03x18 - Ill-Bred

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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03x18 - Ill-Bred

Post by bunniefuu »

[Man Narrating] In New
York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders are pursued
by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

I don't understand
why you didn't follow up.

The bleeding is symptomatic
of everything you checked for.

Eh, it's minor. And she's
13 years old. It happens.

If it's all the same to you, I'm
having her rechecked for C.E.M.

Knock yourself out.

I've only been doing
this for 20 years.

There's no way anybody knows.

I'm just getting
worked up over nothin'.

You usually do.

Hey, Paige, I'd like to think
I'm not just doing this for me.

It wasn't my idea.

I spoke with him.
Everything is fine.

Don't worry about it.

Mom, we're gonna be
late. Can we motor, please?

Molly said McClintock had
to use the whip this morning.

That's happy news.

Does Paige know
how pretty Molly is?

I wouldn't be surprised
if he shows up with

endorsements for teeth
whiteners on his saddle.

Lighten up, Megs. He's
putting some zing into the sport.

Oh, really? I could think of other
sports in more desperate need of zing.

Speak of the devil. Hello, Neil.

We were just talking about
your terrific streak. Yes.

I heard that you had trouble getting
your horse over the jumps this morning.

They're showoffs, Mrs. Townsend.
They'll be fine once there's a crowd.

[Coughing] Excuse me.

Is that how you're planning on
winning tomorrow? By getting us all sick?

[Ringing] I have to take this.

Good luck to us all tomorrow.


How bad? Give me 10
minutes. I'll meet you out there.

I'm sure we've met before.
Last summer in the Hamptons.

I've never been to the Hamptons.
No? Where do you summer?

Same place I winter. In Bedford.

Ralph Lauren's Fourth of July
barbecue. You were playing tennis, right?

That's, uh, how you keep
this arm so well-toned.

I keep it well-toned by sticking
it up a cow's rectum once a day.

I'm a vet, and I have
patients to see tonight.

My fault. I didn't realize the
help was invited to this dinner.

[Horse Whinnying]

[Molly] What happened? Oh, my
God! What happened? What happened?

[Smothered Screaming]

[Man] Security found her just
after 1:00. Name's Molly Simms.

She's a veterinarian in Bedford.

She's in town for the horse show.
[Eames] She came from the party?

A dinner for the horse folks.

She was doing a bed check on
the clients' horses. McClintock?

- No. Madison.
- [Camera Shutter Clicks]

Uh, what k*lled the horses?

Three-inch nails through the
skull. Found a nail g*n in the stall.

I'll get Mr. McClintock.

[Horse Whinnies] She came to
check on the Madison horse...

and found somebody
pumping nails into these horses.

Yeah, see the way her
legs are tucked under?

She came in, she
saw the injured horses.

It would have been her instinct
to kneel down to help them.

Another lovely pearl.

It must have fallen in
when she was k*lled.

The k*ller closed the bag.

He didn't want
us to know that...

she started to help the horses,

which she would have done
if she didn't feel in danger.

Because she knew the k*ller.

This is Dr. McClintock
and his groom, Roy Daniels.

[Sighs] I just
can't believe this.

That poor woman. It's terrible.

We think she walked in on
somebody k*lling your horses.

You know any reason why
somebody would want to hurt them?

No. Who'd k*ll a
horse, especially these?

They were champion
jumpers. Million-dollar horses.

Million dollars. What's
your specialty, Doctor?

I'm a dentist in Stamford.

You were favored
to win this weekend?

Doc's won his last five competitions.
Doc was the man to beat.

And these were
the horses to beat.

Is that your saddle? Yeah.

Fancy saddle.

It's newer than the other ones here.
How long you been jumpin', Doc?

In competition? Six months.

Five wins in six months. That must
have put a burr under these other saddles.

I'm not gonna point any fingers.

Come on, Roy.

You have this all wrong. The world
of show horses is like a big family.

Dr. McClintock. This is who
he was up against today?

Yes, that was the order
for the morning ride.

Looks like they erased
one of the names.

You know, I see a
"K" and... and an "O."

There's a "C."

McClintock. You put
him in the last position.

He told me last night he was fighting
the flu, and he might have to scratch,

so I moved him to give him
extra time to get himself together.

I see that he was well
enough to practice yesterday.

How'd he do?

His horses were
balking at the jumps.

McClintock was
using his whip liberally.

Sounds like they caught his flu.

This dried blood around
the nostrils of both horses...

suggests a pulmonary hemorrhage
brought on by overexertion.

They were running the horses to death.
That explain why they balked at the jumps?

Yes. It also suggests
they were being doped.

I found nearly a dozen needle marks
just above the hooves of each horse.

I tested each site and found traces of
oxygen-enhancing performance dr*gs.

But these horses were competing.
Don't they get tested for dr*gs?

Yes, but...

I detected high levels of
furosemide in their blood.

Furosemide causes a horse
to urinate at an elevated rate.

Which flushes out whatever
performance drug they were taking.

Enough to pass the urine test.

- And these cuts on the lips?
- They're bite marks.

The horses were in distress. They
could have easily injured each other.

The horses weren't jumping
because they were barn sour.

Horses are like little kids.
They're always acting up.

And like little kids,
they get nosebleeds?

Our vet says this is a symptom
of pulmonary hemorrhage.

And these needle marks... You want
to know what she says about those?

She told us that the horses
were being doped up...

and run to death.

What do you think about
that, Mr. Daniels? Nothing.

What does Roy
Stubbs think of it?

That was your name, right...

when the Florida Racing Commission
banned you for doping horses?

We got your fingerprints
off McClintock's fancy saddle.

The people in Florida...
They told us you were the best.

That's why McClintock
hired you, isn't it?

Give him an edge. Doesn't
matter now. The horses are dead.

Because that Friday night,
you put them out of their misery.

Molly Simms walked in on ya.

McClintock panicked.
Not you. He k*lled her.

And then he had you
put the horses down with

the nail g*n to hide
the real cause of death.

That never happened.
We-We never saw that girl.

And the horses were
fine when we left. Fine?

With bleeding nostrils and their
lips cut from biting each other?

They were all riled
up from the doping.

You don't know what you're
talking about. Those bite marks?

They were from the horse in
the next stall... the Madison horse.

That mare bit our
horse Friday afternoon.

And you're all crazy if
you think we k*lled anybody.

What do you do when one horse bites
another? What do you do to stop them?

Nothing. You just
keep 'em apart.

Is that what happened
with the Madison horse?

Yeah, they moved her Friday.

Madison... That was
one of Molly's clients.

Mmm, one of the horses
on her list for the bed check.

We're staying at
the party too long.

I gotta stay. I
got goals to meet.

Yeah, but if you want me to stay,
you better make it worth my while.

You know, Dale, I
always took you for a weak

character, but you've
really impressed me.

Marriage must have
toughened you up.

You know, you should try that
raisin pie. It's really good here.

I moved the Madison
horse here Friday.

We always keep an empty
stall in case we have a biter.

Uh, thanks.

These horses... Uh...

You know, you got Crendall,

Townsend, Sheppard, Lansing.

These were Molly's clients.

So she came to check up on them.

She didn't have any horses around
the corner where McClintock's were.

If the Madison horse was moved
over here with her other clients,

she didn't have any reason
to be around the corner.

Unless someone created a
reason by calling for help...

for McClintock's injured horses.

k*lling the horses was a
cover for the real target.


Anybody else she might have
talked to in the building? Another vet?

No, Molly was our only vet.

Anyway, she mostly
worked out of her van.

Local calls.

Couple to the city. A
few upstate to Newburgh.

This is from a lab, marked
for a Saturday delivery.

Is that common for a lab to
pay extra for a rush delivery?

No. Molly was expecting that.

She told me to call her
as soon as it came in.

It's the results of blood work
on a horse named Mariah.

Maybe another doping case.

Do you know how her filing
system works? Uh, it's by species.

The drawer with
the red tag is horses.

Uh, it's filed by owner,
and then horse's name.

Well, if she had a file
on Mariah, it's missing.

The city vet said these are the tests you'd
run if the horse had internal bleeding.

Lab have a way of
tracking this horse? What

about this number next
to the horse's name?

It was supplied by Molly Simms. The
lab doesn't know what it corresponds to.

We got a name with no horse.

Well, this horse had a job.

Mariah was a carriage
horse in Central Park.

The number on the lab report...

was issued by the
Department of Health...

and burned into her hoof.

She's a 13-year-old mare.

She hauled tourists around
Central Park until five years ago...

when she was sold
to a farm up in Wallkill.

Wallkill? You know who
her next-door neighbors are?

The nice folks at Wallkill
medium-security prison.

You're saying Mariah isn't here?

She was stolen last year.
She was a sweet-natured horse.

She'd have walked off with
anyone dangling a carrot.

You know, I noticed, uh,

some of these guys wearing
interesting work clothes.

They come from the prison?
Yeah, it's a work release program.

They get assigned a
horse, learn to take care of it.

Who did Mariah get assigned to?

A con named Rabbit Winters.

He's still in Wallkill, doing
time for, uh, burglary and dr*gs.

Uh, careful.

That's a quick-release knot.

So Winters... He get
along well with Mariah?

Oh, yes, he took good care of her.
Even fed her out of his own lunch box.

Did you ever notice the horse
having any kind of medical problems,

like, um, internal bleeding?

There were a couple
of instances, but...

it cleared up on its own.

Now, did Winters
have any reasons...

to take the horse
into the prison gates?

Sure, on visiting days, so
the kids could play with her.

It's therapeutic for the
cons and their families.

I wouldn't say that nag brought
me luck. Bit me at least twice a week.

[Door Buzzing] I see your file says in
the three years you took care of Mariah,

you enjoyed special
privileges in here.

Your own TV, extra
time in the yard.

And then when Mariah
disappeared, your luck turned bad.

No more TV, no more privileges.

That's life behind a
wall. It's the horse.

You know, Winters,
the horse? [Neighing]

Come on, you
stuffed it full of dr*gs,

you walked it past the
guards once a week.

It made you the popular
guy behind the wall.

- Until somebody stole her.
- I don't know what you're talking about.

The somebody who
procured the dr*gs and helped

you load 'em into Mariah...
That's who we want.

I'm telling you. It
never happened.

He trained the horse.
He took the biggest risks.

And now his partner's
transporting dr*gs,

maybe by trailer, down
from Canada, up from Miami.

He's making all the money.
Would that piss you off?

That would piss me off.

That would piss me
off. Would it piss you off?

Not enough to
make me turn snitch.


[Door Buzzing]

If this mystery partner is moving
horses up and down the eastern seaboard,

it'll be tough to find him.

Maybe we're setting
our sights too low.

- The calls Molly made to Newburgh.
- Stewart International Airport.

I get a lot of calls from vets,

but I don't specifically
remember a Dr. Simms.

You have a better memory for
animals? A horse called Mariah?

- No. Sorry.
- So how does it work?

The horses fly in from overseas,
and then you examine them?

Yeah, we quarantine
them for a couple of weeks.

So if there's anything wrong with
them... internal bleeding... you catch it?

Yes. It's not
foolproof, but yes.

That's probably why
Dr. Simms called you.

You see, she ordered up
some lab tests for Mariah...

for internal bleeding.

But I never talked to her.
Oh, that's a micro-frown.

You know, the little, uh,
muscle between your eyes.

You see, the face... It constantly
gives off micro-expressions.

You know, little muscle twitches
that reveal your true emotions.

That was a micro-frown.
That's a tell for... lying.

You're funny. [Laughing]

He doesn't really think I'm funny
'cause that wasn't a smile of enjoyment.

If it were, then the muscle
in the corner of your eye...

It's called orbicularis oculi...
It would have raised up.

That was an anxious smile.

Read this expression.

You're in a restricted
federal facility...

under the jurisdiction
of Homeland Security.

- You have to leave.
- We'll expect those records
by this afternoon.

If we don't like what we see,
we'll be back with a subpoena.

Easy, Mariah. You're
almost done, girl.

Almost done.

Dale, I want to show
Dad my new saddle.

The tack room's unlocked.

Not as exciting as a baseball
mitt, but what the heck.

Maybe that day will
come, Mr. Townsend.

We're trying, Paige.
We'll see what happens.

Dad, come on!

All set?

It's not right, Paige.

Grow up.

The animal quarantine center processed
a horse named Mariah four weeks ago.

She belongs to the
Townsend Farm in Bedford.

The horse was returning from a
show in Russia, in St. Petersburg.

Townsend. That's one
of Molly Simms's clients.

And they had horses competing
in the New York show last week.

In the last 18 months, Mariah
and the other Townsend horses...

have been in competition in
Dubai, Ankara and Moscow.

I'm seeing a common denominator.

They're all entry points for
Afghan heroin into the West.

Someone traveling with the horses
buys the heroin and puts it inside Mariah.

Our vet thinks two to three
kilos can fit inside Mariah's uterus.

That's what caused
the internal bleeding.

The horses land here, and the dr*gs
are removed during the quarantine.

Probably by that vet, Reeves.

Two to three kilos of uncut heroin
each trip. That's a lot of easy money.

It's nothing compared to
the price Molly Simms paid.

Mariah ran off last night.

Somebody left the
pasture gate open.

If she gets into the woods
and the coyotes get to her...

You don't seem all that
broken up, Mr. Mullen.

Mariah was just a stable buddy,

an easygoing horse to settle
down these thoroughbreds.

How 'bout long plane rides?
She traveled with other horses?

- That's right.
- You travel with them?

Sure. Me and three
handlers and Ms. Townsend.

What is it that
you do? I'm sorry.

I can't keep up with all
this, uh, horse terminology.

I'm the farm manager.

So why aren't you on the farm
managing rather than on a plane?

[Chuckles] I do what
Mr. Townsend tells me.

- Oh!
- Oh, that's a quick-release knot.

Sorry. I just tugged on it. I'll
pick it up. That's all right. I'll get it.

So you ever work as a groom...

on the Findel
Farm up in Wallkill?

You're asking about the Findel Farm. My
husband worked there just before I met him.

- Hi. I'm Paige.
- They're, uh, here about Mariah.

Did you find her? [Eames] No.

Mr. Findel told us she was
stolen from his farm a year ago.

We wouldn't know about that. Dale bought
her at auction for cash over in Litchfield.

Ah, I'm starting to feel bad for this poor
city horse, bouncing from farm to farm.

- Was anything wrong with her?
- Dr. Simms found some internal bleeding.

We were waiting
on the test results.

Did, um...

Do you know a Rabbit
Winters up in Wallkill?

He was one of the convicts
who worked on the farm.

Were you friendly with him?

Dale is friendly with everybody.
He's a big, sweet-hearted guy.

Some people see that
and take advantage.

It's like... how we
feel about Mariah.


Well, if she turns
up, you'll let us know?

Who else from your firm
was in the city that night?

Oh, um, the two grooms,
Freddy and Johnny.

Uh, Paige. She
exercises the horses.

We just met her.
And her husband?

Oh, yes, of course,
Dale was there.

Did they stay with you?
At the townhouse? No.

No, we put them up
in a hotel near the pier.

And Mariah? Did
she come along too?

Well, yes, she always keeps
the other horses company.

Seems Dale's been everywhere
with her, even overseas.

Is he the stable buddy's buddy?

Well, he handles all the horses.

Travel arrangements, Customs.

You notice any unusual
behavior during the trips?

I don't keep tabs
on my employees.

We believe Dale used
Mariah to smuggle dr*gs.

Ms. Townsend?

Well, I... [Chuckles]

I-I can't imagine Dale
doing anything... criminal.

I mean, he's-he's
absurdly honest.

[Goren] Well, that's
quite a vote of confidence.


whose idea was it to
have Dale travel with you...

and the horses?


I couldn't care less. It
was my husband's idea.

Is he here today?

No, he stays in the
city during the week.

But I'll mention your suspicions
to him. I'm sure he'll be amused.

Have a pleasant drive back.

You get the feeling she and
Dale have been playing around?

That's one way for Dale to
keep going on those trips.

Everybody's covering
everybody's backs.

Until we find Mariah, we're
not gonna make any headway.

The vet at the animal
quarantine center, Dr. Reeves...

Assuming he's the one that
removed the dr*gs from the horse,

he'd have to
hand it off to Dale.

Maybe when Dale was
picking up the horses. Yeah.

The quarantine center's
got cameras everywhere.

They'd have to do it somewhere off site,
somewhere that wouldn't arouse suspicion.

[Goren] Hi, Doctor.
[Alarm Chirps]

There go those facial muscles.

What are you doing here? Your secretary
said you eat lunch here every day.

We just had to know why.

It turns out it's
the raisin pie.

Waitress told us it was
the house specialty.

She also said she's seen you a few
times hunched over the trunk of your car...

with somebody who looks
just like this guy... Dale Mullen.

Yeah. I don't know him.

I got divorced a year ago. I've been
selling off our old stuff over the Web.

- Selling out of your trunk?
- Yeah, to different people.

You have a peddler's license...

to peddle stuff
out of your vehicle?

On someone else's
property, that's trespassing.

You mind opening this up?

Ooh, there go your lips.
They're... They're turning white.

[Goren] You wanna know what
that means? [Trunk Unlocks]

What was in here?

Nothing. It's... [Sighs]


Oh, well... Sorry.

There's a seam from
plastic packaging.

Wanna tell us what
was in the package, Doc?

Got a dark stain.

You're a vet.

What do you think? Animal blood?

[Eames] Even I can
read that expression.

We're impounding your
car, Doc. We'll be in touch.

Think we're gonna put things on
hold for a while and see what happens.

Right. See what happens.

Paige, you don't have
to turn out Ace tonight.

- Shelly's gonna take him out
early in the morning.
- Okay.

What's she really want?

She's canceling the trip
to Vienna next month.

She won't be
competing for a while.

She say why?

What do I look like? Her friend?

We have a piece of sharp plastic
stained with the horse's blood.

The vet diagnosed her
with internal bleeding.

The horse was under his control.

What about the two
weeks it was in quarantine?

Ask those people
what they did to it.

Your client might not like the
answers they come up with.

Especially Dr. Reeves's answers.

How long you think he's gonna hold out
before he tags you for drug smuggling?

Don't fall for this. m*rder?

I didn't k*ll anybody.
They know that.

They have nothing but a
pile of manure, and they're

sorting through it hoping
to find a kernel of corn.

Talk to us, don't talk to us.

We could dispose of the m*rder if
your client has an alibi for Friday night.

I was in my hotel room
watching TV. You ask my wife.

We will, right after we ask her about your
globe-trotting affair with Ms. Townsend.

I'm not having an
affair. [Eames] No?

Your last trip to Russia.

The hotel faxed us
the details of your bill.

We found a couple of
late-night calls from your

room to Ms. Townsend's
daughter's private line.

Uh, Ms. Townsend... She
made those calls, didn't she?

And next month, another
romantic trip. What

do you think Paige is
gonna think about that?

There's no more trips. Ms. Townsend's
not competing anymore this year.

Okay? That's all over.

[Lawyer] As is this interview.

Your hands take a beating.

I work 'em. Can't
always wear gloves.

Our luck.

[Door Closes]

Can you get an order
to pull some blood?

From Mr. Mullen? He
doesn't look like a user.

Well, if he's handled heroin
in the last three weeks,

and it got into his bloodstream
through the cuts on his hand,

it'll show up on a tox screen.

The tox screen came
back negative for heroin.

We ordered up the full menu. Dale's
in the clear for controlled substances.

B-But when, uh... When
they tested him for steroids,

he came up positive
for gonadotropin.

It's a drug used to
increase sperm motility.

Dale's taking male fertility
dr*gs? Not the smartest

thing to do if you're
cheating on your wife.

Gets results.

And he said that Marguerite Townsend was
taking time off from competitive jumping.

All that jumping and jarring
is not so good for a baby.

Marguerite Townsend is pregnant?

Uh, sounds like it.

And if she's keeping the baby, then she
must think that her husband is the father.

He might be, even if
Dale is taking fertility dr*gs.

Still, even with all the
contraception in the world,

for a man who's
taking fertility pills...

Dale should be very
concerned the baby might be his.

Assuming he knows
he's taking the pills.

Someone else might
be pulling the reins.

There's nothing here.

We don't use heroin or any dr*gs.
Do you think we wanna get fired?

Why are you taking those?

It's what we do.

So, speaking of
being fired, aren't you

worried that Ms. Townsend
won't be competing?

No. It's only temporary
until her baby comes.

And her girls'll still
be on the junior circuit.

I'm surprised that you
and Dale don't have kids.

And raise them
where? Above a garage?

There's a lot of space
outside. I mean, horses...

Not my space. Not my horses.

Are you almost done?

Yeah, just one more thing.

That Friday night, did you and your husband
go to the dinner for the horse show?

We weren't invited. We worked the
horses; then we went back to the hotel.

I went to sleep, and Dale stayed
up in the sitting room watching TV.

Sitting room? Mm-hmm.

So the Townsends,
they got you nice hotels.

Um, is it the kind with the
key cards and the minibars?


I got his toothpaste
and mouthwash.

And look what I
found. She's on the pill.

Chewing tobacco.

Already opened.

[Goren] The tobacco is cut so that
it nicks the gums when you use it.

It's a very efficient way to
deliver nicotine to the bloodstream.

Not to mention fertility dr*gs.

His wife spiked his chew.

But Paige is on the pill.

She's not out to
get herself pregnant.

She's out to get
Marguerite Townsend.

You'd think Dale would have
the brains to use condoms.

Paige had the brains to
find where he kept 'em.

We passed their photos
around local drugstores.

Dale was I.D.'d buying
condoms in one place,

while Paige was I.D.'d buying
the same condoms in another.

She pokes a couple of pin
pricks in 'em, makes the switch,

Dale's turbocharged
swimmers do the rest.

And with Dale using condoms,
Marguerite Townsend would

feel pretty confident that
her husband's the father.

What's in it for Paige? Revenge?

She might be trying to break
up Marguerite's marriage.


So it isn't Sunnybrook Farm.

Just make sure babies aren't
the sideshow to the main event.

Well, babies rate pretty
high in my book. Mmm.

Maybe dr*gs are the sideshow.

My wife told me that you actually
suspect Dale of running dr*gs?

What's your evidence?
dr*gs? Money?

No dr*gs. And money's easy to
hide, as long as you don't spend it.

Well, I hope you're wrong.

Dale told us that it was your idea to
have him accompany your wife overseas.

No. No, Paige was the
one who suggested it.

You don't think
she's involved in this.

Now that you mention it...

She has a terrific
reputation as a horsewoman.

It makes no sense that she
would jeopardize her future like this.

You know, we're sorry to bother you at
a time like this... your wife's pregnancy.

- A blessed event.
- You can say that again.

- I've always wanted a boy.
- Ms. Townsend must be thrilled.

Actually, it
blindsided both of us.

But Megs can use a break
from competitive jumping.

- She gets so stressed before every show.
- Like the one two weeks ago?

How'd she handle it?

She paced downstairs
all night. That's her routine.

What is this call?

It's on your return list. It's
from the McCarter Farm.

Is that a Connecticut number?

You can read that from there?

It says "Re P.M."

P.M. Uh, Paige Mullen?

They left a message with my
secretary. I think it's about a reference.

I hope she's not
planning on leaving us.

My wife and I sell organic feed.

Ms. Mullen was looking
to open an account with us.

We just needed a reference.

- The place for sale?
- [Chuckling] Oh, that's an old sign.

But the earth is pretty fresh.

The sign's been taken down
recently. You find a buyer?

- [Horse Whinnies]
- What do you got there?

[Eames] What a gorgeous horse.

Yeah, he's a
foundation stallion.

He's got beautiful legs.


That horse is gonna
make a good jumper.

Now, has Ms. Mullen seen him?

Is that who's gonna
buy your farm?

Farm. Horse.

Uh, look, she asked
me not to talk about it.

[Eames] How much did
she offer? Just over 600,000.

Did she say where she
was getting the money?

Investments. She put 10,000 down and
said she'd get me the rest in four months.

Did she come alone
or with her husband?

She didn't mention being
married. [Man] Hey, Clare!

Four months.

Must be when her
investment matures.


Argentina? You don't
even speak Spanish.

So? Lots of Americans have bought
ranches down there in "Pintagonia."

Patagonia, Dale.
It's called Patagonia.

You can't expect me to
just leave my life here.

You won't.

I'll go down first, set everything
up with the money I saved.

Brand-new lives,
Paige. You and me?


So the money from the farm could be
coming from Dale Mullen's drug dealing.

[Eames] He's only
made four trips.

Subtract expenses,
his split with Dr. Reeves,

he wouldn't have
enough to buy the farm.

In four months...

Marguerite Townsend is
gonna be in her third trimester.

That's too late for an abortion,
too late to lose the baby

from an accident. That's
when Paige will approach her.

Blackmail her. thr*aten to tell
Mr. Townsend the baby isn't his.

Should be worth at
least a million bucks.

Yeah, a payday that Molly
Simms almost spoiled.

You know, if Dale got arrested
for the drug smuggling...

before he impregnated

that would have
ruined Paige's plan.

So they both have a motive to k*ll
Dr. Simms, and they're each other's alibi.

I don't see how
you pry them apart.

You know, Dale might
have a better alibi.

James Townsend said...

his wife was up
all night pacing.

Maybe she found another
way to calm her nerves.

So now you have three
people with a secret to protect...

and every reason not
to incriminate each other.

We do have one wild card.

[Marguerite] Dale, your
new friends are here.

They want to take a look at
Mariah's stall. It's this one over here.

Wh... What are you looking for?

A bit, or her blanket... anything with
her D.N.A. on it to make a positive I.D.

- You found Mariah? Is she okay?
- We can't get into that right now.

If you don't need me anymore, I have
to have some lunch with my friends.

"Absurdly honest."

That's what you
called Dale, isn't it?

- Do you still stand by that?
- I haven't seen any evidence
to the contrary.

Oh, you will, once our
vet examines Mariah.

And then anybody standing too
close to Dale better take a step back.

I didn't do anything.

You know, we... We
really need to ask...

how Dale packed one of
your horses full of heroin,

put him on the plane with you...

and flew back home.

Dale is responsible for the horses. I
don't even fly with them on the same plane.

What about you, Paige?

You didn't notice all that fresh drug
money flowing into the household?

Uh, if Dale struck it
rich, he forgot to tell me.

[Goren] Well, that's
some vote of confidence.

You know, Dale, I think they're
already starting to step back.

You know, the night
that Molly was k*lled...

you told us that Dale was in
the hotel room watching TV.


And you told us you were asleep. I
kept waking up because of the TV.

But you didn't
get out of bed. No.

So you really don't know if he
was actually in the sitting room.

Now, Paige, don't think with
your heart. Think with your head.

Because a lie won't save
Dale, but it will hurt you.

I didn't see him. He might have gone out.
He said he might go check on the horses.

Paige. I'm sorry, honey.

I just messed it up.

That leaves you unaccounted
for at a very bad time.

I didn't k*ll that girl. I wasn't
anywhere near those stables.

I was out walking around.

We'd really love to take
your word for it, but unless

you can give us the name
of somebody who saw you...

You know something about this?

No. I'm sure Dale
is telling the truth.

I was with her. I-I-I went to meet
her at a hotel. A real fancy one.

That is an obscene lie. Obscene?

Obscene for someone like you to
be sleeping with someone like him?

Well, that's what she did. We've
been going at it since last fall.

Oh, shut your low-class mouth!

I'm sorry, Paige. I didn't
think you wanted me

anymore, and you know
how she likes to flirt.

I don't want to listen to this filth. I
want this man out of my barn now!

Ms. Townsend, sooner or later
you'll have to answer the question:

Did you meet him
at a hotel that night?


Oh, don't expect
me to apologize.

- I'm not the one
who let his talents go to waste.
- Don't talk to her that way.

[Ropes Hit Floor]

Oh. Uh... Wow, these
quick-release knots,

they are, uh, very quick.

You know, Dale, Paige would have
been disappointed if you hadn't...

If you hadn't ended
up with Marguerite.

What are you talking about?

Do you notice
a... like, an extra...

kick in your... in your step?

Or, um, you know,
like, an extra...

bounce in the bedroom?

Maybe. So what?

It's the fertility dr*gs
you've been taking.

I don't take that
stuff. Yes, you do.

It's ground in your
chew, thanks to Paige.

Your condoms...
You hide 'em in here?

Or in your truck?

Well, anyway, Paige
found your stash.

Your condoms now have a
small design flaw called a pinhole.

Oh, my God.

- It's a bunch of lies!
- I don't get it. Why would Paige...

I'll show you.

His name is Pepper Pot.

He's a foundation stallion.
That's a beautiful animal.

All in, including the farm that he
lives on, it's just over $600,000.

Paige... already
put a deposit down.

Where were you
getting all this money?

Stud fees.

[Goren] The baby that
Marguerite is carrying...

Odds are... it's yours.

[Goren] Poor James. He's been...

He's been wanting
a son for so long.

But, you know, with
his sperm count, he's...

sh**ting blanks.

While Dale here, he's, uh,

practically a Gatling g*n.

Four months from now Paige was
gonna shake down Ms. Townsend...

for a nice slice of
her family fortune.

[Goren] Yeah. No more
exercising their horses.

No more living
above their garage.

This would be your
place, your horse.

I wasn't gonna blackmail anyone.
That horse... That is just a dream.

A dream that almost
slipped through your fingers.

You see,

Paige wanted to keep you out of trouble
long enough to get Marguerite pregnant.

Molly Simms was about to blow
the cover off your drug smuggling.

Paige k*lled her. I
should have known.

Shut up! I didn't k*ll her!

Everyone else has
been spoken for but you.

I was in my room. Anybody see
you? Maybe you ordered room service?

No, I told you. I was sleeping.
Well, then you have a problem.

You know the nice hotel
room Ms. Townsend put you in?

The one with the
electronic key card?

It has a security system that records
every time someone opens the door.

Now, your room, the door
was opened four times...

after 1 1:30 that Friday night.

Two of the times must have been when
Dale went to see Marguerite and came back.

[Paige] That's not right. Dale
probably forgot something.

Opened it, reached
in, grabbed it and left.

- That still leaves
the fourth time the door was opened.
- That's after Dale came back.

I woke up, I was cold,
I asked him to have the

hotel send up a blanket,
he opened the door,

he reached and got the blanket.

You remember, don't you, honey?

Before you answer,

you should know that in her conversation
with the owner of the horse and the farm,

your name never came up.

You're not part of the plan. No!

Dale, it was for both of us.
[Goren] Who you gonna believe?

You gonna believe this
woman who put you out to stud?

It's why she married you. It's why she
brought you here. You don't belong here.

You don't belong
upstairs with Marguerite.

Not even downstairs with Paige.

No. You do. You belong with me.

She put you here
to use you, Dale,

just like Mariah.

You know, everybody's stable
buddy, bouncing from farm to farm.

Paige hitched her wagon
to you just long enough...

to get where she was going.

Now she thinks her ride is over.

What do you think?

I know what happened.
I didn't forget anything

in the room. I didn't
get you a blanket.

I told her about the heroin. I
told her Molly would figure it out.

You dumb ox!

When I came back to the
room, her clothes were in a

pile, all sweaty; her hair
was wet from taking a shower!

You didn't think I'd notice? You
didn't think I'd figure out what you did?

You think I'm just a big,
sweet-hearted dummy.

She doesn't anymore.

You're under arrest, Paige.

Ohh! Ho-ho!

Why are you so high and
mighty? I didn't waste Dale's talent!

I sure didn't waste yours!

I've seen brood mares offer
themselves up with more fight!

[Grunting, Shouting]

I need to tell
you. Mariah's fine.

I boarded her on a
farm up near Ghent.

[Eames] We figured.


When I was a kid, I used to
dream about living on a horse farm.

That's a nice
dream... for a horse.
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