02x67 - I'm With You

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x67 - I'm With You

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fairy Tail: Ichiya from Blue Pegasus, together with the allies he gathered underneath him, completely wiped out Oracion Seis! Shaking off my honey, Erza-san's tearful visage, Ichiya lived up to everyone's expectations, and will accomplish quite a lot again this episode-men! Was that what actually happened?

Nirvana: The ultra-inversion magic which swaps light for darkness.

The Nivirt: A race which once sealed away Nirvana.

Caitshelter: The guild of their descendants.

Zero: The Master of Oracion Seis, and right now, he is aiming Nirvana's cannon straight at Caitshelter! Natsu and the g*ng's final battle has started, in order to stop Nirvana! The power The power of my friends flows throughout my body! I will give you true nothingness.

Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Blazing expl*sive Flame Edge! I'm With You! It's time! Everyone, I'm counting on you! Gate of the Golden Bull, we open thee! Taurus! Alright! We're counting on you, Taurus! Leave it to me, nice bodied-babes! Parfum of Power Maximum Power! Men! Requip! Black Wing Armor! Here I go! Grandine Give me the power! Wendy Concentrate! You can do it! Before me, history ends.

The curtain shall rise on the Era of Nil.

Genesis Zero! I cast open the Gate of Wraithwail! People of the nil, erase this person's existence, devour his very memory and soul! Begone! Begone before the name of Zero! Now you are also a resident of the land of nil.

It is over.

What the Damn it I can't see anything.

All my strength is gone Damn it all Natsu! What is the matter?

You'll be defeated from something like this?

Natsu! And you call yourself the child of Igneel?

Yeah! But how am I supposed to bust up something that huge?

You mustn't let your feelings get the better of you! You mustn't lose faith in your own power! Natsu! You are a Dragon Slayer! Do not forget the pride that comes with that title! I, Igneel, am with you! Yeah, right! But, I don't get it at all Ice Cannon! Go! Rampage! Sparkle to Infinity! With this one blow, I use up the rest of my magic power! Roar of the Sky Dragon! What the The golden flames They're burning off my magic?

! The wizards who mastered the same powers as dragons, in order to defeat them That is a true Dragon Slayer! Magic power, fully unleashed.

Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Hidden Fire Form! Blazing Phoenix Blade! Did we do it?

Everyone, at the same time?

All right! Rampage! Erza-san, everyone Good job! Natsu You did it?

Damn That was one hard lacrima That good enough for ya, Igneel?

It's stopped! Wendy, it actually stopped! Yup! Nirvana has been stopped! Natsu Dragneel You are definitely a man that exceeds expectations I can't get up the strength Jellal?

! Don't let go! Idiot! You're also in trouble, you know! Isn't this kind of dangerous?

It's falling apart! Guess it'd be a good idea to escape.

If you don't, you'll be crushed flat.

Isn't there some escape route?

We can know what the people we've copied know But we don't have an escape route from here in our memory.

I'm sure you'll be fine, though.

Good luck! Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa! This ain't good at all! Is everyone okay?

My honey! Wait for me! Men! Wendy, this way! Wendy, watch out! Rockiron Wall! Jura-san! You're safe?

Unfortunately, it took time for me to recover my magic power.

But now, we must evacuate with all haste! That was close Whoa, man Is everyone safe?

Gray! Erza! And Erza-san! Thank goodness you are safe! What goes there?

! An enemy?

And Ew Please calm down, you two.

Thanks to the power of my parfum, my body has changed.

But inside is the same me, unchanged even a bit! *spinspinspin* Ichiya, at your service! *sparkle* You sure attract the weirdos.

Yes Well, he's dependable, at least.

"I'm so dizzy!" she says Men?

A new enemy?

Wait! That's Lucy's spirit! Thanks, Horologium! But, when did you No.

I passed through the gate under my own will.

Loke and Virgo do that all the time.

Due to Lucy-sama's magic power being greater than before, it has now become possible.

I can also cure lack of oxygen, bug bites, chapping of the skin, itchiness, and skinspots.

Amazing! Even skinspots?

That could be useful, yeah M-My identity is flying away, again! Everyone! You are safe?

The he-cat, as well! Where's Natsu-san and Jellal?

I do not see him.

He is still inside! No! Natsu! That piece of flame! Natsu-san! Natsu Jellal What are you doing?

Natsu! Love will save your friends! Yes Sheesh Makin' us worried like that Natsu-san! That's Hot Eye! Why would a member of Oracion Seis It's a long story.

But don't worry, he's a friend.

Natsu-san! You really kept your promise Thank you for saving my guild It's because we all had the power, right?

All of us?

You have the power too, Wendy.

Men! Me?

This time, give me a happy high-five! Sure! Can't ask for more than everyone being safe.

Everyone, you did great! This completes our mission.

Ew! And, who is that?

I don't know Is he one of those hosts from Blue Pegasus?

I don't remember one like that That's Jellal.


! That's him?

But that's not the Jellal we know.

It seems like he's lost his memories.

Yeah, but even so Uh I'm sure it's fine.

Jellal is actually a good person! At any rate, we must give him our thanks for his help.

Erza No You have nothing to thank me for What do you plan to do after this?

After this?

I don't know That sounds about right Answers do not come so easily for you and me I'm scared.


What if my memories return?

Jellal I'm with you.

Even if we come to hate each other once again, as you are now, I cannot leave you be.

Erza I Oww-men! What's the matter, dude?

I was about to release some parfum in the bushes when I ran into something! There are some markings on the ground Those are Runes?

! Men! My toilet When did this What's going on?

The same ones as Freed?

It's just as no, even more powerful! We're trapped?

Show yourself! Who are they?

! It's gonna leak out! I wish to do you no harm.

All I desire is for you to stay here, without moving, for a little while.

Who are you?

I am Captain of the Reformed Magic Council's My name is Lahar.


Reformed Magic Council?

They're already back in business?

We have been reborn, to uphold the law and protect justice.

We have no mercy for those that do evil acts.

What do you mean?

We haven't done anything bad! R-Right, sure we didn't That didn't sound very convincing I am aware.

Our purpose is to arrest Oracion Seis.

Please hand over that person codenamed Hot Eye to us.

Wait a minute! It is okay, Jura.

Richard-dono Even if my soul has been awakened to righteousness, that does not wipe clean my past evil ways.

I wish to start over from the beginning.

That way, when I finally reunite with my brother, I can look him eye to eye.

Then, I shall search for your brother in your stead.

You will?

Please tell me your brother's name.

His name is Wally.

Wally Buchanan.


Get it?


! He Wally was truly an honest and kind younger brother.

Man, this ground's hard! Hang in there, Wally.

The ground may be hardened now, but if we work hard and believe in the light, I am sure that it will soften, and become decent soil.

Got it! If you're gonna work hard, then so am I! Yes.

My brother and I lost our parents very young.

But we both worked together, and managed to live! Then it happened Right when we began growing vegetables.

We worked so hard, and yet I knew that this ground was too hard to grow vegetables! God damn it! Don't cry, Wally But All right! We did it, Brother! Yes! Let's hurry up and eat, Brother! After we give thanks to God.

This single potato has provided to us brothers a great deal of hope, and light.

We give thanks.

We give thanks! Thanks for the grub! Here's your share.

My stomach isn't feeling so well, so I'll let you eat it, Wally.

You sure?


What is it?

My stomach isn't feeling well myself.

I could never eat the whole thing! Go ahead and eat half, okay?

Wally I have not forgotten the taste of that potato, even now Actually, I know that man.

What say you?

He is my friend.

He is now energetically traveling around the continent.

Is this what they call a miracle, bestowed only to those who believe in the light?

T-Thank you! Thank you! Thank you I feel sorry for him.

Aye Ah, well There isn't anything we can do for him.

Enough already! Just unseal the runes! It's leaking! Don't! No.

Our true objective is not Oracion Seis.

The one who infiltrated the Magic Council, destroyed it, and fired Etherion There is a far greater evildoer among you, yes?

You, Jellal.

Come! If you resist, I have orders to use lethal force! But that's Hold it a second! That man is dangerous.

We cannot allow him loose in the world again.

Never again.

We got Oracion Seis, so we can finally get back to the Guild! Yeah! But this time was really a pain Each and every one of 'em was super powerful We were in a lot of dangerous situations, right?

No kidding.

If we hadn't all joined forces, we probably wouldn't have won! Next time: The Guild for Only One.

All right! Let's do our usual banquet after a battle! I'm fired up! Hoo-ha, hoo-ha! Hoo-ha, hoo-ha! Hoo-ha, hoo-ha!
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