02x10 - Fungus Humungous

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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02x10 - Fungus Humungous

Post by bunniefuu »


[Tires screech]

You know, Casey, it's awesome having someone else who knows about the turtles.

I had like no one to talk to, 'specially after Dad turned into a mutant bat.

Gotta admit the whole thing's pretty mind-blowing.

Bunch of ninja turtles living in the sewers with their rat Master? I mean, you couldn't make this stuff up.

- Coast is clear.

- Let's do this.

So what's with the mask? It's not like the turtles don't know who you are.

Same reason people have worn masks throughout history: 'Cause it looks cool.


Doesn't help with the smell, though.






How can you stand it? [Laughs]

I had to live down here for weeks.

You get used to it.

- Sick, dude.

- Ugh.

Actually, something does smell really weird, like moldy cheese and puke.


Squirrel! Giant mutant squirrel! Where'd he go? Hello? Crazy dude? [Gasps]

Something's wrong.


[Gagging and coughing]

You okay, Red? What'd you see? [Screams]



April? April! [Purrs]

[Footsteps approaching]




Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team we're on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze, they're the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fella who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo he's one of a kind, and you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need to be one lean, mean, green incredible team teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power 2x10 - Fungus Humungous [Sighs]




Leonardo? [Screams]

Sorry, Sensei.

- Can't seem to focus.

- I noticed.

What is it that troubles you, my son? I keep having the same Nightmare, Sensei, every night.

I let the team down.

They're dragged off into darkness, and I'm powerless to help.

This is not uncommon.

All leaders must face the fear of losing their team.

I face this every time you and your brothers leave the lair.

[Laser fire]


General Unsura has taken control of mighty Super Robo Mecha.

Yes, Captain Dash Coolstar.

I have Super Robo Mecha Force five team 5 in my clutches, and now I shall smash you all into space dust.

Yes, I will right now.

[Laughs evilly]

Squeakums, I'm scared.

Hold me.

Captain Dash, what are we going to do? This is my greatest fear come true.

But by the sons of Lobnar, I shall save you all.



I'm okay.


I heard in the original Japanese version, Coolstar gets squashed for real.

- That's just a cartoon myth.

- Nerds.


Guys! April.


Hurry! - Casey, what's wrong? - Are the Footbots back? We were on our way here.

Next thing I know, April starts acting freaked out, then runs off.

- She's gone.

- Wait, wait.

You just lost April? Relax.

I'm sure there's a logical explanation, like she was eaten by a giant sewer snake or something.

Let's go! [Groans]

I think I-I-I lost her around here.

You think? Oh, that's not vague or anything.

Back off, stick master.

Who you callin' stick master, puck head? [Both growl]

Easy, fellas.

We don't have time for this.



Got a problem with that? [Groans]

[Rat squeaking]

Ah! Rats? Why'd it have to be rats? Dude, they're everywhere down here.

They're nature's cuddly little friends.


What's wrong with you? [Animal chirping]

You hear that? [Chirping continues]

Huh? [Coughing]

That was hideous.


Dude, you put your nose in a New York City sewer.

What'd you expect? [Coughs]

Thought I saw [Screams]

Casey, what is it? Ii saw it, man! The demon rat! Demon rat? [Whimpering]


[Rats squeaking]


Get 'em off me! [Groaning]


They're everywhere! [Whimpering]

[Both groan]

Not gonna lie.

That felt pretty good.

Let me out.

Let me out! Calm down, man.


What is your malfunction? [Whimpers]


April! - No.

- April? No, I-no I-I Keep away from me, Dad! [Sighs]

Please don't eat me! April, it's me.

It's Donnie.

Your dad isn't trying to eat you.

It's all right.

Calm down.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Hold up.

What's that sound? [Whirring]

What is that? It's a mushroom.

With feet.

Aw, it's so cute.


Get it off of me! Get it off of me! [Groaning]

- It's on the move.

- I got this.



Evolved fungi.


Raph! [Groaning]

Uh [Groans]


Keep back! Get away from me! Ah! - The rats! - Ah! What is goin' on? Get 'em off me! [Groans]

Rafael, are you okay? [Gasps]

No, it's you.


Anybody but you.

Keep away from me.

Raph, take it easy, man.

That's it.

If you won't stay away, I'll splatter you.







- Rah! - What's wrong with you? Donnie? Quick explanation? - Wish I knew.

- You're not gettin' me, roach.

I smashed you once, I'll smash you again.

Roach? [Groans]


Wah! [Groaning]


Sorry, bro.

You're out of control! [Nervous sighing]

Take it easy, bro.


It's impossible.

We're not gonna hurt you, Raph.

Get back! [Groaning]

Come on, dude.


Stop it! [Groans]

Calm down.

Breathe with me.


Get offa me.

- Get off! - Get-keep away.



April, listen.

There are no bats.

I promise.

Ow! What is going on here? - Fungus.

- Language, please.

There's a lady present.


No, whatever's happening to Raph is happening to April and Casey.

It's like like they're experiencing their worst fears.

And I think I know why.


Okay, now.

Okay, trust me, April.

- No, please.

- I-I won't hurt you, honest.

I just need a quick swab.



April's been exposed to toxins found in certain types of fungi.

That mushroom man must produce them as a defense mechanism.

Defense against what? Being stir-fried? I'm freakin' out.

I'm freakin' out! I'm freakin' out! It's okay, dude.

It's me, Mikey.

Give your bro a hug.

It'll make you feel better.

Come on now.

Where's the love? Aw.

It's right here between my arms.


I think I'm gonna hurl.



Casey! [Screams]


Come on, Raph.



What is that stuff? [Screams]

It's fungal mycelium, where mushrooms come from.

You mean like all these right here? Fungus grows like crazy in the dark.

If we don't stop these by sundown, the mushrooms will spread all over the city.

Millions of people will go crazy with fear.

Don't worry, Raph.

I'll protect you.

[Mushrooms chirping]

[Mushroom groans]

The bats.

No, not the bats.

Don't worry, April.

Everything's gonna be all right.

[Mushrooms chirping]

Or not.

[Sighs nervously]

Fungus balls.

Keep an eye on Raph and April.

No matter what, stay together.

[Mushrooms groaning]


Booyakasha! [Groaning]


Check it out.

Super Mikey Brothers.



Get it off.

Get it off! Where'd it go? [Mushroom groans]



Oops, sorry.

- My bad.

- Oh.




[Stomach churns]


[Squirrels screaming]


[Both groaning]



- Cockroach.

- Squirrelanoid! [Both scream]

[Groaning and screaming]



Guys, wait.

Stop! [Groaning]

Donnie, watch out.





April, we need to get outta here.


Take my hand.

Don't touch me.

Get away from me.

You make me sick.



April? Wh what's wrong with you? You nerdy, three-fingered freak.

I hate you! You mutated my father.

I never want to see you again! [Screams]

She hates me.

April hates me! No! [Gasps]


Leave me alone! I don't wanna hear anymore! [Screams]

April! [Groans]


Donnie, come back.




Everybody's gone.


It's my fault.

I failed them.

It's all my fault.



It's your fault, Cadet Leonardo.

- You blew it.

- What kind of a leader are you? Are you a man, or a turtle, or a zero? [Mushrooms groaning]


[Mushrooms groaning]

[playing Tchaikovsky's Dance of the sugar-plum fairy]

[Mushrooms groaning]




Where am I? - You let us down, bro.

- You did this.

- It's your fault, Leo.

- No! No! Come on.

Fight your fear, Leo.

Get your head straight.

Fight it.







It's in my head.

More fear.


Spread, my spawn.

Fight it, Leo.

Fight your fear.

Spread, spawn.

Fight it.



Yah! Hi-yah.


Keep going, Leo.

Don't give in.




Oh, boy, am I glad to see you.

What the heck is happening to us, man? Uh, you okay? [Screaming]


I'll bury you, cockroach! [Screams]


Keep away from me! [Screams]

Stay back.

I won't let you get my brain juice! [Screams]

Stop following me, Dad.

No! Leave me alone.

I don't wanna hear anymore! What's the matter, freak? Scared? Maybe I should put you out of your misery.

[Kissing moans]



Get 'em off me! The rats.

They're everywhere.


- It's your fault, Leo.

- You did this.

- You let us down, bro.

- Way to go.

Some leader, huh? Man, I'm just bummed.

I can't do it.


I'm a failure.

I let the guys down.

I-I let them down.

I I All leaders must face the fear of losing their team.


No, I can't give up.

Your spores won't work on me.

I face my fear every single day.

Agh! So that's your fear.



Keep away.

Keep away! [Groaning]



- I'm gonna pluck the wings offa you.

- Keep away from me! [Both groaning]

- Huh? - What the - Raph? - Mikey? [Groaning]


[Sighs and moans]

April? - What happened? - Hello? - Guys! - You're alive! It's good to see you too, Mikey.

But where's Leo? I remember a cave.

Come on.

[Mushroom groaning]

- Leo.

- Oh, no.



Speak to me, bro.

Do you need mouth-to-mouth? [Groans]

Absolutely not.

You're all okay? Whatever you did, you saved us.

All of us.

- Thanks, man.

- No problem.


And then I started seeing crazy rats everywhere.

The demon rat.

They were comin' out of And then you turned into a giant bat and - And tried to hug me.

- And then the sunlight destroyed him and his little mushroom freaks.


And would you say you mastered your fear? No.

I-I just faced it, Sensei.

And that, Leonardo, is why you are a great leader.

Yeah, boyi.

Check it out.

An extra large pizza with anchovies, pepperoni, and extra mushrooms.

All: Mikey.

- You can't be serious! - Okay, that is just wrong.

Mushrooms ! [Mushroom groaning]
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