06x22 - The Cooler

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x22 - The Cooler

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Brr! It's freezing in here!

Whoa! I'm losing a lot of weight!

Calorie control and moderate
exercise are the key.

But I don't do any of those
things, so this is weird.


What is the wind chill factor?

My jets are tiny.

No one look at
my tiny jets!

At least
your body's normal, man.

My body isn't hot

What's going on, man?!
I'm scared!

Give me a hug, man.
I don't know!

Aaah! No!
My baby bro!
It's as I feared.

The magma in the kingdom's core
is cooling down,

weakening the lifeforce
of our flame citizens.

I've gathered you here to
figure out how to stop this.

We need ideas, people!

I'll do my best, sis.

Randy, you are here to stay
safe only. Eat your snacks.

I'll do my best, sis.

Yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum!

Perhaps everyone can form into
a big love hug to stay warm.

That's ridiculous,
Aunt Agnes.

I'm not that smart.

Blow... up...
the candy... kingdom!

I've been saying this
for months now,

and I'll say it again!

Let's blow 'em up with our
stockpile of "you-know-whats"!

We've debated this too long.

But why the candy kingdom?

Their sugar burns hotter and
faster with lots of extra calories.

Don't... make... me... wait, sister!

Also, is this safe to
talk about in front of the

c-i-n-n-a-m-o-n b-u-n?

Cinnamon bun,
what are you doing?

My nose itches!

- You don't have a nose.
- What?


Well, whatever it is, it won't go away
if you don't stop fiddling with it.

Blow... up... the... candy... kingdom!

They are trash people!

I'm prepared to do what
I need to as a leader.

Nothing is off the table.

But we need Princess
Bubblegum as an ally right now.

She might be able to help us solve this.

Very well! Randy,
send them an ultimatum...

- help us or die!
- Randy is on it!



Yeah! Pump those legs, Randy!

Quickly, C.B.... Take
me to the core entrance.


Hello, Bubblegum.
Thank you for coming.

I'm glad you sent for me,

and, please, call me Bonnibel.

- Hey, what's your first...
- Don't act like you're my friend, PB.

You're here to help save my kingdom,

not because I trust you.

We're in the midst of
an unnatural cold season,

but the cause has us stumped.

My people are really freaking out.

Yeah, my subjects tend to panic

in crisis situations, too.
It's tough.

A ruler's got to deal with
a lot of subservient dummies.


Whoa, whoa! Hold up!

My mondometer is going cuckoo!

Where does this lead?

Behind these doors are
the most sacred relics in the fire kingdom,

forbidden to outsiders.
Come on.

Well, whatever is back there

is kicking out
mondo energy levels.

It could have something
to do with the cooling.

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

Do you want to
save your kingdom or not?

All right,
but don't touch anything.

These are the sleeping
fire giants.

They're the ancient
protectors of the fire kingdom.

Their existence is known only
to those of the royal line,

and their story has been passed
down through the generations.

♪ There was a time before ♪
♪ when we were still ♪

♪ Afraid of the dark ♪

♪ Then came the first spark ♪

♪ A fiery birth ♪

♪ It totally rocked ♪

♪ Sentinels crashing down ♪
♪ Out of the blue ♪

♪ Creating a kingdom of red hue ♪

♪ Now there's only few ♪

♪ These sleeping gods
of tremendous power ♪

♪ Can cause a new kingdom
to flower ♪

♪ So burn as bright as
the sun, my fiery one ♪

♪ If lights start to
dim, awaken again ♪

♪ The slumbering ones ♪

With them, I can remake a
white-hot new fire kingdom.

They're our last resort
our greatest weapons.


Hey! I said, "no touching!"

What? Oh, no, no, no.

This little thermic control
module or whatever it is

accidentally fell out.
I was just putting it back.

Huh. Strange.

The access panel's lock
must have corroded.


Ancient technology's
always falling apart.

the readings are over here now.


Okay, let me explain.

These bad boys are just
too dangerous to remain functional,

and I can't risk you or
your bananas brother using them,

especially now that you've
lost most of your powers.

So let me just finish disarming...

You are way out of line,

You have no control here!
I do!

Aah! Ugh!

Shield! Shield!


Hey, nice shot,
you ding-dong!

Come out in the open and
face me like a princess!

The fire kingdom has
always been a threat to my realm!

So, that gives you the right

to donk up my people's future?!

I won't let you continue
to usurp my authority!

And I can't leave
my people's safety to chance!

Why can't you just trust me?!

'Cause you're a ding-dong.

I've got to do whatever
it takes to protect my peeps.

So be it.


You're never going to change,
are you?

You'll just keep walking
all over us little people.

But not today.

Aaah! Aaah!

Shields off.


- I'll come clean.
- Yeah, right.

It was me.

I messed with the core
temperature to get in here.

I had to get
near your weapons stockpile.

But how did you find out
about them?



Oh-ho-ho! Oh-ho-ho!

My nose is disgusting!

You're still spying on me?!

I'm PB. I spy
on everybody. No big "D."

- You're cold, PB.
- Eh.

And it's not because
you're a scientist or a leader.

It's because
you are a bad person.

Something inside you is messed up, girl,
and whatever it is...

Whatever, PB.

Keep one last fire giant.

I'm not a bad person.

I want you to see that.

I promise.

You'd better not be fibbin'.

It's Phoebe.

My first name is Phoebe.

You, uh, asked earlier.

Ice King, call it off.

Roger that, Princess.

My jets! Yes!

Oh, no!

I was gonna blow up stuff!
It was gonna be cool!


We were going to w*r!

- ♪ Round and round as nature flows ♪
- ♪ round and round as nature flows ♪

♪ It's like one big ring ♪
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