02x49 - Play Video Games For Only An Hour A Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x49 - Play Video Games For Only An Hour A Day

Post by bunniefuu »

[A Brief Third Year, Group Z Ginpachi-sensei]

A brief Ginpachi-sensei! Umm This is a question from Coffee Lover in Tottori Prefecture.

"Good day, Sensei.

I've been wondering about this for a while.

All the characters in GinTama are based off real people from the Edo Period.

Who is Gin-san based off of?" Here's your answer.

It's Kintoki Sakata.

[Kintoki Sakata]

He's the famous Kintaro-san from folklore.

He's not from the Edo Period, but the Heian Period.

In one story, he's the son of a mountain hag and has peerless strength.

He used to wrestle bears in the folktales.

Afterwards, he became one of Minamoto no Yorimitsu's four guardians.

He is said to have defeated the demon, Shutendoji of Ooe Yama.

But Gin-san isn't a descendant of Kintaro.

He was just modeled a bit after him.

Don't be too concerned about it.

That aside, what's with that conceptual art? I look like I'm wearing an apron in the buff.

Anyway, this is completely unrelated, but Onishi of the One Piece Academy, stand in the One Piece Academy hall.

[Even though spring is near, there's a mysterious long line in such cold weather this late at night What could it be?!]

[By the way, there's a bronze statue of a Gundam in front of the Kamiigusa Station.


["Play Video Games for Only An Hour A Day"]

[The OwEe on sale!! Otaku are lining up!!]

[An undying pop star has her long-awaited first album concert]

[Infiltration!! The other side of Kabukicho]

A Holy Land for otaku, where there are rows of mega stores [Akihabara, the Holy Land]

Akihabara Tonight, there are many passionate otaku gathering in this Holy Land.

[Long lines]

There are long lines in front of the appliance shops.

[Saki Hanano - Edo, Akihabara]

It is a chilly night, but these otaku are all standing in line.

What could they be after? It is the new game console, the Bentendo OwEe! [Note: Parody of Nintendo Wii.


It is about to go on sale.

In order to get it before everyone else A holy w*r is about to begin between passionate otaku! [A Night of Long Lines An Otaku Holy w*r!!]

[OwEe on sale, an otaku battle]

[How long have you been standing in line to buy the OwEe?]

I've been here since yesterday evening.

[Yesterday Evening]

But there were already people here before me There's always someone better than you.

[OwEe on sale, an otaku battle]

[How long have you been in line?]

I've been here since three years ago.

[For three years]

Huh? My daughter said she wanted one.

[OwEe on sale, an otaku battle]

[An older man]

[For His Daughter]

Hey, you, wanna trade places with me? I'm not interested in video games.

[OwEe on sale, an otaku battle]

[There are even women]

I'm going to sell it for a high price on an internet auction.

As you can see, all the people gathered here have many different reasons for being here.

I can't confirm this, but I have information that the OwEe will only be given to the first hundred people.

Will these people be able to get an OwEe? This is all very interesting Where is this smoke coming from? Umm, sirs Please don't start fires.

It's bothering the other customers It's cold.

Can't you let us warm up? Warm up? This is becoming a fire hazard And everyone's waiting in line.

Wow, that looks delicious.

[Note: Her rosy cheeks are a parody of Heidi from the Heidi anime.


All right, it's ready, Kagura.

[Note: He's acting like Grandpa from the Heidi anime.


N-Now's not the time for that.

Are you even listening to me? Oh? So you noticed.

There's still something missing.

What should we do with this? That looks extremely delicious!! Heidi?! Is that what Heidi ate?! Now eat.

What are they doing?! Why are they eating what Heidi ate in the middle of the line?! How annoying!! I'm annoyed, but it looks so good!! Peter!! Uhhumm [Note: He's acting like Peter from the Heidi anime.


General, I have some delicious beef jerky.

Why don't you have some with us? What?! Really? Peter, over here! Yeah! This is bad My stomach I've been trying to resist the urge to eat Grandpa, let's share this with the villagers.

It'll warm them up.

I'm sure they'll be pleased.

Oh, Kagura, what a kind girl you are.

But we cannot.

This is cheese made from the milk of the goats we raised.

Those who don't work, don't eat.

It's sad, but it's the law of the Alps.

In order to get something you must give something of equal value.

For example, trading places in line.

Of course, it's limited to those who are in front of us.

That's so annoying! It's annoying, but it looks so good! Damn it! I can't take it anymore! We'll trade places with you.

Give me some Heidi food! Wait! That Heidi food is mine! I've been dying to eat that ever since I saw it on TV when I was little! Oh! Don't disrupt the line!! Heidi!! Never mind that.

It's dangerous! That was easy.

We've moved twenty places ahead, but we still have a long way to go.


What's more pathetic than having to wait in line for a kid's toy? We got this job because there are people who think like that.

If you want something, then stand in line yourself.

We may be Odd Jobs but we're not servants.

Right? We got five identical requests.

Five game consoles, huh? It'll be difficult to get one in this situation.

It's the end of the world when there are this many people who'd line up for a kid's toy The world is corrupt.

I'm beginning to understand Zura's feelings about wanting to destroy it.

Umm, Mr.

Samurai, I'm very sorry, but Your kotatsu is bothering the other customers [Note: A kotatsu is a low table with an electric blanket sitting atop it.



Wait one moment.

Elizabeth is still eating.

In that case, leave the line and move over there.

Wait a second.

We'll be quick No, just No, Elizabeth is I said, just I said that Elizabeth is No, just Elizabeth is still eating!! All right.

We moved up ten places.

We've still got a long way to go.

For a warrior to steal some else's place in line Gintoki, you've become a real jerk.

Shut up.

I don't need to be told that by someone who crashed into the ground at light speed.

I've been in line since 4:00 A.



If you interfere, I'll k*ll even you, Gintoki.

What's a revolutionary doing getting caught up in a fad and coming here to buy a game console? We need to know which way the world is headed.

Even if it's just for a Famicom.

[Note: Famicom is what the Nintendo (NES) is called in Asia.


That's old! You're not keeping up with the times when you call a game console a Famicom!! It seems that this Famicom is amazing.

It's a combination of a Famicom and a Disk System, a Twin Famicom [Note: The Twin Famicom console was released only in Japan.


Did you actually come here to buy a Famicom?! Why are you in line?! That's not what this line is for!! Anyway, that line doesn't exist!! They don't sell those anymore! What? I thought I could see Mario once more.

You saying I can't? Once more? That man has been revived dozens of times!! [Note: Mario has appeared in dozens of new series since 1983.


I see Is his younger brother with the inferiority complex still thriving? What a terrible thing to say! What do you know about Luigi?! Anyway, how can you come here without a disguise? Did you forget that you're a wanted criminal? No police officers would have the time to come to a place like this at this hour.

I guess some revolutionaries have a lot of free time.

I'm very sorry, sirs Your bath is bothering the other customers What of it? We've been in line all night.

We should at least be able to take a bath.

Stop, Sogo.

Sorry, I'll be finished soon.

I still haven't washed myself down there, yet No, I'm going to call the police.

No, we are the police.

I said, I'm calling the police I said, we're No, just No, just Umm, just J-Just Just a moment! I still haven't washed myself down there yet!! Just how rude can some people get? Some people will try anything to cut in line.

Tsk I never expected to run into the Shinsengumi here.

An unbelievable performance by a bunch of idiots.

Oh, they noticed us!! Zura, hide in the kotatsu immediately.

I'm not Zura, I'm Katsura.

What are you doing here? I'm batting that question right back at you.

I'm batting that question right back at you.

I'm batting that Enough.

It's getting annoying.

Ugh Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold Oh, a kotatsu.

Let us in for a second! Hey! Don't come in without permission!! Don't be so stingy!! It's not a big deal!! Oh, what's this? Did you come to buy a game console, too? You sure have a lot of free time.

Kondo-san, that applies to us, too.

Please stop.

Unfortunately, this shop only has a hundred game consoles in stock.

That's right.

They'll run out at just about the place where Toshi is standing in line.

Unfortunately, you won't get a game console.

Too bad.

We've been in line since yesterday morning.

Right, Toshi? Huh? Why are you here, Toshi? It's cold.

Don't say that!! Why aren't you holding our place in line?! Hey! Now all our standing in line since yesterday has gone to waste!! What are we going to do?! I made a promise to Otae-san!! Get an OwEe for all the hostess club hostesses.

If you don't, I'll flick your eyeballs.

That's not a promise!! That's a threat!! Kondo-san, don't worry.

Yamazaki is holding my place in line.

Hijikata-san, Yamazaki is Over there playing Kabaddi.

Kabaddi, kabaddi, kabaddi, kabaddi [Note: Kabaddi is a popular sport in South Asia.


Yamazaki!! Who are these people?! It's now midnight! The Bentendo OwEe is now on sale! Stay in line.

Don't panic or run.

Follow the employees' directions.

One per person Are you listening to me?! It doesn't matter!! This world is all about survival of the fittest! All right! I got an OwEe! I won't let you have it.

You bastard I'm going to get the OwEe!! I'm not letting you!! I'm going to Get the OwEe!! I've got it!! I won't let you have it!! The OwEe is mine! Whoa Six people charged into the store and customers are following them.

This is dangerous.

This is really dangerous.

A riot!! They've become a rioting mob!! If something is not done right away, something terrible will happen.

The OwEe might be pulled from the sale!! I'm going to talk to Yamada-san of the Bentendo public relations department.

What do you think? Did you expect that this would happen? Well, pretty much The OwEe release date was delayed several times.

Everyone probably couldn't wait any longer.

Do you think the OwEe will be pulled from the sale if someone gets hurt? It'll be all right.

We have a plan.

It will be solved peacefully And it's a great way to demonstrate how it works.

Wha?! What is that?! It's a giant TV screen.

And an OwEe!! Do you all want this game console that badly?! Then win it by playing a game!! Get what you want by playing a game! That's what a true gamer would do!! Do you all want this game console that badly?! Then win it by playing a game!! Get what you want by playing a game! That's what a true gamer would do!! Who is that? The manager.

How about participating in a little challenge to win the OwEe? You chosen gamers here You energetic gamers who rushed in first I'm going to split you up into two teams and you have to play games against each other.

Hey, what is he saying? Naturally, I'll give the winning team OwEes for free.

Really?! You are chosen individuals.

It's only natural.

I want the remaining spectators to predict which team is going to win Those who bet on the winning team will get the right to buy the OwEe.

We'll be sure to get you an OwEe even if we don't have enough in stock.

What do you think? Sounds like fun, right? That doesn't sound like fun! I was standing in a spot in line where I would've been guaranteed an OwEe!! What are you going to do about that?! You're the manager!! Aren't you embarrassed to be dressed up like that at your age?! You damn kids!! All you do is play video games Work, you idiots!! Stop playing video games, stupid!! Die!! The manager has become himself again.

He's saying things that won't benefit him.

Hey, kids.

Do you want that game console that badly? Then bet on us.

We'll win the OwEe.

100% guaranteed.

They're not normal people! They look like Master Takahashi! All their chins are turned up!! [Note: Takahashi Meijin is a famous video game player from the 80s.


Hey, is it all right to be making your decision so soon? You'll just get hurt Whoa!! Their chins are turned up, too! But the second guy looks embarrassed! He's no good! What are you saying, you idiot?! [Note: Hijikata is imitating Antonio Inoki, a famous professional wrestler in Japan.

Inoki is also known for his turned up chin.


He's no good! He's got it all wrong.

He's someone else! Damn it!! What did you say?! Damn kids, give up video games! Die, stupid! Just die! You die.

Hey! This has completely turned into a match of the upturned chins! This looks kind of interesting.

I'll place a bet!! Me, too!! Me, too! Me, too! Wow! Impressed by their unique personalities, the customers are placing bets.

Hmm This is a great advertising scheme.

It introduces the game console.

I see.

So this is what you were going for, Yamada-san.

The first battle is A girl game battle.

Bakiboki Memorial! [Note: Parody of Tokimeki Memorial, a popular dating simulation game.


You play the main character.

The person who bonks the heroine first is the winner! [Bakioki Memorial]

A girl game? I've never played one of those.

What does he mean by "bonk the heroine"? [Note: Parody of the Legendary Tree from Tokimeki Memorial game.

At the end of the game, one girl shows up at the tree to confess her love.


Does it have something to do with a legendary cliff? No it doesn't.

The point of the game is to become romantic with a girl.

This is bad.

I haven't played many of these games.

This match is decided.

I've played every girl game ever created and I've bonked countless women.

Otae-san even said that I should have been born in 2D instead of 3D.

For me, Isao Kondo, fifteen minutes is enough for me to take on one or two heroines.

She's not praising you.

She's telling you to die.

I've played countless girl games.

I can tell which choices the girls will like and what the best date spots are even in the new games.

If only you could do that in real life.

My skill at using a controller doesn't waste a minute.

Do you think you can keep up? Who's that?! You don't waste a minute? How silly.

Don't you know that love itself is all about excess? You get excessively excited, and excessively uneasy.

You struggle excessively.

And it all ends in vain.

Nobody will say that it's a waste.

No, love is all about excess!! Wh-Who are you?! I'm just an ordinary plumber.

Whoa!! A man who calls himself a plumber has suddenly barged into this challenge! Who is this man?! Who is he?! Hey! That mushroom Could he be the world's most famous plumber, Mari I'm not Mario.

I'm Katsu- This is bad! My mustache my mustache What are you doing, Katsura-san?! Did you come out just to get caught?! I heard that I could win a free Twin Famicom.

They don't have those anymore! Anyway, how badly do you want a Twin Famicom?! They'll see through your flimsy disguise in no time! Get away from here quickly.

Hey! You there.

This is bad! We can't fool the Demon Vice-Chief's eyes! I never expected to see you here.

What a coincidence.

You're done for.

Umm Also, could I get your autograph? I want you to write, "From Mario.

To Toshiro-kun," right here It's a miracle!! There are miraculous idiots here!! Well, I don't really do signatures When I do one, a bunch of people tend to gather and there's no end to it.

I see.

Then how about a photo? I won't show it to anyone.

Then how about a handshake? I'm a real Bentendo fan.

How clingy is he going to get?! No such creepy Mario exists.

Hijikata-san, wait just a second.

You mustn't be fooled.

Oh no, it's Okita-san! He's very perceptive.

I've never seen a Mario with such long hair.

I can't just stand by quietly He's a fake.

The real one's over there.

[Give it your best, Katsuo.


I've never seen a Mario like that, either!! You two think that anything with a mustache is Mario, don't you?! What are you, stupid? That's got to be his younger brother, Luigi.

He's green.

[Note: Parody of Sega Dreamcast.


You Zega fans should be quiet and play your Creamcast, stupid.

Keep waiting for your sequel to Shenmue, stupid.

[Note: Shenmue is a SEGA Dreamcast adventure game.

The series has been on hiatus since 2001.


I'll keep on waiting no matter what anyone says.

I'm sure it'll come back.

Both of you stop fighting.

Keep quiet you Zony lover.

[Note: Parody of Sony.


They're completely fooled.

Gintoki Leave this to me.

I didn't risk coming just because I wanted a Twin Famicom.

Of course.

There aren't any Twin Famicoms.

The Shinsengumi have been making us Anti-Foreigner Faction members suffer until now.

This is a good chance to crush them, even if it's just at a game.

Zura, don't screw up.

It's over if they find out who you are.

I'm not Zura I'm Katsuo.

The first battle, the girl game challenge, will now begin! [Preview]

Now then, everyone, what kind of show will these chosen individuals give us in order to win the new Bentendo OwEe game console? The first battle, the girl game challenge, will now begin! ["Life and Video Games are Full of Bugs"]

[Who will win the OwEe? Will it be the Odd Jobs team or the Shinsengumi team?!]

[One more episode of season 2 of the GinTama anime!! Let's keep this up until the end!!]
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