03x23 - Kid TV/The Sky is Falling

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x23 - Kid TV/The Sky is Falling

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Static]

...not only am I
the wig club president

I'm also their best customer!

two down, bottom of the sixth

Pedro garcia steps up.

He's hitting . .

Ruptured a vertebra this spring

But it hasn't
slowed him down at all.

Neither has
that heart/liver transplant.

Oh, frank.

Now that you've got your memory
back, you can tell us...

Now, see, the nice thing
about livebait...


[ Static]

All right, kids

It's time for cartoon cavacade

Stu, find
a show you like

And stick with it.

Channels and I can
only watch one?

I'm scanning for toy ads

To check out the competition.

How's transform-o coming?

[ Rattling]

[ Boing]

Still needs work.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

The cartoon commandos
will be right back

But first, these messages.

all right, commercials!

That's the coolest thing
I've ever seen!

What isit?

It's miracular.

[ Whooshing]

It's a bird...

[ Whooshing]

And a rocket ship...

And a helicopter...

ah... Pshaw.

And a t*nk...

And a space station...

And a submarine...

And an atom smasher!

Know what else it does?

It does my homework...

And cleans my room.

And takes out the garbage...


[ Electrical buzzing]


Stupid tv...

what happened?

Uncle stu...

Aunt didi was talking to me.

It's not polite to interrupt.

Something's wrong
with that darn television.

I don't
believe it!

The set's
not two years old!

I'm calling
the manufacturer.

Good idea.

Are you sure
the children didn't do it?

I guarantee it.

This sure
is boring.

[ Clicking]

Same thing on every channel.

You dumb babies, can't you see
the television's dead?

[ Gasping]

No! It can't be.

The tv was our best friend.

It was our window to the world

The source of all our joy

And now it's gone!

Wait a minute.

Maybe we can make
our own tv.

What do you mean?

It's easy.

The tv's just a big box

With lots of people in it,

If we want to be on tv,
all's we got to do is

Find a box big enough
for all of us to fit in.


That's the dumbest thing
I ever heard.

Besides, where you going
to find a big enough box?

We have to ship this

All the way to japan
for the warranty?

They said so.

Is that
the original box?

I don't know
where the original is.

This was my
cheese sampler case.

Ah, what's the use?

Stu, don't toss
things around.

You'll set a bad example
for the children.

Yeah, uncle stu,
you might break something.

I'm going to go look
for another box.

Stay calm, stu.

what we talked about.

Find your center
and relax in it.

yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's show time!


[ Cutting]

So how does it work?

Use the remote,


Time to play america's
favoritest game show...

Getting in trouble!

[ Applause]

Our first contestant today is...

Mister chuckie finster

From the house down the street.

[ Applause]


Oh, yeah!

[ Panting]

[ Applause]

In this game,
you got to close your eyes

And throw this ball
as hard as you can.

[ Gasping]

But what if I
hit something?

It won't be
your fault.

My daddy set
a bad example.

okay, okay...

Time to change
the channel.

Hey, this thing's broken.

[ Boys groan]

Hello, friends.

Do you want to be beautiful?

As beautiful as... Oh, say, me?

The beautiful angelica.

Well, you can't.

But you can
come close with this.

Angelica's beauty juice.

I love commercials.

Yeah, they're
the best part.

How much would you pay for this?

$ Million, million?

But wait...

That's not all.

Give us
the booty juice!

We want
the booty juice!

Angelica's beauty juice

Is not available in stores
at anyprice.

It's not available at all.

'Cause there's only one bottle

And it's mine!

[ Laughing]

and we're back!

Our next category is...

Spinning in circles.

I don't know
about that, tom.

Now, now, mr. Finster,
don't worry.

It's just a game.

Yee...oh... Ooh!

I shouldn't have eaten
so much bisghetti.

This is great.

Yeah, I'm getting dizzy
just watching him.

Uh, oh, oh, oh...

Wait a minute, tommy.

If this is a game show,
what's the faberlous prize?

Well, uh,
you can win, um...

A brand new car!

It's a, a ferrini conderossa
x-ten zillion!

The bestest car there is.

It's the same car

Used by...

Angelica bond... Master spy.

[ Spy show theme playing]

[ Pop]

stop! Stop!

This is way too boring!

Yeah, besides, it's our turn
to do something.


Lillian, you know
I cannot live without you.

You have to, phillip.

Tomorrow, the doctors
are taking out my brain.

No, do not let them
remove your brain.

They can have
mine instead.

Oh, phillip...

What is this,

It's a
soap opera.

Opera, huh?

[ In an operatic voice]:
♪ and, now, here
is your menu! ♪

What are you
doing, angelica?

♪ I'm singing!

♪ If this is op-era

♪ You have to sing!

But we don't know
how to sing.

♪ Tough cookies!

♪ Everybody sings in opera

♪ To do it right,
you got to sing! ♪

But we can't.

♪ Sing, I said

♪ Sing, sing, sing!

♪ Sing, sing, sing...

Hey, angelica,
we're doing our show!

Guys! Come on!

There's too much v*olence
on television already.

A-sides, it's chuckie's turn
to do a show now.

But I don't want
to do a show.

Come on, think
of something.

Yeah, something


[ Clearing throat]

This is chuck finster
with the ebening noos!

[ Newscast theme playing]

And now
for today's top story.

The pickles'
television is broke!

Nobody knows
how or why it happened.

It just did.

And, uh, here in the studio

We have
tommy pickles hisself...

To tell us
how he's handling

This terribletragedy.

Uh, everything's fine.

We're having
lots of fun.

Keep going, chuckie,
you're doing great!

Well, um, uh, in other news...

Oh, yeah, spike got
in a huge fight.

[ Gasping]

There's this new dog
on the block.

At first, they just sniffed
each other, but then...

[ Mimicking dogs growling]

[ Clearing throat]

How did it happen?

Whydid it happen?

Nobody knows.

[ Whispering]

This just in.

Lillian had her diapers changed
seven times today.

How and why this happened...

That's something nobody knows.


[ Whispering]

Wait, another bulletin.

Phil is a doo-doo head!


Lil has peanuts
for brains.

[ Whispering]

Hold on, hold on.

Phil wouldn't know brains
if they bit him on the nose

Cause, uh, he doesn't have any!

[ Whispering]

Just a moment.

We have an update.

If, uh, brains were gasoline

Lil wouldn't have enough
to power an ant's motorcycle

Around the outside of a penny.

[ Yelling, fighting]

break it up!

It's my show, now,'cause I'm

Angelica the cop!

And you babies are busted!

[ Yelling]

[ Panting, yelling]

[ Gasping]

we didn't do nothing!

Sure, sure,
that's what they all say!

Come on, you're going
to the slammer.

And now,
our final contest.

Off of my street,

I'm in charge here.

this is your big chance.

Win thiscontest
and you'll take home

A faberlous prize.

A brand new car, or...

Angelica's booty juice.

That's mine!

What's the contest, tommy?

Stay away from angelica!

[ Teletype clicking]

Chuck finster here.

The race is on
between tommy and angelica.

But who will win?

Nobody knows.

Didi, my cheese sampler box

Is the biggest we got.

But the tv doesn't fit...

Look, stu.

Maybe we
shouldn't bother

Replacing the tv
right away.

Look how much fun
they're having.

I guess it wasn't so bad

That I threw transform-o
at the tv

And busted it.



Oh, stu.

[ Laughing, yelling]

what is it, tommy?

It's the sky, chuckie.

Yeah, but what is it?

Why's it so blue?

How'd it get up there?

Come on, you guys,
let's play jungle.

I'm going to be the lion.

Yay! I want
to be the elephant.

I want to be
the moose.

There's no mooses
in the jungle, phillip.

Are too, lillian.

Are not!

Are too!

Are not!

Are too!

Aren't you going to play,

Huh? What?

Oh, oh, yeah.

Choo, choo, choo.

[ Roaring]

[ Squealing]

Moo... Se! Moose!

How come you're
not playing monkey?

It's awful big, isn't it?

What's awful big,

The sky!

Are you still talking
about the sky?

We're playing
jungle now.

The sky's more important
than a pretend jungle.

Chuckie, the sky's way up there!

You don't have
to think about it.

Now it's
way up there.

But what makes you think

A thing that big

Can stay up forever?

Gee, I never
thought about that.

I don't know.

I got to warn you, stu,
my game's a little rusty.

Don't worry, chaz.

We'll just bat a few balls

Against the side of the house

And it'll all come back.

Ooh! Ah-ha! Nah!

[ Cat meows]

[ Glass shattering]


Whatcha looking at?

Hi, angelica.

We was just
looking at the sky.

I hope it doesn't rain.

'Cause you'll all drown.

[ Laughing]

No, really, angelica...

Doesn't it seem lower
to you than usual?

What do you mean?

You know, lower.

Like it might be
falling down.

Falling down!
The sky?

Oh, brother, anybody who'd think
the sky is falling down

Is even dumber than...


Now that you mention it

The sky doeslook like it did
the last time it fell.

Last time?

You mean
the sky fell before?

Oh, sure,
two years ago

Before you was all born.


Wha... What happened?

It was the end of the world.

the end of the world!

First the sky fell

And rivers overflowed,
mountains crumbled...

And finally...

All the tv shows were canceled.

Naw, that didn't really happen.

Oh, yes,it did.
And you know what?

It looks like

It's going
to happen again.

We've lost
seven balls, stu.

Let's just call it a day.

No, I'm getting my rhythm back.

It's all in the wrist.

Big pieces will come
crashing down, just like...

Ow! What was that?

Something hit me on the head!

The sky! It's the sky!

Oh, no, it's true.

The sky isfalling.

oh, no! Oh, no!

What are we going to do?

It isn't fair.

There's so many toys
I haven't broken yet

So many cookies
I haven't eaten!

Guys! Guys!

Let's build
a fort

To protect us.

a fort!

We can build it

Right under
that picnic table.



We got coloring books

Your crayon set

Your cupcakes

Your basic telephone

And... The complete dummi bears

Deluxe video library.


That's the last of it.


But how will we
fit in there?

Good point.

There might not be
enough room.

Not enough room!

What are we
going to do?

We just have to decide

Which of us
will get saved.

Let's see...
Me, of course.

But who else?

We got to figure out

Which guys will be
the helpfullest

After the world ends.

Tommy, we'll need brave people
in the future.

Come on in.

you're a careful baby.

Being the last people
in the world

We can't take chances,
so you're in.

Now, we wouldn't want
more boys than girls

So, lil, you're in.

Um, angelica, aren't you
forgetting someone?

Oh, yeah, how silly of me.

I'm sorry, cynthia.

What about me?

Sorry, phil,
there's no room.

I understand.


Don't worry about me, you guys.

Lil, be good
in the future, okay?

No, phil.

If phil doesn't get to be saved

I don't want
to be saved, neither.

All right, lil,
be seeing you.

Wait, angelica.

I don't want to be in
if they're out.

It's not fair.

Suit yourself.

Chuckie, it's just
you and me now.

Some brave new world.

Uh, sorry, angelica.

Well, good!

All the more for me!

Nobody to bother me

Nobody to share cookies with

Nobody in the way.

All by myself

Forever and ever.

Thanks for letting us
all in, angelica.

What can I say? I'm a softie.

It's my one flaw.

what will it be like

After the sky falls
and the world ends?


We'll run the land
like pirate kings.

Of course,
I'll be the king of all of you.

The whole world will be ours...

[ Laughing]

...with everything
for the taking.

Toys, dolls, games...

All for us!

And no man will be our keepers.

[ Grunting and groaning]

Wow, angelica...

Will it really
be like that

After the end
of the world?

We can go anywhere?

And eat all
the candy we want?

No grownups around
to tell us not to!

No growned ups?

Right-- we'll be
the only ones left.

Yep, that sky
should fall

Any time now.

I'm scared, tommy.

Me, too, chuckie,
me, too.

Stu, maybe
we ought to quit.

We've broken all of

Betty and howard's

They'll get over it.

Besides, my game
needs tuning up.

You're right
about that.

[ Squealing]

[ Crashing]

It's happening,

[ Screaming]

Help! Help me, somebody!

[ Children screaming]

[ Thump]

Is it... Over?

I think so.

Do you mean
we survived?

Uh-huh... I guess.

That's it?

That's the end
of the world?

I guess so.

Uh, let's go see
what it looks like.

It's weird, huh?


I guess we're
the only survivors.

I've never felt so alone.

Are we really
the only ones left

In the whole, wide world?

Of course we are.

Come on,
let's explore.

We're supposed
to stay

In the backyard.

Supposed to?!

We're not supposed

To do anything anymore.

There's no one

To tell us
what to do.

Really? Wow!

So, we can decide
what we'll do from now on?

Well, actually, idecide
what you're going to do.

I'm the oldest
and smartest
and best now.

So I get
to be president.

Of what?

Of the world!

From now on, you call me

Her exclemency,
the honorable president-for-life

Angelica c. Pickles.

Don't we vote
or something?

Oh, tommy

That voting
stuff's all over.

Now that
the world's ended

I decide everything.

Now, let's go see

What's left
of the world.
I always wanted
a swimming pool in my house.

Swimming pool?

Your living room
will be perfect.

Don't you need
water for a
swimming pool?


Phil, lil,
bring it in.

These pillows will make

Greatpool toys.

Let's get some candy
while the pool fills up.

There's got to be some good food
in here somewheres.

Milk? Ick!

Ew, tuna!

Wheat germ? Gross!

Tommy, where's the lollipops
and chocolate bars?

I don't think
we had that stuff.

Impossible! Oh, well...

We'll just have to find
a candy store.

Where's your dad's
car keys?

Car keys?

We can't
drive a car!

We're just babies.

you're babies!

I'm president

And I say
we're driving the car.

But angelica...

I've watched my mom and dad.

It's a cinch!

chuckie's right.

We can't drive.

Yeah, we might
get a ticket.

A ticket! From who?

It's the end of the world,

Come on, everyone
to the garage.

No, we're not going.

And you shouldn't
go neither.

Oh, yeah?
Who's going to stop me?

Huh? What are youdoing here?

what's going on?

[ Stu screaming]

I guess there was
more survivors

Than I thought!

[ Gurgling, dripping]

Come on,

You made this mess,
you can clean it up!

But I don't wanna!

We did it, you guys!

We lived through
the end of the world.

It was exciting
there for a minute.

Yeah, but I'm glad
the grownups made it, too.

I don't think angelica's
a very good president.

Do you think
this new world

Will be a lot

Than the old one?

I don't know,

Want to explore
my old bedroom?

Sure, if it's
still there.

Hey, chuckie,
aren't you scared?

Once you've lived

Through the end
of the world

Being scared of
anything else is silly.
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