01x19 - Changeling!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x19 - Changeling!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

The Fiore Kingdom.

A world where magic is deeply
ingrained in the people's lives.


This time, we will be taking
a look at a very eerie spell...

For the next thirty minutes,
your mind will leave your body

and enter the realm of that magic...

Is the master here?!

Welcome back! How was the island?

Did you do any swimming?

It was no time for that.

Umm, please try to read
the mood in the air, everyone...

Where is the master?!

He left yesterday, saying there
was some sort of council meeting

being held somewhere for something.


Safe for now!

All right! Don't have to worry
about "it" until Gramps gets back!

What a relief! Now we won't
have to endure hell for a while!

What are you guys talking about?!

Ahh, I gotta know! Ahh, I'm scared!

Not knowing what it is makes it even scarier!

Be silent!

When will the master return?

Soon, I think...

When he returns, I will ask
for his decision immediately.

You're guilty of taking an S-Class quest.
Prepare yourselves.

What am I supposed to prepare myself for?!

Guess there's no way around it!

Still, never mind Natsu and Gray,

I can't believe Lucy's gonna
have to go through that...

Poor girl...

"Poor girl"...?

Hey, Wakaba! Whadya mean, "never mind us"?!

Yeah! And don't stick me in the same boat as Natsu!

Yeah! And don't stick me in the same boat as Natsu!

What's that supposed to mean?!

Exactly what I said!
Can't you ever take a hint right?!

Real men need to take responsibility properly.

Real men need to take responsibility properly.

Show us just how manly you are!

That's not fair! I wasn't even
part of the "never mind" list!

Seriously, what's going to happen to us?!


Oh! There's a weird job posted!

Huh? What's this...?

Oh, Natsu. Welcome back.

Hey, Loke.

--Let's see... "Please decipher..."
--What is it?

Y-You're back too, Lucy?!

Of course I am. I was with Natsu and the others.

Why are you so freaked out?

N-No, I'm just... Bye!

All of you!

You know this is no time for that!

So weak...

Geez. How noisy...

Wizards really are awesome!

Hey, now...

"Please decipher the meaning of this writing.

Solve it, and I'll pay you 500,000 Jewel."

Whoa, awesome! It's worth 500,000!


Decipher some writing? That's an unusual job...

Wait, this is ancient script!

Who can possibly read this?

But there's a modern transliteration next to it.

I told you to stop.

Oh! I can read this!

Let's see here...

"Ugo deru rasuchi boro kania..."

I don't know what that means at all!

What is that?

Oh? The fear of punishment can even
scare rainbows out of people?

I don't think that's quite it...


I'm cold!

Huh? How can an ice wizard be cold?

What's going on? My insides are unusually cold!

I-I feel heavy!

My chest area feels unusually heavy!

I-It's hard on my back...

What's going on, Lucy?!
Your voice is lower than usual...

Th-That's not tr--

Huh?! What?!

Huh? Why was I on the ground?

More like, why am I standing up?

Hey, Natsu! Why are you running
away after seeing my face--

Huh? What's with this voice?

E-Everything seems a little off somehow...

What is all this commotion about?!

"Firm and composed"

Oh! Natsu! Look! Look!

Huh? Where's Natsu?

Huh? What do you want?
Man, why's everything so dark?

I have two neat boobies on my chest!

See?! See?!


Stop that!


That doesn't hurt at all.

Why am I in this cat-like body?
Actually, this is a cat!

I don't remember requipping into anything!

Geez. Can't I just drink in peace?

Magic is so cool!

Hey, now...

What in the world's going on here?!
I feel really cold!

And why is there an exact look-alike of me here?!

Huh?! What're you talking about?!

Do you not realize it yet?!

We've switched minds and bodies!


What do you mean, Happy?!

I'm Erza!

I'm Happy! That's so mean, Loke!

Argh, shut up!

Which means...

Natsu and Loke...

Gray and Lucy...

And, worst of all, Happy and I have switched places!


What do you mean, "worst of all"?!

The ancient Unpela-ese
"Changeling" spell has been set in motion.



That job flier was the cause.

Reading a certain spell aloud

will cause the personalities
of nearby people to switch.

That spell is the Changeling spell.


--You're Natsu, right?

What the heck have you done?!

Don't look at me! All I did was read the flier!

Man, why's it so dark in here?!

Stop it, Lucy. I mean Gray.

This spell switches more than just personalities.


It switches magic, too.


I'm hot... It almost feels like
there's magma in my stomach...

Hi, there! What do you say to dinner sometime?

What in the world?!

One other thing.


If the Changeling spell is not lifted
within 30 minutes of its activation...

...you will remain changed for the rest of your life.

So the lore says.

H-How many minutes has it been?!

Sixteen. That leaves fourteen minutes.

"14 minutes left"

Gramps! Is there a spell to turn us back?!

Well, it is ancient magic,
so it goes without saying that I...

...don't know.

I was looking forward to punishing you
for the S-Class quest incident...

...but that won't do any good now!

Well...! Good luck.

Well...! Good luck.

I can't believe this! Urgh! In that case...!


--Anything but that!
--I need to take it off...

Oh, right! That's Gray inside,
so he still has his habit of stripping!



--Wh-What are you--?
--Sounds neat! I'm gonna try it!

W-Wait! Stop!

Requip! Requip! I'm gonna requip too!




Oh! This is great, too!

Stop it!

I-I can't believe this...
My pride as an S-Class wizard...

Huh? That's weird.
I meant to wear a cool suit of armor...

I got it! We did switch techniques,
but they're weak and lame now!

Hey, Loke! I mean... whoever's inside!

Don't call me that! What do you want?!

What about your magic?

Yeah! What's it like? I wanna see!

Yeah! What's it like? I wanna see!

I-I don't know... I don't feel
anything and nothing's happening...

I just feel kinda "off"...


Why do I feel so on edge?!

Someone help me!

--What's with that fire?
--It's more like drool than fire...

Your magic really is weak now...

Oh! I see! So this is what it's like to fly!

No, this is no time for admiration!
We're running out of time!

What are we going to do?

Gray. I mean, Lucy.
There's ice coming from your mouth...

Gross! I hate this...

Lu! Leave it to me!



The Shadow Gear team is here to save the day!

We'll turn you back to normal!

Yeah! Don't worry! So...

It's all yours, Levy!

Levy's going to fix this on her own, basically?

Thank you, Levy!

It's for you, Lu! I'll do my best!

I want to be the very first
person to read your novel, Lu!

So what are you gonna do?!

I know a little about ancient writing.

So I'll start by looking up the writing on the flier.

The clock's ticking! Will you make it in time?!

Just leave this to Levy!


Why do I have a fish...?

They're yummy!

Let's see here... "Ugo deru..."

"10 minutes left"
Oh, no! Only about 10 minutes left!

Is it okay for you to read the writing out loud?

It's safe to read ancient spells like this out loud

as long you don't read it all as-is.

Let's see...

There's no time!

Ahh, I feel so out of it!
I can't stay like this forever!

Oh? I kinda like this!


--I said stop that!

Well, Levy?

Did you figure anything out?!

I don't know how!


So I'm going to live the rest of
my life as a weird cat with wings...

I am not weird!


I said don't do that!

Ahh, I feel so out of it!

Will I never be able to date again?!

I wanna switch places too!

Yeah, yeah. You're Macao's son, all right.

C-Calm down, everyone!
I'll keep trying to figure it out!

Macao! How much time left?!

Eight minutes.

Looks like you should
maybe get ready for the worst...

Oh, no...

Hurray! Hurray! Levy!

They're nothing but a cheering squad for her!

"Deru", "deru"...

Oh, here it is! And then...

What do we do if we get stuck like this forever?!

Huh? What do you mean?

Are we just gonna keep working, stuck like this?

If we can't go back to normal,
what choice do we have?

That's fine with me!

All I hafta do is stay quiet and
nobody will know the difference!


You know that isn't the issue here!
You stupid alley cat!

I don't want to be stuck like this!

Gray! I mean, Lucy! That's totally gross!

I'm not sh**ting this out of
my mouth because I want to, you know!


What is it, Gray? I mean, Lucy?

This is bad!
All our techniques are weak now, right?

We'll never be able to do serious work like that!

Which means...

--...as we...
--...are now...

...we're the weakest team in Fairy Tail!

--L-Let's go, Happy!

Ice Make...!

O-Open, door of something-or-other...!

Oh! Flying certainly is fun!


Oh, man! Now that you mention it, this is really bad!

Why didn't I realize something so simple sooner?!

It must be because I've turned into a cat...

That's mean!

You've been a big meanie
ever since we switched bodies!

What was that, Erza? I mean, Happy?

She was being mean to me, so I tried to fly away...

But I... But I don't have wings, so I fell...

M-My apologies... Just please get off--

I got it!

All right! You can lift the spell?!

Hurry, Levy!

This ancient writing means,

"May this eternal exchange
bring happiness unto you."

Hurray! You're amazing, Levy!

"May this eternal exchange
bring happiness unto you."


In other words, people who've
been switched by this spell

will live happy lives forever!

Oh, I'm so glad I deciphered it!


Hold on! That means we're stuck like this forever!

All you did was figure out
what the flier says, Levy...

Oh, you're right! What do I do?!

Levy! You have to break the spell!

There has to be a way! There must be
a hidden meaning or something!

Focus on looking for something like that!

Right! I'll do my best!

Hurray! Hurray! Levy!

Is it me, or is that cheer team
more annoying than anything?

No! It's good to have fighting spirit!

--Almost makes me wanna join in!

Hurray! Hurray! Levy!

No, this makes it even less understandable.
It's not even words!

"3 minutes left"
Three minutes left.


Fish every day from now on...

Morning, noon, and night...

N-Nothing but fish...?

Am I destined to be excited by
catnip and such from now on?!

Calm down, Happy! I mean Erza!

Erza. Sorry about before.
I shouldn't have acted that way.

Happy! You...

This is no time to be bickering, is it? Let's make up!

Yes... I apologize as well!

Here! This is a symbol of our renewed friendship!



Read the situation better!

Levy! Are you done yet?!

"1 minute left"
This is seriously bad. One minute to go!

Is it just me, or are you actually enjoying this?!

N-Not at all...

Just a little more! I think I'm close to getting it!

You can do it! You can do it, Levy!

--I'm all fired up!
--He's too suited for this...

Oh? You're still at it?

Gramps! Don't you know any spells?!
At this rate, we're gonna be--



W-Wish I could help you.

We're not gonna make it in time!

I told you, anything but that!

I give up!

Dunno how accurate it is,
but you probably have about 40 seconds left!

What do you mean by "probably"?!

Oh! I remember something!

What is it?!

As I recall, when lifting this spell,
you can only do it one pair at a time.

I believe it's impossible to
turn everyone back at once!

"30 seconds left"

"30 seconds left"
You have thirty seconds! Or so...

"Or so..."
You have thirty seconds! Or so...

Which pair goes first?!

Me and Loke, of course!

--Right, Loke?!

I don't think so! We go first!

Not so fast! What will happen to
Fairy Tail if I get stuck this way?!

Happy and I should go first!

I don't care either way!

--No, us!

This is ugly...

People turn scary when
they're driven into a corner...

Fifteen seconds!

Oh! I got it!

Twelve! Eleven!


I found out what this is!
Basically, the best way to explain it...!

Nine! Eight!

Levy! You can explain later! Hurry!

Right! Here goes!

"Aruboroya tesura rugi gou!"

"Aruboroya tesura rugi gou!"

"Aruboroya tesura rugi gou!"

"Aruboroya tesura rugi gou!"

Oh! I'm back to normal!

Me too!


Huh? Ice comes out even when you're normal?

Levy! Thank you!


--All right!
--Our cheers paid off!

Tell us how you did it!

There was no meaning to the words.

So I tried reading them backwards.

They didn't have many letters in ancient times,

so whenever someone wanted
to express different things

they'd make it so reading it backwards
would have a different effect.

That's why reading the spell backwards undid it!

Ah! Thank you so much!

We owe you one, Levy!

I did it for you, Lu!

Th-The spell's not broken!


I haven't changed, either! I'm still a cat!

I'm fine either way, though!

Talk about racing against the clock.

I guess the other two pairs didn't make it in time.

You can't be serious!
Wh-What now?! Try it again, Levy!

Huh? I think I might've made a tiny mistake...


Then we're stuck like this forever?!

No! I don't want to drool fire forever!

A nightmare! This is a nightmare, plain and simple!

I'm fine either way, though!

Now, now. There's surely another way.

Is it just me, or am I shorter?!


Whoa! Mira! Don't tell me you...!

Gramps and Mira have switched places!

My, what a nice body!

No! Anything but that!

Could it be...?

Real men never give up, Natsu.

Huh? Why does my body reek of booze?

--What is this?! Why am I Elfman?!

I feel sober all of a sudden...

Hey, Droy!

Huh? What is it, Jet?

We've switched places!

You two switching places
doesn't make much of a difference.


What a dreamy, nice body this is!

No! Levy, do something!

I'm in way over my head now...

Yay! Everyone's switched places! This is so neat!

This is no time to be happy!

A fictional spell... this is not.

This slightly imbalanced realm of magic
exists just around the corner

from the world they call their daily lives.

So, until next time...

Turn us back!

You're just gonna leave us hanging?!

"The End"

merii goo rando mawaru yume no sekai ni

nokosareta kimi no yokogao
oikakete asa o mukaeru

mou ni do to kao nante
mitakunai wa tte iisuteta

hoho ni wa namida ga tsutatteita

kimi wa mujun no aranami
ni nomaresou ni naru tabi ni

namida o koraetetan darou

tsuyoi hito ne tte minna ga
kimi no koto o kaikaburu kara

itsu no ma ni ka hontou no
sugata o miushinatte shimattetan da

sugu soba ni atta hazu no taiyou ga
kuzurete hikari tozashita

itsuka no hontou mo uso mo kakikeshite

merii goo rando mawaru yume no sekai de

hiniku ni mo kimi no yokogao
oikakete asa o mukaeru

"Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!"
Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!

Today is Part 2 of our Fairy Tail member introduction!

Wizards in the guild choose whatever tasks they want

from the request board and then go to work!

You should form a team
with people you get along with

and join us on our adventures!


See you next time!

Rise! Bow! Aye!

"Fairy Tail"

Man, Erza really freaked out
when she turned into you, Happy!

Yeah! She wasn't very good at flying, either!

It brings back memories of
when you were born, Happy!

Aye! But it was Erza on the inside,

so she didn't even have 90% of the cuteness I have.

"Next episode: Natsu and the Dragon Egg"
Next Episode: Natsu and the Dragon Egg.

Actually, you were kinda gross
just after you were born, Happy.

What?! I'm almost sure I was cute!

Yeah. Cute-gross, I guess.
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