04x06 - Star Mountain

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Dora the Explorer". Aired: August 14, 2000 – August 9, 2019.*
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Features the adventures of young Dora, her monkey Boots, Backpack and other animated friends.
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04x06 - Star Mountain

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you ready to explore?

Come on!

¡Vamos arriba!

KIDS: ♪ D-D-D-D-D-Dora... ♪

All right!

Captioning sponsored by THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION


♪ Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer ♪

ALL: Dora!

♪ Boots and supercool exploradora. ♪

DORA: We need your help.

Grab your backpack!

♪ Let's go, jump in... ♪


♪ You can lead the way... ♪

♪ Hey, hey!

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora ♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora ♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping, Swiper, no swiping. ♪

Oh, man!

♪ Dora the Explorer! ♪

¡Hola! Soy Dora.

And I'm Boots.

I just got a present.

Do you like presents?

Me, too.

My present is this necklace.

My grandma, mi abuela, made it for me.

It matches my bracelet, see?

I really love it.

( rustling )

That sounds like Swiper the Fox!

That sneaky fox will try and swipe your necklace.

If you see Swiper, say, "Swiper."

( both yell )

Swiper, no...

( sadly ): swiping.

You're too late!

You'll never find your necklace now.

( laughs )

That mean fox.

He threw it all the way

to the top of Star Mountain.

I really love that necklace.

Don't worry, Dora.

We'll get it back.


Right, Boots.

Will you help us get my necklace back?

BOTH: Great!

Let's try to find my necklace

on Star Mountain.

Make binoculars with your hands.


DORA: Star Mountain is so beautiful.

I see star trees and star waterfalls

and so many stars!

But we need to find the necklace.

Do you see the necklace?

BOOTS: Yeah, there it is, hanging onto the giant star

all the way at the top of Star Mountain.

How are we going to get all the way up

to the top of Star Mountain?

DORA: Star Mountain is

where all the explorer stars live.

I bet if we called to the explorer stars,

they would help us.

Let's call the explorer stars!

To call the stars, say "estrellas."

Say it with us.

BOTH: Estrellas!

( laughing )

Look, Dora, the explorer stars.

They came, they came!

It's Tool Star,

the explorer star with lots of tools.

Saltador, the super jumping explorer star!


DORA: The bright light explorer star.

The explorer stars will help us

get the necklace back.

Thanks, explorer stars.

First, let's figure out how to get to the top of Star Mountain.

Who do we ask for help

when we don't know which way to go?

Map, right.

Will you check the map to find out

how to get all the way to the top of Star Mountain?

You have to say, "map."

♪ I'm the map, I'm the map

♪ He's the map, he's the map

I'm the map!

Dora and Boots need to get to the giant star

on top of Star Mountain

so Dora can get her necklace back.

To get all the way up Star Mountain,

first you have to run up the steps,

then climb all the way up the diamond,

and that's how you get to the giant star

on top of Star Mountain.

So remember: steps, diamond, giant star.

Say it with me.

Steps, diamond, giant star.

Steps, diamond, giant star.

Steps, diamond, giant star.

So tell Dora, first we have to go to the steps.

Where do we go first?

The steps!

We need to find the steps.

¿Dónde están?

Do you see the steps?

Yeah, there they are.

Come on.

Let's climb to the top of Star Mountain

to get the necklace.

Come on, say it with us.

DORA AND BOOTS: Steps, diamond, giant star.

Steps, diamond, giant star.

♪ We're climbing up Star Mountain ♪

♪ To the giant star above

♪ We won't give up

♪ Until we find the necklace that I love. ♪

♪ Where are we going?

♪ Giant star.

♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Giant star.

BOTH: ♪ ¿Adónde vamos? ♪

♪ Giant star.

♪ ¿Adónde vamos? ♪

ALL: ♪ Giant star!

( laughing )

♪ Giant star!

( song ends )

Whoa, look at all this fog.

I can't see in front of me.

Dora? Dora!

DORA: I'm here, Boots.

We need to get through this fog.

It's Tool Star!

The explorer star.

DORA: Tool Star will help us get through the fog.

BOOTS: Look at all his tools!

DORA: Tool Star has got a hammer,

a crowbar,

a screwdriver,

a pencil,

and a fan.

Which tool can Tool Star use

to help us get through the fog?

Right! A fan.

( whirring )

We have to help Tool Star

fan the fog out of the way.

Put your hands in the air

and fan the fog out of the way.

BOTH: Fan, fan, fan, fan, fan!

Good fanning.

And we got all the way through the fog.

DORA AND BOOTS: Thanks, Tool Star!

Look, Dora!

BOTH: The steps.

We made it to the steps.

Ew, look at all the bubbling green goo.

BOTH: Ew, look at the goo!

BOOTS: It's rising.

We better get up the steps

before the green goo catches us!

Count the steps with me.

BOTH: One, two, three, four...

( buzzer )


( yelling )

Here comes the goo.

We weren't fast enough.

But we can do it.

Sí, se puede.

Count with me real fast.

BOTH: One, two, three, four, five!


Oh, no!

Here comes the goo!

What number comes after five?

Six, right.

Can you find the number six?

Yeah, there it is.

We have to run fast up the steps

before we get gooed.

Count fast with me.

Start with six.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

BOTH: Yay!

We made it up the steps just in time.

We are fast.

♪ Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah. ♪

Oh, no!

BOTH: More goo!

And it's blocking our way.

How will we get rid of all this goo?

DORA: It's Glowy, the explorer star.

BOOTS: Glowy's melting the glue with her hot light.

BOTH: Go, Glowy!

Glowy needs help.

Let's help Glowy melt the goo.

Rub your hands together and make them warm.

DORA AND BOOTS: Rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub!

It worked!

We're melting the goo.

BOTH: Yay, Glowy.

Good job.

Quick! What number comes after ten?

, right.

Do you see the ?

Yeah, there it is.

Allí está.

Count fast with me.

Start with .

, , , , !

Yay, we made it up the steps.

Good counting.

Where do we go next?

Let's check the map.

Say, "map."

♪ I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map! ♪

Ooh, we're doing great!

We made it up the steps.


Where do we go next?

The diamond, right!

Tell Dora, "diamond."

Where do we go next?

Diamond, right.

We need to find the diamond.

¿Dónde está?

Do you see the diamond?

Sí, allí está.

Yeah, there it is.

Come on, let's climb up Star Mountain

to get the necklace.

Come on, say it with us.

BOTH: Steps, diamond, giant star.

Steps, diamond, giant star.

♪ We're climbing up Star Mountain ♪

♪ To the giant star above

♪ We won't give up

♪ Until we find the necklace that I love ♪

♪ Where are we going?

♪ Giant star

♪ Where are we going?

♪ Giant star

BOTH: ♪ ¿Adónde vamos? ♪

♪ Giant star.

DORA AND BOOTS: ♪ ¿Adónde vamos? ♪

♪ Giant star.

( laughing )

♪ Giant star!

Dora, it's starting to snow!

It's beautiful.

( both giggling )

Look, the explorer stars are bringing us snowsuits.

DORA: Gracias, estrellas.

BOOTS: Thanks, stars.

( rumbling )

That sounds like something's rolling.

What's rolling?

A snowball?

DORA AND BOOTS: A snowball, oh, no!

DORA: A giant snowball.

What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?

DORA: It's Saltador,

the super jumpy explorer star.

Saltador can help us jump.

DORA: We need to jump over the snowball.

You have to stand up to jump.

Stand up, please.

Stand up.

Up, up, up.

Stand up!

Get ready to jump.

Now, jump!

We made it over the giant snowball.

DORA AND BOOTS: Great jumping.

Qué bien, Saltador.

Yeah, awesome!

Look, there's the diamond.

But how are we going to climb it, Dora?

Star handles.

Those star handles will help us

climb up the diamond.

This star is red-- roja.

This star is green-- verde.

Look, the stars are colored in a pattern:

roja, verde, roja, verde.

We have to follow that pattern.

Say it with me.

DORA AND BOOTS: Roja, verde.

Roja, verde.

Roja, verde.


What comes next?

Verde, right-- a green star.

We need to reach that green star.

Put your hands in the air and reach, reach, reach.

Yay, we got it!

Look, more star handles.

We can do it.

Sí, se puede.

Say it with me.

DORA AND BOOTS: Roja, verde.

Roja, verde.

Roja, verde.

What comes next?

Roja, right.

We need to reach really, really high

to get that star that's roja.

Reach, reach, reach.

( fanfare plays )

We made it all the way up the diamond.


We need to figure out which way to go next.

Let's check the map.

DORA AND BOOTS: Say "map."

Ooh, we're doing really, really great.

We made it up the steps. Check.

We climbed the diamond. Check.

Where do we go next?

The star, right, the Giant Star.

That's where Dora's necklace is.

She'll be so happy.

Tell Dora, "giant star."

Where do we go next?

Giant star, right.

We need to find the giant star.

¿Dónde está?

Where is the giant star?

Yeah, there it is.

DORA: And there's my necklace!

We have to make it to the top of the giant star

to get the necklace back.

Whoa-- it's really snowing harder.

( wind whistling )

Look, the explorer stars can't go any higher.

Oh, no.

Come on, Boots, we can do it.

Sí, se puede.

We walked almost to the star.



It's really getting icy.

But look, Boots.

BOOTS: We made it to the giant star.

But we have to make it all the way to the top

of the giant star.

How do we do that, Dora?

We need a long rope.

We need a rope! We need a rope!

I think I have a long rope in my backpack.

Will you check the backpack for a long rope?

¿Una soga larga?

You have to say, "backpack."

Say it louder, please.

♪ ♪

♪ Backpack, backpack

♪ Backpack, backpack


( music stops )

Hola, soy Backpack.

Dora and Boots are looking for a rope

so we can make it to the top of the giant star

to get the necklace.

I have una soga corta, o una soga larga.

Which rope does Dora need?

¿La corta o la larga?

¿Corta? Larga?

¿Corta? Larga?

Larga, sí.

The long rope.

Muy bien.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,


( wind howling )

Dora, do you think

you can throw the long rope

all the way up there?

I have to, Boots.

Come on, let's throw the rope

all the way to the top of the giant star.

Put your hands in the air and twirl the rope.

Twirl and twirl and twirl.

Now throw the rope!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Great throw.


Look, Dora!

DORA AND BOOTS: A snowman.

BOOTS: On a snowboard.

He's headed right for the rope!

DORA: Who's inside that snowman suit?


( laughing )

BOOTS: He'll try to swipe the rope.

We have to stop Swiper.

Say it with us.

DORA AND BOOTS: Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping.

Oh, man!

Oh, man.

Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.

Boots, I need you to hold the rope tight

while I climb.

Okay, Dora, I'll hold it really tight.

Good luck.

Now we have to climb the rope

all the way up to the top of the giant star.

Will you help me climb?


Put your hands out, grab the rope and...

climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb!

Only a little more.

We can do it.

Sí, se puede.

I really need your help.

Put your hands up

and climb, climb, climb, climb, climb!

Great climbing.

Do you see my necklace?

There it is! There it is!

Help me reach for it.

Put your hands out and reach.

My necklace! My necklace!

Thank you.


( cheering )


( giggling )

DORA AND BOOTS: We did it!

♪ ♪

♪ We did it!

♪ We did it. ♪ We did it.


♪ Lo hicimos.

♪ We did it!

♪ ♪

♪ We climbed up the steps and melted the goo ♪

♪ We did it! ♪ We did it!

♪ We did it, hooray!

♪ Then we climbed up the diamond ♪

♪ Thanks to you

♪ We did it!

♪ We did it, we did it! ♪

♪ We did it!

♪ We made it to the top

♪ Of the giant star above

♪ And you helped me climb

♪ To get my necklace that I love. ♪

( cheering )

DORA AND BOOTS: We did it!

( song ends )


We had such an exciting adventure today.

What was your favorite part?

I liked that, too.

My favorite part was stopping Swiper

when he was a snowman.

( laughs )

My favorite part was getting my necklace back.

Let's see how many explorer stars helped us today.

Let's call the stars.

Say, "estrellas."

DORA AND BOOTS: Estrellas.

Count with me in Spanish.

DORA AND BOOTS: Uno, dos, tres.

Tres estrellas exploradoras.

Three explorer stars.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks for helping.


DORA: Glowy!

Captioning sponsored by THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION


Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org

DORA: Help Glowy find her star friends using her super power light.

You found me!

( stars giggling )



( children giggling )
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