02x06 - Dark Blue Moon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x06 - Dark Blue Moon

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure...

Ms. Holly has gained
a Stand as well!

You will never make it to Lord Dio!

But if we fail to find Dio
within fifty days...

Someone I know has a mark,

a birthmark just like this
on the back of his neck...


I've made up my mind!
I want to travel with you to Egypt!

By going after Dio,

I'll find the one
who took my sister's life!

The loathsome curse of Dio...

Even the Speedwagon Foundation's
leading physicians,

with their cutting-edge treatments,
stand powerless before Dio's curse.

To save Holly,

Jojo and crew continue
on their journey to Egypt.

With air travel
now too treacherous,

they board a boat,
heading first to Singapore.

It'll take three full days at sea
to get from Hong Kong to Singapore.

Some peace and quiet
will do us all good.

Hey, you two...

Why don't you switch out
those uniforms for something else?

You think you can keep up
in those things?

Aren't you burning up?

Well, we are students...

And a good student
always dresses the part...

Too much of a stretch?

Japanese students
are such stiffs, aren't they?

I see...
so this is what they call Bushido.

Like they say, clear your mind,
and even flames feel cool.

That's all well and good,
but that won't get you any girls.

Let go! Let go of me,
you big jerk!

-Dammit, I said get off me! Let me go!
-Shut your trap! Ya brat!

Hey, what's going on?

I thought we agreed there'd be
no passengers onboard but us.

-Let go!
-Sorry, sir. It's a stowaway.

Little brat was hiding in
one of the storage holds below.


Come at me, then!

I'll freakin break your balls!

Tell that to the coast guard,
ya little shit.

Huh? The cops?

Please. Just let me go!

I just wanted to go to Singapore
to see my dad.

I'll do anything! You can even
put me to work for my ticket!

Let's see. What should I do?

Should I let you go?

-Or turn you in?

What to do?

-No way I'm letting you go.

That'd be too easy.

But first, I'm gonna let
the Captain know.

Come wit...

Whoa! In he goes!
That kid's got guts.

He's trying to swim to shore?

What should we do?

Forget 'em.

He wouldn't have jumped in
if he wasn't a decent swimmer.

He's in trouble now!

These waters are
infested with sharks!

This isn't good!

Hey, kid! Come back!

Get back here! It's dangerous!

Sharks! There are sharks out there!


Good grief, c'mon you brat.


A girl?

And a runty one, at that.

How dare you
feel me up like that?

Hands off!

Good grief.

Jotaro! Below you!

Something's coming after you
from underwater!

It's not a shark!
And it's racing towards you!

You have to get out of there now!

Hurry! Swim to the boat!

He's too far away.

That distance is no problem for me.

Hierophant Green!

It just disappeared!
It's a Stand!

That thing is a Stand!

An aquatic Stand...

In all my dealings with the occult,
I've never heard of such a thing!

This girl...
There's no way she's the...

Could she be that Stand's user?

Did she try to lure Jojo
into shark-infested water?

Geez, what's with you jerks?
Quit staring at me like that!

I have no idea
what's going on here,

but I'll fight you!

Don't underestimate me, okay?
You're gonna regret this!

Come at me, I dare ya!

Ya punks!

She can't be serious.

Maybe we should toss her back
into the ocean.

Calm down.

If she is just a stowaway,
the sharks will get her.

We've checked out
all ten members of the crew.

She's the only one it could be.

Is there some way
we could be sure?

Hey, how's that devil Dio
doing these days?

Dio? What the hell is that?

Don't pretend like you don't know,
you little brat!

I warned you, punks!

You gonna be a man and talk to me,
or do you just want to get shanked?

Which is it, huh?

My demon blade wants to slurp
the blood of its th victim.

What's so funny, stupid jerk hole?

Jerk hole?

I'm starting to get the feeling
she's not our Stand user.

Yes, but who then...

This girl our stowaway?


-I'm pretty strict

-when it comes to stowaways.

You may be a girl,
but if I go easy on you,

we'll just get
more and more stowaways.

I think we'll lock you up
in the brig below deck

until we make it to port.

Captain, I'd like to
ask you something.

You've verified the identities of
all ten of the men on board, right?

Of course.

They're all men who've worked
with me for over ten years.

Can't say I understand why
that is of prime importance.

By the way...

I must implore you
not to smoke on deck.

What did you plan to do
with the ashes and butt?

Just toss them over the side
into these pristine waters?

You may be a guest on this ship,

but you will abide by my rules,
tough guy.

Got it?

Hold it, pops.

Then why didn't you just say so?

Don't be a condescending prick
about the whole thing, ya jackass.

Hey, Jotaro! Don't be disrespectful
to the captain!

You were in the wrong.

I'll be as rude as I want.

I figured it out.
He's not the captain...

He's the Stand user!



I'm not sure I follow...

That's inconceivable, Jotaro.

We chose Captain Dragon
because he came recommended

with verification
by the Speedwagon Foundation.

He's someone we can trust.

He absolutely can't be
a Stand user.

Hold on, a Stand?

I have no idea what you guys
are talking about...

Jojo, random guesses will only
make things more confusing!

Do you have any real proof, Jojo?

I've found a way
to identify Stand users.

-That is...

When a Stand user

takes even the slightest whiff
of cigarette smoke,

a vein pops up
on the tip of their nose.

What the hell are they all doing?

You're not serious, Jotaro!

Relax, I'm lying.

Apparently, someone fell for it.

Jotaro, what tipped you off
about the captain?

Actually, I didn't have a clue.

I'd planned to use that trick
on the whole crew.

And I fell for it.
Hat's off to you, boy.

You're right. I'm not the captain.

The real captain is
sleeping with the fishes

at the bottom of the China Sea.

Then I guess that means
you'll be snoozing in hell!


I can't move...

Trouble on the water!
Lies and betrayal!

The Moon card represents
the fear of the unknown.

Its name: Dark Blue Moon!

Five-on-one is a little tough
even for me,

which is why I kept
my identity secret

to pick you off one by one...

But since you've figured me out,
I guess I have no choice.

Five-on-one it is!

Getting my hands on her
shows that lady luck is on my side!

Now I think I'll take a dip
in these shark-infested waters

with the runt.

If you wanna save her,

you're gonna have to
dive in after us.

On my home turf,
I can take on all five of you.

Go on, act tough while you
hide behind a hostage!

It'll take a lot more than that
to shake me up!

It's no act. It's a prediction!

I hear your Stand,
Star Platinum, is pretty fast.

Not trying to brag,

but my Dark Blue Moon
is king underwater.

It's far swifter than
any fish in the sea!

Why don't we pit them
against each other right now?

Come on in...if you're not afraid
of a little seawater, that is!

He hit me before I could fall...

That's impossible...

You're the only one
swallowin' salt water today, pops.

Tell 'em, Avdol.

Your folly was trying to
out-predict a fortune teller...

...tough break.


There he goes.

For talking up his Stand so much,
that was a pretty pathetic exit.

What's wrong, Jotaro?
Pull the girl up, would ya?

What's wrong, Jotaro?

Damn it...
Something's pulling me in...

These are...


Crustaceans that live between
high and low tides!

They stretch from
Star Platinum's arm

all the way to
the side of the boat!

He's still got
some fight left in him.

He must've attached them
when I hit him before.

They're spreading!

He's trying to drain
my Stand's power...

Now he's gone!

The captain,
he's completely disappeared!

Jotaro! Pull in your Stand!

What do you think I'm trying to do?

That's why I'm sweating
like a freakin pig, old man!




This isn't good!

Welcome! Welcome!

So glad you could join me
in the watery depths,

where Dark Blue Moon rules.

You should have never
underestimated me, brother.

We may be underwater,
but our Stands can still talk.

How bout you pop out another one of
those cocky one-liners like before.

Go ahead, brother!

So what'll it be?

Tell me what kind of
fish dish you want to be.

Fish paste? Or maybe some sashimi?

I'll make one hell of a meal
out of your Stand.

You fool...

You act tough, brother,

but I know what you're thinking.

"How long can this guy
stay underwater?

I could probably last
two minutes, tops.

Could he last longer?"

Well, guess what?

My lung capacity is three times
that of a normal human!

And I've been in training.

My personal best is
six minutes, twelve seconds!

You must be dizzy
just hearing that number.


Dark Blue Moon's flippers

slice through the water
with sharp, screw like rotations!

But before you start
mouthing off again,

take a good, hard look
at your Stand!

Seems Dark Blue Moon's barnacles

have taken a liking to
absorbing your Stand's power.

How's it feel to have
your life energy

slowly draining away?

Trying to escape to the surface?

Take a good look around you!

Dark Blue Moon's been busy
making a whirlpool.

Haven't you noticed, brother?

Swim! Come on, swim!

You're running out of air
and strength!

But k*lling a stupid, smart-ass
punk like you right now

would be a bit too early!

It's been too long!
He's not coming up yet?

A whirlpool!
It's a giant whirlpool!

But where's Jojo?

I'm going in!

These are scales!

That guy's Stand has scales
as sharp as razors!

The whirlpool is full of them!

He wasn't bluffing when he said
he could beat us one-on-five.

It's like a watery antlion pit
down there!

If we dive in, it's very possible
we'll be sliced to pieces.

His scales?

Let me guess what
you're thinking now!

"A whirlpool has
one point of calm."

I can read you like a book!

"It's the eye!

If I jump into the center
where he is, I can attack him."

That's what you're thinking,
isn't it?

If you think you can hit me
with that punch of yours again,

then come right over.

Come at me with
your worthless Stand,

its power is so drained,
it doesn't have a chance!

See if you can manage an attack

that's even sharper than
these underwater cutters!

I'm waiting, brother!

We're completely helpless!

It's Jojo!

I saw Jojo in the whirlpool!

This isn't good!
He was limp!

Limp? He wasn't struggling at all?

That might be a good thing.


Weren't you going to
turn me into sashimi?

You're the one
who's going to be sliced up!

Star Finger!


Looks like you're sashimi,
after all.

What's that? I can't hear you.
You're gonna have to speak up!

We're underwater!

But your power was being drained...

You let yourself go limp on purpose

to concentrate your power
in your fingers...

That's what you were thinking...

Nope. The only thing on my mind...

is how gross it'll be,
when I kick your stupid ass,

and you piss yourself underwater.

Bye, pops.


That's my grandson!

Well done, Jotaro!
Now get up here already.

The captain planted bombs
on the ship!

Damn it!

Hurry up and get in the lifeboats!

Send out a distress call!


Have some water.

We've sent out distress calls,
so someone should be here soon.

What the hell is going on here?
Who are you guys?

Just think of us
as fellow travelers.

You're on a journey
to see your father,

while I'm on one for my daughter.

Hey! That's the only
fresh water we have!

Don't spit it out!


Everyone, look!


What is this boat?

The ramp's down, so why hasn't
anyone shown their face?

There are no signs of life.

I'm all sticky from the salt water...

So that's what this means...

You think you've won...
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