Sound of Christmas, The (2022)

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Sound of Christmas, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »


My favorite time

of the year

Oh, it's Christmas

My favorite time

of the year

All right,

put my baby up here

right where she belongs up top.

Only thing left is mine.

Let's get to the real.

Here you go.

Okay, okay. Look, I understand

you're not drinking.

And I respect that.

But come on.

It's our tradition, Montana.

We put the tree up

and then we have a little...

candy cane cocktail

to start the celebration.

I can't do this anymore, Rio.

Do what?

Be a hypocrite.

Sleep with you

on Saturday night

and then get up and sing

in the choir on Sunday morning.

Babe, with all this

holy roller stuff.

All right.

Well, we can't have sex.

We can't drink.

What's next?

We can't hold hands?

Can't you serve Jesus

without ruining

our whole relationship?

So our whole relationship

is just drinking and sex?

I didn't say that.

Okay, this is our third

Christmas together.


And if you walk out

that door right now,

it's not going to be the same

for either one of us.

That's just it, Rio.

I'm not the same.

And I respect that.

I understand.

I understand.

And I respect that, baby.


We've been talking about this

for months and months.

And the truth is

we're just unequally yoked.



It's not working.

Okay, well,

speaking of not working,

you were furloughed

six weeks ago.

So I don't know

if this is the best time

to be out looking for a place

with no income coming in.


I'll figure it out.


Well, when you don't,

you know you'll be back here


Montana, listen, let's just--

let's just go in the room

and just...

one last time.

So you really

going to leave?

I was just playing

about the furlough thing.

God, please don't

have me out here

looking crazy for trusting You.

You said my help

comes from You,

so I'm stepping out on faith.

'Cause You know what I

have need of before I even ask.

God, you gave me

What I really needed most

You sent your only son

To redeem the whole world

Heaven's best,

a holy king

A gift to us

Everything I need

At Christmas


Oh, sh**t.


all: Rejoice


Emmanuel shall come

Shall come, oh, Israel

Oh, Israel


all: Rejoice

Rejoice, Emmanuel


Shall come

all: Oh, Israel

Oh, Israel

all: Rejoice


all: Rejoice, Emmanuel


all: Shall come,

shall come, oh Israel

Oh, Israel

all: Oh, Israel

Oh, come, Emmanuel

Come, Emmanuel


And ransom c*ptive Israel

And random c*ptive,

c*ptive Israel


Mourns in lonely exile here


in lonely exile here


Until the son of God...


all: Appear

Oh, rejoice

all: Rejoice

Rejoice, Emmanuel

Rejoice, Emmanuel

all: Shall come, shall come,

oh, Israel

Oh, rejoice!

all: Rejoice!

Now that Montana has taken us

to the very throne of glory,

despite being late again...

Are there any prayer requests?

Brother Odom,

Brother Odom, Brother Odom.

Sister Ophelia.

Ooh, I just want

to give an honor to God.

Let me get an Amen.

all: Amen.

- Who is the...

- Girl, where were you?

Brother Odom just told us

he was going to kick you out

the choir if you late again.

I was late because

I was at my--


Do you have a testimony,

since you're talking while

Sister Ophelia is testifying?


Some of you know

that six weeks ago,

I was laid off from my job.

And I just decided tonight

that I'm going to stop

living with my boyfriend

and get my own apartment.

- Okay.

- Mm.

But there are so many things

that would have to take place

for that miracle to happen,

so please, please pray for me.

Yes, yes.

Amen, choir?

all: Amen.

We know that God

answers prayers.

And Montana, we will

certainly keep you in ours.

Won't we, choir?

all: Amen.

Amen, Amen.

On that note,

that's all for tonight,

and I'll see everyone

bright and early.


Early, Montana,

at service tomorrow.

You're dismissed.

Sister Ophelia,

a word with you, please?

You moved out

and didn't tell me?

Well, when you do things

God's way?

He'll always have your back.


together: Work on your faith.

See, we said that

at the same time,

so you know that means

it's confirmation.

No, you just say

that all the time.


You should come.

Trent's going to be there.

Okay, I just broke up

with my boyfriend.

And even if I was desperate,

Trent is...not it.

Plus my pockets are on E.

So where you

going to stay tonight?

- I'll get a room.

- With your pockets on E?

Girl, come on.

Look, I'm going to spot you

for mocktails tonight,

I'll drive, and then

you can just stay with me

until you find a place.


The Lord provides.

Can you give me a job, too?

I said the Lord provides,

not me.

Let's go.

No. He's not fast enough.

How are you,

Mother Chamberlain?

As pleasant as a peach, dear.

Thank you.

Sweetie, can

I talk to you for a moment?


I'm so sorry,

Mother Chamberlain.

Can I help you with something?

We sing in the choir together

every week, dear.

Didn't I ask you to stop

calling me Mother Chamberlain?

Okay, Ms. Estelle.

Just Estelle.

I've been watching you

over the past year,

and dear,

you're not like the others.

I'm hiring

for a position in my home,

and I was wondering

if you would be interested.

You mean your home,

as in the huge mansion

in Cascade?


Have you ever been a nanny?

I've never been a nanny,


but in the time

that I've been laid off, I-I...

just finally finished

my teaching certification.

And I do teach

at Children's Church

every third and fourth Sunday.


I need someone to help

my two grandchildren

with their homework

and make sure they're

not tearing down Atlanta.

I mean,

they're not babies anymore,

but they could use

a mother's touch.

I am looking for a full-time

teaching job next year,

so this would have

to be temporary.

That sounds like just

the right amount of time.

Oh, I forgot to mention,

this is a live-in job,

so part of your

compensation package

will be a room and meals.



Things are going

to change for you, dear.

I can feel it in my spirit.

Here's the address.

Stop by tomorrow after church.

I want you to meet my son.

- Your son?

- Yes, the kid's father.

You've only been at Life Church

for a year.

He hasn't been to church

in five.

Well, thank you so much,


and I will definitely

see you tomorrow.


Okay, give me the scoop.

All right, so the Chamberlain

family are filthy rich...


Because guarantee,

you have one of their hair care

products in your bathroom.

So what about the son?

Why hasn't he been in church

in five years?

That's how long it's been

since his wife died.

She died of breast cancer.

I know.

And because he was trusting God

for healing,

hasn't been back

to church since.

- Dang.

- I know.

So a single father trying to

raise two kids all by himself.


no wonder they need a nanny.

- You gonna be their nanny?

- Estelle--

- You call her Estelle?

- She insisted.

And then--I know.

And then she offered me a job

and told me that I can move in.

Won't He do it?

All right.

Let's see if this works out

before you start testifying.

Quentin is also fine.

Half of the church

had a crush on him.

But he does have this high,

siditty girlfriend, Chloe.


The heir, socialite,

whatever she is?

The one that prances in

seconds before the sermon

like she's God's gift

to the universe?

Girl, yes.

Well, why doesn't she

spend time with the kids?

Obviously she doesn't want

a diva like her

being a role model

to her grandchildren.

Well, if they don't like me,

I'm out on the street.

They'll like you, I promise.

This will be great for you.

Oh, Christmas tree

Oh, Christmas tree

How lovely

are thy branches

Oh, Christmas tree,

oh, Christmas tree

How lovely

are thy branches

Your boughs so green

in summertime

Stay bravely green

in wintertime


All right.

I had to get gas.

I had to get gas.

I had to get gas

and I didn't want

my car to stop on the freeway

so I just had to--

Oh, God.

Here she comes.


Oh, my God.

I am so, so sorry I'm late.

I ran into a bunch of traffic

on my way from church.

I apologize.

Come in.

Thank you so much.


Oh, my gosh.

It's beautiful in here.

This is such

a great opportunity.

Thank you, again.

Do, re, me

The acoustics in here

are great.

Mm. My

late daughter-in-law Shandra,

she swore by the acoustics

in this room.

Quentin would play the piano,

and she would sing.

Whole story is just so sad.

Wait here.

I'll go get Quentin.



Oh, my gosh.




Nobody touches that piano.

Oh, right.


Estelle told me

to wait over there--

You know my mother

well enough

to call her by her first name?

She insisted.

I'm sorry.

You must be Mr. Chamberlain.

I'm Montana Ellis. I'm

in the choir with your mother.


I'm supposed

to be meeting you.

No, no, no, no.

Color additives

only need FDA approval

before going to market.

Yeah, yeah,

you should know this.

Yeah, let me call you back.

Uh, why are you here, again?

For the nanny position?

Your mother wanted us to meet.

Do you have any questions

for me?

Maybe if you looked

a little more like a nanny,

I might have a question or two.

So what's a nanny

supposed to look like?

I see you're already

getting acquainted.

What do you think?

What do I think?

This is your idea.

And after the kids'

latest shenanigans,

you agreed with me.

I did, I did.

Montana, let me show

you around the house

and to your room.

So I'm hired?

If you'll accept the offer.

We're paying $75,000 a year

plus room and meals.

I think that's fair, don't you?


Before she accepts,

don't you think maybe

she should meet the kids?

Oh, Quentin.

I'll get them.

Thank you so much,

Mr. Chamberlain,

for this opportunity.


Just Quentin.

I'd rather call you

Mr. Chamberlain.

I just don't want the children

to think I'm unprofessional.

And here's the surprise.

But it's not a pony.

I never said it was a pony.

She's your new nanny.

How would you like the children

to address you, dear?

I guess Miss Montana

would be cool.


Y'all really went out

and got another nanny?


Deirdre, manners, please.

Miss Montana's going to think

you were raised

by a pack of wolves.

Sorry, Grandmother.

How do you do?

I'm Deirdre.

Pleased to make

your acquaintance,

even though low-key, I'm not.

Hi, I'm Daniel.

I'm ten.

We won't have much contact


we really don't need you.


Oh, my gosh!

Little boy,

have you lost your mind?

- Ooh!

- Sorry.

Yeah, let--

yeah, let's try that again.


Miss Montana,

I bid you a kind

and warm welcome.

- So you're in fifth grade?

- Yes, ma'am.

All right, so that means

Math class is kicking my--


Well, guess who was

in math club in high school.

She really out here tryna

bribe us with math, bro?

You bro me one more time,

we gon' have

more than math problems.

This is a waste of my time.

Okay, you know what?

Your little attitude

right now--

It's really okay.

No, really, it's not.

Apologize, both of you.


both: Sorry.

You are not excused.

I'm getting the door,



Young lady, watch your tone.

She's mad at me.

No need to apologize.

Miss Brooks is here

to see you.


I told you,

Miss Brooks is my mother.

Call me Chloe.

Well, my mother taught me

to never call an adult

by their first name,

especially one as old as you.


- Hey, baby.

- Baby.

Good to see you.

Ah-da-da-da, the kids.

Can y'all get a room?

They already do.

A lot.

- Who is she?

- Oh, this is Montana.

Yes, the new nanny.

You know

my mother wouldn't rest

before she had another

Mary Poppins in here,

floating around,

umbrella and all.

Don't tell me you've

never seen "Mary Poppins."

Oh, she touched me through

with her gold-digger hands!

Boy, I'm--

Sorry about that.

Proper introduction.

Chloe, this is Montana.

Montana, this is Chloe.

This is my--

- His future wife.

- Right.

I've seen you at church.

I'm in the choir.

Yeah, um,

I only go for the sermon,

so I don't know anything

about your little choir.

We have a reservation.

I don't want to be late.

Let's go.

Yes, the gallery.

Okay, um, Montana.


My mother will make sure

that you get settled in.

Okay, thank you.

Okay, what's wrong?

We've been

together three years,

and not once have you mentioned

wanting to wake up next to me

in your bed.

I've woken up next to you

in some of the finest hotels

from Savannah to Seychelles.

But it's not your bed.

We've discussed this.


I don't want to set

a bad example for the kids.

You know that.


a better example to set

to be to just get married

instead of having sex

all over the world?

I'm not trying

to rush you down to altar, Q,

but I'm just saying

we're not getting any younger.

And it would be nice.

A little assurance.

To know that

these gifts and trips

are not just cheap thrills.

All right,

how about you plan

a Transitions Christmas gala

this year?

Are you serious?


Because it always

reminds me of Shandra.

I know, baby.

I'm sorry you're still hurting.

And for the record,

I had nothing to do

with hiring Montana, okay?

That was all my mom,

so you know,

you take that up with her.


Uh, you can sit

anywhere you like.

- Okay.

- Thanks.

And I'm ready

for this sweet dinner.


Oh, my God.

You know what?

Yeah, keep going!

Get to your room!

No, that's okay.

It's okay, it's okay.

It's just a frog, you know?

It's just a frog--

Come in.

Hey, is everything okay?

I just wanted to apologize.

The whole frog thing

was my idea.

I've already forgiven you

for that.

I know that you and your sister

have been through a lot

since you lost your mother.

I didn't come here

to talk about my mother.


Well, so what's on your mind?

Do you roller skate?

A little.

Could you take me skating?


Can I ask something else?


Can I bring my girl?

Your girl?


My girl.

I'm in love with her

and she's in love with me.


And what do you know about love

at ten?

Love is the cantankerous way

Arshinay makes me feel.

Love is lugubrious,

mercurial, and real.

Sure, she know the deal!

You wrote that?

For her?


if you were going to ask me

about the words.

Okay. All right.

Yes, I would love

to take you skating.

But you're going to

have to ask your dad

about the Arshinay part.

But he thinks

I'm too young to date.

Well, because you are.

So you're with him?


Hey, Daniel.



You're okay.

Don't touch me.

I had an accident

like this in 11th grade--

Don't try to relate to me,



Why does everything

have to happen to me?

Dang it.

I'm here.

I didn't ask you to be.

What's going on?

And all he does is buy, sell,

and grow the brand.

I just--I can't.


Men bury themselves in work

because it's--

it's what they know best,

to cope with their pain.

Sounds like an excuse.

Not an excuse.

More like an explanation.

We all have to practice

giving the same grace to others

that we expect them to give us.

Let's get you cleaned up.

I can clean myself, thanks.


I'm here if you need me.


Cute doggy dog.


You like clockwork.

You here every Sunday.

No, you're like clockwork,

in that you snore like

a grown man.

- Yo mama?

- Snores too.

But nowhere near

as loud as you.

Shut up.

- How you been, Mama?

- Mm.

Well enough to write you.

Don't suffer needlessly, now.

Not being alert enough to

write is worse than the pain.

Okay, Alexis, you are here so

that you don't have to suffer.

I'm here because God wanted

me to have a caramel angel

at my side while I waste away.

Oh, you just

got all the game, don't you?


But God didn't ask me

to do this.


Look, I'm just

giving you an excuse

for your little fiance.

Why haven't I met her yet?

Maybe because

she's not my fiance.

You don't have

the nerve to propose?

How do you know

I ain't waiting on you

to go ahead and get well

so I can leave her

and run away with you?

Oh, well say less, then.

Where you want to go?

Come on.

You know what?

Oh, here we go.


- Perfect. Alexis Island.

- Mm.

Mm-hmm, I can see us

on the beach now.

Me with my phone in my hand...


And you,

snoring like a grown man.


You don't stop.



I gotta get back to work.

But it's Sunday.

I know,

but you already know that.

You say I suffer needlessly,

but so do you.

Your closest friends are people

who when you meet them,

only have a couple months

left to live.

How about you let me

do the worrying?

You get some sleep.

And I will see you next Sunday.

- Hey, girl, hey.

- Oh, hey, girl.

- What's going on?

- Oh, my goodness.

It's been real over here.

Okay, well, spill the tea.

It's just I'm in a

20,000-square-foot house

on 18 acres

and I feel like I'm trapped.

The whole world has been

consumed with that house

and those kids.


And they are a lot.

I feel like they just act out

because they miss their mom.

And they can't

access their dad--

But I'm working on that.

I understand.

Let me call you right back.

Okay, I love you.

Love you, too.

'Tana, bae, hey, listen.

I love you, okay?

We can manage all the changes

and still be together.

Matter of fact,

why don't you come over here,

we could talk about

over your favorite.


That's a nice glazed salmon

with a little lemon squeeze,

like you like it.


little cabin of love.

And then I got you

a nice bed of kale

that you can come over here

and lay on

while you eat the food

off my chest, please.

- Mm.

- I mean, you don't have to.

We'll take our time.

I love you and I miss you.



Mr. Chamberlain, it's--

it's Montana.


Just Quentin.

Will you please

just call me Quentin?


Okay, what can I do for you?

Just checking to see

if you need anything.

On your day off?

- I have one question.

- All right.

Why do I always see Estelle

and the kids at church

but never you?

Because me and God don't

really get down like that,

and frankly, that's none

of your damn business.

Excuse me.


Hey, baby.

Do you have a couple

of seconds to go over

some questions for the gala?

- Okay.

- Okay.

So what are we thinking

Christmas tree-wise?

I was thinking blue spruce,

but you're more like

a Douglas fir kind of guy,

and then we have

Virginia pine--

I-I-I'm sure

you'll make the right choice.

Okay, I will.

Second thing, I think we should

do the event at the mansion.

Hey, can we talk about

this a little later?


Where are you?

I'm home,

but I'll reach out later.

Okay, well, I love you, baby.

Mm-hmm, bye.

Sorry for snapping like that.

I just choose to spend

my Sundays elsewhere now.

So I don't get hit

You think I'm making this up?

Okay, not that

I have any reason

to make up anything at all,

Do you wanna roll?

Your fiance

wouldn't mind us

riding together like this,


I have not asked her

to be my wife.

I guess after several years,

a woman would assume.

No, no.

Chloe likes name brands,

premium gifts,

extravagant travel.

Trust me, she's has more

than enough of all of it.

But she still wants the

security of being your wife.


Are you a agent?


But every woman's had a man

who gets what he wants

and then leaves you to pick up

the pieces of your life

once he decides to get what

he wants from someone else.

So you're a therapist,

that's what you--

right, right, right.

Stay tuned to 97.5,

the Sound of the City,

for a chance to win the

12 Days of Christmas giveaway.


This is beautiful.

This is Transitions.

I started this

after my wife passed.

'Cause I remember how

difficult her last days were.

All is calm

That is so sad.

I'm sorry.

But it's nice how

you use that pain

to help you inspire others.

Round yon virgin

mother and child

Never really

looked at it like that.

- Welcome, welcome.

- Awesome.

- Back again?

- Hey.

- Forget something?

- No, no.

This is Montana.

Montana, this is Charles,

he's the head nurse here.

I was just showing her

how I spend my Sunday mornings.

- Okay, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

Well, y'all let me know

if you need anything.

Got it.

- He's cool.

- Yeah, he's good people.

This place needs

some Christmas spirit.

Hey, me and the kids

should decorate.

That's not a bad idea.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

This way, come on.

Alexis, guess who's back?

Come in.


Got somebody

I want you to meet.

So you finally decided

to bring your little girlfriend

up in this piece?

Uh, no, no, no.

This--this is my friend,


Well, listen, you groupies

going to have to fall back.

- Groupies?

- Yeah, groupies.

You and all the rest of them,

trying to get my boo.

Q built this big, old house

for me out in the country.

He even let my staff

stay here, too.

You feeling any better?

I'm still 100% alive.

- And then that's a good thing?

- Mm-hmm.

I'd like to pray with you,

if you're okay with that.

Well, hold on, groupie.

Who you be praying to?

Because folks nowadays

Listen, I am Christian, okay?

Well, mostly.

Somebody's going

to have to help me

repent of all the lusting

after Q I be doing.

But other than that,

I'm straight.

Will you stop playing

and let her pray for you?

Please pray for me,

because I'm trying to...

finish my writing before

I leave from here.

And I keep telling her

that she has plenty of time

to finish it.

You and I both know

that ain't true.

If you have any praying skills,

lay 'em on me.

Father, comfort Alexis

right now in her mind,

in her body, in her soul.

Fill her with Your light,

Your love, and Your peace.

In Jesus' name, Amen.



Thank you.

And as much as I'd like

to look at your pretty face, Q,

would you please go spend

some time with this girl?

I got work to do.

Go, little bitty thing.

Bye, groupie.

I'm just playing.

We just had our little moment.


Bye, Montana.


Q, you should

bring her again.

- We'll see.

- Mm.

- Bye.

- Bye.


What's wrong?

I'm sorry.

It's just--

she's just so young.


Well, me and the kids

Just because

you're facing difficulty...

doesn't mean you can't have

a merry Christmas.

Yeah, you're right.

Do you like barbecue?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?



It's Christmastime

- Thank you.

- Thank you, both.

- Enjoy.

- For sure, for sure.


- Oh.

- This looks so good.

Nothing like a

spot of barbecue

to warm you up on

a awkwardly cold Atlanta day.

- Mm-hmm.

- Ooh, yes, yes, yes.

C'est magnifique.


like the Cole Porter song.


together: The Ella Fitzgerald

version, of course.


Okay, So you know your music.


I heard you do, too.

I used to write,

play a little bit.

Not anymore.

It's too painful.

Reminds me of

everything I lost.

So I volunteer

at Transitions instead.


Is it...

volunteering or feeling guilty

for being alive?

I would get so fat

if this place was closer.

- Mm.

- Yeah.

I got to watch my spread.

Okay, well, I don't see

much spread, as you put it.

You could always run.

I had trails built

around the property

for that sole purpose.

Maybe I will.


You know, we should

probably try to get going.

- Okay.

- You ready? Yeah?

- Yeah.

- Are you gonna--okay.

All right, say, because

I'll take it if you don't--

- Uh-uh.

- All right, cool.

Was he expecting you?

I'm sorry, Miss Chamberlain.

I don't need an appointment

to see my man.

It's not his birthday.

Let me share something

with you, dear.

If a man's not ready,

you cannot make him love you.

There you are.



Everything all right?

It is now.

You were with herall day?


If you two would

please excuse me.

Oh, no.

Don't try to run away now.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

What are you doing?

We don't do jealousy.

What's that?

I'm sorry.

Now you let this chick

live in here.

Y'all were out all day.

Like, when is there going to be

a place in your heart for me?


You know good and well

how much I care for you.


How much?

That much.

Stop worrying about Montana,


She's here to get close

to the kids, not me.

And that's even worse.

And you're falling for it.

Falling for what?

Everyone knows the way

to a man's heart

is through his kids.


I don't want Montana.

I have who I want.



You good?

You're not good.

Was that a crop top?


Aren't you supposed

to make it on the stovetop?

Nope, because

it ain't store-bought stuffing.

- Oh.

- Get it, get it?

See, Daniel gets me.

Give me my points.

Come on, Deirdre.

Oh, these are done perfect.

I need you two to help me

with something, okay?

If you want to learn

how to make

the best French toast

of your life,

you're going to do two things,

all right?

Deirdre, you're going to put...

an avalanche of strawberries

on here.

And Daniel,

I need you to put...

a mountaintop full

of whipped cream.

- Ooh.

- Okay?

Okay, here we go.

- Why they look like that?

- Exactly.

She gave me

the end piece of the bread.

Good morning,

Mr. Chamberlain.


- Right on time, Pops.

- On time for?

- To try baked French toast.

- Give it a try.

- Baked French toast, huh?

- Yeah.

Uh, it ain't stovetop.


Dude, you try.

Oh, wow.

Oh, this is slamming.

- C'est magnifique?

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm.

- Mm-hmm. Mm.

- Sure.

- Right?


Don't fight.

This is actually really good.


I'm glad you're liking it,


Shandra used to make

French toast with the kids

all the time.

It's actually

my favorite breakfast.

Thank you.

You're welcome,

Mr. Chamberlain.

Okay. I got to go run off

these extra calories.

Mm, gosh. Me, too.


- You gonna join?

- Oh, no, I--

But I'll start soon.

Today is the first

day of Christmas break

and I have a full day planned

for these two.

But first, we have

to clean the kitchen.

- But we don't do dishes.

- At all.


We clean up what we mess up,

in life and in the kitchen.


That's a bar. I like that.

Y'all have fun.

Bye, kids.

He knows what he's doing,


He knows.

both: Noel, Noel

Noel, Noel

Born is the King of Israel

Noel, Noel

Noel, Noel


I didn't know

you guys could sing.

Our family used to sing like

this together all the time.

So Mr. Chamberlain

sings, too?

No one sings

in this house anymore.

I still do,

but only with my door closed

so my dad can't hear.


Yeah, singing should be heard.

Why aren't you

in the youth choir?

Pops won't let us,

and we should probably

stop singing anyway

if he's still in the house.

It's like he's trying

to erase the main thing

we remember of our mother.

She was always singing

and teaching us songs

we sang together as a family.

How would you like to sing

at the Christmas gala

in two weeks?

- He would never allow that.

- That's why we won't tell him.

It'll--it'll be a surprise.

You're getting

in so much trouble.

You never know.

We just might reach him, too.

MM, we'll see.

Let's go, kids.

Move it.

Oh, I wouldn't be caught dead

in a car like that.

Well, I guess we're about

to go to your funeral.

Miss Montana, since

you have a car like that,

does that mean you're poor?


That depends.

Do you two realize

that half of this planet

lives on less than $4 a day?

So by that measure,

I'm amongst the world's rich.

But if I were to compare

myself to your father,

who was on "Forbes'"

billionaire list, then yeah,

I guess I would

be considered poor.

And even that has

to be qualified.

But I'm rich in relationships

and in opportunity,

and especially in gifts.

Ooh, and Christmas

is only two weeks away.


I'm not talking

about material gifts.

I'm talking about the God-given

gifts that you were born with.

And once God gives you a gift,

He never takes it back.

I want to teach y'all a song,

and I need you to sing after

me, okay?

With those beautiful voices.

All right.

It goes like this.

God, You gave me

What I really needed most

both: God, You gave me

What I really needed most

You sent Your only son

To redeem the world



You sent Your only son

To redeem the world


Heaven's best,

a Holy King

A gift to us,

everything I need

At Christmas

both: Heaven's best,

a holy King

A gift to us,

everything I need

At Christmas

Okay, 'cause

that's my little brother.

I'm not playing with y'all.

Get in the car. Let's go.

Hop in the back.

Seat belts, everybody.


God, you gave me

What I really need most

You sent Your only son

To redeem the whole world

Heaven's best, a holy King

A gift to us

Everything I need

at Christmas

What happened to you?

Come on, come on, come on,

come on, come on.

Yeah. I went for the run.

And, uh, you know...


Fried chicken yesterday.


it looks like you, uh,

sweated all your electrolytes

out of your body.

Hold on a second.

I was just...

running and running

and running.


All right, here we go.

- Okay.

- Yeah, take a sip of that.

- Thanks. Mm!

- That's better, right?

So much better.

My feet are k*lling me.

Let me see your shoe.

I don't bite.

Okay, well first and foremost,

these are not running shoes.

And they look a little cheap.

Excuse you.

I paid 69.99 for these.

Mm, did you?

What are you doing?

Calling the sneaker police

on me?

Da-da-da-da, a second.


Yo, need a favor.

I have a friend here

who is running around

in walking shoes.


What size you wear?

- A seven.

- Seven.

45 minutes, perfect.

My guy.

All right.

So what's happening

in 45 minutes?

Dear friend of mine

is going to be here.

He is my personal stylist

and he's going to fit you

with the running shoes

that you should be wearing.

You're welcome.


but I can't afford that.

Mm, good thing

you're not paying for it.

Now all due respect,

you should probably go shower.

- But--

- Mm, yeah, you stink.

- I don't stink.

- Mm?

Okay, I do a little bit.

But look, I don't--

listen, I don't want

you buying me things.

Do-don't most women

love shoes?

I'm not most women.


I'm kind of gathering that.

No, seriously.

I don't want to do this--

- Oh, my.

- You're kind of--

I mean, my eyes is watering

a little something.

- Okay. Oh, God.

- I'm just saying.

- Okay, all right.

- It would--it would--

it would be so nice of you.

- Oh, gosh. Ooh!

- I'ma open this door, too.

Let's be honest, baby,

you--you changed

the rules of the game.

Come in.

Smell good.

Where are you going?


- Nunya.

- Nunya?

Nunya business.

You are looking cute, though.

You got a date?

That's classified.

Mm, that's hedging.

Mm, mm

You'll see.

Mm, mm

Okay, girl.


You headed to a photo sh**t

or something?


I didn't want to look bummy

in front of your

elitist friend.


Yeah, let's go.

Mind your business.

Hey, what is that scent

you're wearing?

Just some cheap body spray.

Mm, doesn't smell cheap.

Is it too much to

just say I look nice

or I smell good,

You look magazine-amazing

and you smell like

cherry blossoms.


Oh, my man!

There he is.

- Hey, Q!

- Ah.

- My dude. What's good?

- Good to see you, man.

You brought everything,

didn't you?

You know it.

Meet my new nanny.

This is Montana.

Montana, this is Gerard.

This is my guy.

We go back.

Like Pop-Tarts and go-karts.

Like grandpa pool

and summer school.

Mm, like when Mike Vick

was number one pick?

- Oh!

- Yeah, we--

Uh, we go back.

Kind of got that.

My, my, my,

aren't you lovely?


All right.

Let's do this dance.

All right.

Here we go.

You go ahead

and have a seat right there.


All right.

- Take these off?

- Yeah.

- You need a--

- No, I'm good.


All right.

So you're going to

stand right here.

It's going to tell me

so I can give you the support

you need.

Looks like you got flat feet.

But I just need

to get you a shoe

that has some shock absorption

and stability support.

I am going to give you

a sneaker

that's going to make love

to your feet.

All right.

I like that.

I don't know

how to feel about that.

But my boyfriend

will be very jealous.

All right. I got it

in the car, so hang tight.

I'll be right back.

You...have a boyfriend?

Oh, no.

I just--I just said that

so he wouldn't try to holler.


It's Montana.

I'm singing a solo

tomorrow at church.

I hope you can come.

Did Miss Montana text you

about her solo today?

She did.

You're not going?

- I'm not.

- Why not?


Why not, Pop?

Will the two of you

please stop harassing me?

Thank you.

But it's her solo,

and she lives here.

So if you get up now,

we could get there on time.

So are you coming or not?

Come in.

Oh, you look nice.

Thank you, Ma.


open or closed?

Open, right?

I think I'm too formal.

Well, there's nothing wrong

with formal.

In my day, we always gave God

our very best.

These days, young people will

wear anything to church.

I think we should all

ride together this morning.

Yeah, that was the plan, Mom.

Montana, too.

Okay, well, what is it

going to look like if--

I--I mean, Montana riding

with us is just fine.


Come on. We don't want

to be late for church.

I'll be right there.

[delicate dramatic music

Oh, dear, dear, dear.

Family, oh, my.

Oh, my bad.

Whatever are you doing

under there

with that pretty dress on?

I think it's the alternator.

Come on, stupid car.

Uh, hey,

you can ride with us.

I'll get the mechanic

to look at your car

while we at church.

- I'll take a Lyft, it's fine.

- Yeah, you will, from us.

Come on.

Come on.

All right, all right.

Get ready to be bombarded

by hugs and greetings.


Whether you realize it

or not, people miss you,

and they want you back.

I am only here

to hear Montana sing.


you made the first step.

Good to see you.

Well, well, well, well.

It must be Easter because

the dead has been resurrected.

Sister Ophelia, how are you?

Yeah, I see you getting

ready to sit over there

with that fiance of yours.

Oh, no.

She-she not my fiance.

Well, so what is she then?

Is she a booty call, is she

a side piece with a biscuit?



God is faithful, son.

And just.

And He will forgive you

of all your sins

and the illicit relations.

Mm, Sister Ophelia,

I could get myself to the altar

if need be.


I appreciate your concern,


Good to see.


You look great, by the way.

Uh-huh. I know.


You just saved my damn lunch.


Now you know you both can

go up to the altar together.

There's room for both of you

at the cross.

I guess.

Thank you.

It's so good to see you.


So you ain't been

to church in all these years

and you didn't think

to tell me you were coming?

It was a

last-minute decision.

Oh, right, ironically,

you found Jesus now

since you've been hanging out

with her.


I haven't found anything, okay?

You know what?

Don't worry.

I'm not going to

cause a scene here.

Thank you for not causing a--

where are you--

You're here now, Papa.

He sent me a King

One born to change


He sent me life

A love that makes

wrong men right

In the way

that only He can

God send me more

than just men

He sent me a king

God sent me a king

Church, let's give Montana

a big hand

for that soul-stirring song

that lifted all of our spirits.

In this technological age,

would you open up

your Bible apps

and go to the book of Job,

the 15th chapter

and the 13th verse?

It says, "Though He slay me,

yet will I trust Him."

When you look

at all of the seasons

that take place in the Earth,

it is reflective

of all the seasons

we go through in our life.

Winter, spring, summer, fall.

Everybody loves spring,

when things are blossoming

and blooming and growing.

- Amen.

- Amen.

Everybody looks forward

to summer

when things are bright

and cheery and restful.

- Yes.

- Amen.

How people find themselves

enamored in fall

when things are changing.

But it's hard to find people

who like winter.

My faith is rooted in knowing

that even while it is winter

in your life,

spring is still coming.

We trust Him even when we don't

like what life is serving.

We trust Him even when we're

at the crossroads of life,

trying to figure out is

this God, or is this the enemy?

- Mm.

- God is worth the wait.

I got to tell you this.

It's hard for you to do,

it's hard for you to digest,

it's hard for you

to hold on to.

But I'm challenging you

to have the faith of Job.

And in the face of all of

your adversarial conditions,

I want you to resolve

in yourself

that though He's slain me,

I still trust Him.

Y'all sounded so good, yes.

Speaking of sound good,

you brought the house down.

Thank you for inviting me.

Thank you for coming.


- My guy.

- Hey.

I'm so glad to see you.

I wish you would have

told me you were coming,

I'd have put you

on the program.

Which is why

you didn't know I was coming.

Oh, the sh*ts fired.

But I need to know

what do I have to do

to get you back

in the house again?

To keep a real, Bishop,

If that's the

reason why you came,

I can put Montana up

every Sunday to sing.

Now that's a plan

that might actually work.

Leave it to me.

I'll put that plan right

into motion immediately.

I'ma take off.

It's good to see you.

It's good to see you.

I hope to see you again soon.



I'll see you in the car.

Yeah, yeah.

All the way, all the way.

I just--

Surprised to see me here?

If I've been ignoring

your calls and your texts,

and you're still

randomly popping up.

That amounts to stalking.

I thought you'll be glad

I came to church.

Isn't that what you wanted,


No, I wanted us to grow

closer to God as a couple.

Believe the same things,

but we don't.

So I moved on.

Oh, Montana, babe,

come on, listen.

You the best part of me.


You my whole heart, 'Tana.

I've been in pieces

since you've been gone.

If you just,

maybe just take me back

and make me whole again,


I gave my whole heart

to Jesus.

And the next man that gets it

will deserve it.


Well, let me at least

get a goodbye hug.

Oh. Hi, Chloe.

This is Rio, an old friend.

No, no.

I was practically her husband.


we were a lot of things.

But husband

was not one of them.

Rio, this is Chloe.

This is my boss's girlfriend.

Oh, hey.

Nice to meet you, Rio.

What brings you to our faith

community on this fine Sunday?

Oh, that's sweet.


Has Montana invited you

to the event I'm organizing

at the Chamberlain mansion?

No, she hasn't.

I mean, I'd love to come.

I'm not really

in a position to invite.

Oh, girl, stop.

Everyone loves you.

Besides, it's going

to be the event of the year

on the Atlanta social calendar.


So if he comes,

he can be our guest.

Excuse me.


You want her back, don't you?

Yeah, with all my heart,

I do.

Yeah, well, you can't

compete with eight figures.

Quentin Chamberlain

is a billionaire.

I ain't worried

about his money.

Well, you should be.

Women find it impossible

to resist a man who's rich

and handsome.

And as long as she lives

in that mansion,

you ain't ever

getting her back.

But I got a plan.


If she's fired,

she's homeless.

Back in your bed

before Christmas.

Uh, what--what do you need

from me?

We'll talk.

You take those right upstairs

and to the left.

Okay, not too many

in the front.

It smells

like Christmas in here.

Quentin's going to love this.

Mrs. Chamberlain,

you look so regal.

And you don't even

have on your gown yet.

Well, thank you.

How is everything progressing?

- I mean--

- I see.

I invited some of the

church members to attend,

many of whom don't have

a $1,000 ticket price.

I picked up the tab.

I mean, it is Christmas,

after all.

Mrs. Chamberlain, if

we wanted the church picnic,

we would have the event

at the church.

This is supposed

to be a society event.

I was society when you

were in diapers in Alabama.

Please make the adjustments

to your guest list.


I won't hear

any objections to this.

I felt that.

O come, all ye faithful

Joyful and triumphant

Oh come ye

You should be inside

getting dolled up.

Between Chloe

barking at everyone

and giving me murderous looks,

it's stressful in there.


And the one good dress

I have,

I already wore it to my solo.

Well, there's nothing much

I can do about Chloe

and her disposition,

but there might be something

for you to wear in your room.

- Estelle, you didn't.

- I'm not sure what was done.

You're going to

have to go and see.

Oh, my goodness.

Thank you so much

for whatever you just did.


And for what you've

already done.

Come on.

Let's get dressed.

Mr. Chamberlain didn't

know what you'd like,

so I brought lots of options.

Oh, what?

Oh, my gosh.

I'm speechless.

Tonight, you're

going to be Cinderella.


You look quite dapper, son.

Thank you.

I wish your father were alive

to see how handsome you are.

You look just like him.


Thank you.

Well, what do we think?

Absolutely exquisite.

Great job.

Thank you, baby.

Oh, and Mrs. Chamberlain,

I've updated the list

to accommodate some

of our special church members.

Well done.

Okay, well, off I go.


Um, Mother,

have you seen Montana?

When a lady is

introduced to society,

she has to make an entrance.


And son,

it's time for new life.

You know how much

I love Shandra,

but she's not coming back,

and Chloe is not the one

for you.


If she were, you would

have married her by now.

And believe me

when I tell you

that Montana is going to have

a long line of suitors

after tonight.

So you may want to

consider making a move

before you end up

at the end of the line.




I wanted to introduce

you to Montana's date, Rio.

Nice place, man.

Uh, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Appreciate it.

Oh, there she is.

Um, I was just introducing

Quentin to your boyfriend.

My ex-boyfriend,

that you invited

even after I asked you not to.

You know what, c'est la vie.

Rico, welcome.

It's Rio.


If you'll all excuse me,

I have to go

and officially

get this function underway.

Excuse me.


Ladies and gentlemen,

if I could have your attention

just for a moment.

I want to personally

say thank you all

for attending our fourth

annual Christmas gala.

Really quickly, if you

will please show some love

to the lovely lady to my left.

This is Chloe Brooks,

my literal right hand.

Came in and put this whole

thing together for us.

You did a fantastic job.


Transitions is for women

with terminal cancer

who do not have

health insurance.

We house ten women

at a restored mansion

just outside of Douglasville,

providing the world's

best palliative care,

all at absolutely

no cost to the patient.

It is truly a labor of love.

Heavy on the labor,

but even heavier on the love.

And we can't do it alone.

So I want to thank you all

in advance for your support.

With that being said,

please enjoy the food, please

enjoy the music, but

most importantly,

please enjoy each


Thank you again for coming.

Merry Christmas.

all: Merry Christmas.


You look absolutely amazing.

Thank you

for being here tonight.

I think I'ma take off.

Wait, you're leaving?

These events are still

a little hard for me,

you know, because--

- Yeah, I do.

- Yeah.

But you can't leave.

Deidre and Daniel

have a surprise for you.

What kind of surprise?

The kind you'll love.

But you have to stay

to find out what it is.

I'm sorry,

I'ma have to miss it this time.

Please don't go.

Puppy dog eyes.


Okay, I'll stick around

for a little while.


Give me ten minutes, okay?

I was thinking

more like five.

Seven and a half?

You on the clock right now,


Okay. All right.

Are you guys ready?

If Pops doesn't like this,

will he fire you?

I don't think

that's going to happen.

I think God wants me

to be here.

If God took our mother away,

then why would He let you stay?

Come on.

Take a seat.

I know what it's like

to lose your mom.

I lost my mom

when I was in middle school.

And I know this

might sound crazy, but...


you just have to know

that God is going

to make everything okay,

even when there's

no visible evidence He will.

And that's called faith.

Did your mom have cancer too?


Her heart just gave out.

Completely unexpected.

And I didn't even get a chance

to say goodbye.

I'm so sorry, Miss Montana.


I still miss her.

But do you want to

know what I learned

when my mom went to heaven?

That life isn't fair,

and no matter what you do,

bad stuff is still going

to happen.


I learned that everything

is temporary.

Except God.

He's the only one

that stays forever.

If Pops fires you,

can you still come over

sometimes and hang out with us?

We low-key squad now.

Oh, oh.

Okay, let's stop

all this sad talk.

We've got a crowd to wow.

Are y'all ready?


- Did you do your warm-ups?

- Yeah. I'm nervous, though.

Well, come on.

Let's go, let's go.

Oh, my gosh, I love this dress.

Yeah, it's so pretty.

We have a surprise, everyone.

The duet known

as the Chamberlain Children

would like to bless you

with an original song

called "Everything I Need

at Christmas."

God, You gave me

What I really needed most

You sent Your lonely son

To redeem the world

Heaven's best, a Holy King

A gift to us

Everything I need

At Christmas

both: God, You gave me

What I really needed most

You sent Your only son

To redeem the world

both: Heaven's best,

a Holy King

A gift to us

Everything I need

At Christmas

How did you like it, Dad?

You sounded great, kid.

You guys' voices

have improved a lot.

Miss Montana taught us.

You sound

just like your mother.

Thanks, Dad.

Excuse me, excuse me.

both: Don't go.


Excuse me, everyone.

Quentin's going

to need some space.

I think we should all give

my beautiful grandchildren,

the duet,

another round of applause.

Let's also acknowledge their

wonderful teacher, Montana.

Thank you for bringing music

back into our home.

You okay?


The piano, the singing, the--

It's too much.

She went too far.

She was out of line, okay?

She didn't clear none

of that with me, she--

Or me.

And I'm the event planner.

She should be fired for that.

Then who will take care

of Deirdre and Daniel?

Baby, they are old enough

to take care of themselves.


let me ask you a question.

Do you want me to fire her

because you don't think

she can do the job,

or because you want

to remove the threat?

A threat?


What--what are you doing?

Check your phone.

I sent you a link.

There's got to be

some sort of mistake.


Because she's too perfect?

- Why would you do that?

- Do what?

I didn't take naked

pictures of myself

and post them on BlackTea.

Your little church girl

did that.

Maybe you should just ask her.

Maybe we should

end this thing.

So what?

So you can mess with the help?

What are you talking about?

I've seen the way

you look at her.

And trust me,

I've had my suspicions

since she first got here.

Okay, this has nothing

to do with Montana.

You just not the woman

to help me raise my kids.

And messy Mary Poppins is?

Naked girl?

Look, I've done nothing

but try to upgrade you

and them badass kids.

But you know what?

You and them little demon kids

can go straight to hell.

And your mom.

You think you're just

going to waltz in here

with your singing and your

what-would-Jesus-do sweetness,

and Quentin's just

gonna fall for you?

I got news for you.

He ain't going

to marry you either.

Little ho.

Are you okay?

What did you think?

That I was going to hear

Deirdre and Daniel's voices

and have some sort

of breakthrough?

Just magically

let music back in my heart?

I actually did.

Well, you were wrong.


your heart is broken.

It's Mr. Chamberlain,

and the condition of my heart

is not your concern.

You were brought here

to look after the kids,

and based off your choices,

you're not even the person

for that.

Mr. Chamberlain, I'm so sorry

for committing the crime of

having Deidre and Daniel sing.

But there's no reason for you

to assail my character.

You want to talk

about character?

Let's talk character.

So I guess in your world,

it's all right for choir girls

to show they ass on BlackTea?

Is this you?

Pack your things.


Mr. Chamberlain,

those are old photos,

and I didn't post them!

I'm the victim here.

I put you in my house,

I put you around my children...

I showed you Transitions,

and to think

I was even starting to fall--

Your services

are no longer needed.

And I'm sure

my mother will agree.

You can go.

I thought you said

you deleted those pictures.

- Uh--

- Is that why you came here?

To get me fired?

All right,

let--let's talk about this.


If you come anywhere near me

or contact me again,

I promise you

I'm calling the police.

Montana, hey.

Hey, girl.


Hey, um,

can I stay with you

until I find another place?

Of course

you can stay with me.

What's going on?

Someone posted naked pictures

of me on BlackTea.


Oh, and you know

the internet is forever.

And once you get something

on there, you can't get it off.

Okay, but what has that

got to do with you moving?

Quentin just showed me

the pictures.

And then he just

treated me like trash.

I'll be here

praying for you, okay?

Everything is going

to be all right, all right?

Come in.

You didn't look okay

when you ran out.

You're leaving us,

aren't you?

But it has nothing

to do with you two.

I am so grateful

I got to know you.

I hope that you find it

in your hearts to forgive me.

This is my dad's doing,

isn't it?

You can't leave us

on Christmas Eve.

Can you excuse us?

Quentin didn't hire you,

so Quentin can't fire you.

You've become like

part of the family.

Thank you for reminding me

of what it feels like

to have a mother.

That's the nicest thing

I've heard in a long time.

Oh, baby.

But I can't stay.

This is why it's better

to never get your hopes up.

'Cause then

you'll never be disappointed.

Oh, sweetie.

Did you relieve Montana

of her duties?

Sorry, I got to take this.


Mr. Chamberlain.

I don't think Alexis is going

to make it through the night,

so you might want to get here.

I'm on my way.

It's open.

Q doggy dog.

You--you know I love you.

But you can't save me

'cause you ain't Jesus.

But you can

live your life to the fullest.

Which is what God

wants you to do.

Yeah. Life's too short.

What are you waiting for?

When you gave me this...

you said it's 'cause

it was Shandra's.

But now, this is--

that was your way

of giving up on God.

It's--it's time for you

to get your holy back.


Look at me.

T-thank you.

Come in.


there's so much beauty

and love inside of you.

But you've been withholding it

from the world

and from this family,

ever since

you stopped believing.

One of the saddest days

in my life,

when she left here.

When Deirdre and Daniel sang,

I saw a light in their eyes

I haven't seen since--

Since before

she Shandra got sick.

And that's because of Montana.

Quentin, if you let her

walk out of your life,

I can assure you,

you will forever regret it.

Why me?

Why me?

You, uh...

do you mind if I sit?

The things I said to you

were--were misguided.

And it was stupid of me

to condemn you so quickly.

I'm man enough to admit

when I'm wrong.

I'm here to ask you

to please come back.

The kids want you back,

my mother wants you back.

I want you back.

I've never felt so dishonored

in my life.

And rather than

see my devastation,

you chose to humiliate me.

Montana, I'm sorry.

I was--

I was so locked into

just the pain of the past

that I couldn't see the future.

Or how you fit into it.

What do you mean,

me fitting into it?


the first time I saw you...

Time stood still.

But I could not

accept the fact that--

that you were the answer

to a prayer that

I had forgot I'd even prayed.

And I spoke that prayer

right there,

at that piano.

Dear Lord,

heal this broken heart...

And allow me to love again.

And there you were.

He sent me a King

One born

to change everything

He sent me a life

A love that

makes wrong men right

In the way that only He can

God sent me more

than just a man

He sent me a King

He sent me a King


Every time

my heart was broken

Every time I lost my way

From every wrong

needing forgiveness

Grace will come

on Christmas Day



the universe's finest

Angels sing

the sweetest song

Worthy of the throne,


If He wears a crown

God sent me a King

One boy

to change everything

He sent me a life

A love that

makes wrong men right

And in the way

that only He can

God sent me more

than just a man

He sent me a King

God sent me a King

Oh, there is no way

I should stay in the valley

together: When I know

Who's in charge

of the mountain

And though I can't forget

Who was with me

- Oh, no, I...

- Oh, no I

- I'm not the same

- No, I'm not the same

You see it all

change today

both: God sent me a King

You're a part

of this family now.

So will you please

come back home for Christmas?

Joy to the world,

the Lord has come

Let Earth receive her king

Let every heart

prepare him room

And heaven and nature sing

And Heaven and nature sing

And Heaven,

and Heaven and nature sing

all: He rules the world

with truth and grace

And makes the nations...

- Are you Chloe Brooks?

- I am.

You're under arrest

for committing a misdemeanor

of a high and aggravated nature

for posting illicit photos


Oh, please.

I don't have time for this.

Hands behind your back,



Out here, in front of everyone?


Could you guys let the

Bishop know this is happening?



And wonders of His love

- This is ridiculous.

- Walk forward, please.


And wonders of His love

He rules the world

with truth and grace

And makes the nation prove

And glories of

His righteousness

And wonders of His love,

and wonders of His love

And wonders, and wonders,

of His love

God restored my good name

by giving me a family

I didn't even know I needed.

Over the last month,

I've learned that God will

always do so much more

than you ask Him to do.

You just have to commit to

trusting Him in every season.


Every time

my heart was broken

Every time I lost my way

From every wrong

needing forgiveness

Grace will come

on Christmas Day



the universe's finest

Angels sing

the sweetest song

Worthy of the throne,


If He wears a crown

God sent me a King

One boy

to change everything

He sent me a life

A love that

makes wrong men right

And in the way

that only He can

God sent me more...
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