02x02 - The Wizard of Odds

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x02 - The Wizard of Odds

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

Every time I bring up anything
to do with the wedding,

You pick a fight.


I say black and you say white.

Stuart, whatever you want.

I want us to see a therapist.


On an administrative note,

I've finally secured parking

For our new associates.

Hence, beginning tomorrow,

Mr. Gianelli and ms. Kleinberg
may park on lower level c.

Head in only.

My mother always says

If you want to
learn about a firm,

Forget asking the partners.

They'll just tell you
what you want hear.

The pay,

Isn't as good as at
some of the bigger firms.

That's okay.

There are things that
matter more than money.

Jury came back with a lousy
thousand dollars in damages.

Come on, get up.

I really thing I ought
to be alone tonight.

I'll buy you some dinner.

I really don't feel
very social tonight.

You're looking for
a fight, aren't you?

No, I'm looking for sympathy,

And if you can't give me that,

Then why don't you
just leave me alone?

500 Dollars.

Here's your water.

God, I can't believe
I agreed to do this.

What kind of women go to
auctions looking for a date?

Will you relax?
It's going to be fine.

What if nobody bids?

There's gonna
be a frenzy, arnie.

I want you to bid.

Promise me you'll
just keep things going

So I'm not left standing there.


I'll pay for it.

I just don't want to
be hung up out there.

Okay, look,

They got 1,700 for
the mortuary's...

Calm down.

Go at least 1,800.

I got to beat the big bald
guy who builds coffins.

Mr. Becker, you're on.

Oh, god.

Excuse me.

I was always the last kid
to get picked for the team.

Get out there.

You get out there.
You get out there.

Good luck.

Arnold, you're up.

Come on out, arnold.

36-Year-old divorce attorney,

And isn't he gorgeous?

Now don't start
a stampede, ladies.

What's our opening bid?



That's insulting.
Look at his gait.

Somebody give me a
thousand this instant.


Oh, ladies,

Believe me, I would
bid a thousand,

Only my husband would be angry

And my boyfriend would k*ll me.

Now, do I hear a thousand?

There we have a thousand.

That should just
be the sales tax.

Now come on.


I hear 12, how about 15?

All right.

Come on, ladies,

This man is an
expert on matrimony.





All right.








Okay. $3,300.

Going once.

Look at his smile,
ladies, those teeth.

Going twice.


$3,500 And he is so worth it.

Okay, anybody else?

How about we make
it an even $4,000.

This money is going
to help the homeless.

There we are,

$4,000 From the
pretty little redhead.

4,000 Once. This
is still a bargain.

4,000 Twice.

You are a lucky
lady because... $5,000.


And as the evidence
will demonstrate,

Allison toomey and
elliot robb first met

While both were under
the psychiatric care of

Dr. Warren.

The evidence will
further establish

That mr. Robb developed
a psychotic obsession

With respect to ms. Toomey,

Which obsession was repeatedly

And graphically
revealed to dr. Warren

Both in group encounters
and in private sessions.

On october 13, 1986,

Mr. Robb walked into
the defendant's office

And announced that he
had bought a machete knife

Which he intended to use
to slaughter this woman.

He then pulled out the
machete from his gym bag

And showed it to the doctor.

At the end of the
session, mr. Robb left.

Do you know what dr. Warren did?

He closed up his
office for the day

And he went to a movie.

Three days later,

They found allison's
lifeless body

Face down in her apartment.

There were 11 s*ab
wounds in her upper body,

Face and neck.

Mr. Robb, whose testimony

You will hear in this trial,

Was arrested and convicted
for first degree m*rder.

His blame has
already been assessed.

Today's proceeding
is a civil action

For wrongful death
brought by allison's parents,

And it concerns the
blame of dr. Warren,

The man who knew

It was going to
happen and let it.

The irony here is
that allison toomey

Placed herself in
dr. Warren's care

Because she wanted to get well,

And as a madman left his
office to chop her to bits,

Does this doctor
go to the police?

Does he bother to go to her?


He went to crocodile dundee.

As we go along here,

You're going to hear
a lot of legal terms,

But people,

All we're really
talking about is a man

Who could have prevented
a savage mutilation

With one phone call and
instead chose to do nothing.

We are talking about a doctor

Who simply didn't care

And we are talking about
two devastated parents

Whose only prayer
right now is that

You people do.

Patients fantasize

About v*olence all of the time.


This guy had a knife.

Well, I don't see what's wrong

With holding the
psychiatrist liable

When he could have prevented it.

I'll tell you what's
wrong with it.

If shrinks start getting sued,

They're going to
start playing it safe

And refusing treatment to anyone

Who seems even
remotely dangerous.

The man pulled
a... I said order!

The next person to shout out

Will be sanctioned.

Don't you think you're
getting a little carried away

With this judge stuff, douglas?

It's just small claims.

They don't even give you a robe.

For your information,

I'm being fitted for
a robe tomorrow.

Also for your information,

There is nothing trivial
about a judicial appointment,

Even if it is only

A temporary one
and small claims.

I'll be charged with the
administration of justice.

It'll be my province to...

All right, douglas,

We're all very proud
of your judgeship,

But we'd best move on.


But may I add for the
record, mr. Becker,

My activities are of
somewhat more consequence

Than parading around in a tuxedo

For a bunch of divorcées.

I happen to have raised $5,000

For the homeless, douglas.

I also happen to have
shattered last year's record

Held by stamp keegan,

The beverly hills gynecologist.

I'm not surprised.

You're probably more
experienced in the field.

Order, we're still
in session here.

Victor, how's the
pajama case proceeding?

I'm ready for trial.

The plaintiff's bringing
in some hotshot

From out of state
to try this thing.

Oh, yeah?

Well, who's the hired g*n?

Some shark from texas.

He's an expert on
product liability.

He's due here any
minute, actually.

Moving on.

Mr. Markowitz,

I'm still waiting for
the spenco prospectus.

I'll get it to you first thing
in the morning, douglas.

What is going on?

You said with
mr. Gianelli's help

You'd have it finished in a day.

Yeah, how about I get to you

First thing in the
morning, douglas?

I hope so.

And with that we're adjourned.

How are the wedding
plans coming?

We're waiting for available
dates from the hotel.

Who is that?

Well, that's hamilton schuyler.

He's a gifted trial lawyer.

They call him mighty mouse.


You're going up
against mighty mouse.


Thanks for covering
my butt before.

I'll have that stuff finished
by lunchtime, I promise.

No, take the whole
day, just get it right.

Thank you.



Victor sifuentes.

Hamilton schuyler,
nice to meet you.

Can I get you a cup
of coffee or anything?

Got one.

Now, I haven't had
a chance to look at

All the papers yet,
but I was wondering

Whether you'd be
inclined to settle

Before I actually plunge in.

Well, we offered 20,000
at previous counsel,

But I'm sure that...

I think we both know
20,000 is offensive.

We're talking
about the little boy

Scarred for life.

With all due respect,

I think that 20 is
more than generous.

There's no design defect here,

No negligence, no
proximate cause.

There is a multi-million-dollar
fabric company

With a product that caught fire,

Engulfed the face
of a 7-year-old boy

Causing irreparable

Well, I'm sure that once
counsel has had time

To review the files,

He'll see that his
predecessor was warned

By the judge to
settle this thing.

I'm sure that once counsel
has had the opportunity

Of seeing me in court,

He'll realize I'm
not my predecessor

Nor am I like any other
adversary he has ever faced.

Let me give you
a little preview,

Mr. Sifuentes.

When we go in there tomorrow,

We'll both approach the bench,

All 3 foot 11 of me and you

And your 6 foot plus splendor.

Now, a few people on that
jury are going to snicker,

Some may even laugh.

Now, when they do,

I'm going to make
them feel very ashamed

For doing that.

What makes me so gifted
in the courtroom, sir,

Is that I can take that shame,

Compound it with
a little compassion

And turn it into a big
fat plaintiff verdict.

All the while you'll be
sitting there helpless,

Knowing if you
object or fight back,

You'll come off as
a playground bully

Maliciously attacking
the sympathetic dwarf.

Do yourself a
favor, mr. Sifuentes.

Cut your losses, settle now.

You may be good mr. Schuyler,

But I've seen your cards
and you're not going to win

With your hand you got.

See you in court, sir.

Mighty mouse.

And it's conceivable
dr. Warren couldn't predict

How dangerous the
patient would become.

So talk of v*olence alone

Doesn't always
mean call the police.

Do you have any idea

How many wives
come into my office

And fantasize k*lling their
husbands or vice versa?

Does that make them
really dangerous?

Absolutely not.

But why not just play it safe
and alert the police anyway?

The reality is that once
you start whistle-blowing,

A lot of potential psychotics

Who might otherwise
seek help won't.

They'll stay out there

And maybe more
people will be k*lled.

Thank you. Your witness.

You're telling this court that

As a maniac stalked
out on a mission

To mutilate allie toomey,

Dr. Warren served
a societal purpose

By keeping his mouth shut?

Please don't twist my words.

I'm saying that based on
the history of the patient,

It is possible for dr. Warren

To have concluded
he was harmless,

And if so no warning
was necessary.

In other words,

You're saying it's
a guessing game,

And if a doctor has
to guess incorrectly,

Better to err on
the violent side.


Better to slash a
girl's throat open

Than upset your
trust with the patient.

Objection. Sustained.

A knife was plunged
into her torso 11 times,

And you're worried
about the chilling effect

On psychotherapy.

Your honor. Ms. Santiago.

The jury will disregard
that last remark.

Dr. Adelson, you've been
sitting in this courtroom.

You've heard about
the threats, the m*rder.

You really think
dr. Warren done good here?

I'm saying it's possible
for him to have determined

That mr. Robb was
not really dangerous.

Good answer, doctor.

You're a very fine witness.

By the way,

How much is the
defendant paying you

For your expert testimony today?



Your honor, if it
please the court,

I'd like a sidebar.


Your honor, during
the course of the trial

I'll be calling my
client as a witness.

Since he's only 10 years
old I'd like permission to lead.

Why don't you make that motion

At the time you call him?

It's a little
premature right now.

I apologize, judge.
I'm ready to proceed.

Well, then, let's do. Step back.

You know, I think
the biggest falsity

Ever told to me

Came from my very own mother.

She used to say, "one day, son,

They're going to stop laughing,

"But I soon found out
no matter what I did,

The giggles were unrelenting.

There is nothing so piercing,

Nothing so
emotionally debilitating,

As being laughed at.

It makes one grow up
full of pain, full of anger,

But most of all full
of the determination

To make it stop.

That's one of the reasons
I went to law school.

I assumed that no one
would dare to chuckle

At an attorney at
law, but I was wrong,

Because when I walk
into a courtroom,

They don't see a
man who graduated

Second in his class,

They don't see a man
who is an accomplished

Attorney at law.

They see exactly
what you just saw,

A dwarf standing
tippy-toe on his trial case

Trying to see over
the judge's bench,

And they do exactly
what some of you just did.

They laugh.

Now, I don't blame them

And nor do I blame you

Because I've learned in the
science of human nature,

Physical deformity always
gives rise to ridicule,

And worse, even shock.

It's a very, very
painful lesson to learn.

Now, this young
man is kevin talbot.

Three years ago he
was wearing pajamas

Made of fabric manufactured
by the defendant.

Those pajamas caught fire,

And now kevin too has to learn

That same painful lesson.

He may grow up
to be many things.

He may be a doctor,
he may be an attorney,

He may even be a triple
crown batting champion

With one of the major leagues,

But what he'll always be first

To everyone he ever
meets is d*sfigured.

Now, he may rise
above his handicap

As I think I have mine.

He may even achieve enough
successes to make people

Forget his disfigurement,

But every time he
tries to forget,

There'll always be a
frightened gasp of shock,

A quickly averted
stare to remind him,

To bring back the humiliation

And the pain that
will afflict him

Every single day for
the rest of his life.

Believe me.



Oh, they're gorgeous.

From nina hollander.

Rox, would you look at these?

Reuben lilies, heliconia,
sterling roses.

This is easily a
$300 arrangement.

When this woman gives to
a charity, she really gives.

Where are you taking her?

She's taking me, that's
the whole beauty of it.

I need some pencils.

You see, she sends the flowers,

Orchestrates the entertainment.

It's a complete role
reversal, roxanne, so I love it.

Do you have any
idea what a relief it is

Not to have to plan a date?


For once all I have
to do is sit back

And let the evening
happen to me.

No expectations, no
idea of what's to come.

Sounds great, arnie.

Rox, call renee quintana

And have her do a
check on this woman.

I like to have some
idea of what's to come.

I'll have it as
soon as possible.

Yeah, how about sooner?

Oh, excuse me.

Quick lunch?

No, I have a sandwich coming in.

Well, how late are
you going to be tonight?

Maybe 10:30, 11:00.

You know, between my trial
and this spenco mess of yours,

It seems like I'm never
going to see you again.

I don't think its fair for you

To take all the heat
for gianelli's screw-ups.

Let him break in,
he's a good kid.

It's not like I hate him
or anything, stewart,

I just would love to
see you before midnight

One of these nights.

He'll catch on.

You know, if he's not
cutting it, stewart,

You're not doing him a favor.

You should maybe talk to...

It's going to be fine, ann.

Everybody's a
little slow at first.

A little slow?

You are such a nice person.

Maybe I'll wait up
for you after all.

I'll bring my butterfly net.

Ucla, harvard law,

Editor of the law
review, ames competition

Best oralist.

Well, I am impressed,
mr. Rollins.

Thank you, sir.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Well, let's see.

My mother is an attorney,

My father is a professor
of economics at uc riverside.

I've clerked for a
the past few summer

At fedder ivy mccoy.

As a matter of fact,
that they offered me

A permanent position,

But under the
heading less is more,

I think that a small
prestigious firm

Such as mckenzie brackman

Could be more responsive
to my personal needs,

Or at least bill
howard thinks so.

Bill howard? As in
howard enterprises?

Yes, sir.

He's been a close personal
friend of my family for years.

That's how mr. Rollins
came to our attention.

He also told me that you
have a real commitment

To minority hiring that
goes beyond tokenism.

That means a lot to me.

Well, mr. Rollins, your
education is top drawer,

Your family connections
are impressive.

I think you could
fit in quite nicely.

Thank you.

What would you be looking
for in the way of compensation?


And I wouldn't be opposed
to your designating

A percentage of that
as a signing bonus.

Excuse me, but
we've been starting

Our associates at pretty much

with the going rate,

Which, I'm sure you're aware,

Is considerably lower.

I understand, sir,

But I've already been
offered 71 with hort & gold.

So much for your
doctrine of less is more.

Sometimes more is more.

Well, perhaps we could
reach as high as 57.5.

With all due respect,
mr. Brackman,

This is not a negotiation.

Gentlemen, it's
been a genuine honor

And a pleasure,
thank you very much.

Could you give us till
the end of business today?

Of course, sir.

Obviously, his salary
demands are totally out of line.

Oh, he's bright,
he's articulate,

I like his directness.

He's a winner.

I want him to be our winner.

I strongly disagree.

No, I'm pulling rank, douglas.

What are you going to do
when his salary becomes

Common knowledge among
the other associates?

We'll see that it doesn't.

Then I guess you've
bought yourself a lawyer.

I hope you haven't
bought all of us

A giant headache as well.

So other pajama fabrics have

A higher level of
flame retardant

Than the defendant's?

Yes, sir.

The defendant's
fabric was treated

With flame retardant chemicals,

But the more protective
fabrics are the ones

Actually made with
flame resistant fibers.

And what would you
say is the manufacturing

Cost difference between
the defendant's fabric

And the other more
flame retardant brands?

The other one costs
about 96 cents more per pair.

So it is possible that

If the defendant saw
its way to spending,

Should we say, an extra dollar

In the name of safety,

Kevin talbot would
still have his whole face?


Sustained. That
remark is stricken.

Nothing further.

Ms. Walworth, isn't it true

That some children are allergic

To the fabrics made with
flame resistant fibers?

Some children do
have reactions, yes, sir.

And for those kids,
their only option

Is the chemically
treated pajamas

Like the ones made
by my client's fabric,

Is that right? That's correct.

And, ms. Walworth,
you're familiar

With the government regulations

Regarding flammability
standards, are you not?

I am.

And does the fabric
used by my client comply

With these safety standards?

It does.

And as a former member

Of the consumer
products safety commission,

Have you ever had occasion

To question safety
of this fabric?

No, sir.


What the... Your honor!

Objection! This is outrageous!

You rigged that thing to go off!

I apologize, judge.

I didn't mean to...

I move for an immediate mistrial

And I ask that he
be held in contempt!

Counsel, approach.

It was an accident.

Yeah, sure it was.

Get up here now.

You try anything
like that again,

And you got a mistrial.

I will personally see to it

That you never try another
case in this state again.

I apologize judge, I
didn't mean to ignite it.

The hell you didn't.

Cut it out!

Now let's proceed.

All rise.

The session is now called order,

The honorable justice
douglas brackman presiding.

I see that our
docket is quite full

And accordingly let us
proceed to our first case.

Case #1, weedon v greevy.

$200 I pay for a talking bird

And all it does is cuss me.

It talks, the bird talks.

Wait a second.

Nothing but smut from the minute

It came into my house...

It was a talking bird

And now he's upset over content.

Hold it.

Am I to understand
you seek a refund

Because the parrot
engages in profanity?


It called my wife a whore.

She called her a horse.

There's a big difference.

It was whore. He
repeated it twice.

Hold it.

Bailiff, bring exhibit
a up here, please.

Now, litigants, I am
aware of no warranty

As to the subject matter
of the bird's conversation.

What's its name?

Penelope. Spike.

Well, spike or penelope,
whoever you are,

Can you talk for judge brackman?

Can you say, "hello,
judge brackman"?


Good girl.

Well, mr. Weedon, it seems...

You're a wimp.

Hey. You see?


You're in contempt.

And he's a bigot, too.

Order, everybody.

Suck my beak.


I want punitive damages!

I'll take it under advisement.

20 Minute recess.

Bite my shorts.

Kiss my brownie.

In the 17 years I've
been a psychiatrist

I must have heard over

A hundred different
threats like this.

And have you ever warned

The potential victims
of these threats?

Yes, sometimes.
And the police, too.

But you didn't on
this occasion, did you?

No, I honestly didn't
think mr. Robb was capable

Of committing this
kind of v*olence.

Everything in his history

And his medical
records indicated

These threats were the products

Of delusional episodes.

I still can't believe
that I was wrong.

No further questions.

So you hear these threats
all the time, doctor?

Between mr. Robb
and my other patients,

I probably get one a month.

And on how many occasions

Do your clients come
in wielding machetes?

I thought he was just
trying to show off a little.

Is it your testimony, doctor,

That it's customary
for patients to expose

Weaponry to their psychiatrists?

No, but it does happen.

Dr. Warren, you blew
this one, didn't you?

It was not my fault.

Hey, come on, doctor.

A patient of yours tells you

He's going to go
chop up a woman,

Then he goes out
and does just that

While you do absolutely nothing,

Is it your testimony
before this jury

That you feel no
compunction here whatsoever?

Of course.

Not a day goes by
that I don't replay

That last session with him

Over and over again.

And, doctor, it
just has to be true.

Had you done something,

Allison toomey might
still be alive today.

That's true.

And knowing that, doctor,

How can anyone in this room

Truly consider you to
be completely blameless?


Come on, doctor,
look at the jury

And tell them you
don't blame yourself.



That's okay, I don't think I
have any further questions.

Thank you. You may
step down, doctor.

Kevin, can you tell us
what the kids say to you?

Kevin, remember our little chat?

You're going to be a brave boy

And tell the jury exactly
what they say to you.

They call me things.

What kind of things?

Big kids say I'm a geek
and stuff, like a leper,

And little kids
are scared of me.

They think I'm a monster.

Do you think you're
a monster, kevin?


You're not.

You're a very fine,
brave young boy.

No further questions.

Kevin, you testified
when you were playing

With the lighter fluid,

You spilled some on
your left sleeve, right?


And then you decided to light
one of your mom's cigarettes?


And it was the sleeve
with the lighter fluid

That caught fire, then, correct?

Yes, and then it
spread to the curtains.

Thank you, kevin.

Nothing further.

The plaintiff rests, your honor.

Here the defendant moves
for a directed verdict.

The jury will be excused

While I entertain a
motion from counsel.

See you back here
10:00 a.m. Tomorrow.

Kevin, thank you,
you can step down.

There's no reason for me
to even put on a defense.

As a matter of law,

The plaintiff's claim
cannot be sustained.

There is not one
shred of evidence

Which goes for design defect,

And as for the
failure to warn issue,

Their whole case comes down

To this ludicrous notion
that there should have been

A warning label on
the pajamas reading

"Do not soak in lighter fluid
before igniting with a match".

They have no case, judge.

All this nonsense
should stop right now.

Mr. Schuyler?

Your honor, I don't expect

Mr. Sifuentes to like our case,

Nor do I expect him to have
one ounce of compassion

For my client's
crippling injuries,

But take it from somebody

Who's been a victim
his entire life...

No, I am sorry, I've had
enough of that, too.

Mr. Sifuentes.

Your honor,

He has been beating
the jury over the head

With his handicap,
using it as a w*apon.

I am not handicapped, sir!

I want my objection to this
manipulation on the record.

And I object to this attack.

Now that's enough
from both of you.

Mr. Sifuentes, you've
made your point.

Mr. Schuyler, I must say
it's not totally lost on me.

Now let's skip these
personal digressions

And stick to the facts.

I apologize, your honor.

I realize this case
is not about myself

Nor is it about mr. Sifuentes,

It's about kevin talbot.

Now, if the jury
rules against him,

Perhaps I can
explain that to him,

But how am I going to
explain the fact that the judge

Is going to throw
his hopes out of court

Before the trial is even over?

Well, I'm not inclined
to take this matter

Out of the jury's hands,

So I'm going to deny
your motion, mr. Sifuentes.

Open tomorrow morning
with your defense.

This case will go
on and that is all.

And don't you ever
speak to me like that again.

You deserve it.

That little fire
stunt, the constant...

Hey, hey, hey.

Enough, enough.

Arnie, renee quintana got
the make on nina hollander.

She's rich.

What do we got here?

Married once, no kids,

Well educated,
a harpist, no less.

She studied at the conservatory.

This is a renaissance
woman, rox.

Look at this, look at this.

She breeds appaloosas.

Probably between harp lessons.

Here, sign this.

Worth approximately
30 million dollars.

This lady
multi-talented or what?

Guess what? Her
limousine service called.

They'll be picking
you up on thursday

And they would like
to know what you drink

So they can stock the bar.

I could grow accustomed
to this, roxanne.

Make it dom perignon.

So, what did you hear
about this new guy, anything?

Black, brilliant, harvard law.

Job offers up the wazoo.

Oh, great, a star.

That noise you just heard?

That was the sound of
my option being dropped.

Stop being so negative.

Abby, if I fail the bar
again, I'm dead meat.

You passed.

Tony, you passed.

It's easy for you to say.


When do the results come back?

In a couple of weeks,
and if I have failed...

Excuse me.

If I've failed again

I have to go back into
the family business.

What's the family business?

Well, suffice it to say,
it ain't too lawyerly.

You'd give up being a lawyer?

I might have to.

You see, my brother was
sort of running the business,

But he recently
became incapacitated

And now my father
is really pressing me

And he's very hard
man to say no to.

All fathers are.

You don't know my father.

Whenever I go for a family
dinner at the compound...

The compound?

Never mind.

You don't wanna know.

And then I dragged her

From the kitchen
to the bathroom.

And she was already
dead at this point?

Yes, but I kept stabbing her

Over and over and over.

Then I was finished.

I washed my hands.

I had finished.

Nothing further.

Why the kitchen knife, mr. Robb?

All those threats
with the machete,

But instead you k*ll
her with a kitchen knife.

I didn't have it with me.

You go to m*rder someone
and you forget the w*apon?

What kind of a k*ller are you?


Something else is
bothering me, mr. Robb.

Today you tell us
that you washed

The blood off your hands,

But in the confession
you gave to the police,

You said you never
took your gloves off.

I object.

Will counsel please tell us

Where she's headed
with all of this?

I'd be glad to.

This man did not
k*ll allison toomey.

What? I did too!

He'd like to think he did,

But I'm going to prove

That this is simply another
one of his fantasies.

Oh, this is crazy.

I don't like
surprises, ms. Kelsey.

Neither do i, your honor,

But while listening
to mr. Robb's testimony,

It suddenly became
apparent to me.

I'll give you a
little more latitude.

When you described the
m*rder a few moments ago,

You stabbed with
your right hand,

But in the confession you
said you were left-handed.


I don't remember.

I'll tell you why,
because in the paper

It said the police were
looking for a left-handed k*ller,

So that's what you gave them.

This is a speech.

Tell us, mr. Robb,
why did you confess

To a m*rder you didn't commit?

Because I did it, I
did too commit it!

Oh, come on, you don't
even know the facts.

You've been found out.

Objection! Ms. Kelsey!

You dreamed of k*lling her,
but you didn't do it, did you?

I was the one who k*lled her.

Everything you confessed
to was in the paper,

You memorized it.

But your memory is
lousy today, mr. Robb,

And everyone in this
courtroom knows you didn't do it.

I did!

I stabbed her over
and over and over...

You didn't do wrong to anybody.

It was me!

It was my crime!

Mr. Robb.

It's mine! I belong in prison!

You can't do this!

It's mine!

You've heard the testimony
of a deluded individual

clinging to the belief

That he m*rder*d allison toomey.

A right-handed man
claiming to be left-handed,

A man who didn't even
remember the facts.

You've also heard three
psychiatrists tell you today

That this could all very
well just be a fantasy,

That his confession
and plea of guilty

Could simply be an
extension of that fantasy.

The plaintiffs are asking
you to punish dr. Warren

For not having a
foresight to predict

That elliot robb was a m*rder*r,

And yet here we sit
with the full benefit

Of hindsight and we still
can't say he's a m*rder*r.

And in fact, ladies
and gentlemen,

Whether you believe
that psychiatrists

Should warn in a
situation like this or not,

It no longer makes
any difference,

Because if elliot robb
didn't k*ll that girl,

Then the actions of my client

Are absolutely no consequence.

Thank you.

Oh, sure, I don't mind.

Whatever time you finish
with your deposition.

Okay, love you, too, mickey.

Yeah, talk to you.


Hi, stranger in a strange land.

I hope I'm not taking
you at a bad time.

No, actually I had a hinky 459

Who just copped
to a year at cali fed,

So I'm a free woman for now.

You don't do too
much criminal, do you?

Try none.

I've never even been
in this building before.

Of course there
was a total wacko

In the elevator on
pcp or something.

Yeah, so let me guess
that since you are not here

To soak in the
luxurious ambience,

There must be something
I can do for you.

Grace, I hate to impose,

But some evidence came out

In a civil trail
I'm involved in,

And I know its
going to sound more

Like perry mason than real life,

But there's a man in prison

Serving time for a
m*rder he didn't commit.

And what I was hoping was

That you could do
something to get him out

Before I lose another
night's sleep over it.

Are you representing him?

Not exactly.

Well, it's really
up to his counsel

To make a motion
for a new trial.

He didn't have a
trial, he pled guilty,

Some pd represented him.

Can't you make a motion
as an officer of the court?

I can if the new evidence
is compelling enough.

What have you got?

A lot of inconsistencies

In the various
statements he made,

And I just know he didn't do it.

Well, I hate to be the
bearer of bad news, ann,

But the police are
usually pretty good about

Sniffing out
compulsive confessors.

And with about
thousand other case files

Sitting on my desk,

I'd really need something more

In the way of hard evidence
to get his case re-opened.

Okay, thanks for your time.


This guy is so damn good,

Victor, he's got the jury
right in the palm of his hand.

You haven't seen me yet.

At least let's wait until
we put on our defense.

I know,

But it's just that win or lose,

My company doesn't
look very good

Battling this poor little kid.

Besides, I'd sort of like to
give him something anyway.

That's fine.

I just don't want you
throwing out any offers

Just because you
think we're beat.

I understand, victor,

But I watched them
make their mark.


Have you seen schuyler?

Let me check the
head count, sir.

It'll make it fast
and ready to go.

Do you think this
is funny, or what?


Come on, let's see what you got.


Easy, bud, we're just doing

A little anthropology
research here.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Hey, bud, what're
you gonna do about it?

It's three against one here.

Or should I say one and a half?

Hey, bud!

You better redo your math!

Let's go, out!

Get out!

Oh, god.

You alright? You okay?

I'm fine. Am I cut?

Yeah, a little right there.

Right over here
it's... Okay, okay.

Oh, boy.

I'm really sorry.



Your honor, I'm afraid

There has been a
slight altercation.

Not with mr. Sifuentes.

No, with strangers.

Unfortunately, one
of the byproducts

Of my abnormality
is that I get att*cked

Simply because
of the way I look.

There are bullies in this world

Who like to beat people up

Just because they
look different.

It's something I've
faced all my life.

Kevin talbot regrettably

Will have to face
it all through his.

I'd like a continuance
until tomorrow morning

So that I can seek
medical attention

And get fresh clothes.

Certainly, tomorrow
morning 10:00 a.m.

Members of the jury,

This incident is not relevant

To any issue that's before you.

You're instructed to
disregard it entirely.

This court is adjourned
until tomorrow morning.

Mr. Foreman, has the
jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

What say you, mr. Foreman?

We the jury in the
case of the estate

Of allison toomey v peter warren

Find in favor of the defendant.


So what happens to elliot?

He goes back to prison.

Even after that verdict?

Well, that was just a
civil trial about you, peter.

Unfortunately it
has nothing to do

With the criminal
disposition on him.

Can I talk to you
for just a minute?

Would you excuse us?


You see, this is exactly
what's bothering me.

I have the sinking feeling

That my job is only half done.

Elliot robb is
going back to prison

And the real m*rder*r
is still out there.

Won't the police do something?

I hope so, but I doubt it.

As far as they're concerned
elliot's still the k*ller,

Which is why I need to
review your medical files.

I want to refresh myself
on the case histories

Of the other members
of that therapy group.


I think the da's office
will do something

If I give them
something to work with,

And I am willing to bet

That the real
m*rder*r is a member

Of that group therapy session,

Somebody who knew allison

And who heard elliot's threat.

Well, just a second.

You see, if I can talk
to some of those people,

Maybe I can stir something up.

Maybe there was some sexual
involvements, some jealousies.

You said yourself those
groups can get pretty intimate.

Hey, we're still
talking in the scope

Of our attorney-client
relationship here, right?

Of course.

Then let me tell you
this in total confidence.

I m*rder*d allison toomey.

Is this is a joke?

We were having an affair

And when she
threatened to go public it,

Well, a psychiatrist can
lose his license, his whole life,

For getting sexual involved
with a 17-year-old patient.

She threatened to
expose me, ms. Kelsey,

So I k*lled her.

You son of a bitch.

Psychologically, it wasn't
very hard to convince

Elliot he'd done it,

Poor bastard is so
wracked with guilt anyway.

He wanted to be punished.

Why are you telling me this?

So you'll stop.

I'm well versed the laws
pertaining to privilege,

Not simply doctor-patient,
but attorney-client as well,

And I know by telling
you these things,

You are forever precluded
from directly or indirectly

Telling anybody else.

I also know

That you'll have
to cancel this little

Fact-finding safari
you're planning,

Unless you care to be disbarred.

What makes you think
I won't do it anyway?

As we both know,
the things I tell you

In the context of our privilege

Are inadmissible
in a court of law.

You can't get me, lady,

Even if you wanted to throw
away your career to do it.

Thank you for the
excellent representation.

I recommend you.

Damn it!

I'm just so tempted
to turn him in.

What good will it do?


Nothing you say can be
used against him, right?

And with robb still confessing,

They can easily get
reasonable doubt.

So your doctor gets
off, you get disbarred.

So what am I supposed to do?

You do what lawyers
have to do sometimes,

You put it behind you.

You think about
something positive,

Something worthwhile,

Linguine al pesto, for example,

And you accept the fact that
what's best about the system

Is also sometimes
hardest to live with.

That and pray that my
client gets hit by a bus.

Yeah, that, too.

Come on, let's go to bed.

I have to stay out
here for a while.

Do you want me to make a zombie?

I'm fine.

I love you.

The important thing is that
it's all for a good cause.


When you think this is providing
shelter for the homeless,

It all becomes a very
small sacrifice, doesn't it?

Well, we all do what we can.

Yet I keep getting the
feeling that somehow

We just haven't
done quite enough.

I so agree.

Funny thing is, I just
agreed out of curiosity.

I wanted to see what
these auctions were like.

That's why I went.

I was curious, no
intention of bidding,

But when I saw you...

I'm glad you did.

Where are you going?

It's 1:30, nina, I've got
a full day tomorrow.

I should probably...

Give me your hand, arnie.

So soft.

What are you doing?

Relax, mr. Becker,
you are my prisoner.

Nina, come on, it's
too late for a game.

This is no game, mister.

I paid $5,000 for this

And I tend to get
my money's worth.

Every last penny.
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