02x14 - Hot Watch

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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02x14 - Hot Watch

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now the world don't move
to the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you
got not a lot, so what ♪

♪ They'll have theirs and you'll
have yours and I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll
be fine 'cause it takes ♪

♪ Diff'rent strokes to move
the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪♪

[Ball Bouncing]

Hey, Willis, watch
this slam-dunk.


Think a pro team
could use me someday?

Sure. If you're gonna
be sitting on Dr. J.'s head.

Hey, what is this?

Wow! Look at the
diamonds on that watch.

You think Sammy Davis
moved into the building?

I wonder what it's
doing in the ashtray.

Well, Sammy's rich. Maybe I could
find out what time it was he threw it away.

Quit kiddin' around, Arnold. Somebody
must have dropped it here by accident.

Hey, if we don't find the
owner, wouldn't it belong to us?

It says who it belongs
to right here on the back.

"To Molly Benson, for 25
years of faithful service."

Sounds like she
ran a gas station.

Molly Benson is
our neighbor, Arnold.

See, here's her
name on the door.

This has gotta be her watch, or
why would her name be on there?

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Knock it off, Arnold.

[Doorbell Rings]

Hmm, her door's
open. Mrs. Benson?

It's Willis Jackson
from down the hall.

We found a watch
that might not be yours.

Mrs. Benson, we
wanna return your watch.

Even if you don't
give us a big reward.

Arnold, you can't tell her
you want a big reward.

Okay. We'll take any kind
of reward, Mrs. Benson.

Well, she must not be home
if she left her door open too.

Well, we'll give the watch
to Dad. He can handle it.

Come on.

[Murmuring] Very well.

Now, I take it you're all in agreement
on the new building assessments.

- [All Agreeing]
- What about all the burglaries
in this neighborhood?

I know. I remember
the good old days...

when a Saturday night
special was a date, not a g*n.

Well, what are we
going to do about it?

Well, as you empowered
me to do at the last meeting,

I have gone ahead and
hired a full-time guard.

[All Approving] Mr. Hanlon.

He's a retired member
of the police department.

Oh, he'll be good.
[Doorbell Chimes]

I'm sure if there are any suspicious
characters hanging around the building,

Mr. Hanlon will get 'em.

Mr. Hanlon, what do
you think you're doing?

He is stretching my neck.
That's what he's doing.

I wanna get taller,
but not this way.

I'm doing my job, Mr. Drummond.

Yeah, I picked these little punks
up right out in the hallway here.

You wanna hear a hot one, huh?

[Chuckles] They had the
nerve to claim you're their father.

I am their father.


We told you. Are
your ears painted on?

Boys. See? We weren't lyin'.

- That's police brutality.
- I'm an ex-policeman.

Then it's ex-police brutality.

I'm sorry, Mr. Drummond, but
how was I to know that you got two...

I mean, in all my years as
a cop, I learned one thing:

Nobody is above suspicion.

Well, be a little more
careful in the future.

Yeah, you might have k*lled
us, brother. [Woman] Help! Help!

Somebody help me!
What is it, Mrs. Benson?

I'll handle this. What
is it, Mrs. Benson?

My apartment, it's
been burglarized.

My jewels. My
beautiful diamond watch.

Watch? Arnold.

Nothing's safe around here anymore. One
of these days they'll steal the elevators.

I think I'll go check my
apartment. [Chattering]

Kimberly, get some sherry. Now
just try to calm down, Mrs. Benson.

Here, sit right here.
I can't tell you...

- But it was a gift to me.
- Can you describe it, ma'am?

It was surrounded with diamonds.

And on the back it
said, "To Molly Benson,

for 25 years of
faithful service."

- From your employer?
- No, from my husband.

And I'll never get it back.

Yes, you will, ma'am. I'll
get your crook, all right.

And when I do, he's gonna
end up in the slammer.

And no cop-outs like, "I'm sorry.
I was gonna return everything."

Arnold, why don't me
and you go upstairs...

and wash our hands like we always do
after we get finished playing basketball.

Yeah, and wash
the basketball too.

And polish our shoes and
make our beds. Mm-hmm.

Poor guys. They've
been scared into neatness.

I'd better check out your
apartment, Mrs. Benson.

Are you all right? Is there
anything I can get you?

Yes, get my watch.

And another drink.

What you shut me up for? 'Cause. You
were gonna tell them about the watch.

- Well, why shouldn't I?
- Are you crazy?

You wanna wind
up in the "iron hotel"?

You mean jail? No, thanks.

The only bars I want
around me are candy bars.

Well, he'll think that we
stole the watch anyway.

You heard the man. He said
he ain't buying any of that,

"I'm sorry. I was gonna
return it" stuff. That's right.

You know, I bet you if Mr. Hanlon
caught you taking from a five-and-ten,

you'd wind up with 10 to 20.

But why wouldn't he believe
us if we just said we found it?

Arnold, come here.

Now grab the mirror and look
in it and tell me what you see.

I see a handsome,
athletic little dude.

Do you happen to notice
that that little dude is black?

No kidding!

I'm glad you told me. I
thought it was something I ate.

Arnold, how about shifting
your brain out of neutral?

Why do you think that cop
grabbed us in the first place?

- 'Cause we're black.
- Right.

We don't fit in the color
scheme in this building.

Well, why don't we give the watch to
Dad, and let him give it to the guard?

No, we can't do that either.

Dad will look bad after
the way he stuck up for us.

And more important is that
guard wouldn't believe him anyway.

Then what do we do with it?

Well, we'll have to put it
back where we found it.

Only when that
guard's not around.

That's right. And the
way he caught us before,

he must have wall-to-wall eyes.

We'll wait till the
coast is clear.

Meanwhile, let's
put it in the drawer.

No, no good. What's wrong?

Well, if anybody suspects
us, it's too easy to find there.

I'd feel safer if we just
flushed it down the toilet.

- They call that
destroying the evidence.
- I call it saving our behinds.

Hey, how about putting it up
here underneath your pillow?

Why my pillow? What's
wrong with yours?

- What's the difference?
- The difference is...

if one of us is in
jail, I can go visit him.

Hey, how about putting
it in the medicine chest?

No, no good.

Kimberly's always in there
slopping goop all over her face.

Well, how about putting it in
one of the cars on my train?

Or maybe the clothes hamper.

Or my extra secret
perfect hiding place.

What extra secret hiding place?

And what makes it
so perfect, Arnold?

Well, I put a dollar in there two months
ago, and I can't remember where it is.

We gotta put it someplace.

Listen. Why don't we put it
in a drawer like we started to?

Arnold, I told you, it's
too easy to find there.

But that's why we
should put it there.

Arnold, you've been
brushing your teeth too hard.

No. Listen, Willis.

You and me know it's too
easy to find in that drawer, right?

Yeah. Well, then that
guard must know...

that we know it's
too easy to find,

and he'd figure we're too smart
to hide it where we should hide it,

where it's too easy to find.

You get it? Right. Yeah.

Then explain it to me. I'm lost.

We'll put it in the
drawer for now.

I'm a nervous wreck, Willis.


Yeah, me too, Arnold.
My hands are shaking.

That's nothing. I got parts of me
shaking I didn't even know I had.

Well, we told Kimberly we'd
help her with the housework.

All right. Come on.

♪♪ [Humming]

Hey, guys, I really gotta
talk to you. What about?

Poor Mrs. Benson.

Her apartment's upside down as a
result of that robbery, and she's in tears.

They oughta throw the
book at the thief that did that.

Yeah, throw the
book at the thief.

Unless, of course,
he's an innocent thief.

Well, Arnold's right, Daddy. Everybody
who steals something isn't a crook.

Sure. Some people don't
even know they take stuff.

Yeah, they're what you
call "pepto-maniacs."

Well, I just happen to think
we're too soft on criminals.

Do you know in some countries when
they catch a thief, they cut his hands off.

Um... Uh... Um, Willis,
why don't we go upstairs...

and feed our, uh, goldfish?

No, you go ahead, Arnold.

No, I want you to go upstairs
and watch. Got it? Watch?

Oh, yeah, right. We'll
finish this later. Yeah.

See you later. Bye,
guys. [Kimberly] Bye.

Bye. I guess that security
guard really shook the boys up.

- They're nervous.
- They've got a right to be.

You seem a little nervous too.

In fact, you're perspiring.

Uh, well, that's just 'cause I'm
helping with all the housework...

while Mrs. Garrett's away.
Oh, my poor little scullery maid.

[Chuckles] I'm proud of ya.

Here. Let me mop
your weary brow.

Sorry. Oh, what is this?

Hmm. Sure looks
to me like a watch.

"To Molly Benson"...
That's the stolen watch.

Well, Daddy, there
has to be some

explanation. They
couldn't have just taken it.

Who couldn't have just taken it?

Wh-Whoever took it.

Kimberly, you are protecting
your brothers, aren't you?

Not very well.

I found it in their drawer, and I
was gonna talk to them about it.

I didn't wanna snitch.

Well, I agree with you. There
must be some explanation for this.

I mean, I know my boys. They
couldn't possibly have stolen this watch.

Well, what are you gonna do?

Well, for now, nothing.

Honey, take this watch. Put it
right back where you found it.

I'm going to wait till Arnold
and Willis come to me about this.

And I'm sure that they will.

I tell you, Arnold,
it's not here.

Well, how can we put it back
where we found it if we can't find it?

When I put it here, did you
take it and put it somewhere else?

No, Willis. You must
have flipped your Afro.

Did you really take it in
the bathroom and flush it?

Now why would I
put a watch in a toilet?

Time's supposed
to fly, not drown.

The pillow.

Hey, remember we went into the
bathroom to put it in the medicine chest?

The medicine chest!
Yeah! Come on, Willis. Go!


[Arnold] Oh, no! Now
look what you did!

I didn't do it! You did it!
Well, help me pick it up!

I'm helping you. Come
on, man! Hurry up, Arnold.

Watch it. [Clattering]


You really did it
this time, Willis.

We might as well start
painting stripes on our pajamas.

I just don't
understand it, Arnold.

I put it right here
underneath my shorts.

Here. Hold this.

So, if it was here before,
why isn't it here now?


Say what? The watch!

Willis, that watch isn't
just hot. It's haunted.

Man, this whole thing
has got me so crazy.

I guess I didn't see it last time.
Come on. Let's go put it back.

Wait, Willis, do me a favor. Don't
lose it between here and the door.

Everything's gonna
be okay, honey.

Arnold and Willis will come
and tell me what it's all about.

Yeah, I'm sure they will.

[Mr. Drummond]
Here they come now.

Hi, guys. Hi, Dad. Hi, Kimberly.

Bye, Dad. Bye, Kimberly.

That's not exactly
what I had in mind.

I guess they'll tell you
later. [Doorbell Chimes]

Yes, later. Oh,
I'm sure they will.

Hanlon! Not again.

Sorry to have to tell you this,
Mr. Drummond, but your boys...

are the thieves who stole
that watch. We didn't do it, Dad.

No way. Honest.

Take your hands off them. You
don't have any proof that they did it.

What do you call this?

Now look, Mr. Hanlon. I am
certain that there's an explanation...

that will tell us why
my boys had that watch.

Mr. Drummond, I
caught them red-handed.

All we were trying to do is put
the watch back in the ashtray.

Why did you wanna put it back?

'Cause we couldn't find a good
hiding place in our room. Oop.

Arnold, get off my side.

Now look, Hanlon.
If you'll just give me a

little time, I can get
to the bottom of this.

I'm certain that I can straighten
it out. I'm sorry, Mr. Drummond.

I have got to tell Mrs. Benson.

And if she wants to press
charges, it becomes a police matter.

Well, I'll keep in touch.

- Daddy, this is awful.
- Oh, man.

We're gonna be criminals
and go to the slammer.

How can I get over the wall if I
can't even reach the doorknob?

All right. Now calm down, boys.

Now look. I want just the facts.

Well, we found the
watch, Dad. Honest.

We were gonna tell ya, but we were
afraid of that guard because we're black.

- 'Cause you're black?
- Didn't you notice
when we moved here?

All right. Now hold
everything, g*ng.

Now I wanna know what
happened and from the beginning.

The very beginning? Right.

Well, it was about 6:30 this morning,
and I got up to go to the bathroom.

Not that far back,
Arnold. And...

Let me do the talking, Arnold.

Well, you see, Dad, it's like
this. [Continues, No Audio]

That's the whole
story, Mrs. Benson.

I don't know what
happened to the rest of your

valuables. The boys
just found your watch.

Seems a bit odd, but it's the
truth. It seems odd, all right.

Now, Mrs. Benson, is
this the face of a criminal?

I'm an innocent little kid.

I don't have chubby
cheeks, but I'm innocent too.

What do you say, Mrs. Benson?

Would you like to consider it
over another piece of cake?

Well, if you try to bribe
me, cake is the way.

At least I got my watch back.

Oh, that's very nice.
Excuse me. [Doorbell Chimes]

Mr. Drummond, I... Just
the man I wanna see.

Everything is settled.
My boys are innocent.

Mrs. Benson agrees.
Isn't that terrific?

Have a piece of
cake. It's delicious.

Sit down. Well, thank you.

Mr. Drummond, I have
discovered some evidence...

that nails the guilty party
that robbed Mrs. Benson.

Good. I knew I hired
the right man. Who is it?

Your son Willis.

- Say what?
- Gimme back that cake.

Hanlon, how many blunders
can one man make in one day?

Careful, Drummond. You're talking
to a man who almost made detective.

What held you
back, incompetence?

I don't know what your proof
is, but I believe in my two boys.

Yeah, well, would you believe
that the fingerprints on the watch...

exactly match the fingerprints
on Mrs. Benson's doorknob?

- What?
- Uh-oh.

I forgot about that.

You sure did, kid.
Forgot about what, Willis?

That when we called for Mrs. Benson to
give her watch back, her door was open.

And then there was no
answer, so I closed it.

- Well, then that explains it.
- Not to me, Mr. Drummond.

But, Mrs. Benson, why not?
Mrs. Benson, I don't understand.

It seems very strange
that Willis remembered

this important piece
of information...

only after Mr. Hanlon
found the fingerprints.

But, Mrs. Benson...

Save your breath, young man.

I closed the door
myself, and I locked it.

But anybody can
open a locked door.

You just take a hairpin
or a credit card or...

Mr. Hanlon,

you can let the police know that I'm
ready to file charges against Willis.

Okay, ma'am. No!

Please, don't take my
brother. Just take me.

He's old.

Let him live out
his last few years.


I can do his time, and
I'm cheaper to feed.

Arnold, take it easy. No!

I don't take up much space, and I don't
care if the screws throw me in solitary.

Easy, Son, easy.

Sorry, Drummond. You'll
be hearing from the police.

I'm not gonna wait for that.

First thing tomorrow
morning, we'll be down

at the station with my
lawyer and my two sons,

and I am going to
straighten this thing out.


See you down at
the police station.

[Door Closes] But,
Dad, we're innocent.

And if the police don't
believe us, what can we do?

I'll give you a hint.

If you're ever around
Australia, look me up.

I'm all dressed for the
police station, Willis.

Thirty minutes from now, they'll be
hanging a number underneath my chin.

Willis, do you think they
have peanut butter in prison?

Look, little brother. You
ain't going anywhere.

It was my fingerprints
on the doorknob.

I'm gonna tell them you
had nothing to do with it.

I won't let you, Willis. I
was right there, wasn't I?

I'm what you call an
assessment after the fact.

Well, I'm sure Dad can
figure out something to do.

I sure hope so.

I had the worst dream
last night. What about?

Nah, you wouldn't wanna
hear about it? Why not?

'Cause the warden made me
strap you to the electric chair.

I don't wanna hear about
it. But that's the good part.

That is the good part? Yeah.
I talked the warden out of it.

Oh, that is good.

You wanna hear the part
about the, uh, f*ring squad?

No, Arnold. But they missed you.


You wanna hear the
part about the hanging?

Yes, Tom?

Yeah, thank you. All
right. See you there.

Daddy, what did your lawyer say?

Well, it could be worse.

If we can't prove
that Willis didn't do it,

because of his age and because he has
no record, he'll be released in my custody.

- Oh, well, that's great.
- And as long as he stays
out of trouble,

the whole thing will be taken off
the books when he gets to be 18.

He has to be good till he's 18?

Oh, talk about pressure.
[Doorbell Chimes]

Hi, guys. [Willis] Hi,
Dad. Hi, Kimberly.


Morning, Mr. Drummond. You
don't have to check up on us, Hanlon.

I'm just getting ready to take
Willis to the police station.

I wasn't checking up,
and Willis isn't going to jail.

What you talkin'
about, Mr. Hanlon?

You'll all be happy to know
that I caught the real thief.

Huh? You did? Where?

Hey, the way that you and your kids
hung in there that they were innocent,

made me decide to stake
this building out last night.

Hey, do you mind if I sit down?
I was up all night. No, please do.

Is that why your eyes look like
raw eggs with ketchup on 'em?

Yeah. Well, anyway,

I saw this gentleman
entering one of the apartments,

- and I got suspicious.
- What made you suspicious?

He was wearing a ski mask and
breaking the door open with a jimmy.

Good eye. You should
have been made detective.

Thank you. Hey, just one thing.

Now why didn't you
boys tell me about

finding that stolen
watch in the first place?

Well, I hate to say this.

It's because you're a
cop and they're black.

Oh. So that's it, huh?

Yeah, well, listen, guys.

I apologize for grabbing
you the way I did.

I jumped to the
wrong conclusion.

I guess I did too.

Hey, guys, you know
what might be a good idea?

How about going over to Mrs.
Benson's and just telling her...

that there's no hard
feelings about all this.

Good idea. Where you goin'?

To get your gloves. If we're
goin' over to Mrs. Benson's,

this time you better
not leave no fingerprints.

♪ Now the world don't move
to the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes to
move the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪

♪ Mmm ♪♪
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