02x01 - Hearts and Minds

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x01 - Hearts and Minds

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 14 concerns the unauthorized use
of precinct phones for personal business.

Guys, we all live in an age of message
units and diminished precinct budgets.

So, uh, let's employ a little heart
and at least a little good taste.

By that, I refer to certain
particular phone numbers...

Which appear frequently
on the computer printout.

Phone numbers well-known as
those of choo-choo's snug boutique...

And a certain bookmaker,
simply known as stu.

Now, if you feel you
must misdemeanor,

Let's use the pay phones, huh?

Handily located throughout
this facility. Can I borrow a dime?

Item 15 regards one
jesse john hudson.

After seven years of incarceration
at the lafayette facility,

Mr. Hudson is
back on the street.

His release has
generated considerable

Anxiety, gangwise,
streetwise and otherwise.

So, uh, let's keep our eyes and ears
open for any rumbles of discontent.

Item 16, another cabbie
was robbed and beaten...

At the avenue b overpass
at people's parkway.

That makes six in the past week.

We do not as yet have a reliable
description of this assailant,

So be particularly alert to
any loose talk on the street.

All right, the last item is the
lasky avenue purse snatcher.

Now, the suspect is described
as being approximately...

3 Feet 8 inches tall,

Very long arms,

Hirsute in the extremis...

And uncommonly fleet of foot.

Sounds like my cousin harvey.

In fact, the said alleged
perpetrator is, uh,

A medium-size orangutan ape.

It is my cousin harvey!

Um, guys, a personal aside,

I might add that
while I personally...

Have never encountered a
felon of the simian persuasion,

These animals are known to be
extremely strong, extremely bright,

And are not to be taken lightly.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Let's be careful out there.

You lousy, two-bit coward!
You worthless coward!

Gimme a break, will you?

Yeah, that's right.
Get hysterical!

This relationship
has been the pits!


Frank, I've got some
messages for you.

Smack me around
again, you no-good...

Lady, lady, you ever stop to think that
maybe your mouth... What is your problem?

Man, let's go. I
don't need to hear...

All right, lady.
It's not our case!

Officer schnitz. Your client will be
along momentarily, miss davenport.

Gimme your right paw.

You wanna sit down, dog breath, or
would you prefer a collapsed lung?

I don't know what
she's talking about!

You're gonna put me
away? That's a laugh!

Name. Sneed, sam.

That's the last time you're gonna slap
me around, you bum! Watch your mouth!

I got your number. And my
brother ralph's got your number!

Your brother ralph
sucks rope! Come on!

I never touched her! I can't
help it if she falls a lot.

How's that division paperwork
coming along, huh? Fine, sarge.

Not so fine, sarge. The fact is, we
haven't started yet. And I'm not gonna.

Joe... Look, luce, I've had it
up to my gums with paperwork.

Sarge, the doc tells me my
wing's got almost 85% mobility,

Which is a hell of a lot better
than most guys with a hundred.

So what do you say, huh? Well,
you've only been back 10 days.

Keep your mouth shut! Sicko!

You remember him, huh?
Lester goober? Huh?

Leo, would you mind, please? We're trying
to carry on a civilized conversation here.

Get the door. Behave yourselves!

Look, everybody's been treating
me with rubber gloves or something.

I was in 'nam. I've been shot at
before, and it's not that big a deal.

I don't mind being shot at.

I'm not afraid to
go back out there.

You want me to tell 'em
about lester goober?

I'm warning you.
Keep your mouth shut!

Lester goober, you bag
of wind! Lester goober!

Lester goober! Lester
goober! Lester goober!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Shut her up! Shut up!

You want me to tell 'em how you break
parole every day with lester goober?

That's it. I'm gonna k*ll
her! Get your hands off me!

- Lester goober!
- Get away from me!

I'm gonna k*ll her!
I'm gonna k*ll her!


Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

That's correct. That's correct.

Uh, francis. Internal
affairs has been apprised.

They're sending a
team up right away.

Good, phil. Get the
paperwork started, would you?

Get maintenance up
here to fix all this. Right.

Okay, just give me your
number, and I'll-i'll get it.

All in one piece, counselor.

Miss downey?

I'm joyce davenport of the public
defender's office. Are you all right?

Miss downey.

She just passed out is all.

Uh, maybe she needs a
little mouth-to-mouth.

Call the paramedics.
Get on the phone now.

What the hell's going on here?
People are dropping like flies.

I appreciate what you're saying,
sir. We want him as much as you do.

Yes, I'll hold. Yes, sir.

But a composite won't do,
not if he's wearing disguises.


One second, counselor.
Uh, yeah, carl.

No, no, no. I haven't
heard from hudson yet.

We can try and provide some undercover,
but we're extremely short on manpower.

Yes, uh, put out the word I
want him to come in for a talk.

I hope so too, but
don't count on it.

How about installing one
of those b*llet separators...

Between the passenger
compartment and the driver's?

Yeah. Yes. Of course you're
a taxpayer, mr. Dartagna.


I would very much like
to know why my client

Just collapsed on
the floor out there.

So would i. Is that a
booking slip? You bet, buster.

Susan downey, soliciting
a sex act, resisting

Arrest, assaulting
a police officer,

Possession of a
narcotic substance.

A regular princess.

What's that got to do with this
department's chronic disregard...

Of its prisoners'
physical well-being?


We'll have it checked out. Ray?

Yes, frank? Would you?

Miss davenport.

We're a little testy, aren't we?

We don't, as a rule, get
shot at before lunch.

Stick around. You
may get used to it.

You taking me out
to dinner tonight?

I've made a reservation
for 8:00 at gianni's.

Isn't that a little
expensive? Mmm.

It's your birthday, pizza
man. I feel like splurging.

Maybe later I'll let you cite me
for soliciting a police officer.

Yes, ma'am. He's seven years old,
and he's been missing for 24 hours.

I got it.

Oh, yes, ma'am. We'll dispatch
two officers immediately.

Oh, hill, renko. We have a missing
seven-year-old. Here's the address.

Have him back by noon.

Sarge, what do you say?

All right. You and bates
take unit 12, park detail.



Buy me a cup?
Well, hello, grace.

Oh, I longed for you last night.

You know, those nude encounter
groups mean so much more to me...

With you lying by my side.

Parakeet, you know I
would've been there...

If I didn't have to fill in for
brewer on the night shift.

Can you get away
for an hour now?

My plane leaves for
los angeles at 3:00.

Grace, I can't.

I want your body
pressing against mine.

Fulfilling me as
only you can. Grace...

Anyway, here are the
keys to my apartment.

Feed the cat. Water the
plants. Sleep in my bed.

And if you get lonely,
you need only call celeste.

She's a good friend.
She knows all about us,

And I trust her to fulfill
your needs in my absence.

Hey, grace, what are you saying?

Phil, you know I'm
not a jealous woman.

Sharing you doesn't diminish me.

There's so much of you to share.


Always sad, phil.

Yes, howard?
Always sad, partings.

I know how you must be feeling.

My lorraine is leaving the
country for two months.

Well, frankly, howard,
it's a relief. I'm exhausted.

I tell you, the woman's
a sexual juggernaut.

Last weekend we
went to sandcreek.

That rustic sex clinic place up north
where everybody's, uh, au naturel?

I don't mind telling
you, howard.

Naked men and women of
all persuasions lying around.

Nude dance contests! Jeepers.

I knew it was time to leave when a
naked man asked me to do the lindy hop.

Last night, we're supposed to go out
to a nude reichian encounter group.

I begged off and
went out to a bar,

Had a few beers with a
guy I met who runs the

Fish and tackle
department at abernathy's.

Luke macallister.
Great guy. Mmm.

Divorced, grown kids. We threw a
few darts, talked politics, sports.

I'd forgotten the simple
pleasures of male camaraderie.

You're not thinking of
breaking up with her, are you?

Well, it's been on my mind.

On the one hand, her sense of
adventure, sexually speaking,

Is unmatched by any
woman I've ever known.

However, on the plus side, she's
kind, generous, loyal in the extremis,

And a great conversationalist.

Not unlike your lorraine.

Oh, lorraine.

Unfortunately, our relationship
is on a much loftier plain.

We go to concerts,
gallery openings.

Last weekend, we went
rowing on taft lake.

Mmm, that sounds relaxing.

Frankly, phil, I would have preferred
something a little more uplifting,

If you take my thrust.

These things take time, howard.

She'll come around.

Well, I hope so. I find
myself in a painful state,



Ironic, isn't it?

I have more than I know what to
do with, and you can't get arrested.

Hey, ray. Did she give you
any photos of the boy?

Yeah, two. Taken
a half a year ago.

Couple hundred prints are
being made by the lab for us.

Cute little peckerwood, isn't he?
Looks like sort of a miniature trini lopez.

Is that all you have
on that ex-boyfriend?

Well, she claims he
got real latino on her

When, uh, she tried
to give him the pink slip.

- Larue. Washington.
- Yes, lieutenant?

Let's pull in her ex-boyfriend for
questioning. Name, jorge alonzo.

- You get an address on that?
- No. Uh, she doesn't know
where he's living now.

But she did jot down a few
names of bars he hung out at.

- Ray, you know, uh, this was
supposed to be our lead.
- I've already got a job for you.

He'll make it something real
strategic, renko. Door-to-door.

You know, if you don't happen to
show up by happy hour there, j.d.,

Maybe I'll put an a.p.b. Out
on that wagon you been riding.

Okay, okay. That's
enough of that.

See that, neal? I'm smiling.
Doesn't faze me a bit.

Come on.

We got those pictures of the
boy back from the lab, lieutenant.

Good. After you hand them
out, I want you, coley and lyle...

To check out all the local playgrounds
between redmond, linwood, forest and north.

And don't forget
the park. Right.

What a face. Looks
like trini lopez.

Coffey. Bates.

You'll be assisting hill and renko on a
door-to-door canvass of the neighborhood.

Every building and vacant
lot within two blocks of here.

Yes, sir.

I think it's very important. We must
find him before the night shift takes over.

Yo comprendo, gordito.

Larue and washington
get the martini circuit.

Ellis and perez get to
take a stroll in the park.

But what do you and me get?

A walking tour of
the third world. Hey...

Captain, about this morning...
Wasn't your fault, alf.

It was my g*n. Did you
give your statement to i.a.?

Then forget about it. It
could've been any one of us.

Okay, captain.

Frank, jesse john
hudson's on his way in.

Good, henry. Bring him to
my office, will you? Yeah.

There's been a good deal of anxiety
up on the hill of late, mr. Hudson.

Word has it you might want
to pick up where you left off.

Let me assure you,
captain. I'm not your enemy.

Besides, where I left off was
the summer of '74. The days of rage.

You weren't up here then, but there were
brothers shot down wholesale in the street.

Only a fool or a madman would
want to pick up where I left off.

Hudson's taking
over the arrow again.

Anyone that stands
in his way is a dead man.

Come on.

Hey, the present
w*rlord and two of his

Lieutenants disappeared
sometime last night.

If they ever turn up, it'll
probably be in a crate somewhere.

He's something
else entirely, man.

The black arrow must number 200 at
least of the baddest dudes in this town.

He's reclaiming it like
it was his birthright.

I understand your
concerns, captain.

But the goals
of the inner city...

And those of the black arrow
haven't really changed since the mid '70s,

But, I can assure
you, there's been a

Profound change in the
method of attainment.

It's in my book. I read it.

Well, then, you
know my philosophy.

What are your goals, mr. Hudson? I
couldn't quite get them from the book.

Change from within.

Things like voting blocs
for municipal elections,

A privately financed credit
union for local retailers,

Work-study programs for black arrow owned
businesses, free health clinics and so on.

dr*gs, numbers,
enforced protection,

phony credit unions.

He's developing a regular
five-point program for the '80s.

So's every other
dirtball g*ng on the hill.

Gangs. Just don't
underestimate him, belker.

Why not?

He might have gone up the river your basic
storefront armed robber revolutionary,

But he's come back a
politically savvy dude.

He's learned to work the
system like a $10 hooker, man.

That makes him dangerous.

Okay. I'll relay that
to the captain, virgil.

Yeah. You tell him.

Hudson's not after nickels
and dimes this time, man.

He wants the hill.

Look, here's my numbers.

You can reach me
anytime, night or day.

It might surprise you, captain, but I
think we both want the same thing.

What do you think, henry?

He's got a lot of presence.
I don't know, frank.

I think he's on the level.

In case you've forgotten,
he beat a man to death.

I know that.

You may not want to
hear this right now,

But I've been talking to a lot of people
about hudson these past couple weeks.

Maybe he changed.

I don't trust him as
far as I can throw him.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday dear
francis xavier furillo ♪

Xavier? You didn't hear that.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪♪

All right! Hey-oh!

How are you? Fine.

How's rachel? She's
great. We're both great.

Oh, good. Thanks, fay. Happy
birthday, francis xavier.

Happy birthday,
frank. Thanks, fay.

Go on. Open it.

Oh, fay, it's terrific.

Well, you know me. I just thought you'd
like to share some cake with your men.

It's good too.

Can you come by later?
Frank jr. Has a present for you.

Sure. He made it in school.

If you could stay for dinner, you know,
you might be able to talk me into, um,

Who knows what?

Hey, frank, do you remember
when we were first married,

That little something extra I
used to give you for your birthday?

I wish I could stay, fay.
But I have another date.

Oh. Well, it was just a
last-minute idea, you know.

I didn't mean to put you
on the spot or anything.

That's okay.

It's just that, uh, I
still miss you sometimes.

Me too.

So. Frank. Forty years
old. Well, how's that feel?

So far, so good. Yeah?

Well, you look good. No...
No midlife crisis or anything?

Who's got time around here?

Sure. Well, um, you won't
forget to come by, will you?

I mean, frank jr. Would just
be heartbroken if you did.

Oh, I won't forget.
I promise. Good.

Oh, frank, happy birthday.

I mean it. I hope this
is your best ever.

I know you do. Thanks again.

I'm clean, man. I haven't seen
her and her kid in months.

Come on, jorge. We're just gonna
take you in for routine questioning.

Do I look like a
kidnapper to you?

With your breath, I don't think you could
get close enough to anybody to kidnap them.

Don't you have any pride in yourself?
Why are you getting so personal?

I ain't done nothing to you.

You see, neal, the first thing to
go with an alkie is self-respect.

Now you take this nose bag
here. He's got low self-respect,

No self-esteem and
a lousy self-image.

Hey, I never would've accused
you for having a lousy self-image.

Laughin' on the outside, honey,
cryin' on the inside. The pits.

Hey, what are you
doin' you crazy old tom?

Get outta here!

Hey, what do you think,
lover? Think we ought

To go over there before
they k*ll each other?

Save the small potatoes
for the uniforms, man.

We're in the big
league, remember?

Hey, is that big league
enough for you, lover, huh?

I've got a 10-30
at 168 jefferson.

In pursuit of white
over green firebird...

Glad you're here, frank.

Scenario wise, larue
and washington have

Driven two armed and
dangerous miscreants...

Into the bowels of this garage.

Any civilians
inside? Lieutenant!

Damn it. Listen, man!

I'm a doctor! And I'm
already running late as it is.

I've got two operations waiting
for me at county general...

And a couple of herniated
measle cases back at the office!

Where's your
partner? What partner?

Try the trunk, howard.
Port side here is a little low.

Hmm. Ballantine, get the keys.

No keys, sir. Must've
punched the ignition.

Give me that bullhorn.

You in there.

This is the police. Come out with
your hands up! You're surrounded.

In your kazoo, golf ball.

Get me that hose over there,
ballantine. We'll flush him out.

I hope you've got a
scuba t*nk in there!

Quit shoutin'! I can't
hear. I've got an earache.

Earache? Ballantine,
give me your flashlight.


Okay, okay, okay!
I'll go! I'll go!

Let me out of here! I
give up. I'm coming out.

My car! My car! That's my car.

This is your car? I assume
you have keys to this vehicle?

I just bought this car. You've ruined
it, you fascist! Get me outta here!

Out! Out! Jammed.

Of course it is, you idiot! Can
you open it from the inside?

I'm deaf, you know. You made me deaf
in here. Would you get me out please?

I can't hear. I can't... Think. I
can't breathe. I can't do anything.

Sensory deprivation,
frank. It's a potent w*apon.

All right, ballantine, I want you to take
this vehicle down to the police garage...

And spring this open. You have
bought yourself one load of trouble!

I have friends in the department! I
play racquetball with chief daniels.

You'll rue the day you
messed with dr. Sidney sackheim.

Let me out!

Sackheim... Is that
an american name?

How's your client? Rocky.

A combination of no sleep, nerves,
low blood sugar. She'll be all right.

Then what am I doing here? I thought you
should hear what she has to say firsthand.

Dr. Marcus,
emergency room, stat.

Susan, this is captain furillo.


I want you to tell him exactly
what you told me about ben lambert.

What's the point?

- I'm pressed for time,
- Susan, please.

I work nights as a topless
waitress at the cat-o'-nine-tails.

This guy, uh, lambert's been
coming in for a couple of weeks.

He seemed like a nice guy.

He's kinda shy. Held
his liquor, but I knew

He'd make a move. It was
just a matter of when.

So, uh, so finally,
last night, after

Closing, he stopped
me in the parking lot...

And asked me if I wanted to
go out for a cup of coffee.

Just coffee, he said.
That's-that's it. I promise.

I should've known better.

Tell the captain what
happened when you got in his car.

He was like a different man.

The second I got in, he offered
me money to have sex with him,

And when I said no and
tried to get out of the car,

He grabbed me and stuffed
money down my shirt,

And then he said he was a cop,

And if... And if I didn't...

He said if she didn't
fellate him, he'd arrest her.

I'm filing a complaint with internal
affairs and the citizens review board...

For harassment, false arrest
and anything else I can think of.

We're also contemplating criminal
as*ault charges against ben lambert...

As well as a civil suit
against the department.

This guy's pushed his authority,
and we're pushing back.

Whose point of view is being represented
here, counselor? Yours or your client's?

Both. Lambert ought
to be nailed to a cross.

If he's guilty. But consider
your client's record.

She's a topless waitress. We'll
run a check on her, of course,

But I'd be willing to bet that
she's not exactly a debutante.

Are you suggesting a different set of
legal standards for topless waitresses?

I also seem to recall a charge
of possession on her arrest sheet.

Is she claiming
that's a lie too?

A physician's sample of
amphetamines. Diet pills.

I've got a feeling
on this one, frank.

Call it woman's intuition if you will,
but I'm going to take it all the way.

I just wanted you
to know, that's all.

I have intuition too. It's called cop's
intuition. Mmm. You think she's lying.

I believe she believes
she's telling the truth.

I also believe that's not
necessarily the same as the truth.

As long as we both
acknowledge that the truth

Is not a monopoly
held by ben lambert...

Or the department he works for.
That's why we have courts, counselor.

8:00. Gianni's. Come hungry.

Hi, everybody! And welcome
again to you bet your nanny!

Hello? Who is it?

Police, ma'am.

If that black, no-account
woman done called you all on me.

Well, I don't know
what she's been saying.

I listens to my television loud. I'm
hard of hearing in one of my ears.

Could we just talk to
you for a moment? What?

Have you seen this
child in the last 24 hours?

No. Who is he?

He's missing from home. Have
you seen him? No, I ain't seen him!

And how come he ain't
home with his mama?

There are eight million
stories in the naked city.

This is going nowhere. You
guys check the basement?

- Yeah.
- It's your basic
rodential habitat.

I hate to be a pessimist,
but I think this kid's a goner.

- Will you quit it, renko?
- Luce, I'm only trying to
tell you like it is.

He's seven years old. He's
been missing for 30 hours.

No one's in there. Let's
go check the top floor.

Can you figure
it... Officer b...

It's an orang...
Well, bite my shorts.

- It's the lasky avenue
purse snatcher.
- Run for it, baby!

- I got him!
- Hey, man.

You get the
monkey. I'll get him!

- What?
- Joe, I got the back!

Hey, don't you swing down
there like that! Come on.

Hey, man! Hey, what's going on?

Where? Where?

- Hey, you! You knock
that off, you gibbon!
- Come on. Let's grab him!

No, you grab him. I'm
not gonna arrest no ape.

First of all, they're
stronger than whale's breath,

And second of all, you
can't toilet train 'em!

We got our man. Where's yours?

Our "man" got away.

Yeah. Well, we sure wish we could
stay with you on this door-to-door,

But we gotta take
our suspect in.

Catch you later.

What about o'keefe and dicarlo?

I have hill and renko, coley
and lyle, banahouski and tepaz...

Coffey and bates, all of them
combing jefferson heights.

Went through the park,

And cortland avenue
from 118th street to 125th.

I got to have more.

Well, I can't leave
the park barren,

But let me see if I can pull
some uniforms from midtown.

And I'll see if I can't spring
goldblume as well. How's it looking?

Larue and washington
picked up the boyfriend.

Is there anything
else you'd like to say?

If anyone knows
where my son is...

Let me see if I can get
some more bodies for you.

I appreciate that.
Channel 6 news watch.

I think that'll be it for us.

Yeah, I guess that's a
wrap. Get all the cable.

We're getting more
officers, mrs. Castillo.

He wouldn't be gone this long unless
something bad had happened. I know it.

He always tells
me where he's going.

I hope he's all right.

We never know
with the little ones.

Just get up your gumption,
and let's get down here.

I swear, renko. If there are
rats down here, I'm leaving.

Well, you gotta get used to it, man. Rats
are an ecological reality of big city life.

Well, I can't stand
'em. The way they look

At you with those
beady little marble eyes.

You mean like this here? Come
on, renko. Stop joking around.

Oh, man. What?

Smell that. Rats.

That ain't no rats.
That's a human, renko.

I'm not doing anything!

Oh, god.

Don't let that smell
be what I think it is.

Oh, no, man! No, no.

The first thing you do is tell a
kid not to go into a thing like this.

There's something
in there, bobby.

Open it. Open it! Mmm. No.

Oh, my god.

Yeah, phil?

Well, we got an i.d. On that
deceased hill and renko found.

Clayton hicks, w*rlord
of the black arrow.

I could've told
you that, frankie.

You people are sitting on your thumbs.
You'll be finding a lot of v.i.p.'S on ice.

Dobbs and hernandez from the
g*ng intervention unit are here.

Oh, wow. g*ng intervention.

Heavy, frankie, heavy.

Thanks, phil. I should be
through here in just a minute.

Okay, jesus.

Let's assume that
jesse john hudson is

Trying to regain control
of the black arrow.

What's the plan?
What's he after?

What's he after? I'm
surprised at you, frankie.

Here you are, a college graduate,
a seemingly street-wise person,

And you don't know
what hudson's after?

Educate me.

He's after your turf, bro.

My sources tell me he's after yours. Where
do you suppose he'll make his first move?

If I was him, I would probably
cross over to dekker avenue,

Put the squeeze
on the shamrocks.

Those potato heads
talk a good game,

But one look at hudson with uzis, and
they'll go running back to catechism class.

Likewise the gypsies.
And the diablos?

Protective reaction, frankie.

We'll smack his butt before
he even thinks past 125th street.

It's an interesting scenario, jesus, but
trust me, I'll never let it go that far.


Gracias, bro.

I hate to break this up, bro,

But I promised to pick up my
mother over at the dentist.

Listen, jesus, how about
working with me on this one,

Before it gets too
far out of hand?

Yo. Furillo, you draw salary.
What do I get out of this?

A little peace in the
neighborhood. That's all I'm offering.

I already have peace, frankie. But
if it comes to w*r, I'll take that too.

Oh, come on, jesus. You know
nobody wins that kind of w*r.

What I do know, frankie,

Is that the only way to avoid a w*r
with jesse john hudson is to k*ll him.

You know that too, bro.

Yo, furillo, don't let
the shadows get you.


I think belker's got a new date.

Nice collar, mick. Thank you.

That's no collar. That's family.

You're on thin ice,
dirtball. Sit down, hairbag.

What is that smell?


You like onions?


- Hill street station.
- Officer hill, please?

Yeah, this is him.

Was that refrigerator we pulled that boy
out of a top loader type or a side loader?

It was front. Yeah,
what's your name?

Where's a pencil?

Stop it. I refuse to be
manipulated that way.

No, I'm not aroused.

For pity's sake, woman,
this is a public utility.

I wanna touch you.

Phil. Oh, hiya, mac.

Why so tense?

Hey, what brings you up
here? Well, nothing really.

Just a couple of 50-yard-line red
zone tickets for the monday night game.

Well, you got
'em. That's terrific.

Listen, buddy, something's
wrong. You want to talk about it?

Well, mac, I'm
irresistible to women.

They can't leave me alone.

From stella copowski in the
sixth grade to grace gardner,

My entire life has been determined by
my irresistibility to the female gender.

It's a curse.

Not to mention what it's
doing to my lower back.

Phil, could you raise
ray for me, please?

- Oh, will you excuse me, mac?
- Look, you're busy.

I'll call you later about
the game. Cheer up a little.

Captain. Sit down.

Captain, I don't know what
to do with this monkey.

I called every agency in town
from the s.p.c.a. To greenpeace.

Guess maybe you'll have to
put him in holding for the night.

With those animals? Come
on, captain. Have a heart.

I think we got a very
sensitive creature here.

How about the
interrogation room?

Thank you, captain.
Come on, hairbag.

You got a room for the
night. Great collar, mick.

So far it's been,
uh, zero, frank.

I'll stay. Hold on.

Henry? Henry? Do you want to
stay or let the night shift have it?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll stay.
Long as it takes.

Henry will stay. I'll
talk to the others.

Okay. Call me
whichever way it goes.

Will do. Frank, happy birthday.


Excuse me.

This is a lot like the place I
grew up in over on, uh, 110th street.

Same sounds too.

Pots and pans.

Twenty different radios, married
people screaming at each other.

Might help if you
talked about it, son.

I told the cops. I
don't know nothing.

I think you do. It don't
matter what you think.

Young man, I've
been watching you,

And we simply do not have the
time to fool around with this.

You know where
he is, don't you? No!

If he's out there, seven years
old, alone, luis, he could die!

You ever see someone who's suffocated
in a refrigerator? He turns blue, luis.

Have you seen what
rats can do to a wino

Who falls asleep in the
wrong alley? Do you?

Lemme go! You listen to it,
because this is the way it is.

I'm gonna run you
in for a lie detector

Test, and god help
you if you're lying to me,

Because right now,
the charge is only child

Endangering, but if
he dies, it's m*rder, luis.

And I don't give a damn how young you are,
I swear to it, I'll see you do hard time.

Now, what the hell
did you do with him?

Me and my friend gilbert
made him think he k*lled me.

We gave him a starter's g*n, and I
put ketchup on my shirt, and when...

Where is he? Where is he?

Michael? You in here, son?

Everything's okay, son.
I've come to take you home.

You don't have to hide anymore.

You didn't k*ll anybody, son.

Come on. Take a look for yourself.
Luis is right here next to me.

It's okay, son.

Your brother was just
playing a game on you.

Come on.

Don't look so grim, henry.
That older kid needs help, ray.

I know. I explained that to her.

Maybe you could stop by next week and have
a talk with him. Take him to a ball game.

He needs help, ray! Professional
help! She realizes that, henry.

So where's he gonna get it? You saw that
apartment. The refrigerator's almost empty.

She'd have to clean house for a
year just to get his teeth fixed.

I'll call county health bureau in
the morning. They don't take illegals.

Then you tell me
what the answer is.

Happy birthday, pizza man.

Well? Do you like it?

Oh, yeah. It's beautiful.

What's wrong? Turning
40 got you down?

Ah, I think so. Yeah.

I have the profound sense I
am not what I wanted to be.

Which was?

The next stan musial.

You're a pretty heavy hitter in my
league, big guy. But not a starter.

Frank... I know.
My timing stinks.

For more reasons than
you could know, joyce,

You've been in my mind all day.

I love you.

And I'm looking for more than dinners
at a neutral spot where nobody'll see us,

A couple of sleepovers a week, a
lunch here and there if we're lucky,

And two separate but equal
lives, your place or mine.

What kind of
relationship is that?

My best one actually.

I'm 40 years old today, and I
just spent an hour with my son.

In a couple of days
I'll get another hour.

An hour with him, an hour with you.
Two hours here, three hours there.

I have the feeling that I just get bits
and pieces of the people I love the most.

My life is in fragments,
and I want more.

I can't give more yet.

Well, one way or another,
I think you ought to decide.

Does it have to be this second?

It's as good a time as any.

Oh, frank.

Please. Please don't do this.

I have to. Why now?

Because most of the
time I want you so badly...

I'm willing to ignore my
other needs, but not today.

Today I'm feeling I
want a wife, and a home,

And maybe even another kid, and I
want all that with you, counselor.

At the very least, I want an
open and aboveboard relationship,

No matter what the consequences.

Frank, you're backing
me into a corner. Yes.

Please don't bully me.

Well, uh,

I-i-i can't be stalled anymore.

I mean, either we move
forward, or it's over.
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