01x10 - Gatorbait

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x10 - Gatorbait

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 11...

Concerns a g*ng of alleged
juveniles of varying sexes...

Displaying their private
parts to vehicular traffic...

On the harding expressway,

The alleged intent of which being
to distract motorists into accidents.

We've had three to date.

So, what's say we button
up the problem forthwith...

And put some attention
on those overpasses.

All right. Next item is item 12.

Be reminded that
operation everglades...

Is under way as of
0700 this morning.

Those of you new to the
hill may or may not know...

That the sanitation workers'
contract with the city requires...

An annual search of the sewers
for alligators by this department.

Said reptiles, transported
here in their infancy...

As souvenirs of florida,

Have been known to
achieve eight feet in length...

And represent an alleged
danger to sanitation workers.

It's a tough, thankless
job down there,

More difficult
than people imagine.

So let's be alert to that
operation under the streets,

Making sure that all storm
drains and manhole covers...

Remain accessible.

Any questions?

All right. That's
it. Let's roll.


Let's be careful out there.

Judas priest, frank. I will not
have this operation compromised.

If you ask me, it is a carbon copy of
last year's fun and games with the s.p.c.a.

Carbon copy, and
make no mistake, frank.

Look, howard, why don't we try to see
this from mr. Bromfield's perspective?

It's dewey, man.

Last year, he was accidentally
darted and spent nine days...

In a coma, man. Unconscious.

We have been through
this time and again, frank.

The man literally threw
himself into the field of fire,

Screaming ecological gibberish.

What amazes me
is that he's back,

That he hasn't been dismissed
for mental incapacity.

The dude's a maniac, man. He's
twisted. Mr. Bromfield feels that...

If he carries the tranquilizer
darts personally...

There's less chance
of his being accidentally

Darted on the way
to your command post.

Well, then, where
the hell is he?

I have nine crack
emergency action squads...

Parked on their duffs here
for going on three hours.

Uh, he'll be using the, uh...
The entrance... I'm all right.

At the manhole at 1400 dekker
avenue. They should leave 'em be.

That's just above your command
post I believe. It's a natural balance.

Say, uh, 10, 15 minutes?

Yeah, I'm on my way, captain.

Oh, say, within the half hour.

Well, get the tranquilizer
down here, will ya?



See, people don't understand
them, man. They're afraid of them.

Let me ask you this.

How many people you know of been hurt by
alligators? How many people been robbed?

Ever get any cookies come in here
say they've been r*ped by alligators?

Hey, dewey, what do you say?

Let's give those guys
down there a break.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my way.

Oh, uh, listen, if I
don't come back,

It's been nice knowing
you, henry. Dewey.

The man does
make a lot of sense.


Oh, henry, uh,

Let's see what, uh, we can do...

About some unauthorized
personnel, okay?

No problem. I'll have him in a
foster home in five minutes.

Good, henry.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

He's been here
three times before.

I don't know what you're going to
do, but you have to do something.

I don't either, because
he won't listen...

Ray, I'm trying to understand
exactly what transpired in roll call.

That homicide up
on east detroit, phil.

Night watch was two
hours into overtime.

Be that as it may, ray. We are
all part of a system up here,

And that system demands
a certain protocol!

Uniforms deal with uniforms,
plainclothes with plainclothes.

When you invaded roll call just
now... Bother you a minute, phil?

Hi, ray. Hang on to him
for five minutes. What?

I swear I'll have him situated...
10 Minutes at the most. Ooh, ooh.

Oh, henry, please.

As I was saying, lieutenant, when
you invaded roll call just now,

That system of protocol
sustained irrevocable damage.

That's a little strong,
wouldn't you say?

Maybe you'd like to
reword that a little.

I don't see the need to reword
what's been perfectly worded.

Whoo. Yeah, you
tell it to him, cat man.

In the chops, man.

You wait till your father comes.

Excuse me a minute, lady.
You keep your mouth shut.

You had to start
this in front of them?

I suppose that's protocol.

Ray, it's not easy keeping that
herd awake, much less under control.

What you did seriously
undercuts my authority.

I've seen you issue orders
to plainclothes, phil.

Larue, belker,
delgado, washington.

I won't deny that. It's the
nature of the beast up here.

Things sometimes
happen too fast.

Enough said. I'm in the
wrong. Discussion closed.

No, you don't. All that says
is you're still mad about it.

I am not mad about it. Here,
let me get you a cup of coffee.

Uh, that's okay. You
got your hands full.

No, I don't. Uh...

Let me do it. I want
to pour you a cup.

Thank you, ray.

Thank you.

Hey, who... Who
cares? I don't care.

You are so smart. You're
always doing it by yourself.

I don't care.

Part of the new family
counseling program, ray?

That homicide investigation wrapped up
fast. I didn't expect you back till noon.

Division has it. Emil
schneider... He's heading it.

Schneider? Sounds big.

Well, it must be to
take ray here off it.

We all know ray's
one of the best.

Okay, would you all
back up against the wall?

Please, ma'am, come over
to the side. Thank you.

Back up. Please...
Please, back up.

Cuidado, por favor.
Cuidado, por favor. Gracias.

What else? Two of the
fingernails on her right hand,

The forefinger and the
middle finger, were broken.

They're false nails,
not real fingernails.


What else? Marks
on her wrists...

And three of her fingers
indicate she was wearing jewelry.

I'd say, what with the
hairdo, the big-ticket clothes,

She was one good-looking
woman, lieutenant.

Call girl, maybe. Maybe
worked the hotels.

Don't be in too much
of a rush, huh, kid?

Sí. Sí, no hay problema.

Your protégés here
crack it yet, emil?

Dann's got her connected back to
working call girl at the savoy ritz hotel.

Thinks she got done in by...

What would you say,
dann, secret agents?

Yeah, bulgarians, lieutenant.

It's all yours,
emil. We're done.

Uh, make some room here.

These people, I swear. I
had a victim two days ago...

Got terminated over
a bottle of grape juice.

Learn 'em good,
emil. See ya. Mm-hmm.

Ven aquí. No hay problema.

Don't worry about
it. It's fun fur.

Uh, lieutenant, i... I think
you're mistaken there.

Something on your mind, officer?

No, no. It's just that
that's a genuine fox collar.

And that's a... A
cashmere sweater.

- Is that a fact?
- Yeah. As a matter of fact,

I got my mama one
last christmas.

You were with me,
bobby. Remember? Where?

She says it's hers.

She says she loaned it to the victim, and
she's afraid she's not gonna get it back.

It's okay. It's not important. Stay
with her a couple of hours, huh?

I don't remember.

Hill street blues.

Say hello to
furillo for me, huh?

Yes, sir.

Fur expert.
"Murray the furrier."

"Murray the furrier"... That's
you. What you talking about?

I don't even know what he means.
You're butting in his business again.

So are you, man. Why don't
you just be quiet one time?

You men want to check your
flashlights? I just checked. Mine's good.

Got a couple of prune
danish here, lieutenant.

Apricot, cherry.
Looks like chocolate.


Good enterprise, devlin.

You know, the dampness down
here is known to sap calories.

That whole section
of von steuben avenue...

Above the projects
is sn*per alley.

The gas company ought to
know better than to go up there...

Without a police escort.

Hey, we don't go up there
ourselves unless we have to.

And even then, we dispatch
three or four units at a time.

Hill street station.

I got your report, supervisor.

It is being matriculated to the
proper functionaries of this agency.

Gas company casually dispatches
a repair truck to sn*per alley.

Got riddled with r*fle fire.

Here, ray.

It's carrot cake.
Cream cheese frosting.

I can't. Look.

It's a little piece.


Uh, makes a wicked carrot
cake, my cindy. The frosting's mine.

We baked it dressed
in our bathing suits.

Moist. Very moist.

Do you gentlemen have some reason
for not being out on the streets...

Providing service to the public?

Well, we put out an a.p.b.
On the tenant of record,

This here nemo
rodriguez character,

The suspected
boyfriend of the victim.

Uh, her name is maria cuajarda,
or maria escala sofias...

Uh... Uh, whatever you
want to believe from her i.d.

One says she's 21.
One says she's 18.

The boyfriend's gone, I take it.

He's a probie. Long record
back when he was with the gangs.

The dragons. The
dragons, I think.

Look, lieutenant schneider...

Says the kid shot her, ripped
off her jewelry and split.

So what's got your nose so out
of joint? You should have seen her.

She was real, real good looking.

She had a beautiful face,
hair, eyes, body, makeup, uh...

There's no way some 10-cent probie's
gonna keep a woman like that in a tenement.

How does the victim's
aunt tie into all this?

Well, this nemo... The
aunt... The aunt was... Was...

This nemo rodriguez was
splitting the rent with her, I guess.

Who knows what else?

She said she took a
sleeping pill about 9:00.9:00.

Uh, ex... Excuse me, captain.
She sleeps in the front room.

She woke up at 5:00 in the morning and
found the body lying on the kitchen floor.

You're not nearly as
bothered by this as he is.

You want to ride
this one, cowboy?

Well, uh, when I was
in the apartment,

I made a mention to the
lieutenant of a... Of a...

What "murray the furrier"
is refusing to say, captain,

Is that he got his
wrist slapped. I did not.

Now, look, here he
is, this big lieutenant,

Walking around, showing off
to all these big college boys...

Who are gonna be
detectives someday,

Instead of using the
brains that god gave him.

They're looking down
their nose at me and

Bobby, who maybe is
used to it, but I'm not.

I saw a piece of evidence...
You don't know what I'm used to.

You want to be a
homicide cop? Do it.

But you don't tell me what I'm
used to... I'm not telling you...

You don't know anything
about it. You just said it. I'm not...

- I made a mistake. I'm sorry.
- Wait a minute. Hold it.

L-let me... Let me see if I understand
what you're telling me here.

Uh, you aspire to being a
homicide detective, and you don't.

- Right.
- And you,

More so than you,

Have the feeling that
detective lieutenant schneider...

Is just waltzing his way
through a homicide investigation.

Is that right?

I just won't have people saying
I'm stupid 'cause I wear a uniform.

I'm not stupid.


I got no problems.

Just seems kinda
strange that, uh,

If this is your basic

That a heavyweight like schneider
would be running the case.

Thanks for your input.



Mmm, it' a lot bigger
than I remember.


Hey, the wheels look like
they might need oilin', babe.

Here, check the
wheels. All right.


Wheels check.

Hey, I just realized
something. It's a female.

Which means what? You
wanna take her to dinner?

Cruel words, my man. What are
you trying to do, break my spirit?

Come on. Let's get
it out of here. Right.

The liquor license comes with the
premises, man, and the dude wants out.

He's asking 15 grand,
but I know he'll take 10.

What do you know about
running a bar? I know enough.

You know how to
drink is what you know.

Come on, man. Are you gonna
stand there and tell me...

That between the two of us we
don't have the smarts to run a bar,

Let alone a laundromat?

Get serious, will ya?
It's a guaranteed winner.

We'll have
franchises in 200 cities.

I see it all now.

The ultimate in singles
laundromat and cocktail lounge."

Fluff and fold
wallbangers. Jesus.

10K for remodeling and
we're in business for 20 grand.

Less than four weeks' gross,
according to one's figures here.

Those figures say anything about
where one comes up with $20,000, huh?

One happens to already be
into me for 3,200 now, you know.

We're even. One's giving you three
and 2/10ths shares in the company.

Oh, wow. Lucky me.

We got a special mayday
line we're hooking up.

We're gonna have a red
phone in the captain's office,

And then a red phone
at the front desk.

Any problems? You
look concerned, officer.

Everything is just
fine, commander.

Everything is just
fine, commander.


You know, you look good,
phil. Been working out, I'll bet.

Well, I have.

You have to have that celery
stickin' outta your face?

It's unsightly.
This is roughage.

The doctor says I need roughage.

Last week he says protein.

I don't think he knows
what the hell is the matter.

Mmm, you been staying regular?

Yeah. Every two
weeks. Like clockwork.

I gotta admit, you
don't really look good.

How about giving my guy a call?

He's outstanding.
Enormously thorough man.

All right. I'll try it.

He's in the bockner building.
Sterling wu, internal medicine.

He's an oriental gentleman.

Wait a minute. He's not
the one I heard about, is he?

Guy who puts
leeches all over ya?

Do I look like the kind of guy who
would permit leeches on his body?

The fellow they sent over from the
s.p.c.a. Hasn't hooked up with hunter yet.

Hmm. Let's hope he's
not lost down there.

Well, he's carrying the tranquilizing
dart. No dart, no operation.

Hunter is not exactly in
a congenial frame of mind.

Score one for the
alligators. I'm on their side.

Here. Thought I'd
deliver this in person.

You wanna crow a little?
Flap your wings? Go ahead.

You'd make a hell of a
good commander, frank,

And I want you with
me up at division.

Oh, that means you're going up
to deputy chief. Congratulations.

Not that it surprises
anyone. Surprised me.

Yeah, like hell. You're up
against a good guy, frank.

Ed chapel.

I know ed. He's... He is good.

You outscored him by a couple of
points. You've got the edge in seniority.

But let's face it,
ed's a political guy.

He likes people,
and people like him.

He's active. He gets around.

Uh, excuse me. Uh...

All right. I... I think you're
jumping to conclusions, howard.

It is a deliberate ruse
to abort this operation,

And I will not be
played a fool, frank.

I have nine squads.

We've been searching for
him for two bloody hours,

And I don't need you to tell
me when to execute a search.

Suppose you wait for
mr. Bromfield until midday,

And then cancel the
operation until, say, uh,

0700 Tomorrow morning?

I'll take full responsibility.

Okay. But let the
record show, I'm miffed.

I know how you feel,
howard. I don't blame you a bit.




Will someone get me
henry goldblume, please?

Everyone knows how effective you
are with the nuts and bolts, frank...

But that in itself won't cut it.

You've got to get active
in the police league.

Check in at chief daniels's
breakfast sessions.

Lift one with the boys down
at madigan's once in a while.

You're under the microscope,
frank, from now to the day.

Pardon the untimely intrusion,
commander, but I thought the captain...

Would like to know that, uh, river
patrol picked up nemo rodriguez,

The suspect in the east
detroit street homicide.

I've got hill and
renko bringing him in.

Good, phil. You
want to see me, ches?

Excuse me, commander. Captain,
we've got a positive r & I on that victim.

The i.d.'S in her wallet
were all phonies.

Her aunt confirms she
was rosario rivas, age 15.

Rapetto in vice had her working the
heads and tails club about a year ago.

Onstage. At the
ripe old age of 14.

- Who's on it, frank?
- Emil schneider.


He knows where I work!
He knows where I live!

He knows what I eat!

He knows absolutely everything,

Including the name of
your son's orthodontist,

Including the
color of my lingerie!

And he is filthy,
foul, filthy, stinking...

Fay, you remember divisional
commander swanson.

Hello, fay. Don't
hello me, swanson.

Do something! Anything!

Uh, I'm sorry. Fay seems
to be a little upset.

Upset? Me?

Very perceptive,
frank. Highly perceptive.

As I recall, one of the highlights of
our marriage was your keen perception.

I'll catch up with you later,
frank. Oh, no, you don't, mister.

This concerns you too.

I called my local precinct
last night for help.

And what did I get? A tape
recording of mantovani!

That filth could have broken in
and butchered me and your son...

While the police
played mantovani.

Fay, what is your problem?

I have been receiving
obscene phone calls...

From yesterday afternoon
at 4:00 till 4:00 this morning.

And I am drained, frank.

I'm at the end of my rope!

It's okay to cry. I know how
upsetting these kinds of calls can be.

I don't want to cry. I
just want it to stop!

My god, what kind
of a world is this...

When your own telephone
in your own bedroom...

Becomes some sort
of horrible w*apon...

For some perverted mind
who's just free as you please,

And the police don't care?

- That's not true, fay.
- Uh, what precinct
is she in, frank?

Midtown. I'll take care of
it. See you out and around?

Yeah. Thanks, dave.

Uh, look, it's okay.

I mean, uh, it's... It's
gonna be all right.

Started happening, ray.

I've been seeing it
coming for 10 months now.

Francis is slated for
divisional commander.

We're gonna lose him.
I just saw the letter.

Take a seat, mrs. Furillo.

It's not for publication.
You absolutely sure?

Sure as I am that this
department's long overdue...

For its first hispanic
precinct captain.

How do you suppose he knew that? I
mean, do you mark it on a calendar, or...

No. How we doing,
fay? Feeling better?

Yeah. I am now. Huh?

You know, just knowing
somebody cares helps.

At 4:00 in the morning,
with, uh, no husband, it's...

Well, I think you both
know what I'm talking about.

You know, fay, as
traumatic as these calls are,

I wouldn't worry about the caller
doing what he threatens doing.

- It's true.
- They're sick, lonely,
cowardly types.

They can't do anything
but dial a phone.

- I know.
- Of course there was
the clausen case not long ago.

What's the clausen case?


Oh, you don't want
to know, fay. I'm sorry.

She did live though.
He was put away.

It's nice seeing you, fay.

I'm sure you've got
nothing to worry about.

Right in there.

Booking. Have him mirandized,

And in both english and spanish.

And take him into

And don't let anybody talk to
him till schneider gets there.

- How about his phone call?
- Absolutely.

Frank? Yeah.

What's the heads and tails club?

Private club. Top of
the fairmont manor.

Sex club. That's right.

With juvenile
performers. Yes, some.

Vice has tried closing
it down for years, henry,

But it's got an, uh,
influential membership.

Besides, it's midtown's problem.

It's a 14-year-old girl.

Seems to me that's
everybody's problem.

I can't be... How can this department
know about it and not do anything?

And don't tell me it's victimless.
We know better than that.

I'm sorry. I... I just can't
seem to get it off my mind.

Me neither, henry.

Yeah, okay.

No, the only thing I called division
about was about the address.

We don't know the address.

He left the book. I know.

It's the yellow copy.

Robert hill. It should
be in the files turned in.

It was turned in. Yeah, I'm
well aware of that. Thank you.

I'll hold.

Good work. Uh, now cage
him and get him out of here.

- Hold him steady.
- Do we tie him up first
or just put him in the cage?

Keep track of where we are now.
Keep our hands out of the cage.

There should be more. Where
there's one, there's more.

Oh, if I were writing
my memoirs, snellkirk,

I would entitle this little
episode "prelude to oblivion."

Ah, it's just another symptom of this
city's deteriorating nervous system.

What galls me...

Is that...

There's still time
enough to save it.

That's disgusting.



I'll be right back.

You know how many calories
are in those french fries?

- Oh, thank you, honey.
- Need another beer?

Yeah. After 25 years
of these things,

I don't know whether I'm
eating them or they're eating me.

Remember when these
things used to be 35 cents?

Light or dark?

Club soda, please.

Frank furillo.

How ya doing, frank? I'm doing
just fine, emil. You look good.

Your east detroit street suspect,
rodriguez, was picked up by river patrol.

We're holding him for
you. Hey, that's fast work.

Do I have time to finish this?

Maybe you better skip the
buns. Ah, the bun is the best part.

What's the chance your just
booking and shipping him, huh?

Save me the schlep
up there? No chance.


Excuse me.

Can I have, uh... What's the
problem, frank? Jurisdiction?

I step in somebody's
rice bowl this morning?

Explain something to me, emil.

If this street k*lling's
no big deal, why you?

Taking some kids
to school, that's all.

They got to learn someplace.

Those two kids you sent over...

The chunky kid was nursing
a wild hair of some kind.

Started giving me a hard
time about the victim's sweater.

Ah, well, they're kids.

They're ambitious.
Can't blame 'em.

How's the missus?
That's history.

You too?

Everyone in this place is either divorced,
separated or fighting a holding action.

You figure it.

Rapetto over at
vice says the victim...

Was working half-and-half
at the heads and tails club.

Do you know about that? No. It
explains a lot though. The money.

Must've been a thousand
bucks on her back.

Hey, frank. Good to see ya.

Hi, ed. How ya doing?
Good, good. Okay.

How are you, emil? Ed.

So, how's the world,
huh? How's fay?


Well, join the club, frank.

Rita packed me
off 18 months ago.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, there's no sense our
skirting the issue, frank.

Looks like it's you
and me. Mm-hmm.

- I got the word this morning.
- Yeah, me too.

Well, I don't know
how you feel about it.

Me, I'm kind of, uh, walking
the fence, you know.

A commander's a
commander, but, uh...

I'm a street cop, you know?
Oh, yeah. I know what you mean.

Well, good luck.

- I mean it.
- Same here, ed.

I mean it too.

I'll see you guys,
huh? Take care.

Hungry life, frank.

I thank my lucky
stars I'm getting out.

How about doing us a favor, huh?

Just shipping the kid
downtown. Save me the trip.

How about doing me a
favor and giving me a reason?

No reason.

When division tells
me to roll, I just roll.

- What's the problem?
- It's nothing personal, emil.

But I wanna be there when
you interrogate the kid.


A year we've been on this, huh?

A full year, and nobody
thought to measure nothin'.

How could we screw up like this?

Maybe we could cut off her legs.

That's criminal, man. Uh-huh.

I say we get ourselves to a hardware
store, do it and get it done, babe.

Cut off her legs? Mm-hmm.

Now level with
me, charlie, please.

How much of it is test scores?

I mean percentage.

Uh, 50-50? 60-40? What?

Don't play games with
me, charlie, please.

Everyone knows frank is moving up
to division, so the captaincy's open.

Hey, look, I'll get
back to you later.

Frank, no schneider.

He'll be there.

Oh, uh, do something
for me, will you, ray?

Call dave rapetto
over at vice...

And see if you can get his
paperwork on the heads and tails club.

Employees, clientele, like that.

Ask him if he'll keep
it off the records.

Send hill and renko
to pick it up in person.

What are we looking for?

I don't know yet. Maybe nothing.

Maybe satisfy myself schneider's
covering the same bases.

Phil, I would like to request the
services of officers hill and renko.

Oh, your request
is granted, ray.

I'll radio 'em to be at
your disposal immediately.

You mind telling me
what's going on here?

- Protocol, francis.
- Oh.

Oh, by the by, francis, uh, you
know mr. Bromfield, the s.p.c.a. Man?

He had a small
misfortune while in traffic.

Traffic? He's supposed to be in
the sewer. What happened to him?

Oh, he's alive. He's all right.

While stopped at a traffic
light, he somehow accidentally...

Scratched himself
with a tranquilizer dart.

County detox has got him.
They say he's sleeping like a baby.

You by any chance pass
this along to hunter?

Oh, negative, francis. It didn't
seem quite like the proper protocol.

Okay. All right,
babe, here it comes.

Here it comes. Easy. Easy.
Boy, this sucker's heavy.

I got it. Yeah.

Okay, here it goes. Okay.

Grab it.


Here's the bag,
man. Grab it. Okay.

You got it? You got it? Yeah.

Oh, man.

Okay, let's do it. Hey, man,
it's dark enough. Why bother?

Hey, man, we paid the dude
for a four-legged alligator.

You want your
money's worth or what?

All right, lover.
Let's tape 'em back on.

Say, brother. Say, you,
down there in the hole!

"Drama of the jungle"...
You. Yeah. What's up?

Police business.
Vacate the scene, please.

Hey, I said it was police business,
so move it out of there. Move.

All right. All right.

"Vacate the scene, please."
These people, I swear.

Give me some tape. Yeah, here.

I wouldn't call my mood demoralized,
frank, but, uh, let's be candid.

It does tax one's
proclivity to cope.

Oh, yeah, howard. It can
renew one's lack of faith.

Which brings one, parenthetically,
to the heart of the matter, frank.

You're up for commander.
Base camp, come in. This is munson.

Urgent. Uh, wait a minute.

Base camp. Come in, lieutenant.
This is munson. Urgent.

This is hunter. Sighted
alligator, moving fast.

Designate position.
Over. Corridor "l."


This is just one more example of
the rampant unprofessionalism...

That is legend in this precinct.

Frank, judas! My boys shouldn't
have to put up with this.

Not with a gaggle
of prankster apes...

Who have silly putty for brains and
jelly where their manhood oughta be.

Howard, the whole thing is
unfortunate, and it will be investigated.

I assure you.

If you're here that long.

I'll be around.

Ed chapel's up against
me, and in my opinion,

If anybody's interested, he's
much better suited for the job.

Excuse me, frank.


Lieutenant schneider's here, and
so's rodriguez's public defender.

Hello, howard.

Should go nicely
with the moose heads.

Thank you, henry. Tell them
I'll be with them in a minute.

Let's put our bacon
on the table, frank.

When it comes to
discipline, you're...

Oh, let's face it. You... You're
just too damned elastic.

Too damn forgiving.

Your focus is ideas, strategies,
uh, command decisions.

Division needs you. And this
place needs an iron hand.

Look, howard... No, listen, I
know you're gonna tell me...

That this conversation is
premature, but I don't think so.

No, I don't. Not that I'm saying I'm
above being occasionally premature.

Renko, hey, would
you just listen to me?

Just kick a little bit lower, and
don't worry about so much force.

Just use some finesse, man.
Don't talk to me about finesse.

I am finesse.

It's basic career growth,
the way I look at it.

Now, you... You may make
sergeant someday... In the future.

Appreciate your
confidence in me, renko.

Uh, me, I will pass my exams,

Become a plainclothesman, get
into homicide, become a homicide unit...

Homicide will only take,
uh, college graduates.

Well, that's why I'm going back to
college next semester. All right.

Every man has a destiny,
the way I look at it. Mm-hmm.

Some just go rising up
that big ladder of success.

Maybe some people slide
off to the side like this...

Or maybe some don't. Right.

You take furillo, for instance. From
what I hear, he's gonna be made commander.

Which means one of those lieutenants...
Mulenburg or hunter or "calletaino"...

- "Calletano."
- Calletano... However you pronounce it.

One of those guys is gonna be
put into frank's slot. Mm-hmm.

My point is, everything changes.

Nothing remains the same.

Except for those people
who wish to just look...

From paycheck to
paycheck to paycheck.

Meaning me, I suppose? No,
no. I didn't mention any names.

Well, that's what you... You were
implying. I did not mention a name.

You didn't... You didn't say my
name. But you implied it though.

I implied nothing. What
I'm trying to say is...

What are you
trying to say? What?

Why'd you need a screwdriver
at 4:00 in the morning?

He was repairing the
antenna on his television set.

He's already answered that.

Building superintendent
says that basement

Door's kept locked
to keep the junkies out.

It was locked when we investigated
the premises this morning.

I haven't had a... A good chance
to really study the arrest report,

So I think it would be in our
best interest not to answer...

Any further
questions at this time.

I didn't do anything to her.

I didn't see her or
nothing, man. I just...

I came upstairs, and... And...

And she was lying there.

Must've been quite a shock
coming on her like that.

You and her...

Maybe spent time together?

I know how it is, kid. It's...
It's rough, tears you apart.

Things go spinning around
inside your head at a time like that.

Maybe you took a piece of jewelry off
her that you'd given her some time before.

For memory's sake.

Is that possible? No, I did
not do anything like that!

I think we'd better cut this off
right now. Lieutenant. Captain.


I wonder if we could
shed some light...

On the victim without
compromising your client.

You don't have to answer.

She worked at the heads and
tails club a little over a year ago.

We know that, nemo. We
also know she was 14 then.

Somebody must've liked her,
or recruited her off the hill.

Who was that, nemo?

Do you think that's okay,
nemo? Fourteen-year-old girls?

Man, she didn't ask me. She didn't tell
me nothing. She just went, all right?

- Her aunt couldn't stop her?
- Her? Man, she don't care.

She came back.

Why do you suppose
she came back, nemo,

To see you or to see her aunt?


The deputies will be
taking you downtown soon.

Use the room here, why don't
you, counselor. Thank you, captain.

Word of friendly advice, frank.
Drive in your own lane, huh?

You'll get where you're
going a hell of a lot faster.

Maybe so.

Come on, frank. We've known
each other for 15 years.

You don't need that
stuff to make the jump.

Homicide's my problem. Heads
and tails belongs to vice.

Let's not go stepping over
each other just for nothing.

You think he's your boy? Yeah.

I wouldn't lick the stamp till
forensics came in, but, yeah.

I think your public
is awaiting you.

Take care of yourself, huh?

How are you, rabbi?

Yeah. Well, there's always the
possibility. It could go either way, mick.

Well, my guess is no one's
half as good as you are, captain,

So congratulations
and best of luck.

I think it's great. Sensational.

Thank you, mick.

Um, every man's got
his own destiny, captain,

And you shouldn't worry
about what gets left behind.

I mean, what happens to
us people up on the hill.

You just gotta erase that.

It's like ships that
passed in the night...

And sailed away alone
across lonely seas.

You know. Uh...

Eh... Uh... Wait.

Wait. No, no. Hold it,
mick. It's okay. All right.

Just a second. Oh!

It's already had a rough day. I
appreciate the good wishes, mick.

I just wanted you to know that
you shouldn't worry about us.

We're gonna do just fine.

Yes, francis, I think you owe the men a
formal announcement of the possibilities,

Morale-wise, candor-wise
and otherwise.

You're right,
phil. I'll do that.

I called forensics. Uh, the rodriguez kid's
prints are all over the m*rder w*apon.

Well, as schneider says, I
guess that licks the stamp.

Oh, phil, uh, could you do
something about this? Mm-hmm.

I think so.



Could you ask henry to
please do something about that?

All right. All
right. Thanks, phil.

Good night. Good night.

Division's such a
political snake pit.

I don't know if I'm
equipped for that.

You're equipped for anything.

It would mean more bucks.

Many more bucks.

And more time for the better
things in life, namely, moi.


You want to sell me a little?

Homework, furillo.

Do I detect political action
in this bedroom, counselor?

You detect no
action in this bedroom.

But since you brought it up,
you may as well know my opinion,

Which is that politics is everywhere,
and you may as well get good at it.

Not that you're
not, because you are.

As I recall, you
politicked me...

Into the sack the
first day you met me.

How'd you do that anyway?
You drug me, furillo?


Nothing is moving me out of
this bedroom tonight, counselor.

So just put those books
away. I'll be right back.

When is this gonna stop?
Midtown is handling it, fay.

They know what they're doing, and
I want you to cooperate with them.

If you heard the things he
threatened on the phone...

Very graphic.

He's making me
physically ill, frank.

You know what he said? He said
that he's smarter than the police.

He's not. We'll get him.

Guaranteed? Guaranteed.

How long can frank jr.
Stay with your mother?

Till monday.

She's going to the hot
springs. I can't ask her to cancel.

I'm not asking you to ask her.

Can I go home with you tonight?

Please, frank? I
can't go back there.

You could call her on the
phone and warn her that I'm coming.

Don't worry about it. Let's go.

It's not gonna bother me
if... If there's somebody there.

I-it could bother her, but
it's not gonna faze me one bit.

That's good to know. Then
there is someone there.

Not that it's any
big deal if there is.
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