02x05 - Silver Chariot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x05 - Silver Chariot

Post by bunniefuu »

You have a way with a sword,

I'll grant you that.

So you think you can k*ll me

before the flames on that table
strike twelve?

You seem to have quite the ego.

And you are...?


Allow me to properly introduce myself.

That's Jean Pierre Polnareff.

Merci beaucoup.

My thanks for the introduction.


Monsieur Polnareff,

you would be mistaken
if you assume my flames

burn upward or with the wind.

I can control fire at will,
thus the name "Magician's Red."

In the beginning, there was fire.

I should have expected as much
from Magician's Red,

the emblem of beginnings,
the wielder of fire, of creation.

And yet, you speak of ego?

This swordsmanship of mine...

is this mere ego?!

In the moment they lined up,

he stabbed through all five coins
in a single strike!

No. Look closer.


I see... He's cut a flame for each coin.

So you comprehend
the significance of my moves.

I am no egoist.

My Stand can slice apart flames!

I can rip apart the atmosphere itself,

creating gaps between the layers of gases.

Which means your flames are
powerless before my Silver Chariot.

When did he...

My Stand...

The Chariot is the card
of victory and conquest.

I could dispose of you
in this modest room, but...

is not your flame ability better
suited to wide-open spaces, Avdol?

To destroy you at your best

is the only victory worthy of my Stand.

All of you, outside!

What is this place?

Tiger Balm Garden.


Tiger Balm Garden,

a mysterious tableau
located on the hillside of

Hong Kong's Tai Hang Road.

Its unique aesthetic and sense of style

make it one of Hong Kong's
most unusual sites.

Allow me to make a prediction...

First, Avdol,

you shall perish at the hand
of your own Stand.


Jotaro, I won't need your assistance.

In an expansive arena such as this,

I can manipulate my Stand to the full.

Come on!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Come on. What's wrong?

Not going to spit those flames of yours?

If not, then I'll finish you right now!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

That bastard. He's mocking us.

While he was attacking,

he managed to carve a statue
of Magician's Red.

Not bad...

You fit right in, Magician's Red.


At last he reveals his true power...


Bring it.

Hey, we gotta hide!

We'll get torched if Avdol uses that.


Crossfire Hurricane!

That all you've got?!

I told you my sword

can create gaps between
the layers of our atmosphere,

so I can slice your flames into bits!


His flames are so strong,
they're burning him!

Just as I predicted.

You will die by your own flames!

Good grief!

One last pitiful attack?

How unsightly!

That's weird, that blow...



I cut him in half, and out pour flames?

That's not his Stand.

It's a duplicate!

It seems the flames veiled your vision.

What you sliced apart

was the statue Silver Chariot
carved from before.

I told you, I can control flames at will.

The flames that it sent back toward it

melted its joints and caused it to move.

The one defeated by
his own Stand's ability was you!

Now, another chance to savor the heat...

Crossfire Hurricane!

I'm afraid you're ten years too young

to challenge a fortune teller
to a battle of prediction!

Such incredible power!

His Stand took that head-on,
it must have melted. It's over!

With burns like that,

I'm guessing he's a goner.

He's lucky if he escaped
with just serious burns...

if you could call that luck.

If he lives,
he'll be in bed for three months.

His Stand is destroyed.
He's out of commission.

Now, Mr. Joestar,

I think it's time we get
on our way to Egypt.



His Stand is breaking apart!

He flew into the air while unconscious?!

Bravo! Oh, bravo!


I don't believe it!

He's completely unharmed!

How is he floating in mid air?

Look closely with your inner eye.


Yes, you see?

Behold, my Stand,
Silver Chariot, armor-free!

You're speechless.

Well, I suppose it wouldn't
be very chivalrous,

if I were to k*ll you all
right here and now

without fully explaining my powers first.

Perhaps you will be
kind enough to indulge me?

Very well.

Let us hear your explanation.

My Stand did not break apart
and disappear.

Silver Chariot is equipped
with protective armor.

That is what it shed earlier.

Your flames burned away
only part of its armor...

which is why I escaped
with only minor injuries.

And now that the armor is off,
I'm light as a feather.

Were you able to catch a glimpse
of my stand as it held me up?

That is how quickly it can move now!

I see...

The weight of your armor

made you vulnerable
to my Crossfire Hurricane.

But, of course, you must know now
that you're naked

and without protection.

The next hit will cost you your life.


Oui, perhaps.

Though I'd venture that's highly unlikely.

Unlikely? I'd like to test that theory.

First, allow me to show you something

that will surely boggle your mind.

By all means.


He now has six...no, seven Stands!


A person can have only one Stand.

It seems you're sufficiently befuddled.

These are afterimages.

An entire army of Stand afterimages
to deceive your sight

and your hearing.

Your senses can't follow their movements.

How about this sword speed?


Red Bind!

I told you you can't keep up.

Your flames grasp only afterimages.

Striking at random now?

You're getting a bit desperate, Avdol.

It's true;
he'll end up exhausting himself.

Crossfire Hurricane!


That was just an image.

Your att*cks will not work
against my Stand.

Come on, come on, come on!


Such precision. His...

Stand ability...
it's been trained at length.

For nearly ten years, in fact...
I have my reasons why.

Now, hurry up and attack.

I'd like to end this post haste.

I must say, to reveal
the nature of your attack

is a rather noble deed.

Now allow me to do the same...
to return the favor.


This, as a matter of fact,

is a variation of my Crossfire Hurricane.

You'll recognize the Ankh shape,
but the number differs.

I can divide it into multiple blasts.

Crossfire Hurricane


Dodge this!

You are a fool, Avdol!

His Stands assumed a circular formation!

He has no opening!

Naive! Naive, naive, naive, naive!

So naive!

I'll strike you down with your own power

just as I did before!

I'll slice the flames and throw them back!



The hole he made earlier...

I get it!

That flame dug a tunnel,

a tunnel for his Crossfire Hurricane!

As I told you,

I can divide my flame and
launch it as multiple att*cks.

Fire is an agonizing way to perish.

Take the dagger and end it.

I was conceited.

I never thought my swordsmanship
could lose to fire.

I choose to perish slowly from my burns.

I owe at least that much respect
to the man who has

to the man who has
so skillfully defeated me.

It would be cowardly to end it myself.

His sense of honor
endures to the very end!

And he didn't use the dagger
to attack me from behind!

His honor is too great
to yield to Dio's orders.

It would be a disservice to k*ll him.

There's a reason behind his actions...



Yuck! Those tentacles are disgusting!

Jotaro, hurry up and pull it out!

-Shut up, old man.
-Come on!


Now that the flesh bud is gone,
we can be buddies.


Kakyoin, don't people who
make stupid puns all the time

get on your nerves, or it just me?

The boat we chartered from
the Speedwagon Foundation yesterday

should be at the harbor now.

What's wrong?

Something on your mind, Polnareff?

I never thanked you properly for
freeing me from Dio's mind control.

Don't thank me, thank Jojo.

I'm good.

It was a kind thought, but it seems
to have fallen on deaf ears.

As you wish. I've no desire
to come off as heavy-handed.

But I'm not quite finished here.

Monsieur Joestar,

I hope you'll indulge my asking
a very bizarre question.

Bizarre question?

It's none of my business,

but I noticed you never took off
your gloves, even while eating.

Your left hand wouldn't happen
to be a right hand, would it?

What? My left hand a right one?

You weren't kidding
about the bizarre part.

What are you talking about?

I'm looking for the man
who m*rder*d my sister.

I don't know what he looks like.

But I do know he has two right hands.

It's a wound from fifty years ago...
a badge of honor.

I apologize for being so rude.
Please forgive me.

If it's not too painful,
tell me what happened.

It was three years ago...

My little sister was
walking home from school

with a classmate one rainy day.

In our hometown...a small
countryside village in France.

On the side of the road,
a man stood with his back to them.

Strangely, in the middle of pouring rain,

as if surrounded by
some invisible membrane,

the rain fell in torrents around him.

Then suddenly,

her classmate's chest was
sliced open, as if with a sickle.

And then...

He had his way with her and left her dead.

The man wanted nothing more.

Her friend escaped with her life...

to tell me the tale of that fateful day.

She never did see his face,

but saw that he had two right hands.

No one believed her, but I knew.

I knew that man had a power

not unlike that which I had
been hiding all these years.

He's a Stand user, all right.

I swore an oath!

I promised my sister's soul
I would avenge her,

to hunt down that k*ller and
make him pay with his life!

And I would use my Stand
as a means of righteous vengeance!

Then, one year ago, I met Dio.

I see something in the crystal ball.


It is a vision.
Not from my heart but from yours.

The man you seek, the pain you hide,

my power only brings it into focus.

How about it?

Why don't we become friends?

You are distressed. You are suffering.

Join me, and your suffering
will soon be a thing of the past.

The image in the globe
is what pains you, no?

Lend me your strength.

I too am suffering.

I have been denied
the sun's embrace for all eternity.

That is why I need your strength.

Allow me to find him for you.

Then I was ordered to k*ll you all.

I felt it was the right thing to do.

The flesh bud is partially responsible,

but it seems he's quite the manipulator.

Indeed. And judging by that story,

I would wager that the man
with two right hands

is already his underling.

I've made up my mind!
I want to travel with you to Egypt!

By going after Dio,

I'll find the one
who took my sister's life!

What do we do?

I've no objections.

Even if we told him no,
he'd just follow along.

Jean Pierre Polnareff.

Stand name: Silver Chariot.

Fast and precise swordsmanship!

The honor is mine.

-Good grie...
-Excuse me!

Would you mind taking our picture?

He's so cute.

What a great excuse to talk to him.

Thank you!

We want our backs toward the ocean.

Shut up already! Go bug someone else!

Now, now, now, now...

I'd be glad to take your picture.

Come, come.

You have very nice legs.

I'll be sure to get them in the shot.

Ooh, nice!

And another just in case.

Très bien!

If only...

I could take your heart
instead of your picture!

His personality is mystifying.

His emotions change on a dime.

More like he's got two brains,

and the one downstairs
suddenly started calling the sh*ts.

Good grief.


Can't you do something about that uniform?

Students should act like students.

Bring it on! I'll take you!

Was that a Stand user?

If a Stand user inhales
any cigarette smoke at all...

By the way...
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