02x14 - The Icarus Factor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x14 - The Icarus Factor

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 42686.4.

We are en route
to Starbase Montgomery

for engineering consultations

by minor readout anomalies.

- I would consider them insignificant.
- What if you're wrong?


But what if it is more
than a mere discrepancy?

- Then I'd say we have a problem.
- Agreed.

We will have Starbase Montgomery
give us an independent reading.

Even if the molecular level controls
have failed,

we can still re-crystallize the dilithium
without outside help.

Don't worry, Data.
My ego isn't at stake here.

Perhaps we can reprogram
the system

to correct the readout variables.

That's certainly another option

but as we are stopping
at Starbase Montgomery anyway,

we'll let them do the analysis.

I don't recall Starbase Montgomery
being on the mission itinerary.


I think we could all use
a 12-hour layover.

Besides, I've just received
some personnel transfer directives.

Priority matter.

Boarding or disembarking?

Captain Picard?

We're within hailing range
of Starbase Montgomery.

Go to half impulse power.

Uh, will you join me
in the observation lounge

when you're done?


Number One, I've just been
recollecting the arrival

of a new first officer
onboard the Enterprise.

And a manual docking
confidently achieved.

I may have been somewhat
miserly in my congratulations then

so let me make up for it now.

The captain of the Starship Ares
is retiring.


You've been selected
as his replacement.

The Ares.
She's in the Vega-Omicron sector.

Mm-hm. And they have picked up
indications of intelligent life-form

though nothing confirmed.

Obviously Starfleet
will want to know more.

Well, that's why
they're asking for you.

Not for your military proficiency,

but for your skill as an explorer
and as a diplomat.


It'll take months at high warp
just to get there.

With no guarantee of finding anything
when you arrive.

Well, you have 12 hours
to think it over.

And if it's not too premature,
congratulations, captain.


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange, new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

- Establish synchronous orbit.
- Aye, sir.

Starbase Montgomery is sending
a civilian advisor onboard

- to brief you on the Ares' mission.
- A personal briefing?

Mm-hm. A strategic attaché
with a specialized knowledge

in the frontier regions.

I think you'll find the briefing

I hope it's complete.

Much of my decision
will be based on it.

ENSIGN [OVER COM]: Commander
Riker to Transporter Room 3.



Ah, you're right on time, commander.
He's on his way now.


You're the civilian advisor,
the strategic attaché?

I asked Captain Picard
to keep it quiet.

I didn't wanna make you nervous,

It's been 15 years. Excitement
is hardly the appropriate emotion.

You've done well.

First officer on the Enterprise,
quite a feather in your cap.

I've worked hard.

Of course. I'm proud of you, son.

If you'll excuse me,
I've got my duties to attend to.

When you've settled in,
we can complete our briefing.

Have security arrange an escort
for this gentleman.

Aye, sir.

Worf? Did you hear about

- Commander Riker's promotion?
- Yes.

He didn't know his father was coming.
He was surprised.

- So?
- Imagine if it was your father.

I never knew my father.

I didn't have a father
long enough to know him.

It is a waste of time
to think of such things.

I wasn't thinking about it
but everybody needs somebody.



You know, Starbase Montgomery
really didn't have to send me help

because I've already checked
the entire dilithium spectrum

for anomalous frequencies, so you
don't have to waste your time on that.


Wes, are you okay?

- I was just talking to Worf.
- And?

- He's really eccentric at times.
- That's one word for it.

He was really upset.

I must have said something wrong.

Maybe Worf's just not thrilled
with the prospect

of losing Commander Riker
to a new assignment.

- I know I'm not.
- Neither am I.

But with Worf,
it was something else.

- Something's really bothering him.
- Think so, huh?


- Female?
- No.



- Family.
- That is trouble.

You choose your enemies
and you choose your friends.

- But family, heh, that's in the stars.
- So I've heard.

MAN 1:
Kyle Riker.

Excuse me, ladies.

Great to see you.

MAN 2:
Kyle, been a long time.

This is more than a surprise.
It's total shock.

You mean,
you didn't bake me a cake?


- You're actually here.
- That makes two of us.

- How about a drink?
- How about a kiss?


They know each other.

No kidding. Well, I know her too.

But we don't do that.

You look wonderful.

And it has nothing to do

with Commander Riker's
new assignment?

No, his reaction
was just the opposite of mine.

- Completely unaffected.
LA FORGE: You see, Wes?

With all that's going on,
maybe you're overreacting.


You try talking to Worf, Geordi.

I'm telling you,
he is not normal for Worf.

There is of course
a genetic predisposition

toward hostility among all Klingons.

But Worf has been unusually
out of sorts.

Come on,
he's never been much on charm.

Well, whatever is troubling him,
I think we should try to help.

- He is our friend.
- I for one wanna keep him friendly.


Empirical study.

- Monitor the subject.
WESLEY: Right.

Watch the subject for any signs
of unusual behavior.

That won't be difficult.

Within the norm of Klingon patterns,
of course.

- Discretion will be required.
- Agreed. When do we start?

We will assist you as needed.
You found the problem.

And you must solve it.

Thank you.

And after working out the Fuurinkazan
battle strategies at the Tokyo Base,

I was asked to come here to work
for Starfleet as a tactical advisor.

I'm surprised you stayed out of action
as long as you did.

Will, please join us.

Your father and I
are just catching up.

You never told me you knew him.

Well, it wasn't exactly a secret.

It just never really came up.

Sit down, son.

I'm ready for that briefing
whenever you are.

- It was a pleasure.
KYLE: Good to see you too, Graham.


You wouldn't be running for mayor,
would you?

Do pick-up work
for the Federation long enough

and it'll happen to you too.

I thought about you a lot.

Kyle, I don't need to hear
what you don't need to say.

We could have been great together.


- Is it true you got married?
- Again. And again.

That makes you three for three,
doesn't it?

I'm not complaining.

Each was a good man
and we're all still good friends.

- Like us?
- Close, but different.

They were all a little more in touch
with themselves.

Ah. Ouch.

Face facts, Kyle. You're crusty.

You have a reputation for being hard
as nails and getting the job done.

But underneath it all,
you're not so bad.

Some of us even love you.

And then there's Will.

Then there's WIll.

You know, Wesley should really
be doing this on his own.

But he needs his study time.


I can't believe you fell for that.

I don't know, Data,
he looks perfectly normal to me.

In solitude there is nothing to trigger
unusual behavior.

Good point.
Let's not tamper with the status quo.

But that would defeat the opportunity
for our behavioral research.

In all probability,

he is simply lonely.

We can relieve his anxiety
through socialization.

Be my guest.

Excuse me, lieutenant.

You seem to have lost the will
to communicate with others.

You have friends here. We--

We care about you.

Why, just recently,
Geordi, Wesley and I were saying--

With all due respect, be gone!


He seems quite sincere
in his desire for solitude.

Seeing is believing, huh?


Come in.


May I have a moment, sir?

Of course, what is it?

It is very difficult to say.

Words are not always easy for me.

Is that Earth?

Yes, Alaska. I was 9 years old.

That is a fish you are holding.

And I didn't even catch it.

- But it looks like you were--
- Hooked it.

My father took the rod away.
Wouldn't let me reel it in.

He was afraid that I would lose it.

You do not have good feelings
for your father?

No, I...


I'm not sure what I'm feeling.

What's on your mind?

You plan to leave the Enterprise?

I've been offered my own command.

I would like to join you.

I haven't accepted
the assignment yet.

But, sir,
it could be a dangerous mission.

There may be the potential
for combat.

That is not the purpose
of the mission.

- Still, to die a true hero--
- Worf.

You've made your point.

Then I know
you will do the right thing.

Finally, we're alone.

Maybe now we can talk.

I'm here for the briefing, sir.

All you need to know is here.

These mission details
could have been transmitted.

I've been hearing some good things
about you.

Then why haven't I heard from you?

I know. Keeping in touch
is not my strong suit.

It's a funny thing
about being a parent.

There aren't any tech manuals.

No quick readouts to get you through
the next set of variables.

You just gotta wing it
from day to day.

- Will, when your mother died--
- Excuse me.

I've gotta study this mission briefing.


I came to the Enterprise because...

Look, considering where
you might be going, I wanted to...

I'm here with my hand out, son.

Poor guy.

Picked up the flu virus
at our last stop at Nasreldine.

Sounds nasty. What's the therapy?

Tryptophan-lysine distillates,
with a generous dose of P.C.S.

- Pulaski's chicken soup.


You haven't lost your touch,
have you?

I like to help. When they hurt, I hurt.

TROI: Doctor Pulaski's greatest
medical skill is her empathy.

You must be
Commander Riker's father.

Yes, but how--?

We've all heard about you
and I felt certain things.

This is Deanna Troi,
ship's counselor.

- Kyle Riker.
- I thought you two should meet.

Deanna's job is to keep us
from deluding ourselves.

Let me guess. Betazoid.

At your service.

I have some lab work to do.
If you'll excuse me.

Uh, why do I get the feeling
that this is a setup?

Because you're intelligent,
wise and quite correct.

Well, I've never been set up better,
that's for sure.

You're also very anxious
about something.

It's Will, isn't it?

You're not as close to him
as you'd like to be.

Oh, I don't know.

We both have pretty good taste
in women, wouldn't you say?

I'd like to help you, if I can.

- If you'll let me.
- Fine. What is it you want from me?

I came here to bury the hatchet
with my son,

only to find out
that the ground was frozen solid.

You don't seem to be the kind
to give up so easily.

I didn't say I was giving up.

It would just be nice
to get a little something from him.

- What is it you want from him?
- I don't know.

Acknowledgement maybe or...

Respect is earned, not bestowed.

Respect? I don't need that from him.

Perhaps you want him
to be proud of you.

You carry great pride
in his accomplishments.

Absolutely, look at him.
First officer of the Enterprise.

Just been offered his first command.

- Yet you covet his success.
- Please.

He'd be lucky to have the career
I've had.

True, you're well respected
in your field.

I may have something of a reputation
for excellence.

And false humility.

My guess is that Will finds you
pretty fascinating.

Candor seems to be a trait
he admires.

Honesty is the trait he admires most.

And you should honestly consider

why you're so competitive
with your own son.


Maybe in the past.

But I've come here
to help Will prepare

for his first task as captain.

Are you sure he'll accept
such a dangerous assignment?

He'll accept it
just because it is dangerous.

How can you be so sure?

Because I would.

And we aren't so different,
Will and I.


Come in.

You've seen your mission briefing?

Yes, I have.

- Any questions?
- No.

Other than a question
about the Ares' first officer.

- Oh, yes, his name is Flaherty.
- Yes.

The briefing mentioned something
about an uncanny linguistic skill.

That is an understatement,
Number One.

The last time
I saw Commander Flaherty,

he spoke 40 languages.

As I recall, among the more exotic

were Romulan, Klingon,
Giamon, Stroyerian.

He speaks 40 languages?

He has this unique ability
of instantaneously interpreting

and extrapolating any verbal
communication that he hears.

You will find him very useful
in Sector Vega-Omicron.

Yes, I'm sure I will.


Come in.

Oh, Captain Picard, at last.

I'd like to thank you
for all the help you've been to my son.

My only regret is
that your reunion marks Will's farewell.

- But he's ready for this command?
- Oh, yes, I have no doubt.

Captain, may I have a word
with my son?

Yes, of course.
Excuse me, gentlemen.

I won't be pushed into this decision.

Oh, come on, Will.

Don't you think you're ready
for the Ares?

Starfleet does.

Of course, because you're the best
candidate for the job.

I only want you to know I'm here
if you need me.

I've been on my own since I was 15.
I can take care of myself.

Please, spare me the pain
of your childhood.

I hung in for 13 years.
If that wasn't enough, it's just too bad.

Data, what if I missed something?

The ship's computer
would have corrected immediately.

Yeah, but maybe my inputs
were incorrect.

Data, Geordi,
I figured out Worf's problem.

You spoke to him?

No, no, I accessed the complete
Klingon cultural database.

- It took me some time--
- Okay, Wesley, slow down.

What is the problem?

It's the 10th anniversary
of Worf's Age of Ascension.

- His what?
- The Klingon Age of Ascension.

It's a ritual of great significance.

A rite of initiation
marking the new level

of Klingon spiritual attainment.

And what is the significance
of the anniversary of this event?

It's a day of celebration and rituals
spent with one's fellow Klingons.

Worf doesn't have
any Klingon friends.

We're his friends.

Right, but we don't practice
Klingon tradition

and we're not Klingons.

Worf is feeling culturally
and socially isolated.

So, what are you suggesting?

I mean, I'm not sure I wanna invite
a bunch of Klingons onboard.

We can program the ship's computer
to supply simulations on the Holodeck.

Holographic Klingons?
Sure, why not?

We need only
to program the computer

with details of the specific ceremony.

Now, the cultural database said
that the Klingon's family must attend.

So? We're his family. We'll go.

I just wonder what kind of party
the Klingons had in mind.

Have you got a minute?


I wanted to apologize for my remark
in Ten-Forward.

Your personal life
is none of my business.

- Even if it involves your father?
- Even if it involves my father.

Did he ever tell you
why he never remarried?

What woman would have him
with an ego like that?

I would have. In a cold minute.

Twelve years ago,
Kyle Riker was a civilian strategist

advising Starfleet
in its conflict with the Tholians.

The starbase
that he was operating from

was att*cked.

None of the base crew
was expected to live.

And they all died.
All except your father.

Your father alone
had the will to endure,

to face the pain, to live.

I never knew any of that about him.

I've never seen a man fight so hard
in all my life.

- And you fell in love?
- Yes.

And so did he.

But marriage
was out of the question.

- He had other priorities.
- His career.

You know, if I were you,
going out on the Ares,

I'd jettison the emotional baggage
you're still carrying around.

Now, the Klingon cultural database
was very specific on the setting.

Now, let me guess.

Twenty-piece orchestra,
magnificent ballroom,

everyone in formal wear.

Now, there is some unusual test
of inner strength involved.

That would entail the use
of Klingon pain sticks.

Pain sticks? Sounds lovely.

Enduring physical suffering
is considered a Klingon spiritual test.

You mean, in order for Worf
to celebrate the anniversary

of this ascension,
he has to be hurt?

And we have to witness this?

We are his family.



Number One.

I'd be a fool to turn
that promotion down, wouldn't 1?

I don't know.

And if you're asking me
what I think you should do,

I don't know that either.

I can spell out for you, albeit crudely,
what you're choosing between.

As the first officer of the Enterprise,
you have a position of distinction,

prestige, even glamour of a sort.

You are the second in command
of Starfleet's flagship.

But still second in command.

Your promotion will transfer you
to a relatively insignificant ship

in an obscure corner of the galaxy.

But it will be your ship,

and being who you are,

it will soon be vibrant
with your authority, your style,

your vision.

You know,

there really is no substitute
for holding the reins.

I'll need a little more time
to make this decision.

- Find anything yet?
- Not yet.

There is nothing to find.

- No harm in checking, I guess.
- Really?

How would you like them to give
the transporter operation a once-over?

- No problem. We're totally ship-shape.
- You're missing the point.

It's just the idea
that they even suspect a malfunction.

If I were not
a consummate professional

and an android,

I would find this entire procedure

Thanks, Data.


Chief, would you be able
to attend a little party

for Lieutenant Worf at 1700 hours?

Party for Worf?

- Sounds intriguing. I'd be delighted.
- It's a surprise.

My lips are sealed.

I didn't wanna leave
without saying goodbye.

I don't like goodbyes.

How about until next time?

How about until next time.

It's been a pleasure working with you,

The feeling is mutual, counselor.

I'm supposed to know
how everyone feels,

but I can't read you right now.

Perhaps your own feelings
are getting in the way.

My job is to help others
sort out their emotions.

My own feelings
are beside the point.

Not to me.

Our feelings
are what make us all human.

Are you feeling sad?

Yes, I am.

Soam I.

I'm leaving at 2100 hours.
Can I have a minute?

I've practiced
my best academy courtesy.

Now it's time for you to go.

It's time for us to have a talk.
So lower your shields.

- I'm asking you to leave or ['ll--
- Or you'll what?

You know, it's a shame
there's no anbo-jyutsu ring nearby.

Really? There is.
Deck 12, the gymnasium.

We could clear the air
once and for all.

You're on.

Ah. Scuttlebutt says you wanted
to see me.

That's right.

I thought I knew you, Kyle.

You do, as well as anyone.

Then what is this I hear about
an anbo-jyutsu match with Will?

You've heard?

Haven't we grown beyond the point

where we resolve our problems
with physical conflict?

- I think you're overreacting.
- I'm overreacting?

You're the one that's going out to fight
with his son.

Don't think of it as a fight, Kate.
Think of it as more of a contest.

- And suppose one of you is injured?
- I know where to find a good doctor.

- Kate--
- Kyle.

Will and I
have been playing anbo-jyutsu

ever since he was 8 years old

and he knows how to take care
of himself.

And so do I.

Don't take this personally,
but Will is in his prime.

And I'm no spring chicken. I know.

Don't worry.
He's never been able to beat me.


is this it?

COMPUTER: Correct,
Klingon Rite of Ascension Chamber.

Is this really necessary?

If we wanna get Worf
through his problem, it is.

Computer, please give us Klingon
personnel appropriate to this event.

These images
have been specifically programmed

for ascension rites.

Cute bunch.

And they use those?

Those are Klingon pain sticks.

I once saw one of them used
against a 2-ton Rectyne monopod.

Poor creature jumped 5 meters
at the slightest touch.

Finally died
from excessive cephalic pressures.

- You mean--
- That's right.

- The animal's head exploded like--
- I think that's enough, Chief O'Brien.

- I do not enjoy riddles, counselor.
- You will enjoy this one.

I'm in no mood for trifling or games.
Not today.

I know what an important day
this is for you.

The anniversary
of your Rite of Ascension.

You know about that?

All your friends onboard do.

That is impossible.
It is a secret known only to Klingons.

And certain resourceful
young ensigns.

Wesley Crusher.

What does he know about it?

Just bear with me.

- Where are we going?
- The Holodeck.

This is truly trying my patience,

I think you will approve.

You're not coming in?



- An ascension ceremony.
LA FORGE: Happy anniversary, Worf.

Shall we begin?

I am ready.


Today I am a warrior.

I must show you my heart.

I travel the river of blood.


The true test of Klingon strength

is to admit
one's most profound feelings

while under extreme duress.



The battle is mine.

I crave only the blood of the enemy.



The bile of the vanquished
flows over my hands.




Thank you.

- Is Lieutenant Worf all right?
- He's never been happier.

So it was a good ceremony.

Well, let's just say that I was not
about to stay around for refreshments.

Klingon culture is not in your taste?

I'm just glad
that humans have progressed

beyond the need
for barbaric display.

Have they?

Commander Riker and his father
are in the gymnasium

about to engage
in a barbarism of their own.

Don't remind me. It's something
of which I do not approve.

In spite of human evolution,

there are still some traits
that are endemic to gender.

You think they're going
to knock each other's brains out

because they're men?

Human males are unique.

Fathers continue
to regard their sons as children

even into adulthood,
and sons continue to chafe against

what they perceive
is their father's expectations of them.

It's almost as if they never
really grow up at all, isn't it?

Perhaps that's part of their charm
and why we find them so attractive.

Particularly a man
like Commander Riker.

And his father.

I hope they don't injure each other.


The ultimate evolution
in the martial arts.

I remember my early lessons.

You could never get used
to the sightless factor.

- Or to losing.
- True.

But I've had 15 years to practice.

Well, let's see
if you've learned anything.




- You've been practicing.
- And remembering.

You should have been the one to die,
not her.


Good. Get it all out.




I had you.

Listen, Will, you were too young
to understand.

And I was too hurt to explain.

You were never too hurt
for anything.

She was your mother.
But she was my wife.

And when she died,
all that kept me going was you.

You had a strange way
of showing it.

I came here thinking
we could talk this out.

But maybe you're right.

Maybe I am no father.
And you're no son.

And this fight is all we have left.



What is it now?

- You can't do that.
- What?


It's illegal.

You're kidding.

All these years.

That's why I never won.
You were cheating.


It worked, didn't it?

Kept you coming back for more.


You cheated me.
How'd you get away with it?

You were just a kid.

By the time you were 12 years old,
I knew I couldn't take you.

I had to keep you interested.
I had to keep you challenged, didn't 1?

- I always hated you for that.
- Damn it, Will!

You were barely out of diapers
when she died.

You hardly knew her.

I loved her.

Of course you carried the pain.
So did I.

I should have explained this to you
a long time ago but it hurt too much.

And then the wall grew up
between us.

And living there, you and me,
the wall got bigger.

You know,

it's funny.

I can talk to a whole room full
of admirals

about anything in the galaxy,

but I can't talk to you
about how I feel.

How do you feel?

How do you think?

I love you, son.

I've got to get back to, uh,
the starbase.

I know.

I'm glad you came.

Be careful now, okay?

Starbase Montgomery's
briefing specialist

and analytical team
have beamed down, sir.

Ah. What were
the analytical team's findings?

They suggested we reprogram
the system

to correct the readout variables.

Precisely what Commander Data

as I recall.

At least it gave Commander Riker
the opportunity

to consider his promotion.

Now that he's accepted,

we can leave him
at Starbase Montgomery.

- Number One?
RIKER: Captain.

With your permission,

I've decided to stay
onboard the Enterprise.


Thank you, sir.

Take us out of orbit,
Ensign Crusher.

Breaking synchronous orbit, sir.

Set course for Beta Kupsic.
That is still our destination?

PICARD: Mm-hm.
- Velocity, warp factor 5.

Course and speed set, sir.

Any particular reason
for this change of heart?

Motivated self-interest.

Right now the best place
for me to be is here.

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