03x07 - To Live and Diet in L.A.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x07 - To Live and Diet in L.A.

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on l.a. Law...

When I find a birth mother
who seems right for you.

I'll give her your phone numbers
and she'll call you collect.

Make a list of questions,
write them down.

People tend to forget
everything when the call happens.

Mr. Kuzak, what
you did constitutes

Devious and unethical behavior.

Utterly at odds with
our code of conduct.

Our recommendation to the
state bar association is that

You be publicly censured.

And suspended from
the practice of law

For a period of not
less than one month

Effective immediately.

And you take this
good care of everyone?

No, the truth is that I don't.

But I've got a wicked
crush on you, abigail.

You might as well know it.

Oh, boy.

Good night?

You're telling me to prosecute

With an unconstitutional

You're telling me
to break the law.

I'm just hoping that, god,

You remember you're
a public servant.

And you'll do the things that
serves the public best here.

In the matter of people
versus lyle torrey,

We find the defendant guilty
of m*rder in the first degree.

[Reporter] ms. Owen, any
predictions on the second set?

It's in the jury's hands.

Any significance they
deliberated more than two days?

It's a penalty phase
with a capital case.

We expect them to be careful.

- What about lyle torrey...
- I have no further comment.

Will the defendant please rise?

Madam foreman, has the
jury reached its verdict?

We have, your honor.

What say you?

In the matter of
criminal complaint ,

We the jury, having
previously found

Lyell tory guilty of
m*rder in the first degree

And having further found
special circumstances to exist.

Now on the issue of penalty,

Sentence him to death by
the infliction of lethal gas.

[Woman] excuse me.

May I ask that jury
be polled, your honor?

Members of the jury, as
the clerk calls your name,

Please declare
your individual vote

With respect of
the death penalty

Or life sentence in this matter.

- Martin alston?
- Death.

- Marcia bennett?
- Death.

- Stephen douse?
- Death.

- Anne folger?
- Death.

- Linda paradiso?
- Death.

- Hugh cannon?
- Death.


You feel like getting
a cup of coffee?

No, thanks.

Hey, I got a really
big day planned.

I gotta go to oshman's,
pick up a fishing rod,

A reel, a few other
little doodads.

Why don't you take the
day off and come with me?

If I thought that would
change the way I feel, I would.

It's not like you
didn't expect this.

I know.

It's just the fact of it now.

I prosecuted this man based
on an illegal confession

And now he's going to die.


Are you gonna be
able to live with this?


No, I'm not.

Moving along, has anyone heard
from the long lost mr. Kuzak?

I have.

And? Is he pondering
the error of his ways?

Yeah, I think so. He's
planning to go fishing.

Life's a bitch, ain't it?

Victor, where are we
on jacobs vs. Teller?

I'm deposing
mr. Teller this morning.

Jonathan, the deforest motion?

Still pending.

Well... Who's the
judge on that one?

Stephen lang.

Well, let me see.
Let me call his clerk.

Ms. Wyler, how go the
mcnally interrogatories?

The responses have
all been drafted

And sent to the
client for his review.

I'm getting his
notes this afternoon

And the revisions will be ready

For his signature
tomorrow morning.

Very good. Very good!

Ms. Kelsey, there's a
collect call for you.

Excuse me?

I'll take it.

Lastly, having been accused

In past years of stinting
on our christmas festivities,

I gladly bow to majority will

And relinquish control
of our annual party

To our crock financial
watchdog, stuart markowitz.

Well, the final figures
of our party are in.

And in his able hands,

We soared passed our
budget by a full percent.

Excuse me, douglas.

It was a joke.

Ross probably told you
that we've been trying...

Uh, we really want
to have a family.

But it's pretty unlikely

That I'll ever be
able to get pregnant.



Oh, yeah, I have so many
questions for you that i...

I literally had to
write them down.

I know, i-i'm nervous too.

Well, here goes.

Um, are you in school?

Oh, uca irvine's a good school.

Any, um, favorite subjects or...

Well, give it time.

Kelly, you know, it's really
difficult to make small talk

Not knowing if we're even
gonna get a chance to meet you.

So let me tell you
some things about us

That ross didn't say.

Stuart and I haven't been
married for very long.

We, um, we've been
friends for seven years

Before we got together.

And that gave us a long time
to get to know each other.

Maybe because we were
such good friends first

We have a wonderful
balance in our marriage.

We're good together.

I think our greatest
qualification as parents

Is that we love each other.

And we want a baby to love.

Anytime! Anytime, you like.

Great, you decide where.

Great! Well, take care
kelly and we'll see you soon.

She wants to meet us?


I think she liked me.

How can't she not like you?

You're unbelievable.

Well, stuart, she sounded
like a really sweet kid.

I liked her.

- Let's call ross.
- Oh, yeah.


Maybe we should give her
a chance to call him first.

Right, right. Hang up.
Hang up. [Both gasp]

I brought you the
tape. I still don't see

Why this couldn't have
waited until tonight?

I got two meals between
now and then, that's why.

Let me reiterate, roxanne.

I don't think it's indicated.
I don't think it's called for.

I don't think the
situation requires.

Just play the tape, david.

- hi, fatty.
- Hi, fatty.

- I'm dale.
- And I'm margo.

and we wanna talk to you about

rewriting your life's script.

[margo] when you love
your body eating right

becomes an act of
joy instead of denial.

diets are about denial.

margo and dale are about joy.

what did we eat today, margo?

breakfast was a
handful of millet

and a cup of
what's this?

and also swiss chard,
spirulina salad, royal cut,

and a half dozen
flowerets of cauliflower.

i know I left the table full!

Don't tell me that you're
into getting into this.

[dale] I once thought...

You don't think I might
need to drop a few pounds?

Assuming I do, is it necessary

To join some cult of
self-obsessed body worshipers?

Eat less, you'll lose weight.

My sentiments exactly!

The truth is,

I have never minded a
bit of avous dupleus,

When I see the way my
frauleine here carries it.

Oh, is that right?

Then why did you make
such a point of telling me

You were distributing
a diet video?

I was telling you about
a business acquisition,

Not dropping hints.

A video distributor
went chapter ,

I bought out their
duplicating facilities

And a small catalog of titles.

Always new worlds
to conquer, huh, dave?

You said a mouthful
there, my friend.

We are now witnessing

The emergence of mass
marketing in home video.

I am talking about both movies

And what I would
call, lifestyle tapes.

In fact, and I know roxanne here

Hates for me to make
pitches to you guys,

But somebody is going
to come out with a video

About getting divorced
and you mark my words

It will create an annuity

That will last well
into the next millennium.

Dave, I thought we
talked about this.

Well, you will have to admit,
arnie is a logical candidate.

He's an authority on the subject

And he is not exactly
found wanting

In the charisma department.

Look, dave, what I offer

A client can't be
replicated on a videotape.

A client comes to me, me.

Yes, absolutely true.

But you'll have to admit
there are awful lot of people

Who can't afford to hire you.

But the $ . , They
would shell out

For an hour's worth of
your well-chosen words

Could add up to a seven

Maybe even an eight figure
income for you and yours.

[Kelly] I don't even
know what to ask you?

I should've written
some questions. It's hard.

I wanna be sure I'm
picking the right people.

Well, just makeup a question

And we will make up the answer.

Will the baby have
any grandparents?

Yes, my mother lives back east.

And stuart's
parents are deceased.

I am sorry.

And your mother doesn't
mind that it's adopted?

No. She's already out
buying teddy bears.

I'm from back east too.

Mine, mine, folks are divorced.

My mother knows about the baby,

But I could never
tell my father.

Really? That's too bad.

Are you sure he
wouldn't understand?

No way.

Now a baby's a lot of work.

What about your career?

Well, mckenzie brackman
can do without me for a while.

I wanna stay home with the baby.

And when I do go back,
it'll just be part-time.

And don't wanna pry, kelly,

But the baby's father is...

Is he okay about the adoption?

Ah, well, we broke
up before I found out,

He doesn't even know about it.

And believe me, he
wouldn't want to.

Well, then you're
better off without him.

Yeah, I guess.

It was my own
fault. It was stupid.

We all make mistakes.

Especially in love, I
think that's probably

The hardest thing
when you're right.

I... I waited a long
time to find this person

And there's a lot of bumps
along the way, believe me

But it's worth every
minute, aren't it?

Well, you guys are great.

I couldn't take care of a baby.

I... I wanna go to college.

I wanna have a career,
umm... Do something.

You will, kelly. I
can tell, you will.

Bruce, you got a moment?

Sure. Come on in.

This has been weighing
on me for weeks now.

I thought I could
live into it, but I can't.

The tory case?


I'm going to reopen it.

Grace, this is crazy.

I wanna have a career,
umm... Do something.

This will bury me. What
the hell am I gonna say...

I came to inform you,
bruce, not to debate you.

I'm doing it.

He'll go free.

I know what the
consequences are for all of us,

And I will protect
you as best I can.

But I have to do this.

All right, grace?

Thank you for not making
this anymore difficult.

Oh, I'm sorry,
bruce. I wish that...

Dietetic jujubees
sweetened with aspartame.


Um-could you
tell, arnie, I'm here?

What do you mean
tell him you are here?

Hey, he called me.


I'm trusting you
with my image, dave.

You understand what that means.

Of course I do.

Reputation that has
taken me years to build,

Could very easily
be trashed here.

Arnie, that very reputation
is both our fortunes.

The age-old homily "you
don't k*ll the goose."

I live by this.

I want people to feel like
they got their money's worth.

I want this thing
to have some class.

Absolutely, cashet,
elan, call it what you will

It is a very important element.

As for profits, I
see it running - .

Seventy being me,

Production comes
out of your end,

Promotion off the
top arnie, I'm wounded.

I'm not only covering
the cost of production,

I'm providing
distribution as well.

To tell you the truth,

- Is a little bit
more what I had in mind.

Dave, dave, lets...
Let's consider

Relative exposure
here for half a minute.

This thing lays an egg, you
move on to something else.

That's my professional

I'm putting on the line
out there. That's my face.

Arnie, you think we
could settle on say -

And allow me to emerge

With some modicum
of dignity intact.

Dave, I can live with - .

Arnie, we are in business.

Now I've got a director
and crew standing by.

I suggest we tape
a show tomorrow

So that you can start
getting used to the process.

Oh, uh... In that case,

I better get a facial lined
up for this afternoon.

Why is it I feel we're
about to make history?

My client has no priors.
He is gainfully employed.

He has roots in the community.
He's no threat to society.

He viciously
assaulted the manager

Of a small convenience
store, a total stranger.

Your honor, store posted

An incorrect series of
winning numbers for the pick- .

Thereby leading
my client to believe

That he had won
over $ million.

Now, without condoning
v*olence in anyway,

I would like to propose
that the stress of learning

That you had won
the state lottery

Only to then find out
that you haven't is enough

To make the mildest of
men lose his good judgment.

I'm aware of the facts.

A year probation, mr. Page,

But buy your lottery
tickets elsewhere.

No problem, your honor.
I'm not gonna buy nothin'.


[Grace] counselor.

[Clerk] people
versus jose iguell.

Keep in touch with me, mr. Page.

Your wife sometimes forgets
to give you my messages.

Yes. She thinks if I don't
call you it'll go away.



[Judge] thomas friese
for the defendant...

Take care, mr. Page.

You too.

Can I interest you
in a little lunch?

Oh, not today.

Tomorrow? Bill, we
already went through this.

I don't want to
get all tangled up.

I didn't invite you to
get all tangled up,

I invited you to lunch.

How about friday?

Okay. Okay, fine.

You see that wasn't so hard.

[Defendant] right
to a speedy trial.

[Grace] I'm talking about
continuing this till this afternoon.

This is the third time
that we've been ready

And the district attorney
has called for a continuance.

Now this is wreaking
emotional havoc

With mr. Iguell's
fragile mentality judge...

Save it, mr. Friese.
Will you please?

Who've you got beside
the arresting officer?

Nobody. He is my only witness.

Well, this was a nine
o'clock call, ms. Van owen.

I've got a call in.

That's not good enough.

He's right.

This guy was here three times.

If you can't prosecute
then you can't prosecute.

Judge, I will find him. I
will have the witness...

No, I'm dismissing.

If you wanna re-file
then that's up to you.

This is a serious
felony, your honor,

Breaking and entering.

Then you should've
taken it seriously,

And had your witness
lined up. Case dismissed.

[Casual chattering]

Ms. Van owen, bill ringstrom.


Lt. Dolan asked me
to give you a message.


Message is, you've got like a
dozen pending felony cases,

Which rely on police testimony.


And a lot of these
are cops, are so upset

That known cop-k*ller
like lyle torrey

Might be released,

They might tend to
get a little forgetful.

Is that what just
happened in there?

Oh, I don't know for sure,
but it's possible yes ma'am.

In other words,
unless I let lyle torrey

Go to the gas chamber you
guys are gonna freeze me out?

I don't know.

I guess you just have
draw your own conclusions.

Well, you tell your
lt. Dolan for me,

That that is the most
despicable, cynical,

Blackmailing manipulation
of the system I ever heard of.

And if you guys are
looking to play hardball,

You got the wrong d.a.

Look lady...

Ma'am, I'm just a messenger.

Maybe you ought to take
it up with the lieutenant.

Damn right, I'll take it
up with the lieutenant.

Well, congratulations
are in order.

Kelly, was impressed

And she wants you
to adopt her baby.


[Kelsey] ross, thank you.

She's taking the semester off.

She wants to move up
here until the baby's born.

She'll need rent and expenses.

It's fine.

The easiest thing to do is
to setup an account for her.

Give me access

And I'll play middleman
on the allowance and rent.

No problem.

Ann, I suggest you take
kelly to see your doctor.

Get her checked out,
schedule her appointments.

Fine. And have them send
the bills directly to you.

Fine, fine.

And of course you'll pay for
the delivery and the hospital.

Umm... Uhh, we're gonna
get anything on paper?

No. I can't hold her to anything

Until the consent
form is signed.

We know she likes you.

Feels solid to me.

I feel good about her, stuart.

As a matter of fact, ann,

Kelly would like you
to be her lamaze coach.

Being in the delivery room?

This is really
happening, isn't it?

Stuart, we're gonna have a baby.

Yeah, yeah.

[Office chatter]

I'll be with you in a
moment, ms. Van owen.

So... What can I do for you?

We seem to have a
problem lieutenant.

No you have a problem.

It's everyone's problem

When you punish me by
withholding my witnesses.

There's one very
simple solution.

Why don't you tell
me what that is?

Don't reopen the torrey case.

Not a chance.

Look, you put torrey
back on the street.

There's not a cop on the force

That's gonna be there
for you. Not ever.

You'll probably end up in junior
court prosecuting jaywalkers.

I didn't put a police
informant in lyle torrey cell.

You did that.

I didn't coerce an
illegal confession,

You did that too.

Let me tell you something...

We put our asses on the
line every day, lady. Everyday!

Now, out there, if
one of us gets k*lled,

We expect the
d.a.'S he worked with

To help us put
the k*ller in jail,

Not back on the street
to k*ll more cops.

Grow up, dolan.

Don't blame me
for your screw up.

You know, the
funny thing here is

Your guy's probably
safer inside than out.

When he hits the streets,

Chances are he
won't last hours.

Is that a threat?

No, it's just an observation.

All I'm saying is,

If this guy so much as
spits on the sidewalk,

Some nervous cop is
gonna blow him away.

And it will be on
your head, counselor.

Now excuse me, please.

I've got some work to do.

This not being "take a
judge to breakfast week",

I assume you come
equipped with an agenda.

Actually I'm just
looking for some advice.

And this conversation
could never be construed

As an ex parte
communication now, could it?

Absolutely not. This
is a hypothetical case.

- Coffee?
- Grapefruit juice.


- Decaf.
- Thanks, sir.

This "hypothetical"
case of yours?

It concerns a district attorney

Who convicted
somebody with evidence

Which turned out to be illegal.

Now the defendant is
looking at a death penalty.

Well, it seems to me
that the district attorney

Should come forward
with what she or he knows.

But that's the problem.

You see, it may be
that certain people

In the police department and
maybe even in the da's office

Knew before the trial that
this evidence was illegal.

And investigation could be
very damaging to these people.

The district attorney
doesn't want to jeopardize

Careers of people
who he considers to be

Basically good and honest.

In fact, the district attorney
will not come forward,

If it means exposing
his colleagues.

I see... That is a problem.

I guess I was
wondering, what a judge

Such as yourself
might do if a situation

Like this ever came
before you, hypothetically.


I think the most
important concern

Would be to overturn
this illegal conviction.

If in fact it was illegal.

And I suppose that the only
way I could accomplish this,

Was to give the district
attorney assurances

That certain questions
would not be asked

Not withstanding the
potential risks involved

In making such an
unpopular decision.

I'd probably give
those assurances,


Would you like to
hear the specials?

That'd be fine.

We have belgium
waffles to die for,

English muffins
listed price overrated

And we have a new
cinnamon crisp oatmeal.

What do you mean the
conviction might be illegal?

Just what I said, it might.

Hey, grace,

If it's illegal
then it's illegal.

We don't have to
give you anything.

You'd need me to
overturn it, bobby.

Hell, I do. I'll march
right into court

And tell the judge exactly

What you're
telling us right now.

I just tell him you
misunderstood me.

Let's face it, even if you
could get a reversal,

You'd still be looking
at a second trial.

Which we'd win.

Maybe, maybe not.

But I'm offering your guy
a dismissal with prejudice,

That means no second trial.

Just walks clean and free.

So what I gotta do?

First, we all agree right now

That there will be no cries
of prosecutorial misconduct.

You guys just nod your
head while I do the talking.

Second, there have been
four drive-by sh**t

In the last month
linked to your g*ng,

I want the sh**t in all four.

I don't know nothing about it.

Than have a good
life and enjoy the gas.

Hey, hey, don't jerk us, grace

Don't you jerk me!

Your client either cuts
this dealer or he dies.

Simple choice, counselor.

The offer is good
for seconds.


But I'm not testifying.

You have to testify.

Right. Look, lady,

If I roll over my own people,

I'm a dead man.

I'd live longer in here.

Now I can give you
names and dates

And whereabouts of weapons,

But you gotta
let me do it secret.

Let's hear what you've got.

It's in the shot.

Could you put those
somewhere else for now?


Are you making a
movie about arnie?

We're making a
videotape about arnie.

[Gasps] ah, that's me!

Have you ever seen
yourself on tv?


Well, you see, this camera here

Is sending your
image to the tv set.

And that way we can see exactly

What we're putting on tape.

Would you do something for me?


Would you sit at
arnie's desk for a minute?

We need a stand-in.

But you have to sit down.

I'm allison gottlieb.

Benny stulwicz.

And this d*ck and that's julius.

Could you pick up a pad and
pretend like you're working?

Hey, arnie.

They said I'm your stand-in.


I'm glad you're back.

Is there some place
quiet we can rehearse?


Hi. How'd your audit go?

Good, good.

We got the penalty reduced

And they're taking
cents on the dollar.

- Great!
- You want to see what I got?

I made a list of my favorites.

If it's a girl-amy, kimberly,

Marlene, samantha, maybe evan.

For a girl? Too androgynous.

You don't think we're jumping
the g*n a little bit, stuart?

Well, the baby's
due in four months.

Conley vs. Morgan.
What about morgan?

I don't see how that's
any better than evan...

Morgan markowitz.
Morgan markowitz.

Give me a hug.

I knew she'd say yes.

How'd you know?

Because we're gonna be
wonderful loving parents,

And anybody with any
sense could see that.

- You know, I do like amy.
- Great.

Let's put it in under
consideration list.

I'll take care of it.

Give me that book. I
wanna look through it!


But you're not gonna find
anything better than amy.

We'll see...

Hi, my name is arnold becker.

I'm a divorce lawyer.

Some people prefer the
term matrimonial lawyer.

Sorry. I feel stiff... Awkward.

Just talk to me. That's all.

You're a director.

Talking to you is different
from talking to other people.

Why? I can respond
like a person.

Not only that, but I'm a woman.

And the truth is, arnie,

You can speak to women
like very few men can.

And I don't just
mean with words.

That still comes across?

Well, it does to me.

Of course, I should tell you

That I'm going through a
divorce right now myself.

- Really?
- Really.

And I find myself anxious
and depressed and happy

And excited all
at the same time.

Exactly the gamut of emotions

I expect you should
to be whetting.

You offer more than
legal services, arnie.

You offer strength.
You offer empowerment.

And trust me, when your face
is full frame on that screen

Women will not be
able to turn away.

Tell me who's your lawyer?

I haven't hired one yet.

Well, we ought
to talk about that.

I'd love to.

But now just like you
are, let's rehearse.

Hi, my name is arnold
becker. I'm a divorce lawyer.

Some people prefer the
term matrimonial lawyer.

Some like saying they
practice family law

Or domestic relations.

I say this:

You hire a divorce
lawyer to represent you

Against the very person
you trusted most in the world.

A person who knows
your most intimate secrets.

A person who got
you, and got to you big.

Stella stein,
he's talkin' to you.

How many days have you
spent bent over with failure?

How many nights have you
cried yourself to sleep?

Too many.

However, many it's been,

Say it's enough and
move on from there.

If there's someone
to blame, blame them.

If there are papers
to serve, serve them.

If there are bank accounts
to freeze, freeze them.

Divorce isn't death.

You don't have to mourn.

What you have to do, is act.

This is who you need,
girl. This one, right here.

I hear that.

So no new trial,
the guy just walks.

We'd lose a second trial,

So he'd walk anyway.

This way at least
we nail the drive-bys.

Give it to me again.

He gives us the sh**t
for the lacy, cooper, williams,

And neil drive-bys,

Including addresses,
vehicles, weapons,

And hiding places.

And in return, he walks

With your guarantee
of safe harbor

As long as he's a citizen.

No harassment, no
setups, no entrapment.

And nobody knows we turned him.

Come on, jack. Grace
has done a hell of a job

Trying to reconcile
everyone's needs here.

Whaddya say?

Does she know that pulling her

Police witnesses was your idea?

Yeah, I knew that.

Let me say this.

Drive-by sh**t,
don't equal one dead cop.

Not now, not ever.

We don't disagree
with that, jack.

Look! Torrey hits the
streets, no matter what.

The only question is,

Do you wanna make a deal to
get something for it or not?

I guess I got no choice.

Thank you, lieutenant.

You sure there
won't be an inquiry?

The judge is just
gonna let him go?

- I think so.
- You think so?

The word "think" doesn't
make me sleep easy tonight.

How'd you sleep
last night, bruce?

After telling dolan to withhold
witnesses from my cases,

Did you sleep like
a baby last night?

Try to understand,
grace. I have a...

I understand perfectly.
You do what you have to do.

As do you.

Yeah, you got that right.

Criminal complaint ,

People versus lyle torrey.

Grace van owen for
the people, your honor.

My office has become aware

That the evidence used to secure

A conviction against
mr. Torrey, was obtained

In violation of the defendant's
constitutional rights.

Therefore, in the
interest of justice,

I offer a joint recommendation
with defense counsel

That the verdict be set aside,

That the case be
dismissed with prejudice.

And that mr. Torrey be released.

Ms. Van owen, I
don't look casually

Upon the depravation
of civil rights.

And I must say I find this
extremely disturbing.

I'm gonna have
to look into this.

Everything in these papers

Meet with your
approval, mr. Cullen?

Yes, judge.

Then it is so ordered.

The clerk will draft the order.

Mr. Torrey, you're free to go.

Next case.

[Everyone murmuring]

I thought you
might want to know.

The police arrested
the three guys

Responsible for the
drive-bys this morning.

Looks like your
version of justice

Turned out to be
better than mine.

Just do me one favor.

From now on, don't make
me follow anybody's version.

Let's just go by the
letter of the law, okay.

You got it. Grace,

You did good.

[Reporter] how do you feel

About the police department
violating civil rights?

So what do cops
think when lyle torrey

Goes back on the streets?

Well, I'll tell
you what I think.

Guy like lyle torrey

Is physically incapable
of leading a straight life.

He's kinked like a
kitchen phone cord.

He'll be back in the can
before valentine's day.

If he lives that along...

You're not eating.

Something wrong with the soup?


You wanna order something else?


I am just a little unsettled.

And you know why
that is, don't you?

No, why is that?

Well, it's 'cause you're fighting
every single sexy impulse

In your body and your
body's fighting back.

Do you remember
our one and only kiss?


I remember everything about it.

How the tip of
your nose was cold.

How your lipstick
is almost rubbed off.

How that parking
lot, smelled of tar and,

Orange trees and that.

- Little sound...
- I remember. I remember.

I'm not looking to put
a burden on your life.

I like my privacy too.

But these feelings I have
for you, aren't going away...

They're getting stronger.

I want to go to bed with you.

And, uh, well I was
just sort of hoping

That you'd feel the same way.

Yeah, just in case I don't
suppose it's a coincidence

That we're having lunch
in a hotel restaurant

With about rooms
over our heads?

At least tell me that
you weren't so sure of me

That you already
booked the room.


Ross, I didn't expect
to see you today.

What's going on, stuart?

I wanted to talk to you both.

I've got some bad news.

Kelly changed her mind.

- What?
- No.

I got a call last night from
an attorney in new york

Telling me the deal was off.

She took another offer.

- Why?
- I don't know.

I never saw it coming.

We met her. She liked us.

She can't just...

I want to talk to her, ross.

She's gone. She went back east.

I don't even know
where to reach her.

Who made the other offer?

The attorney put her in touch
with a connecticut couple.

I think her mother
actually knows them.

They have a big country
house and horses.


That... That can't be it.

You're not telling us the truth.

- Ann...
- Okay, here's what you do.

You tell her I'll
buy her a barn.

You tell her I'll
buy her horses.

Stuart, you don't want to
get involved in a bidding w*r.

I wanna talk to her, ross.

You're looking for a
rational explanation.

There isn't one.

She's just a kid,

Flying by the seat of her pants.

Maybe she wants
her baby to grow up

Where the seasons
change. Who knows?

I wish these things
didn't happen.

But don't get down.
We'll keep looking.

Ok. [Sighs]

If it wasn't meant to
be, it wasn't meant to be

It's a little hard to believe

That our lives could
be turned inside out

By the whims of
a teenager but...

It was the first one.

There'll be plenty of others!


I, um, I got a meeting,

I got a meeting with
leland. You okay?

Absolutely. I am fine.

- Sure?
- Yeah. Really.

Okay. I love you.

You want more?

No, no, no, no, I'm fine.

Good. I don't think I can move.

You missed a spot.




[Pager rings]



Alright, I'll be there.

Who is it?


Somebody k*lled lyle torrey.

[Woman on p.a.]
- , Stay away.

- ...

[Police chattering]

[Man] one man down, right?

Grace van owen,
district attorney,

I want to see the body.

[Policeman] come on. Stay
back. Behind the yellow tape.

Did it just show up yet?

Make sure you check the...

We had a deal.

We? We didn't sh**t him.
There's the sh**t right there.

The man sings, the
man dies. Simple as that.

How'd he find out?

I don't know. That's why I
am asking questions here.

You leaked it, didn't you?

You put it out that
torrey was an informer

And you set him up.

Hey, counselor,
give me a break. Okay?

- Let me do my job.
- You promised me he'd be safe.

I promised you we
wouldn't touch him.

Now we didn't.

Well, I promise you there'll
be a compliant investigation.

Well, great. You conduct
yours and we'll conduct ours.

Excuse me.

Excuse us!

A star is born you two.

And I say that having
just watched the tape.

He speaks the truth.

What on earth is that, david?

A point of purchase display.

How do you like it?

We-we-we put that in a store?

Right next to the cash register.

It's not a bad picture.

You should be very pleased.

When is the next sh**t?

I'll be editing down this
footage over the weekend

And sometime next week,

I'd like to get you out
on a few locations.

A courthouse, a walk
down rodeo drive,

Allison has some terrific ideas.


Then we have your
matter to discuss.

My matter?

[Whispering] you
said, "divorce."

Actually, arnie, I've
never been married.

You p*stol!

Oh, benny, this a
videotape of you.

Thank you.

So how 'bout it, benny?

What do you think?

That's great.

Are we gonna get pictures
like this for everybody?

The irony is

I'm trying to locate
my guilt here and I can't.

Well, maybe that's because

You don't have anything
to be guilty about.

You did everything
you possibly could

To right that wrong
and you succeeded.

At the expense of
lyle torrey's life.

Trust me,

His departure is no
great loss to mankind.

On top of which three
drive-by sh**t

Are in custody because of you.

Let's say that ethics
wise and morals wise,

Your book's balanced.

Rogoff struck a
deal with the cops

To get himself off
the hook at my expense.

I struck a deal with torrey

To get myself off
the hook at his expense

And the cops tied
up the loose ends

By picking up the bodies.


Thanks for your
vote of confidence.

But it had nothing to
do with ethics or morals.

It was purely political.

Huh... So you see?
The system does work.

What's so funny?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How you doing?
- Fine.

Horrible, really horrible.

I can't concentrate...

Didn't get anything
done all afternoon.

So that's okay.

I trusted kelly.

I let myself want that baby.

Ann, that baby,

That wasn't our baby.

Our baby's will waiting
to be born to somebody,

Somebody we don't even know yet.

That little...

That little soul's out
there waiting for us.

So we gonna be patient too.

We'll find our baby.

I swear to you.

You making this up?

No, I'm not.

I don't know whether
you are or not,

But it's a wonderful thought.

Thank you.

- You feel better?
- Much better.

Good. So can we get some dinner?

Sounds good.

Where to? You want french food?

Yeah, wherever you want.

Uh, can you hang on a
second? I gotta make a pit stop.
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