03x03 - Enos Strate to the Top

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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03x03 - Enos Strate to the Top

Post by bunniefuu »

Now, you may notice
something unusual here.

A Hazzard police car
that ain't chasing nothin'.

And the reason
Dep. Enos Strate...

is acting like a hound-dog
chasing his tail...

is cause he is putting an
edge on his driving skills.

You see, like most of us, old
Enos just had a secret dream.

And the difference
between him and most folks...

is that Enos is either too
dumb or too smart to ever let go.

Enos's dream is to be a
police officer in a big city.

Now, the question
that comes to mind...

is there any big
city ready for this?

This is the story of how...

Enos Strate, least
likely candidate...

is going to the
Los Angeles police.

Which never would've happened...

if the Dukes hadn't been
on their annual trip to Atlanta.

Y'all are keeping up
with this, ain't you?

Now remember, Uncle Jesse.

Say "cheese" when I tell you.

That reminds me I ain't
had nothing but a praline...

since breakfast this morning.

Now, hurry it up.

You make a move in the next
two minutes, and it'll be your last.

Uncle Jesse, give
me a big old smile.

- Cosgroves.
- A piece of cake.

- They never knew what hit them.
- They will now, you idiots.

That's enough picture-taking.

I'm all posed out.

She took your photograph
when you came out of the bank.

Just after you ripped
off your ski mask.

Tail her!

You grab that film at the
first lonely spot she passes.

No traffic in either direction.

- This is the place.
- Run her off the road.

That fellow must've
won his driver's license...

in a turkey sh**t.

No way, Uncle Jesse. He
knew exactly what he was doing.

Bo? Luke? Will you come in
before I start crying out loud?

We got you, Daisy.

Some jasper in a big sedan
tried to run me off the road...

about half a mile
past Eagle Rock.

That means you can't be more
than a minute or so ahead of us.

Just make that a half a minute,

'cause he looks like
he's gonna try it again.

You watch the
road. I'll watch them.

Here they come again.

Let's see if we can get
a look at their plates.

They ain't got no plates.

Let's get them.

Pull up before they
knock us off the road.

Then how do we get that film?

We can trace the truck
and that orange b*mb...

with their license plates.

Provided we live long
enough to do it. Pull up, I said.

I think we ought to chase them
and teach them some manners.

We'd better check on
Uncle Jesse and Daisy...

to make sure they're safe...

and make sure
they stay that way.

Thanks, guys. I'll return
the favor someday.

Anything for you, darling.

Lest go to the junkyard and see
if we can pick up a new fender.

The way you drive, we better
get a new right quarter panel.

-A left quarter
panel -Alright, alright.

If you're wondering
what this has got to do...

with Enos joining the L.A.
Police, we're getting to that.

Meanwhile, back in Hazzard...

Boss is proving that it
ain't but a short step...

from gluttony to gout.

Cousin Boss, I've been
looking everywhere for you.

Any fool would know I'd
been out on the football field...

practicing placement
kicking with my sore foot.

What did you want, anyway?

I wanna talk to you
about getting a job.

What about your
job at the junkyard?

- I got fired.
- You did?

You came to the right
man at the wrong time.

I got this here gout.

But don't forget,
Cousin Boss, I'm kin.

If you call being a third
cousin times removed kin...

then you're kin.

Let me see what I've got
here on the vacancy list.

- How about garbage truck help?
- Garbage truck?

It pays you $ a day
and all you can eat.

Cousin Boss!

Alright, you can be
official town Santy Claus.


Morning, Miss Tisdale.
Any mail for me?

You have to take a number
just like everybody else.

Yes, ma'am.

- Number one.
- That's me.

Identification, Enos.

Golly, Miss Tisdale.

You've known me
since I was born...

even before I was born.

Sorry, Enos, but
regulations is regulations.

- Thank you Miss Tisdale, bye.
- Bye.

Ain't it a shame, there ain't
no place safe from bureaucracy.

- Hi Luke. Hey, Bo. Hi Daisy.
- Hey.

Two letters in the same day.

If I didn't know better,

I'd swear you was carrying
on a mail-order romance.

I wouldn't do that, Luke.

These here are
two more answers...

to my police department
job applications.

New York City and Philadelphia.

You're really going after
the big time, ain't you?

Golly, I've been turned down
by so many police departments...

I'm almost afraid to open these.

Go ahead, Enos, open
the one from New York.

Here, you read it, Bo.

It says, right here it says...

"Try applying to the
Chicago Police Department."

I'll bet you'll have
your choice...

of three or four big-city
jobs by tomorrow.

Seems like I started sending
out these applications...

when postage was
only three cents a letter.

They've all got a place...

to list all the important
crimes you've solved.

All I could put down was
rescuing Mrs. Finster's cat...

from a telephone
pole and finding...

Abner Peabody's long-johns
after the hurricane of ' .

You just keep filling out
those applications, Enos.

- I'll see y'all.
- Yeah.

You know, friends, I bet old
Abe Lincoln's qualifications...

didn't look too good on paper
when he started out, either.

Remember these old boys?

Well, here's where things
start picking up steam.

The first duties of
a good police dog...

is to take orders immediately.

Now, get ready.
Alright, ten-hut.


- At ease!
- That's pretty good, Sheriff.

He's got half of it
down pat already.

Enos, will you hush?

Just hush.

I'm gonna teach you one
now that's really important.

It's called fetch. You ready?

Here it comes. Get
ready, here it goes.


Fetch means... In French,
that means for you to go get it.

I tell you, I'm gonna show
you just this one time, okay?

Now, you got to sniff it out.

Then you need to snap it...

and play with it.


I didn't know these
things were flavored.

Which reminds me, I
haven't had lunch yet.

Me and Flash will
hold down the fort.

I'm going down to the
eat-bite and get a corn dog.

You gotta love 'em.


- Sorry. You got it again?
- Yeah, no thanks to you!

Why are you blaming me?

You let me marry that fat
sister of yours, and now...

all because of her rich
cooking, I got me the gout!

That hound of
yours still breathing?

That's Flash. I got
a good deal on him.

I got him from Police
Gazette magazine.

I'll tell you one thing, Boss...

he can smell a
crook about a mile off.

Oh, my leg. Don't touch me!

Don't touch it.

Here, take these latest wanted
posters from Capitol City...

and tack them up,
would you? Here.

What have you got them
other fool papers for, anyhow?

I'm afraid I'm going to have
to leave Hazzard, Mr. Hogg...

to save my self-respect.

Well, how much self
respect do you need?

You're already the
most self-respected

deputy we got around here.

I just can't go on.

Taking part in all them
dirty tricks you make us do.

Dirty tricks? What dirty
tricks? Name one! Go ahead.

Setting up speed
traps for the tourists.

Putting up 'No Parking' signs
where people's already parked.

Making detours to make all the
highways pass the Boars Nest.

Charging me mileage
when I'm on patrol.

He said name one.

Not the whole history
of Hazzard County.

Insisting I buy a new
uniform every three months...

from Mr. Hogg's dry goods store.

And you look nice in it, too.

Well, Sheriff...

I just can't go on
obeying your orders...

to frame the
Duke boys into jail.

Well, that's the
American way, isn't it?

"Do unto others before
they do unto you."

No, sir, Mr. Hogg, it ain't.

That's why I've been trying
to get a job someplace else.

A man's got to do what
he's got to do, Mr. Hogg.

You do what you got to do...

and I'm about to
do what I gotta do.

- You're fired!
- Fired?


Yeah, as of Friday.

You are hereby
dismissed, discharged...

disassembled and disconnected.


Don't let them see that car.

Remind me to thank the
Motor Vehicle Department.

They led us straight
to that orange buzz-ball.

And the pickup is registered
to the same address.

A place called "Duke Farm."

If he takes the film now, it
ought to be there by noon.

Yeah, it says,
"One-Day Service."

We ought to get them things
back by tomorrow afternoon.

Hand this to him, Bo.

Didn't realize you were in
such a hurry to get out of town.

You must have six,
seven letters there.

I'm not in a hurry to get
out Bo. I love Hazzard.

It's just that...

Mr. Hogg fired
me, effective Friday.

He what?

What possessed him to
do a stupid thing like that?

I told him and Sheriff...

I wouldn't take part in any
more dirty tricks to frame y'all.

- See y'all.
- Yeah.

- Thanks a lot, Enos.
- Okay, Bo. See you, buddy.

That ain't right, Bo.

Come on, let's do
something about it.

You will snap, and
snarl, and bite, and...

Rosco, we'd like a word
with you about Enos.

And what word would you like?

Hockey puck?

Butter fingers?

Or just plain old dipstick?

Rosco, how could
you let Boss fire Enos...

when he does twice the
work for half the pay...

as you or any deputy
you've ever had?

Let me tell you something.

I'm just as sorry
about that as you are.

Maybe even more so.

But you know as well as I do

that Boss's word
is law around here.

Come Friday...

you know where Enos's
badge is going to be, don't you?

It's going to be right
here, on the collar...

of this canine sleuth...

who works twice as
fast, got a higher IQ...

and works for dog biscuits.

Glad to see I'm not the
only one who couldn't sleep.

Nothing better for can't-sleep
than bread and milk. Have some.

So far, it ain't
working, though.

Let's not kid ourselves.

The reason we're up is 'cause
we're worried about Enos.

I can't believe, after all
these years of faithful service...

that Boss would
treat him like that.

The way J.D. treats him,
you'd think he's one of us.

Well, he practically
is, isn't he?

We gotta be able
to do something.

Wait a minute.

I bet if we
circulate a petition...

we can force Boss Hogg to do it.

Everybody in Hazzard
County owes the Boss money.

What would he'd do if he
saw their names on a petition?

Uncle Jesse, there's got
to be something we can do.

Well, one thing for sure.

We're not gonna be able
to help him if we're all...

bleary-eyed from lack of sleep.

So let's get to bed and
we'll attack it anew tomorrow.

Yes, sir.

Uncle Jesse...

Tomorrow's a whole new
day. We'll figure something out.

Check the glove
compartment in the pickup.

Maybe she left
the camera in there.

- You, search that orange b*mb.
- What if we don't find anything?

We'll just have to pay
the Dukes a surprise visit.

I can't get the
dang horn to stop!

It's too late for that. You
blew it. Let's get out of here.

If you think getting
out of bed is tough...

just look how they do
it in Hazzard County.

Get them lights out!

Daisy, you get inside.
I'm coming, boys!

Who was that?

I don't know, Uncle Jesse, but
I think you scared them away.

Well, they ain't
getting away that easy.

Jack it, they shot out
the tire on the General.

Dang pickup truck, too.

And they crippled the jeep, too.

We sure as heck ain't
gonna get very far on foot.

This sure hasn't
been our day, has it?

First some dumb cluck
tries to run us off the road...

then Lord-knows-who
tried to steal our pickup.

There's two things we can do.

We can start praying now...

and get a hold of
Rosco in the morning.

Rosco ain't gonna
do nothing about it.

That's why I'm counting
so much on the praying.

Course, y'all gotta remember...

that the Dukes
have been shot at...

by everybody from
Indians to revenuers.

During the sh**ting, old
Boss was plucking a pigeon...

to feather his own nest.

- Now, then, Cousin Cletus.
- Yes, sir.

If you're gonna be a
deputy sheriff around here...

you gotta take a
civil service exam.

And you gotta pay an
examiner's fee of $ . You got it?


- I mean the money.
- Yes, sir.

- Who do I pay it to?
- Pay the examiner.

Namely, me.

Alright. Now then,
question number one:

If you're patrolling the
street as a Deputy...

and you see an
out-of-state car...

parked on the street,
what do you do?

Walk up to them
nice folks and say,

"Hi, welcome to Hazzard County."


You pick this up and you put
it on the curb next to the car.

Then you write them
up a parking ticket.

I never knew there's so
much to being a deputy.

Flash, you've got your own
crime wave of fleas going here.

Rosco, we'd like to report
an attempted burglary.

- Who'd you burgle?
- Rosco!

We weren't the burglars.

It's sure a fact that
you're not the burglarees...

because you Dukes are poor.
Everybody in Hazzard knows that.

You're as poor as church
mices... Meeces... Mouses.

Then maybe they're strangers
from out of town, Sheriff.

Enos, of course
they were strangers.

Because they was a figment
of these Dukes' imagination.

If they were real, you
should've spotted them.

And I could've gone to the
Boss and saved your job.

That ain't a half-bad idea.

Ain't nobody gonna believe that.

The Boss sure ain't
gonna believe it...

because I don't even believe
it. Alright you Dukes, out.

- I'm going, too.
- I hate clutter.

- Movie about you.
- Will you hush?

Bye, Enos.

Now... where were we?

Meanwhile, the bank
robbers were at it again.

They had to get them pictures.

Which meant getting Daisy.

Since all of Rosco's
patrols was designed...

so he could keep an
eye on the Dukes...

it weren't no coincidence
that Enos was out patrolling...

that very same
road, later that day.

Daisy, look out!

Uncle Jesse ain't gonna be
too happy with your driving skills.

When I get my hands on
the fellow who did this...

- Turn around.
- Do it real slow.

Grab the girl and get her out
of here. I'll keep them covered.

Freeze! Now drop your g*n.

Enos, behind you!


Take one step and the next
will be on the way to your funeral.

Hold on, we don't want them
to hurt either one of them.

Looks to me like old
officer Enos Strate...

is an awful long way from
joining the Los Angeles Police.

Will you boys quit
trying to pull the wool...

over this experienced
officer's eyes?

You do it all the time.

I'll tell you one thing, if Daisy
Duke has been kidnapped...

then you boys
must've kidnapped her.

Why the heck would we
do a stupid thing like that?

So a stupid thing like this...

could catch the kidnappers...

which don't exist
in the first place.

What happens to
me ain't important.

It's Daisy we're worried
about. She was kidnapped...

and I got a lump on
my neck to prove it.

How'd you like a
lump in the front?

It's gonna take Cooter a
week to fix that pickup truck.

They run us clean
off the side of the road!

You boys got to be careful...

because faking a hit-and-run,
now that is serious business.

You can get into
real trouble for that.

Not half the trouble as
what Daisy's in right now.

Rosco, they run us right
off the road, deliberate...

just so they could take her.

What for? Ransom?

You Dukes are poor.

If money was polecat perfume...

they couldn't smell them
through a barbwire fence.

Look, Rosco, you know
that and we know that.

But whoever took
Daisy don't know it.

That sort of leaves her
between a rock and a hard place.

Possum on a gum bush!

Even though we know
what we're up against...

we don't know who or why.

Bo? Luke? You listening?

That's Daisy!

And some of her
brand new friends.

This is Luke. Read you
loud and clear. Come back.

I'll make this short and sweet.

Your cousin for
that roll of film

she happened to take in Atlanta.

What roll of film is that?

All we know about is a couple
of snapshots of our Uncle Jesse.

Well, she can take some more
of them when we let her go.

Should I say, if we let her go.

I want the prints
and the negatives.

And I want them fast.

Sir, I'm afraid
we can't do that.

We dropped the film off at
the photo-processing place...

and it won't be back
till this afternoon.

Then there's nothing
to say till then.

That's where you're wrong.

How can we be sure
that Daisy's alright?

Don't worry about me, fellows.

They ain't laid a
hand on me yet.

And they ain't about
to, neither, Daisy.

You just relax, now.

As long as I'm on the force...

ain't nothing gonna
happen to you.

Take my word on it.

Thanks, Enos. That makes
me feel a whole lot better.

Especially since
everybody knows...

your word's as good
as money in the bank.

No tricks, now...

if you ever want to
see your cousin again.

You know what Daisy said
about money in the bank?

Didn't it sound to you like she
was trying to tell us something?

Like what?

She sure laid heavy
on the word "bank."

She could've meant piggy-bank...

blood bank, maybe
Boss Hogg's bank.

I bet Atlanta National Bank.

We got a teletype yesterday
about it being robbed...

while y'all were in Atlanta.

That's where she
took them pictures.

Right in front of the
bank, just before it opened.

You don't suppose she...

Got them bank robbers in the
snapshot, purely by accident.

They won't stop at
anything to get that film back.

Afternoon, Miss Tisdale.
Could I have my mail?

It's that yellow envelope
you just put in the box.

Sorry, Bo. Can't hand it out

until all the mail is
sorted. Regulations.

In the meantime, take a number.

- Yes ma'am.
- Number one.

Right here, ma'am.

Sorry, this letter is
addressed to Luke.

Number two.

Here you go.

Gotta show your ID.

Here's my ID, Miss Tisdale.

Thank you, Luke.

Be sure and say hello to your
handsome Uncle Jesse for me.

Yes ma'am.

Y'all come back now, hear?

Alright, here they are.

- Here's one of Uncle Jesse.
- Yeah.

That clock reads : . That's
two minutes before opening time.

If it's just before opening then
those guys must be the robbers.

I know those guys,
I've seen them before...

I can't remember where.

Country Cousins, you know who.

I sure hope you're
smart enough to tell time.

We're smart enough to know
that you're going to be doing time...

if anything happens to Daisy.

That depends on whether
or not you've got the film.

We got the film, alright.

By the looks of it,
we better turn it over...

to the local sheriff.

Them fellows can be
pretty stubborn sometimes.

Why don't you let me
speak to them again?

Alright, but mind what you say.

Please, boys, do
whatever they ask.

The fishing is real bad here...

and looks like they're
getting nervous trigger fingers.

So if you ever
wanna see me again...

I suggest you just
keep on trucking.

Tangling with sweet Daisy...

is like trying to put
socks on a rooster.

Daisy, you alright?

She is for now.
But she's dead...

if you're not on the south side
of Benson's Gulch... - .

I'm so mad I could chew nails.

You reckon we throw in the
towel and give them the pictures?

She was trying to
tell us something.

She said the
fishing was terrible.

She's trying to clue us
in as to where she's at.

She did a pretty good job...

'cause there's only two
places around here...

where the fishing is bad.

That'd be the old
quarry and Crater Lake.

The old quarry is over
the hills we wouldn't get...

radio transmission from here.

It's got to be Crater Lake.

There's a bunch of
shacks up there, too.

She ain't gonna be in
any of them, she told us...

to keep on trucking.

She's in a truck!

Must be the same -tonner
that ran us off the road.

We can get the sheriff to help
us, now that we've got evidence.

Trouble is, Enos
forgot that Rosco...

tended to be just
a tad bullheaded.

You see them two fellows
behind Uncle Jesse?

They're the same ones
who grabbed Daisy.

Now there's four of them,
two more joined up with them.

If you two don't pound the
bung in the cider barrel...

I know, you went to Atlanta...

and faked these pictures,
to sell me a bill of goods.

Well, Flash and me, we just
don't buy it. Do we, Flash?

- Well, that was a waste of time.
- As usual.

Enos, do us a favor and
put these someplace safe.

I might be going with you.

No, Enos, you
ain't going anyplace.

You're going to stay here
and finish the odds and ends...

before you join that throng
of unemployed tomorrow.


if you won't give
me your permission

I'm going AWOL to help Daisy.

No, wait a minute, Enos.

Let me just ask you one favor.

- Would you do me one favor?
- Yes, sir.

Before you go, there is a big...

hairy cockroach
in that holding cell...

and it gives me the queasies.
Would you k*ll it for me?

Then will you let
me go, Sheriff?

Anything your heart
desires, just k*ll that thing.

Where's the broom, Sheriff?

In there, in the cell.

It's right there
in the corner...

it's a big fuzzy
with big antennae.

Now, I not only got a
cockroach in the holding cell...

but I got a dipstick, too.

You lied to me, Sheriff.

I had to, Enos because
if I'd let you go AWOL...

it'd be on your record
and you couldn't get a job...

in any police
department in the world.

Some of the things that are
done in the name of friendship.

The shame of it all.

There's the truck
we're looking for.

I'll shimmy up
that tree up above.

That way we can hit them top
and bottom at the same time.

Let's do it.

Now, Bo!

It's empty up here.

Down here, too. They
must have flown the coop.

You at the truck.
Luke and Bo Duke!

Step out where I can
keep an eye on you.

We better do what they say.

I figured you might have caught
the hint the lady threw you...

and try to jump
us ahead of time.

That's why we've been
waiting for you up here.

Now toss up that film!

We can't hardly do that.
We didn't bring it with us.

Then I'm lucky I didn't
forget to bring this.

What's it going to be?

Sir, we ain't got the film.
You've got to believe us!

That's where you're
wrong, plowboy.

All I gotta do... is this.

Look, we're telling the truth.

There ain't no way we'd do
nothing to put Daisy in danger.

Alright, we'll stick
to the original deal.

Bring that film to the south
side of Benson's Gulch at : .

And when you do,
you better be alone...

or she won't be
going back with you.

We'd better shake it.
It's almost : now.

Hey, Boss.

You munching on
those pralines again?

I bet that's about five pounds
you've eaten since lunch.

Aren't you afraid you're
going to get a gut ache?

Well, I'm hoping to get a
gut ache in my stomach...

to distract me from this
gout ache in my foot.

- What you want here, anyway?
- Well...

Boss, I was just thinking
about Enos, you know.

Good deputies, they
just don't grow on trees.

No, they hang from
them by their tails.

Boss, I'm sort of getting
used to Enos, you know...

and I sort of like
to have him around.

I was just wondering if I could
get you to change your mind

Why would I do
a thing like that?

For % of my pay.

Well, I'm already
collecting % of your pay.

Well... %.


Boss, listen. You know...

that Enos works hard.

You know he works
seven days a week...

and he works hours a day...

Now, I do know that
he has some bad habits.

He can't be bribed,
or bought, or fixed.

But even though he
has those terrible faults...

I'm willing to forgive
him if you are...

you know, maybe give
him another chance.

% after taxes.

- The answer is still no.
- Still no?

On account of, I've
already found someone...

who's willing to kick
back % of his pay.

Who would be that stupid...

My third cousin, twice
removed, Cletus Hogg.

- Cletus Hogg?
- Yeah, Cletus Hogg.

He is stupid. I mean, even
the dipsticks call him a dipstick.

Well, then he'll fit in
perfect with you, won't he?

- Now, get out.
- Yeah, bye.

My foot! You...

- Get out.
- I didn't really...

- Enos.
- Enos.

Right here, Luke.

- What're you doing in there?
- Long story, Luke.

Where's them pictures?

What are you Duke
boys doing here?

- Just doing your job, Rosco.
- Wait a second.

Don't you do that. Enos!

I'm going to have you
fired before you're fired!


Enos, come back here!

You ain't going to
get away with this.

Bo and Luke are
just way too smart...

to have any truck
with the likes of you.

They'd do anything
for the likes of you.

Pity it won't do them any good.

What do you mean by that?

You're the only one
who can identify me.

I don't think I can let you
live to let you do that. Do you?


Now, every so often the
boys like to lead the chase...

through the Hazzard
County pond...

which, you might
notice, removes paint.

They told y'all to come
alone, or Daisy might get hurt.

I'm gonna stay here
and keep y'all covered.

If anything happens
to us, you take over.

That's what I like about country
boys. They keep their word.

Toss them over here.

You got the film.

Now let her go.

- While they're out in the open.
- Down! They got g*ns!

Living in Hazzard sure keeps
an edge on the old reflexes.

This here's Enos. You got to
come out to Benson's Gulch.

Them kidnappers got Daisy...

And there's nothing I can
do, or they might sh**t her.

And right through the
Hazzard County car wash.

They're serious
about that, ain't they?

Come on, pull out. We
got what we wanted.

We're going after them,
Rosco. You coming?

Are you kidding me?

I'll stay here and
set up a roadblock...

in case they head back.

Here. They just... Listen.

Quite a leap. Think
we'll get enough speed?

Well, halfway across.

- Yeah?
- After them.

Way to fly, General.

Enos, it looks
like they split up.

You go left, we'll
take the right fork.

That road just doubles
back to Hazzard.

We got to cover it from
all angles, remember?

Chase is up, fellows, I'm gone.

We'll never ditch
them in this lousy truck.

I know.

We'll go to Hazzard
and get faster wheels.

What are you doing?

Just taking a shortcut.

I'm familiar with
your shortcuts.

You're gonna drive the
general to an early retirement.

I think we lost them.

You got as much
chance of losing them...

as I have of sprouting
horns, honey.

Alright, fellows
better hunker down...

You ain't gonna
believe what's coming.

Old Bo picked that up...

when he was a linebacker at
the Hazzard County high school.

You should have seen
some of them games.

I think you got their attention.

Mine, too.

I told y'all to hunker
down, didn't I?

Look like you're not gonna be
able to use this thing anymore.

Bye-bye. See you later.

Meanwhile, Boss was on
his way to Rhuebottom's...

to get some more pralines.

I'm sorry, Mr. Hogg...

but have you seen a suspicious
looking car or truck go by here?

The only suspicious-looking
thing I've seen today is you...

trying to impersonate
an officer.

But Daisy could be in one
of them vehicles, Mr. Hogg.

And you could be doing the
job you're getting paid for...

for at least your last one
hour and fifteen minutes.

Now, here. Do something.

Take these here wanted posters,
and tack them up someplace.

But what about Daisy,
Mr. Hogg? We've got to help Daisy.

There ain't no reward
for catching Daisy...

and there sure is one
for catching them crooks.

Now, you quit chasing
women and do your duty!

That there's an order!


Sucker born every minute.

That's them!

Friends, you're
about to witness...

the bulldog tenacity...

which keeps old Enos
dreamin' and hopin'.

All them years of practice
are about to pay off.



Hey, Miss Tisdale.

It's me, Enos Strate.

Number one. I got
my identification.

Things must be getting better.

It used I could count on
getting three rejections a day.

Now I'm down to just one.

- Good luck to you, Enos.
- Thank you, ma'am.

Possum on a... Hey, Bo,
Luke! Look, I've been accepted...

by the Los Angeles Police
Department in California.

"Assigned to our
Metro Special Branch."

Hot dang, I told you it was
just a matter of time, didn't I?

Gonna have to show
them city slickers...

what a good old
country boy can do.

That's what I aim to do, Luke.

I just got one more thing
to do in Hazzard before I go.

We sure are proud of you, buddy.

We'll catch you
before you leave.

Okay, Luke. See you.

- California.
- Unbelievable.

One g*n, .

We come to Dep. Enos
Strate's last official minute...

as a member of the Hazzard
County Sheriff's Office.

Enos, give me the hat!


Enos, I'm going to
knock you in the...

Not this time.

Get out.

Go on. Just get
out, and stay out.


stay out.

Naturally, the Dukes wasn't
gonna let Enos leave town...

without throwing a
humdinger of a farewell party.

I'd like to propose a toast.

To Enos...

the best dang deputy
Hazzard County ever had.

- Hear, hear.
- Yeah.

Enos, here's to
wishing you all the luck...

and happiness in your new job.

Thank you, Daisy.

Enos, me and Luke are
sure going to miss you a lot...

especially when we got them
sirens and lights behind us.

We'll make sure Cletus dedicates

his first illegal
parking ticket to you.

Thanks, Luke.

I'd like to propose a toast.

To the best friends...

a fellow could ever have.

I appreciate the ride
to the airport, Daisy.

You nervous about flying?

Yeah, I've never flown
anything, except a car.

You promise to write?

I'll try.

Enos, I almost forgot.

It's for luck, from
all of us Dukes.

We're awful proud of you, Enos.

Well, I'll try not
to let you all down.

Enos... I hate long
goodbyes, don't you?

I don't know, I've
never been anyplace.

Bye, Daisy.

Friends, you just wait till
you see what happens...

when the oldest virgin
in Hazzard County

joins the Los Angeles Police.
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