04x24 - So in the Second Season of Prison Break, They've Already Broken Out of Prison, But the Name Works Once You Realize That Society Is a Prison

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x24 - So in the Second Season of Prison Break, They've Already Broken Out of Prison, But the Name Works Once You Realize That Society Is a Prison

Post by bunniefuu »

We're all adults here.

You should understand, yeah? Bad things happen when you don't pay your debts.

Yeah, Hasegawa-san? Mr.

Odd Jobs You realize that the deadline's already passed.

Well, yeah Hello? Yes.


You're fine with what we're doing? So we'll go with the plan Go fish up some tuna.

["Are There Still People Who Go To The Ocean And Yell Out 'Bakayaro'?"]

Oh, you guys were also in debt.

No, no, no.

We weren't desperate the way you were.

We're here on a job.

We're doing someone a favor.

Don't lie! You're in the exact same situation as I am! We're not! It may look similar, but it's not! How?! We have a different purpose! The exact same reason Same difference! It's hot Hey, pipsqueaks.

Cut the griping.

What do you want, Anna's papa? No, he's one of them.

Now listen up.

It doesn't matter why you're here.

Everybody is equal on this ship.

We'll be out at sea for three months.

Hard labor every day.

Impossible for ordinary humans to bear.

So what do we There's only one way.

Don't worry.

It's very simple.

You just have to become men of the sea.

I'll show you how it's done.

That sucker's a real tough one! Yeah, just like that.

It's actually possible to fish up tuna.


It's easy if we just have to shout.

Real Japanese eat ochazuke! I did it! Now I can have all the ochazuke I want! Salmon A salmon People say that fishing is about patience, but they're wrong.

It's about guts.

Guts? Give it a try if you want to become a man of the sea.


I'll make it to the top one day! A perfect size for Shinpachi.

I'll give it a try too.

Hatsu! Come back to me! Well, this would count as being a dead fish in bed Hey, big guy.

It doesn't matter I'm just a Madao.

You idiot! Don't give up so easily! Life is like fishing! You can't give up after one or two failures No, I've failed at least seven or eight times in a row Then try another hundred or thousand times! If you give up, it's all over! C-Captain And you have your friends.

Gin-san! Everyone! It's no big deal.

I'm gonna do this! I'll catch every fish in the damn ocean! Let's get to it! We'll return triumphantly with a big catch in tow! Gin-san! You rule! That was when the men were united.

They grew tougher and bolder with each passing day.

They transformed into true men of the sea.

And time marched on Gin-san, we did it.

Yeah, it's a fine haul.

Uh, isn't there something wrong here? As you'd expect from the CEO of a big company.

A hefty reward for hushing up an affair.

One, two, three Okay, we'll splurge on some Korean BBQ tonight.

Really? At JoJo-en? You want me to hang myself? We're obviously picking one with a buffet.

Kagura-chan will eat a whole cow if you take her out for Korean BBQ.

I don't mind if it's cheap.

Where are we going? There was a place that also had all-you-can-eat ice cream.

That place.

The place where you can make your own soft-serve? That place is nice.

You know, even though I'm all grown up, I still get excited when ice cream sh**t out of the machine.

I wonder how that works.

I get more excited about the stuff that sh**t out on your rice.

Don't ruin my dreams.

Kids should keep quiet.

This conversation has made me really hungry.

Sorry about that.

No problem.

Which floor? Ah, the first floor.

That's right.

We had to work early so we didn't eat breakfast.

I can't wait to fill up my belly with cow liver.

I'm more interested in cow tongue.

Add some lemon juice and chow down with some rice.

Sounds wonderful.

You're drooling.

Isn't this taking too long? The building's pretty tall.

I wish it'd hurry up.

My stomach and back are glaring at each other.

Gin-san, isn't this too long though? Like Tower of Druaga length? And it looks like we're stuck on the 14th floor.

No big deal.

There's probably a huge gap between the 14th and 13th floors.

I see.

Uh, there shouldn't be a building like that.

There shouldn't.

I've never heard of a building with an especially big 14th floor.

And Gin-san, quite frankly This elevator hasn't been moving? The buttons aren't responding.

The door won't open.

Gin-san, is this Does this mean We're trapped? On an elevator? ["When a Person Is Trapped, Their Inner Door Opens"]

This sucks! It had to happen when I'm starving! Somebody save us! Help! Help me! Hold on.

Calm down.

Don't make such a fuss, stupid.

You should be used to this kind of thing.

Don't lose your cool.

It's pathetic.

But! What if we can't get out?! I'll starve to death! That won't happen.

Elevators have an emergency button for these situations.

There really is one! Once we press this, the building manager will know something is wrong and come help us.

What the hell was that?! I said to press the emergency button! Not to k*ll it! What are we going to do?! The entire control panel is busted! Sorry, I used too much force.

Sorry isn't gonna cut it! How are we going to call for help?! C-Calm down It'll be fine.

Just fine.

Even if the emergency button doesn't work, somebody in the building should notice the problem.

You people shouldn't panic.

You need to be calm during these situations.

Uh, excuse me Everyone at this company leaves work by five.

There shouldn't be anyone left at this time.

Oh, is that so? But a company this big should have security guards on patrol There's no need to worry.


Mikoshiba Uh, excuse me.

I would be the security guard.

Somebody save us! Help! Help me! And he ends up being the one that panics.

Hey, man! If you're the security guard, you should do something about this situation! And why are you riding the elevator?! Shouldn't you be prepared for the unexpected? I-I'm sorry.

My stomach was full after eating my bento on the roof so I didn't want to move But everybody will come to work tomorrow.

Tomorrow?! I haven't eaten anything today! I can't wait that long! And Gin-san Isn't tomorrow the start of a three-day weekend? There was a huge fuss about JUMP coming out on Saturday this week.

Th-Three-day weekend? H-Hold on.

That means there's a chance that nobody will come to this building for four days? But we always have people working on holidays, so I'm sure it'll be fine.

How can you be sure?! Stop your stupid It's no use.

I'm so hungry that I don't have the energy to get angry.

I was supposed to be enjoying spare ribs and cow liver Why did this happen? A-Anyway We have no choice but to wait for help to come.

And I'm sure there are people working overtime.

Cheer up.

I'm sure someone will notice us.

Someone will come save us.

So we have to hang in there.

How much time has passed? Isn't any help going to come? Uh, why don't we talk about something? It's pretty smothering in this small elevator if we sit in silence.


We should get some fresh air.

We can't get any fresh air.

Since the four of us are stuck in this small box forever, breathing the same air that gets worse and worse.

Uh, could we avoid any negative topics? Is it just me or are we running out of air? It's hard to breathe.

Are we going to run out of air and die before any help comes? Are we going to suffocate to death? Uh, Kagura-chan Don't be stupid.

There won't be any help.

Stop that.

Hey Gin-san? We're going to rot to death in here without anyone noticing.


I said to stop that! Stop being negative.

It's not like you.

This is the time to think happy thoughts.

Get a grip! Right, Mikoshiba-san? Can you think of a fun topic? Fun topic? Oh, that's right.

Mikoshiba-san, how long have you been working here? A little over three years, I think.

Oh, so you just switched jobs recently.

No, not exactly I began working at night three years ago.

I'm a salaryman during the day.

Oh? That sounds rough.

You don't get any time to rest.

Yes Well, it is pretty rough.

Well, there's a house involved Oh, you're saving up money to buy a house.

I see.

The father is fired up to own a house.

That's so cool.

No, uh The house was the one on fire It happened when there were still loans on the house.

So I'm working to pay those off Oh I I see Sorry about that.

No, it's okay sh**t! Instead of lightening the mood with a happy conversation, I made it worse by asking the wrong question! It's no good! You shouldn't pry into other people's past! Let's change the subject! That's right! What does everyone want to do once we get out of here? I'm all for Korean BBQ.

I'm sure it'll taste marvelous on an empty stomach.

Hunger is the best spice.

When you look at it that way, this situation is merely preparing us to eat Korean BBQ.

Ah, that's a wonderful way to look at it.

That makes this feel less painful.

Right? Ah, why don't you join us for Korean BBQ, Mikoshiba-san? We must have been brought together for a reason.

I'll pass I never want to see a lit stove again We went from Korean BBQ to fire! This is bad! I hit another sore subject! If only we hadn't done Korean BBQ on the lawn [Note: Parody of Gyu-kaku, a popular Korean BBQ chain in the US and Japan.


That's why I said we should go to Ushi-kaku.

Uh I'm really sorry.

No, it's okay.

The mood! It's getting gloomier in here! I have to do something! Th-That's it So you don't really like Korean BBQ, huh? Is there some other food you really enjoy? A food I enjoy? The bento my wife made for me, I suppose.

Ah, you said you were eating one just now.

A bento from your loving wife? N-No Come on.

You're making me burn up with envy.

Yes, it all burned up.


My wife My house Everything I cared about That wasn't what I meant! This is bad! This person keeps dragging the conversation back to that point! Uh, sorry That wasn't what I meant I'm sorry.

Hey! The mood in here is terrible! What do I do?! I understand.

It's okay.

It was all my fault.

I'm a terrible security guard.

I couldn't even protect my wife You don't have to worry about it.

You'll be going to see your wife soon enough.

You're right The pessimism is spreading! I-It's suffocating The suffocating pressure in this enclosed space If I don't say something, I'll go insane! A simple conversation won't be enough to get rid of this heavy mood.

I'll have to do something more direct! Uh Why don't we play a game? Huh? What's with you? Just leave us alone.

It'd be a waste of time to sit around while we wait for help.

There isn't any help coming.

I'm looking back at my life.

Can't you quiet down? You can't let yourself be absorbed by this negative atmosphere! Help will surely come! Until then, we have to help and encourage one another! It's a little old, but let's play Magical Banana! We'll make a word chain with positive things to lighten the mood! Got it? Let's go! Okay! Hey, what's wrong with this guy? Why is he so psyched up? He must have been sent by Bando.

Hand over some boiled eggs.

Okay! Magical Banana! Bananas remind me of yellow! Okay! Yellow reminds me of bananas.

Okay! Bananas remind me of yellow.

Okay! Yellow reminds me of the flames on that day Uh, h-hold on a sec.

"The flames on that day" doesn't really mean anything to us Oh, sorry about that The image is burned into my mind Sorry.

Can we try to be positive here? Forget about the past.

Yes And don't do a half-assed job by repeating the same two words.

You can't use anything that's already been used once.

Got it? Let's try this one more time.

Then we'll use the word "flames" from what he said.

Okay! Magical Banana! Flames remind me of bright! Okay! Bright reminds me of light.

Okay! Light reminds me of what we'll never see again.

Okay! What we'll never see again reminds me of my family on that day F-Family reminds me of a happy circle! Okay! A happy circle, but everybody dies alone.

Death reminds me of goodbyes.

Goodbye would be what I wasn't able to say on that day Forget it! How negative are you people?! Give me a break, damn it! I've never heard of such a sad game of Magical Banana! I keep trying to lighten the mood and you just drag it back down! And how many times do I have to tell you to forget about that day?! I'm sorry I understand that it's hard! But you won't be able to move on if you keep looking back! We can't even get through a round of Magical Banana! Yes.

I won't even insist on being positive now.

Just go with the flow and say the first thing that comes to mind! We're still doing this? Just give it up Shut up! Going with the flow should help us relax! Mikoshiba-san! There won't be any problems this time, right?! Yes! I'll forget about what happened on that day! I'll put it behind me! Good! Let's go then! Okay! Magical Banana! Bananas are long! Okay! Long reminds me of straws.

Okay! Straws remind me of plastic.

Okay! Plastic reminds me of my wife.

Hold it right there! What did you just say?! What do you mean, plastic reminds you of your wife?! Well, my wife burned up at an unreal speed.

That was when I realized she was plastic Dude! That was just a b***-up doll! You're gonna have a fire if you leave one by a stove! Way to make the air in this room so heavy, you sick security guard! Since you have to use air to blow it up That wasn't clever! Shinpachi! You idiot.

This is what you get for yelling in a room with no air.

Hang in there, Shinpachi! That's good The two of you are back to normal Did Magical Banana do the trick? Guess not.

Besides, it'd be wrong for Gin-san and Kagura-chan to sit and wait for help if they got injured on the street.

That's not how you're meant to be.

W-Wait, what are you people doing? What is the meaning of this? Let's go have some Korean BBQ.

If a friend is hurt, you'll make your own path if that's what it takes to get him home.

That's how you people are.

Wait! It's impossible to leave on your own! It's too dangerous! Shinpachi! It's only a little longer so hang in there! Hey! You listening to me?! Are you even conscious?! Hey! Hey! I don't have a choice Magical Banana! Bananas are a fruit with no equal! Can't forget about Odd Jobs when talking about having no equal.

And what does Odd Jobs reminds you of? The best.

The best would be Kagura-chan! Kagura-chan would be the worst! The worst would be Catherine Catherine reminds me of cat ears! Can I make my own path? Sorry for the long wait.

We're here to help.

Huh? No! No! No! No! The next episode "People Of All Ages Hate The Dentist!" [Gintoki, lover of alcohol and sweets, is destined to have a cavity.


[An unheard method of treatment is provided at the suspicious-sounding Buddha dental clinic.


[See you next time.

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