16x29 - Maryl and the Monkeys

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x29 - Maryl and the Monkeys

Post by bunniefuu »

Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

-Dai Shi
-Go away

-We're here
-To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
_ungle fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
_ungle fury

Jungle Fury, go!

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-_ungle fury

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle Fury

Yes, l'm leaving the lab now.

No. No, l'm not letting the formula
out of my sight

until l can be absolutely sure
my findings are accurate.

Why? Why?
Because l don't trust anyone.

Never have, never will. Got to go.




Come on!

l don't think your car will work
without these.

You can make things
very easy on yourself.

Just open the door
and hand over the formula.

Bad choice.


Come on!

Nice bracelet.
But it doesn't match your outfit.

Give me the briefcase.

l don't have the key.

You are not making
very good choices today. Shame.

l guess l'll have to take
your wrist as well.






Strike Rider Cruise!

Attack mode, go!


Life would be so much easier
without the Power Rangers.


Get in the car!

Try picking on someone your own size,

-Come on!


You disappoint me, Rhino Ranger.


Now, it's your turn.

Nowhere else to run.
l'm tired of this game.

Let's end it.




Are you all right?

Yeah. l'm all right.

Good. l thought that you might be

beautiful. l mean, hurt.

l'm fine.

-lt's gone!
-What was in the case?

l have to go.

Who was she?

l don't know, but l'm gonna find out.

FRAN: She's not that pretty.

Well, she's not.

Not only is she beautiful,
she's a genius.

l did some research
after l got this image

from the parking lot surveillance video.

Maryl Snyder is
a leading scientist in her field.

She's a genetic engineer.

Great. She can drive trains, too.

Fran, l think it's time to go downstairs
and open the restaurant.


So, something to do with genetic
engineering interested Camille enough

to make an attack like that. But what?

That's what
we're gonna have to find out.

-Let's go talk to her.
-No! No.

l don't think that would be a good idea.

-Why not?
-Well, there's a lot work to be done

in the restaurant.

Okay. l like her.

All right, that settles it.

Dominic goes, and we go to work.


lf that's what you want, boss.


With this cloning formula,
l can turn one warrior into an army.

We can't spare any warriors
for such a foolish scheme.

Dai Shi.

Clones. Very clever.

Give her a warrior.

As you wish. You...

No. Not a Rin Shi.

This formula only works on primates.
l need a monkey.

l need him!


Were you following me?

Me? No. l was just...

Yes, l was following you.

Do l need to yell for help?

Not really. But if you did,

l'd probably be the one
to come and help you.

Oh, really?
Are you a cop or something?

More like the ''or something.''

Must be my lucky day.

l don't meet
very many ''or somethings.''

lt's iust that
l can't tell you everything about me.

lf l could, l would.

Can l ask you something?

Free country.

l know who you are.

l know that
you were att*cked yesterday.

-Who are you?
-My name's Dominic.

-How do you know all this about me?
-l was kind of there.

l didn't see you.
l didn't see anyone else there.

You're gonna have to trust me.

Good luck with that. What's your point?

l need to know
what was taken from you.

-My work.
-That being?

None of your business.

Wait... Maryl!

You? You're a...

Yep. l am.

Welcome to Jungle Karma.

Table for two, please.


Yeah, sure. Right this way.

l'll be right back.

Dominic brought her back here!

We need to know
what was taken from you.

lt's already gotten into
the wrong hands,

and we need to know
what we're up against.

l swore l wouldn't tell anyone
until it was perfected.

lt's just that l don't really trust anyone.

l understand. But you can trust me.

You know my secret.
l need to know yours.

Well, l guess
l have to trust someone eventually.

l'm sorry, Maryl.

Can you give me one minute?
l'm sorry.

What's going on?

-We're iust working.
-And spying?

Oh, that. We weren't really spying.
We were just looking.


We were spying.

You know, she's really not that pretty.

Fran, why don't you go upstairs
and watch the monitors?

We're going about this all wrong.

Maybe l should go in there
and just explain all this to her.

No! You guys have got to
trust me on this one.

l'm the only one who can do this.

-Are you sure?
-Yeah, l'm sure.

l asked her about the vial
and she was just about to tell me.

l don't need you guys
to act weird and stuff. Okay?

We've got to play it cool.
She's got some trust issues.

And iust tell us
why she'd tell you and no one else.

Well, because the girl likes me.

l mean, she likes me.

She'll tell me everything,
and then l'll tell you.

l'm her hero. She's fallen for me.
She's putty in my hands.

She's at the door, isn't she?

Maryl, wait! Maryl, wait. Maryl.
l'm sorry.

l'm sure what you heard in there
could easily be misunderstood.

Actually, no.
l understood quite clearly. Goodbye.

No, let me explain. Maryl! Maryl!

This isn't even that comfortable.

Okay. Yeah, it is.


l'm sorry, Dom.
That was some bad timing.

Yeah. No girl, no information.

l'm not sure
which one l feel worse about.

Big problem.
A monkey is attacking the city.

What if Camille's plan works?

-lt won't.
-But what if it does?

Then she'll be in Dai Shi's favour,
and we'll be meaningless.

We should make sure her plan fails.

RED RANGER: Who let you out?

One monkey shouldn't be
too much of a problem.

Maybe not one, but how about a ton?



-This is going to be fun !

Monkey see, monkey do.
Now l make hundreds of you.

RED RANGER: Okay, l guess that takes
the mystery out of what was in the vial.

-lt's a cloning formula.
-And there's hundreds of them.

Advantage, monkeys.

Not if l can find Maryl

and figure out the
secrets of the formula.

BLUE RANGER: You think
you're the best person to do that?

Yeah, l do.

All right, Dom. We'll hold them off.




Look. It's the boy
who's supposed to turn me into putty.

l'm sorry again about all that.
l was trying to impress my friends.

lmpress them with me?

No. No, no, no. Impress them with me.

l have no excuse other than...

l'm a fool.

Sounds like you have
some really bad friends.

No. You're wrong.
They're really good friends.

l'm the one who blew everything.

You certainly did.

l need to apologise to you, Maryl.

l had a iob to do,
and l got it all confused because...

Because l like you.

And l want to make it up to you,
l swear,

but first l need to know what you know.

-You want me to trust you again?
-You have to.

Look, we know
you invented a cloning formula.

Right now, one monster monkey has

turned himself into
a couple of hundred.

lf we don't find a weakness for it,
nothing else matters.

You can't destroy the clones unless
you destroy the original monkey.

There's hundreds of them.

How can l tell
the original monkey from the clones?

The part of the formula
l haven't perfected

is that the subject is left with

the worst case of itching
you could imagine.


l gotta go. l gotta fix this,
but l want to talk to you later, okay?

Can we have lunch tomorrow,
same place?

l'll have to think about that.

l'll wait for you.

l'm too itchy to fight.

This is you, isn't it?

No, it's not me.
Why would you think it's me?

Because the other monkeys
are fighting,

and you're standing in back, itching.

l didn't think you'd notice.

l need you to do something for me.

l want you to run and hide.
Can you do that for me?


Take this, you over-matched monkey.

Hope that didn't hurt. Just kidding!


Let's go!


They're everywhere.

one and two more appear.

RED RANGER: We can take them.
BLUE RANGER: You can't be serious.

-There are hundreds.
-Time to call in some reinforcements!

Spirit Ranger, Shark!

Spirit Ranger, Bat!

Spirit Ranger, Elephant!


Call to the beast inside!
Unleash the Jaguar!

Call to the beast inside!
Bring out the Cheetah!

Call to the beast inside! Free the Tiger!

Beam blast!


-Yeah, Fran.
-l just monitored a communication

that said a monster named Grinder
was hiding out by the lake.

Thanks, Fran.

Yikes! l think l have fleas!


Yo, Camille told me to stay hidden
so the Rangers can't find me!

She changed her mind.

She wants you
to take on the Rangers alone.

Fine. But can you scratch my back?

Ask the Rangers.
They ought to be here soon.

-How do you know that?
-l told them.

-Shoo, flea!
-RHINO RANGER: Got an itch?

A rhino's no match for a clever monkey.

Watch out, monkey boy!

Come here!

Knock out.



That got him.

He's the source.
We've got to destroy him.

How do you know?

Did you charm Maryl?

She doesn't work like that.

Just need these a second.

Rhino Morpher, Claw power!

So you plan to interrupt
more of my fun?



Scratch that!

WOLF RANGER: Great job!

GRINDER: Not bad, little rhino.

But try this on for size.

RED RANGER: Let's do it!

Rhino Steel Zord!

-Animal Spirits, unite!
-Animal Spirits, unite!

-Jungle Master Megazord!
-Jungle Master Megazord!

Wolf Pride Megazord!

Rhino Steel, warrior mode!

Rhino Blade, super freeze!

-Animal Spirits, full fury! Savage spin!
-Animal Spirits, full fury! Savage spin!

-Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!
-Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!

You told the Rangers
where Grinder was hiding, didn't you?

So that my plan would fail.

Why would we do that?
If one of us fails, we all fail.

Scorch, Snapper.

lf l find that
you conspired against Camille,

it will be the end of both of you.

SCORCH: Is that because you respect
her as a Phantom Beast general?

Or because
you have human feelings for her?



l guess she's not coming.


l'm sorry. So,

do you want some pizza?

You're a good friend, Fran.



lt's good pizza.
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