05x03 - Use a Calligraphy Pen for New Year's Cards/The Heart Comes before Chocolate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x03 - Use a Calligraphy Pen for New Year's Cards/The Heart Comes before Chocolate

Post by bunniefuu »

Gin: "I only received one New Year's card this year. From a beauty salon..."

Gin: "I didn't receive a single one."

Gin: If anyone out there says any of that crap in the classroom after winter break,

Gin: starting next year, execute 'em!

Gin: That joke is as old as New Year's cards and beauty salons.

Gin: It's too much effort to pretend to brag about that shit.

Gin: I'm sick of it!

Gin: The practice of appearance for appearance's sake!

Gin: Enough of this farce!

Gin: Starting next year, execute every single person who sends a New Year's card!

Gin: Is that your final answer?

Shin: Yeah, yeah.

Shin: Execute away next year.

Shin: All by yourself.

Kagura: Stop babbling like a kiddie.

Kagura: Pen to the paper, pillar of society.

Use a Calligraphy Pen for New Year's cards

Gin: Only received a card from a beauty salon?! Lame-o!

Gin: Idiots!

Gin: Why do people get so excited?!

Gin: Happy, my ass!

Gin: There's nothing to be happy about!

Gin: This show follows the Sazae-san format. We're stuck in the same year forever!

Gin: It's a waste of time!

Gin: And why are we doing New Year's cards now?

Shin: We don't have a choice.

Shin: The manga kept on rolling with seasonal material while we were on break.

Kagura: A year's worth of joy, all at once.

Shin: Look.

Shin: We got a bunch of cards from our clients.

Shin: If we maintain a friendly relationship with our clients,

Shin: they might give us more work.

One hour later...

Gin: There's no end in sight...

Gin: By the time I finish writing all these hope-you-have-a-great-years,

Gin: it'll already be next year.

Gin: And why do you guys look like you're enjoying this?

Shin: Huh?

Shin: This isn't that bad.

Shin: We get to catch up on what's happened.

Gin: You mean when they talk about starting a new life together

Gin: with a wedding picture attached?

Happy New Year

We are blessed to celebrate our first New Year's together.

I hope that I will be able to serve as your editor for a very long time.

New Year's Day

Atsushi and Chihiro Nakasaki

Gin: You shouldn't assume that other people will be happy about your happiness, fool.

Shin: Uh....

Shin: Wait, who is this?

Gin: And some people are like,

Happy New Year

I appreciate everything

Kouhei Oonishi

Gin: "We have a new member in the family!" with a picture of a baby.

Gin: Don't make it sound like this just magically happened.

Gin: Just write that you had a baby after ****ing like rabbits.

Shin: Nobody's going to say that on a New Year's card!

Shin: And who is this?

Shin: Who are these people?!

Gin: Also...

Gin: Don't bother if you're feeling lazy.

Gin: You'll end up hurting someone's feelings.

Card, Weekly Shounen Jump wants to thank you.

Card, Yuu Saitou

Card, Manuscripts are more important than your health!! -Saitou

Shin: This wasn't sent to you, was it?

Shin: And those editors are seriously brutal!

Shin: But I like how New Year's cards are short and concise, unlike letters.

Shin: Oh, look.

Shin: There's one from Sakamoto-san.

Gin: From Tatsuma?

Sakamoto: Last year's Taiga drama was about me.

Gin: What kind of message is that?!

Gin: He wants to fully exploit his brief surge in popularity!

Gin: You're getting another year of spot appearances in the openings and endings!

Shin: There's also one from Mutsu-san.

Mutsu: Don't bother tearing this up.

Kagura: I also received cards from the Kaientai.

Gin: Why did they send cards to each of us?!

Gin: That's so obnoxious!

Gin: They're really dying for some screen time!

Shin: Wait...

Shin: There's a card from the Kiheitai!

Gin: Huh?!

Gin: From Takasugi?!

Takasugi: Happy New Year.

Takasugi: I'll be destroying everything again this year.

Gin: No way...

Gin: He sent a New Year's card?

Gin: Isn't this more like a declaration of w*r?

Kagura: It might be a death threat.

Matako Kijima, Bansai Kawakami, Henpeita Takechi

All: The Kiheitai made an appearance in this year's Taiga drama.

Gin: You too?!

Gin: Does everybody want more screen time?!

Shin: Oh, there's one from Katsura-san.

Gin: What?

Gin: Zura gets plenty of screen time.

Katsura: I was on standby outside the entire time during the Santa episode.

Gin: Like I give a damn!

Kagura: He never had a chance to jump in since there were so many characters around.

Shin: He sent a whole bunch.

Katsura: Has Lady Kyubei taken over the role of token hardhead? {I shortened the timing on these lines so we wouldn't have the entire screen taken up with subs -laf}

Katsura: I was on standby outside the entire time during the Santa episode.

Katsura: You no longer need me with Lady Kyubei around?

Katsura: I was on standby outside the entire time during the Santa episode.

Gin: We already said that your characters don't overlap!

Katsura: I was a character in this show before Lady Kyubei was.

Gin: You're just a psychotic moron!

Gin: Man, these people aren't taking this seriously.

Gin: They make the silly Nakasaki couple look brilliant.

Shin: Gin-san, someone else got married.

Gintoki and Ayame Sakata

Sa: We got married!

Sa: Guess I'm first, Otae.

Gin: The hell is this?!

Shin: It's no use, Gin-san.

Shin: She sent a whole stack.

Gin: That bitch has really done it now!

Gin: Look at the shoddy picture!

Gin: That's somebody else's body below my face!

Kagura: Someone sent a card to congratulate you.

Ketsuno: Congratulations!

Ketsuno: Make sure you don't end up getting divorced.

Gin: Ana Ketsuno!

Gin: What has she done?!

Kagura: Looks like she sent them everywhere.


Hinowa: Happy New Year.

Hinowa: And congratulations on your marriage.

Hinowa: This news will make Tsukuyo sad.

Tsukuyo: May you be happy together!


Seita: Ever since Tsukuyo heard that Gin-san got married, she's been feeling down.

Tsukuyo: May you be happy together!


Tsukuyo: I appreciate your help last year.

Tsukuyo: Don't make your wife cry.

Tsukuyo: May you be happy together.

Shin: This is getting awkward...

Shin: It's obvious that Tsukuyo-san edited their cards.

Kagura: You also received one from the monkeys.

Doesn't he look just like Shinpachi-kun?

Kondo: Congratulations!

Kondo: I hope that our kids get to go to school together.

Shin: How many steps did that stupid gorilla skip?!

Shin: Just like me?!

Shin: It is me!

Gin: Whoa.

Gin: He also sent his everywhere.

Strawberry milk

Otsu: Thank you for all the supportapoop!

Otsu: I hope that you and the gorilla are happy together.

Shin: Otsu-chan!

shin: She's got this totally wrong!

Gin: Look.

Gin: There's one from the Yagyu household.

Kyubei: I'm going to m*rder the gorilla.

Kyubei: I'm going to m*rder the gorilla!

Kyubei: I'm going to m*rder Kondo!

Shin: Wait!

Shin: Kyubei-san's cards are the ones that need editing!

Shin: Her murderous rage is plain to see!

Kagura: Gin-chan, here's another one from Zura.

Gin: Why?!

Gin: Don't tell me that he's also lying about getting married...

Katsura: I was on standby outside the entire time during the ceremony.

Gin: The hell is he doing?!

Gin: Is he obsessed with being on standby?!

Gin: There was no ceremony!

Gin: And even if there was, it would have been too late!

Gin: Hey, let's deal with these pains in the ass later.

Gin: Start by replying to the normal people.

Shin: Do we know any normal people...?

Shin: No way!

Shin: This one's from Hijikata-san?

Gin: Whoa.

Gin: What's this about?

Hijikata: I haven't seen Kondo-san in a week.

Hijikata: Do you know anything?

Shin: W-We don't know anything, right?

Gin: We know nothing at all.

Gin: No clue at all.

Shin: L-Let's move on.

Shin: Ah!

Shin: This is from Zenzo-san.

Zenzo: I need to talk with Sarutobi about a job,

Zenzo: but I haven't been able to reach her for a week.

Zenzo: Have you seen her around?

Shin: The people who sent out fake wedding notices are disappearing one after another...

Gin: It's not related.

Gin: I mean, look at this.

Hatsu Hasegawa

Hatsu: I can't reach my husband.

Hatsu: I found some of my husband's belongings by the river.

Hatsu: Do you know anything?

Gin: Yeah?

Gin: Hasegawa-san's missing and he wasn't involved in that crap.

Gin: It's okay.

Shin: It's not okay!

Shin: He's missing for a completely different reason!

Shin: I have a really bad feeling about this.

Shin: Hasegawa-san aside,

Shin: the other two must have gotten into some kind New-Year-card-related trouble.

Gin: It's not related.

Kagura: Oh, there's one from the boss lady.

Otae: I am unable to wish you a happy new year in this time of mourning.

Otae: In December, our pet gorilla and bitch passed away.

Otae: This year will be...

Gin: You had pets?

Shin: We did.

Kagura: I've never seen them before.

Gin: There was that "I'm first, Otae" message.

Gin: That must have pissed her off.

Shin: P-Please don't tell anyone.

Gin: Well, it's not exactly a secret.

Okita: I haven't seen Kondo-san in a week.

Okita: Do you know anything about someone's older sister k*lling him?

Shin: How many older sisters are there in this show?!

Gin: And look, there's one from Yamazaki.

Shin: What?!

Shin: Yamazaki-san?!

Yamazaki: Anpan! Anpan! Anpan!

Shin: What the hell happened to Yamazaki-san?!

Kagura: Gin-chan, there's a really weird New Year's card.

Kagura: From Gondo.

Gin: Where the hell is Gondo?

Gin: Do we know anyone there?

Kagura: It's from someone called Mamyudapao.

Gin: I'm % positive that we don't know this person!

Gin: I'm % positive that this is a complete stranger!

Kagura: Let me read it.

Madao: My name is Mamudapao Hasegawa.

Gin: It's just Hasegawa-san!

Gin: How far did the river carry him?!

Madao: When I came to this place,

Madao: I could only remember the words Hasegawa and oldsocks.

Gin: You've got it wrong!

Gin: It's orthodox!

Madao: Mamudapao was the name given to me by the Hingromaxon chief who found me.

Madao: It means floating log,

Madao: drifter,

Madao: freeter,

Madao: Nintendo,

Madao: and sinking old man.

Gin: There are too many meanings!

Gin: The last one contradicts the first one!

Madao: Mamudapao.

Madao: Everyone calls me Madao for short.

Gin: So they still call you Madao in the end!

Madao: The people of the Hingromaxon tribe are very kind.

Madao: They were willing to share their fruit with a complete stranger.

Gin: They clearly hate you!

Madao: I had no memories, but I was...

Madao: ...satisfied with my life here.

Gin: This man is the definition of a masochist!

Madao: I had a mission before I lost my memories.

Madao: But I can't remember what it was.

Madao: When I washed ashore, I was holding a piece of paper with some strange characters.

Madao: Will they help unlock my memories?

Madao: I showed the piece of paper to the chief,

Madao: and he said that he'd seen something similar before.

Madao: The Hingromaxon were engaged in a turf w*r with two other tribes.

Madao: He'd seen the other chiefs with similar pieces of paper.

Chief: They are also Madao, Mamudapao who came ashore from a different world like you.

Chief: They used their fearsome strength to rise to power

Chief: and began to invade our sacred forest.

Chief: They are monsters.

Chief: Our tribe stands no chance against them.

Chief: But Madao,

Chief: since you also came from a different world...

Madao: I may die.

Madao: But if I choose to live without fulfilling my duty,

Madao: I might as well be dead!

Sa: Move it!

Sa: Outta the way!

Kondo: Don't interfere with our crusade!

Madao: Stop this pointless w*r.

Madao: We are all children of this planet.

Madao: One big family.

Sa: Don't lump me in with you wretches!

Kondo: Our tribe is meant to rule the sacred forest!

Madao: No.

Madao: I'm sure that we share the same purpose.

Kondo: That's...

Kondo: I've always wondered who I was...

Sa: Wondered what I was meant to do...

Kondo: For a very long time...

Sa: Ever since I was wrapped up in a mat and washed away...

All: I always thought I was alone...

Madao: The next thing I knew, the three of us were holding each other in tears.

Madao: And without a word, we each took out our pieces of paper.

Madao: They were completely different and couldn't be pieced together,

Madao: but our fragmented memories were united.

A: Chief, what about the crusade?

Kondo: I don't have time for that nonsense.

B: What are you going to do then?

Sa: That should be obvious.

Madao: Let's write a New Year's card together.

All: Happy New Year!

All: We have new members in the family!

Shin: Gin-san, there's also this...

Katsura: I was on standby on a raft to Gondo,

Kotaro Katsura

Katsura: but I ended up in Rhone.

Kagura: Gin-chan, how should we respond?

The Gintama anime wasn't able to ride the Ryomaden wave.

Gin: Make copies of this to send to everyone.

Gin: "I only received one chocolate this year. From my mom..."

Gin: "I win. I got two. Including my sister..."

Gin: If anyone out there starts gloating the day after Valentine's,

Gin: starting next year, execute 'em.

Gin: That joke is as old as chocolate and moms.

Gin: Cut the crap.

Gin: Don't put on airs by joking around to show that you don't care!

Gin: I'm sick of it!

Gin: The practice of passing chocolate around like idiots!

Gin: Enough of this farce!

Gin: Starting next year,

Gin: execute every single person who gives or receives chocolate!

Gin: Is that your final answer?

Shin: That's my final answer!

Gin: Final answer, my ass!

Gin: Somebody bring me some chocolate!

Gin: This makes no sense at all!

Gin: Everything was the same as the first half!

Gin: There was a stack of New Year's cards after the scene change!

Gin: So why isn't there any chocolate here?!

Gin: I want chocolate!

Gin: No need for love!

Gin: Just give me sugar!

Shin: I want love and that's my final answer!

Shin: Wait, can I ask the audience?

Gin: You can spend the rest of your life on the phone with Regis.

Otae: Sorry about making you come with me.

Kagura: I've heard that Valentine's is when girls give chocolate to the people they like.

Kagura: Does that mean you like a whole bunch of people?

Otae: These are just for passing out to our customers.

Otae: As for the people I like...

Otae: Here.

Kagura: Boss lady!

Kagura: I love you lots!

Kagura: But I don't have any chocolate for you.

Otae: It's okay.

Otae: You should find a nice man to give your chocolate to.

Kagura: But there's nobody.

Otae: You could give chocolate to Gin-san and Shin-chan this time.

Kagura: What? Forget it.

Kagura: I don't really like those morons.

Kagura: They'll probably gripe about not wanting any chocolate from a little brat.

Otae: That's not true.

Otae: I'm sure they'll be surprised, even thrilled, if you give them chocolate.

Kagura: They don't need me when people like Sa-chan will give them some.

Kagura: Thanks for the chocolate.

Otae: Ah, Kagura-chan.

Gin: Hey, why are you so fidgety, Kagura?

Kagura: I-I'm not!

Gin: Don't tell me that...

Gin: ...you need to poop?

Gin: Move it then.

Gin: Constipation is bad for beauty.

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Seita: Ka-Kagura-chan!

Seita: Is this what I think it is?!

Kagura: Chocolate.

Seita: R-Really?!

Seita: Mom!

Seita: She gave me chocolate!

Hinowa: Thank you for being so thoughtful.

Kagura: It's nothing.

Seita: This doesn't have boogers or anything inside, right?

Seita: It's safe to eat?

Kagura: It's obviously safe. Want me to k*ll you?

Hinowa: You're much more chic than I thought.

Hinowa: You have the potential to become a courtesan.

Kagura: Really?

Kagura: Then I should quit working at that dump and move here.

Seita: Hey, can I eat this?

Seita: I see sesame seeds for some reason.

Tsukuyo: Don't touch those.

Tsukuyo: Boogers can make you sick.

Kagura: Enough already!

Kagura: Do you people think I'm some kind of monster?!

Tsukuyo: Hinowa, I'm heading out for a bit.

Kagura: Hey, wait!

Kagura: Give that back!

Tsukuyo: Excuse me.

Tsukuyo: I'd like to buy that big chocolate heart.

Man: Sure thing.

Kagura: Hey, what are you doing, Tsu-ki?

Tsukuyo: Hinowa actually told me to give you guys chocolate from Yoshiwara.

Tsukuyo: Can you take care of that for me?

Tsukuyo: It'll be easier for you to hand yours over with mine.

Kagura: Tsu-ki!

Kagura: You're so sharp!

Kagura: Completely different from that clueless numbskull with wavy hair!

Kagura: But, I'd really appreciate it if you would come with me.

Tsukuyo: I-I can't help you there.

Kagura: Why? You also think it's embarrassing?

Tsukuyo: Wh-Why would I be embarrassed?!

Tsukuyo: I don't give a damn about Valentine's.

Tsukuyo: I only bought this chocolate because I was ordered to, not because I wanted to...

Kagura: You look embarrassed.

Man: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Kagura: Well, I understand.

Kagura: I'll let them know how you feel.

From Tsu-ki with love

To Odd Jobs

Tsukuyo: What do you think you're doing?!

Man: Well, she kept calling you Tsu-ki,

Man: so I decided to add a little something special.

Tsukuyo: You're not helping!

Tsukuyo: Say that it's from everyone in Yoshiwara!

Man: I apologize.

Man: I'll get that fixed real quick,

Man: so please wait, Tsu-ki.

Tsukuyo: Why are you calling me Tsu-ki?!

Tsukuyo: Hey, I'm starting to get worried,

Tsukuyo: so mind if I tag along?

Kagura: Yay!

Woman: Um, would you like to try some while you're waiting?

Tsukuyo: Man, everybody loves to make assumptions.

Kagura: That looks good.

Kagura: Can I try one?

Woman: Sorry.

Woman: These are whiskey bonbons,

Woman: and you're still too young.

Gin: We're not interested in a newspaper subscription.

Tsukuyo: Excuse me, is Gintoki-kun here?

Tsukuyo: Gosh, I went and opened my mouth!

Tsukuyo: Oh, dear.

Tsukuyo: My heart is pounding...

Tsukuyo: This is too much for me.

Tsukuyo: It's too embarrassing...

Tsukuyo: In your dreams, sucker!

Sa: You want us to hand over our chocolate together?

Kagura: Yeah, I've tried a couple times and failed.

Sa: Don't be a fool?

Sa: Why would we confess our feelings as a group?

Sa: Are we still in middle school?

Kagura: We're just going to give them chocolate.

Kagura: But I'm having trouble because it's so embarrassing.

Kagura: I need help from an insensitive woman like you.

Sa: I've never been so insulted while being asked for a favor.

Sa: Besides!

Sa: Tsu-ki, how could you let this happen?

Sa: Is that the power of th place?

Sa: Is that what it takes to place th?

Tsukuyo: You're still upset about that?

Sa: I would never choose to help a rival,

Sa: but you girls are so pathetic that there's no threat at all.

Sa: First, strip naked and coat yourself in this chocolate.

Sa: That's where it all begins.

Tsukuyo: That's where it all begins?

Tsukuyo: More like that's where it all ends.

Sa: Lose the innocent girl act!

Sa: Don't you realize that I'm telling you to stop feeling ashamed?!

Tsukuyo: I'm willing to stop feeling ashamed,

Tsukuyo: but I won't stop behaving like a proper human being.

Sa: What?!

Sa: Don't you know that Cleopatra got naked

Sa: and lotioned herself up inside a rolled-up rug for the sake of seducing the king?!

Tsukuyo: We aren't trying to seduce anyone!

Tsukuyo: We just want to give them chocolate!

Sa: Fine.

Sa: We'll do this the normal way.

Sa: Honestly, you're so dull.

Sa: Then I'll press the doorbell...

Sa: Um...

Sa: Why are you lined up behind me?

Sa: How shy are you?!

Sa: Can you stop that?!

Sa: You're making me nervous!

Sa: I'm going to press the doorbell now.

Sa: Are you ready?

Kagura: Sa-chan!

Tsukuyo: Hey! What was that?!

Sa: Actually...

Sa: Now that I think about it...

Sa: I've never tried doing it the normal way,

Sa: so I don't know what to say.

Tsukuyo: Didn't you just lecture me about Cleopatra?!

Sa: Sorry! I can't do it!

Sa: You go, Tsu-ki!

Sa: I feel so embarrassed!

Tsukuyo: It's too late for that now!

Tsukuyo: Kagura, you go.

Tsukuyo: Isn't this your home?

Kagura: Hey!

Kagura: Why do you think I brought you with me?!

Shin: Where did Kagura-chan go?

Gin: She ran off somewhere to take a dump.

Gin: Huh?

Gin: Wasn't there someone here?

Shin: No, nobody's here.

Shin: Was this can here earlier?

Shin: Whatever.

Tsukuyo: Um, I'd appreciate it if you left this in front of Odd Jobs when you get a chance.

Tsukuyo: Sorry that I wasn't any help.

Sa: I appreciate it!

To Gin-chan and Shinpachi --Kagura

Otae: I'm sorry.

Otae: I suppose I shouldn't have said anything.

Kagura: Nah.

Kagura: It was fun to do girly stuff with them.

Kagura: Though it's not very me.

Kagura: It's better this way.

Otae: Kagura-chan...

Otae: You could have asked me to come along.

Otae: I have some extra chocolate for them.

Otae: But if you aren't going to give them yours, I won't either.

Kagura: It's okay.

Kagura: I'll give them yours with the other ones.

Otae: But what about you?

Kagura: It's okay.

Kagura: I don't need to use chocolate

Kagura: to show off my planet-sized love!

Kagura: Right?

Otae: That's right.

A: Counting the ones that don't count, I got three...

Gin: We didn't get a single one this year.

Shin: That's my final answer.

Kagura: There were three outside the door.

Kagura: Isn't that nice?

Shin: Huh?! What?!

Shin: No way!

Shin: From who?!

Shin: For who?!

Sugar Content

Gin: Get your grubby paws off them!

Gin: They're obviously for me!

For Gin-san and Four-Eyes

From Kagura

From Kagura with love

To Gintoki and Shinpachi

I love Gin-chan and Shinpachi Kagura

Gin: Shinpachi...

Gin: We got four this year.

Shin: That's my final answer.

The Heart Comes Before Chocolate

Next Episode

Meals Should Be Balanced

Yamazaki: Sorry about the confusion.

Yamazaki: After next week, you'll finally understand all the fuss about anpan.
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