02x01 - Mr. Butt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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02x01 - Mr. Butt

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ The flowers, the flowers ♪

♪ grow in the ground ♪

♪ give them water ♪

♪ or they will die ♪

- Blackfire?
- Hey, little sister.

- Cover my flank.
- Of course!

What are you doing here?

I came to see you, sweetie.

But you never visit.

I thought you did not like me.

Oh, honey!
Where did you get that idea?

- You never answer my calls.
- Got a new number.

When I was five you
stole my favorite dolly.

Just so I could have something
that reminded me of you.

So you really came
back here just for me?

There is no other reason?

I just had to see my baby sister.

Then we can begin the closeness.

Okay, enough hugging.

Wonderful friends, look who
has paid us a surprise visit!

I love surprise visits!

- Hey, everybody.
- Except for that one.

- Her.
- Ugh. Bah!

Yes, the her herself.

Hi Robin, you miss me?

Uh, no.
Because you are evil.

And I'm only attracted
to niceness and sweetness,

and innocent things, like a puppy
with ears too big for his head.

- Star, can I talk to you a minute?
- Oh!

Can you believe Blackfire
has come to see me?

Is that not wonderful?

Every time you let her into
your life she crushes you.

- But I do not think this time...
- No!

She is one of the most wanted
criminals in the galaxy, Star.

Mmm-hmm. Girl, that girl
is bad girl news, girl.

- She's up to something.
- And ugh... Blah!

Stop it!

All I have ever wished for is
to have this sister relationship.

And Blackfire knows

if she lets me down again
it will break my heart.

And darkness will ooze from it,

contaminating the river of my soul.

Then filled with the poison

I will rain death and destruction

upon all the creatures of the universe!

- Starting with...
- Hey, sis.

Let's dye your
hair so we can be twinsies.

Ooh, I always wanted to be the twinsies.

Sister fun time!

You look great, sweetie.

But it's really missing something.

- What is it that is missing?
- I know.

Oh, that's such a great color for you.

There is something of meaning
I wish to relate to you.

- I have dreamed of us...
- Shh. Can it wait?

That's Blackfire,
the one you're looking for.

Bye-bye, sweetie.


Hey, Robin.

Anyone ever tell you
you have a nice butt?

Save it, you shameless harpy.

I don't know why
Star puts up with you.

Wait, where is she?
What did you do to her?!

Titans, dig up the yard!

Oh, calm down, Mr. Butt.

She's fine. She's just in
jail serving out my sentence.

This is why you showed
up in the first place.

- Unbelievable!
- She trusted you.

Dibs on Star's room!

She's got the best room,
end of the day.

How could you do this to her?

Oh, cut me some slack, Mr. Butt.

No one ever taught me
how to be a good sister.

Then get yourself a backpack
and a spiral notebook.

And a number two pencil
and a pen and a math book

and a protractor and a
scientific calculator,

with a juice box and
some healthy snacks,

and an apple for your teacher.

'Cause we're gonna take you
to school.

Sister school, yo!

Now listen so I can
teach you how to listen.

Huh, whatever.

The keys to active listening

are eye-contact,
and hand-holding.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Go on, Beast Boy.
I'm listening.

My problem is I'm just
too sweet and funny.

- And girls just take advantage.
- I hear your pain.

You have to talk it out
before you can walk it out.

Now you try.

Go on, Beast Boy.
I'm listening.

Sometimes I think I'll never find love.

Shut up and be a man!


You have broken my heart, sister.

And now I will break you.

Okay, lesson two.


- Oh.
- Terrible effort.


No, no, no. I'll show you myself.

Arms out wide,

come in tight but not too tight.

Pats on the back, optional.

Yes, that's much, much better.

Oh, this feels good.

Oh, no, no, no.
Wrong kind of hug.

Get away!

- Oh! Greetings friend.
- What are you doing?

"Oh, sister, I'm here to tell you

how you have made me feel
all these gamma years."

You look ridiculous.

- You look ridiculous!
- Stick to the script.

What Starfire meant to say
is do not be the glorpner, friend.

Glorpner? That's not
even a word, genius.

Don't you make me come over there!

- I told you this wouldn't work.
- Stay in character.

What the Starfires
are trying to say is...

"When you were in the
trouble who did you turn to?

- "Oh, sister, when you were..."
- I'm gonna stop you right there.

Your butt looks fantastic in that skirt.


I have no idea how Starfire
could still love you

after all you put her through.

She loves me?

Probably the only person
in the universe who does.

I wanna be a better sister.

Sister fun time.

Looks good.

I'm so glad you like it.

Uh, you think you could
give me a make-over?

I hate my look.

I hear somebody who's
not happy with himself.

But who should be, because he is great.

- Aww. Thanks!
- So Robin...

Please, call me Mr. Butt,
you've earned it.

I wish you were my sister, sister.

Starfire's gonna be so proud of you.

- Hey, she's back.
- Star?

Mr. Butt, are you okay?

I'm here for the her!

Blackfire, remember the lessons!

- Starfire, sweetie...
- You have never done anything for me,

except use me and trick me
and get me into trouble!

I hear you and I'm sorry!

It's too late for the sorry!

You look like you could use a hug.

This would look great on you.

I am not falling for the act again!

Wait, I've got something to show you.

The dolly you stole from me
as a child?

Blackfire, where did you get it?

I've had it the whole time.
I shouldn't have taken it.

And I shouldn't have kept it.
Starfire, I'm sorry.

- You really have changed.
- Yes. I have.


so have I.

So what happened?

We worked things out.
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