02x13 - Day 2: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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02x13 - Day 2: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Jack Bauer's interrogating Syed Ali as we speak.

We'll be informed of his progress on a minute-by-minute basis, but nothing yet.

We're certain he knows the location of the b*mb? - Jack Bauer is.

- Make sure he has all the resources he needs.

They will k*ll your family if you don't tell me where the b*mb is.

Where's the b*mb? Tell me where the b*mb is! - k*ll him.

- No! No! - I will tell you! - Hold on! - It's Jack.

- What do you have? The b*mb's at Norton Airfield.

They're gonna fly it over the city.

Your meeting's changed.

Now it's with me.

So you're confirming that Roger Stanton is involved? He knew about this b*mb? Roger's more involved than David could possibly know.

I think you orchestrated all of this.

You have your own and not the president's best interest at heart.

I got into a car accident.

I started running.

Before I knew it, I had no idea where I was.

I wanna get backto the highway and get outta here.

The highway's a couple of miles that way.

But the way there is not safe at night.

My place is a half-mile that way.

I can put a roof over your head for the night.

They've found Reza, haven't they? They know what's happened.

Tell me, please, what happened? You wouldn't understand, Kate.

People have to die for things to change.

(in Arabic) (phone rings) - This is Bauer.

- Jack, this is Tony.

- You're about ten minutes from the airport? - Yeah.

- You got a tail number on the aircraftyet? - Notyet.

You'll link up with the as*ault team.

They're starting to lockthe grounds down.

OK, that sounds good.

Tony, have you contacted Kim yet? No, I haven't.

I called the sheriffs station.

They sent out search teams.

I don't know why she hasn't contacted us.

She can't go backto LA, and the LAPD's looking for a m*rder suspect.

She's not gonna reach out to us.

We've gotta find her.

Understand? - I'm putting every resource on it.

- Do everything you have to.


- How much further is it? - Not much.


Ow! Dammit.

Here, let me see that.

We really ought to getyou to a doctor.

No, I told you, it's not safe for me in LA.

Because people there think you did something you didn't do? Yeah, that's right.

- You don't believe me.

- It doesn't matter.

You don't wanna go backto LA.

That's good enough for me.

There it is.

Ready to tell me everything I need to know? Continue.

We knew about the b*mb weeks ago.

Thank you, Simmons.

What do you mean, "knew"? We let it in the country.

Tracked it all the way.

We allowed it to sneakthrough customs, and we allowed the Second Wave t*rror1st cell to operate unimpeded.

God, Roger.

A nuclear b*mb? There's no chance that this b*mb is ever gonna go off.

There never was.

We had a Special Ops team following it every step of the way.

Colonel Samuels' team.

The mission was to take the b*mb out of play at the last possible moment.

What are you trying to do? Start a w*r with the Middle East? - No.

- Then what? Your defence policy is too passive.

- You need more resources.

- You're trying to hijack my presidency.

No, no, no.

I'd like to give it some balls.

You're gonna call your Special Ops team.

Tell them to secure the b*mb.

Now! They went darkthree hours ago.

Not accepting any new incoming communications till the mission's complete.

And where were they? Where were they? Norton Airfield Los Angeles.

The shower's in there.

You're welcome to use it.

Try not to stay in there too long.

There's not a lot of hot water.

There's some towels in there, and I'll try and getyou some clean clothes.

The door has a lock.


I just got off the phone with Division.

Syed Ali named three more Second Wave t*rrorists in the LA area.

I want two transport teams assigned to each one.

Pick 'em up now.


Hey, guys, heads up.

They just received a second confirmation from NSA in Oregon.

The location of the b*mb is indeed Norton Airfield.

Jack Bauer's en route.

I want every available field agent over there now.

(phone rings) - This is Bauer.

- There's a new wrinkle, Jack.

- Howfar are you from the airport? - A couple of minutes.

What kind of a wrinkle? There's a hostile US paramilitary unit standing between you and the b*mb.

A Coral Snake team headed up by Colonel Ron Samuels.

It's the same unit that took out our plane.

What is going on? Why is a US military unit aiding these t*rrorists? As far as we know, they're not.

The best we can make out, they wanna be the ones to secure the b*mb.

They'll treat anybody who stands in their way as an adversary.

Order Colonel Samuels to tell his team to stand down.

They went darkthree hours ago.

They're a rogue unit, acting on their own authority.

- How do I find them? - I wish I could narrow it down.

Just somewhere at the airport.

I'm trying to get manpower up from Camp Pendleton.

This is bad, George.

Yeah, it is.

Our best bet is still you getting past them to the b*mb.

Yes, I understand.

What's happening? I don't know yet.

CTU hasn't been able to locate your sister.

As soon as they do, they'll contact me.


This is gonna take longer than I thought.

(in Arabic) (speaks Arabic) Omar! Dispatch, this is 4827 Kate You've seen terrible things today, but I need you a little longer, in case we find your sister.

Are you OK with that? - Agent Baker.

- Jack.

Take Miss Warner to the secured area, make sure she's comfortable.

You'll need this.

Thank you.

Jack Bauer.

Steve Goodrich.

I'm heading up the as*ault team on-site.

I was told you have further intel on the group? These are individual military records of every soldier under Samuels' command.

- What's our profile with them? - They're gonna treat us like hostiles.

- That doesn't make sense.

- No, but that's the situation.

- Is your team ready? - Inside.

We got airport schematics.


Everybody gather round! We are going to be engaging hostiles in a large uncontrolled area.

I want everyone wearing ID tags, no exceptions.

Anybody wants to leave this area, check with me first.

- Who's got the schematics? - Here, sir.

Here's the situation: there is a nuclear warhead somewhere on-site.

There's an armed Delta team surrounding it.

I want three sub-units.

Unit one makes the first sweep.

Unit two coordinates air tactical.

Unit three will await my command as soon as I've got a 20 on the b*mb.

Understand? (all) Yes, sir.

Good luck, gentlemen.

Lieutenant, set up your teams.

Gentlemen, team A, B.

Column of two on me.

Let's go.

Bauer's set up the staging area at the airfiield.


- Tony, we got a little problem.

- What's up? Brad Hammond from Division is on his way.

They want to shut us down and run everything.

We're up and running now.

Not 100%.

We're still having intermittent packet loss.

Division's uncomfortable with us running this operation out of a compromised location.

We don't have the time to give these idiots the grand tour.

We're closing in on this.

They're on their way, so we just gotta deal with it.


How you feeling? - A lot better.

Thank you.

- Have a seat.

So why is it thatyou live up here like this? I don't know.

I guess I just got sick of the whole LA scene.

It's not like I hate anyone there.

There's just too many people.

Don't have that problem up here, huh? No, it's just the opposite.

So, why don'tyou move to a small town? Why do you have to be by yourself? I don't know.

So, tell me again why you can't go backto LA.

If I told you, you wouldn't believe me, so What? My father works for the government.

A counter-t*rror1st unit.

He said that someone's gonna detonate a nuclear b*mb in Los Angeles today.

What's so funny? I knew it.

I've been telling people that this is gonna happen for over a year.

No one would listen to me.

So, you knew about these t*rrorists? Not these ones specifically, butyeah.

Read the foreign papers.

Look over the fence.

The whole world hates America.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.

Don't worry.

We're far enough away.

We won't get hurt.

No one's far enough away.

What about the fallout? No one can predict where the wind's gonna take it.

I'm gonna show you something, butyou can't tell anyone.

What is it? After we eat.

Where are we on locating the Coral Snake commandos? Bauer and his teams are looking for them.

- CTU is updating us every ten minutes.

- Good.

This cannot possibly have a good outcome.

We've got two highly trained American military groups about to face off.

CTU has a formable presence.

If the commandos are there, CTU should be able to control the situation.

- Mr President, we've got something new.

- What? Our com team discovered a covert link between Stanton and Bruce Gluck.

- The Michigan senator? - Yes.

It looks like they were working together.

How would you like to proceed? Sherry knows Gluck and his key staffers.

They worked closely together during the primaries.

Bring her in.

Here? Into the OC? Yes.

She'll need access to our secure databases.

- Sir, I feel I must - I don't wanna argue about this.

Just do it.

Why's it taking so long to get this number? Barely anything here.

There's something - We need this, Randy.

Come on.

- I'm on it.

They're sending Division to do an evaluation.

Why are they doing this now? We're operational, getting results.

Why don't they leave us alone? They will.

This is just Chapelle's way of doing stuff over there.

What about George? When they get a look at the shape he's in, they're probably gonna yank him.

I'm keeping an eye on him, all right? Just get everyone to Norton.

What have we got? Military-issue combat boots.

Five sets, all leading in here, less than an hour old.

- Anything coming out? - Still in there.

Have your team ready to move on my signal.

It's definitely Colonel Samuels' men.

If these guys are dead, who's tracking the b*mb? This is Baker.

Copy that.

We're moving into position now.

This bank was knocked out, but we didn't lose any data.

The same data is mirrored at Division.

We don't need to risk running these operations from a jury-rigged system.

You can't run a mission on data alone.

My team has more experience implementing than anyone at Division.

I don't thinkthat's true, but the point is moot.

Start to ship some of your people to our offices.

And waste an hour on transporting and set up, with a nuclear b*mb ticking away? I was wondering if this place had a director.

- Brad, good to see you.

- George.

I heard you're not feeling well.

I imagine you've heard all kinds of things today.

But a bad day for me is better than a good day for anybody on your side of the freeway.

- That right? - We're not shutting down.

We got way too many active protocols in play here.

Your systems failed their checks this morning.

This morning.

Everything's fine now.

Eileen, show Brad here how our systems are exceeding all of their time horizons.

Yes, sir.

Think you can do that at Division? Don't believe everything you hear, Brad.

Thank you.

- Come on.

- What is it? You'll see.

- I'm not sure, Lonnie.

- Come on, don't be scared.

Come on.

Watch your head over here.

It's a b*mb shelter.

Short of a direct hit, you could survive down here for a pretty long time.

- You did all this yourself? - It took me two years.

After I dug it out, it wasn't too bad.

Hey, check it out.

I'm kind of a coffee junkie.

I could pretty much handle anything, but I gotta have my java.

These beans are from Argentina.

Here, smell this.


- That's great.

- The best.

Mm, that's my favourite smell.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Where are you going? Kim! What's wrong? I just got a little claustrophobic down there, that's all.

You're shaking.

Are you OK? - I don't think I should be here, Lonnie.

- Why not? I don't know you, and you live here by yourself with a b*mb shelter with g*ns Think about it, Kim.

It's gonna be people like me who'll survive today if whatyou say is true.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to hurtyour feelings.

- You didn't.

A lot has happened to me today, and with the b*mb in LA, I just think I need to go to my Aunt Carol's to be with family.

Whatever, Kim.

If you gotta go, go.

The green card will give you access to the system rooms, and the red card will getyou into the network.

Thank you, Lynne.

I'm sorry you weren't able to gain access to the OC earlier.

What made the president change his mind? I'll let the president fill you in.

I'd like to make it clear that you are not to interface directly with the personnel once inside the OC.

Please see me if you need anything.

- You want me to run everything by you? - I'm familiar with the internal politics.

- I'd be able - You'll be able to do what, Lynne? I'm trying to maintain some form of protocol.

No, you're trying to position yourself between me and David's inner circle because you don't trust me.

Instead of talking about protocols, just say what's on your mind.

You don't want me here.

- Mrs Palmer - No, you don't me here.

So let's just quit playing games.

How dare you speakto me like this.

I was appointed by the president because of my qualifications in foreign policy.

I don't know what makes you think you can lecture me.


You don't wanna play games? I don't like you.

And I don't like you being here.

Now we're communicating.

All right.

You should have everything you need here.

- Thanks.

I'll get it backto you.

- Don't worry about it.

- Are you ready? - Yeah.

Stay close to me.

It's a 15-minute walkto the highway.

(car approaches) - What was that? - I don't know.

(car door closes) It's Mike Kramer, the park ranger.

He's probably looking for you.

The police probably called him.

- What do you want me to do? - They're gonna send me backto LA.


Hey, Mike.

- What's up? - Following up on a missing person's call.

- Seen anyone tonight? - No.

Who are you looking for? A teenage girl.

She ran away from a car accident.

- Why would they be looking out here? - Cos she was in custody.

- In custody? For what? - Kidnapping and m*rder.


- You got company? - What? No, no.

Doug came by earlier.

I haven't cleaned up yet.

- Doug O'Keefe from the fire district? - Yeah.

- I heard he was still mad after last week.

- It was just a card game.

You emptied his wallet.

- Keep your eyes open, OK? - I will.

I'll see ya, pal.

- Don't worry.

He's gone.

- Thank you.

(car engine starts) Kidnapping? m*rder? I didn't do it, I swear.

Can we hang out here for a few more minutes, till he clears the area? Yeah, I think it's a good idea.

Hey, Lonnie? I'm really lucky thatyou were here.

You've been a really good friend.

Thank you.

Find out about Glock's relationship with Stanton.

I'm interested in any meetings that both Rayburn and Stanton attended.


I know exactly who to call.


I'll have Lynne setyou up with a work space.

That's great.

Lynne's been quite helpful.

I - I wanna thank you, David.

- For what? I know how difficult it is to get clearance in here, and I'm certain your advisors don't want me Sherry, stop distilling everything down to politics.

We have a need for information.

Hopefully you can fill it.

And I will Mr President.

Sherry, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to sound rude.

I really do appreciate whatyou're doing.

That's why you're here.

Mr President.

- Yes, Mike.

- I just got off with CTU Los Angeles.

Jack Bauer found the Coral Snake commandos.

- So it's over? - I'm afraid not.

All six members of the team had been k*lled before Bauer got there.

What about the b*mb? Roger, your men are all dead, and there's no sign of the b*mb.

That's not possible.

Your insane plan backfired.

Those men were our last chance to find the b*mb, and nowthey're dead.

My God.

You're misguided, butyou are not crazy.

You do not want this b*mb to go off! Of course not.

Then tell me, who else could have known about this? No one.

They were on their own.

Somebody k*lled six highly trained commandos.

That's not the work of a bunch of su1c1de bombers! - Six commandos? - That's right.

There were seven.

- What's the word at the airport? - There's too many places it could be.

Got it.

It's either N34G5, or it's N34G6.

- Michelle.

- I'm on it.


It's registered in California, and it's at Norton Airport, hangar MD7.

Get Bauer.

Down the runway to here, then to these hangars all down here.

(phone rings) - Bauer.

- It's Tony.

We got a tail number on that plane.

N as in "November", three, four, G as in "golf", five.

The FAA has got it spotted in hangar M as in "mama", D as in "delta", seven.


We got it.

Let's go.

Hangar MD7 at the other end of the airport.

(in Arabic) (engine starts) The third hangar from the end.

There it is! Go, go! He's trying to make a run for the north runway.

Send a team over to cut him off! (sirens) (Jack) Pull up alongside of him! Dammit! The pilot has been hit! The pilot has been hit! Putyour hands in the air! Putyour hands up! Putyour hands above your head! Keep your hands up! He's got it in the plane! Get the nuke emergency team here now! You're clear until the threat passes.

When it does, we're gonna re-evaluate.


See somebody about that cough.

You don't look so good.

Appreciate your concern, Brad.

Lonnie, what are you doing? What are you listening to? Police band.

I'm just scanning to see if there's anything aboutyour APB.

I'd hate to getyou out there and then find out there's a roadblock and a bunch of cop cars.

- Find anything? - Nothing yet.


Looks like you're not gonna make the Ten Most Wanted.

- Oh, my God.

- What? Wait, wait.

(static) - It can't be.

- What is it? What's wrong? - It happened.

- What? The b*mb went off? All the LA stations went to static.

Ventura County's talking about a flash.

- Nowthey're gone.

- I don't see anything.

Here, here.

Listen for yourself.

This station, nothing.

This one, nothing.

This one, nothing.

They're all dead.

- I gotta get to my dad.

- No, we can't stay up here.

- The radiation.

We gotta get down below.

- No! We gotta go now, before it's too late.

Come on.


This is Paul Tate live from the Skywatch.

A beautiful night in Los Angeles as we near the nine o'clock hour.

Traffiic is light in both directions.

- Try the internal.

- Give it to me.

It's no good, either.

It's no good.

This trigger's been set to permanent default.

We can try the internal configuration.

- What's going on? - They wiped out the configurations.

- Can you disarm it? - It doesn't look good.

Team A, this is Bauer.

I wantyou to start to clear the north runway.

- I repeat: clear the north runway.

- What do you mean? If we can't diffuse it, I've gotta get it as far away from LA as possible.

- Yes, that's affirmative.

- (man) Roger that.

(beeping) What's happening? Timing mechanism.

They must've given it an expedite command.

When it's tampered with, the countdown speeds up.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Wait a minute.

Don't touch that.

It'll detonate.

What just happened? Nothing.

This isn't a b*mb.

It's been rigged to look like one.

- And the radiation reading? - Probably the box.

There was a b*mb in here recently, but it's gone now.

The reading's picking up some plutonium residue.

All teams, we do not have the b*mb.

This is a decoy.

I repeat: we do not have the b*mb.

This is a decoy.

We are still looking for the nuclear device.

There's no b*mb at the airport, Roger.

If there's something thatyou haven't told me that could save lives tell me now.

Please, Roger.

Ask Sherry.

What did you say? Sherry is the one you wanna talkto.
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