01x25 - The Neutral Zone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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01x25 - The Neutral Zone

Post by bunniefuu »

We await the return of Capt Picard

who was summoned to Starbase 718
for an emergency conference.

Meanwhile, our sensors
are monitoring an ancient capsule

which appears to be from Earth.

I wonder how it got out here.

At present speed and heading,

it will enter the Kazis binary system
and be destroyed.

I could use a tractor beam
to adjust its heading.

I think not. It's just debris.

We only noticed it
because we're waiting here.

Let it be.
Let nature take its course.

How long until Capt Picard returns?

The last communication
indicated several hours.

Request permission
to investigate this vehicle.

- Why? It's a derelict.
- It is a piece of history.

The opportunity to examine an ancient
vehicle does not come often.

And, as you pointed out,
we do have the time.

Very well. Be ready to beam back
before the Captain returns.

- Thank you, sir.
- Lt Worf, go with him.

Aye, sir.

Minimal oxygen atmosphere.

An ancient solar generator.
Still operating.

Commander, look at this.

The on-board computers
have ceased functioning.

I may be able to download this
disk drive to the Enterprise.

Must be sealed. Probably with age.

Not necessary.

The seal has been broken
and the environment corrupted.

Here's another.

This one is empty.

Commander! Look at this.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds...

...to seek out new life
and new civilizations...

...to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Were they frozen
for an extended journey?

If so, there would be evidence
of more sophisticated monitoring.

These containers were designed
solely for refrigeration.

The Captain's shuttle
is approaching the shuttle bay.

This is the Captain. I want to go
when the shuttle is secure.

We'll make all preparations.

Cmdr Data, return to
the Enterprise immediately.

We have an unusual situation, sir.

There are people on board. Frozen.

Frozen? How many?

Three. The vehicle
has suffered severe damage.

Most of her systems have failed.

Should they be transferred
to the Enterprise?

I do not believe
we should leave them here, sir.

With your permission,
we will return with three containers.

Whatever you do, do it quickly.

Mr. La Forge,
set course 058, mark 173.

Number One, staff meeting
on observation deck.

Captain, those coordinates will
take us into the Neutral Zone.

That is correct, Mr. La Forge.
Warp factor eight.

- Aye, sir. Warp eight.
- Engage.

Two Federation outposts
in Sector 30 have been destroyed.

There's been no communication with
Federation starbases in Sector 31

since stardate 41903.2.

- Romulans.
- That's the assumption.

There's been no contact
with the Romulans

since the Tomed Incident.

The questions are, why now?
What's their objective?

For 50 years, barely a whisper.

Now, for no apparent reason,
they're back with a roar.

All we know of them
is based on rumor or conjecture.

The strategic decision...
is to send one ship.

The Enterprise.

We could find ourselves
greatly overmatched.

True enough. It's a gamble.

This first encounter, coming so
suddenly after all this time,

we assume it's a setup?

If force is necessary,
we will use it.

But our goal is to establish
relations with the Romulans.

If we don't succeed,
then to convince them of our resolve.

The feeling at Starfleet is
that they are seeking confrontation.

They may want to test
themselves in battle

against a Federation starship.

See how we've advanced.
If that is so, I need to know it.

I'll need a full profile.

There is limited information,
but I will prepare something.

Computer, estimated time of arrival
at the Neutral Zone?

19 hours, 28 minutes.

Let's reassemble in six hours.

Stay sharp, no surprises.

I'd rather outthink them
than outfight them. Questions?

- What is it, Doctor?
- The people from the capsule.

- Capsule? What people?
- The people Data beamed over.

- I wasn't aware that he had.
- He did. They were frozen.

I thawed them.

- You what?
- What else could I do?

The crypts in which they
were frozen were falling apart.

- So, what's their condition?
- Right now, they're all sleeping.

Each one needed
minor medical attention.

Minor now, but then their
conditions were terminal.

One had a heart problem.

Another, advanced emphysema,
with extensive liver damage.

Most surprising of all, each
had been frozen after they died.

After they died?

Cryonics. It was a kind of fad
in the late 20th century.

People feared dying.

It terrified them.

So, at the moment of death,
they would be frozen,

so that at some time in the future,

when a cure had been found
for what k*lled them,

they could be thawed, healed,
and sent about their business.

In the case of this group,
it apparently worked.

Mr. Data, report to sickbay.


Look, I am never critical of any
member of my staff being curious.

But it's just that
the timing is so...

I could not leave them.
Their vehicle was deteriorating.

Data, they were already dead.

What more could have happened
to them?

I see your point. At the time,
it seemed the proper thing to do.

Well, they're alive now.

We'll have to treat them
as living human beings.

Alive and well
and ready to be awakened.

Before you wake them
I want Security here.

Lt Worf, report to sickbay.

They're sedated, but they should
be up as soon as possible.

Well... then,
we have no other choice.

None that I can see.

Welcome to the 24th century.

I retrieved some information
from the ancient disk

I removed from their computer.

Her name is Clare Raymond.
Age, 35. Occupation, homemaker.

Must be some kind
of construction work.

She died of an embolism.
It was probably very sudden.

Otherwise, her physical condition
was excellent.

His name is Ralph Offenhouse.
Age, 55. Occupation, financier.

Advanced cardiomyopathy.

Inoperable at the time,
but easily correctable now.

He must've known his condition
was terminal for some time.

Much of his file,
we could not retrieve.

His name is LQ Sonny Clemonds.

His occupation
had something to do with music.

There was marked deterioration
in every system of his body.

Probably massive chemical abuse.

Sounds like someone who hated life.

Yet he had himself frozen
so he could go through it all again.

Too afraid to live,
too scared to die.

Doctor, this situation is
more suited to your talents.

I'll be on the bridge.

Number One.

Take charge of our guests until
we decide what to do with them.

Aye, sir.

Number One...
keep them out of my way.

I know this is very confusing to you,
so I'll attempt to explain.

You are on the starship
USS Enterprise.


No. The United Federation of Planets.
Earth is a member.

What year is this?

By your calendar, 2364.


My heart... Is it...?

It's perfectly fine.

In fact, all of you are now
in excellent health.

It worked. I made it.

What is that?

An android.

You mean, a robot?

There is a distinct difference
between an android and a robot.

And him? The one I saw before,
with the... head?

She means Worf.

He's a Klingon.
That takes a little more explanation.

I paid some idiot a lot of money
to freeze me when I died.

I just got to hear the words.
Am I alive?

Yes. Absolutely.

And the liver that was about
to explode in my face?

Perfectly sound.

Excuse me, could someone tell me
what's going on here?

About 370 years ago,
you died of a massive embolism.

I don't remember anything
about that.

You and the others were frozen.

Cryonics, you know?
Freeze you now and heal you later.

Yeah, I've heard of it,
I just never gave it much thought.

- How did we get here?
- You were in a space module.

The wacko that sold me this scam

said that in orbit,
there'd be no brownout.

Yes, several cryonics companies
fell into disrepute

because power failures adversely
affected their refrigeration system.

Their stocks were severely depressed.

The whole deal was a long shot,

but I figured I'd give them
the dough instead of my ex-wives!

But, son, I figured
it was a bunch of hooey.


As in hogwash, malarkey, jive.
An intentional fabrication.

There you go. You got it.

Now, if you didn't contract for this,
who did?

It must have been my husband,

If it was new and foolish,
he'd pop for it.

Well, it's the first thing
he bought into that worked.

I, for one, never had a doubt.

My stock in this company must have
split a dozen times by now.

Actually, the process of cryonics
was never more than a fad.

It did not continue beyond
the mid-21st century.

I need to make a phone call.

- A phone call?
- Yes, I have provided for myself.

I have a substantial portfolio.
It's critical that I check on it.

Let the bank know I'm alive and well.

It's gonna be difficult
at the moment.

Do you at least have a copy
of the Wall Street Journal?

Let's take the Doctor's advice.

Take this very slowly
until we've adjusted.

Then we'll talk to the Captain.

As you know, sir, there is little
available on the Romulans.

- Anything would be helpful.
- They are creatures of extremes.

One moment, violent beyond
description, the next, tender.

They are related to the Vulcans,
but as each race developed,

their differences grew wider.

They're intensely curious.

Their belief in their own superiority
is beyond arrogance.

For some reason,
they have a fascination with humans.

That fascination, more than
anything, has kept the peace.

One other thing.
They will not initiate anything.

They will wait for you
to commit yourself.


Thank you, Counselor.
That's quite valuable.


I'd like me
a thick Kansas City steak

and some country fried potatoes
and a mess of greens.

Hell, forget all that.

Give me a martini,
straight up, with two olives.

For the vitamins.

Is something wrong?

Wrong? Your computer fixed about
the best martini I ever had.

I might get to like this place.

Let's see if the Braves are on.
How do you turn on the TV?

- TV?
- Yeah, the boob tube.

I'd like to see how the Braves
are doing.

Probably still finding ways to lose.

I believe he means television,

That form of entertainment
did not last much beyond 2040.

Well, what do you guys do?

You don't drink
and you ain't got no TV.

Must be kind of boring, ain't it?

Number One.

Riker, here.

Would you and Mr. Data
report to the bridge?

At once, sir.

With whom were you speaking?

- The Captain.
- Good.

Would you tell him I'd like to see
him as soon as it's convenient?

What'll happen to us?
Do we stay here? Go back to Earth?

- That's up to the Captain.
- Well, get him in here.

I have to phone Geneva
about my accounts.

The interest alone
could be enough to buy this ship.

The Yankee's right.
Get the big boy in here.

I'll pass along your request.
Excuse us.

Duty calls. I understand.

Come back later on. We'll find
a couple of low-mileage pit woofies

and help 'em build a memory.

- What is to be done with them, sir?
- I don't know.

a low-mileage pit woofie?

This time you've got me.
I haven't a clue.

They are the most unusual humans
I have encountered.

From what I've seen,
there's not much to redeem them.

How did our species
survive the 21st century?


We are six hours
from the Neutral Zone.

I have been unable to make contact
with any Federation colony here.

- How many outposts are nearby?
- Nine.

We should assume
they've been destroyed.

- By the Romulans?
- It fits their historical pattern.

We've had no contact
with the Romulans

for 53 years,
seven months, 18 days.

We must consider
our information out of date.

So the information they have
about us is also out of date.

I think it's that lack of information
that this is about.

Go on.

The Romulans want a confrontation.
Specifically with us.

- The Enterprise?
- Not by name, but the Federation.

They know the Federation will send
their best,

enabling them to see how far we have
advanced in technology and technique.

- What are you recommending?
- I've no specific recommendation.

Perhaps we should assume
the initiative.

I agree.
This may be our only opportunity.

We should seize it.

Mr. Data?

The strategy is built on a single
premise. Their hostile intent.

If the premise is sound,
so is the proposal.

If their intention isn't hostile,
what is it?

Capt Picard?

This is Capt Picard.
To whom am I speaking?

Ralph Offenhouse.

I need to talk to you.

Number One, did you give him
permission to contact me?

No. He must have seen me
use the comm panel.

Listen, Mr. Offenhouse,
we're in a very important conference.

I'm sick of being put off

by you and your staff! This is
the worst-run ship I've been on!

You should learn from the QE2.
That's an efficient operation!

Data, identify. What is a QE2?

It was a passenger liner, which
traveled Earth's Atlantic Ocean

in late 20th, early 21st centuries.

He's comparing the Enterprise
to a cruise ship?

Capt Picard,
I demand that you see me!

I think I have been
very, very patient.

I demand a phone, or a radio,
or whatever else you have!

Frankly, enough is enough.

Especially considering what
I paid for this procedure!

I must contact my law...

I'm Capt Picard.

Excellent. Maybe we can
get some things straightened out.

Indeed. Those comm panels
are for official ship business.

So, why don't they need
an executive key?

Aboard a starship,
that is not necessary.

We are capable of self-discipline.
You will refrain from using them.

Just a minute...

We are in a serious,
potentially dangerous, situation.

I'm sure it seems very important
to you,

but my situation
is far more critical.

I don't think you're aware
of your situation.

Or of how much time has passed.

I'm fully cognizant
of where I am and when.

But I have more to protect

than a man in your position
could possibly imagine.

No offence meant,

but a military career was never
considered to be... upwardly mobile.

I must contact my lawyer.

Your lawyer's been dead
for centuries.

Of course, I know that.

But he was a full partner
in a very important firm.

Rest assured,
that firm is still operating.

That's what all this is about.

A lot has changed
in the past 300 years.

People are no longer obsessed
with the accumulation of things.

We've eliminated hunger, want,
the need for possessions.

We've grown out of our infancy.

You've got it all wrong.
It has never been about possessions.

It's about power.

- Power to do what?
- To control your life, your destiny.

That kind of control
is an illusion.


I'm here, aren't I?

I should be dead, but I'm not.

What is it?

I don't know.
It just started and it won't stop.

I keep thinking about my boys.

Counselor Troi, will you report
to the guest lounge?

Captain, we are approaching
Science Station Delta 05.

Slow to half impulse.
I'm on my way.

Captain, I need to see
that pretty little Doctor of yours.

I'll inform her.

I didn't mean to come on so strong.

It's just I've built my whole life
on knowing what's going on.

For the first time I feel...

...completely out of touch.

It's making me crazy.
You can understand that.

It's the first thing you've said
I do understand.

I'll see what I can do. And
please stay off the comm panels.

Counselor, will you get
those people under control?

We can't afford this continuing

Yes, sir.


My name's Deanna.

They sent you here to settle me down?

I'm the ship's Counselor.
I thought you might want to talk.

The local shrink?

- I'm not familiar with that term.
- It doesn't matter.

You're feeling profoundly sad.

I can't stop crying.

I miss my sons.

And then I think,
I'm here, but... they're gone.

Donald, that's my husband...

I love that man, but,

good intentions aside,
he'd mess up a free lunch.

Why on Earth he ever decided
to do this...?

He must have thought
you would've wanted it.

No, I can tell you what happened.

He couldn't think
about going on alone.

I died and he couldn't face it,
so he had me frozen.

In his mind, I wasn't really gone.

It sounds crazy,
but you had to know Donald.

I wish I knew
what happened to my children.

Did they marry?
Did they have kids?

Let's see if we can find out.

Computer, this is Counselor Troi.

Request personal history on...
What are their names?

Tommy, he's eight, and Eddie is five.

Full names, date and place of birth.

They were born in Secaucus,
that's in Jersey.

Can this really work? Can this
tell me what happened to them?

There must be a record somewhere.
There's a good chance we'll find it.

Well, whether we do or not,
I want to thank you for trying.

Date of birth...
Tommy was born February 17th.

I need something
to jump-start the morning

and something else
to shut down the night.

You have no medical need.

It ain't a matter of need, darling.
It's a matter of survival.


Well, old Watosh'll scuffle along
best he can.

Where's that fella
with the strange face?

I beg your pardon?

What's-his-name. The android fella.

- You mean Lt Cmdr Data?
- That's the one.

- I'll tell him you want him.
- Much obliged.

You're just about
the prettiest doctor I ever seen.

Much obliged.

This is amazing. It's all right here.

Ten generations of your progeny.

Everyone I've ever known is dead.

Do you mind? I'd like to be alone.

No. Not at all.

You asked to see me?

I'm about to go outta my mind.
Sitting here just don't get it.

- What say you and I put on a party?
- A celebration?

Nothing that fancy. Just some folks,
some suds, and some sounds.

It's just something to do.

- I will speak to the Captain.
- Great! Do that.

Inquiry. You are not having
as much difficulty

adjusting to your circumstances
as the others.

You mean being on this tub,
400 years from where I started?

Heck, it's the same dance,
it's just a different tune.

Does anybody here have a guitar?

No. But the computer
can replicate one.

I want one
while I still remember the chords.

We're approaching the Neutral Zone.
Report to the bridge.

I must leave.

What's this Neutral Zone?

A buffer between the Romulan
Empire and the Federation.

- Why does that make me nervous?
- I do not know.

We won't be inviting
these Romulans to our party.

That would not be... appropriate.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We have arrived at
the edge of the Neutral Zone.

We will have an opportunity
to learn firsthand

what happened
to our distant outpost.

Captain, there is nothing left
of outpost Delta 05.

Must have been one hell
of an expl*si*n.

Sensors indicate no evidence
of conventional attack.

Can you determine what happened?

The outpost was not just destroyed.

It's as though some great force
scooped it off the planet.

Could it have been
a natural phenomenon?

Insufficient information, sir.

Set the course for the next station.

I have spent my entire career
being able to tell

when the other guy's mouth is dry.

There is something going on here.
Something serious.

The tension level on this ship
has jumped up.

Even if you are right,
what can we do?

These old boys don't need us
telling them where the bear sits.

Look what that fella made for me.

How did he do that?

He called it pattern replication.
It plays real good, too.

I tell you, there is a situation
developing that directly affects us.

All you can talk about
is that guitar!

They don't need us
swimming in their soup.

So relax and let 'em do their jobs.

That may be alright for you,

but I am not willing to allow
my fate to be decided by others!

I want to know what is going on.

We are approaching Tarod IX.

The condition is identical.

Everyone and everything is gone.

I strongly recommend
we go to red alert.

If the Romulans
have improved their cloaking,

and we'd be fools to doubt it,

we should assume
a more defensive posture.

I agree. I recommend we go
immediately to battle stations.

I appreciate your advice,
but it is no time for rash actions.

There are three other stations
to visit.

Let's proceed in an orderly manner.

May we at least go to yellow alert?

Yes, Number One. Make it so.

All decks, yellow alert.

Let's see...

I want to go to the...

Where would the Captain be?

Capt Picard is located
on the main bridge.

Well, then,
take me to the main bridge.

Captain, my sensors indicate
a disturbance.

It is large and moving.
I cannot get a lock.

Nor can I get it
on the viewscreen.

Shields up.

I recommend we transfer power to
phasers and arm the photon torpedoes.

Wait. If it is Romulan,
they will read our intent.

It'll force them
into taking a similar posture.

- We don't want battle.
- This is sufficient evidence.

Outposts have been destroyed.
Countless lives lost.

I have a positive lock.

They're disengaging their cloaking.

They'll only be vulnerable for
an instant as they become visible.

this may be our only chance.


- Where are they?
- The signal is weakening.

I've lost them.


Mr. Data, are your sensors
picking up anything?

You should be detecting
a disturbance.

Negative, sir.

We wanted to know
if they'd improved cloaking.

We have our answer.

They wanted to determine our intent.
To see if we would fire.

Who the hell are they?

Get that man off the bridge. Now!

I'm not going anywhere.

They're back.


I never thought I'd see
a Romulan vessel so close.

Last time we encountered them
was decades ago.

Cost thousands of lives.

I can believe that.

Stay calm, everyone.

Open hailing frequencies.

Captain, these are Romulans.

They are without honor.

They k*lled my parents
in an attack on Khitomer

when they were meant to be
our allies.

They believe humans and Klingons
are a waste of skin.

Control your emotions.
Please, open hailing frequencies.

Hailing frequencies open.

Romulan vessel, this is Capt Jean-Luc
Picard of the USS Enterprise.

Sensors indicate
all of their systems are armed, sir.

But they've not fired.

I am Cmdr Tebok.

Commander, you have crossed
the Neutral Zone.

This is Federation territory.

It was necessary.

It might be viewed as aggression.

If our intent were aggression,
you would not be here now.

If we go to w*r, let us be sure
it is for the right reason.

We are here because our outposts,
which border on the Neutral Zone,

were also att*cked.

Destroyed in the same manner
as your own.

Even so, what gives them the right
to enter Federation space?

Silence your dog.

Lt Worf's question is valid.

To even ask such a question
implies that we need permission.

We do not.

Do you think that we att*cked
your outposts?

Once we realized
the level of destruction,

we knew
it could not have been you.

Who is responsible?

They haven't got a clue.

They're hoping you know.
But they're too arrogant to ask.

- You're out of line, mister.
- But it's a correct assessment.

We do not know
who is responsible.

Why entire outposts, on both sides,
have been carried off.

I would like to offer a proposal.

An alliance? Between the Romulans
and the Federation?

Nothing so grandiose.
Just this. Cooperation.

There was an intent here.

Whoever or whatever did this,
is more powerful than either of us.

Let's collaborate.

Let's share whatever we learn about
what has happened here.

Agreed. On this one issue.

And only if it is convenient
and appropriate at the time.

Because your actions
are those of a thoughtful man,

I'll tell you this.

Matters more urgent
caused our absence.

Now... witness the result.

Outposts destroyed.

Expansion of the Federation...


We have indeed been negligent.

But no more.

Commander, we have made
some progress here.

Let's not ruin it
with unnecessary posturing.

Your presence is not wanted.

Do you understand my meaning?

We... are back.

I think our lives just became
a lot more complicated.

Get him off my bridge.

I've found something.

I've located a family
living just outside Indianapolis.

The man's name is Thomas Raymond.

That's my son's name. Tommy.

let us see Thomas Raymond.

Oh, my God!

That's Donald. That's my husband.

Actually, it's your great-great-

He's the spitting image.

Well, I have his address.
When you get back you can visit him.

No. I'll be out of time. A relic.

Perhaps. But it's a place to start.

After all, he is family.

There's no denying that.

Here's what I propose.

I have arranged a rendezvous with
USS Charleston, bound for Earth.

- They'll deliver you there.
- Then what will happen to us?

There's no trace of my money.
My office is gone.

What will I do? How will I live?

This is the 24th century.
Material needs no longer exist.

Then what's the challenge?

The challenge, Mr. Offenhouse,
is to improve yourself.

To enrich yourself.

Enjoy it.

Well, one good thing is,

since everyone's forgotten
everything I ever did,

it'll all be brand spanking new.

I'll be a bigger hit than I ever was.

Perhaps so. Anything is possible.

What say you, son?
You'd make a helluva sideman.

That offer does present
a certain fascination.

Captain, I've plotted a course
to intercept the Charleston.

But they say they're making
an extended stop at Arloff IX.

Your point, Mr. La Forge?

We could have our guests
at Starbase 39 Sierra in five days.

Take months off their journey.

The extra time will allow them
to acclimate before reaching Earth.

It's a pity we can't take them.

Having them here
is like a visit from the past.

That would take us in
the wrong direction.

Our mission is to go forward.
And it's just begun.

Set velocity. Warp six.

Aye, sir. Warp six.

There's still much to do.

Still so much to learn.

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