01x10 - New York's JoJo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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01x10 - New York's JoJo

Post by bunniefuu »

We all know this old man! We've seen that look, we've seen that scar! Long has it been, Mr. Speedwagon.

I've heard of your great success in America's oil business.

I'd call it meager, if anything at all.

But how I envy your youthful face, Master Straits.

You couldn't possibly be 75, as I.

I suppose it's due to your Ripple Respiration.

If only I could have had the aptitude as well.

It has been 49 years since Jonathan's passing, and the times and generation have all moved on.

Straits became the Lama of the Art of Mystics, and Robert Edward O.

Speedwagon became an oil baron.

They would now fly to Mexico to investigate certain ruins.

Certain ruins that were discovered by the Speedwagon Foundation's archaeological team, containing certain artifacts that only Straits and Speedwagon were familiar with.

What you are about to see will most likely stun, no, will without a doubt, shock your spine its every segment into terror! You will feel greater disgust than you did 50 years ago! Greater than the disgust Dio drowned us all in! This is quite the grand hall! Master Straits, I asked you here because of this! T

-This is the stone mask! There are several stone masks as well! 1938 New York It was the autumn of 1938.

I was marking folks, my routine ring


-rounds around town.

Come again, son? You've never heard of Coco

-Cola?! Son, I'm hearing a bit of ol' Blighty in yer voice.

Are you a tourist? Oh, so you immigrated over recently? Anywho, yer gonna hav'ta pay first.

Money's the law of the land 'round here.

Hey! My British buddy, he snatched yer wallet! Get after him! What a chump! My best snatch today! What's up, Smokey? Yer my best snatch today! Caught in the act, in fact! Don't run, you filthy five

-fingering hood! I'll make sure yer black butt's going in the big house for the next twenty years! Please Officer Ferman! All I did was snatch a wallet! Stop singing, you moon cricket! I hate you and all yer kind! But I'm a generous guy, see.

From now on, yer gonna be bringing me $20 every week.

That, and half of yer "earnings," too! Pardon me.

Well if it ain't the chump who got his wallet snatched.

I'm gonna keep this as evidence, so scram.

Well sir, here's the thing I gave him that wallet, Officer.

Unbelievably, that 6




-so British boy came to save my butt from being busted.

So, would you be so kind as to unhand both him and his wallet? Come again?! I gave him that wallet because he's my mate, he is.

Would you unhand him? Yer friend, eh? Why don'tcha tell me his name then? You don't know his name, do you? Do you wanna end up in the big house for obstruction of justice? Well do you, my bumbling Brit? If you wouldn't mind me asking, why would you, an officer of the law, smear your boogie on me? The aim of such an action befuddles the brain.

There don't have to be any "aim!" I can do whatever I want and yer cheer is making me mad, you mook! If you want me to smear your left cheek, then face the other

-! The only thing I'm hearing from you is bollocks, Bobby! You limey loon! You're under arrest! Go on and sh**t! You won't get a shot off though! When you pull that trigger back, I'll snap your trigger finger in half! Like a matchstick! Not from where I'm standing! I'll blow a b*llet through yer brain! It was then, that I saw his body glow with a little bit of light.

Whatever magic he used, it caused the bottle cap to explode from the bottle, breaking the copper's trigger finger! I lost my temper again! O

-Oh no Na

-Nanna Erina will throw a fit.


-This cr*cker's crazy! After everything he's done to these two coppers, how could he even be afraid of a scolding from "Nanna Erina?!" Hey, Pickpocket! Let's skedaddle on outta here! I asked how he made that bottle cap explode off its top, but even he didn't know "how.

" He says he could always do these "tricks," ever since he was a kid.

According to him, his grandfather, who died young, could do the exact same thing, but his father, who died a fighter pilot during the Great w*r, couldn't.

His mother wasn't around for him, either.

I owe you one for helping me out.

My name's Smokey.

What's yours? Joestar.

Joseph Joestar.

Battle Tendency JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Episode Joseph the Yank But call me Jojo.

Who Who is the man embedded in this pillar?! It's no carving, that much I can tell! He has amino acids, living cells, body temperature, and a pulse! He is very alive! Master Straits, I don't care about what he is, how long he's lived, what his relation to these stone masks is, or what his purpose on God's green Earth is! I asked you here for one single reason.

While he sleeps, I want you to k*ll him and all these stone masks with the Ripple! That is all I ask! How is Joseph Joestar? How does he fare? I seem to recall hearing that he used the Ripple to rescue you.

Why do you ask? I believe it happened when he was 13.

Yes, it was when your plane was h*jacked, and you were held hostage for ransom.

Boyo! We need yer rump up front.

Get up and go.

You h*jacked Great

-Uncle Speedwagon's plane to hold him hostage, right? We might be on this flight together, but I'm not worth a thing to you.

Leave me to my comic papers and go about your business.

I'll have no back

-talk from ye, boyo! Jojo! C

-Crikey! Being struck by these stooges doesn't bother him, but Jojo's easily infuriated over soiling the clothes Erina bought for him! Jojo, don't be hasty now! Hijacking and holding our flight for ransom would imply that you three were also prepared to have a crash landing as well, right?! Was that the Ripple?! The boyo's bonkers! He's trying to k*ll us all! We can't fly! Grab the controls! Hey, we're jumping so grab a seat! You are the most reckless, thoughtless boy I know! I'm not thoughtless.

If anything, my head goes in every direction when it comes to protecting you and Nanna Erina.

You both are all I have to call "family.

" He has Jonathan's face, but he'll never be the gentleman that Jonathan was.

That was the day I learned of Jojo's Ripple aptitude.

So he inherited his grandfather's innate aptitude and talent for the Ripple.


But why do you stray from the task at hand? What have you done?! I've just dispatched these men, and once I have dispatched you, Jonathan's nephew will be saddened, but he shall also bear a substantial grudge towards me.



-! Straits H

-Have you gone off the deep end? No, I swim in the shallows, Speedwagon.

I learned the Art of Mystics to discipline my body against the elements.

But no matter the discipline I've attained all these years, my body continues to wither.

I've become weak.

I have ascended humanity, but not to a satisfactory degree.

As the Ripple cannot halt the hands of time, I admit to having secretly yearned for all that Dio possessed, 50 years ago.

His strength, his beauty, and his immortality! Long have I yearned for the blessings of the stone mask, no matter the lives of others I've sacrificed to attain them! Y

-You really have gone off the deep end, Straits! With your blood, I shall acquire immortality, and the only remaining people who know of the stone mask would be both Erina and Joseph Joestar.

Once I've k*lled them both, I shall dedicate my eternity to uncovering the mysteries of the stone mask that Dio could not! S

-Stop, Straits We still know nothing about the stone mask's purpose Ms.

Erina Jojo! Hey you! Watch where you're walking, you willy

-nilly wack! Scram, you stupid schmo


-schmegeggy! Get outta the way already I beg your pardon? I'm sorry, you'll have to repeat everything you just said again.

Slowly, say it again.

And this time, keep your spiel in English.

Stray from English, and you'll be cruising for a bruising.

Jojo, what are you doing? N

-Nanna Erina! What are you doing to that taxi driver? Um Well, I'm A taxi! I was catching a cab for you, Nanna Erina! My Jojo, that was very thoughtful of you.


Smokey, do join us.

Nanna Erina and Joseph were the last of their family, the last of the Joestar Estate.

I learned a little about them in the cab Say Nanna, I know Great

-Uncle Speedwagon was adamant about having us here in New York with him, but he's not even in town to greet us.

The codger's probably on vacation! His work in the oil industry must be keeping him away.

Say Nanna.

Was Great

-Uncle Speedwagon really just Grandpappy Jonathan's best mate, and nothing more? What are you suggesting? Well, that old codger's always been a bachelor, and you've never married, even after Grandpappy passed.

I was simply curious as to whether or not anything ever happened between the two of you.

How dare you disrespect your Great

-Uncle! I'm sorry! I'll never say it again! Nanna, I'm sorry! I know Great

-Uncle Speedwagon was Grandpappy's most faithful friend! Apparently, Joestar Estate heirs had always died young.

When Nanna Erina was young, her husband had died on their honeymoon voyage.

The boy she would give birth to would later wed the girl Nanna Erina saved during that unfortunate voyage, who would later gave birth to Jojo.

Jojo's father lost his life to w*r, and his mother lost hers to sickness.

Regardless, Nanna Erina stayed strong through those tough times.

She's kindhearted to any and all, even to a rotten hood like myself.

I wonder if it was all those lonesome years that made her warmth so comforting Jojo's got that same warmth.

But it was that very kindhearted comfort that got us into trouble that night, all because of my color.

Hey, waiter! Waiter! Yes, sir? Does your establishment cater to smelly swine? Does it?! The stench of that n*gro has ruined the very dish that I dine on! Kick that co*n out! Sir, our restaurant reserves the right to cater to any guest who decides to dine here, granted that they pay for their meal.

Is that a fact?! You'll let this animal eat his own kind, will you?! I think I'd better go Jojo.

Nanna, you wouldn't have me stay my hand, would you? I will not.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

However, when that opinion besmirches the honor of a friend, I won't stand for it.

Teach that boy some manners, without disturbing the other diners! Amen, Nanna.

You're looking for a fight, buddy? I say, old boy! If you're looking for your knuckledusters, you won't find it in your coat pocket! It's in your rear pocket! It couldn't be Now you'll ask, "how the Hell did you know I had knuckledusters, you hooligan?!" How the Hell did you know I had knuckledusters, you hooligan?! Because the fingers on your right hand feature the bruises of knuckleduster usage, implying that you deploy them regularly for fights! Also, your dress shirt is stained with splattered blood! You worked up an appetite before dining tonight! And the very fact that the blood is on your dress shirt, and not your coat, means that you took off your coat before fighting! Therefore, one could only assume that you hid your knuckledusters in your rear pocket after fighting! You'll shout next, "what good will knowing about my knuckledusters do you, you little shit!" What good will knowing about my knuckledusters do you, you little shit?! Right in the kisser! That'll shut you up.

I'll bet that hurt! It didn't.

How could you mistake this for my face? Do you always throw blind punches, or are you just blind? I can read every fat, pompous pig like a book! But perhaps you were blinded to your true nature, Swine! Please, I'd like to apologize for my subordinate's behavior.

Madam, you must be Erina Joestar.

I was greatly indebted to our mutual friend, Mr.


When I was last in London, he told me a great deal about you.

I'm quite relieved to meet you tonight.

Hours ago, I came across unfortunate news that won't be public knowledge for a few days.

Robert Edward O.

Speedwagon has been m*rder*d.


-m*rder*d?! Rumor has it that his m*rder*r was a monk from Tibet.

A monk from Tibet Do you mean Mr.

Straits?! I don't know, but this news came from a man in Mexico who fished a few bodies out of a river, including Speedwagon's.

Where and why he was m*rder*d, as well as the whereabouts of the monk, remain mysteries.


-I may know why he was m*rder*d It had to have dealt with the tale he told me ages ago About Dio and the stone mask His death must've involved one or the other Jojo, this man has mafia ties! You can't trust the Cosa Nostra! He's been paid to feed you lies! And you're entitled to your own opinion.

Old boy, your Zippo's in your breast pocket.

Smokey, I appreciate a mate's word of warning, but I'll have to trust his news.

The Cosa Nostra's only business is making money, and greedy backstabbers like him pride themselves on the authenticity of their news! Nevertheless! Of all the filth that you could have frothed, you just had to pick the worst one to tell my nanna.

How could you upset an elderly woman so?! You shameless scoundrel! Those terrible tales from 1888 have come back to haunt me Why! Fear not, Nanna Erina.

I'll always be here for you.

No Joseph! I fear for you! I fear that you'll share the same fate as your grandfather! There, there.

If I am to perish as he had, then so be it.

At the time, I was utterly at my wit's end.

I had absolutely no idea about what their family had gone through.

Hey, Smokey.

It's chilly

-chills tonight.

Look at the Miriam Gates advert! What's it on? If girls wear these, will they make 'em more "bitchy?" Let's see "Boost your busts from double A's to shining C's.

" Lordy

-lord, don't be bamboozled by this bull My You can get a pair for $1.

25! Let's see now Somehow, I get the feeling that I've seen you before Well old boy, have we met before? Hey, how come you're not puffing cold clouds like I am? Also, I could've sworn I saw a pointy tooth sticking out of your mouth Say something, Straits.

Be it in the streets or not, I shall silence you before your aptitude and talent peaks, Jojo! You'll silence me, will you? I knew he was loony, but "loony" doesn't do him justice! How could he open fire from an open street?! And just where in the world did he get his hands on a Tommy g*n?! I was awaiting your arrival, Straits! I know a few b*ll*ts won't be enough to slay you, but on behalf of Great

-Uncle Speedwagon I'm going to w*r! I'll be the round about The words will make you out 'n' out I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley The muses dance and sing They make the children really ring I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley..

In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you Ten true summers we'll be there and Laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be There with you Next Time Vampires are strong, all right! I'll slash you down to size, Straits! German medicine is the greatest medicine in the world! You know nothing about him! Apologize to him in Hell! Episode The Wizard
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