10x11 - About Bruce: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x11 - About Bruce: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[Khloé] Previously on…

You have children. You don't need our permission, but you need to tell us.

I've already talked to all my kids and told you what I was going through.

My sisters and I knew that Bruce was a cross-dresser,

but we were never told that he was gonna fully transition

and become a woman.

Since I can remember, my gender identity was always an issue.

They call this process "transitioning".

I totally respect that it's difficult, but I also was blindsided by this.

-Do you have a time frame? -Probably in the spring.

I don't think it's fair that you don't tell us.

[Kendall] He is one of the greatest people I know,

so to think of someone giving him hate

is more of a worry to me than anything else.

I am just so proud of all of you. I got to deal with myself.

[Bruce] The last thing in the world I wanna do is hurt any one of you.

There's just… There's no right way to do this.

[dramatic music]

[waves lapping]

[birds squawking]

[Bruce] Thank you.

Out of everything I've done in my life, raised wonderful children,

um, worked hard, been successful.

Um, out of all these things in my life, maybe in God's eyes, this is my calling.

We don't want anyone to live their life and feel like they're in the wrong body

or they're completely just unhappy in their soul.

I am okay with what's happening, I just need a moment to, like…

I have to transition as well.

-Yeah. -So when you talk about transitioning,

and you said you're going to do the few things to your face.


Then, from that point on, do you start just, every day you are…

I think it would be hard after you do enough stuff,

it gets harder and harder to play the other side.

But, like, do you have to just pick a day?

Like, "This is the day I'm gonna just wear this stuff.

-I'm not gonna wear boxers anymore." -I am gonna just play it by ear.


So, like, you don't have a surgery to remove that,

and then that means you're the woman.

-Uh, remove? -Remove your…

Oh, the little thing down there? That's kind of the last thing you can do.

You can do an awful lot before that.

So, like, do you have an appointment to do that?

-No. As of right now, no. -[Kim] 'Kay.

I only have one more appointment.

So after that last appointment, with the face,

here and here, you consider yourself a woman?

-I think… Yeah, if I'm comfortable. -If it gets in the way, you'll…

I'm not planning on, like, dating or doing any of that. That's nothing--

-And when you date women? -I don't know what I would do.

-[Bruce] I haven't been there yet. -[chuckles]

[Kim] Just… My mom literally has not asked this at all,

-but I'm just curious. -Go.

So if your life was living a lie as Bruce,

and you would have sex with my mom, were you, like, into it,

or were you, like, grossed out, like, were you…

-[Kim] You know, like… -No, I'm totally heterosexual.

But if you're a "woman", then were you a lesbian?

[hums in wonder]

You're not attracted to men, you're attracted to women.

Yeah, as a guy, I was always attracted to women, yeah.

Maybe what he's saying when he, like, fully transforms into a girl,

-it might, like, feel different. -[Bruce] I don't… Yeah.

-Yeah, I think it'd be very different. -[Kim] 'Kay.

-And I'm not doing this… -[Khloé] Yeah.

…for that reason, not at all.

[Bruce] But who knows?

[serious music]

I think we're just gonna follow Bruce's lead through all of this,

and whatever he wants, we will support him.

All right, do we have any more questions?

When do we start referring to you as "her"?

You will see me and you will know.

Okay, so as of now, when we see Bruce, you're just Dad Bruce.

[Bruce] Yeah. Yeah, Dad, Bruce.

I'm always gonna be your dad, no matter what I go through.

-[Kendall] We should call you Mad. -Yeah, Mad.

Mom and Dad, and you're a little bit crazy.

-A little crazy, yeah. -[Kendall] Mad.


We haven't met her yet. We don't know who Bruce is when he is a woman.

I think now I'm okay and confident and comfortable enough to meet her.

I think he would be okay if we met.

[bright music]

[car door opens]

-[Scott] Yello. -[Bruce] Need your wheels done?

Yeah, I'll take a little Armor All if you got it.

Well, actually, that's what I got.

[Scott] I realize Bruce is not my biological father

or even my stepfather,

but I know him a long time and I care for him,

and it was difficult to hear he was going through something.

I just want him to be happy.

-All right, what do you need to know? -Well…

-Give me your list of questions. -I got a lot.

[suspenseful music]

-All right, what do you need to know? -Well…

-Give me your list of questions. -I got a lot.

You know, nobody, in the past ten years of knowing you,

has ever, ever told me anything.

I just assumed Scott knew.

I kept telling Kourtney, "There's no way he doesn't know. There's no way."

Khloé kept telling me, "Scott knows. He's gotta know.

Come on, he definitely knows what's going on."

I was like, "No, he does not."

Kim, Khloé, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie, Rob, I mean, everyone knew but me.

And I kept trying to explain to him that I never told anybody.

I'm not mad at him,

because I know it's hard for him to tell anybody

what he was going through,

but I just wish I would've known sooner and could've been there for him.

[Bruce] My whole life, I haven't been honest with myself,

I haven't been honest with my kids.

It's been the big secret that nobody can talk about.

I felt like, for so many years, you know, me and you had like a big disconnect,

and if I would've had any idea

of some of the things that you were struggling with,

I wouldn't have been so insecure

about why we couldn't get along properly sometimes, you know what I mean.

Yeah, you're right. I don't think the two of us have been that close.

-[Bruce] Where do you wanna start? -I mean, I guess it's just like…

[Scott] I mean, just like the little things.

Are you gonna be like the butchiest girl ever

with like, still wanna, like-- You're into so many guy sports, like.

Uh, I will still have a good time.

Why would I wanna give up all the fun stuff?

Like, do you see yourself going to the golf course?

I'm going through an awful lot just to get to the ladies' tees.

Right. Was it frustrating to be around all these women when you couldn't

-be a woman? -Yes. That was tough.

[Scott] I mean, everybody's over here.

-They're always having girls' nights. -Right. You're like--

They're always having-- Yeah, and I can't do all of that.

-Right. And that's-- -[Bruce] And can you imagine the pressure

of having to get dressed for all these girls?

-Yeah. -Yeah, that'd be a tough deal.

It's pretty wild that you're gonna live two lives in one lifetime.

I mean, not many people can say they did it,

which is pretty extraordinary in some ways.

Yeah, it is. Yeah. Kind of groundbreaking in a lot of ways.

-[Scott] Now, do you-- -Um, there is a lot of momentum

in the transgender community, they've come a long way recently.

-Will you help out in that community? -Oh, I would love to. Yeah.

Obviously, you're an amazing speaker, so I'm sure you could do a lot of good.

-[Bruce] Yeah. -And help a lot of people who want

to be able to come out and say this that can't.

Bruce is gonna open the door for so many people

that are finally gonna be able to live their life the way they want to.

I mean, you're talking about

the biggest male athlete, maybe of our time…

who is known as the man's man turning into a lady.

For anybody who's going through this and thinks that it's impossible,

well, here it is right in front of your face, it's not.

What are some of your, like, worries?

I mean, I know living in L.A. is one of the worst places ever with media,

so that's scary.

Then every time you leave your house for the first year…

They're out there right now.

But I'm saying, in a few months, it's gonna be t*rture for a year.

I was honestly thinking about getting out of Malibu

and, you know, moving up in the hills of Santa Barbara or…

-Then that's, like, running again, right? -And then I'm running again, number one.

Number two, this is my home.

Right. You shouldn't have to leave to be yourself.

And I'm hoping that we've kinda turned the corner there.

Yeah, I mean, I think you know already there's gonna be so much negativity,

-and then positivity will come. -Yeah, yeah.

I mean, are you getting anxious and excited?

-Oh, of course. -I mean, it must be like--

-It's gonna be a great year. -Right. I mean, it must be like

-your coming out party, right? -Freeing! Yeah.

You know, for me, I'm just excited to see him be nice and be happy.

I mean, it was very obvious for a long time

that he was living with some kind of secret.

Sometimes, I thought it was something about me, and…

You know, I've realized that I'm probably just perfect,

and it's everybody else around me that's got issues.

It's so overwhelmingly nice for me to be able to see you

just feel comfortable and be happy.

I mean, I just didn't know what the hell was wrong with you all the time.

-You were just so [bleep] pissed. -[chuckles]

[waves crashing]

-[sneezes] -[Khloé] Oh!

You sound like Minnie Mouse was getting att*cked.

-Um, Dad is coming over. -[Khloé] Mm-hmm.

'Cause he wants to apologize to you. And I want you to be nice to him.

I've never not been nice to Dad.

I know, but you need to understand that this is, like, a moment for him.

-Probably not an easy one, so-- -A 100%, so you can't--

-I'm upset that… -You don't need to be so harsh.

…he's transitioning and wasn't telling us.

You don't need to be so hard on him.

He's coming here to, like, fix that and apologize.

-And I don't think-- -I agree I was really upset.

[Khloé] Like, there's no way to prepare

for, like, what we were talking about or what we were doing.

-Yeah. -And I--

I mean, I've never been through something like that before.

Yeah, my reaction was aggressive,

but I was more mad that he was proceeding with something

but telling us something completely different

-until we cornered him. -Yeah.

I'm sure going your whole life, keeping this big secret from your kids

and, like, practically everyone you know is a lot.

And to, like, all of a sudden, one day be like,

"All right, I'm gonna tell every single one of my kids.

I think it's hard to, like, tell them every little bit."

So, I'm sure it's, like, not easy to just spill everything at once.

So maybe, withholding information is just a natural thing.

-[Bruce] Hola! -Hi, Dad.

-[Bruce] Kendall, you're up! -[Kendall] Yeah.

[tense music]

[serious music]

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm okay.

I'm not mad at your process of you wanting to live your life. I'm not.

What I was mad about is feeling like you were robbing me

of, like, having the opportunity to, like, let go on my own.

[Khloé] When you're doing, like, your big serious surgery,

you can't just do that, and then I come over one day

-and Bruce is gone. -True.

Like, you can't just take that away from us.

And that's what I was mad about.

It's not that you're doing it. I'm mad that you weren't telling us.

I know you're very emotional about this.

You've had a lot of losses in your life, you know.

Um, and in a way, this is kinda like somewhat of a, you know,

like a death in the family, or things really drastically change.

-[Khloé] Mm-hmm. -I get that.

I know it's not malicious. I know you're not trying to be--

No, it's not. It's tough to talk to you because you are…

probably taking this the hardest of anybody.

The last thing in the world I wanna do is hurt anybody.

-Mm-hmm. And I know that. -Okay?

Especially you, Kendall, everybody in the family.

I don't wanna hurt anybody. I just…

-Um, I have to also live my life. -[Khloé] Yeah.

And, uh, sometimes,

because of my love for you and my feelings for you,

I don't wanna hurt you.

-Mm-hmm. -And so I apologize

-for not being as honest as I should be. -Well, thank you.

[light music]

[breathes deeply]

You know, for the last, I don't know, 50 years,

I've always lived my life for everybody else.

[Bruce] Playing the role that they want me to play.

At a point in life, you get to, "Who should we make happy here?

Who should I live my life for?

Should I live my life for all these wonderful people?

Or should I live my life for myself?"

We also wanna be a part of your life. We want to be there.

And this is a journey for you, and we want to support you.

[Khloé] I'm sure this is very emotional for you,

but you should be able to share that with your family, you know.

I want Bruce to be happy. We are not gonna treat you differently.

We're gonna love you. You're still our dad.

We're obsessed with you. You've been a [bleep] incredible father to all of us.

You know, your support is, and Kendall's, and everybody in the family

is extraordinarily important.

[Bruce] There's nothing like freeing your soul,

um, and surrounding yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself.

And I love you guys dearly.

And like I was just saying to Kendall before you got here

that I've never been through this before.

So I don't know, like, how you're supposed to react.

-Yeah. No, I get that. -Don't think I'm not supporting you.

I'm just trying to figure out how to handle everybody in the family,

and sometimes, it's-- There's a lot of personalities.

-Yeah. For sure. -Right now, I'm, uh…

-I'm very optimistic about the future. -Good.

And I haven't felt that way in a long, long time.

That's good.

Because I think, going through all of this,

I will come out the other side a much better person.

A much more understanding person. And I feel like I can help people.

-I can do some good. You know? -Mm-hmm.

[Bruce] The transgender issue right now

is kind of where the gay issue was 30, 40 years ago.

A lot of people don't understand it,

and what we need is tolerance towards that community.

Because of the situation I'm in, uh, I think we can do a lot of good.

-You know what I did this morning? -Hmm?

I talked to my mother.

-You told her for the first time? -Yup.

Does she understand you?

Yup, and she's been online researching and learning everything

-all day long. She was… -Oh, that's good.

-…um, extremely supportive. -Good.

Yeah, I was a little scared to talk to her, but she's 88 years old,

and, um, we haven't been that close my whole life.

So I started off by saying, you know,

"I'm gonna tell you, talk to you about some things that I'm going through

that will probably bring us a lot closer together.

You know, so you can understand me better."

And she loved that, you know.

And she says, "Oh, my god, thank you for sharing this with me," and on and on.

And she was just, uh, she was great.

-I love you. -We know.

But that's good you told your mom. I love you too.

-Love you, love you, love you, love you. -[Kendall] Love you.

I wanna be supportive of Bruce. I never wanna hurt his feelings.

[Khloé] I've always been Team Bruce.

[gentle music]


What are you up to, sir?

[Khloé] Mase, you are so freaking cute, I can't handle it.

-[Scott] How old are you, anyway? -I'm five.

Let me show you what you were like as a little baby.

I just said to Melissa, "Oh, we went to this therapist.

Um, you know, to talk about, like, the Bruce thing,"

-and Jesse goes-- -What? You just spring it on her?

-Jesse goes, "Oh, so that's true?" -And then I said, "Yeah." And I was like--

Kourtney, you're the worst to tell anybody anything.

That's how you told someone?

She didn't tell me the whole time I knew her. You had to tell me.

Even when he shaved his Adam's apple down,

-I still was so naive. -Who knew that was an option

that you could shave that down?

I still didn't know. I just thought he wanted a slimmer neck.

I literally never even dreamt of thinking that he was gonna transition.

Don't talk too much about it in front of Mason.


Um, I just don't wanna talk about it in front of Mason yet.

No, me neither. But he's gonna come to an age

and he's gonna start asking questions, and he's gonna say,

"Whatever happened to that grandpa I had?"

[Scott] Kourtney and I have definitely talked

about how we're gonna explain this to Mason,

and it's only a positive for my son and my daughter to know

all these different things that go on in this world.

You can do whatever you want, I mean, as long as you become happy with yourself,

that's all that really matters and…

Like I said, I mean, you only really get one chance at this life,

so whatever you got to do to be happy, you got to do it.

Did you guys hear what happened to Kendall last night?

-What happened to Ken? -[Khloé] You, guys, so Kendall--

Um, Kendall was at a comedy show, she goes every Wednesday.

So they were, like, "Hey, Kendall, da-da-da."

Um, whatever, he was talking to her, like, on the stage,

like, so everyone hears. There was like 200 to 300 people in here.

And this girl from the audience goes, "Ask her about her dad!"

-[Scott] Oh, man. -And screamed.

And he was like, "What about your dad?"

And she just shook her head, and she was, like, with her friend, she was like, "No."

The bad news and the good news is, that is gonna happen a lot.

Yeah, but that's what I'm saying.

-Right, he's gonna hear something. -Someone's gonna say something.

I think we are waiting to see what Bruce does before we tell Mason.

I definitely don't want him to find out,

you know, through someone at school or something like that.

I want him to find out through us.

And I think just…

It's such a great lesson to, you know, teach him not to judge people.

It's a great life lesson

that, you know, I think I have to make it the most positive that I can.

[Khloé] What did the therapist say?

She told you that he's way more aware than what you think.

Oh, I know that.

[Kourtney] This guy's a genius right here.

-[laughs] -[squeals]

[door opens, closes]

-[pans clank] -Here I am.

-There you are. -[Bruce] I made it.

[Kris] What are you doing?

I don't know. I just wanted to talk to you about this,

the whole thing that's going on.


'Cause I feel like…

I'm trying to be honest with everybody.

And it seems I've talked more to the kids, and you've been kind of on the outside.

And I hear all these rumors from the kids, "Oh, Mom's upset,"

and this and that, and I don't want that to happen, so I thought I would come over.

-And sit down and talk. Let's sit down. -[Kris] All right.

[serious music]

I was thinking about this all day.

[Bruce] I wrote down notes to make sure I hit all the points.

'Cause I didn't wanna walk away, and then on the drive home, thinking,

"Okay, you forgot to say this," or "You forgot to say that."

[paper crinkles]

[serious music]


First of all… [exhales]

-[Bruce] You're an amazing woman. -[sniffles]

We have had so many great moments together.


[Bruce] Twenty-three, going on 25 years of great moments together.

They still live inside me. They're still part of me.

I don't wanna let that go. But I've had a struggle in my life.

And I'm just trying to deal with myself and what's best for myself.

In so many ways, I've lived my entire life running away from me

and who I am.

We've raised amazing children.

And those memories will live inside me forever.

I mean, and I will continue to have more of those wonderful, wonderful memories.

You know, it's just, it's tough. And I just wanna get through this

and do the best damn job of not hurting anybody.

And that includes you.

And I would hope that you would…

you know, kind of be on board.

I know, I think I'm just so confused right now.

Where's your confusion?

I think you shut me out a long time ago.

-You were angry, which made me angry. -[Bruce] When you're… Okay.

You know you treated me badly

those last four, five years of our marriage.

-[Bruce] I wasn't happy. -No, you were just very, very angry.

To the point of where we just had to separate and then get divorced.

You never said that this was gonna be the end result, ever.

-Well, I was angry for-- -So now it makes sense to me.

You know? And I just think that being honest

is something that we all would have appreciated.

And I think your truth in your head

is different than the truth that came out of your mouth.

And the truth in your head is different than your actions.

Do you know why?

-I'm sure there's a million reasons. -'Cause I don't wanna hurt you.

[sighs] God, this isn't easy.

[dramatic music]

I always knew that you struggled with wanting to dress

differently, and dress as a female.

And that was something you did whenever you got that urge.


That's just what, the only thing I experienced with you, Bruce.

[Kris] And I don't know when you went from,

"This isn't working for me anymore, and I'm gonna go all the way

and I'm gonna start taking hormones."

You never even told me as a married couple that you were taking hormones.

Wait, I didn't take 'em till after we left, we went our separate ways.

I wasn't taking 'em while we were together.

That was all done after we separated.

I went to a therapist, started to figure myself out.

First thing I did when I moved out to Malibu was I said,

"Okay, here I am, I got a house all by myself,

I have to deal with these issues."

That's when I got a therapist, I started working on things,

trying to figure out my life. Okay?

I did none of that beforehand. Okay?

Um, I took hormones back in the '80s, way before I met you. I told you I had.

No. You said you had taken them at one time.

I didn't know if it was for a week or a month, or a year, or a decade.

Okay, I didn't say how many years I was on 'em.

[Kris] But you never--

That's part of the problem, Bruce, is you've never explained.

And every time I said to you, "Why are you such an angry person?"

You said I just wouldn't understand, and you couldn't talk to me about it.

-That was your answer every time. -[Bruce] Okay.

Just so you're aware, ten years prior, you did the exact same thing,

and I sat down with you and I said, "What's going on?"

[Kris] And you said, "You're right.

I'm irritable and I'm crazy and I don't know what's wrong with me."

You knew what was wrong with you.

Same thing that happened all over again five years ago, four years ago.

I talked to you about it and I said, "I don't know what's wrong with you,

if you're going through male menopause or something,

but this isn't… I can't handle this."

And you said, "You're right. I'm sorry." And we were able to get past it.

You never said one time that it was because of…

any issues that you had.

And I just thought maybe you were going through something

and that thing inside of you,

that you can't suppress and that's part of you, came back five years ago.

And I turned into the Wicked Witch of the West…

-I apologize. -…because

of the way you were behaving. I couldn't take it anymore.

I couldn't work 18 hours a day, and then have no love at home

and have nobody that cared about me like that.

Because you were so far gone at that point that you just needed to go do your thing.

That's why…

it's the exact same problem I've had since I've been ten years old.

I've always had these issues, honey, and I end up never…

I've never dealt with them, okay?

But as far as our relationship, I wouldn't go as far as you're going.

You need to own what the truth is,

and what you think people knew or didn't know.

-Or how serious. You know what I mean? -[Bruce] Okay. Okay.

I never saw this coming in a gazillion years.

[Kris] Your truth isn't always the truth.

You have a story to tell, but you tell it to people that can't contradict

and say what the truth is, tell the truth.

Sometimes, it's much easier to talk to somebody

that you're not gonna hurt, than, you know, it's not easy.

No, it's not. But you have to tell the truth.

-You just have to tell the truth. -That's what I'm trying to do.

For the first time in my life, I'm trying to tell the truth.

I've been to every one of the kids,

one at a time, bringing them out to Malibu,

sitting 'em down, saying, "This is the truth."

You are the toughest one to talk to out of anybody. Okay?

Well, maybe it's because I'm the one you lied to the longest.

[breathes deeply]

[serious music]

You are the toughest one to talk to out of anybody. Okay?

Well, maybe it's because I'm the one you lied to the longest.

[breathes deeply]

I apologize to you for… if I wasn't…

honest enough with myself over the 20-something years…

-I appreciate it. -…with you.

I mean, you knew the issues. I apologize for not…

maybe being more open with you on these issues.

I apologize for hurting you.

I just miss Bruce.

And that's gonna take a minute for me to mourn that relationship.


And I'm trying so hard to just process my pain

and get through my days, it's a struggle.

[Kris] I wake up in the morning,

like, and then I realize, "Oh, my god, this is really happening."

I have to mourn this person I was married to for all these years that,

you know, you think you're gonna grow old with somebody,

and they drastically change over the course of a few years.

It's like I have to mourn Bruce Jenner.

I'm just, like, I'm confused. What happens to Bruce?

'Cause I miss Bruce.

I'll never be able to really have Bruce, and all I have really is my memories.

You know, I look at pictures of you and the kids

and I get really sad because I feel like…

you died. You know, Bruce died.

And it's really hard for me to wrap my head around that.

Honestly, I'm not going anywhere. Things may change.

But I still wanna be part of your life.

[Bruce] And I want you to, you know, I want you to be a part of my life.

Look at the 25 years together.

You know, wonderful times, wonderful memories,

all these great things.

I don't want to just throw that out.

And I still love you, baby.

You know, the bottom line here…

And I tried to relay this to all the kids, and it wasn't easy.

[clears throat] But…

Hopefully, I'll be a better person.

You know, happier.

I wanna be happy in life. I wanna have a smile on my face.

I want you to be happy.

I keep thinking, 65. I'm not gonna be around that much longer.

What if I get cancer and I got three months to live?

I will be so pissed off at my life because I never dealt with myself.

Is there anything I can do now…

-to make it better for you? -Just live the happiest life you can live.

That's all I care about, is that you go through all of this

for an amazing outcome.

And that you can find the peace

that you've been searching for for so long.

And I, I just, I just want you to know that you were a great dad,

you were a great friend, and you were a great partner and at the end of the day,

I mean, it's not about me and my feelings,

it's about you, and I just want you to be happy.

This makes me happy.

I understand.

[dramatic music]

[Bruce] All right. I'm going back out to Malibu. I love you.

[Kris] I love you too.

Uh, drive careful. [exhales]

-Wipe your mascara. -[Kris] Yep, I will.

-On my… That's why I wore black. -[Kris chuckles]

-Yeah. -Yeah.

-Give me five. -Yeah.

-Love you. Yeah, I know. -Okay. Love you too.

-Keep a smile! Okay. -Okay.

-Everything's gonna be good. All right? -Okay.

[Bruce] I promise you. I'll make sure it is.

-Love you. -[Kris] See you later.


-[waves lapping] -[birds chirping]

-[Kim] Bruce! -Hey!

-[Bruce] There she is. -Hey. This room looks familiar.

This was my dad's bed.

Remember that one?

-Sit down, I wanna show you. Have a seat. -Yes.

My darling little daughter, out defending me.

"Kim Kardashian says, 'He's the happiest I've ever seen him.'"

-I thank you for defending me. -[Kim] I know. No, I got caught off-guard.

Out of the blue, it's like, "So, is Bruce transitioning into a woman?"

And then I was like, "Okay, well, this is the moment

-that I'm either gonna lie…" -Yeah.

I can't lie because I know it's gonna come out.

-"He's the happiest I've ever seen him." -I am happy.

"And when and if he ever wants to address the rumors,

-that's his story to tell, not mine." -That's right. Yeah, perfect.

Bruce deserves to be happy, and he deserves to be who he wants to be.

Even though I haven't really seen her,

when he talks about her, he's happy, and that makes me happy.

Everyone should maybe meet her in their own time.

I don't know that it should be like when he got his face-lift,

and everyone like, a chair turns, and he's like, "I'm here! Abracadabra!"

My biggest fear about meeting her for the first time

is just, I think, my reaction.

I'm very facially expressive, like, you could read everything on my face.

And I don't wanna do anything

that would be offensive or hurt her feelings.

So I think I'm just very aware of that.

It might be a little weird. I think, once I'm ready.

I mean, it's gonna have to happen someday.

I do wanna meet her.

But, like, when he's ready, when we're both ready.

I came over because I told you once

that I was going to help you look through your clothes.

-Male or female? -Female.


And I think I'm ready.

-You think you can handle it? -[Kim] Yeah. We can do a piece at a time.

[Bruce] A piece at a time. I would love your input.

We can start by getting rid of anything neon.

Actually, she doesn't have any neon.

-Let me get a rack. -[Kim] Thank God.

Hold on. Fun stuff!

[metal squeaks]

[Bruce] They're all kind of nervous to meet her.

It's obviously pretty funny, 'cause I've been doing this a long time.

She is always more fun, more at ease,

um, feeling good about herself, it's just all part of me, you know.

It's like having Bruce with a little icing on the cake, okay? It only gets better.

This is actually stuff I got just recently.

Actually, the other night, I had a business date here.

And I'll show you what I wore.

-I wore this black blazer. -Yes.

-[Bruce] Okay, very classic. -[Kim] Size 14.

-And then, with this. -[Kim] Nice. I like that.

-Actually, that one came out very good. -Low in the front.

Then my pants…

[Bruce humming]

-I wore these tight pants. -[Kim] Nice!

-They really fit well. With these boots. -[Kim] Nice.

-Did I do good? -[Kim] Yeah, you did.

-I don't mind this. This is nice. -Yeah, yeah.

[Kim] I'm making a to-go pile. This doesn't bug me. This has got to go.

Actually, the one that works well…

Hold on. Let me just go through and tell you what I like.

-Red could be okay. -These are just little stuff for jeans,

-casual wear. -I don't like this color.

I think you have to be chicer than this.

[Kim] What about a turtleneck? I love turtlenecks.

-Um, can I confess? -[Kim] What? You copy my outfits.

-No. -Oh!

-[Bruce] I stole your outfit. -What? You stole my outfit?

-A long, long time ago. I got to find it. -Oh, my god.

-[Kim] You stole my outfit? -[Bruce] A long, long time ago.

-Okay, I got to find it. -Oh, my god.

Oh, my, I'll literally k*ll you if it's something that I was missing

and I probably accused Kendall and Kylie of--

Do you ever remember that? You probably don't.

The clothes come in and out of your closet so fast.

-This, you can have. -That will pass?

-So let me put together an outfit for you. -[Bruce] Okay.

I think this and this, this is a good outfit together.

-[Bruce] That does work. -I can't believe you're so sneaky.

Let me ask you something.

Were you ever, like, envious of my mom, like of her closet?

Well, I've went through everything she had in her closet, of course, I was envious.

-Yeah. -[Bruce] Yeah.

[Bruce] How about a hot little outfit?

[Kim] Oh, my god. I don't like the leopard.

Well, this one's kind of blue, so-- But it looks cool. It really fits great.

I'm not so into that, but if you're into it.

Yeah, no, I'm not really… I got such an open mind.

I like classy kind of stuff.

That's a little, you know, kind of your boobs are showing.

And, you know, but this and that. But it fits really well.

-Yeah. -You know.

[Bruce] Yeah.

-Uh, hold it. Other things I like. -That I like.

-That actually fits great. Yeah. -Looks like a pale blush.

So what is gonna happen after Diane Sawyer comes out?

-Like, what's the plan? -What's the plan? Take my ponytail down.


I can take my ponytail down, I don't have to do that anymore. Um, what's my plan?

-I'm just moving forward in my life. -Yeah.

Looking forward to that.

Uh, there's no more secrets.

Uh, I don't have to hide anything. Kind of--

I am who I am, and move forward in life with a smile on my face, sense of humor.

[Bruce] And I want to experience her. I want to enjoy her.

'Cause she's such a part of my life, you know.


-Okay. All right. -All right.

[Kim] I need to see what's in this closet. I just wanna see.

-Okay, there's stuff. I got to get… -Oh, her makeup.

-At the next house… -This foundation does--

[Kim] Did you steal this from me?

I don't think so. Actually, I did steal this.

-[Kim] You did. -No, wait a second. Those are mine.

I got so much makeup, I can't take it. I got to organize shoes.

A lot of work to do, this girl thing. This girl thing's a lot of work.

-Yeah, you really gotta organize those. -Yeah.

-It's very challenging to find 13-wides. -This turtleneck dress is my favorite.

-Which one? -This is what you should be wearing.

Actually, Mom. I got that from Mom.

I stole that from her. You see, it's too long for her.

-[Kim] This is so horrendous. -I bought it online.

-[Kim] Can you get rid of that, please? -Oh, god.

-I can't get rid of it. -[Kim] Why?

-'Cause it's like good for the morning. -[Kim] "Good for the morning."

Bruce, you should look good at all times. Yeah. Anyway, I appreciate all your help.

I couldn't have a better stylist than you. That's for damn sure, girl.

Well, if you're keeping some of these pieces,

I don't wanna be known as your stylist.

-Oh, okay. Okay, see how the look goes? -I have to wait until

you really listen to me, yeah. I feel like I have to, like, see…

-When I get in the new house. -…her fully dressed before I can claim--

Claim that you actually did it.

-Yes, yeah. -Okay, okay, that is a deal.

-[Kim] All right, I'm gonna go. -Okay.

-Love you. -Thanks for coming out.

-You are so welcome. -Love you.

-Love you! That was so much fun. -[Kim] That was so much fun.

[Bruce] I never thought I would do that with you.

The only thing I want out of this is just to help people.

Not just the transgender community. It's really bigger than that.

It's so much more.

Uh, there's so many things about tolerance towards people,

about understanding of people.

We need more tolerance in the world toward our fellow man.

I mean, we're all human beings put on this Earth, you know.

We need to, uh, learn to live together.

I hope for this to turn into something amazing.

[gentle music]

He's gone 65 years hiding something.

Why not just, like, be who you wanna be and if that's her, then that's her.

-[Khloé] Make it a good one. -[shutter clicks]

I'm excited for him. I'd just, like, feel so horrible if he always had this inside

and, like, never, like, got to fully be himself.

[Khloé] It breaks my heart that he's been miserable his entire life.

All these kids, great father, great family, but he was never happy.

Through 65 years of his life, has never been happy.

I wouldn't want anyone to live life that way.

And that breaks my heart. That makes me sad.

-[camera shutter clicks] -Did we all do a piece?

As a family, we all, I know, are the same way.

We just want each other to be happy.

We all have the best hair and makeup teams.

You cannot steal our hair and makeup team. You cannot steal our nail lady.

Now that Bruce can finally be who he is meant to be

and who he wants to be,

and that this secret has been lifted and this big weight has been lifted,

he can live his life and hopefully live a happy life.

I respect Bruce for doing what he needs to do to make himself grounded and happy.

No matter what happens, our love for Bruce is never gonna change,

no matter who he becomes.

-Love you. -Love you.

I think that the one thing that…

I ultimately care about is that we're just here for each other.

[Kris] Family is everything.

I would do anything for my kids, I would do anything for Bruce,

and I would do anything for anybody that I loved.

At the end of the day, that's what family's all about.

[uplifting music]

I'm looking forward to the future and I hope I can bring a lot of my family

and my friends along for the journey 'cause it's going to be quite a ride.
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