02x01 - When I Grow Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x01 - When I Grow Up

Post by bunniefuu »



You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Oh, my ball.



I can't reach it!

-Oh Rexy!

I'll get it for you.

-Oh, Thanks, Gilbert.

-No problem.

-Hmm, any respectable dinosaur
could reach the second shelf.

-Ah well, growing up
takes time. You can't rush it.

I was once a kitten and couldn't
even jump up on the bed.


-Mmm hmm. We've all been small.

-Even someone as
big as Caillou's Daddy?

-Oh! Even Caillou's Daddy.


-I'm a pirate! Aaaarrr!

-What are you
doing, Pirate Caillou?

-Looking for treasure!

-Pirate Caillou didn't
know that he was going to

find a real treasure that
day, in a most unexpected place.

-I can't wait until
Caillou's a bit older so I

can teach him
how to play football.

-Like I taught you!


Come on, Pirate Caillou!
It's time to go home.

-I don't want to go home!
I didn't find the treasure yet!

-Well, wherever it is, it'll
still be there the next time.

-We're home Mommy!

Mommy, what are you doing?

-I'm cleaning up.

-Can I help?


Here, put this in the box.



Sorry, Mommy can't come
to the phone. She's busy.

-I thought I told your Dad
to throw that old thing away.

He's such a pack rat!

-What's a pack rat?

-A pack rat is someone
who can't throw anything away.

-Am I a pack rat, Mommy?

-Well you do have
a lot of toys in your room

that you don't
play with any more.

-I play with all my toys!

-Caillou, I really have
to finish sorting these books.

-When Caillou saw the old
trunk he was very curious to see

what was inside.

Caillou didn't know it

but he had discovered
the treasure he was looking for.


-A chest full of things
his Daddy had collected.


What have you got there?

-Smile! I'm taking a picture!



♪ ♪ ♪

-What have you found now?

-A whole bunch of stuff!

-Let me see that!

I wore this when your Daddy
took me to a special dance.

I can't believe he kept it!

-Hey, what are you guys up to?

♪ ♪ ♪

-Look Daddy!

-My old harmonica.

-You're such a pack rat!

-Mommy said I'm a pack rat too.

-What have you got there?

-What is it?

-I don't believe it, this
is my old college football!

All it needs is a bit
of cleaning up and some air.

Would you like me
to teach you how to play?


-I taught him everything
he knows about football.

-Ready, Caillou, here it comes.


-Oh, too much stuffing!

I used to be able to do this.

Oh, clearly I'm getting
bigger around the middle.

I can't move.

Uh, will anybody
look for a little wedged
Teddy bear under a bush?





-Caillou and his
Daddy were in the garden
one day, when suddenly...

-Daddy, look!

-What is it?

-Is it dead, Daddy?



I think we should
bury it, don't you?

-Why did the bird die, Daddy?

-Well now, that's rather
a big question, Caillou.

-Caillou didn't think
it was such a big question!

-Well... It probably
died because it got too old.

-Too old?


It died because it was too old.

-Caillou couldn't
wait to be older.

He wanted to be a big boy.

But this was the first
time he'd ever thought
about being too old.

-Why are you doing that, Daddy?

-I can't see
as well as I used to.

I think I need glasses!

Boy! I must be
getting really old...

-When Caillou
heard that, he remembered
what his Daddy had said

about the bird dying
because it was too old...

-Just look at Rosie!
She's eating all by herself.

You really are growing up and
getting older, aren't you Rosie?


-Hi Caillou!

Do you like my in- line skates?

-Oooh, yes!

-They were a birthday present!

-A birthday present? Wow!

-Yes! I'm a
whole year older now!

-Caillou was very upset.


You're a big boy now!

And you're getting
bigger and older every day!

-I don't want to be older!

-Why not?

-You said Rosie
is getting old...

And you said you're getting old!

And Sarah said
she's getting old...

and you said the little bird
died because it was too old...

-Ah... the little bird... I see.

-Caillou whispered
to his Daddy that he

was afraid of
getting older and dying.

-I understand, Caillou.

Listen, you have
lots and lots and lots of
time to get bigger and older.

So you really don't
need to worry about it now.

I promise. OK?

-OK, Daddy.

-Which one is the
oldest, do you think?

And which one's the youngest?

-So the dinosaur must
be the one in the middle!


-Teddy's the oldest?


-...and he has lots
and lots and lots of time

to get older too, doesn't he?

-Just like me.

-Yes. Just like you.


-Oh, um, oh, uh, oh nothing.

Just wondered if you've
noticed anything special

...like me growing?

-Do you mean in
the last two seconds?

-Uh huh!





-Growing takes a
little longer than that.


♪I am growing up!

♪I am growing tall.

♪In a couple of
weeks, I won't be small.

♪When I grow up

♪I'll know how to do
all the things I can't do now.

♪I'm growing up.

♪I'm growing up,

♪I'm growing up, right now!

♪I'm growing up!
Soon I'll know more.

♪I'll learn everyday.
A world to explore.

♪When I grow up

♪I'll know how to do
all the things I can't do now.

♪I'm growing up.

♪I'm growing up,
I'm growing up, right now!

♪I'm growing up!

♪Soon I'll know more.

♪I'll learn everyday.

♪A world to explore.

♪When I grow up

♪I'll know how to do
all the things I can't do now.

♪I'm growing up.

♪I'm growing up,
I'm growing up, right now!

Gilbert that tickles!

wasn't sure if he should
be waking mommy and daddy up.


-Good morning Caillou!

Do you want to
fly this morning?

-Daddy make me fly! Weee!

-Oh no! The alarm didn't go off!

I'm going to be late for work.

-Caillou why don't you
go downstairs and feed Gilbert?

I'll get Rosie up.

-Gilbert! Wait for me!

Gilbert! Look what you did.


-Mommy's in
a hurry, so eat up ok?

-Caillou wasn't
happy that everyone was

in such a rush this morning.

-Daddy funny!


-Ha ha ha ha ha.

-Finish your breakfast
Caillou, we're in a hurry.

-We ate all our breakfast.

-Great! Could you
brush your teeth now?

-Rosie wait! Do you
want to look like mommy?

Go like this..

Rosie! Don't move!



Caillou? Did you
do this to your sister?

-Ahhh. I wanted Rosie
to look pretty like you.

-You know that you're not
allowed to play with my makeup.

C'mon Rosie let's
get you cleaned up.

-C'mon get dressed.

You and Rosie are going
to your play group this morning.

-I don't want
to go to play group.


What's taking him so long?

Go on and start the car honey.

-Ugh, Daddy I'm stuck!


-Caillou mommy is
waiting for you outside.

-Caillou couldn't keep
up with the hustle and bustle

and began feeling a
little overwhelmed by it all.

-I don't want to go with mommy
I want to stay home with you.

-But I'm going
into work later on.

-I don't want you to go to work.

-Hang on, I'll be right back.

-Mommy was told
to go on ahead and that

Dad would walk
Caillou to play group.

-Yeah! Are we going
to stay home and play today?

-No, Caillou, Daddy
still has to go to work.

But first let's get you dressed.
I have something to show you.

-What are you
going to show me daddy?

-I'm going to show
you a whole bunch of people

that have to go to
work, just like mommy and me.

-Good morning Caillou.

-Are you working?

-Sure am, I'm
delivering the mail.

Would you like to help me?

-Can I?

-Here, could
you take this letter and put
it in Mr. Hinkle's mailbox?

-You see Caillou?
A mailcarrier works everyday.


-To make sure that
Mr. Hinkle gets his mail,

and your dad gets his bills!

-I'll get that one.

-Over there Daddy quick!

-Are you sure you two don't
want to come and work with us?

-Can we?

-Sure, but not until
you're a little older OK?

-You have to wait
until your big and strong.

It's a tough job
keeping the town clean.

-After all that hard work,
how about we get us a snack?


-I just have to
make a quick stop first.

-Why do you have to work daddy?

-Because I enjoy working
and I make money doing it!

-But the machine
gives you money?

-Yes it does, but
first, I have to put it in.

-I have a muffin too.

-Is it a chocolate
chip muffin like mine?

-No, can you turn
on the lights on top?

-Maybe the officers
are busy Caillou.

-Not at all, we're on break.

Would you like
to turn them on Caillou?


This is officer Caillou, - .

-OK officer
Caillou, time to let them
go back to upholding the law.

-Daddy I want to be a
police officer when I grow up.

-You can definitely
do that too Caillou but

first let's get
to your play group OK?

Daddy has to go to
work now, just like all the

people we saw
at work this morning.



you are Caillou, I was wondering
when you were going to show up.

-Mrs. Martin
I sat in a police car!

-Really? That
must have been fun.

-I was showing
Caillou people at work.

We also saw a
mail carrier and a garbage
collector, right Caillou?

-But the policeman
has the best job!

-But I think my job
is the best in the whole world

because I get to play with you!

- - officer Caillou.

Think Mathew
Theodore Bear. Think.


Sometimes that's so hard to
do with a head full of stuffing.

Stuffing can make
a bear awfully muddled.

Let me think.

I can't go...



Too much stuffing in my tummy.

Hmm. Well maybe I can go...



Or, maybe not.


Well Caillou's Daddy says
that if Caillou keeps trying and

doesn't give up, he can figure
out a lot of amazing things.


Maybe a teddy bear can too.


-I'm growing.

I'm growing. I'm
growing. I'm growing.

-No! You haven't grown
at all in the last few seconds.

-I can feel it! I can see it!


Please, Rexy, let me sleep.

Try outside.
Fresh air helps things
to grow, it might help you.

-Oh, oh! Thank
you Gilbert, thank you!


-Caillou didn't go to school
yet, but every day he waited to

see the school bus
coming down his street.

Caillou really
wanted to ride on the school
bus with the big children.

-Daddy... When I
can I go on the school bus?

-Well, you won't go to school
until after your next birthday.

Let's see... This is today...

and this is your birthday.

-But I want to
go on the school bus now.

-Well I think we could at
least go and see the school bus,

even if you can't ride on it.

-The very next morning,
Caillou and his Daddy got up

extra early, so they could see
the school bus from up close.

-Here it comes,
Daddy. Here it comes.

Oh boy!

-Hi, Caillou. Are you
coming on the bus with us?

-Caillou doesn't
go to school yet, Sarah.

-Well, good morning young man.
Are you coming to school too?

Wait a minute. I remember you.

I used to take you to school
when you were a little boy.

-Hello, Mr. Washington.
How nice to see you again.

This is my son Caillou.
He wanted to see your bus.

-Well, Caillou. I'm
very pleased to meet you.

And I'm looking
forward to driving you to
school when the time comes.

-I want to go on the bus, Daddy.

-Well... I can't
take you today, Caillou.

-Mr. Washington could see that
Caillou was very disappointed.

-But maybe I could tomorrow...

as long as it's all right
with your Mommy and your Daddy.

And I'll have to
ask my boss if it's OK too.

So I can't promise
I'll take you...

-Isn't that nice
of Mr. Washington, Caillou?

Let's go and ask Mommy.


-What's this, Caillou?

-That's the school bus, Daddy.

-And who's this
driving the school bus?


-Caillou, remember we have to
wait till tomorrow to find out

if you're allowed
to ride on the bus.

-Hi Caillou. It looks like
you're going to school today.

-Caillou was very nervous.

He didn't know if he'd
be allowed to ride on the bus.

-Good morning!

Well, we don't want to be late
for school, Caillou. Come along.

-What are you
waiting for? Go on.

-Oh boy!

-Caillou loved riding
in the big yellow school bus.

-We're almost home Caillou.

There's your
Daddy waiting for you.


-Did you see me,
Daddy? I was in the bus.

-I saw you.

Now let's say thank
you to Mr. Washington.

-Thank you Mr. Washington.

-Goodbye, Caillou. Goodbye.

See you after
your next birthday.

-When Jahleesha
and Nicholas grow up,

they might
be firefighters like Pierre.

He has to wear
special clothing and a safety
helmet to protect his head.

They all look great
in their firefighter clothes.


-Don't you think?

Ahh, the firefighter pole.

It goes way, way up.

When the bell rings, Pierre
has to slide down the pole.

It's fater than the stairs.

He's really fast.

Jahleesha and
Nicholas are fast too.

Fire trucks have a
red flashing light, a ladder,

and a...

the hose sh**t water
at the fire and puts it out.

-When Stephanie
and Chrisopher grow up,

they might be nurses like Nadia.

Nurses help us stay well.

They check your
mouth and throats,

and listen to your heart.

Stephanie knows
what a heart sounds like.

-What does a heart sound like?


-Do you want to
put this to your ears?

Close your eyes
and listen closely.

-Nadia weighs Christoper

to make sure
he's growing up well.

There's so many thigs
I can be when I grow up.

I need time to
choose one, don't you?

-Think Mathew Theodore Bear.

You have to get yourself out.

well I, let's see I squeezed
myself under this branch and-


Wait a minute.

it's not too much stuffing,
maybe it's too much branch.


That's it!

Caught under a branch.


Oh Rexy, it was just you.

Well, next time
this bear is going around.

Hmm. Too much stuffing!

-Oh! Well a teddy bear could
never have too much stuffing.

If they did, they wouldn't
be soft and squeezy
- great for hugging.

-Mmm good point, young dinosaur.

Uh, you almost
scared me out of my wits!

I thought maybe some
huge tall dog had come

along and was
going to drag me around-

-Huge? Tall? These
are words that I like!

I am definitely growing up!

-Of course you are.
Every minute of the day!

-Oh! I've got to tell Gilbert!

I've got to tell Gilbert!

Gilbert! Gilbert!

-See you next time!







Mommy is great!

She takes me to
fun places like the beach.

Mommy says it's
fun to try new things.

She likes it when
I draw her pictures.

-It's beautiful
Caillou! Thank you!

-And I like it when
she tucks me in at night.
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