03x18 - Eggscellent

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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03x18 - Eggscellent

Post by bunniefuu »

Man, last night was the best.

The best.

Yeah, it was pretty fun.

I mean, Margaret and Eileen over for "Game Night," and nothing went wrong.

No space portals, no video demons, nobody got hurt.

Except for Eileen and I whipping your butts.

Whatever, I had fun.

Dude, come on, help out.

Benson's not going to let us have people over anymore if we leave this place a mess.

And put down my new phone before you break it.

Ok, just a sec.

I'm making you a new custom wallpaper.

All right, I'm going to take this stuff to dump.

You mean you're going take that trash to your face.

Gimme my phone.

You're lucky I'm in a good mood from last night.


-hanging with Margaret just

-a feels so good like I knew it would.

Laughing together and

-a having a blast.

And I hope it lasts forever.

I can't believe how hot she is.

Makes my insides feel like knotted twists.

Her pretty face and those long, long legs, and I hope someday we are more than just friends!

Oh, Margaret.

Oh Margaret!

I love it when you stand or sit right next to me.

Can't you see?

Your future with me is brighter than the ocean What?

"Brighter than the ocean?

" If you are satisfied with your message, press 1.

To delete or re

-record your message, press 2.







Message sent.


Oh, my Rigby!

Dude, its over!

She's never gonna talk to me again!

- Who?

- Margaret!

I was singing about her in the cart, and it recorded it to her voicemail!

Why did you call her in the first place?

I sat on my phone.

It was an accident!

You butt dialed her?

She must think I'm a total loser!

Come on!

It can't be THAT bad!

I sang a song about how hot she was, and how I wanted us to be together forever.

Okay, that's really bad.

But we can fix it!

I'll just call her, and say the message was for someone else!

Dude, no!

That'll make it even worse!

Hi, this is Margaret Hey Margaret.

I'm at work right now, so leave a message after the beep.

She's still at work.

Which means she hasn't checked her voicemail yet!

Dude we have to get to her phone and erase that message.

Okay, there she is.

Oh no!


She saw that you left a message, and didn't even CHECK it!

- That's cold, man.

- Shut up.

Okay, I'll go in and start talking to her.

You go in through the side, go underneath the table behind her, and swipe her phone.

Love it!

These hands were MADE for swiping!


Oh, hey Mordecai!

How's it going?

Oh, you know.


Good Hey, I had a really fun time last night.

Oh yeah?

Yeah, yeah, Me too!

Yeah, you know, I thought we made a good team, you and me.

Uh huh?

We should do it again soon!

Or, you know, it doesn't have to be a game night necessarily, with other people, or anything.

It could be whatever or Yeah, right.


Righhhhht Well, just let me know.

I'm pretty much up for anything.




What are you doing?


- There was a bug!

- What?


I got it!


Where did you

- Oh no!

My phone!

Wait, YOUR phone?


Yeah, Eileen told me to watch for calls while she was in the bathroom.

Oh, here.

Gee, thanks Wait, so, can I borrow YOUR phone then?

Oh, I don't know where I left it.

Maybe in my car, or something?

I can go check if you want.

Oh, no no!

We can get it.

You're still working and all, so Yeah, give us the keys!

Okay, that's cool.

I'm almost done with my shift, so I'll just meet you out there.


It's gotta be in here somewhere!

Dude, just butt dial her phone again, and then we can hear where it's ringing from!

Dude, shut Actually, that's a good idea!

It's ringing.

Do you hear it?

- Hello?



Mordecai, hello!

I was just eating this frozen ice lolly, when all of the sudden, this magical telephone thing started ringing!

Margaret must have left her phone at the house last night!

Ask him what flavor he is eating!

Pops, stay where you are, don't move, got it?

Oooh, I love this game!

Okay, we need to get back to the house before

- Hey guys!

Did you find my phone?

Yeah, back at the house!


I'll go pick it up!


We can get it for you!

I mean, the park is so far out of your way!

I don't mind.

Besides, I'm the one that left it there!


We'll see you there!

Okay, I'll see you there?


Slow down!

No, she can't hear that message!

Then take the shortcut!

Thanks Pops!

One new voice message.

Please input password.





You have one more attempt.

Dude, hurry!

What could it be?



She likes Fist Pump!


You have no more attempts.

Any further attempts will be penalized.


She's almost here!

Try something!

Too many attempts.

You will now be penalized.

Wait, what?

Did I win?

Get up.

What the?

Where are we?

You have landed in the Virtual Messaging Control Center.

We are the keepers of the voice mail.

Guardians of all messages throughout history.

Because of your excessive attempts, you have violated password law, and you are charged for trying to hack into someone's account.



I didn't think that warning was real!

Oh, it's very real!

Burn them!

Burn them!

Settle down, we're not going to burn them.

Since when have we b*rned anybody?

We will erase them from existence.



Oh, Margaret, hello!

Hey Pops!

I came to pick up my phone.

Oh, so it was YOUR phone that Mordecai and Rigby got sucked into?


so, have you seen my phone?

Yes, yes, come in, come in!

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

We can explain!

Proceed with your message.

Okay, so I accidentally recorded this message on a girl, Margaret's phone.

Yeah, and we were just trying to delete it before she heard it!

But why not let this person hear the message?

Because HE'LL die of embarrassment!


Yeah, look.

Margaret and I have a really complicated relationship, okay?


We don't have time for this!

Can you please delete the message?

- It's over there!

- Thanks, Pops!

Oh, hey.

I have a message!

Someone is accessing the voice mail system.

Oh no.

Please, I'm begging you, please delete that message!

Input Password.

Saw that one coming.

Phone user!

Uh, yes?


Who is this?

We intercepted two frauds attempting to access your voicemail without your permission.

The one who claims to have a complicated relationship with you.

Don't listen to them, Margaret!

Yeah, these guys are crazy!



Wait, you tried to hack into my phone?


It was an accident!

We didn't know it was YOUR phone!

Yeah, right!

Well, we did know, but But what?

I can't believe you would do something like that!

I TOTALLY misjudged you!

Dude, just come clean already.

Okay, look.

So I sat on my phone, and accidentally

- He called you with his butt!


So I accidentally left you a voicemail with me singing this dumb song.

It is really embarrassing.

So we tried to erase it before you heard it.

You what?

I want to hear the message!

Wait, Margaret!


No, I want to hear it.

Play the message!

New message.


-hanging with Margaret just

-a feels so good like I knew it would.

Laughing together and

-a having a blast.

And I hope it lasts forever!

- Oh, Geez!

I can't believe how hot she is!

Makes my insides feel like knotted twists!

Her pretty face and those long, long legs.

And I hope someday, we are more than just friends!

It's worse than I thought!

Shut up!

Do you remember last night when our hands touched?

We were grabbing for the dice and you were laughing and such Not bad!

then take a chance on me.

And maybe then you'll see how perfect we can be.

Together you and me for all eternity!

Please just erase me.


Maybe that's a long, long time.

But a guy can dream, can't I?

Okay, stop!

I heard enough!

Like knotted twists?


That's TOO good!

At least she doesn't hate you!

Would you like us to erase these hackers now?


I think they learned their lesson!

Very well.

You're free to go.

But you could stay if you'd like.

We're thinking of forming a band!

Oh, yeah, we'll give you a call.

Cool, just leave a message, and we'll get it.

Oh wait.

I didn't give them my number Hooray!

Good show!



We made it!

Thanks, Margaret!

No problem!

Yeah, thanks Margaret!

Sure thing!

Hey, Pops.

I need to show you something in the other room.

I love being shown things!

So So.

So, you could go ahead and delete the message now.

Oh, no!

That song is WAY to good to lose!


Come on!

No actually, I'm going to set it to be your personal ringtone.

You're kidding, right?


That way I can hear you singing every time you call me.

So you better call me!


I'll try to call you with my fingers next time, and not my butt!

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