05x01 - Redemption II

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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05x01 - Redemption II

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Last time on Star Trek: The Next Generation:

We will have to move quickly if we are to be successful.



In preventing a Klingon civil w*r.

I would speak with you.

I do not hear the words of traitors.

It was Duras's father who betrayed our people

to the Romulans at Khitomer, not mine.

We have discovered that our brother did indeed have a son and heir.

Follow me.

And I will show you honor.

Your blood will paint the way to the future.

If we go to the aid of the Bortas,

we'll be dragging the Federation into a Klingon civil w*r.

GOWRON: You both fought as warriors.

I return your family honor.

Mr. Worf, your responsibilities as a Starfleet officer

are incompatible with remaining on board

a Klingon ship during a time of w*r.

Then I resign my commission as a Starfleet officer.

MOVAR: Picard has rejected Gowron's plea for help.


The Enterprise has left orbit.

We should not discount Jean—Luc Picard yet.

He is human.

And humans have a way of showing up when you least expect them.

NARRATOR: And now, the conclusion.

KURN: Maintain course.

Status of warp engines?

HELMSMAN: Warp engines at 50 percent.

KURN: Status of shields?

Aft shields buckling.

Transfer auxiliary power to shields.


Aft shields are gone.

We cannot win.

We must withdraw.

Keep your place.

New course.

307 mark 275.

But sir, that takes us dangerously close to the--


WORF: We are entering the star's corona.

We will reach the photosphere in 30 seconds.

Stand by to enter warp on my command.

Set course, 250 mark 015.

Shields failing.

Outer hull temperature exceeding design limit.

— Captain! — Maintain course.

They're closing on us.

Stand by.


PICARD: Captain's log, stardate 45020.4

We have arrived at Starbase 234

where I've taken the opportunity to make a proposal

to Fleet Admiral Shanthi.

There have been three major engagements in the past two weeks.

All of them won by ships loyal to the Duras family.

None of which is our concern, Jean—Luc.

The Klingon civil w*r is, by definition, an internal matter of the Empire.

Agreed. But if the Duras are being aided by the Romulans,

it becomes very much our concern.

The Romulans have been attempting to destroy

the KIingon—Federation alliance for the past 20 years.

And at the same time,

the Duras have been secretly conspiring with the Romulans.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that the Duras are able to field

such an overpowering force against Gowron?

That they outmatch him at almost every turn?

Some would call it good leadership.

And some would say that they must be getting help.

The Romulans are prepared to take enormous risks

to gain any advantage over the Federation.

Can we seriously believe that now,

with the future of the Klingon empire in the balance,

they're content to stand by and watch?

What is it you propose, captain?

We must stop the flow of supplies

and equipment to the Duras from the Romulans.

What I propose, is that we send a fleet to the Romulan-Klingon border.

We'll take no offensive action,

but we will be in a position to expose any Romulan supplies

that attempt to cross the border.

— A blockade? - Exactly.

But how will you overcome the Romulan cloaking device?

My chief engineer has developed a system

that should nullify that advantage.

Each ship will send out an active tachyon beam

to the other blockading ships.

Now, in theory,

any cloaked vessel that attempts to pass between our ships

must cross that beam,

and be detected.

I'll have to clear this with the Federation Council.

In the meantime, assemble your fleet, captain.

Nicely done.

I hope we know what we're doing.

So do I, Number One.

PICARD: Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one has gone before.

PICARD: Captain's log, stardate 45021.3

Convincing Starfleet Command to establish a blockade

was relatively painless.

Implementing that plan is proving more troublesome.

RIKER: Starfleet is stretched pretty thin across this quadrant.

There are only about 12 ships within a day's travel of this position.

The only other ships available are either in space clock for repairs

or still under construction.

Most of them don't even have full crews yet.

We could probably scare up seven, maybe eight more ships.

Mr. La Forge, can you implement your tachyon detection grid with 20 ships?

It's possible. But the more ships, the bigger the net we can throw.

All right. I want to add the Tian Nam Men,

the Sutherland, and the Hermes,

whether the Yard Superintendent says they're ready or not. Mr. Data,

will you select a group of experienced Enterprise officers

- to augment the crews of those ships? - Aye, sir.

Will, I want you to command the Excalibur.

Her crew was reassigned when she put in for repairs.

— Geordi, you will be his first officer. — Aye, sir.

I want the fleet underway by 0900 tomorrow.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Yes, Mr. Data.

May I ask a question, sir? Of a personal nature.


I am confused.

Why have I not been assigned to command a ship in the fleet, sir?

Well, I felt that you would be needed here. Why do you ask?

You have commented on the lack of senior officers

available for this mission.

I believe my 26 years of Starfleet service

qualifies me for such a post.

However, if you do not feel the time has arrived for an android

to command a starship, perhaps I should address myself to improving——


...I believe the starship Sutherland will need a captain.

I can think of no one better suited for that task than you.

Thank you, sir.



You always did have fools working for you, Larg.

Now you don't have as many, ha-ha—ha.

You were lucky, Kurn.

But luck always runs out.

Someday, I will stand over your broken corpse

and drink to the victory of the Duras, ha-ha—ha!

Oh, Worf.

Worf, good.

This piece of baktag is Captain Larg.

He commanded the squadron that tried to destroy us yesterday.

The infamous Worf, son of Mogh.

What is that you are wearing?

That is a uniform of a Klingon.


The capital city is neutral ground, and Larg's men are all around us.

As are mine.

Good to drink with you, Kurn.

May you die well.

Die well, Larg.


You drink with our enemies?

How many are Gowron's men? How many are Duras?

Does it matter?

When we meet in battle, we will fight to the death,

but here, here, we're all warriors, all Klingons.

The repairs on the Hegh'ta are proceeding. The port stabi|izers--

Is there nothing in your heart but duty?

It is my responsibility.

We all have responsibilities and duties.

But you and I are warriors fighting in a great w*r.

Think of it.

You and I will fight battles that others can only dream of.

The time for glory is here.

It is not a time to worry about stabilizers.

It is a time to celebrate. For tomorrow, we all may die.


Come, let us, the sons of Mogh, live this night as if it were our last.

Huh? Huh?



Worf is not like his brother.

No. He tries to be.

But he's still unsure of himself.

Perhaps he needs something to help restore his confidence.

I think he'll find our offer appealing.

I'll make sure he does.

You've got to keep this mixture above 90 percent or we'll never leave orbit.

Thank you, Mr. Krags.

I am Lieutenant Commander Data.

Lieutenant Commander Christopher Hobson.

By order of Starfleet, I hereby take command of this vessel.

Please note the time and date in the ship's log.

Excuse me, sir.

I'd like to request a transfer.

May I ask why?

I don't believe I'd be a good first officer for you.

Your service record to date suggests

you would perform that function adequately.

No, no, no, that's not what I mean.


I don't think I'd be a good first officer for you.


Frankly, sir, I don't believe in your ability to command this ship.

You're a fellow officer and I respect that.

But no one would suggest that a Klingon

would be a good ship's counselor,

or that a Berellian could be an engineer.

They're just not suited for those positions.

By the same token, I don't think an android is a good choice to be captain.

I understand your concerns.

Request denied.

The Endeavor has cleared the dock, captain.

- All ships standing by. - Good.

Course 118 mark 357, full impulse power.

Signal the fleet to get unden/vay.

We'll enter warp once we're clear of the system.

Aye, sir.

The Romulan convoy is late.

We need those supplies.

Gowron has suffered another loss in the Mempa System.

His forces will not thr*aten you in that region for some time.

- But if Gowron-- - The convoy will arrive in due course.

A Federation fleet has left Starbase 234.

They've set course for Klingon territory.

- How many? — At least 20 starships.

Who's commanding this fleet?


What does it mean? is the Federation going to enter the w*r?

Should we attack them before they get here?

Silence the child, or send him away. Movar.

I want you to return to Romulus immediately.

Have all available ships rendezvous at these coordinates in two days.

Yes, commander.

Twenty starships aren't enough to wage w*r.

Starfleet must be bluffing.


Our forces in the Mempa sector are now in full retreat.

They will need to regroup near Beta Lankal.

We destroyed their supply bases in that sector three weeks ago.

How can they continue to fight?

They must be getting help.

KULGE: Maybe they have better leaders.


I say you have failed as our leader, Gowron.

WORF: There is no time for this.

We must make plans before those forces reach Beta Lankal.

How can we oppose the Duras

when we continue to fight amongst ourselves?

Gowron must answer this challenge to his authority.

Stop it. Do we fall upon ourselves like a pack of Ferengi?

The enemy is the Duras.

We are at w*r.

Now the w*r

can continue.


We're crossing into Klingon territory, captain.

Signal the fleet to maintain yellow alert until further notice.

- Aye, sir. — Begin long range scans

of the Romulan border.

No uncloaked ships within sensor range.

A few subspace anomalies, but nothing firm.

Those anomalies could be cloaked ships.

Could be, sir.

Open a channel to the Excalibur.

Excalibur. Riker here.

Deploy the fleet, Will.

It's time to spread our net.

Yes, sir.

We've arrived at the designated coordinates, captain.

All stop.

Notify the flagship that we have assumed station.

Starboard power coupling has overloaded.

We've got a radiation leak on decks 10 through 12.

Why are the backups not functioning?

There wasn't enough time to test all the backups before we left the yard.

Terry, I want you down in Engineering working on a new coupling.

You have taken the phaser and torpedo control units off-line.

Keith, you and I will start bringing radia--

Mr. Hobson, it is inappropriate for you to determine a course of action

without consulting your commanding officer.

I was trying to safeguard the lives of people on those decks.

But you're right.

Belay those orders, everyone.

Phasers and torpedoes are back online.

What should we do, sir?

You will take the phaser and torpedo units off—line,

and begin repairs of the starboard power coupling.

Thank you, sir.

You heard the captain, everyone.

We're ready, sir.

Mr. La Forge, how long do you think it will take the Romulans

to detect the tachyon field once it's activated?

Not long. The Romulan sensors are as good as ours.

Very well.

Energize the network.


Commander, there's an increase in tachyon emissions

from the Federation fleet.

SELA: They're using the beams as a detection field.

If we try to cross it, they'll see us.

Even if we're cloaked.

Issue orders to begin work on a way to penetrate this field.

In the meantime, we'll have to convince Captain Picard he should leave.

O'BRIEN: Captain, I'm picking up something directly ahead.

Romulan ship decloaking.

Shall I raise shields?

Not yet.


They're hailing us, sir.



No, captain.

My name is Commander Sela.

The woman you knew as Tasha Yar

was my mother.

SELA: Deploying an invasion fleet along our border

is a clear act of aggression, captain.

It will not be tolerated.

You have 20 hours to recall your ships

and return peacefully to Federation territory.

So you believe her, counselor?

I'm not saying we should accept her claim at face value.

But I sensed no deception from her.

She really believes she's the daughter of Tasha Yar.

Regardless of what she believes, Sela can't be her daughter.

I've reviewed all of Tasha's medical records,

and there's no indication that she was ever pregnant.

Besides, Tasha was a child when this woman was born.

Sela could have been cloned.

Or had her appearance surgically altered.

But why? What possible advantage could there be to the Romulans?

As this now stands,

I don't think this will have any impact on our present strategy.

We'll continue the blockade, leave the next move to them.

Thank you.


GUINAN: Am I intruding?

No, not at all. Is something wrong?

News travels fast.

I heard that Tasha Yar's daughter is aboard the Romulan ship.

I think that the Romulans are just hoping to create a distraction.

They want to keep us off balance.


How much do you know about what happened

to the last ship called Enterprise?


It was lost at the battle of Narendra III,

defending a Klingon outpost from the Romulans.

And the survivors?

There were stories of prisoners taken back to Romulus,

but these were only rumors.


There were survivors.

And Tasha Yar was one of them.

Guinan, that was 23 years ago.

Tasha Yar was only a child.

I know that.

But I also know she was aboard that ship.

And she was not a child.

And I think

you sent her there.

How can that be?

I don't know.

I just know that you did.

Tasha died.

A year before you came on the Enterprise.

— You never met her. - I know that.

If you have only a vague intuition...

You can't just dismiss this.

If I'm right, then you are responsible for this whole situation.

I think it's time that I met Commander Sela.

We are at w*r.

Gowron should forbid any challenges until we are victorious.

A Klingon does not postpone a matter of honor.

A Klingon should place the good of the Empire above his own pride.

So now Gowron no longer suits you.

Perhaps you wish to challenge him for the leadership of the council?

- No. - Then do not speak of this again.

I did not wish to follow Gowron.

You came to me and insisted that we support Gowron

against the Duras family.

The time for debate is over.

We are Klingons.

He is our leader.

If that is not enough for you,

then perhaps you made the wrong choice when you put on that uniform.

Well, captain,

what is this urgent matter we need to discuss?

Please, won't you sit down?

I'm afraid that you have misinterpreted our presence here.

I want to reassure you that we have no hostile intention.


So then I can tell my superiors

that a fleet of 23 Federation starships is on our border for what?

Humanitarian reasons?

It is our intent to prevent any external power

from interfering in Klingon affairs.

Nor do we have any plan to do so.

But captain, if for any reason we chose to enter Klingon territory,

how would you stop us? With our cloaking devices,

we can slip by you at will.

Then why don't you just take your ships across?

You sound eager for us to try.

Perhaps you've discovered a method in detecting our ships?


I don't think you asked me here to discuss our military situation.

All right. Why did I invite you here?

You want the answer to the only question on your mind.

How could Tasha Yar be my mother?

It's been suggested that she was onboard the Enterprise—C

when it was destroyed 24 years ago.

That she was one of the survivors, and that obviously,

you're a product of a union between her and a Romulan.

But you know that's impossible.

She would have been a child when that battle occurred.

But you claim that it is possible.

That you're the daughter of Tasha Yar.

Yes, she was on that ship 24 years ago.

She was sent there, by you, from the future.

She was among those few who survived.

They were all to have been ex*cuted after the interrogation.

But a Romulan general saw her, and became enamored with her.

So a deal was struck.

Their lives would be spared if she became his consort.

I was born a year later.

I want to meet your mother.

Can you arrange that?

One night when I was four years old, she came to me.

She bundled me up and she told me to stay quiet as we left the compound.

I realized she was taking me away,

she was taking me away from my home, my father.

So I cried out.

My father offered her life.

He gave her a home. He gave her a child.

And how did she repay him?

By betrayal.

They ex*cuted her.

Everything in me that was human died that day with my mother.

All that's left now is Romulan.

Never doubt that.

Doubts? I'm full of them.

But nothing in my experience can persuade me

that what you have told me is true.

And I do know one thing.

It will not affect my judgment at our next encounter.

You have 14 hours, captain.

I suggest you use them wisely.



[LAUGHING] Something wrong?

Welcome, Worf, son of Mogh.

- What do you want? — The same as you.

Personal honor.

Glory for the Empire.

Your family has never valued honor.

You only knew our brother. We are not like him.

One was to make you an enemy.

We would rather be your friend.

Then you should not have opposed Gowron.

Gowron is nothing.

Toral is Duras‘ only son,

and he will be the leader of the Council.

In your heart, even you know that.

But Toral needs guidance.

A firm hand.

A father figure.

That could be you.

If you were mated to B'Etor.

The rewards could be greater than you can imagine.

Nothing will stand in our way.

Oh, we could rule the Empire together.

Join us, Worf, and usher in a new era for our people.

An era where honor has no meaning?

Where Klingons trade loyalties in dark rooms?

And the Empire is ruled from Romulus.


SELA: Enough, Lursa. You failed.

I need to know the strength and capabilities of the Federation fleet.

I don't have time for this.

Turn him over to the guard.

B'Etor can have him back when they've finished with him.

GUARD: Come.

In 13 hours we'll be forced to either withdraw from the border

or fight the Romulan fleet.

Neither alternative is acceptable.

We must expose their involvement before the deadline.

What is it you propose?

Ifyoulaunch a full—scale attack, now,

then the Duras fleet will call for supplies.

Lursa and B'Etor will call for help.

The Romulans will try to run the blockade.

And we'll be ready for them.

And once the Romulan connection has been exposed,

support will fall away from Lursa and B'Etor.

Very well. I will make preparations.

One thing more, Picard.

Worf has been captured by the Duras.

I hope he dies well.


When Gowron begins his attack, then we will make our move.

Excalibur will fall back with engine problems,

and you will take the Akagi and the Hornet to this position,

which will open a small gap in our detection net.

If the Romulans are already aware of the tachyon field,

they should run the blockade at that point.

Exactly, but when they try to bring their ships through,

the Enterprise and the Tian Nan Men will swing around, close the gap

catch them in the act.

Very nice.

I'd better get back.

- Good luck, Will. - Good luck, captain.

We've just received an urgent message from Lursa and B'Etor.

Gowron's forces have att*cked in three sectors.

The Duras are nearing defeat.

You mean they were caught unprepared and they're crying for help.

Have the science sections found a way to circumvent the detection grid yet?

We think so.

Just before we cross the border, we'll send out a massive tachyon pulse.

A burst that large should cause enough interference

to disable a part of their network.


MOVAR: One of their ships is moving off the blockade line.

Their warp drive is failing.

Picard is redeploying the fleet to compensate for the missing ship.

There's a gap opening in the net.

SELA: He doesn't have enough ships to maintain the network.

If we act quickly, we can move through.

- Commander. - No.

I don't think so.

But it's what we've been waiting for.

Yes, I know, and so does Picard.

He's giving us exactly what we need.

And he expects us to take it.


We won't step into Picard's trap.

We will disable part of his network here, where they're weakest.

We'll direct the energy burst right at the ship with the android captain.

Sir, the detection net is picking up activity from the Romulans.

Fifteen cloaked ships spreading out along the border.

Signal the fleet to stand by.

Aye, sir.


Come to course 080 mark 295.


There's a disruption in the tachyon detectors.

It's localized at this segment of the net.

Open a channel to the Sutherland.

Data here, sir.

We're reading a disruption of the tachyon net in your area.

Yes, sir. The Romulans have released a high energy burst.

The net is no longer effective in a radius

of 10 million kilometers around the Sutherland.

That's where they're going through.

Send a signal to the fleet.

All ships to fall back and rendezvous at Gamma Eridon.

- We'll reestablish the net there. - Aye, sir.

All Federation ships proceed at maximum warp to Gamma Eridon.

Acknowledge the signal.

Ensign, lay the course and engage at warp 9.3.

Aye, sir.

What are you doing?

In disrupting the detection net, the Romulans may have caused

a residual tachyon signature to form around their own ships.

But we have no way of detecting it.

- All stop. - Aye, sir. All stop.


The f|eet's been ordered to Gamma Eridon.

The tachyon signatures will not last long.

By the time the fleet is deployed, it will be too late.

Begin to reconfigure the sensors to detect ionized particle traces.

The entire area's been flooded with tachyon particles.

We'll never be able to find what we're looking for.

I am aware of the difficulties.

Please bring the phasers back online.

That will flood three decks with radiation.

We will initiate radiation protocol when necessary.

You don't give a damn about the people

whose lives you're throwing away. We're notjust machines.

Mr. Hobson.

You will carry out my orders or I will relieve you of duty.

Yes, sir.

Captain, the Sutherland isn't heading for the rendezvous point.

She's come to a full stop.

Open a channel.

The Enterprise wants to know the reason we've stopped.

Display sensor schematic.

Display sensor sweep maximum range.

Are you going to answer the Enterprise?

Overlay a display with tachyon emissions.

Highlight any tachyon signatures

which show subspace inertial displacement.

Concentrate a sensor sweep in that area.

HOBSON: Sir, this is pointless.

Those readings could be anything.

There's no way for us to be sure the Romulans are out there.

Reconfigure photon torpedo warhead yields.

- Level six? But that won't even-- — Do it.


Torpedoes ready.

Another message coming in. It's Captain Picard.

PICARD: Mr. Data, you were ordered to rendezvous with the fleet

at Gamma Eridon. Acknowledge.

Stand by, captain.

Mr. Hobson, prepare to fire.

— Didn't you hear Captain Picard? - Fire.



They have discovered us.

Reverse course. Order the fleet back to Romulan territory.

Commander, the Duras need this convoy.

Without these supplies they cannot win.

We've been discovered. It's over.

But what should I tell Lursa and B'Etor?

Tell them

they're on their own.

They're changing course heading back to Romulan space.

Make a full report to the flagship.

Take the main phasers off-line

and begin radiation cleanup of the affected decks.

Yes, sir.



TORAL: How? Where are the Romulans?

They never came.

k*ll him.


Toral, the next leader of the Empire.

Gowron is looking forward to seeing you again.

PICARD: Captain's personal log, stardate 45025.4.

It is with a profound sense of relief

that I have ordered the fleet back to Federation territory,

following the Romulan withdrawal, and the news of Gowron's victory.

We have arrived at the Klingon home world,

where I will present the High Council

with a full report on our encounter with the Romulans.



Captain, I wish to submit myself for disciplinary action.

I have disobeyed a direct order from a superior officer.

Although the result of my actions proved positive,

the ends cannotjustify the means.

No, they can't.


the claim, ''I was only following orders" has been used

to justify too many tragedies in our history.

Starfleet doesn't want officers who will blindly follow orders

without analyzing the situation.

Your actions were appropriate for the circumstances,

and I have noted that in your record.

Mr. Data.

Nicely done.


The Council appreciates your report, captain.

The information on the Romulan supply ships will prove very useful.

Before you leave,

there is one last matter to attend to.

Bring him.

Toral, son of Duras.

You stand convicted of treason.

The Duras family will one day rule the Empire.

But not today.


this child's family wrongly took your name

and your honor from you.

In return,

I give his life

to you.


[WHISPERING] What's wrong?

k*ll him.


But it's our way.

It's the Klingon way.

I know.

But it is not my way.

This boy has done me no harm,

and I will not k*ll him for the crimes of his family.

Then it falls to Kurn.


No, you gave me his life,

and I have spared it.

As you wish.

Request permission to return to duty, sir.

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