01x12 - Gorilla

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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01x12 - Gorilla

Post by bunniefuu »

One, two. One, two. One, two.

- Watch your form, Raven.
- Yes, sir, Mr. Bossypants.

Elbows up, Cy!

Oh, my gluteus maximus.
It's k*lling me.

You don't even have gluts.

Come on, Star! Faster! Faster!

If I go any faster, I may rupture
the space-time continuum.

No excuses!

And stop!

- Are we done?
- Yes, we're done.

Right after we do
900 jump squats.

And by we, do you mean
everyone except you?

Someone needs to supervise.

And, as your leader, I'm willing
to make that sacrifice.

Spare us.

Yo, yo, yo! What up, Titans?

- Am I late?
- Yes, Beast Boy, you are late.

Well, I'm here now.

You're gonna break the door. Transform
out of that stupid gorilla.

Nah. I got it.

- Oops!
- Didn't I just tell you

- to transform out of that gorilla?
- And I ignored you.

Perhaps we haven't met. I am
Robin, leader of the Teen Titans.

- You can't ignore me.
- Huh?

Guess I need to
teach you a lesson.

You get to do all the Titan's
dishes for the rest of the week.


- And why not?
- Gorillas don't do dishes.

Then I command you to transform
out of that gorilla!

Gorillas don't listen
to commands either.

Do not permit him to get
below the skin, Robin.

As long as he sees he's bothering
you, he's not gonna listen.

I suppose you're right.

There you are Beast Boy. I was
hoping you could help me...

Sorry, gorillas
don't carry boxes.

Mind picking up your
mess, Beast Boy?

No can do.

Gorillas don't pick
up after themselves.

Beast Boy, I need you to...

- Gorillas don't help...
- Ah, never mind!

Beast Boy is driving me nuts!

He eats all day and
makes stupid noises.

- And makes a mess everywhere.
- Some things never change.

Have you considered the
reason you are upset,

is because you are
not in control?

I don't have to be in control.

Get your feet off the table!
Sit up straight!

Right. You don't
have control issues.

Hey, dudes! Hey, guy
I'm not listening to.

That's it! Beast Boy, by
the power vested in me as

the leader of Teen Titans,
you are officially grounded.

- Wait. What?
- Grounded. Ha!

What do you think I am, five years old?
Don't answer that.

You heard me. Grounded!
Go to your room!

I don't have to listen to you.

I mean, who even made you
leader in the first place?

I did. It was my first
action as a leader.

Well, do you know how we
gorillas choose our leaders?

- How is that?
- Biggest and strongest is in charge.

Get your butt off me.

It would appear that Robin has
been rendered grizzle nubbs.

Yup. Dude is helpless.

By the power invested
in me, by myself,

I officially declare myself the
new leader of the Teen Titans!

You can't do that.
I'm the leader.

- Sorry, dude, it's the law.
- What law?

Law of the jungle, baby.

Guys, come on. Help me out here.

- He's right. It is the law.
- Of the jungle, baby.

And now that I'm calling the
sh*ts, my first order is...

Let's... go somewhere
and do something.

Already you show remarkable
prowess as a leader.

Titans go!

Hey. That's my line.

Your first mission for us is to
keep bullies off the monkey bars?

I must protect them.

The monkey bars are a
gorillas natural habitat.

No. I'm pretty sure they're not.

Well, I'm pretty sure they are.

And I'm in charge, so there.

Yay! Monkey bars!

Titans go!

And why are we...

fighting... crocodiles?

Because crocs are the natural
enemies of gorillas.

What are we doing at the ZOO?

We're gonna free the
c*ptive gorillas.

Oh, brother.

Exactly, my brothers. Titans go!

Run like the Tamaranian wind.

You can't just let all
these gorillas loose.

And I bet I can't
do this either.

Hey! Let me down.

I'm a little bit tired of you
constantly questioning me.

Okay. Let's just have a
reasonable conversation here.

I'm a gorilla. And gorillas
do not conversate reasonably.

In fact, I'm done talking.

Come on, Beast Boy. There
has to be a compromise.

Man! You really let
things get out of hand.

Me? How is this my fault?

Because somewhere along
the lines you got soft

and it left you vulnerable.

That doesn't explain why
you guys are following him

when, clearly, I'm
a better leader.

We have no choice.
He's the Alpha now.

And being Alpha is more important
than actually being good at anything.

Lucky for you, there's
no place better

to get your Alpha
back than at the ZOO.

You mean, you're going help me?

- But why?
- Why?!

Because I hate bananas!

Now, if you want to be an Alpha,

you need to start
acting like it again.

You mean, act like a gorilla?

Yeah, sure. I can hang here...
hey, hey...

No. I mean, act tough. Never smile.
Never laugh.

Those are signs of weakness.

Stop laughing.

Quit it!

We have a lot of work to do.

I think I'm crying.

I'm concerned about Beast Boy.

I fear his leadership style is
adversely affecting the Titans.

I don't know. Everything seems
pretty much the same to me.

If you want to be
an Alpha again,

you are gonna have to
do whatever I tell you.

- Understood?
- Got it!

Now take that kick-ass dinner.

Uh, this is suppose to
toughen me up, right?

- Test my agility?
- You want be leader again or not?!

- Do what I tell you!
- Yes, sir.

That elephant better be
clean enough to eat off of.

Are you sure this is safe?

Just do what I tell ya!

I want you to kiss each and
every last one of those.

- Uh... how exactly is any of this...
- You wanna be a leader?

Do what I tell ya.

Wait a second. I'm the leader.

You're supposed to
do what I tell you.

Ha! You still have a
lot left to learn.

No. I'm the one who decides how
much I have left to learn.

Spoken like a true Alpha.

You are indeed ready! Now go!

I'll go when I say so.

Okay, I'm going.

Beast Boy!

I'm here to take back my
rightful place as Alpha.

You're going down.

Find his weakness, Robin.

Okay, stop!

Not till you say, who
you're leader is.

No! I can't take it.
I can't, I can't.

Do it. Do it now!

You! You're my leader.

That's right. Now, go
make me a sandwich.

Yes, sir.

Glad your back, Robin.

Indeed. Your leadership skills
greatly surpass those of Beast Boy.

Cut the balooney!

The next time you forget
who you're leader is,

you're going to have major problems.
Got it?

- Understood.
- Yes, sir!

It's good to be the Alpha.
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