04x20 - Baby Jaguar's Roar

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Dora the Explorer". Aired: August 14, 2000 – August 9, 2019.*
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Features the adventures of young Dora, her monkey Boots, Backpack and other animated friends.
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04x20 - Baby Jaguar's Roar

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you ready to explore?

Come on!

¡Vamos arriba!

KIDS: ♪ D-D-D-D-D-Dora... ♪

All right!

♪ Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer ♪

ALL: Dora!

♪ Boots and supercool exploradora. ♪

DORA: We need your help.

Grab your backpack!

♪ Let's go, jump in... ♪


♪ You can lead the way... ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora ♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora ♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping, Swiper, no swiping. ♪

Oh, man!

♪ Dora the Explorer! ♪

¡Hola! Soy Dora.

Boots and I are visiting

my cousin Diego's animal center.

There are lots and lots of baby animals

at the animal center.

This is a baby spectacled bear.

His name is Baby Bear.

( bear growling playfully )

Do you like baby animals?

Me, too.

He's so cute.

( cat mewling )

That sounds like another baby animal.

BOOTS AND DORA: It's Baby Jaguar!

BOOTS: Whoa, look at him go!

DIEGO: Jaguars are excellent jumpers.

They're really good climbers, runners and swimmers, too.

( jaguar mewling )

Hey, look.

Baby Bear's got a ball.

That's his favorite ball--

red with green polka dots.

Aw, Baby Jaguar and Baby Bear

are playing together.

They love to play together.

They're best friends.

( mewling happily )

( growling playfully )

ALL: Aw...!

BOOTS: Boy, they sure love that ball.

( rustling in the bushes )

Uh-oh, that sounds like Swiper the Fox.

That sneaky fox will try to swipe the ball.

If you see Swiper, say "Swiper."

You see Swiper?


ALL: Swiper!

( whimpering )

We have to say, "Swiper, no swiping!"

Say it with me.

ALL: Swiper, no swiping!

Swiper, no swiping!

Swiper, no swiping!

Oh, man!

Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.

( jaguar mewling )

Uh-oh, Baby Bear ran off.

Swiper must have scared him.

Come on, we've got to find Baby Bear.

Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?

Map-- right!

( jaguar mewling )

You have to say "map."

BOOTS AND DIEGO: Say "map"! Say "map"!

♪ I'm the map, I'm the map... ♪

♪ He's the map, he's the map ♪

♪ I'm the map! ♪

( song ends )

Uh-oh, we need to find Baby Bear.

Do you see Baby Bear?

( Baby Bear growling softly )

Yeah, there he is!

Oh, Swiper scared him,

and he ran all the way to Big Mountain.

Well, I know how to get to Big Mountain.

First we go through the jungle...

Then we go down the river, El Rio Rápido...

and that's how we get to Big Mountain to save Baby Bear.

( bear growling softly )

So remember: jungle, river, Big Mountain.

Say it with me.

Jungle, river, Big Mountain.

Jungle, river, Big Mountain.

Jungle, river, Big Mountain.

So you tell Dora, "First we go to the jungle."

Where do we go first?

The jungle-- right.

We need to find the jungle.

Hey, I can't see the jungle.

Look, Baby Jaguar's climbing that tree.

¿Dónde está?

Now do you see the jungle?

Yeah, there it is.

( jaguar mewling )

Come on, we've got

to get to Big Mountain...

To save Baby Bear!

I think we'd better put the ball inside Backpack for safekeeping.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, ¡Delicioso!

ALL: ♪ We're going to Big Mountain to save the baby bear ♪

♪ Moving like the jaguars will help to get us there. ♪

Let's all move like jaguars do.

Will you help us move like a jaguar?


You have to stand up to move like a jaguar.

Stand up, please.

Stand up.

Up, up, up!

Stand up!

DIEGO: ♪ Now run like a jaguar-- run, run, run! ♪

ALL: Run, run, run!

DIEGO: ♪ And jump like a jaguar-- jump, jump, jump! ♪

Jump, jump, jump!

DIEGO: ♪ And swim like a jaguar-- swim, swim, swim! ♪

Swim, swim, swim!

DIEGO: ♪ And climb like a jaguar-- climb, climb, climb! ♪

Climb, climb, climb!

We're moving like jaguars.

( song ends )

Wow, you're good at moving like a jaguar.

We made it to the jungle.

( creature howling )

Careful, Boots.

There are snakes...

( snakes hissing )

and crocodiles...

( gnashing teeth )

and coyotes in the jungle.

( coyote howling )

Oh, my!

How will we find our way through?

We need to figure out which path

is safe to take through the jungle.

I know-- maybe we can find

an animal to help us.

Lots of animals

are hidden in the jungle.

They're camouflaged.

Do you see an animal

that's hidden in the jungle?

Yeah, that's a frog.

( imitating croaking frog )

( frog croaking )

The frog knows the safe path

to take us through the jungle.

( frog croaking )

We need to follow the frog.


There's a green path-- verde--

a red path-- rojo--

and a yellow path-- amarillo.

We have to listen for the frog's ( croaking )

to get through the jungle.

Let's listen for the frog to find out which path he's on.

( snakes hissing )

( teeth crunching )

( frog croaking )

DORA: Which path has the frog?

DIEGO: The yellow path.


Do you see the frog?

DORA: There it is!

( frog croaking )

So we go this way.

( crocodile chomping, snakes hissing )


BOOTS: More paths.

DIEGO: Listen for the frog.

( coyote howling )

( snakes hissing )

( frog croaking )

( crocodile chomping )

DORA: Which path has the frog?

DIEGO: The green path-- verde.

Do you see the frog?

DORA: Yeah, there it is.

( frog croaking )


So we go this way.

( coyote howling )

( snakes hissing )

( crocodile chomping )

( trio plays fanfare )

ALL: Yay!

( jaguar mewling happily )

We made it through the jungle!

Thanks, frog.

( Diego imitating croaking )

( croaking )

We have to figure out where to go next.

Let's check the map.

( jaguar mewling )

You have to say "map."

BOTH: Say "map"! Say "map"!

Ooh, you're such a great explorer!

We went through the jungle-- check.

Where do we go next?

The river-- right.

The fast river-- El Rio Rápido.

So you tell Dora, "Next we go to the river."

Where do we go next?

The river-- right.

El Rio Rápido.

We need to find the river--

El Rio Rápido.

¿Dónde está?

Do you see the river?

BOOTS: Yeah, there it is!

But Dora, there are three paths.

DIEGO: We have to figure out

which path leads to the river.

Is the river on the first path,

second path or third path?

The second path-- right.

So, we need to take the second path

to get to the river.

Come on!

We've got to save Baby Bear.

( Baby Jaguar mewls )

ALL: ♪ We're going to Big Mountain to save the baby bear ♪

♪ Moving like the jaguars will help to get us there! ♪

Let's all move like jaguars do.

Will you help us move like a jaguar?


You have to stand up to move like a jaguar.

Stand up, please.

Stand up.

Up, up, up!

Stand up!

DIEGO: ♪ Now run like a jaguar-- run, run, run! ♪

ALL: Run, run, run!

DIEGO: ♪ And jump like a jaguar-- jump, jump, jump! ♪

Jump, jump, jump!

DIEGO: ♪ And swim like a jaguar-- swim, swim, swim! ♪

Swim, swim, swim!

DIEGO: ♪ And climb like a jaguar-- climb, climb, climb! ♪

Climb, climb, climb!

We're moving like jaguars.

( song ends )

Wow, you're good at moving like a jaguar.


We made it to the river.

El Rio Rápido.

El Rio Rápido sure is fast.

How are we going to get down it?

Baby Jaguar, watch out!

Don't worry, Boots.

Jaguars are great swimmers.

Let's help Baby Jaguar look for something

to take us down the river.

Do you see anything that can take us down the river?

A boat-- right.

( Baby Jaguar mewls )

A boat can take us down Rio Rápido.

Smart looking.

ALL: Go, Baby Jaguar!

Todos a bordo.

DIEGO AND DORA: Salvavidas.

Life jackets.

ALL: So we can be safe.

Come on.

We have to hurry to get to Baby Bear.

To tell Diego "fast," we say "rápido."

Can you say "rápido"?

Say "rápido."

BOTH: ¡Rápido!

( mewling )

BOOTS: Oh, no!

Here come the rocks!

To slow down, we say "despacio."

Say "despacio."

DORA AND BOOTS: ¡Despacio!

Whew, that was close.

We made it past that big rock, but now we have to go faster.

Say "mas rápido."

DORA AND BOOTS: Mas rápido.

( Baby Jaguar mewling )

BOOTS: Yikes!

It's another rock.

We need to tell Diego to slow down.

Say "despacio."

DORA AND BOOTS: ¡Despacio!

Whew, that was even closer.

We made it past another big rock.

( mewls )

Oh, no!


A crocodile!

We have to tell Diego to go even faster

to get away from the crocodile.

Say "mucho mas rápido."

DORA AND BOOTS: Mucho mas rápido.

BOOTS: Look, we're getting away from the crocodile.

Whew, that was really, really close.

Good Spanish speaking.

( mewls )

Oh, no, here comes a big wave.

We've got to crouch down like jaguars.

Crouch down like a jaguar.

Crouch down.

Crouch down low.


( mewls )

I'm okay.

Oh, no, the wave knocked Map in the water.

We've got to save Map.

DIEGO: Baby Jaguar can do it.

He's a great swimmer.

We need to help Baby Jaguar find Map.

Do you see Map?

Yeah, there he is.

Thanks, Baby Jaguar.

DIEGO: Baby Jaguar saved Map.

ALL: Yay!

DORA: Fantástico, Baby Jaguar.

Yeah, good work, Baby Jaguar.

Thank you, Baby Jaguar.


( mewls )

Map, I'm so happy to see you.

You're safe.

Qué bueno.

Whew, that was really, really, really close.

Sure was, Boots.

And look.

We made it down the river.

All right!

( mewls )

( trio plays fanfare )

We have to figure out where to go next.

Say "map."

DIEGO AND BOOTS: Say "map," say "map."

We're getting closer and closer.

We went through the jungle-- check,

and we went down the river-- check.

Where do we go next?

( Baby Bear growls softly )

Big Mountain-- right-- to save Baby Bear.

( Baby Bear growls softly )

So you tell Dora, "Next we go to Big Mountain."

Where do we go next?

Big Mountain-- all right!

So we need to find Big Mountain.

I see two mountains.

Which one's the Big Mountain?

Yeah, there it is.

Allí está.


Let's go to Big Mountain to save Baby Bear.

( Baby Jaguar mewls )


We made it to Big Mountain.

Do you see Baby Bear?

( Baby Bear mewls )

Yeah, there's Baby Bear.

But how are we going

to get up there?

DIEGO: Look, Baby Jaguar's going up the mountain.

DORA: We have to help Baby Jaguar get up Big Mountain

so he can save Baby Bear.

We have to jump like a jaguar to get up the mountain.

Will you jump like a jaguar?


You have to stand up to jump like a jaguar.

Stand up, please.

DIEGO AND BOOTS: Up, up, up, stand up.

DORA: Now we have to jump like a jaguar over the rocks.

ALL: Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump!

DORA: And climb like a jaguar up the vines.

ALL: Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb.

DORA: Great jumping and climbing!

BOOTS: Oh, no, the rock that Baby Bear is on is starting to cr*ck.

Baby Bear's rock is about to fall.

( mewls )

Baby Jaguar wants to warn Baby Bear

about the rock.

Baby Jaguar needs to roar really loud.

But Baby Jaguar has never roared before.

Will you help Baby Jaguar roar really loud?

Say "roar"!


ALL: Roar!

( roars loudly )

( growling softly )


Baby Jaguar saved Baby Bear.

ALL: Yay!

( growling softly )

He's okay.

Great work, Baby Jaguar.

( mewls )

And great roaring, too.

Yeah, that was really loud.

( mewls )

( roars loudly )

( laughter )

( growls softly )

DIEGO: Baby Bear wants to play ball with Baby Jaguar.

Hey, where's Baby Bear's ball?

Where did we put Baby Bear's ball?

In Backpack-- right.

Will you check the backpack for Baby Bear's ball?

You have to say "backpack."

♪ ♪

♪ Backpack, Backpack ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

¡Hola, niños!

I have muchas pelotas, but Dora needs to find Baby Bear's.

The ball es roja with polka dots that are verdes.

Is it this pelota?

Is it this pelota?

Which pelota belongs to Baby Bear?


You found la pelota.

Smart looking.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, ¡Delicioso!

( mewling )

( Dora, Diego and Boots laughing )

DIEGO: They look so happy.

DORA: All right!

We saved Baby Jaguar's best friend, Baby Bear.

ALL: Yay!

We did it.

♪ ♪

BOTH: ♪ We did it! ♪

We did it.

We did it.

ALL: Yay!

♪ Lo hicimos. ♪

BOTH: ♪ We did it! ♪

♪ ♪

♪ We followed the frog down through the jungle ♪

BOTH: ♪ We did it ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it ♪


♪ We went down the river... ♪

♪ And saved Map after his tumble ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

DIEGO: ♪ We helped Baby Jaguar ♪

♪ Rescue Baby Bear ♪

BOOTS: ♪ And Baby Jaguar finally roared ♪

♪ Let's all roar like Baby Jaguar... ♪

BOTH: Roar!



BOTH: We did it!

( song ends )


We had such a fun trip today.

What was your favorite part of the trip?

I liked that, too.

My favorite part was running,

jumping and climbing like jaguars.

My favorite part was when Baby Jaguar rescued Baby Bear.

My favorite part was riding down

El Rio Rápido.

( mewls )

( roars )

I think Baby Jaguar's favorite part

was when he roared really loud.

( growls softly )

That was Baby Bear's favorite part, too.

( laughter )

We couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks for helping.


DORA: There's our friend Azul.

Try and catch Azul.

Catch me, catch me.

Here I am.



Can't find me.

( laughing )

All right!

You found me.

( whistle blows )

( children giggling )
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