01x24 - Te Amo

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Dora the Explorer". Aired: August 14, 2000 – August 9, 2019.*
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Features the adventures of young Dora, her monkey Boots, Backpack and other animated friends.
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01x24 - Te Amo

Post by bunniefuu »



Come on, Dora!

♪ Do-Do-Do-Do-D-Dora ♪

All right!

♪ Do-Do-Do-Do-D-Dora ♪

♪ Do-Do-Do-Do-D-Dora ♪
♪ Do-Do-Do-Do-D-Dora ♪

Let's go!

♪ Dora, Dora,
Dora the Explorer ♪


♪ Boots and super-cool
explorer Dora ♪

Need your help,
so grab your backpack.

♪ Let's go, jump in ♪


♪ You can lead the way ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ Do-Do-Dora, Do-Do-D-Dora ♪

♪ Do-Do-Dora, Do-Do-D-Dora ♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping,
Swiper, no swiping! ♪

Oh, man!

Hi, I'm Dora.

And I'm Boots.

I have a book
about a magic flute.

It's in my Backpack.

Want to read it with me?


Will you check my Backpack

and find the book
about the flute?

You have to say "Backpack."

Say "Backpack,"
say "Backpack!"

[ music playing...]

♪ Backpack, Backpack ♪

♪ Backpack, Backpack ♪
♪ I'm the Backpack, loaded up ♪

♪ With things
and knickknacks, too ♪

♪ Anything that you might need ♪

♪ I got inside for you ♪

♪ Backpack, Backpack ♪

♪ Backpack, Backpack, yeah! ♪


I have lots of books
about musical instruments

but Dora needs to find the book
about the magic flute.

Does this sound like a flute?

[ guitar playing]

No, that's a guitar.

Does this sound like a flute?

[ cowbell clanking]

No, that's a cowbell.

Does this sound like a flute?

[ flute plays scale]

[ click, beep]

Right. You found the book
about a magic flute.

[ bongos playing]

[ guitar playing]

[ cowbell clanking]

[ accordion playing]

[ flute plays scale]

Yum, yum, yum, yum...


Pablo's Flute.

Once upon a time

there was a boy named Pablo

who lived with hisabuelo,
his grandfather.

They lived on a little farm
highen las montañas.

Pablo and Abuelo
worked very hard

to take care
of the plants and animals.

But the ground was rocky.

It was hard for the plants
and fruits to grow.

[ grunting and straining]

The animals who lived on
the rocky farm were very sad.

[ clucking, baaing,
mooing sadly...]

One day, Abuelo carved a wooden
flute, a flute of many colors.

The first piece had one hole...


The second piece
had two holes...


Then three holes...




And five!


♪ iUno, dos, tres,
cuatro, cinco! ♪

[ playing tune...]

It was a magic flute!

When Pablo played his flute

the corn grew up to the sky...

the cows and sheep
and llamas danced...

the mangoes and papayas

sprouted on the trees
and plants!

The chickens laid eggs!

[ tune continues...]

But then, one day...

a terrible storm came.

[ wind whooshing...]

Powerful winds knocked
the flute out of Pablo's hands.

Mi flauta...

After the storm,
Pablo and Abuelo

searched and searched
for the magic flute.

But they couldn't find it.

Without his flute, Pablo could
not make his beautiful music.

The corn stopped growing...

the mangoes
stopped sprouting...

and the chickens
stopped laying eggs.

Pablo and Abuelo were sad.

Everyone missed
the magic flute.

That's bad.

We have to find that flute
and give it back to Pablo.

Will you help us find
Pablo's flute?

Great! Let's look
for the flute.

There are so many places
the flute could be.

Don't worry. We'll find it.

Is this Pablo's flute?

[ click, beep]

That's not the flute.

That's a caterpillar.

Let's keep looking.

let's keep looking!

Is this Pablo's flute?

[ click, beep]

That's an umbrella.

Is this Pablo's flute?

[ click, beep]

[ plays scale]

Yes! You found it!
You found it!

Let's bring the flute
back to Pablo!

Which way do we go?

Let's stop and think.

Who do we ask for help

when we don't know
which way to go?

The Map!

The Map, that's right.

The Map can tell us
how to get to Pablo's Mountain.

I need your help.

Will you check the Map

and find out how to get
to Pablo's Mountain?

You have to say "Map."

Say "Map"! Say "Map"!

[ fingers snapping,
music playing...]

♪ If there's a place
you got to go ♪

♪ I'm the one you need to know ♪

♪ I'm the Map ♪

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map ♪

♪ If there's a place
you got to get ♪

♪ I can get you there, I bet ♪

♪ I'm the Map ♪

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map,
I'm the Map, I'm the Map ♪

♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map,
I'm the Map, I'm the Map ♪
♪ I'm the Map, I'm the Map ♪

♪ I'm the Map! ♪

Dora and Boots need to get
to Pablo's Mountain

so they can bring him his flute.

Well, I know how to get
to Pablo's Mountain.

First you go
over the Windy Bridge.

[ wind blowing]

Then you go
through the Spooky Forest.

And that's how you get
to Pablo's Mountain.

So you tell Dora:



Pablo's Mountain.

Say it with me.



Pablo's Mountain.



Pablo's Mountain.



Pablo's Mountain!

How do we get
to Pablo's Mountain?



Pablo's Mountain.

We go over the Windy Bridge...

[ wind blowing]

through the Spooky Forest...

and that's how we'll get
to Pablo's Mountain.

Thanks for helping.

So first we have to
find the Windy Bridge.

Do you see a bridge?


[ click, beep]

Yeah, there's a bridge.

The Windy Bridge.

Let's bring the flute
back to Pablo!

Come on, say it with us!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!
♪ Come on, vámonos♪

♪ Everybody, let's go ♪

♪ Come on,
let's get to it ♪

♪ I know
that we can do it ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain ♪
♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain! ♪

[ laughing]

♪ Pablo's Mountain! ♪

[ rustling]

Oh, no! That sounds
like Swiper the fox.

That sneaky fox is always
trying to swipe our stuff.

He'll try to swipe
Pablo's magic flute.

Will you help us
watch out for Swiper?

Great. If you see Swiper
the fox, yell "Swiper!"

You see Swiper the fox?!


I don't see him.

there's Swiper!

We need your help
to stop Swiper.

We have to say
"Swiper, no swiping!"

Swiper, no swiping,
Swiper, no swiping,
Swiper, no swiping!

Oh, man!

Thanks for helping us
stop Swiper.

[ wind blowing...]

It's the Windy Bridge!

Hang on, Boots!

The wind is blowing
really hard!


Oh no!

The flute!

It broke into pieces!

Oh, Dora! We have
to find the pieces!

Will you help us find

the five pieces
of the magic flute?


Do you see the pieces
of the flute?


[ click, beep, notes playing]

But Dora, that doesn't
look like Pablo's flute.

[ notes playing out of order]

And that
doesn't sound
like Pablo's flute!

Pablo sang a little song
while he put the flute together.

Do you remember?

Sing with us.

BOTH [ following scale]:
♪ iUn, dos, tres,
cuatro, cinco!♪

Let's put the pieces

back together
in the right order.

Which piece
goes first?

[ click, beep, note plays]

Right! Say uno!

Which piece goes next?

[ click, beep, note plays]

Right! Say dos!

Which piece goes next?

[ click, beep, note plays]

Say tres!

Which piece goes next?

[ click, beep, note plays]

Say cuatro!

And which piece
goes last?

[ click, beep, note plays]

Say cinco!

[ plays scale]

♪ iUno, dos, tres,
cuatro, cinco!♪

Yay! You fixed
the flute!


[ play happy tune]

We made it over
the Windy Bridge.

Where do we go next?



Pablo's Mountain.

We went over the Bridge...

so next comes the...

[ click, beep]

Forest, right.

The SpookyForest.

Do you see a forest?

[ click, beep]

Yeah, there's a forest.

The SpookyForest.

Let's bring the flute
back to Pablo!

Come on, say it with us!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!

Bridge, Forest,
Pablo's Mountain!
♪ Come on, vámonos♪

♪ Everybody, let's go ♪

♪ Come on,
let's get to it ♪

♪ I know
that we can do it ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain ♪
♪ Where are we going? ♪

♪ Pablo's Mountain! ♪

[ laughing]

♪ Pablo's Mountain! ♪

Ooh... look.

The Spooky Forest!

Come on.


iCuidado! iCuidado!

It's okay, Boots.

it's Señor Tucán.

iCuidado! iCuidado!

Señor Tucán is
telling us to watch out.

Watch out for what?

iCuidado con las culebras!

[ hissing]

iLos lobos!

[ howling]

iLos murciélagos!

[ squeaking]

We have to watch out
for the snakes...

[ hissing]

the wolves...

[ howling]

and the bats.

[ squeaking]

a la lechuza amable.

[ hooting]

Señor Tucán says
to listen for the friendly owl.

[ hooting]

The friendly owl will lead us
though the Spooky Forest.



De nada.

Will you help us
get through the Spooky Forest?


Look! There's a green path,
a red path

a blue path
and a yellow path.

We have to listen
for the owl's hoot-hoot

to get through the forest.

Let's listen to the paths
to find the owl.

[ squeaking]

[ hissing]

[ hooting]

[ howling]

Which color path should we take?

[ click, beep]

The blue path, right.

[ hooting]

[ squeaking, hissing, howling]



De nada.

[ play happy tune]

We made it
out of the Spooky Forest!

Thanks for helping.

Where do we go next?



Pablo's Mountain.

We made it over the Bridge

through the Forest

so next comes...

[ click, beep]

Pablo's Mountain. Right.

Now, which mountain
is Pablo's Mountain?

[ click, beep]

Yeah, there it is!

Let's bring the flute
back to Pablo!

Come on, Boots,
let's hurry.

Uh-oh, it's a cliff!

How are we going to
get to Pablo?

Uh-oh. Whoa...!

Do you see something that can
help us climb up the cliff?

[ click, beep]

The rope! Great idea!

Okay. We need your help
to climb up the rope.

Will you help us climb?

Great! First,
put your hands up in the air

and grab on to your rope.

Now reach up high and
climb, climb, climb, climb!

We made it!

Thanks for
helping us climb!

[ rustling]

Did you hear that?

That sounds like
Swiper the fox.

If you see the fox,
yell "Swiper!"

You see Swiper?


Climbing up
the rope?

Swiper, Swiper, Swiper!

Help us stop Swiper.

Say it with us.

Swiper, no swiping,
Swiper, no swiping

Swiper, no swiping!

Oh, man!

Oh, man...!

Pablo! Pablo!

We found your flute!

iMi flauta!

iGracias! iGracias!

BOTH: De nada.

Play your flute,

iToca tu música!

♪ iUno, dos, tres,
cuatro, cinco!♪

♪ iUno, dos, tres,
cuatro, cinco!♪

[ playing scale]

[ tune continues...]


Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo!

[ tune continues...]

[ chicks chirping]

[ baaing and calling musically]

[ bells clanking rhythmically]

iToca tu música,

iToca tu música!

[ laughs]

[ tune concludes]

We did it!

[ music playing]

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ Yay! ♪

♪ iLo hicimos!♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We went
over the bridge ♪

♪ and through
the forest, yeah ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it!
Hooray! ♪

♪ We got to Pablo's mountain ♪

♪ and returned the flute ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ The flute broke
into pieces ♪

♪ but we fixed it
like new ♪

♪ Pablo played the flute ♪

♪ and everything grew. ♪


Whoo! Hooray!

We did it!


[ click, beep]

We had such an
exciting trip today.

What was your favorite
part of the trip?

I liked that, too.

My favorite part

was when Swiper
rolled down the hill.

[ laughs]

My favorite part was
when Pablo played his flute

and the whole farm
started to grow.

We couldn't have
brought the flute

back to Pablo
without you.

Thanks for helping.

[ click, beep]

[ click, beep]

Hey, look, it's Boots!
Find Boots!


[ click, beep]

[ laughs]

[ giggles, laughs]
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