04x06 - Double Date

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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04x06 - Double Date

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Here's your check, kids. Thanks.

You want anything else, diane?

No thanks.

So what do I owe, old buddy?

Well, let's see. You had the
half-order of french fries

And the cherry cola...

Hmm. That's 63 cents.

But you ate half
of my half-order.

So what? Didn't I give you
some of my hamburger?

Yeah, but you held
onto it so tight,

All I got was a little
hamburger and a lot of finger.

You almost bit my thumb off

With that big mouth of yours.

Fellas, cool it.

Ok. Here's 63 cents.

What about the tip?

Oh, yeah, all right.

Here's 65 cents.

See you tomorrow.

What a cheapskate.

He should've left
at least a nickel.

Here's my share,
arnold, including the tip.

Thanks, diane.

Uh... Diane...

The next time the 3 of us
come here after school

How about making
it just the two of us?

What do you mean?

Well... We've known each other

For two whole semesters and we've
never really been alone together.

We're alone now.

Only because nobody's with us.

What I mean is...

Why don't we go out on
a real date sometimes?

Like grown-ups?

When grown-ups go
out on a real date,

They don't go to a
hamburger place after school.

They get dressed up and
go out at night, like on tv.

You mean like in
that tv commercial,

Where the girl wears
a beautiful gown

And the guy wears a
tuxedo and they come out

Of a big fancy hotel and
get into a rolls royce?


Would you settle
for designer jeans

And a skateboard?

I might.

And another thing,

A real date is where one
person pays for the other.

Which one?

Well... Usually the man.

But with women's
lib, it could be either.

Not in my case.

So... Would you go out
on a real date with me?

If I asked you?

I'd have to think about it.

If you asked me.

I'm asking.

I'm thinking.

Could you give me a little hint?

Sure. It'll either be yes or no.

Gee, thanks!


Hi, kids!

Willis: hey, dad!

Is arnold home yet?

Nope, not yet.

You know, it seems
to me that he's

Been coming home late from
school quite often recently.

I know why.

He's been hanging
out after school

With that cute
little diane wilson.

Yeah. I saw him at
hamburger heaven

Splitting an order
of onion rings.

Onions rings.

That could be serious.

They're probably engaged by now.

[Willis laughs]

Arnold, how come you're so late?


Well, I'll tell ya.

The weather was so
nice, I walked real slow.

Communicating with
the joys of nature.

Arnold, by any chance,

Would one of
those joys of nature

Be a foxy little mama
named diane wilson?

How did you know
about diane wilson?

Has rona barrett been
sh**ting her mouth off again?

Arnold, just because
you've got a girlfriend,

You don't have to
be embarrassed.

Oh, I'm not embarrassed.

And she really
won't be my girlfriend

Until we come out of a
fancy hotel together.

I beg your pardon?

I mean, we haven't
gone on a real date,

Like on that tv
commercial. Like grown-ups.

Aren't you a little young to be
talking about going on a date?

I didn't go out on my
first date until I was 40.


If I wait till I'm that
old, diane'll be married.

I'm not going out on my first
date with a married woman.

Arnold, dad was just kidding.

Where's your sense of humor?

When you fall in love, that's
the first thing that goes.

I asked her for a date
and she's thinking about it.

I think I've got at
least a definite maybe.

Arnold, if you'd like some
advice from an older woman,

Get a yes or a no out of her.

Yeah, take it from an expert.

Cool dudes don't take
maybe for an answer.

Stop pressuring him, you two.

Arnold's got a lot of time

Before he has to start thinking
about going out on dates.

Daddy, and where have you been?

You know, kids these
days are starting to date

Much younger than
they did in your day.

Oh, we had to be older
before we could date.

In case it rained, we
had to be strong enough

To put the top up on
the covered wagon.

I got to dictate a
letter to a machine.

Hey, arnold, why
don't you call her?

Yeah, arnold. Go on, call her.

But what if she turns me down?

I could be scarred for life.

Look, arnold, you've
already got a definite maybe.

Flatter her and
you'll get a definite yes.

Yeah! I mean,
dazzle her like I do.

Say, hey, baby,
this is sweet willis.

You need to say, how
about a date with a bad mate?

Go on try it. It's easy.


Watch out, diane. I'm dialing
my way into your heart.

Hello. Diane?

Hey, baby, this is sweet willis!

I mean arnold!

Flatter her.

Did I tell you how much
I admire your spelling?

The other day in class
when you spelled broccoli,

I thought it was great.

In fact, I never liked broccoli
until I heard you spell it.

So, how about our
date tomorrow night?

Is it yes or is it no?

She said yes! She said yes!

I don't believe
it! She said yes!

That's fine, diane.


I got my first official date!

Hey, isn't that great?

Hey, dad, arnold just
landed his first date.

Landed? What is she, a mermaid?

No. Arnold just
sweet-talked diane wilson

Into going out with
him tomorrow night.


Oh, wait a minute. I thought
you meant in the afternoon.

No, dad. A real
date is at night.

You mean to tell me that diane's
parents said that that'd be all right?

Her parents are cool.
They know where it's at!

Yeah? Well, I know
where it's not going to be.

[Telephone rings]


Why, sure, just a minute.

Arnold, a certain
foxy young lady

Just can't keep
her voice off you.


Oh, hi, diane!


Well, why did you
change your mind?

Oh, your mother
changed it for you.

Yeah, I'm having the
same problem here, diane.

Sorry. By the time
they let us date,

I can blow my whole social
security check on you.

Yeah. Bye.

I would say that diane
has very sensible parents.

Growing up would be a lot easier

If it wasn't for grown-ups.

Hey, wait a minute, arnold.

Dad, suppose somebody older
went along with them on their date?

Now, that makes more sense.

And I just happen to be
available tomorrow night.

Oh, dad.

You can't be serious.

My first real date and
my father tags along?

You think hugh hefner's father
went along on his first date?

Well, you're not going to go out

At night without a
chaperone. I am sorry, arnold.

No, dad. I meant I'll
go along with arnold.

Come on, what do you say?

Willis, an older brother

Is only a shorter
version of a father.

Arnold, I'm not
talking chaperone.

I'm talking you and
me on a double date.

Double date?

You mean, like you
and me and 2 squeezes?

You got it, big spender.

Well, now, that sounds
like a very good compromise.

And arnold, if it's all
right with diane's mother,

It's all right with me.

But I don't want you
to stay out too late.

You be home by 10:00.


Dad, things don't get
cooking till midnight.

Well, you'll just have to turn
off your burner a little early.

Hey, it worked out ok, huh?

Well, I guess going out with
you is better than nothing.

Thanks for the compliment.

Hello, diane? It's me again.

Tell your mother
that my older brother

Is going to double-date
with us tomorrow night,

And is that ok. And tell her
that even though I never met her,

I think she's adorable.

A little flattery
works every time.

I'll try to remember that.

I got to figure out which one of
my babes to call tomorrow night.

What about your girl charlene?

Oh, charlene's
not talking to me,

On account of the
name I called her.

What did you call her?


You know, and since I haven't
called janet in a while...

That babe ought to
be simmering by now.

Hello, janet? Sweet
willis jackson here.

We got a date tomorrow night.

Oh, we haven't?

Well, I guess some
other time, then.

Yep, bye.

Oh, wow. Moving right along.

Ah. Arnold, here's
a little cutie

I've been out of
touch with for a while.

She was a couple of
grades ahead of me.

She transferred to
another high school.

A real swinger.

Hello, verda?

Sweet willis here.


Well, what you been
doing with yourself?

Well, what you
been doing with him?

Twins, huh?

Well, listen,

I wish the best of luck
to you and your husband.

Yeah. And the same for
little o.j. And reggie, too.

Ok. Bye.

Oh, wow.

Sooner or later
I'll hit pay dirt

With my little black book.

Willis, the way you're going,

You better try the yellow pages.

Under "desperate."

Don't worry,
arnold, I'll get a date.

Don't worry? If
you don't get a date,

I'll have to call
it off with diane.

She'll tell everybody,

And no woman will ever
go out with me again.

Oh, arnold, calm down.

I'll never get married.

I'll never have children

To keep me company
in my old age.

I'll wind up on a park
bench feeding the pigeons

And talking to myself.

They'll throw a net over me,

Take me to the cuckoo's nest.

Thanks a lot, willis.

You've ruined my entire life.

Don't get into a sweat, arnold.

I'll get a date.

Willis, you're
down to the "y's".

There's nothing left in
your little black book

Unless you're willing
to date a zebra.

It's just a run of bad luck.

I can't believe it.

Everybody's either sick or busy.

You can't get a date?

The billy dee of penthouse "b"?

Anybody can have a dry spell.

Sounds to me like you
hit a major drought.

Dad, willis can't get a date,

And if he can't get a
date, I can't get a date.

And you won't let
me go without him.

I know somebody you can date.

Who? Kimberly.


That's a great idea.

I don't want to go
out with my brother.

I don't want to go
out with my sister.

Compared to a zebra,
she's a big improvement.

Thanks a lot, arnold.

Now, come on, you guys.
This is for your brother.

Nobody's asking you
to have a good time.

Well, I guess for
arnold's sake...

I could make that sacrifice.

Are you kidding?

Take my own sister on a date?

Out in public?

If you want your brother to go,

You're going to
have to help. That's it.


I guess I don't have any choice.

I don't know when
I felt so wanted.

Gee, thanks, guys.

I really appreciate this!

Watch out, diane.

Here comes your
pint-sized playboy.

Dad, would you mind
checking me out?

Not at all.

Oh, you look very
handsome, arnold.

I wouldn't change a thing.

Oh, I might just tuck this
handkerchief in a little bit.

Oh, no, don't!

It's covering the pepperoni spot

I made when we
went out for pizza.

Very clever.

Dad, since this is my first
official date with a woman,

I'm a little nervous.

Do you have any advice for me?



Look, uh...

Open the door for her,

Help her off with her coat,

Pull out her chair, but be sure to
push it back before she sits down.

And when you take her home,

Say thank you and
shake her hand.

Shake her hand?!

After I blow all
that bread on her?

A movie, popcorn for 2?

A hamburger and giant fries?

That's certainly worth
a little lip contact.

Uh... Just be a
gentleman, arnold.

Oh, just a minute.

May I take the liberty

Of offering you an
extra $5 for tonight?

Dad, liberty is what
this country is all about.


The movie was really
good, arnold. Did you like it?

It was ok, but when space
monsters start making out,

I lose all respect for them.

Excuse me a minute, diane.

Uh, willis, would you two
mind sitting at your own table?

So you don't cramp my style.

Sure, arnold, we wouldn't
want to give you cramps.

Yeah. We'll make sure you get
plenty of operating room, lover boy.

Thanks. Diane?

Right through here.

I thought you might
like a table for two,

Where it's private and
close to the restrooms.

That's very considerate, arnold.

Thank you.

This table looks ok.

No, wait!

What's the matter?

Allow me.


Thank you.

You're so polite.

That's true.

There you go.

Get you all comfortable.

Well, here we are
on our first date.

Yeah. Ha ha.

Did you say something?

Who me? No.

I thought I heard something.

It was my stomach.

You want to have
some conversation?



You start.

Ladies first.

No, you start.


This is a nice place, isn't it?

Arnold, we come
here all the time.

I know, but not at night.

These lights make it different.

You look much older.

Thank you.

And you look much taller.

Thank you.

Whose turn is it?


Excuse me.

I just remembered, I
didn't wash my hands.

There's a lot of
germs going around.

How's it going, arnold?

[Sighs] I need help.

We just sat down and I'm already
running out of conversation.

Well, what about the movie
you just saw? Talk about that.

That's it! Thanks, willis.

You're the smartest
brother I've got.

I know.

Hey, arnold, and relax.

I'm sure diane is just
as nervous as you are.

Nervous? Who's nervous?

Excuse me.


Hi. It didn't take you long
to wash your hands, arnold.

Well, when you wash your hands
as many times as I have, it's a snap.

Let's talk about the
movie we just saw. Ok?

We already did...

When we came in.

We did?

Excuse me.

Where are you going now?

To my wash my hands again.

I think I missed a spot.

You're the cleanest
boy I ever met.

Well, cleanliness
is next to godliness.

I learned that in
church. Be right back.

Now what's the matter, arnold?

I forgot. We already
talked about the movie.

Give me another idea.

Have you ordered yet?


Well, look at the
menu and discuss that.

That ought to keep
you going for a while.

Good idea. Yeah, that's it.

He's gonna have a
nervous breakdown.

Oh, willis, I'm sure
you weren't too cool

On your first date, either.

Are you kidding?

I was cool in my crib.


Here's arnold!

Let's talk about what
we're going to order, ok?

Ok. What do you suggest?


Let's look at the menu.

I'll read to you what's here.

There's shrimp cocktail at 5.95.

Let's jump down to the soups.

Well, I see the big
tipper's back, huh?

Are you ready to order?

Yes. Is it ok if I have
a cheeseburger,

French fries, and a
large cola water?

Be my guest. I'll have the same.

Also, 2 banana splits,
with whipped cream,

Sprinkles, nuts, and cherries.

Got it.

Arnold, that's an
awful lot of food.

You're right. Hold one cherry.

How long do you
want me to hold it?

[Laughs loudly]

Didn't think it was that funny.

I knew our date
would be like this.

One big laugh after another one.

Oh, look, there's dudley.

Hi. Hi.

Dudley, what are you doing here?

You trying to move in on me?

What? I went to the
movies with my folks.

See, they're over there.
Ok if I sit with you? Thanks.

You're welcome.

Dudley, you may not have noticed

But me and a certain other party at
this table are trying to have a date.

Who, you and me?

That's a good one, dudley.

Isn't it, arnold?

I think it stinks.

Diane: arnold.

Arnold, you're not
being very polite.

Excuse me.

I've never seen anybody so
crazy about washing his hands.

Now what?

How do you like that?

The most important
date of my life,

And my best friend
dudley moves in on me.

Take it easy, arnold.

Take it easy? She's
laughing at his jokes,

And I'm paying the check!

Look! Dudley's eating
my french fries.

He's stealing the girl out of my
arms and the food out of my stomach.

Listen, no problem.

Just go over there
and ask him to leave.

But be cool about it.

Yes, and be polite, too, arnold.

Be cool? Be polite?

Willis: right.

Hi, dudley. Get lost.

Arnold, what's the
matter with you?

I'm trying to be
cool and polite,

But I'm not getting any help

From a certain
party at this table

Who wasn't invited.

Dudley's not bothering me.

Well, he's bothering me.

Keep your hands off my fries.

What? I thought we
always shared our fries.

Dudley, yu can
have one of my fries.

No way.

Any fry of hers
is a fry of mine.

Arnold, your manners
are disgusting.

Arnold, I thought
we were friends.

We are but, not at night.

Arnold, you're turning
into a real flake.

If I want to give
dudley some of my fries,

That's my business.
Here, dudley.


That's 3 cents, dudley.

Have another, dudley.


That's 6 cents, dudley.

Try and collect it.

Maybe you'd like some
of my sundae, too, dudley.


Let me help you, dudley.

Oh, man.

Arnold, I'm beginning to
think you don't want me here.

And how did you get that idea?

From an ex-friend.

Arnold, our date
is officially over.

What you talking about, diane?

I want to go home, and I
never want to see you again.

Wait! Come back here!

But diane! Hey!


But there's still $3.00
worth of food on the table.

Diane, wait!

Well, that is terrible.

Arnold, did you really
let diane go home alone?

Oh, no, dad. We all
walked her home.

But diane refused to walk on the
same side of the street as arnold.

Willis: yeah.

I yelled over to her
that I wanted to apologize,

But she made out
like she didn't hear me.

Yeah, but the rest
of new york heard him.

I mean, one lady tried to
douse him with a pail of garbage.

Dad, I made a total
fool of myself.

Son, probably the reason
you couldn't handle it

Is you're just not
ready to date yet.

Darn it. There's just too
much pressure put on you kids

To grow up too soon.

You just be patient.
Your day will come.

How will I know when I'm ready?

Your wife will tell you.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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