04x35 - Blind Trust

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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04x35 - Blind Trust

Post by bunniefuu »

First, you envision the shape you want to make in your mind.

And then voilá!

Woah, that's pretty cool, Pops.

Yeeeaaah, I think I get it now.

Just stop it, both of you.

I don't trust you guys to do this, it's way too important.

Hey, we could've gotten it!

Uhh, I doubt it.

It's the first thing people see when they walk into the park.

I don't want you guys mucking it up Back up, back up, back up.

Let me show you how it's done.

You have to be very precise when you're doing the trim.

You guys are gonna make a mess of it, there's no way I'm letting you do this.

Hey, hey, hey, give me that!

I can't trust you two with anything.

You have to squeeze and release.

Make sure the bag lands in the can.

Alright, Pops.

What gives?

What are we all doing up here?

Yeah, what's the deal, Pops?

I'll explain to you the deal.

Benson, I'm afraid you have a serious trust problem with Mordecai and Rigby.

Are you serious?

You brought us all the way out here for this?


Alright, fine.

Mordecai, Rigby, I trust you.

There, I said it.

Is that good, can we leave now?

Because I have a lot to do today,

- I have to finish taking inventory and

- Okay, okay.

If you trust them, then you should have no problem performing a trust fall.

You've got to be kidding me Simply fall back into Mordecai and Rigby's arms and we'll get back in the car and go home right now.

Alright, fine!

I can't do it!

I don't trust them to catch me!

Do you hear me?




Well, that's what I thought.

So here's what we're gonna do, you're gonna be blindfolded and led down the mountain by Mordecai and Rigby through a series of trust

-based obstacles.

- Please tell me you're joking

- Aww, sweet!

- Benson's totally gonna trust us after this!

- Yeah he is.

No way, I'm not doing it.

This is crazy.

I can't trust my life in the hands of these two idiots!

Now make sure not to take your blindfold off until you reach the bottom of the mountain.

You must let them lead you.

Trust me, it'll be worth it.


I can't even trust them to mow the lawn!

It's all good, Benson.

We've got it.

See you at the bottom!

- Later, Pops!

- See ya!

Man, by the time we get you to the bottom of this mountain, you're totally gonna trust us.

You guys better not screw up.

Okay, step right.

Alright, last one.

I knew I couldn't trust you!

Dude, you can't take off your blindfold!

There's no way I'm walking around blind after that last test.

It was just an accident, it won't happen again.

Sure it won't.

Come on, Benson.

Just put the blindfold back on and try again.

I'm better off on my own.

You're supposed to let us lead you.

That's not gonna happen.

It's kinda funny that you took off your blindfold but weren't supposed to and then got blindfolded again anyways.

By natuuure

- Does your face feel better?

- Can you see anything?

No and no.

Can't believe I'm stuck on this mountain with you two.

You know, if you would've just given us a chance on these trust exercises we would've made it to the bottom of the mountain by now.

I gave you a chance, and I fell.

- Yeah, but we caught you.

- No you didn't!

Falling on top of you doesn't count.

- I think it does.

- No it doesn't!


Besides, I'm not going to put my life in the hands of two incompetent slackers.

Yeah, it's not our fault you have trust issues Oh, it's not?

It's not your fault?

That's funny, because I can think of a few times when it was your fault.

So I should trust you?

I should trust you?

Yeah, I thought so.

I've had enough sitting around, I'm going to find my own way down the mountain.

Benson, you can't see anything!

Can't you at least wait till morning?

Maybe you can wait till morning, but inventory and bath orders can't.

Benson, there's a branch.

See, I told you!

Just get me out of these woods.

We've gotta make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

Shrub on your left.



Bigger rock.

Will you two just

- It's a sign.

- Let's see.

Oh, we're back on the main path.

Uh, Benson, this is definitely not the main path.

It's gotta be, why else would they put a sign here?

But the sign says "Keep Out: Sacred Animal Burial Ground".

Yeah, right, you're probably just getting a kick out of seeing me blindly wander around.

Benson, wait up!

This doesn't look right, Benson.

Let's turn back.

I know what I'm doing, unlike you two.

What's going on?

What's going on?


Children of the living, you belong not in this realm.

Oh, nice try Mordecai.

I've heard you make that voice before.


That's not me.

You tread on sacred ground.

Turn back while you can.

You're not gonna fool me with that old trick.

Benson, we've gotta get outta here.

Yeah, come on, come on!

No, let go of me!

You've gone too far.

You will pay the ultimate price.

- Did we lose them?

- I don't You will not leave this forest alive.

It's all broken My arms.

That isn't you guys, is it?

Nope, definitely not us.

Okay, maybe I was wrong about that being the main path but I just can't trust you.

Give it to me straight, do we have a chance of getting out of here?

Give it to me straight, do we have a chance of getting out of here?

Yeah, there's a chance.

But the only way it's gonna work is if you trust us.

I don't have much of a choice, do I?

Alright, Rigby, grab that rope over there and take it to Benson.

Benson, you're gonna run as fast as you can.

When I say 'jump', you're gonna do a little jump.

- Jump?

Jump how far?

- Not far.

You better know what you're doing!



What's happening?


I thought you said it wasn't that far!

I didn't think you'd jump if I said it was far!

Okay Rigby, get ready to grab as hard as you can!


Now let go!

Whatever wasn't broken, it's broken now Duck!



- Front flip or backflip?

- Front!

Turn right!


Now run forward and backflip!



Forward and a backflip?

Just trust me!

Keep moving!

Left, right, jump!

Left, right, jump!

What's that noise?

Rock slide!










Pull up!







Run in place like a lumberjack!


You hear that train?

Run towards it and then jump!

You better be right about this!





Go up!

This is where it ends.

- Who's there?


- Backflip!








What's the matter, why did we stop?


There's nowhere else to go but down!



Do you trust us?


Do you trust us with your life?



I trust you with my life!

Then jump!

I admire your level of trust for one another, children of the living.

If you survive this fall, you are free to go.

I'm sorry!

I should have trusted you!

It's okay, Benson!

Sometimes we slack off!

I love you guys!

We love you too!!

Trust fall!

Good show!

Benson, I'm so proud of you for completing the task!

Now, I fixed us all some ham sandwiches, which I trust you'll enjoy.

Take us to the hospital.
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