03x34 - Gin And His Excellency's Good-For-Nothings

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x34 - Gin And His Excellency's Good-For-Nothings

Post by bunniefuu »

[Buwahahaha, a request from your Excellency.

Turn on the room lights and keep your distance from the TV when watching the show.


Why? Why must this happen to me? Did I do something wrong? I'm forced to work in some inn for Stands.

I'm told I'm useless and I'm tired, but I can't sleep because of them playing UNO every single night.

If that weren't bad enough, I've been living on rice crackers and peanuts! I can't take it anymore.

I can't stay quiet.

I'm going to do it.

"His Excellency" and crap don't matter anymore.

I'm going to crush this hot spring inn! Brief Trio, you've double-crossed me If you want to defeat me, you need the help of the most powerful Stand.

But that's impossible.

There isn't anyone in Senbokyo who will help you.

I'm going to have you work here until you die.

The most powerful Stand.

The most powerful ally.

Such a person Huh? What are you doing here? Are you awake? You stink.

What is that smell? They're in front of me! Stay in here for a while to cool down, Rei.

I can't believe what you did.

I never thought you'd double-cross me.

I didn't double-cross you.

Don't get carried away! Who do you think made you stay here? I wasn't working here because I wanted to.

Okami, you're the one who started all of this Hush! We've been together for a long time, so you're getting off easily.

Otherwise, I would have k*lled you off and your little soul, too! You should be thankful I had mercy on you! This is wrong.

What? I said, this is wrong.

You used to be Cut it out now.

If you don't, I won't be able to forgive you.

Okami, you and this place have changed.

Nothing has changed.

In fact, we purposely tried not to change.

It's useless! Even if you confine me in here, you can't stop him! Gin Gin will do something to save this inn! [Seal]

Sorry to say this, Rei he's become a pet dog without fangs.

["Gin and His Excellency's Good-for-nothings.


[Banquet Hall]

Way to go, Taishogun! It's as if you were drinking in the whole country! We admire you! Hey! Bring more sake! We need more! Lord Ieyasu, have another shot.

Thank you, but have some yourself, Sir Nobunaga.

Let me pour some for you.

No, I'll pour more for you.

No, no.

Let me do it.

Hey, bring more food and sake! Boy, we're so busy.


We need all the help we can get.

How're my young people doing? Have they've been somewhat helpful? I did ask you to send a lively guy.

But I don't remember asking for a mad dog that bites its owner, Otose.

Oh, is he a little wilder than you expected? But I thought you needed a bulldog, not a calm little lap dog.


But he continually bit me severely.

So, I'll only pay you half of the referral fee.

That's not the way I remember it! That's your fault! Although we were shorthanded, I sent them all to you.

You need to pay as we agreed.

You sent me a defective worker, and I disciplined him.

I'd say you should pay me instead.

"Disciplined him?" Right! I punished him a bit, and then he became completely obedient.

He seems to like my place.

And he said he didn't want to go back to you.

What should I do? Wait.

I told you that you could have them for only ten days.

But that's what he wants.

I can't do anything about it.

Oiwa, have you fallen for him? Otose, I can't hide anything from you, can I? Where did you find that man? He's allied himself with my most trusted worker in a short period.

And then he plotted to revolt against me.

No ordinary man can achieve such a thing.

Right now he's a useless good-for-nothing.

But with a bit of training, he'll become a fearsome monster.

I can't think of anyone better to take over for me.

Otose Back then, you stole away your husband-to-be.

But this time, I get to take the man.

He's my dog now.

That man will have to work the rest of his life in this inn.

That helps me.

As long as you send the woman and child back to me, it's fine.

You can do whatever you want to him.

If I can get rid of that lousy slacker who doesn't pay his rent, then there's nothing happier than this.

But let me point out one thing.

That man is fierce.

I already disciplined him.

Even if he wanted to bite me, he doesn't have fangs anymore.

Oiwa, it doesn't matter how many fangs you broke.

You can discipline a beast, but he's not just a beast.

He's worse.

He's a wild animal.

Okami! Gin broke out of the punishment room and escaped! That's what I told you.

You'd better be careful.

Find him! It would have been impossible for him to go down the mountain! He must be somewhere in this inn! Look everywhere! Gin, how did he manage to slip out of the punishment room?! I trapped Rei in the spell bind cell.

And the others are supposed to be possessed by Stands, playing UNO.

He couldn't have had any help.

So how did he do it?! This is Don't tell me Oh, here we go, here, here.

Here we go, here, here! This is Why are they here?! They're supposed to be possessed by Stands, playing UNO! No, they're Stands?! It can't be! How could they be Stands when they're not even dead?! Can it be, that they helped Gin?! They're living ghosts.

Being possessed by a Stand means to have a foreign spirit enter your body.

And because of it, their original Stands rejected themselves from the body, escaping as living ghosts.


Even if this place is one of the foremost spiritual sites in Japan, that can't be the only reason for them to become Stands.

Don't tell me, they went out of their way to become Stands because they wanted to help him?! It can't be! Oh, how fun this is! This is the most fun party I've ever been to since I was born.

What are you talking about? It's not since you were born.

Don't you mean since you've died? sh**t, you're right! What?! Lord Ieyasu has disappeared! And the other guests are disappearing! It can't be! That man found out how to defeat the Stands?! That's right.

You don't defeat Stands by holding them down by physical force, or to trick them by using your head.

Defeating Stands means sending them to heaven.

The Stands wander this world because of their regrets.

Only when they feel satisfied and happy can they go into heaven.


You don't need muscle and intelligence to defeat Stands.

All you need is [Sympathy]



sympathy, consideration or kindness.

The kind of things you learn in class become the ultimate weapons! [Ask not until we have won the w*r.


Everyone! I won't forget any of you after you enter the afterlife! May you rest in peace! I'm going to sing a song.

"A Thousand Winds" [A Thousand Winds]

[Performed by Gintoki Sakata]

Do not stand at my grave [Do not stand at my grave]

and weep, [and weep,]

I am not [I am not there,]

not sleep [I do not sleep.


Ahh! My guests are going to heaven! I am a thousand winds Stop them! Somebody! Stop them! [I am a thousand winds that blow.


Brief Trio, go stop them! Or else all of our guests will disappear! Please wait! Sir Mitsuhide has already made a stairway to heaven! that blow, What the hell are you doing?! Come on, Mitsuhide! Stop! Stop feeding me those heartwarming words.

Or I'm gonna come I'm gonna come Just go now! I am a thousand winds Damn it! Where did they go? I hear "A Thousand Winds" from all sides.

I don't think I can hold it anymore.

Sir Mitsuhide, think of when I k*lled you! You hate me don't you? You hate me! Sorry, but I have something to tell you before I go.

Will you listen to me? My lord, I'm sorry about Hononji Temple.

Stop! sh**t! Stop saying, "I have something to say before I go!" Oh shit, oh shit! I'm close to tears.

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?! My lord! Hold on! Hideyoshi! I have one thing to say before I go.

Stop! Stop! I don't want to hear it! I don't! Please return "Armageddon" to the Tsutaya video rental store for me.

Apologize! Say you're sorry for calling me a monkey! Sir Mitsuhide! Sir Mitsuhide went to heaven from hearing "Armageddon"! What's going on?! Hey! Oh, I'm sorry.

I've confused you with Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Ahh! Jean-Claude Van Damme! He's so cool! Calm down, monkey! You don't look like him at all! You're completely Asian! No, not you.

I was referring to you, Mr.


Ahh! He's awesome! Jean-Claude! My lord! Please calm down.

I'm Jean-Claude! Kagura, that's enough.

Let's go.

Should I finish it? Oh? You looked like a really simple guy at first glance, but you're much better looking without glasses.

Arghhh! Shin! They got me! They got me, but I feel kinda happy! I did it! Good job, my lord! Ahhh! Don't say good job! M-M-My lord! No! Hold on! That's enough! It's over! Hey! Let's go.

Oh? Did anyone ever tell you that you looked like a celebrity? Um, who was it? Mi Ito Wow, sis, his words didn't move you a bit! Why should they? It's the truth.

I am a thousand It's useless.

It won't work on my husband.

Is that so? Actually to tell you the truth, except for the main bars, I only vaguely know this song.

You sure have done it.

Just what I'd expect from the man I've set my sight on.

But you did a bit too much.


What's wrong with sending dead people to heaven? Dead people go to the afterlife.

It's their natural providence.

Yet you keep them here for no reason.

What do you want to do with them, anyway, old hag? I don't know what the deal is here, but let's stop licking on each other's wounds.

I'll send all of you to the afterlife.

Let's just see who will be sent to the afterlife.

Gin, I'll show you what a real Stand user is in the worst way possible! The most powerful Stand, Tagosaku, has finally shown up! I can feel it even before the battle! This evil aura I feel He's totally different from the other Stands! I mean, I see something like "Gogogogo"! That's the same "Gogogogo" I see in that manga, right? Yes My husband is not just any Stand.

You can't just sing and send him to heaven like everyone else.

He's completely different from other Stands.

Because he has an obsession with this world? Or a grudge? No, it's because of the bond between two people.

For example, a lawyer and defendant, a coach and player, or Guncannon and Gundam, or Tonkatsu and cabbage, or Mana and Kana! Hey! The last couple of examples fall short, don't they?! Humph.

It means our bond is something that cannot be severed so easily.

Keep that kind of sappy talk to yourself, you old hag! What? Don't you have a sweetheart? How pathetic! Oh, leave me alone, you bitch! I Don't take your time if you don't have any! Shut up! Don't make me miserable! I tend to drag stuff like this out! It really hurts me, you know! Anyway, it'll be over soon.

No matter when or what it is, Tagosaku will protect me.

Ever since that time Yes He has always protected me.

Always Is she taking the Stand into her own body? You have it all wrong.

A Stand user is not just about controlling the Stands as you command.

Being able to take in the Stand within your own body, yet still retaining your own consciousness, and controlling that immense power.

That's a true Stand user.

Gin, can you possibly do this? The old lady's body is transforming into someone else.

This isa true Stand user?! But you're just His Excellency! I'll turn you into a wax dummy, too! D-Don't underestimate me, you old hag! Is that it? We're just getting started here.

Don't tell me you're down already.

Just as I thought, you still have the energy left to move around.

So, this will be the final blow! Even this isn't enough to atone your sins for wrecking my inn! An ignorant brat like you talking like you know it all! It's providence that a dead person goes to the next world.

Yes, that's right! But not everyone can go to heaven.

Some people can't go there! There're people who can't stop thinking about this world.

Or there're people who have deep scars that have yet to heal.

This is the only place for people like them! You You have no right to take it from them! If that's true, you don't have the right to keep them here, either, do you? What keeps them here is not their failure to go to heaven.

Okami, it's because of you! N-No way.

It can't be! This is This is You old, dirty hag! [Tou (Sugar)]

I'll make sugar candy out of you! [To be continued]

[His Excellency VS His Excellency]

[Final Round!!]

Buwahahaha!! The next episode: "Be Careful When Using Ghost Stories" [On the morning of our Shinto purification, an unanticipated situation has occurred.


[If we knew this was going to happen, we should've gone sooner]

[See you again next time!]
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