Super red] stop! Good zord.

Good job today, guys. Mission completed.


[Gosei] rangers! Thank goodness!

[Troy] we can barely hear you, gosei. What's wrong?

It was a trick! You're trapped there while professor cog

Battles the armada for control of earth!


We're stuck here?

We're looking for a way to get you back home, but it's not-- [static]

[Noah] we lost all communications!

[Orion] who's going to keep the earth safe if we're trapped here?

Rangers? Rangers!

- What are we going to do? - Just keep trying.

We're trapped in corinth?

What do we do now?

[Noah] I have no idea.

[Motor revving]

[Gia] what's it doing?

Oh, great! That zord's going crazy again!

[Gia] no, look!

I think it's trying to tell us something.

I think it wants to help us.

[Emma] hey! Where's he going?

Sure looks like he's going crazy!

[Gia] just trust me!

[Tensou] gia, you were right!

Oh man! It opened the wormhole back up!

When did you learn to speak "car"? [Chuckles]

[Rangers] alright! Awesome!

Thanks, turbo falcon!

Come on guys, let's go home!

[All] right!

See ya turbo falcon! Take good care of corinth!

- What? The rangers? - No!

Huh? What? But my plan!

Now you know how we feel!

The rangers are back! The rangers are back!

Thank goodness!

Nice try, professor cog. But even sending us to another dimension

Isn't enough to stop us.

[Growling] but how did you ever escape?

It's about time you showed up! Do you know how much work it is fighting these guys?

Now take them down for me!

I can get behind that plan.

And as a bonus, we'll take you down, too.

- Let's go! - Get in there, you lazy pieces of junk!

Wait, if we work together, our combined might could defeat the rangers!

He may be right.

But why risk ourselves? We can let them tear each other apart

And then claim the planet afterward.

You're right. Good idea. Argus! Retreat!

Levira has a plan. That I came up with!

- Yes, boss. - Just leave the xborgs here to fight.

Whoa! You didn't see that!

You cowards! Once I crush the rangers, you're next!

Think again! What's really next is you all going down!

All that scheme of yours did was make us twice as determined to stop you!

All right, professor cog,

No more hiding behind these henchmen!

I'm not afraid to fight you! See?

I think you'll be afraid of this!

Legendary ranger mode: rpm! Ready!

Rpm! Get in gear!

Rpm red!

- Rpm yellow! - Rpm blue!

- Rpm green! - Rpm black!

Rpm gold and silver!

Rpm rangers? Quick! Protect me!

Power rangers... Rpm!

Go! Stop them!

Huh? You too, you fools! Get in there!

- Attack! - [Screaming]

You tried to get rid of us in corinth,

Now the power of corinth is gonna get rid of you!

These power boots are awesome!

Seriously! I'm totally revved up!

These guys never had a chance!

I feel the need... For mach speed!

Cool! Ow!

Huh? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Uh, a little help?


No problem. Now to take out the rest of this trash.

- [Groaning] yeah. - You okay?

Grr, that really grinds my gears! Stop all that winning!

It's just down to you, now, professor cog!

Yeah, well, too bad for you that's all I need!

Sprocket spirals!

- Ha! It's over! - Not yet! Turbo cannon!

Rocket blaster!

Zip charger!

Cloud hatchets!

Street saber!

- Turbo axe! - No!

- Whoa! - Straight saber...


- Turbo axe... Strike! - Ahh!

Guys, we need to morph back to super mega!

Time for this guy to hit the road!

Super mega cannon!

Ranger keys... Set!

Super mega... Blast!

You've done some damage rangers, I'll give you that.

But I still have enough power to shift this fight into high gear!


He can grow on his own?

Let's put the brakes on this guy. Summon sky ship!

Summon q-rex zord!

Legendary megazord, ready!

Q-rex megazord, ready!

It's the end of the line for you, rangers!

- Bring it on! - You asked for it!

- Gear gatling! - [Screaming]

Sprocket spirals!

This guy really does pack a punch. We need to up our power!

[Super green] but how?

[Tensou] gosei, the rpm keys are glowing!

Rangers, I'm receiving a transmission from the turbo falcon!

The zord wants to lend you its powers for this fight, but the wormhole is closed!

Quick! Use the rpm keys to open the wormhole!

You got it, gosei!

[Rangers] ready!

Let's go legendary!

Activating turbo falcon!

All its wild power is ours now! Let's start it up!

- Engine cell activate! - [Motor revving]


[Yellow] wow! Look at it go!

[Green] yeah! It's tearing up the streets and that monster!

Quick, while the professor's down! Combine with the turbo falcon!

Turbo falcon, combine!

Legendary rpm megazord, ready!

Hold tight!

[Super red] now! Take to the sky!

Come down here and fight me!

[Super red] you asked for it! Rpm final strike!

Legendary rpm grand prix!

I said fight me! I didn't say win! [Groan]

Super mega rangers, and turbo falcon...

That's a mega win!

Yeah, this is it. This is where the wormhole appeared.

[Engine revs]

Thanks, turbo falcon. It's good to know

If we need extra power again, you'll be there for us.

Well then, until next time, have fun back in corinth!


[All] good-bye! Bye!

[Noah] thanks turbo.

Man, I still don't get how you understand that zord.

It's one of my many talents.

Uh, guys?

How are we supposed to get home now that the car's gone?

[Troy] man.

[Emma] look! A tractor's coming!

Hey! Right here!

No way! I'm not falling for that again!

Don't leave us here. Come on!

Well, I guess we'd better start walking.

[Jake] I can't believe that guy!

Aw, no! These are new shoes!

[Emma] aw, it's just a little mud.

Jake's nickname should be "the brown ranger" now.

[Gia] sir squish-a-lot.

[Orion] filthy mcdirterson.

Yeah yeah, very funny!
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