04x16 - Galaxy's Child

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x16 - Galaxy's Child

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's Log, Stardate 44614.6.

We are approaching Starbase 313
where we will pick up

a shipment
of scientific equipment

for transport to a Federation
outpost in the Guernica system.

During the journey, we will
be hosting a special guest.


You wanted to see me, Captain?

Yes, Mr. La Forge.

It seems that the exemplary
nature of your work

has caught the attention
of Starfleet Command.

In fact, someone is coming
on board just to see

the engine modifications
you've made.

Who, Captain?

The Senior Design Engineer

at the Theoretical Propulsion
Group, Dr. Leah Brahms.

Leah is coming here?

Well, this is terrific.

It is?

Well, I mean, I've...

studied her... schematics
for years.

She was responsible for a lot

of the engine design
on the Enterprise.

Well, it should be
a very enjoyable visit then.

She'll be transporting on board

as soon as we reach
the starbase.

Would you like to greet
her on our behalf?

I would love to, Captain.

Thank you.

You keep picking at that uniform

you're going to wear it out.

I guess I am a little nervous.

It's, uh... it's not every day

a man comes face-to-face
with his dream.


Okay, you remember
about a year ago

when we were caught
in that booby trap

the Menthars set?


Okay. While we were trying
to get out of it

I went down to the holodeck
to study an engine prototype

that was made when the
Enterprise was first designed.

And the computer... well, it
gave me an image of the engine

but it also created
this hologram of the designer

Dr. Leah Brahms.

So, you met
a computer-simulated female?

Yeah, but not an ordinary
computer-simulated female.

I mean, she was brilliant,
of course, but...

warm, you know... friendly

and it was like we worked
as one.

I would start a sentence,
she'd finish it.

What I didn't think of, she did.

It was just... so comfortable.


Okay, I know it was
just a holographic image

but the computer was able
to incorporate

personality traits
from her Starfleet record.

You know, Geordi,
everybody falls in love

with a fantasy
every now and then.

No, no, Guinan, see,
you've got it all wrong.

I'm not necessarily expecting
anything romantic here.

It's just, I know, whatever...

Leah Brahms and I are going
to be good friends.

Dr. Brahms is ready
to transport, sir.

Okay, bring her over.


I mean, uh...

Welcome aboard, Dr. Brahms.

I'm Lieutenant Commander
Geordi La Forge

Chief Engineer.

La Forge.

So, you're the one who's
fouled up my engine designs.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

The matter/anti-matter ratio
has been changed.

The mixture isn't as rich
as regulations dictate.

Experience has shown me

that too high a ratio
diminishes efficiency.

I worked with the mixture
until I found the right balance.

The magnetic plasma transfer
to the warp field generators

doesn't correspond
to the recommended specs.


Again, I adjusted the flow.

Sometimes things happen
a little differently in space

than they do
on the drawing board.

Is that a criticism, Commander?

No, of course not.

It's just a well-known fact.

There's theory
and there's application.

They don't always jibe.

You've charted a completely
new swap-out schedule

for main components replacement.

You bet.

I found Starfleet estimates
for the MTBF units

to be unrealistic.

I simply determined
my own schedule

based on observation
and experience.

Is that going to be
your only defense, Commander?

That same tired rhetoric?

"Out here in the field,
we learn things

you designers couldn't
possibly understand."

In the first place, Doctor, I'm
not aware of needing any defense

and, in the second place,
if you're determined to be...

Dr. Brahms, you have
an incoming message on subspace.

I'd like to hear
this message privately.

In my office.

Be my guest.

Thank you.

Commander, I am picking up
some unusual readings

in the Alpha Omicron system.

At this range,
all I am able to discern

is that it is
an asymmetrical field

of intense energy.

What type
of radiation signature?

Unknown, sir.

The Alpha Omicron system
has yet to be charted.

I recommend
we take this opportunity

for further research.

Well, we're
way ahead of schedule.

Alter course for Alpha Omicron.

Dr. Brahms, there's no reason
for us to argue.

We're on the same side here.

I'm aware of that.

So, why don't I take you
on a little tour.

Show you the adjustments
I've made

why I think they work

and we can begin pulling
together on this?


And why not start
with the dilithium chamber.



The anomaly is orbiting
the seventh planet, sir.

It is a mass of plasma energy

within discrete boundaries

by an outer covering
of silicates, actinides

and carbonaceous chondrites.

On screen.


Is it a ship?

It does not conform
to any known design.

Any records of similar phenomena
in Starfleet listings?

No, sir.

This has never been seen before.

Ensign Rager,
ahead one quarter impulse.

Aye, sir.

Put us in orbit
of the seventh planet.

Keep us a relative distance

of ten kilometers
from the object.

Alert science stations
to stand by.

Tell them to coordinate
all efforts with Commander Data.

Aye, sir.

What happened here?

Who did this?

You remember, the crystal's
been reoriented

to adjust the direction

of the lattice structure.

Why would I remember?

Right, why would you?

Uh... well, the ship was
experiencing some difficulty

and we made this adjustment

hoping that it would work
and it did.

So, it was your idea?

Not exclusively, no.

It's curious.

This modification
was due to be introduced...

In the next class starship.


How did you know that?

Um... I didn't.

I mean...

Well, it's
the next logical step, right?

Listen, Doctor.

Sometimes we have to fly by
the seat of our pants out here.

So it stands to reason
that once in a while

we're going to come up
with the same solutions you do.

I've got a personnel review

scheduled to start
in about five minutes

and I know it's been
a long day for you.

So, why don't we get
together later?

Sort of plan out our agenda
for the next day or two.


What it is we want
to accomplish here.

How we might best
go about that.

Maybe even get to know
each other a little bit.

It might make this easier.

Maybe you're right.

Okay, great.

How about, uh... my quarters?

1900 hours?

Maybe even have a bite to eat?

I make a great fungilli.

I love fungilli.

Is that right?


Sensors are having difficulty
penetrating the interior.

However, the radiated output
suggests a coherent system

of energy storage
and utilization.

Then it was constructed
by someone?

It is a possibility.

However, the sensor data
gathered thus far

suggests a naturally
occurring phenomenon

with biological properties.

A life-form?

Yes, Captain.

Mr. Worf, begin compiling
readings for transmission

to Starfleet Headquarters.

Mr. Data, prepare to launch
three level-5 probes.

Ensign, aft thrusters.

Standard observational posture.

Level-5 probe sequence
ready for launch, Commander.

On your mark.

Stand by, Mr. Data.

Aye, sir.

What would it be like,

No ship, no bulky space suits.

Just to live between the stars

and have the entire galaxy
as a home.

Captain, we are being probed.

Recommend we raise shields.

Negative, Mr. Worf.

We are curious about it.

It has a perfect right
to be curious about us.

Change in readings, sir.

It is moving toward us.

Reverse course, Ensign.

300 kph.

Aye, sir.

Now, easy.

We don't want to alarm
or provoke it.

We are caught
in an energy damping field, sir.

Raise shields.

No effect, Captain.

Reverse power, full impulse.

Impulse engines at full power.

No change in position, sir.

Red Alert!

Mr. La Forge,
prepare to initiate warp drive.

Sorry, Captain.

There's too much interference
to form a warp field.


Radiation levels
at 65 millirads per minute

and rising.

Riker to Dr. Crusher.

Go ahead, Commander.

All decks prepare
for radiation protocol.

Acknowledged. Crusher out.


Radiation levels at 300
millirads per minute and rising.

Lethal exposure in one minute.

Mr. Worf, ready phasers.

Minimum power.



Radiation levels dropping back
to normal, Captain.

Energy patterns are
breaking down, sir.

The radiation signature
is no longer stable.

Energy output is negligible,

Radiation patterns...

no longer coherent.

I believe it is dead, sir.

We're out here to explore

to make contact
with other life-forms

to establish peaceful relations,
but not to interfere...

and absolutely not to destroy.

And yet, look
at what we have just done.

Captain, everything you did

was consistent with established
Starfleet procedures.

Number One, you have the Bridge.

Captain, sensors are picking up

a new energy reading
from the life-form.

Elaborate, Data.

There is a new concentration
of ionizing radiation

growing in the center
of its body.


perhaps it's still alive.


Computer, subdued lighting.

No, that's... that's too much.

l-I don't want it dark.

I want it cozy.

Please state your request
in precise candlepower.

See, it's not a matter
of precision, computer.

It's a matter of mood.

Brighter than this.

Hmm. More.


A little more.

Hold! Right there.


Now, some, um, some music.

Maybe, uh...

maybe a little soft jazz.

Mm. No, that's...
that's not right.

Let me think here.

Oh, I got it.

Uh, some Brahms.

A piano etude.

Mm... no, that's, uh...
that's too corny.


Probably everybody
thinks of that.

Computer, just give me
some guitar.

Classical guitar.

Doesn't matter who.

Yes. Thank you.

Come on in.

Oh, uh... you've changed.


Uniforms are so... formal.

You're less formal than
any Starfleet officer

I've ever met, Commander.

Am I?

I really just wanted to make you
feel more comfortable.

I'm fine, thank you.

I'm sorry.

Come in and, uh, have a seat.

Uh, can I get you a drink?

No, thank you.

You sure?


You know...

your hair... it's, uh...

it's different.

Different than a few hours ago?

No, I mean it's different
than I expected.

Different from
your Starfleet records.

Oh, yes, I used to wear it up.


Why would you need to see
my personnel files?

Standard procedure
when guests come on board...


I mean, it was nothing specific

Just, you know...

Commander La Forge...

if I seem to be somewhat
unyielding in my views

it's because I care so very much
about my work.

Oh, l-I know.

To be honest,
people find me... cold

cerebral, lacking in humor...

But they're wrong.

I assure you.

Well, I try not to be that way

but when it comes to my designs,
my engines, especially the ones

on the Enterprise...

It's like...

they're your children.

Yes. Exactly.

So, naturally, you're
a little possessive about them.

You understand that?

Yes, I do.

You see...
I feel the same way.

That's amazing.

I don't think anyone has ever...

Sometimes I feel
more comfortable

with engine schematics
than people.

Well, maybe you just haven't
met the right... people.

You hungry?

I'm hungry.

Why don't
I just start dinner, okay?


Please, call me Geordi.

I'm sorry.

I hope that I didn't put you
to a lot of trouble

but I can't stay.

You can't?

I just don't think
that it's appropriate.

Oh, uh-huh.

I'll meet with you
at 0800 tomorrow?

I'm preparing
a list of discrepancies

that I've identified
in your modifications.

I hope...

now that we've reached
an understanding...

that you'll be prepared
to discuss them with me

in a more objective fashion.

Sure. Fine.

Thank you.

Good night, Commander.

Good night.

This new concentration
of energy was detected

only after the surrounding
material became inert.

Could this be some sort
of tissue regeneration?

The radiation signature is
similar to the original pattern

but with significant

Some kind of reaction
to our phaser fire, perhaps?

I believe it is separate
and self-contained

within the body
of the dead life-form.

Another entity.

Yes, sir.

It appears to be

a smaller,
less-developed version

of the original creature.


No wonder it att*cked us.

It was about to give birth.


It's dangerous to generalize
about new life-forms

but based on my experience
with other beings

who bear their young
in this manner

I'd say that the offspring
is still premature.

Otherwise, it would be able
to break through

the outer body shell
of the parent.

Will this creature

be able to survive on its own
without the parent?

There's no way to tell.

We don't have enough information
about the biofunctions

of the adult,
much less the child.

Is there anything
we can do to help?

If we were in Sick Bay,
I'd try a cesarean section.

The first priority

is to free it
from the body of the parent.

We could use our phasers
as a scalpel.

Yes, that might work.

I advise against this, Captain.

The parent proved to be
a threat to the ship.

We do not know
how the offspring will react.

Your objection is noted,
Mr. Worf

but we are directly responsible
for the death of the parent.

We cannot simply wash our hands
of it now.

Doctor, we will proceed
at your discretion.

Good morning.

Good morning.

The first thing I'd like to do

is inspect the power
transfer conduits.

You realize the only way to
inspect them is to crawl inside.

I designed them, Commander.

I know what's involved.

Here we go.

Power taps... watch yourself.

The acoustic signature
doesn't sound right.

You're probably the only
other person in the galaxy

who could pick that up.

What's causing it?

It's right up here.

I've never seen anything
like this before.

What is it?

It's a mid-range phase adjuster.

Puts the plasma back into phase
after inertial distortion.

This has never been done before.

I don't even think

this has ever even been
conceived of before.

You should write
a scientific paper.

Uh-uh, Doctor, no.

Writing is not
one of my strong suits.

But this kind of refinement
should be shared

and you deserve
the credit for it.

Well, maybe we could, uh...

Writing is one
of your strong points.

Commander La Forge...

ever since I came on board

there seems to be something
a little peculiar

about your attitude.

You seem to know
things about me...

even though we've never met.

Well, uh...

to tell you, uh,
to tell you the truth

I've studied you.

Your writings,
your Starfleet file.

I've admired you.

You know, your... your work.

Well, I'm flattered, but...



Well, I really...

I really wanted to meet you
for a long time

and... I'd like to think

that... we could become friends.

Maybe good friends.

I thought you knew.

I mean, you know
everything else about me.

But, Commander, um...

if I'm hearing
what I think I'm hearing

then you should know

that I'm married.

Set phaser power
to three percent, narrow beam.

Three percent.

All right.

Here we go.

The first incision is complete.

Ideally, the offspring
should now be able

to push through the outer shell
of the parent by itself.

I think it needs
a little more help.

We've done all we can.

I don't want to risk hitting
the offspring by accident.

Come on.

You can do it.

Ah! Captain

I'd like to announce the birth
of a large baby... something.

Well done, Doctor.

Well done.

How could it have been
so far off?

It was based on every
piece of information

on record about Leah Brahms...

okay, with an admitted
margin for error

but this is an error that's
about a light-year wide.

Not what you hoped for, huh?

Hoped... Guinan

the woman is about as friendly
as a Circassian Plague Cat.

Only cares about her work

hates what I've done
to her engines

and, to top it all off,
she's married.

The computer never even told me
she was married.

Computer glitch?

Must have been.

Maybe it was your old VISOR.

What are you talking about?

Well, the one you wore when you
were on the holodeck with her.

Guinan, it's the same VISOR.


Oh, I figured it was
probably the one

that lets you see
what you want to see.

What's that supposed to mean?

You saw exactly what you wanted
to see on the holodeck.

Sure, the computer made it
look like her

gave it personality

but when it came
to the relationship, La Forge

you... filled in the blanks.

And you had
a perfectly wonderful

marvelous little fantasy

until the real Leah showed up
and ruined it.

Now, she's probably done
the most horrific thing

one person can do to another...

not live up
to your expectations.

So I'd take a good, long,
hard look at her, La Forge.

See her for who she is,
not for what you want her to be.

The life-form's patterns
are stable, Captain.

It seems able to withstand
the solar radiation.

Good. Ensign, set a course
for the Guernica system.

Aye, sir.

We're not staying?

No, Number One.

We've done all we can to help.

Now it's time to move on.

This creature can
continue its existence

without any further
interference from us.

It might be wise to put
some distance between us

before we initiate warp drive.

Very well. 500 kph, Ensign.


Captain, it is following us.

Maintaining a distance
of... four kilometers.

Directly astern.

17 degrees to port, Ensign.

Aye, sir.

It is turning with us, sir.

Increase to half impulse.

It is matching our velocity.

It's imprinted on us.

It thinks the Enterprise
is its mother.

Change in energy reading, sir.

I am reading an internal buildup
of gamma particles...

Its velocity is increasing.

It is moving directly
toward the ship.

Evasive maneuvers. Full...


Minor damage.

The creature is now in direct
contact with the hull, sir.

On screen.

Mr. Data?

Sir, the life-form
is draining energy

from the fusion reactors.

It's feeding off the
energy of the Enterprise

as it would from its mother.

What action should we take, sir?

None, Lieutenant.

None at all.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Since the newborn
has attached itself to the hull

it has been making
greater and greater demands

on the ship's energy,
but we have been able

to stabilize
our power systems temporarily.

How long before the power drain
becomes critical, Mr. La Forge?

If it continues to increase
at the same rate

six, maybe seven hours.

We may be able
to modify the engine

to extend that
a little longer, Captain.

Your help would be
appreciated, Doctor.

By then, Junior may
not need us anymore.

Mr. Data, is there any way
to determine

what the destination
of the parent

might have been?

I can attempt to extrapolate

from the heading it was on
when we encountered it, sir.

Perhaps it was on its way

to provide a safe and supportive
environment for its newborn.

We might be able to deliver it
to the same destination.

Which brings up the question

of how do we get Junior off
the hull once we get there.

It's almost completely covering
the door of Shuttle Bay Two.

If we open the door

and deactivate the atmospheric
force field...

The pressure
from inside the ship

might push it
away from the hull.

Make it so.


Is the appellation "Junior"

to be the life-form's
official name?

No, it is not.

We can save a lot of energy

just by improving
engine efficiency.

We've run
into similar problems before.

That's actually why I reoriented
the dilithium crystal.

And why you added
the mid-range phase adjusters.


Commander, it seems
that you've made

a lot more modifications
than I'm aware of.

Do you have a file on
all the work you've done?

It's in the computer.


Picard to La Forge.

La Forge here.

Commander, I need to see you
on the Bridge.

On my way, Captain.

You go on ahead, Doctor.

Ensign Pavlick
can show you the file

on the engine modifications.

"Phase coils upgraded
to 55 field densities.

Plasma inducers interlinked
with generator."


Would there be any other files

with data on the original
engine specifications?

I believe so, Doctor.

This file utilizes
the prototype engine schematic.

It's a holographic program

set in the drafting room
at Utopia Planitia.

I'll run it on Holodeck Three.

Computer, replay program 9140

engine schematic
at Utopia Planitia.

Program loaded and ready.

She went where?

Holodeck Three, sir.

I didn't think

there was anything wrong
with her seeing the file.

No, of course not.

Nothing at all!

I'm with you every day, Geordi.

Every time you look
at this engine

you're looking at me.

Every time you touch it,
it's me.

Computer, freeze program.

Now... I understand.

No, you don't.

It's not the way this may look.

I called up a replay
of the program file.

I was all ready to compliment
you again, Commander

for constructing a program

which contained
the prototype engine.

So that you would always have

a baseline reference
for your modifications.

And now I find
that it's all about...

a fantasy plaything.

It's not like that.

I swear...

I'm outraged by this!

I have been invaded, violated!

How dare you use me like this?

How far did it go anyway?

Was it good for you?

Nothing like that happened.

It was a professional

Oh, I can tell.

"Every time you're touching
the engine

you're touching me"?

Real professional!

Look, if you watched
the whole program

you saw what it was.

We were working together

to solve a problem
in a crisis situation.

How do I know how far it went?

How many other programs
did you create?

Perhaps dozens of them,
one for every day of the week.

One for every mood!

All right, look.

Ever since you came on board,
you've been badgering me.

And I've taken it.

I've shown you courtesy

and respect, and a hell
of a lot of patience.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
Wait a minute.

I've tried to understand you.

I've tried
to get along with you.

And in return you've accused,
tried and convicted me

without even bothering
to hear my side of it?

So, I'm guilty, okay?

But not of what you think.

Of something much worse.

I'm guilty
of reaching out to you

of hoping we could connect.

I'm guilty
of a terrible crime, Doctor.

I offered you friendship.

in the last three hours.

I now read it
at 46 million cubic meters.

Captain, I have completed
the analysis

of the parent's course
through the system.

It was headed
for an asteroid belt.

Ensign Rager,
set a course 259 mark 318.

Half impulse.

Aye, sir.

Hold a position 500 kilometers
from the periphery

of the asteroid field.

Aye, sir.

Difficulty getting
a clear sensor reading

beyond 4,000 kilometers.

The asteroids contain
large quantities of meklinite

which is interfering
with our scanners.

I am also detecting
traces of Kefnium

a compound found in the outer
shell of the parent being.

It is likely the asteroids

provide sustenance
for this life-form, sir.

We could leave the child here.

If Data's right, it would have
an ample supply of food.


Mr. La Forge, are you ready

to separate our guest
from the hull?

Ready, Captain.


I am deactivating
the atmospheric force field now.

Engineering, report.

the offspring is emitting

radio transmissions.

Is it trying to communicate?

The power drain is increasing.

Approaching auto-shutdown.

Take the engines off-line.

with auxiliary power only.

All decks go
to emergency level seven.

and critical operations only.

Mr. La Forge,
what is your status?

Sorry, Captain.

The bay has been
completely depressurized

but... it's still hanging on.

I am detecting other radio
transmissions, Captain.

Sensors detect movement
within the asteroid field.

Bearing 257 mark 161.

On screen.


At their current speed, sir

the entities will intercept us
in... ten minutes, 31 seconds.

w*apon status?

Auxiliary power only.

Two seconds'
phaser fire available.

Ensign, power readings.

We're on auxiliary generators.

Life-support is functioning.

That's about all.

Keep your eye on that
generator console.

We've got less than six minutes
to get that baby off our back

before his relatives get here.

Whatever we try, Junior responds
by sucking up more energy.


I have a thought...

if you're interested.

Of course.

What is it?

If the baby is nursing,
perhaps what we need

is to find a way
to sour the milk.

If we could contaminate
the energy he's feeding on

we could try to...

Make it unpalatable somehow.


But the emergency generators
are all we've got.

And how do we modify them
without losing life-support?





this is a space baby, right?

I mean these creatures are born

they live and die
in interstellar space.



All matter in space vibrates
in a specific radiation band.

21 centimeters.


Oh, that's good, Commander.

That's very good.

If we could alter
the power frequency

so that it's completely foreign

to the life-form's
natural vibrations...

Might just give us enough

to pour a little vinegar
in baby's milk.

Yeah, we have to be careful

If we upset it this time, we
might lose auxiliary power, too.

If we're gradual enough,
it won't be such a shock.

Hopefully, it'll just
lose interest.

La Forge to Bridge.

Go ahead.

Captain, Dr. Brahms and I
have a plan.

Two minutes until the creatures
intercept, Captain.

Captain, we're ready down here.


Lowering wavelength
in the energy system...


Reading 18...







Now at the two-centimeter level.

Any reaction, Bridge?


I detect no reduction
in the life-form's

rate of energy consumption.

One minute, 30 seconds
to intercept.

Not sour enough.

Leah, take it down further.

Reading one...

point eight...

point four...

point two.

I guess it noticed
what we're doing.

The life-form is emitting
its high-frequency transmission.

Energy consumption is rising.

Captain, the creatures are
accelerating their approach.

They are changing color.

Mr. La Forge!

just a little more time.

Leah, nudge it down
even further.


30 seconds to intercept.

Point oh eight...

oh five...

oh three.

Now at.02 centimeters.

Auxiliary generators
losing power, Captain.

The entity has disengaged, sir.

Power levels are returning
to normal, Captain.

Bring the engines on-line
and take us out of here.

Aye, sir.

Mr. La Forge, Dr. Brahms,

You've weaned the baby.

Good work.

You, too.

Well, yeah. L-I admit it.

I did get a little attached
to that lady in the holodeck.

The computer never told you
that I was married.

I never asked, see?

And the computer is notorious

for not volunteering

You know...

I really owe you an apology.

No. No, you don't.

I should have told you
straight out.

Well, if you had, then I
never would have had a chance

to see the look on your face
when you walked in on me...

and me

in the holodeck.

The look on my face?

How about the look on your face?

I will remember that
for a long, long time.

I wouldn't change a thing.

Except for the way I behaved.

I guess I came here with my own
set of preconceptions about you.

Well, I guess I'm just glad
that I got the opportunity

to get to know you.

The real you.

Me, too.

Worf to La Forge.

There is an incoming message
on subspace for Dr. Brahms.

Acknowledged, Worf.

La Forge out.

My husband.
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